Why Not Gay Marriage
Why Not Gay Marriage
Why Not Gay Marriage
to the
why not
by Glenn T. Stanton
Senior Analyst for Marriage and Sexuality
Director of Social Research and Cultural Affairs
Focus on the Family
Question #1
Question #2
Racism is about keeping races apart
and that is wrong.
Marriage is about bringing the
genders together and that is good.
but thousands of
studies show
motherless and
fatherless homes
are harmful.
Question #3
Question #4
Marriage Precedes
and Exceeds
the Church and the State
Maggie Gallagher, The Stakes: Why We Need Marriage, National Review Online, July 14, 2003.
Question #5
Spin a globe
Every culture
needs marriage
No culture needs
same-sex marriage
Question #6
Is it Healthy to Put
Children in
Experimental Families?
Same-sex marriage
is a vast, untested
social experiment on children.
It will be interesting to
see over time whether
lesbian sons have an
easier or harder time
developing their gender
identity than do boys with
live-in fathers.
Question #7
From the
Science or activism?
Professional organizations
cannot make such statements!
Question #8
Question #9
because Im the
kind of mommy who
wants another mommy.
Diane Sawyer (Anchor), Rosies Story: For the Sake of the Children: Rosie
ODonnells Crusade on Behalf of Gay Parents Seeking to Adopt Children, ABC
News: Primetime, (March 14, 2004).
Similarities in Same-Sex
and Divorce Revolution
We embarked on a
gigantic social
experiment without
any idea about how
the next generation
would be affected
How different is
Rosie than the
man who seeks
a trophy wife?
No society anywhere
has been able to sustain itself with
a buffet-like mentality to family.
Question #10
male, female
mother, father
husband, wife
are NOT merely preferences!
Marriage is not just about the couple
Children should not be subject to
experimental families
Research does not support
same-sex families
Families that reject male or female are not
good families.
There is no logical stopping point
Society needs natural marriage; it has no
need for same-sex marriage!
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