Jasmine Lopez
Ms. Jackson
English 7 Blk 5
13 November, 2015
Gay Adoption
Over the past few years, gay adoption has become a controversial topic of discussion and
a trend in many countries such as the United States. Americans would like to know whether
same-sex couples have the ability to maintain a healthy family. Some families with traditional
life styles see this as an effect on the children and not granting the adult's wishes and for those
who approve which are the new uprising generations see this as an opportunity for all to have
equal rights.
The question many people ask themselves is should we allow lesbian or gay couples to
adopt? Well according to the University of Melbourne and their research on kids being raised by
same-sex parents stated that kids In some cases are even healthier and Happier than their
peers. They wanted to research this topic to have evidence against the myth of Its better to
grow up with a mother and father. In continuation, the estimation of kids available for adoption
are more than 1,000 children (Corregan 2014 ). The government has began to have an
involvement by agreeing to allow same-sex couples to adopt but only certain states. Is the
Government agreeing to this only due to the amount of children in adoption facilities?
Researchers went beyond and have also suggested that with their evidence gay couples make
better parents because they create partnerships and households built on equality (Corregan 2014).
Furthermore, the Association of Psychological Science has done research on how little
girls with same-sex parents have higher dreams of becoming a professional a career field, but
state that sometimes their dreams can be affected by criticism. this could possibly be credible
because children might hear criticism inside or outside of school that can decrease their selfesteem. A situation like this can cause a child to have healthy communications, being able to
express themselves, and to loose interest in family. Another most frequently asked question is
Doe Adoption by Gay or Lesbian couples put American children at risk? We tend to look for
these answers at the local clinic, government facilities, psychological offices, or adoption centers
but according to Mr.Camero the American Academy Pediatrics were trying to avoid that.
The organization only wanted to promote the pros and not inform but the cons gay
adoption can cause. The AAP ignored the testimonies of children with homosexual parents it is
to believed so because they knew it was the best evidence to show the truth. Around the United
States many states that are democratic have approved of gay adoption, but many that are
republican such as Florida have had many cases of lawsuits. For example, Florida has very
different/unique laws and was allowed to have a law banning gays and lesbians from adopting in
1977 (USA Today 2005). Florida had a case where four men wanted to adopt the children they
had under foster care but could not due to the law banning them.
The U.S court sided with Florida due to the policy they hold designed to create
adoptive homes that resemble the nuclear family as closely as possible(USA Today). Its hard to
go against a state's policy because the federal government doesnt have an involvement in
deciding state regulations. Thousands of agencies with neglected children urged the courts to
take the case because they wanted to show citizens the policy helps send kids to healthy
sustainable homes. Sadly there was no clear answer to what was going to happen as a result
because the Chief of Justice received cancer and was going through radiation no further
information was given about the case.
In addition, another state that also approves of banning same-sex parents, certain
religious beliefs, and moral beliefs is North Dakota. A certain percentage of people agree with
this because each agency has their own rules and expectations and expect the state government to
approve with the regulations. Since North Dakota is a republican state they wanted to create a
legislation to completely ban and they did once the senate become majority republican and had
majority control. They stated The bill does not change who can adopt. State law does not allow
unmarried couples--homosexual or heterosexual--to adopt. But it is possible for single people,
including gays, to adopt (USA Today). This doesnt state discrimination according to those who
oppose same-sex couples to adopt but the democrats want to ban this because they do see this as
Is banning gay adoption discrimination? I see this topic as an important topic because this
isnt about the adults and granting their wishes its about the wellbeing of children. There has
been studies that children are doing better with same-sex like a mother stated "We've been honest
with them about how they were brought into this world," Nichols said. "And a lot of their friends
are like, 'Wow, you have two moms! That's really cool!' "(Ritchie 2014), but that was directly
coming from a parent not the child him or herself making that statement not credible . Many
organizations that consider themselves credible only provide the public positives and no
negatives which isnt professional any organization should and have to provide both sides to give
the public a side to choose. I continued my research and was able to locate testimonies from
children who have been adopted by same-sex parents.
The children that gave their testimonies where children younger than 13 and a woman
who is now 39 and can still remember the trauma she has. One testimony that really defines the
metal effects is a 12-year-old boy in the United Kingdom said: "Mum...has had several
girlfriends in my lifetime....I don't go around saying that I've got two mums....If we are sitting in
a restaurant eating, she'll say, 'I want you to know about all these sex things.' And she'll go on
about everything, just shouting it out....Sometimes when mum embarrasses me, I think, 'I wish I
had a dad.'...Been to every gay pride march. Last year, while attending, we went up to a
field...when two men came up to us. One of them started touching me. I didn't want to go this
year because of that. (Cameron and Ellen 2002). A child at a guy age should not be talked about
sexual things between what happens with two adults and especially shouldnt feel a discomfort
emotion, he continues and states he didnt feel comfortable attending gay prides because he felt
sexual harrassed. A good parent who has well knowledge shouldnt let their child attend events
where they know they can be at risk, or feel like they are being sexually harassed all this effects
causes the child to wish he had a father and that his mother would change. The child is stressing
over things he shouldnt be worrying about such as adult problems instead he should be
enjoying his childhood by being involved in sports or school activities. Also another powerful
testimony is of a 39 year old who can still clearly remember what she had to go through and the
fact her own mother wouldnt defend her. Her testimony is According to a 39-year-old woman:
"In my memories, I'm always looking for my mother and finding her with a woman doing things
I don't understand....Sometimes they blame me for opening a door that wasn't even locked....[At
about the age of 10], I noticed a door that I hadn't yet opened. Inside I saw a big bed. My mother
sat up suddenly and stared at me. She was with B....and then B. shouted, 'You f---ing sneaking
brat!' My mother never said a word. [Then came N.] I came to hate N. because of the way she
and my mother fought every night. They screamed and bickered and whined and pouted over
everything. N. closed my mother's hand in the car door....She and N. hadn't made love in seven
years (Cameron and Ellen 2002). This can clearly show how powerful this transactions are for a
child she can remember the sexual things she saw and the naming calling her mothers partner
called her. At the age of 10 a child cant completely understand what's happening, but once being
involved in a situation like this it can cause the child to grow curious and may lead to mental
issues. Throughout the whole article by Paul Cameron and Perrin Ellen there are many
testimonies that can make you realize we should worry about gay adoption and the risks it can
cause for any child.
In conclusion, I believe Gay Adoption should be banned in all America because we were
founded in religion, morals, and traditional family values. Children are the most important value
in the United States they determine our future economy, politics, and the way the world sees are
values. We shouldnt grant same-sex couples their wishes because we are putting kids lives in a
unsecure situation. The government should have more involvement by funding researches to do
more studies on cons about gay adoption and the long-term effects. We as a nation should also be
more involved as in being more involved in adoption agencies and volunteering to hear what the
kids what as a family. A major step I believe is important is for the media to stop manipulating
the gay equal rights with children and having more respect.
Work Cited
Biskupic, Joan. "Justices Leave Fla. Ban on Adoption by Gays Intact." USA
TODAY. Jan. 10 2005: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
Cameron, Paul, and Ellen C. Perrin. "Q: Does Adoption by Gay or Lesbian
Couples Put American Children..." Insight on the News. 22 Apr. 2002: 40-43. SIRS Issues
Researcher. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
Corregan, Shannon. "Remove Same-Sex Adoption Hurdles." Times-Colonist. 18
Jul. 2014: A.11. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
Kumar, Anita. "Adoption Overhaul Seen As Anti-Gay." Washington Post. 08 Feb.
2012: B.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
Lewin, Tamar. "Final Holdout on Same-Sex Adoption." New York Times. 13 Aug.
2015: A.9. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
Ritchie, Lauren. "Gay Parents Who Adopt Find Acceptance." Orlando Sentinel.
29 Jun. 2014: J.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.