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(Paper) History : Practice Quiz For Civil Service Examinations

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History Quiz

History : Practice Quiz For Civil Service Examinations

History: Prehistory

The main Characteristic of the Indus Valley Civilization was

(a) Pucca houses
(b) Drainage system
(c) Town Planning

(d) Well laid out roads

Answer: Drainage system

The main occupation of the people of the Indus Valley civilization was
(a) Cattle rearing
(b) Trade
(c) Hunting
(d) Agriculture

Answer: Agriculture

Which one of the following archaelogists initially discovered the Mohenjodaro site of the Indus Valley Civilization ?
(a) Rakhal Das Banerji
(b) Sir Martimer Wheeler
(c) Sir John Marshall
(d) Daya Ram Sahni
Answer: Rakhal Das Banerji

Which one of the following was not an Indus Valley Civilization site ?
(a) Sukatagendor
(b) Patliputra
(c) Lothal
(d) Rangpur
Answer: Patliputra

Which one of the following elements of Hinduism were practised in the Indus Valley Civilization ?
(a) Worshipping cows
(b) Cult of Shiva
(c) Idol worship
(d) Wearing of sacred threads
Answer: Cult of Shiva
Which of the following metals was not known to Indus Valley people ?
(a) Bronze
(b) None of these
(c) Iron
(d) Copper
Answer: Iron
Nomad man started settling in
(a) Palaeolithic Age
(b) None of these
(c) Mesolithic Age
(d) Neolithic Age
Answer: Neolithic Age

The Great Bath of the Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in

(a) Mohenjodaro
(b) Ropar
(c) Harappa

Practice Quiz

(d) Lothal
Answer: Mohenjodaro

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the religion practised by Harappan people ?
(a) Faith in magic, charms and sacrifices
(b) Belief in life after death
(c) Nature worship

(d) Worship of Mother Goddess

Answer: Nature worship

Which of the following Indus Valley sites is now in Pakistan ?

(a) Alamgirpur
(b) Harappa
(c) Kalibangan
(d) Lothal
Answer: Harappa

The Harappan site showing evidence of two cultural phases, Harappan and pre-Harappan, is
(a) Kalibangan
(b) Banwali
(c) Mohenjodaro
(d) Chanhu-daro
Answer: Kalibangan

The earliest evidence of silver in India is found in the

(a) Chalcolithic cultures of Western India
(b) Silver punch - marked coins
(c) Vedic texts
(d) Harappan Culture
Answer: Harappan Culture

The period when men used both stones and copper tools is known as the
(a) Chalcolithic Age
(b) Neolithic Age
(c) Metal Age
(d) Monolithic Age

Answer: Metal Age

The Indus Valley Civilization is known as Aryan Civilization because of the evidence of
(a) Copper
(b) Pottery
(c) Script
(d) Art
Answer: Script

Man passed from the food gathering stage to food producing stage in the
(a) Neolithic Age
(b) Chalcolithic Age
(c) Palaeolithic Age
(d) Mesolithic Age
Answer: Neolithic Age

The greatest invention of man in palaeolithic was

(a) Potter's wheel
(b) Spinning of cloth
(c) Metal implements
(d) Fire
Answer: Fire
The script of Indus Valley Civilization was
(a) Undeciphered
(b) Dravidian
(c) Persian
(d) Sanskrit
Answer: Undeciphered

The Indus Valley people knew the use of

(a) Gold, tin, bronze but not copper
(b) Gold, silver, copper, bronze but not iron
(c) Copper, iron, gold but not bronze
(d) Silver, lead, iron but not gold
Answer: Gold, silver, copper, bronze but not iron

Knowledge about the existence of which of the following animals is doubtful in the Indus Valley Civilization ?
(a) Horses
(b) Cat
(c) Dog
(d) Bull
Answer: Cat

The Indus Valley Civilization belongs to the

(a) Palaeolithic Age
(b) Mesolithic Age
(c) Chalcolithic Age
(d) Neolithic Age
Answer: Neolithic Age

Palaeolithic remains have been dicovered in

(a) Calcutta
(b) Punjab
(c) Bellary
(d) Lucknow
Answer: Bellary

The script of the Harappan people consisted of

(a) None of these
(b) A family of quasi - pictographic writings.
(c) A family of geometrical shapes

(d) A combination of both picture and geometrical shapes

Answer: A family of quasi - pictographic writings.
Which of the following Harappan sites had a dock ?
(a) Harappa
(b) Alamgirpur
(c) Mohenjodaro
(d) Lothal
Answer: Lothal

Which of the following statements regarding Indus Vallley Civilization is incorrect ?

(a) There was a great communal bath in Mohenjodaro.
(b) Excavations at Lothal proved that the civilization was confined to Harappa and Mohenjodaro only.

(c) The supreme god was the Pipal God.

(d) People had great artistic sense.
Answer: Excavations at Lothal proved that the civilization was confined to Harappa and Mohenjodaro only.

At which of the following places have excavations in recent years brought to light new evidence of Neolithic sites in India ?
(a) Diamabad in Ahmednagar
(b) Sringaverapur in U.P.
(c) Hulas in Saharanpur
(d) Hamren in Assam
Answer: Hamren in Assam

Which of the following presents the most significant feature of Indus Valley Civilization ?
(a) First true arches
(b) Burnt brick buildings
(c) Art and architecture
(d) Buildings of worship
Answer: Burnt brick buildings

The figure of the god that was depicted in the seal of Indus Valley people is
(a) Pashupati
(b) Varuna
(c) Agni
(d) Indra
Answer: Pashupati

The remains of a wooden drain of Indus Valley Civilization have been found at
(a) Lothal
(b) Kalibangan
(c) Harappa
(d) Mohenjodaro
Answer: Mohenjodaro
Of the following Harappan sites those not in India are
(a) Lothal and Kalibangan
(b) Lothal and Ropar
(c) Mohenjodaro and Harappa
(d) Bhanwali and Ropar
Answer: Mohenjodaro and Harappa
Rice cultivation is associated with Harappan site of
(a) Harappa
(b) Ropar
(c) Lothal
(d) Kalibangan
Answer: Lothal

Which of the following sites is associated with Harappan culture ?

(a) Lothal
(b) Chinsura

(c) Chandernagore
(d) Vaishali
Answer: Lothal

Which of the following is incorrect concerning Mohenjodaro ?

(a) There was no drainage system.
(b) Bathrooms were important features of most houses.
(c) It was a well planned city.
(d) Buildings were of varying sizes.

Answer: There was no drainage system.

At which Harappan site have traces of a horse been found ?

(a) Sukatagendor
(b) Surkotda
(c) Kalibangan
(d) Lothal
Answer: Surkotda

The Indus Valley people had trade relations with

(a) Greece
(b) Ceylon
(c) Mesopotamia
(d) Egypt

Answer: Mesopotamia

Indus Valley Civilization was spread over

(a) Punjab, Sind, Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat
(b) Sind, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, U.P., Rajasthan, Gujarat
(c) Punjab, Sind, Baluchistan
(d) Along Indus river
Answer: Sind, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, U.P., Rajasthan, Gujarat
The Indus Valley houses were built of
(a) Stone
(b) Bricks
(c) Bamboos
(d) Wood
Answer: Bricks

The God with three heads and horns, surrounded by animals, represented on a seal from Mohenjodaro is said to be
(a) Vishnu
(b) Pashupati
(c) Varuna
(d) Indra

Answer: Pashupati

The Indus Valley Civilization flourished during

(a) 2500-1750 B.C.
(b) 1500-500 B.C.
(c) 3000-1500 B.C.
(d) 5000-3500 B.C.
Answer: 3000-1500 B.C.

Which of the following animals were domesticated by the Harappans ?

(a) Buffalo, sheep, dog, pig
(b) Camel, oxen, buffalo, pig
(c) Goat, oxen, pig, buffalo
(d) Oxen, elephant, horse, pig
Answer: Buffalo, sheep, dog, pig
The Indus Valley people worshipped
(a) Varuna
(b) Mitra
(c) Mother Goddess
(d) Indra
Answer: Mother Goddess

The tools and weapons of Harappan Civilization were mostly made of

(a) Copper and bronze
(b) Stone and copper
(c) Stone
(d) Copper and iron
Answer: Copper and bronze

The main channels of our knowledge about the Indus Valley Civilization are
(a) Palm and barch leaf manuscripts
(b) Archaeological excavations
(c) Inscriptions
(d) Coins
Answer: Archaeological excavations

There are similarities between the seals found at Mohenjodaro and

(a) Egypt
(b) Afghanistan
(c) China
(d) Sumeria
Answer: Sumeria

The famous figure of a dancing girl found in the excavations of Harappa was made up of
(a) Steatite
(b) Red limestone
(c) Bronze
(d) Terracotta
Answer: Bronze

The Great Granary of the Indus Valley Civilization has been discovered at
(a) Mohenjodaro
(b) Lothal
(c) Kalibangan
(d) Harappa
Answer: Harappa

Which of the following statements regarding the Indus Valley Civilization is not True ?
(a) The excavations at Harappa are attributed to R.B. Daya Ram Sahni.

(b) The open courtyard was the basic feature of house planing.
(c) The Assembly Hall was discovered at Mohenjodaro
(d) The Indus Valley people were not acqainted with the art of spinning and weaving.
Answer: The Indus Valley people were not acqainted with the art of spinning and weaving.
The Stone Age people had the first domestic
(a) Dogs
(b) Horses
(c) Sheep
(d) Asses
Answer: Sheep

Near the banks of which of the following rivers, the recent excavations have brought to light that Indus Valley Civilization percolated to farsouth ?
(a) Mahanadi
(b) Cauvery
(c) Krishna
(d) Godavari

Answer: Krishna

Archaelogical excavations have revealed remains of stadium in

(a) Tanjore
(b) Sopara
(c) Broach
(d) Lothal
Answer: Lothal

History: Religion and Philosophy

The first dicourcse of Buddha at Deer Park in Sarnath is called

(a) Mahabhiniskraman
(b) Mahamastabhisheka
(c) Mahaparinirvana
(d) Dharmachakrapravartan
Answer: Dharmachakrapravartan
Who, according to Jains, was the founder of Jainism ?
(a) Parsavanatha
(b) Arishtanemi
(c) Rishabha
(d) Mahavira
Answer: Parsavanatha

Which one of the following is a doctrine said to have been added by Mahavira to the four other doctrines propounded by previous teachers ?
(a) Observe brahmacharya
(b) Do not acquire property
(c) Do not commit violence
(d) Do not speak a lie
Answer: Observe brahmacharya
In India, Jainism spread during the reign of
(a) Harshavardhana
(b) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Chandragupta Maurya
Answer: Chandragupta Maurya

Who delivered his first sermon at Sarnath ?

(a) None of these
(b) Buddha
(c) Mahavira
(d) Shankaracharya
Answer: Buddha

Right belief, Right knowledge and Right action are the three jewels of
(a) Buddhists
(b) Kabir Panthis
(c) Jains
(d) Shaivites
Answer: Jains

Buddhism and Jainism both gave stress on

(a) Worship of God
(b) None of these
(c) Self-mortification
(d) Non-violence
Answer: Non-violence

In which of the following languages were the original Buddhist religious texts written ?
(a) Sanskrit
(b) Magadhi
(c) Pali
(d) Brahmi
Answer: Pali

Lord Buddha was born in

(a) Bodh Gaya
(b) Pataliputra
(c) Lumbini
(d) Vaishali
Answer: Lumbini

A well-known patron of the Mahayana form of Buddhism was

(a) Kanishka
(b) Ashoka
(c) Ajatashatru
(d) Bimbisara

Answer: Kanishka

Which of the following statements about Buddha and Mahavira is not correct ?
(a) Both advocated a simple, puritan and austere life.
(b) They were Kshatriyas by birth.
(c) Both had the same attitude towards the concept of Varnas.
(d) They were born in the same century.
Answer: Both had the same attitude towards the concept of Varnas.

The representation of Buddha as a human figure appeared for the first time in the sculptures found at
(a) Mathura
(b) Bodh Gaya
(c) Sanchi
(d) Bharhut
Answer: Mathura

With which religion is Kaivalya associated ?

(a) Buddhism
(b) Sikhism
(c) Hinduism
(d) Jainism
Answer: Jainism

The famous ruler of ancient India who, towards the end of his life, is said to have converted to Jainism was
(a) Samudragupta
(b) Ashoka
(c) Bindusara
(d) Chandragupta Maurya
Answer: Chandragupta Maurya
The district line of demarcation between Digambaras and Shvetambaras is about
(a) Existence of god
(b) Wearing of dress
(c) Doctrine
(d) Sacred texts
Answer: Wearing of dress
Gautama Buddha was brought up by
(a) Sangamitra
(b) Mahaprajapati

(c) Mayadevi
(d) Kundavi
Answer: Mahaprajapati

The first Buddhist Council was held in the reign of

(a) Bimbisara
(b) Kanishka

(c) Ashoka
(d) Ajatashatru

Answer: Ajatashatru

Who was the greatest Buddhist commentator of the Bhuddhist canonical literature ?
(a) Vasumitra
(b) Nagarjuna
(c) Ashvaghosha
(d) Buddhaghosha
Answer: Ashvaghosha

The extreme form of Ahimsa or non-violence is practiced in

(a) Buddhism
(b) None of these
(c) Hinduism
(d) Jainism

Answer: Buddhism

The phrase The Light of Asia is applied to

(a) Buddha
(b) Mahavira
(c) Alexander
(d) Chandragupta Maurya
Answer: Buddha

The Great Buddhist Council in 483 B.C. was held at

(a) Kashmir
(b) Rajagriha
(c) Ujjain
(d) Pataliputra
Answer: Rajagriha

Which of the following Buddhist texts lays down the regulations for management of Sangha and rule of conduct for the monks ?
(a) Adhibhamma-pitaka
(b) None of these
(c) Vinaya-Pitaka
(d) Sutta-Pitaka

Answer: Vinaya-Pitaka

Which of the following was not common to Jainsim and Buddhism?

(a) Both regarded rigid penance and austerity essential for salvation.

(b) Both were antagonistic to the practice of animal sacrifices.

(c) Both were started by members of Kshatriya caste.
(d) Both denied the authority of the Vedas.
Answer: Both regarded rigid penance and austerity essential for salvation.
Ambapali whose name occurs in the early Buddhist literature was
(a) None of these
(b) The author of the work Buddhacharita
(c) A num from Vaishali
(d) A courtesan of Pataliputra
Answer: None of these
Jainism had the patronage of
(a) Pushyamitra Sunga
(b) Samudragupta
(c) Kanishka
(d) Kharavela
Answer: Kharavela
Apabhramsa is a work of the
(a) Jains
(b) Ajivikas
(c) Budddhists
(d) Brahmins
Answer: Jains

gave women an important place in their cult.

(a) Kalmukhas
(b) Ajivikas
(c) Jains
(d) Buddhists
Answer: Kalmukhas

Ashoka was much influenced by a Buddhist monk called

(a) Ambhi
(b) Upagupta
(c) Vasubandhu
(d) Asvaghosha
Answer: Upagupta
Jainism was divided into two sects known as
(a) Ajivika and Nyaya Vaisesika
(b) Svetambara and Digambara
(c) Kapalika and Kalamukha
(d) Mahayana and Hinayana
Answer: Svetambara and Digambara

Which one of the following is the most fundamental difference between Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism ?
(a) Casteless Society
(b) Worship of Stupa
(c) Worship of gods and goddesses
(d) Emphasis on ahima
Answer: Worship of gods and goddesses
Buddha was born in the year
(a) 576 B.C.
(b) 534 B.C.
(c) 567 B.C.
(d) 581 B.C.
Answer: 567 B.C.

Which of the following beliefs doesnt belong to Mahavira's Triratna ?

(a) Right conduct
(b) Right recollection
(c) Right Faith
(d) Right knowledge
Answer: Right recollection

Which of the following religions got spread in different parts of Asia ?

(a) None of these
(b) Buddhism
(c) Jainism
(d) Hinduism

Answer: Buddhism

Atman is everything and everything is Atman is the ??.doctrine.

(a) Buddhist
(b) Zoroastrain
(c) Jain
(d) Pantheistic
Answer: Pantheistic

Which of the following is known as the Jain Temple City ?

(a) Girnar
(b) Allahabad
(c) Rajagriha
(d) Varanasi
Answer: Girnar

The Fourth Buddhist Council was held at

(a) Rajagriha
(b) Kundalavana
(c) Vaishali
(d) Patliputra
Answer: Kundalavana

Which of the following features is not associated with Buddhism and Jainism ?
(a) Emphasis on rituals and sacrifices
(b) Rejection of the authority of Vedas
(c) Rejection of the caste system
(d) Atheism
Answer: Rejection of the authority of Vedas
The introduction of Buddhism into China is traditionally attributed to
(a) Nagarjuna
(b) None of these
(c) Samprati
(d) Kashyapa Mantanga
Answer: Kashyapa Mantanga
Tripitakas are the sacred books of
(a) Shaivism
(b) Buddhism

(c) Jainism
(d) Hinduism
Answer: Buddhism

The last of the 24 Jain Trithankaras was

(a) Parsva Nath
(b) Arishtanemi
(c) Rishabha
(d) Mahavira

Answer: Mahavira

The First Buddhist Council met at

(a) Rajagriha
(b) Kanauj
(c) Kashmir
(d) Pataliputra
Answer: Rajagriha

Both Vardhaman Mahavira and Gautama Buddha preached their doctrines during the reign of
(a) Ajatashatru
(b) Harshavardhana
(c) Udayi
(d) Bimbisara

Answer: Bimbisara

The Fouth Buddhist Council was held by

(a) Ashoka
(b) Harashvardhana
(c) Chandragupta
(d) Kanishka
Answer: Kanishka
Nirvana is associated with
(a) Jainism
(b) Sikhism
(c) Buddhism
(d) Hinduism
Answer: Buddhism

Who amongst the following was not sent to Sri Lanka for the propagation of Buddhism ?
(a) Bhadrasara
(b) Sona
(c) Rashtriya
(d) Uttriya
Answer: Sona

The famous Indo Greek king who embraced Buddhism was

(a) Menander
(b) Alexander
(c) Strato I
(d) Democritus
Answer: Menander

Buddhism became a world wide religion with the efforts of

(a) Kanishka
(b) Harsha
(c) Ashoka
(d) Bindusara
Answer: Ashoka
Buddha attained Nirvana at?..
(a) Sarnath
(b) Kushinagar
(c) Bodh Gaya
(d) Sanchi
Answer: Kushinagar

Which of the following rulers did not embrace Buddhism ?

(a) Kanishka
(b) Samudragupta
(c) Ashoka
(d) Harsha
Answer: Samudragupta
Which of the following is not a feature of Hinduism?
(a) Belief in God
(b) Emphasis on ritualism
(c) Doctrine of ahimsa
(d) Reverence for Veda
Answer: Doctrine of ahimsa

Mahavira was born at

(a) Sravasti
(b) Rajagriha
(c) Vaisali
(d) Pataliputra
Answer: Vaisali

Buddha's preachings were mainly in regard to

(a) Idol worship
(b) Practice of rituals
(c) Belief in one God
(d) Purity of thought and conduct
Answer: Purity of thought and conduct

Who among the following rulers held a religious assembly at Prayag every five years ?
(a) Ashoka
(b) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
(c) Kanishka
(d) Harshavardhana
Answer: Harshavardhana

During the time of Harshavardhana, a great Buddhist assembly was held at

(a) Nalanda
(b) Purushapura
(c) Pataliputra
(d) Prayag
Answer: Nalanda

The crux of early Buddhism was

(a) Rigorous penance
(b) Idol worship
(c) Belief in fatalism
(d) Renunciation of desire
Answer: Renunciation of desire

The spread of Jainism in Karnataka is attributed to

(a) Ashoka
(b) Narasimavarma Pallava
(c) Kanishka
(d) Chandragupta Maurya

Answer: Chandragupta Maurya

The gifts bestowed upon the Ajivikas by Ashoka are recorded in the inscription at
(a) Sanchi
(b) Sarnath
(c) Barbara
(d) Bhabru
Answer: Barbara

Buddha has been described as an ocean of wisdom and compassion in

(a) The Light of Asia
(b) Amarakosa
(c) Jataka tales
(d) Buddhacharita
Answer: Amarakosa

Mark the correct sequence of places with regard to Buddha.

(a) Kapilavastu, Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, Kushinagar
(b) Kapilavastu, Sarnath,Bodh Gaya, Kushinagar
(c) Sarnath, Kushinagar, Bodh Gaya, Kapilavastu
(d) Bodh Gaya, Kapilavastu, Sarnath, Kushinagar
Answer: Kapilavastu, Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, Kushinagar

Which one of the following places was famous as a seat of Mahayana learning ?
(a) Taxila
(b) Sarnath
(c) Varanasi
(d) Nalanda
Answer: Nalanda

Who was the first king to have the image of Lord Buddha inscribed on his coins ?
(a) Kanishka
(b) Harshavardhana
(c) Ashoka
(d) Dharmpala
Answer: Kanishka
Idol worship in India can be traced to the period of
(a) Kushans
(b) Pre-Aryan

(c) Vedas
(d) Mauryans
Answer: Pre-Aryan

Which of the following statements regarding Buddha and Mahavira is wrong ?

(a) Both were born in the same century.
(b) Both believed in simple and neat living.
(c) Both were Kshatriyas.
(d) Both had same views about varnas.

Answer: Both had same views about varnas.

During the period of Sangas there was a revival of

(a) Zoroastrainism
(b) Brahminism
(c) Buddhism
(d) Jainism
Answer: Brahminism

Which of the following is said to be the oldest Jain scripture ?

(a) Twelve Upangas
(b) Fourteen Uparvas
(c) Fourteen Purvas
(d) Twelve Angas

Answer: Twelve Angas

In his teaching, the Buddha attacked

(a) Vedic rituals
(b) The concept of God
(c) The varna system
(d) Ascetism
Answer: The varna system

Buddhist historian Taranath belonged to

(a) Tibet
(b) Japan
(c) China
(d) Mongolia
Answer: Tibet

Relics of Buddha are preserved in a

(a) Vihara
(b) Monastery
(c) Chaitya
(d) Stupa

Answer: Stupa

Buddhism became the state religion during the reign of

(a) Ashoka
(b) Kumaragupta-I
(c) Chandragupta Maurya
(d) Samudragupta
Answer: Ashoka

The proceeding of the Fourth Buddhist Councilled to the issue of ? Edict.

(a) Kalinga
(b) Bhabra
(c) Sarnath
(d) Sanchi
Answer: Sarnath
Buddha died during the reign of
(a) Udayi
(b) None of these
(c) Bimbisara
(d) Ajatashatru
Answer: Ajatashatru

Which of the following is not true of the Digambaras ?

(a) They led a life of extreme ausrerity
(b) They wore white clothes
(c) They were orthodox followers of Mahavira.
(d) They kept long fasts.
Answer: They wore white clothes

The original teachings of Mahavira are contained in which of the following texts ?
(a) Purvas
(b) Jatakas
(c) Angas
(d) Tripitakas
Answer: Purvas

Who among the following is referred to as Sandhu From The West ?

(a) None of these
(b) St. Thomas
(c) St. Bartholomew
(d) Thomas of Canaan
Answer: St. Thomas

Which of the following was not include in the Eight Fold Path prescribed by Buddha ?
(a) Right knowledge
(b) Right mediatation
(c) Right Belief
(d) Right Speech
Answer: Right knowledge

The meaning of Buddha is

(a) Soul after death
(b) The ultimate Path for moksha
(c) The Enlightened one
(d) Anything beyond God
Answer: The Enlightened one

The Fourth Buddhist Council compiled an encyclopaedia of Buddhist philosophy called

(a) None of these
(b) Mahavibhasha Sutra
(c) Sutralankara
(d) Madhyamika Sutra
Answer: Mahavibhasha Sutra

Which of the following is the correct chronological order of Buddhist Councils ?

(a) Vaishali, Kashmir, Rajagriha, Pataliputra
(b) Pataliputra, Vaishali, Kashmir, Rajagriha
(c) Kashmir, Vaishali, Pataliputra, Rajagriha
(d) Rajagriha, Vaishali, Pataliputra, Kashmir
Answer: Rajagriha, Vaishali, Pataliputra, Kashmir

Who among the following is said to have been born and to have passed away on the Vaishakha Purnima day ?
(a) Chaitanya
(b) Buddha
(c) Mahavira
(d) Shankaracharya
Answer: Buddha

Ashoka convened the Third Buddhist Council at

(a) Kushinagar
(b) Pataliputra
(c) Kapilavastu
(d) Rajagriha
Answer: Pataliputra

Which period is referred to as the period of Hindu revival or renaissance ?

(a) Gupta period
(b) Period of Harsha
(c) Mauryan period
(d) Kushan period
Answer: Gupta period

In which of the following fields of activity did Buddhism make the maximum contribution ?
(a) Architecture
(b) Rituals
(c) Art and literature
(d) Music
Answer: Art and literature
In Buddhist teaching, nirvana meant
(a) Extinction of craving of the desire for existence in all its forms
(b) None of these
(c) Freedom from cycle of birth and death
(d) Observance of brahmacharya
Answer: Extinction of craving of the desire for existence in all its forms
The introduction of Buddhism into China is traditionally attributed to
(a) Nagarjuna
(b) None of these
(c) Samprati
(d) Kashyapa Matanga
Answer; Kashyapa Matanga

In which of the following countries was Buddhism first propagated outside India ?
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) China

(c) Combodia
(d) Thailand
Answer: Sri Lanka

In which of the following edicts/inscriptions does Ashoka express his faith in the Buddhist creed ?
(a) Schism Edict
(b) Kandahar Inscription

(c) Rummindei Inscription

(d) Bhabru Edict
Answer: Bhabru Edict

Who converted Kanishka to Buddhism ?

(a) Nagarjuna
(b) Parsva
(c) Asvaghosa
(d) Vasumitra
Answer: Asvaghosa

The first Council of Jainism to compile the canon was held at

(a) Rajagriha
(b) Pataliputra
(c) Valabhi
(d) Mithila

Answer: Pataliputra

The Jains did not repudiate

(a) Infallibility of the Vedas
(b) Animal sacrifice
(c) Practice of penance
(d) Concept of supreme power as the creator and sustainer of universe
Answer: Concept of supreme power as the creator and sustainer of universe
Who among the following accepted Jainism ?
(a) Bindusara
(b) Pulakesin
(c) Ajatashatru
(d) Chandragupta Maurya
Answer: Chandragupta Maurya

Buddhism split up into the Hinayana and Mahayana sects at the Buddhist Council held during the reign of
(a) Kanishka
(b) Chandragupta Maurya
(c) Ashoka
(d) Harsha
Answer: Ashoka

The cardinal point of Buddhism was

(a) Doctrine of ahimsa
(b) Eight fold Path
(c) Theory of Karma
(d) Attainment of nirvana
Answer: Doctrine of ahimsa

History: Religious Movement

Which of the following was a saint of the Bhakti movement in Bengal ?

(a) Tulsidas
(b) Vivekananda
(c) Chaitanya
(d) Kabir
Answer: Chaitanya

Shankaracharya, during Vikramaditya's period, was a very famous personality. Which of the following statements is not true of Shankaracharya ?
(a) He countered the spread of Buddhism and Jainism
(b) He established four religious centres in different parts of India.
(c) He defined Vedanta.
(d) He propounded Vishistadvaitya?
Answer: He countered the spread of Buddhism and Jainism
Who among the following was not an exponent of Bhakti movement ?
(a) Nanak
(b) Shankaracharya
(c) Ramanada
(d) Kabir
Answer: Shankaracharya
Sri Perumbudur, a temple town in south, is the birthplace of
(a) Adi Shankaracharya
(b) Madhavacharya

(c) Vidyaranya
(d) Ramanuja
Answer: Ramanuja

The pioneer in preaching Nirguna Bhakti in medieval India was

(a) Vallabhacharya
(b) Sri Chaitanya
(c) Ramananda
(d) Namadeva

Answer: Ramananda

Who amongst the following Acharyas is regarded as having combated the absolute monoism of Sankara in the 12th century ?
(a) Udyotaka
(b) None of these
(c) Ramanuja
(d) Hemachandra
Answer: Ramanuja

Who amongst the following was an exponent of Virashaiva ?

(a) None of these
(b) Basavaraja
(c) Shankaracharya
(d) Ramanuja

Answer: Basavaraja

Which of the following does not belong to Nirgun cult ?

(a) Kabir
(b) Ravidas
(c) Nanak
(d) Meera
Answer: Meera

The saint from Gujarat, who preached non-sectarianism in medieval times was
(a) Ramanand
(b) Dadu
(c) Raghunandan
(d) Tukaram
Answer: Dadu

The Bhakti literature by the Nayanmars and Alvars

(a) Opposed the practice of image worship.

(b) Advocate the austerities preached by the Buddhist and Jains
(c) Preached personal devotion of God as a means of salvation.
(d) Stressed the rigidities of traditional rituals.

Answer: Preached personal devotion of God as a means of salvation.

The philosophy of Vishishtadvaita was preached by
(a) Ramanuja
(b) Shankaracharya
(c) Kapila
(d) Madhwa
Answer: Ramanuja

Who amongst the following was a blind poet who worshipped Krishna and spread Krishna Bhakti cult ?
(a) Kabir
(b) Raskhan
(c) Bihari
(d) Surdas
Answer: Ramanuja
The earliest seeds of the Bhakti movement in India are found in
(a) Jain philosophy
(b) Sufi philosophy
(c) The Vedas
(d) Buddhist philosophy
Answer: Sufi philosophy
Who established 4 math in the four corners of India ?
(a) Ramanujacharya
(b) Madhvacharya
(c) Shankaracharya
(d) Bhaskacharya
Answer: Shankaracharya
Banis were the hymns and poems composed by
(a) Guru Nanak
(b) Dadu
(c) Kabir
(d) Raskhan
Answer: Dadu

Sufi sect developed in the religion

(a) Hinduism
(b) Jainism
(c) Sikhism
(d) Islam
Answer: Islam
Ramanuja preached
(a) Dvaita
(b) Gnana marga
(c) Ahimsa
(d) Bhakti
Answer: Bhakti

Who among the following was the founder of Vaishnava school ?

(a) Shankaracharya
(b) Ramanuja
(c) Kabir
(d) Ramakrishna Paramhansa
Answer: Bhakti

What was the term used by the Sufis for the successor nominated by the teacher of a particular order or silsilah ?
(a) Wali
(b) Murid
(c) Khanqah
(d) Pir
Answer: Wali

In which region of India was the Suharawadi order of Sufism popular ?

(a) Around Ajmer
(b) Punjab and Sind
(c) Delhi and Bihar
(d) Delhi and Doab region
Answer: Punjab and Sind

In which region of India was the Firdausi order of Sufism popular ?

(a) Bihar and eastern U.P.
(b) Deccan
(c) Sind
(d) In and around Delhi

Answer: Bihar and eastern U.P.

The most famous and the earliest biographer of Chaitanya, who wrote Chaitanya Charitamrita, was
(a) Madhavacharya
(b) Krishnadas Kaviraj
(c) Sunderdas
(d) Kritivasa
Answer: Kritivasa

The sage who is said to have Aryanised South India was

(a) Vasishtha
(b) Yagyavalkya
(c) Vishwamitra
(d) Agastya
Answer: Agastya

Kabir was the disciple of

(a) Ramananda
(b) Vallabhacharya
(c) Chaitanya
(d) Shankaracharya
Answer: Ramananda

The System of philosophy with which the name of Kapila is prominently associated is
(a) Samkhya
(b) Purva Mimamsa
(c) Uttara Mimamsa
(d) Nyaya
Answer: Samkhya
To which Sufi did the famous saint of Bihar, Makhdum Sharfuddin Maneri belong ?
(a) Kubrawi
(b) Suhrawardi
(c) Firdausi
(d) Chisti
Answer: Firdausi

Live well, as long as you live. Live well even by borrowing, for once cremated, there is no return This rejection of after - life is an aphorism of the
(a) Sunyavada of Nagarjuna
(b) Charvakas

(c) Ajivikas
(d) Kapalika Sect
Answer: Sunyavada of NagarjunaNagarjuna

In the systems of philosophy created by Indians, we find elements of materialistic philosophy in which of the following systems ?
(a) Yoga
(b) Vaisesika

(c) Samkhya
(d) Karm Mimamsa

Answer: Samkhya

Sudhavaita is the philosophy of

(a) Ramanuja
(b) Chaitanya
(c) Vallabha
(d) Kabir
Answer: Vallabha

Of the following , who visited the court of Krishnadeva Raya ?

(a) Ramananda
(b) Ramanuja
(c) Kabir
(d) Vallabha

Answer: Vallabha

Let no man ask a man's sect or caste whose dictum was this ?
(a) Ramanuja
(b) Chaitanya
(c) Ramananda
(d) Kabir
Answer: Ramananda
During his pilgrimage, Chaitanya received enlightenment at
(a) Rameswaram
(b) Allahabad
(c) Gaya
(d) Kanchipuram
Answer: Gaya

Devotion to Lord Krishna was preached by

(a) Madhva
(b) Ramananda
(c) Vallabha
(d) Kabir

Answer: Vallabha

The Bhakti Movement was first organised by

(a) Ramanuja
(b) Nanak
(c) Kabir
(d) Ramananda
Answer: Ramanuja

The author of Sri Bhashya is

(a) Vallabha
(b) Ramanuja
(c) Kabir
(d) Sankara
Answer: Ramanuja

In him within whose heart is truth doth God Himself abide, said
(a) Kabir
(b) Vallabha
(c) Chaitanya
(d) Madhya
Answer: Kabir

Swami Vivekananda was well known in the religious Conference held at

(a) London
(b) Berlin
(c) Chicago
(d) Paris
Answer: Chicago
Who were the most popular Sufis ?
(a) Hallaj
(b) None of these
(c) Ghazali
(d) Rabin
Answer: Rabin

The birthplace of Swami Vivekananda is in which of the following cities ?

(a) Balasore
(b) Kushinagar
(c) Calcutta
(d) Cuttack
Answer: Calcutta

Which of the following Bhakti saints used the medium of dance and songs (Kirtans) to make one feel the personal presence of God near him ?
(a) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
(b) Jnanadeva
(c) Shankaradeva
(d) Chandidasa
Answer; Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Who said, Ram and Rahim are the two different name of the Same God?
(a) Ramdas
(b) Ramanuja
(c) Chaitanya
(d) Kabir
Answer: Kabir

Ajivika sect was founded by

(a) Upali
(b) Anand
(c) Makkhli Gosala
(d) Raghulabhadra
Answer: Makkhli Gosala

History: Political History- The Mughals and The Sikhs

Who united all the sikhs and founded a kingdom in the punjab ?
(a) Guru Teg Bahadur
(b) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
(c) Guru Nanak
(d) Guru Gobind Singh
Answer: Maharaja Ranjit Singh

The Mansabdri system introduced by akbar was borrowed from the system in
(a) Mongolia
(b) Afghanistan
(c) Turkey
(d) Persia
Answer: Mongolia

Who among the following was the first Mughal Emperor to allow Britishers to establish trade links with India ?
(a) Akbar
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Shahjehan
(d) Jehangir
Answer: Jehangir

Which of the following is wrongly matched with his contemporary Mughal King ?
(a) Jujhar Singh-Shahjehan
(b) Jaswant Singh-Aurangzeb
(c) Prithvi Raj Chauhan-Akbar
(d) Rana Sanga-Babar
Answer: Prithvi Raj Chauhan-Akbar
The capital of the Mughal Empire was shifted from Agra to Delhi by
(a) Jehangir
(b) Humayun
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) Shahjehan
Answer: Shahjehan
The Peacock Throne was made for
(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Akbar
(c) Shahjehan
(d) Jehangir
Answer: Shahjehan

In 1662 A.D., Mirjumla, the Mughal Viceroy of Bengal led a succesful expedition to
(a) Orissa
(b) Avadh
(c) Assam
(d) Tibet
Answer: Assam

During the Mughal period, the incharge of law and order in the villages was
(a) Qanungo
(b) Muqaddam
(c) Patwari
(d) Karkun
Answer: Muqaddam
The dee-aspah sih-aspah system was introduced by
(a) Shahjehan
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Akbar
(d) Jehangir
Answer: Akbar

Which of the following Rajput dynasties did not surrender to Akbar ?

(a) Sisodiya
(b) Pratihara
(c) Parmar
(d) Rathore
Answer: Pratihara

The East India Company was founded in India during the region of
(a) Jehangir
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Shahjehan
(d) Akbar
Answer: Akbar

The capital of the kingdom of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was

(a) Amritsar
(b) Kapurthala
(c) Lahore
(d) Patiala
Answer; Lahore

The Sikh Guru was fought Mughals was

(a) Guru Arjun Dev
(b) Guru Teg Bahadur
(c) Guru Gobind Singh
(d) Guru Nanak

Answer: Guru Gobind Singh

The Mughal Empire in India was founded by

(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Zahir-ud-din Babar
(c) Akbar the Great
(d) Shahjehan
Answer: Zahir-ud-din Babar

When Akbar was young, his guardian was

(a) Bairam Khan
(b) Abul Fazal
(c) Hemu
(d) Faizi
Answer: Bairam Khan

During the decline of Mughal empire the Jats were organised into a political force by
(a) Badan Singh
(b) Rajaram
(c) Suraj Mal
(d) Churaman
Answer; Badan Singh
The two great Mughal rulers who wrote their own memories are
(a) Babar and Humayun
(b) Jehangir and Shahjehan
(c) Humayun and Akbar
(d) Babar and Jahengir
Answer: Babar and Jahengir
Whi initiated Din-I-Ilahi ?
(a) Akbar
(b) Jahangir
(c) Shahjehan
(d) Aurangzeb
Answer: Akbar

During Sher Shah's reign, the document containing the information of the tax that the farmer had to pay was called
(a) Jaribana
(b) Patta

(c) Muhaslana
(d) Quabuliat
Answer: Patta

Revenue system during Akbar's riegn was in the hands of

(a) Todar Mal
(b) Birbal

(c) Bairam Khan

(d) Man Singh

Answer: Todar Mal

Akbar assumed actual control over the administration of his empire in

(a) 1560
(b) 1556
(c) 1562
(d) 1558
Answer: 1556

Babar laid the foundation of Mughal empirein 1562 by defeating

(a) Daulat Khan Lodi
(b) Ala-ud-din Khilji
(c) Rana Sanga
(d) Ibrahim Lodi

Answer: Ibrahim Lodi

During the reign of which of the following emperors was the artillery most perfect and numerous ?
(a) Shahjehan
(b) Jahangir
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) Akbar
Answer: Aurangzeb
Who consolited the Mughal empire and gave it a unique multi-religious culture ?
(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Akbar
(c) Humayun
(d) Jehangir
Answer: Akbar

The Sikh Guru was killed by the orders of Aurangzeb was

(a) Guru Ram Das
(b) Guru Gobind Singh
(c) Guru Arjun Dev
(d) Guru Teg Bahadur

Answer: Guru Teg Bahadur

Who among the following Mughals rulers introduced Rajput's patrons in the administration of his empire ?
(a) Babar
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Jehangir
(d) Akbar
Answer: Akbar

Akbar founded the Din-I-Ilahi primarily to

(a) Establish a national religion which would be acceptable to the Muslims and the Hindus
(b) Form a religious club
(c) Put an end to differences between the Hindus and the Muslims
(d) Ensure racial and communal harmony
Answer: Establish a national religion which would be acceptable to the Muslims and the Hindus
The Sikh Khalsa was founded by
(a) Guru Teg Bahadur
(b) Guru Hargobind
(c) Guru Nanak
(d) Guru Gobind Singh
Answer: Guru Gobind Singh

During the Mughal Period, under the Zabti system, land revenue was assessed and was required to be paid
(a) In cash or kind
(b) By the zamindar on the behalf of the peasants
(c) Only in cash
(d) Only in kind
Answer: In cash or kind
The British allowed Ranjit Singh to rule over the territories west of the Satluj because
(a) He proved to be a faithful ally
(b) They needed his help in conquering Afghanistan
(c) He was amenable to British pressure
(d) They were afraid of his French trend army
Answer: They were afraid of his French trend army

Who was the last Mughal Emperor to sit on the peacock throne ?
(a) Muhammad Shah
(b) Shah Alam II
(c) Bahadur Shah Zafar
(d) Aurangzeb
Answer: Muhammad Shah
Akbar's land revenue system was known as
(a) All of these
(b) Zabti System
(c) Bandobast system
(d) Todarmal's revenue system
Answer; Zabti System

Who among the following Mughal rulers was ignorant of the art of reading and writing ?
(a) Humayun
(b) Jehangir
(c) Akbar
(d) Barber
Answer: Akbar

Which of the following statements about Akbar is incorrect ?

(a) None of these
(b) He maintained goods relations with Rajputs
(c) He was a benavolent ruler
(d) He founded a new religion Din-I-Ilahi
Answer: None of these
The birthplace of Guru Gobind Singh is
(a) Patna
(b) Fatehgarh Sahib
(c) Amritsar
(d) Anandpur Sahib
Answer: Patna

The Mughal ruler Bahadur Shah II was exiled by British and sent to
(a) Hyderabad
(b) Rangoon
(c) Mandalay
(d) Andaman and Nicobar
Answer: Rangoon

Din-I-Ilahi was accepted by

(a) Raja Mansingh
(b) Todarmal
(c) Birbal
(d) Tansen
Answer: Birbal

The first Mughal Emperor to issue a firman in favour of the british to open a factory at Surat was
(a) Shahjehan
(b) Akbar
(c) Jehangir
(d) Aurangzeb
Answer: Jehangir

Barbar won the Battle of Panipat mainly because of

(a) Tulughma system
(b) Afghan's disunity
(c) His Military skill
(d) His cavalry
Answer: His Military skill
The Jaziya was abolished by
(a) Akbar
(b) Sher Shah
(c) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
(d) Barbar
Answer: Akbar

The bitterest war of succession under the great Mughals was fought among the sons of
(a) Babur
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Jehangir
(d) Shahjehan
Answer: Shahjehan

Which of the following contemporary sources of the Mughal period is especially useful for obtaining the information on the agrarian condition ?
(a) Ain-i-Akbari
(b) Tuzuk-i-Baburi

(c) Akbarnamah
(d) Tariksh-i-Firishta
Answer: Ain-i-Akbari

He left behind him an enemy still unsubdued, a minor son and a mercenary army. This descriptiongiven by Kennedy fits
(a) Sher shah
(b) Jehangir
(c) Humayun
(d) Barbar

Answer: Humayun

Which Mughal ruler had the Chain of Justice fastened up which could be shaken by his subjects to bring their grievances to his notice ?
(a) Jehangir
(b) Shahjehan
(c) Humayun
(d) Akbar
Answer: Jehangir

Sher Shah is created for introducing for the first time the following measure except
(a) Currency system
(b) Kland revenue system based on scientific principles.
(c) Postal system
(d) Spy system
Answer: Currency system

Which of the following statements about Ranjit Singh is incorrect ?

(a) He organised an excellent fighting army
(b) He posed a great challenge and resistance to the british
(c) He was a succesful administrator
(d) He wanted to form a separate Sikh state
Answer: He posed a great challenge and resistance to the british
Sikh Guru Arjun Dev was killed during the reign of
(a) Humayun
(b) Shah Jahan
(c) Akbar
(d) Jehangir
Answer: Jehangir

The Mughal Emperor, who died due to a sudden fall from the staircase, was
(a) Humayun
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Babar
(d) Jehangir

Answer: Humayun

Which Mughal ruler was the most secular in outlook ?

(a) Babar
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Humayun
(d) Akbar
Answer: Akbar

Which Mughal emperor gave land for the construction of the Golden Temple at Amritsar ?
(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Akbar
(c) Jehangir
(d) Shahjehan
Answer: Akbar
Who among the following was regarded as Zinda Pir ?
(a) Akbar
(b) Jehangir
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) Babar
Answer: Aurangzeb

Before the rise of Ranjit Singh, Punjab was under the control of
(a) Sikh Misls
(b) Maratha Commanders
(c) Raider Groups
(d) Tribal Chief
Answer: Maratha Commanders

During Aurangzeb's reign, which of the following were not included in the Government ?
(a) Marathas
(b) All of the above
(c) Rajputs
(d) Pathans
Answer: Marathas

Din-e-Ilahi of Akbar was not a succes because

(a) All the Above
(b) Through it was a collection of good principles in different religions, it was not suitably projected to the masses
(c) After Akbar, it was not patronised
(d) The Muslim did not accept other religious practise
Answer: Through it was a collection of good principles in different religions, it was not suitably projected to the masses
Chand Bibi who ceeded Berar to Akbar was the ruler of
(a) Ahmednagar
(b) Bijapur
(c) Golconda
(d) Bahmani
Answer: Ahmednagar

Which of the following pairs was incorrect ?

(a) Bairam Khan - Akbar
(b) Amir Khusrau - Jahangir
(c) Jaswant Singh - Aurangzeb
(d) Ambar Malik - Humayun
Answer: Ambar Malik - Humayun

Which Sikh Guru laid the foundation of the city of Amritsar ?

(a) Guru Nanak
(b) Guru Gobind Singh
(c) Guru Arjun Dev
(d) Guru Ramdas
Answer: Guru Ramdas

Which of the following statements about Din-I-Ilahi is not correct ?

(a) It was a synthesis of all various religion known to Akbar
(b) None of these
(c) It was designed to cement the diverse communities in India
(d) It was patronised by other Mongol rulers
Answer: It was patronised by other Mongol rulers
Mansabdari was introduced in India by
(a) Humayun
(b) Babar
(c) Shahjehan
(d) Akbar

Answer: Akbar

In 1809, Maharaja Ranjit Singh signed a treaty with

(a) Shah Alam
(b) Ruler of Sindh
(c) King of Kashmir
(d) East India Company
Answer: East India Company

Babar won the Battle of Panipat mainly because of

(a) Afghan's disunity
(b) His Military skill
(c) His cavalry
(d) Tulughma system
Answer: His Military skill

Which of the following causes was not responsible for the downfall of Mughal Empire ?
(a) Religious policy of Aurangzeb
(b) Revolts in various provinces of the empire
(c) Mansabdari system
(d) Deccan policy of Aurangzeb
AnswerMansabdari system
Who installed the Chain of Justice?
(a) Jehangir
(b) Akbar
(c) Babar
(d) Humayun
Answer: Jehangir

In the Mughal administration, military recruitment was being looked after by

(a) Bakhshi
(b) Wazir
(c) Kotwal
(d) Diwan
Answer: Bakhshi
Where did Babar die ?
(a) Delhi
(b) Agra

(c) Kabul
(d) Lahore
Answer: Agra

Babar entered India for the first time from the west through
(a) Punjab
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Kashmir
(d) Sind

Answer: Punjab

The bone of contention between the Shah of persia and the Mughals was the control of
(a) Kabul
(b) Kunduz
(c) Ghazni
(d) Kandhar
Answer: Kandhar

Maharaja Ranjit Singh signed a treaty of perpetual friendship with the british in the year 1809 at
(a) Ferozpur
(b) Ludhiana
(c) Faridkot
(d) Amritsar

Answer; Amritsar

Akbar has been called the First national King, mainly because of
(a) Was highly tolerant and secular in his outlook
(b) Provided an efficient government to the people
(c) Was a great administrator
(d) Established a new religion Din-i-Ilahi.
Answer: Was highly tolerant and secular in his outlook
Sher Shah made revenue settlement with
(a) Zamindars
(b) Jagirdars
(c) Cultivators
(d) Mansabdars
Answer: Cultivators

Sher Shah's real name was

(a) Bahadur
(b) Farid
(c) Hemu
(d) Faizi

Answer: Farid

The designation Amil in Akbar's time meant

(a) Scared Law
(b) Sacred book
(c) Revenue officers
(d) Custom officers
Answer; Revenue officers

The king generally considered to be the greatest ruler of Kashmir in the 15th century was
(a) Shah Mirza
(b) Zain-ul-Abidin
(c) Yusuf Shah
(d) Haider Shah
Answer: Zain-ul-Abidin

All of the following Rajput ruler acknowledged the Mughal sway in the second half of 16th century, except the ruler of
(a) Bikaner
(b) Jaisalmer
(c) Amber
(d) Mewar
Answer: Mewar
The Misl of which Ranjit Singh was the leader, was
(a) Ramgarhia
(b) Sukerchakia
(c) Ahluwalia
(d) Phulkia

Aurangzeb attack Bijapur and Golconda because

(a) Aurangzeb was an orthodox Sunni and the ruler of Bijapur and Golconda were siha muslim
(b) Ruler of Bijapur and Golconda were weak and as such if offered easy takeover
(c) Bijapur and Golconda were supporting Marathas
(d) Of Aurangzeb's policy of expansion and to consolidate his supremacy
Answer: Of Aurangzeb's policy of expansion and to consolidate his supremacy

In the Mughal administration, military recruitment was being looked after by

(a) Kotwal
(b) Diwan
(c) Bakshi
(d) Wazir
Answer: Bakshi
Which of the following Rajput dynasties did not surrender to Akbar ?
(a) Parmar
(b) Sisodiya
(c) Rathore
(d) Pratihara
Answer: Pratihara

Which of the following pairs is incorrect ?

(a) Amir Khusrau - Jahangir
(b) Ambar Malik - Humayun
(c) Jaswant Singh - Aurangzeb
(d) Bairam Khan - Akbar
Answer: Bairam Khan - Akbar

Who among the following Hindu courtiers of Akbar accepted Din-i-Ilahi ?

(a) Todar Mal
(b) Raja Man Singh
(c) Birbal
(d) Bhagwan Das
Answer: Birbal

History: Vedic Age

The institution of Varna appeared in the

(a) Later Vedic period
(b) Period of the consolidation of the text of the Mahabharat.
(c) Period of the Manava Dharma Shastra
(d) Rig Vedic period
Answer: Rig Vedic period
Which is the oldest Veda?
(a) Rig Veda
(b) Atharva Veda
(c) Sama Veda
(d) Yajur Veda
Answer: Rig Veda

Which of the following Vedas is a collection of spellsand incantations?

(a) Sama Veda
(b) Yajur Veda
(c) Atharva Veda
(d) Rig Veda
Answer: Atharva Veda

Which among the following, was the chief feature of Rig Vedic religion ?
(a) Performance of sacrifices
(b) Predominance of female goddesses
(c) Belief in existence of life after death
(d) Worship of images
Answer: Worship of images
800 B.C.-600 B.C. is designated as the
(a) Period of Mahabharat
(b) Period of Brahmanas
(c) Period of the Sutras
(d) Period of Ramayana
Answer: Period of Brahmanas

Which one of the following was the main characteristic of the later Vedic age ?
(a) Caste system
(b) Food gathering practice
(c) Varna system
(d) Tribal polity
Answer: Caste system
Which of the following is an Upanishad ?
(a) Krishna Karnamruta
(b) Aitreya
(c) Vijasena
(d) Chandogya
Answer: Aitreya

The Vedic deity Indra was the goddess of

(a) Rain and thunder
(b) Fire
(c) Wind
(d) Eternity
Answer: Rain and thunder

Which one of the following contains the Gayatri Mantra ?

(a) Yajur Veda
(b) Sama Veda
(c) Upanishad
(d) Rig Veda
Answer: Rig Veda

Which among the following is the source of information about early Vedic period ?
(a) Excavations
(b) Rig Veda
(c) Jataka stories
(d) Post- Vedic literature
Answer: Rig Veda

What was the basis of class differentiation among Aryans ?

(a) Economic condition
(b) None of these
(c) Trade
(d) Colour
Answer; Colour

What was the basis of class differentiation among Aryans ?

(a) Colour
(b) None of these
(c) Economic condition
(d) Trade
Answer: Colour

Which of the following ideals is not contained in the Atharva Veda ?

(a) Moksha
(b) Upasana
(c) Gnana
(d) Karma

Answer: Moksha

Varna system of Aryans was based on

(a) Caste
(b) Sex
(c) Colour
(d) Occupation
Answer: Colour

The chief characteristic of the Rig Vedic religion was

(a) Performance of sacrifices
(b) Preponderance of female goddesses
(c) Worship of images
(d) Belief in the existence of heaven
Answer: Performance of sacrifices

The God not worshipped during the time of Rig Vedic Aryans was
(a) Marut
(b) Shiva
(c) Indra
(d) Agni
Answer: Shiva
The Rig Veda consists of ?
(a) 2000
(b) 1028
(c) 512
(d) 1024
Answer: 1028

The ninth mandala of the Rig Veda samhita is devoted wholly to

(a) Gods related to plants and drugs
(b) Soma and the god who is named after the drink
(c) Urvashi and the Heaven
(d) Indra and his elephant
Answer: Soma and the god who is named after the drink

Which of the following animals was known to ancient Vedic people ?

(a) Lion
(b) Tiger

(c) Elephant
(d) Boar
Answer: Lion

In Rig Vedic society, which of the following was unknown?

(a) Child marriage
(b) Polyandry

(c) Polygamy
(d) Purdah system

Answer: Polyandry

The family of the Rig Vedic Aryans was

(a) Matrilineal
(b) Patrilineal
(c) Patriarchal
(d) Matrairchal
Answer: Patrilineal

The Vishnu Purana gives an account of

(a) Life in Indus Valley
(b) Mauryan dynasty
(c) The Andhras
(d) The Vardhanas

Answer: Mauryan dynasty

The word Vid from which Veda has been derived means
(a) God
(b) Holy
(c) Doctrine
(d) Knowledge
Answer: God

The ritualistic precepts attached to the hymns of the Vedas were known as the
(a) Upanishads
(b) Aranyakas
(c) Brahmanas
(d) Samhitas
Answer: Brahmanas

The Aryans at first settled in

(a) Punjab
(b) Kashmir
(c) Sindh
(d) Gujarat

Answer: Punjab

Which of the following craftmanship was not practised by the Aryans?

(a) Blacksmith
(b) Carpentery
(c) Pottery
(d) Jewellery
Answer: Blacksmith

The Aryans came to India from

(a) South-east Asia
(b) None of these
(c) Central Asia
(d) Eastern Europe
Answer: Central Asia

Brahmanas are books that deal with

(a) Bhakti
(b) Meditation
(c) Ritualism
(d) Yoga
Answer: Bhakti

Which of the following Vedas throws light on the beliefs and practices of the non-Aryans ?
(a) Samaveda
(b) Atharvaveda
(c) Yajurveda
(d) Rigveda
Answer: Rigveda
The Puranas contain
(a) Laws of Manu and the history on various dynasties
(b) Thoughts on the mystery of life and universe mythology.
(c) Hymns in favour of the Gods
(d) Mythology
Answer: Thoughts on the mystery of life and universe mythology.

The code of conduct of the Vedic society was laid out in which of the following texts ?
(a) Vedas
(b) Upanishads
(c) Puranas
(d) Smritis
Answer: Smritis
The chief impact of Vedic culture on Indian history was the
(a) Progress of philosophy
(b) Rise of other wordly outlook
(c) Consolidation of caste system
(d) Growth of Sanskrit
Answer: Consolidation of caste system
Ayurveda owes its origin to
(a) Sama Veda
(b) Atharva Veda
(c) Yajur Veda
(d) Rig Veda
Answer: Yajur Veda

Which subject is not dealt with in the Puranas ?

(a) Arithmetic
(b) Genealogies of gods
(c) Primary ceation
(d) Secondary creation
Answer: Arithmetic

The Term nishka, which meant an ornament in the Vedic period, was used in later times to denote a/an
(a) Script
(b) Argriculture implement
(c) Coin
(d) Weapon
Answer: Coin

Which is the most important divinity of Rig Veda?

(a) Marut
(b) Shakti
(c) Agni
(d) Varun

Answer: Varun

What is the subject matter of the Upanishads ?

(a) Philosophy
(b) Yoga
(c) Religion
(d) Law
Answer: Religion

Rigveda Samhita denotes one fourth of its hymns to

(a) Rudra
(b) Marut
(c) Indra
(d) Agni
Answer: Indra

Boghazkoi is important because

(a) It is known as significant trading centre between Central Asia and Tibet.
(b) None of these
(c) The original text of the Vedas was composed there.
(d) Insription found here mention the names of Vedic gods and goddesses.
Answer: Insription found here mention the names of Vedic gods and goddesses.

Rigveda is divided into 10 books. Which among the following book(s) is/are the oldest ?
(a) Second-seventh
(b) Third-ninth
(c) First
(d) Second-eighth
Answer: Second-seventh
Which of the following Vedas is rendered musically ?
(a) Sama Veda
(b) Atharva Veda
(c) Rig Veda
(d) Yajur Veda
Answer: Sama Veda

The salient feature of Rigvedic religion was the worship of

(a) Pashupati
(b) Trimurti

(c) Mother Goddess

(d) Nature
Answer: Nature

Which God lost his importance as the first deity during the Rig Vedic period ?
(a) Agni
(b) Rudra

(c) Indra
(d) Varuna

Answer: Varuna

Which was the God of animal during the later Vedic period ?
(a) Vishnu
(b) Prajapati
(c) Rudra
(d) Indra
Answer; Rudra

The Gayatri Mantra contained in the Rig Veda is dedicated to which deity ?
(a) Surya
(b) Savitri
(c) Agni
(d) Marut
Answer: Savitri

History: World History

Renaissance started first in

(a) Russia
(b) England
(c) France
(d) Italy
Answer: Italy

Which of the following is not true of the European renaissance ?

(a) It was a intellectual movement
(b) It Found expression in the revival of the study of ancient Greco-Roman classics.
(c) It aimed at organising anti-Church movements
(d) It developed intrest in science and fostered a spirit of adventure
Answer: It aimed at organising anti-Church movements

The Last Super , a famous renaissance painting was a master piece of

(a) Leonardo da Vinci
(b) Raphael
(c) Michael Angelo
(d) Titian
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci

With which of the following is the term Liberty , Equality and Fraternity associated ?
(a) Industrial Revolution
(b) Russian Revolution
(c) French Revolution
(d) Olympic Games
Answer: French Revolution

The author of the American Declaration of Independence was

(a) Lafayette
(b) George Washington
(c) Jefferson
(d) Thomas Paine
Answer: Jefferson
The Industrial Revolution First took place in
(a) France
(b) Germany
(c) England
(d) America
Answer: England

Guernica, the world famous painting was painted by

(a) Van Gogh
(b) Michelangelo
(c) Picasso
(d) Leonardo-da-Vinci
Answer: Picasso
The author of the New Deal was
(a) President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(b) President Theodore Roosevelt

(c) President John Kennedy

(d) President Woodrow Wilson
Answer; President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The book Social Contract was written by

(a) Voltaire
(b) Diderot

(c) Rousseau
(d) Aristole

Answer: Rousseau

The Renaissance scientist who explained how planets moved around the sun was
(a) Gutenberg
(b) Kepler
(c) Rebelais
(d) Francis Bacorr
Answer: Kepler

The discovery of sea-route from Europe to India was made by

(a) Columbus
(b) Vasco-da-Gama
(c) Marco Polo
(d) Magellan
Answer: Vasco-da-Gama

Who raised the slogan No taxation without representation ?

(a) Industrial workers of England
(b) Peasants and workers of France
(c) American Colonies
(d) People of Russia
Answer; American Colonies

What was the name of the atom bomb dropped by USA on Hiroshima in Japan during the second world War ?
(a) Little Boy
(b) None of these
(c) Little Fly
(d) Little Devil
Answer: Little Boy

The first successful socialist revolution in history was

(a) French Revolution
(b) None of these
(c) American Revolution
(d) Russian Revolution

Answer: American Revolution

Where was Napolean sent in exile after the battle of waterloo ?

(a) St. Helen
(b) Elba
(c) Capri
(d) Corsica
Answer: St. Helen

Which of the following events occurred first ?

(a) Russian Revolution
(b) Chinese Revolution
(c) French Revolution
(d) American War of Independence
Answer: American War of Independence

The slogan No taxation without representation was first raised during the American Revolution in
(a) Boston Tea Party
(b) None of these
(c) Massachussets Assembly
(d) Philadelphia Congress
Answer: Massachussets Assembly
The European Renaissance of the fifteenth century is noted for great advances in
(a) Engineering
(b) Art and Architecture
(c) Medicine
(d) Mathematics
Answer: Art and Architecture
German attack on poland was the immediate cause of
(a) West Asian Crisis
(b) Cold War
(c) Second world War
(d) First World War
Answer: Second world War

Which was the first city destroyed by the atom bomb in second World War ?
(a) Tokyo
(b) Nagasaki
(c) Hiroshima
(d) Baghdad
Answer: Hiroshima

July 14 is celebrated every year as a national holiday in France. On this day in 1789,
(a) The member of the third estate declared themselves the National Assembly
(b) Napoleon become the Emperor
(c) Workers, peasants and other non propertied classes were given political rights
(d) The fall of Bastille took place
Answer: The fall of Bastille took place

Who defined Democracy as the Government of the people, by the people and for the people ?
(a) George Washington
(b) John Sturat mill
(c) Abraham Lincolon
(d) Winston Churchill
Answer: Abraham Lincolon

The Fall of Bastille is associated with the

(a) Russian Revolution of Nov, 1917
(b) American War of Independence
(c) Grrek War of Independence
(d) French Revolution of 1789
Answer: French Revolution of 1789

Who is regarded as the founder of scientific socialism ?

(a) Rousseau
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Lenin
(d) Engels
Answer; Karl Marx

Das Capital and Communist Manifesto were written by

(a) Engels
(b) Trotsky
(c) Karl Marx
(d) Lenin

Answer: Karl Marx

The War of Independence of America was fought against the

(a) Britain
(b) France
(c) Royal People of America
(d) Denmark
Answer: Britain

The first written republican constitution ever formed in history was that of the
(a) Indians
(b) Americans
(c) British
(d) French
Answer: Americans

In the year 1815, the Battle of Waterloo was fought between

(a) Britain and France
(b) Britain and Germany
(c) Japan and China
(d) Austria and Russia
Answer: Britain and France
The Fall of Bastille is associated with the
(a) French Revolution of 1789
(b) American War of Independence
(c) Greek War of Independence
(d) Russian Revolution of Nov, 1789
Answer: French Revolution of 1789

The year 1992 is celebrated as the 500th anniversary of columbus first Voyage to the New World. In 1942 Columbus reached
(a) Bahamas and Canada
(b) Central America and West Indies
(c) Bahamas, Cuba and West Indies
(d) South America and Cuba
Answer: Bahamas, Cuba and West Indies
The Soviet Socialist Revolution of October is celebrated every year on November 7 because
(a) Lenin's birthday falls on this day
(b) None of these

(c) The Provisional Government formed after the collapse of Czarist Government was over-thrown on this day in 1917
(d) Russia's victory over Germany coincides with this date
Answer: The Provisional Government formed after the collapse of Czarist Government was over-thrown on this day in 1917
The famous painting Sun flower was done by
(a) Leonardo da Vinci
(b) Van Gogh
(c) Michael Angelo
(d) Pablo Picasso

Answer: Van Gogh

Who among the following was a poet of the following events ?

(a) Rossetti
(b) Dante
(c) Virgil
(d) Homer
Answer: Dante

Who was the author of the Republic , a famous classic ?

(a) Plato
(b) Aristole
(c) Herodotus
(d) Alexander

Answer: Plato

The Communist Manifesto was first published in

(a) German
(b) Russian
(c) French
(d) English
Answer: German

The Industrial Revolution in the last quarter of the eighteenth century in England first affected the
(a) Coal mining industry
(b) Iron and steel industry
(c) Shipping industry
(d) Cotton textiles industry
Answer; Cotton textiles industry

Russian revolutionary, who founded the Communist Party was

(a) Trotsky
(b) Lenin
(c) Stalin
(d) Karl Marx

Answer: Lenin

The most important achievement of Abraham Lincolon was

(a) None of these

(b) The abolition of slavery

(c) The strengthening of democracy
(d) The establishment of the supremacy of the north over the south
Answer: The abolition of slavery

Under which of the following treaties did the British recognise the independence of 13 American Colonies ?
(a) Treaty of Versaillies
(b) None of these
(c) Maastricht Traety
(d) Treaty of Paris
Answer: Treaty of Paris
Economic Crisis of 1930s originated in
(a) Brazil
(b) Russia
(c) U.S.A
(d) France
Answer; U.S.A

When was the Magna Carta Signed by King John of England ?

(a) 1212
(b) 1217
(c) 1215
(d) 1066
Answer: 1215
1917 is known for
(a) Battle of Trafalgar
(b) The Russian Revolution
(c) End of the World War I
(d) Battle of Jutland
Answer: Battle of Jutland

Who among the following were known as physiocrates at the time of French Revolution ?
(a) The Nobility
(b) Medical Professionals
(c) The Clergy
(d) Economist
Answer: Economist
The European Renaissanceof the fifteenth century is noted for great advances in
(a) Medcine
(b) Art and Architecture
(c) Engineering
(d) Mathematics
Answer; Art and Architecture

Who among the following comanded the American force during American war of independence ?
(a) Hamitton
(b) Theodre Roosevelt
(c) Thomas Jefferson
(d) George Washington
Answer: George Washington

The ideas of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity were Emphasised by

(a) Locke
(b) Rousseau
(c) Hobbs
(d) Montesque
Answer: Rousseau

Among the four political parties listed below, which one was the last to be formed ?
(a) The Indian National Congress
(b) The Republican Party in the U.S.A
(c) The Conservative Party in Britain
(d) The Democratic Party in U.S.A
Answer: The Indian National Congress

Who among the following comanded the American force during American war of independence ?
(a) Thomas Jefferson
(b) George Washington
(c) Hamitton
(d) Theadore Roosevelt

Answer; George Washington

Which year is associated with the outbreak of world war II ?

(a) 1937
(b) 1939
(c) 1938
(d) 1935
Answer: 1935

The Industrial Revolution in the last quarter of the eighteenth century in England first affected the
(a) Cotton textiles industry
(b) Iron and steel industry
(c) Shipping Industry
(d) Coal mining industry
Answer: Cotton textiles industry

Which style of painting was used by early renaissance artists ?

(a) Graeco-Roman
(b) None of these
(c) Gothic
(d) Catholic Art
Answer: Graeco-Roman

Which of the following events symbolised the fall of autocracy during the course of French Revolution ?
(a) The fall of Bastille on 14th july, 1789
(b) Execution of the King and Queen
(c) Mass execution by the guillotine in 1792
(d) The meeting of the states General on 17th june, 1789
Answer: The fall of Bastille on 14th july, 1789
Which of the following was the main feature of European Renaissance ?
(a) Domination of the Church and religion
(b) Learning by questioning, observation and exprimentation
(c) Spraed of Christianity outside Europe
(d) It brought back the classic ideals in literature, painting and architecture
Answer: It brought back the classic ideals in literature, painting and architecture
Who was the Head of the provincial government of Russia in 1917 ?
(a) Nicolas II
(b) Vladimir Iiych Lenin

(c) Leon Trotesky

(d) Kerensky
Answer: Leon Trotesky

The Boston Tea Party took place in

(a) 1776
(b) 1773
(c) 1774
(d) 1770

Answer: 1773

During the period of the Renaissances, new stules of architecture first developed in
(a) France
(b) Germany
(c) England
(d) Italy
Answer; Italy

Saint Simon, Charles Fourier and Robert Owen were

(a) Renaissances artists
(b) Activities in the American war of independence
(c) Portuguese Navigator
(d) Early Socialist
Answer: Early Socialist

When did the second world war end ?

(a) 1918
(b) 1946
(c) 1939
(d) 1945
Answer: 1945

History: Cultural History- Art, Architecture and Music

Who built the stupa at Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh ?

(a) Kanishka
(b) Chandragupta
(c) Ashoka
(d) Harsha
Answer: Ashoka

The most famous court-poet (in Hindi Literature) of akbar was

(a) Raskhan
(b) Tulsidas
(c) Surdas
(d) Abdur Rahim-Khan-i-Khanan
Answer: Abdur Rahim-Khan-i-Khanan

Who among the following Mughal rulers has been called as the Prince of Builders
(a) Jehangir
(b) Shahjehan
(c) Babar
(d) Akbar
Answer: Shahjehan

The Khajurao shrines built by Chandella rulers are dedicated to

(a) Shiva and Parvati
(b) Vishnu and Brahma
(c) Vishnu and Shiva
(d) Indra and Varun
Answer: Shiva and Parvati

The contents of Allahabad Pillars inscription of Samudragupta were written by

(a) Vishakhadatta
(b) Harisena
(c) Kalidas
(d) Virasen
Answer: Virasen
Sculptures of the Gandhara school reflect the influence of the
(a) Chinese
(b) Persians
(c) Italians
(d) Greeks
Answer: Greeks
An example of Chola architecture can be sent at
(a) Tanjore
(b) Kanchipuram

(c) Ellora
(d) Mahabalipuram
Answer: Tanjore

During the Mughal period of Indian history, the name of Mansur became famous in the field of
(a) Painting
(b) Garden Laying
(c) Music
(d) Architecture

Answer: Painting

Sarnath's Lion Capital is attributed to

(a) Kanishka
(b) Chandragupta
(c) Harshavardhana
(d) Ashoka
Answer: Ashoka

The Darvidian style of architecture can be seen in

(a) Mahabodhi temple at Gaya
(b) Jagannath Temple at Puri
(c) Dharamaraja-ratha at Mamallapuram
(d) Sun Temple at Konark

Answer: Dharamaraja-ratha at Mamallapuram

Which of the following is correct chronological sequence?

(a) Qutub Minar, Taj Mahal, Fatehpur Sikri
(b) Taj Mahal, Fatehpur Sikri, Qutub Minar
(c) Fatehpur Sikri, Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar
(d) Qutub Minar, Fatehpur Sikri, Taj Mahal
Answer: Qutub Minar, Fatehpur Sikri, Taj Mahal
The large Shiva Temple at Thanjavur was built by
(a) Chandellas
(b) Rashtrakutas
(c) Rajaraja Chola
(d) Rajendra Chola
Answer: Rajaraja Chola

Which of the following was built by Akbar ?

(a) Fort of Daulatabad
(b) Fort of Ahmednagar
(c) Red Fort
(d) Agra Fort
Answer: Agra Fort

The Kirti Stambha (Tower of Victory) at Chittor was built by

(a) Bappa Raval
(b) Rana Kumbha
(c) Rana Pratap
(d) Rana Sanga
Answer: Rana Kumbha

The Red Fort of Delhi was built by

(a) Sher Shah
(b) Shahjehan
(c) Akbar
(d) Jehangir
Answer: Shahjehan

Which of the following is not related to Gandhara School of Art ?

(a) Elephanta
(b) Khajuraho
(c) Ellora
(d) Ajanta
Answer: Ajanta
The monuments at Khajuraho blong to the period of
(a) Gahadavalas
(b) Chandellas
(c) Vakatakas
(d) Rashtrakutas
Answer: Chandellas

In the Gandhar Sculptures, the preaching mudra associated with the Buddha's first sermon at Sarnath is
(a) Bhumisparsa
(b) Dharmachakra
(c) Dhyana
(d) Abhaya
Answer: Dhyana

The Mughal painting reached its zenith during the reign of

(a) Babur
(b) Shahjehan
(c) Jehangir
(d) Akbar
Answer: Akbar
Which of the following is not correctly matched ?
(a) Nalanda-Monastic establishment
(b) Tanjore-Cave Temple
(c) Konark-Sun Temple
(d) Amravati - Stupa
Answer: Amravati - Stupa

Gandhara School of Art was established in

(a) Eastern India
(b) Southern India
(c) North-Western India
(d) Western India
Answer: North-Western India

Temples at All the following places are well known for their erotic sculptures except
(a) Konark
(b) Madurai
(c) Khajuraho
(d) Halebid and Belur
Answer: Halebid and Belur

Taxila was a famous site of

(a) Mauryan art
(b) Gupta art
(c) Gandhara art
(d) Early Vedic art
Answer: Gandhara art

The structure of Qutub Minar was completed by

(a) Iltutmish
(b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
(c) Aram Shah
(d) Qutbuddin Aibak
Answer: Iltutmish

In the medieval period, Indian painting reached a high degree of perfection during the reign of
(a) Firoz Tughlaq
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Sher shah
(d) Jehangir
Answer: Jehangir

Fourteen rock edicts of ashoka have been unearthed at

(a) Girnar
(b) None of these
(c) Sasaram
(d) Kandhar
Answer: Girnar

Which sufi saint's dargah is at Ajmer ?

(a) Hazrat Nizamuddin
(b) Salim Chisti
(c) Muinuddin Chisti
(d) Baba Farid
Answer: Salim Chisti

Gandhara School of art developed during the time of

(a) Sungas
(b) Kushans
(c) Sakas
(d) Mauryas
Answer: Kushans

Which of the following is not associated with growth of cave art ?

(a) Karle
(b) Mahabalipuram
(c) Amarnath
(d) Bagh
Answer: Amarnath

The distinctive contribution of the Turkish rulers of India to architecture was the
(a) Use of motifs for decoration
(b) Use of arch and dome

(c) Use of red stone

(d) Building of towers
Answer: Use of arch and dome

Which of the following statements is true of the Gandhara school of art ?

(a) It was a form of Ashokan art
(b) It was Greek in technique and indian in Theme
(c) It was an indigenous school of art
(d) It was an offshoot of greek art

Answer: It was Greek in technique and indian in Theme

Buland Darwaza is situated in
(a) Delhi
(b) Meerut
(c) Lucknow
(d) Fatehpur Sikri
Answer: Fatehpur Sikri

The images in the temple of ankorvat are those of

(a) Buddha
(b) Combodians Kings
(c) Tirthankaras
(d) Hindu Deities
Answer: Hindu Deities

Which of the following is not a characteristics of the painting of Mughal period ?

(a) Mythological themes were depicted
(b) Religious scenes were depicted
(c) Court and Cultural scenes were depicted
(d) Scenes of battels were shown
Answer: Religious scenes were depicted
Nishat Garden was built by
(a) Shahjehan
(b) Jehangir
(c) Babar
(d) Sher shah
Answer: Jehangir

Who is considered as Trimurti (Trinity) of Carnatic music ?

(a) Muthuswami Dikshitar
(b) Purandaradasa
(c) Thyagaraja
(d) Swati Thirunal

Answer: Muthuswami Dikshitar

Which of the following is the oldest monuments ?

(a) Qutub Minar
(b) Khajuraho
(c) Taj Mahal
(d) Ajanta
Answer: Ajanta

Which temple got the name of Black Pagoda ?

(a) Sun Temple
(b) Bhuvneshwari Temple
(c) Lingharaja Temple
(d) Jagannath Temple
Answer: Sun Temple
Who built Char Minar ?
(a) Ali Adil Shah
(b) Ibrahim Adil Shah II
(c) Quli Qutb Shah
(d) Ibrahim Qutb Shah
Answer: Quli Qutb Shah

Vakatakas belong to the period of

(a) Guptas
(b) Harsha
(c) Mauryas
(d) Kushans
Answer: Quli Qutb Shahz

Which of the following schools of paintings developed independently during the Mughal Period ?
(a) The Rajputs School
(b) The Bijapur School
(c) The Golconda School
(d) The Kangra School
Answer: The Bijapur School

Development of architecture was as its peak during

(a) Pandhya period
(b) Gupta period
(c) Chola period
(d) Mughal period
Answer: Gupta period

Who built the famous Dilwara temple at Mount Abu in the 13th century ?
(a) Rajyapala
(b) Mahipala
(c) Tejapala
(d) Mahendrapala
Answer: Tejapala

The originators of the Dravidian style of architecture and sculpture in south India were
(a) Pallavas
(b) Pandyas
(c) Cholas
(d) Hoysalas
Answer: Pallavas

To whom was place for Amritsar given by Mughal emperor Akbar ?

(a) Guru harkrishan
(b) Guru Teg Bahadur
(c) Guru Ram Das
(d) Guru Amar Das
Answer: Guru Ram Das

The Mathura school of art fluorished during the reign of

(a) Kadphises-I
(b) Vaishka
(c) Vasudeva
(d) Kanishka
Answer: Vasudeva

Which of the following is an example of Mauryan art ?

(a) The panel showing Mahakapi Jataka at Bharhut
(b) Bull capital, Rampurva
(c) Image of Nara-Narayana in the temple at Deogarh
(d) Terracotta figures found at Ter

Answer: Bull capital, RampurvaRampurvaRampurva

Buland Darwaza, built by Akbar, is to commemorate the victory of

(a) Delhi
(b) Gujarat
(c) Orissa
(d) Bengal
Answer: Gujarat

The mausoleum of Sher Shah is at

(a) Delhi
(b) Lahore
(c) Agra
(d) Sasaram
Answer: Sasaram

The famous monastery at Vikramasila was founded by the

(a) Rashtrakutas
(b) Guptas
(c) Palas
(d) Senas
Answer: Palas

Most of the Ajanta paintings were done during the period of

(a) Kushans
(b) Guptas
(c) Harshavardhana
(d) Mauryas
Answer: Guptas
The Iron Pillar are Mehrauli was built by
(a) Nandas
(b) Khiljis
(c) Gupta
(d) Mauryas
Answer: Gupta

The Gandhara school of art developed during the time of

(a) The Mauryas
(b) The Sungas

(c) The Sakas

(d) The Kushans
Answer: The Kushans

The construction of the Golden Temple at Amritsar was done under the supervision of

(a) Guru Govind Singh

(b) Guru Ramdass
(c) Guru Nanak
(d) Guru Arjun

Answer: Guru Ramdass

Who among the following Mughal rulers banned music and dancing ?
(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Babar
(c) Humayun
(d) Jehangir
Answer: Aurangzeb

Who among the following was a great musician in the court of Akbar ?
(a) Ramdas
(b) Abul Fazal
(c) Tansen
(d) Amir Khusro

Answer: Tansen

Who among the following are credited to have built the famous Ellora caves ?
(a) Satavahanas
(b) Cheras
(c) Rashtrakutas
(d) Cholas
Answer: Rashtrakutas
Fatehpur Sikri was founded by
(a) Humayun
(b) Jehangir
(c) Akbar
(d) Babar
Answer: Akbar

The caves and rock-cut temples at Ellora are

(a) Buddhist and Jain

(b) Hindu and Jain
(c) Hindu, Buddhist and Jain
(d) Buddhist

Answer: Hindu, Buddhist and Jain

The cult of Krishna is mainly exhibited through the

(a) Mughal School of Art
(b) Bengal School of Art
(c) Ancient Art
(d) Rajasthani Group
Answer: Rajasthani Group

The famous bronze image of Nataraja is a fine example of

(a) Chola art
(b) Mauryan art
(c) Gandhara art
(d) Gupta art
Answer: Chola art
Fresco paintings of Ajanta caves is the art of
(a) Rastrakutas
(b) Guptas
(c) Mauryas
(d) Kushans
Answer: Guptas

The statue of Gomateswara at Sravanabelagola was built by

(a) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Amoghavarsha
(c) Kharavela
(d) Chamundaraya
Answer: Chamundaraya

Pallava Kings are remembered as the makers of rock-cut temples at

(a) Thanjavur
(b) Khajuraho
(c) Mahabalipuram
(d) Rameshwaram
Answer: Mahabalipuram

In which of the following caves, 28 new caves have been discovered ?

(a) Ajanta caves
(b) None of these
(c) Ellora caves
(d) Elephanta caves
Answer: Elephanta caves
Jama Masjid in Delhi was built by
(a) Shahjehan
(b) Humayun
(c) Jehangir
(d) Akbar
Answer: Shahjehan

Who was the Hindu king shown playing on the Veena, on ancient coins ?
(a) Shivaji
(b) Ashoka
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Vikramaditya
Answer: Samudragupta

An example of the Nagara style of architecture is provided by the

(a) Brihadeeswara Temple, Thanjavur
(b) Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, Khajuraho
(c) Kailasnatha Temple, Kanchipuram
(d) Lingaraja Temple, Bhubaneshwar
Answer: Brihadeeswara Temple, Thanjavur

Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(a) Satkarni : Kharavela
(b) Mandasor : Yasodharman
(c) Junagarh : Pushyamitra
(d) Allahabad Pillar : Samudragupta
Answer: Junagarh : Pushyamitra

The celebrated Rummindei pillar of Ashoka marked the site where Gautama Buddha

(a) Died at the age of eighty

(b) Preached his first sermon
(c) Was born in 566 B.C.
(d) Attained into supreme knowledge and insight
Answer: Died at the age of eighty

The Ellora caves in Maharashtra were built by

(a) Palas
(b) Rashtrakutas
(c) Cholas
(d) Pallavas
Answer: Rashtrakutas

The best specimen of the Mauryan art is represented in

(a) Stupas
(b) Chaityas
(c) Pillars
(d) Cave architecture
Answer: Pillars

Which among the following dynasties were not patrons of temple architecture ?
(a) Chandellas of Bundelkhand
(b) Paramars of Malwa
(c) Yadavas of Devagiri
(d) Chalukyas of Gujarat
Answer: Yadavas of Devagiri

Which of the following Mughal emperors is credited with the composition of Hindi songs ?
(a) Babar
(b) Akbar
(c) Humayun
(d) Jahangir
Answer: Jahangir
Which of the undermentioned facts about Taj is not correct ?
(a) It is situated outside the Agra Fort.
(b) The names of artisans who built it are engraved on it.
(c) It is a magnificent mausoleum.
(d) It was built by Shah Jahan.
Answer: The names of artisans who built it are engraved on it.

Which of the following Mughal emperor's tomb is outside India ?

(a) Akbar
(b) Aurangzeb

(c) Shah Jahan

(d) Jehangir
Answer: Jehangir

Which of the following forts was not built by Akbar ?

(a) Lahore Fort
(b) Agra Fort

(c) Allahabad Fort

(d) Gwalior Fort

Answer: Gwalior Fort

The earliest known Pahari paintings are from

(a) Guler
(b) Chamba
(c) Kangra
(d) Basholi
Answer: Kangra

The coins of which of the following reveal their love for music ?
(a) Mauryas
(b) Cholas
(c) Chalukyas
(d) Guptas
Answer: Guptas

The Buddhist sculpture and art is found at

(a) Mahabalipuram
(b) Vijayanagar
(c) Kanchi
(d) Amravati
Answer: Kanchi
Mughal architecture reveals a blending of
(a) Indian and Persian styles
(b) Timurid and Indian styles
(c) Turkish and Persian styles
(d) Turkish and Afghan styles
Answer: Indian and Persian styles

The most famous musician at the court of Akbar was Tansen. His original name was

(a) Makaranda Pande

(b) Lal Kalwant
(c) Ramatanu Pande
(d) Baz Bahadur

Answer: Ramatanu Pande

The existing specimens of Ashoka's monuments may be grouped under three heads. Which is not one of the categories ?
(a) Stupas
(b) Viharas
(c) Monolithic sandstone pillars
(d) Caves with highly polished walls
Answer: Viharas

Which art did Jahangir mainly patronise ?

(a) Architecture
(b) Music
(c) Paintings
(d) Sculpture
Answer: Paintings

What was the raw material that was generally used in Akbar's time ?
(a) Marble
(b) None of these
(c) Red Stone
(d) Brick
Answer: Red Stone

Which of the following is an architectural achievement of the Chandellas ?

(a) Sun Temple, Konark
(b) Rock-cut caves at Mahabalipuram
(c) Sun Temple, Modhera
(d) Temples at Khajuraho
Answer: Temples at Khajuraho
Who built the Tower of Victory (Vijay Stambha) in the Chittor fort ?
(a) Rana Ratan Singh
(b) Rana Khumba
(c) Rana Sanga
(d) Rana Hamir Deva
Answer: Rana Khumba

Which of the following is similar to the Taj Mahal in construction ?

(a) Akbar's tomb
(b) Bibi-ka-maqbara
(c) Jahangir's tomb
(d) Humayun's tomb
Answer: Humayun's tomb
Purana Qila was constructed during the reign of
(a) Jahangir
(b) Sher Shah
(c) Humayun
(d) Akbar
Answer: Sher Shah

The temple of Angkorvat is in

(a) Laos
(b) Vietnam
(c) Myanmar
(d) Gambodia
Answer: Gambodia

Graeco-Roman influence in Indian art is found at

(a) Gandhara
(b) Bharhut
(c) Bodh Gaya
(d) Sanchi
Answer: Sanchi

The Hathigumpha inscription is found in

(a) Kakatiya (Andhra Pradesh)
(b) Halebid (Karnataka)
(c) Udayagiri (Cuttack)
(d) Nasik (Maharashtra)
Answer: Udayagiri (Cuttack)
The tomb of Babar is at
(a) Lahore
(b) Sikandra
(c) Sasaram
(d) Kabul

Answer: Kabul

The most famous interpolation made by the Brahmins was the addition of Bhagvad Gita to
(a) Mahabharat
(b) Puranas
(c) Vedas
(d) Upanishads
Answer: Mahabharat

Taxila was a famous site of

(a) Mauryan Art
(b) Gupta Art
(c) Gandhara Art
(d) Early Vedic Art
Answer: Gandhara Art

The Vimana style in temple architecture came into vogue during the reign of
(a) Rashtrakutas
(b) Cholas
(c) Mauryas
(d) Guptas
Answer: Cholas

In Mughal paintings, one notices the adoption of the principle of foreshortening whereby near and distant people and things could be placed in perspective. This
was due to the influence of
(a) British
(b) Spanish
(c) Dutch
(d) Portuguese
Answer: Portuguese
The two colossal images of the Buddha at Bamiyan are works of
(a) The Gandhara Art
(b) The early Mathura school of Art
(c) The Gupta Art
(d) The Maurya Art
Answer: The Gupta Art
Qutab Minar was built by
(a) Razia Sultan

(b) shahjahan
(c) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
(d) Iltutmish
Answer: Qutb-ud-din Aibak

Bronze coins of Nataraja cast during the Chola period invariably show the deity with
(a) Two hands
(b) Eight hands
(c) Four hands

(d) Six hands

Answer: Six hands

Ajanta paintings are the finest specimens of

(a) Rock engravings
(b) Rajasthani miniature paintings
(c) Persian art
(d) Indian cave paintings
Answer: Rajasthani miniature paintings

The paintings in the Ajanta and Ellora Caves are indicative of development of art under the
(a) Pallavas
(b) Chalukyas
(c) Pandyas
(d) Rashtrakutas
Answer: Rashtrakutas

The buildings constructed by which Mughal ruler represent the climax in the evolution of Mughal arhitecture ?
(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Shahjahan
(c) Akbar
(d) Jehangir
Answer: Shahjahan

Who among the following Gupta rulers was a poet and a musician and was adorned with the title of Kaviraja or King of poets ?
(a) Samudragupta
(b) None of these
(c) Chandragupta I
(d) Skandagupta
Answer: Samudragupta

The new element of Gopuram was encouraged in temples of South India by

(a) Cholas
(b) Chalukyas
(c) Pallavas
(d) Pandyas
Answer: Pandyas

Which of the following was built by Rashtrakutas ?

(a) Surya temple of Konark

(b) Channakeshava temple of Betur
(c) Siva temple of Ellora
(d) Kailasha temple of Mahabalipuram
Answer: Siva temple of Ellora

Of all the great powers that made the history of South India, none had a more marked effect on the architecture of this region than the earliest of all. This
observation refers to
(a) Chalukyas
(b) Cholas
(c) Pallavas
(d) Rashtrakutas
Answer: Pallavas
The earliest extant (still standing) temples date from
(a) The Maurya period
(b) The Sunga period
(c) The Gupta period
(d) The Vedic period
Answer: The Gupta period

Which of the following is not connected with Kushans ?

(a) Ajanta paintings
(b) Fourth Buddhist Council
(c) Gandhara Art
(d) Mathura Art
Answer: Gandhara Art
Ajanta paintings depict scenes from the
(a) Mahabharat
(b) Upanishads
(c) Jatakas

(d) Ramayana
Answer: Jatakas

The stupa at Sanchi and the railings surrounding it, belong to the period of
(a) Kushans
(b) Mauryas
(c) Guptas

(d) Cholas
Answer: Mauryas

The temple built during the medieval period by which of the following dynasties are known as Seven Pagodas?
(a) Pallavas
(b) Hoysalas
(c) Chalukyas
(d) Choias
Answer: Pallavas

The first Mughal building to have been built entirely of marble is

(a) Itmat-ud-Daula's tomb
(b) Taj Mahal
(c) Akbar's mausoleum
(d) Humayun's tomb
Answer: Taj Mahal

The finest and most eleborate temple of Chola architecture is the

(a) Subrahmanya temple at Thanjaur
(b) Temple at Gangaikonda Cholapuram
(c) Kailashanatha temple at Kanchipuram
(d) Brihadisvara temple at Thanjaur
Answer: Brihadisvara temple at Thanjaur
Biwi Ka Maqbara is the tomb of
(a) Aurangzeb's wife
(b) Mumtaz Mahal
(c) Nurjahan
(d) Humayun's sister

Answer: Aurangzeb's wife

Akbar built the Panch Mahal, noted for its various types of pillars, at
(a) Delhi
(b) Lahore
(c) Agra
(d) Fatehpur Sikri
Answer: Fatehpur Sikri

Who built the mausoleum of Jahangir and where ?

(a) Shahjahan at Delhi
(b) Nur Jahan at Fatehpur Sikri
(c) Nur Jahan at Lahore
(d) Shahjahan at Agra
Answer: Nur Jahan at Lahore

The city of Agra was founded by

(a) Ibrahim Lodi
(b) Firuz Tughlaq
(c) Sikandar Lodi
(d) Rana Sanga
Answer: Sikandar Lodi

An overwhelming majority of the images at Ajanta are those of

(a) Vishnu
(b) Durga
(c) Buddha
(d) Siva
Answer: Buddha

The largest grant of villages to temples and brahmana was given by the ruling dynasty known as
(a) Rashtrakutas
(b) Pratiharas
(c) The Guptas
(d) The Palas
Answer: The Guptas
Which of the following Indian kings excelled in art and music ?
(a) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Kanishka
(c) Harshavardhana
(d) Samudragupta
Answer: Samudragupta

Which Sultans added the Alai Darwaza to the Qutab Minar ?

(a) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
(b) Iltutmish
(c) Firoz Tughlaq
(d) Alauddin Khilji
Answer: Alauddin Khilji

The use of Kharoshti in ancient Indian architecture is the result of India's contact with
(a) Central Asia
(b) Greece
(c) China
(d) Iran
Answer: Greece

The rock-cut caves at Elephanta belong to the period of

(a) Vakatakas
(b) Chalukyas
(c) Rashtrakutas
(d) Satavahanas
Answer: Chalukyas

History: Cultural History- Art, Architecture and Music

Who built the stupa at Sanchi in Madhya Pradesh ?

(a) Ashoka
(b) Chandragupta
(c) Harsha
(d) Kanishka

Answer: Ashoka

The most famous court-poet (in Hindi Literature) of akbar was

(a) Raskhan
(b) Tulsidas
(c) Surdas
(d) Abdur Rahim-Khan-i-Khanan
Answer: Abdur Rahim-Khan-i-Khanan

Who among the following Mughal rulers has been called as the Prince of Builders
(a) Babar
(b) Jehangir
(c) Akbar
(d) Shahjehan
Answer: Shahjehan

The Khajurao shrines built by Chandella rulers are dedicated to

(a) Shiva and Parvati
(b) Vishnu and Brahma
(c) Vishnu and Shiva
(d) Indra and Varun
Answer: Shiva and Parvati

The contents of Allahabad Pillars inscription of Samudragupta were written by

(a) Harisena
(b) Virasen
(c) Vishakhadatta
(d) Kalidas
Answer: Virasen
Sculptures of the Gandhara school reflect the influence of the
(a) Italians
(b) Persians
(c) Greeks
(d) Chinese
Answer: Greeks
An example of Chola architecture can be sent at
(a) Kanchipuram
(b) Tanjore
(c) Ellora
(d) Mahabalipuram
Answer: Tanjore

During the Mughal period of Indian history, the name of Mansur became famous in the field of
(a) Painting
(b) Garden Laying
(c) Music
(d) Architecture
Answer: Painting

Sarnath's Lion Capital is attributed to

(a) Chandragupta
(b) Ashoka
(c) Kanishka
(d) Harshavardhana
Answer: Ashoka

The Darvidian style of architecture can be seen in

(a) Mahabodhi temple at Gaya
(b) Jagannath Temple at Puri
(c) Dharamaraja-ratha at Mamallapuram
(d) Sun Temple at Konark
Answer: Dharamaraja-ratha at Mamallapuram

Which of the following is correct chronological sequence?

(a) Fatehpur Sikri, Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar
(b) Taj Mahal, Fatehpur Sikri, Qutub Minar
(c) Qutub Minar, Fatehpur Sikri, Taj Mahal
(d) Qutub Minar, Taj Mahal, Fatehpur Sikri
Answer: Qutub Minar, Fatehpur Sikri, Taj Mahal

The large Shiva Temple at Thanjavur was built by

(a) Rajaraja Chola
(b) Rashtrakutas
(c) Rajendra Chola
(d) Chandellas
Answer: Rajaraja Chola

Which of the following was built by Akbar ?

(a) Fort of Ahmednagar
(b) Agra Fort
(c) Fort of Daulatabad
(d) Red Fort
Answer: Agra Fort

The Kirti Stambha (Tower of Victory) at Chittor was built by

(a) Rana Pratap
(b) Bappa Raval
(c) Rana Sanga
(d) Rana Kumbha

Answer: Rana Kumbha

The Red Fort of Delhi was built by

(a) Sher Shah
(b) Shahjehan
(c) Akbar
(d) Jehangir
Answer: Shahjehan

Which of the following is not related to Gandhara School of Art ?

(a) Elephanta
(b) Khajuraho
(c) Ellora
(d) Ajanta
Answer: Ajanta

The monuments at Khajuraho belong to the period of

(a) Chandellas
(b) Gahadavalas
(c) Vakatakas
(d) Rashtrakutas
Answer: Chandellas

In the Gandhar Sculptures, the preaching mudra associated with the Buddha's first sermon at Sarnath is
(a) Dharmachakra
(b) Dhyana
(c) Abhaya
(d) Bhumisparsa
Answer: DhyanaDhyana
The Mughal painting reached its zenith during the reign of
(a) Jehangir
(b) Shahjehan
(c) Akbar
(d) Babur
Answer: Akbar
Which of the following is not correctly matched ?
(a) Nalanda-Monastic establishment
(b) Tanjore-Cave Temple

(c) Konark-Sun Temple

(d) Amravati - Stupa
Answer : Amravati - Stupa

Gandhara School of Art was established in

(a) Western India

(b) Southern India

(c) Eastern India

(d) North-Western India

Answer: North-Western Western IndiaWestern

Temples at All the following places are well known for their erotic sculptures except
(a) Khajuraho
(b) Madurai
(c) Halebid and Belur
(d) Konark
Answer: Halebid and Belur

Taxila was a famous site of

(a) Mauryan art
(b) Gupta art
(c) Gandhara art
(d) Early Vedic art

Answer: Gandhara art

The structure of Qutub Minar was completed by

(a) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
(b) Iltutmish
(c) Aram Shah
(d) Qutbuddin Aibak
Answer: Iltutmish

In the medieval period, Indian painting reached a high degree of perfection during the reign of
(a) Jehangir
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Firoz Tughlaq
(d) Sher shah
Answer: Jehangir

Fourteen rock edicts of ashoka have been unearthed at

(a) Kandhar
(b) None of these
(c) Girnar
(d) Sasaram
Answer: Girnar

Which sufi saint's dargah is at Ajmer ?

(a) Baba Farid
(b) Hazrat Nizamuddin
(c) Salim Chisti
(d) Muinuddin Chisti
Answer: Salim Chisti

Gandhara School of art developed during the time of

(a) Sakas
(b) Sungas
(c) Mauryas
(d) Kushans
Answer: Kushans

Which of the following is not associated with growth of cave art ?

(a) Bagh
(b) Mahabalipuram
(c) Karle
(d) Amarnath
Answer: Amarnath

The distinctive contribution of the Turkish rulers of India to architecture was the
(a) Building of towers
(b) Use of motifs for decoration
(c) Use of arch and dome
(d) Use of red stone
Answer: Use of arch and dome
Which of the following statements is true of the Gandhara school of art ?
(a) It was Greek in technique and indian in Theme
(b) It was a form of Ashokan art
(c) It was an indigenous school of art
(d) It was an offshoot of greek art
Answer: It was Greek in technique and indian in Theme

Buland Darwaza is situated in

(a) Delhi
(b) Meerut
(c) Lucknow
(d) Fatehpur Sikri
Answer: Fatehpur Sikri

The images in the temple of ankorvat are those of

(a) Tirthankaras
(b) Combodians Kings
(c) Hindu Deities
(d) Buddha
Answer: Hindu Deities

Which of the following is not a characteristics of the painting of Mughal period ?

(a) Court and Cultural scenes were depicted
(b) Mythological themes were depicted
(c) Scenes of battels were shown
(d) Religious scenes were depicted
Answer: Religious scenes were depicted
Nishat Garden was built by
(a) Jehangir
(b) Shahjehan
(c) Babar
(d) Sher shah
Answer: Jehangir

Who is considered as Trimurti (Trinity) of Carnatic music ?

(a) Purandaradasa
(b) Muthuswami Dikshitar
(c) Thyagaraja
(d) Swati Thirunal
Answer: Muthuswami Dikshitar

Which of the following is the oldest monuments ?

(a) Ajanta
(b) Khajuraho
(c) Qutub Minar
(d) Taj Mahal

Answer; Ajanta

Which temple got the name of Black Pagoda ?

(a) Lingharaja Temple
(b) Bhuvneshwari Temple
(c) Jagannath Temple
(d) Sun Temple
Answer: Sun Temple
Who built Char Minar ?
(a) Quli Qutb Shah
(b) Ibrahim Adil Shah II

(c) Ibrahim Qutb Shah

(d) Ali Adil Shah
Answer: Quli Qutb Shah

Vakatakas belong to the period of

(a) Kushans
(b) Harsha
(c) Guptas
(d) Mauryas
Answer: Guptas

Which of the following schools of paintings developed independently during the Mughal Period ?
(a) The Kangra School
(b) The Rajputs School
(c) The Bijapur School
(d) The Golconda School
Answer: The Bijapur School
Development of architecture was as its peak during
(a) Mughal period
(b) Pandhya period
(c) Gupta period
(d) Chola period
Answer: Gupta period

Who built the famous Dilwara temple at Mount Abu in the 13th century ?
(a) Tejapala
(b) Mahipala

(c) Mahendrapala
(d) Rajyapala
Answer: Tejapala

The originators of the Dravidian style of architecture and sculpture in south India were
(a) Cholas
(b) Pandyas

(c) Hoysalas
(d) Pallavas

Answer: Pallavas

To whom was place for Amritsar given by Mughal emperor Akbar ?

(a) Guru Ram Das
(b) Guru Teg Bahadur
(c) Guru Amar Das
(d) Guru harkrishan
Answer: Guru Ram Das

The Mathura school of art fluorished during the reign of

(a) Kadphises-I
(b) Vaishka
(c) Vasudeva
(d) Kanishka
Answer: Vasudeva

Which of the following is an example of Mauryan art ?

(a) Bull capital, Rampurva
(b) The panel showing Mahakapi Jataka at Bharhut
(c) Image of Nara-Narayana in the temple at Deogarh
(d) Terracotta figures found at Ter
Answer: Bull capital, Rampurva

Buland Darwaza, built by Akbar, is to commemorate the victory of

(a) Delhi
(b) Gujarat
(c) Orissa
(d) Bengal
Answer: Gujarat

The mausoleum of Sher Shah is at

(a) Agra
(b) Lahore
(c) Sasaram
(d) Delhi

Answer: Sasaram

The famous monastery at Vikramasila was founded by the

(a) Senas
(b) Guptas
(c) Rashtrakutas
(d) Palas
Answer: Palas

Most of the Ajanta paintings were done during the period of

(a) Kushans
(b) Guptas
(c) Harshavardhana
(d) Mauryas
Answer: Guptas
The Iron Pillar are Mehrauli was built by
(a) Nandas
(b) Khiljis
(c) Gupta
(d) Mauryas
Answer: Gupta

The Gandhara school of art developed during the time of

(a) The Sungas
(b) The Kushans
(c) The Mauryas
(d) The Sakas
Answer: The Kushans

The construction of the Golden Temple at Amritsar was done under the supervision of
(a) Guru Nanak
(b) Guru Govind Singh
(c) Guru Arjun
(d) Guru Ramdass
Answer: Guru Ramdass

Who among the following Mughal rulers banned music and dancing ?
(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Babar
(c) Humayun
(d) Jehangir
Answer: Aurangzeb

Who among the following was a great musician in the court of Akbar ?
(a) Ramdas
(b) Abul Fazal
(c) Tansen
(d) Amir Khusro
Answer: Aurangzeb

Who among the following are credited to have built the famous Ellora caves ?
(a) Rashtrakutas
(b) Cheras
(c) Cholas
(d) Satavahanas
Answer: Rashtrakutas

Fatehpur Sikri was founded by

(a) Akbar
(b) Jehangir
(c) Babar
(d) Humayun
Answer: Akbar

The caves and rock-cut temples at Ellora are

(a) Buddhist
(b) Hindu and Jain
(c) Buddhist and Jain
(d) Hindu, Buddhist and Jain
Answer: Hindu, Buddhist and Jain

The cult of Krishna is mainly exhibited through the

(a) Bengal School of Art
(b) Rajasthani Group
(c) Mughal School of Art
(d) Ancient Art

Answer: Rajasthani Group

The famous bronze image of Nataraja is a fine example of

(a) Gupta art
(b) Mauryan art
(c) Chola art
(d) Gandhara art
Answer: Chola art

Fresco paintings of Ajanta caves is the art of

(a) Kushans
(b) Rastrakutas
(c) Guptas
(d) Mauryas
Answer: Guptas

The statue of Gomateswara at Sravanabelagola was built by

(a) Kharavela
(b) Amoghavarsha
(c) Chamundaraya
(d) Chandragupta Maurya
Answer: Chamundaraya

Pallava Kings are remembered as the makers of rock-cut temples at

(a) Mahabalipuram
(b) Khajuraho
(c) Rameshwaram
(d) Thanjavur
Answer: Mahabalipuram

In which of the following caves, 28 new caves have been discovered ?

(a) None of these
(b) Elephanta caves
(c) Ajanta caves
(d) Ellora caves
Answer: Elephanta caves
Jama Masjid in Delhi was built by
(a) Jehangir
(b) Humayun

(c) Akbar
(d) Shahjehan
Answer: Shahjehan

Who was the Hindu king shown playing on the Veena, on ancient coins ?

(a) Samudragupta
(b) Ashoka
(c) Vikramaditya
(d) Shivaji

Answer: Shahjehan

An example of the Nagara style of architecture is provided by the

(a) Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, Khajuraho
(b) Brihadeeswara Temple, Thanjavur
(c) Kailasnatha Temple, Kanchipuram
(d) Lingaraja Temple, Bhubaneshwar
Answer: Brihadeeswara Temple, Thanjavur

Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(a) Mandasor : Yasodharman
(b) Junagarh : Pushyamitra
(c) Allahabad Pillar : Samudragupta
(d) Satkarni : Kharavela
Answer: Junagarh : Pushyamitra

The celebrated Rummindei pillar of Ashoka marked the site where Gautama Buddha
(a) Died at the age of eighty
(b) Preached his first sermon
(c) Was born in 566 B.C.
(d) Attained into supreme knowledge and insight
Answer: Died at the age of eighty
The Ellora caves in Maharashtra were built by
(a) Palas
(b) Rashtrakutas
(c) Cholas
(d) Pallavas
Answer: Rashtrakutas

The best specimen of the Mauryan art is represented in

(a) Stupas
(b) Chaityas
(c) Pillars
(d) Cave architecture
Answer: Pillars

Which among the following dynasties were not patrons of temple architecture ?
(a) Yadavas of Devagiri
(b) Paramars of Malwa
(c) Chalukyas of Gujarat
(d) Chandellas of Bundelkhand
Answer: Yadavas of Devagiri

Which of the following Mughal emperors is credited with the composition of Hindi songs ?

(a) Akbar
(b) Jahangir
(c) Babar
(d) Humayun
Answer: Jahangir

Which of the undermentioned facts about Taj is not correct ?

(a) It is situated outside the Agra Fort.
(b) The names of artisans who built it are engraved on it.
(c) It is a magnificent mausoleum.
(d) It was built by Shah Jahan.
Answer: The names of artisans who built it are engraved on it.

Which of the following Mughal emperor's tomb is outside India ?

(a) Jehangir
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Akbar
(d) Shah Jahan
Answer: Jehangir
Which of the following forts was not built by Akbar ?
(a) Gwalior Fort
(b) Agra Fort
(c) Lahore Fort
(d) Allahabad Fort
Answer: Gwalior Fort

The earliest known Pahari paintings are from

(a) Basholi
(b) Chamba
(c) Guler
(d) Kangra
Answer: Kangra

The coins of which of the following reveal their love for music ?
(a) Chalukyas
(b) Cholas
(c) Guptas
(d) Mauryas
Answer: Guptas

The Buddhist sculpture and art is found at

(a) Kanchi
(b) Vijayanagar
(c) Amravati
(d) Mahabalipuram
Answer: Kanchi

Mughal architecture reveals a blending of

(a) Turkish and Persian styles
(b) Timurid and Indian styles
(c) Turkish and Afghan styles
(d) Indian and Persian styles

The most famous musician at the court of Akbar was Tansen. His original name was
(a) Ramatanu Pande
(b) Lal Kalwant
(c) Baz Bahadur
(d) Makaranda Pande
Answer: Ramatanu Pande

The existing specimens of Ashoka's monuments may be grouped under three heads. Which is not one of the categories ?

(a) Monolithic sandstone pillars

(b) Stupas
(c) Caves with highly polished walls
(d) Viharas
Answer: Viharas

Which art did Jahangir mainly patronise ?

(a) Music
(b) Paintings
(c) Sculpture
(d) Architecture
Answer: Paintings

What was the raw material that was generally used in Akbar's time ?
(a) Red Stone
(b) None of these
(c) Brick
(d) Marble
Answer: Red Stone

Which of the following is an architectural achievement of the Chandellas ?

(a) Sun Temple, Modhera
(b) Rock-cut caves at Mahabalipuram
(c) Temples at Khajuraho
(d) Sun Temple, Konark
Answer: Temples at Khajuraho
Who built the Tower of Victory (Vijay Stambha) in the Chittor fort ?
(a) Rana Khumba
(b) Rana Ratan Singh
(c) Rana Sanga
(d) Rana Hamir Deva
Answer: Rana Khumba
Which of the following is similar to the Taj Mahal in construction ?
(a) Humayun's tomb
(b) Bibi-ka-maqbara
(c) Akbar's tomb
(d) Jahangir's tomb
Answer: Humayun's tomb
Purana Qila was constructed during the reign of
(a) Jahangir
(b) Sher Shah

(c) Humayun
(d) Akbar
Answer: Sher Shah

The temple of Angkorvat is in

(a) Laos
(b) Vietnam

(c) Myanmar
(d) Gambodia

Answer: Gambodia

Graeco-Roman influence in Indian art is found at

(a) Sanchi
(b) Bharhut
(c) Gandhara
(d) Bodh Gaya
Answer: Sanchi

The Hathigumpha inscription is found in

(a) Nasik (Maharashtra)
(b) Halebid (Karnataka)
(c) Kakatiya (Andhra Pradesh)
(d) Udayagiri (Cuttack)
Answer: Udayagiri (Cuttack)
The tomb of Babar is at
(a) Sikandra
(b) Kabul
(c) Lahore
(d) Sasaram
Answer: Kabul

The most famous interpolation made by the Brahmins was the addition of Bhagvad Gita to
(a) Vedas
(b) Puranas
(c) Upanishads
(d) Mahabharat
Answer: Mahabharat

Taxila was a famous site of

(a) Mauryan Art
(b) Gupta Art
(c) Gandhara Art
(d) Early Vedic Art

Answer; Gandhara Art

The Vimana style in temple architecture came into vogue during the reign of
(a) Cholas
(b) Rashtrakutas
(c) Mauryas
(d) Guptas
Answer: Cholas

In Mughal paintings, one notices the adoption of the principle of foreshortening whereby near and distant people and things could be placed in perspective. This
was due to the influence of
(a) British
(b) Spanish
(c) Dutch
(d) Portuguese
Answer: Portuguese
The two colossal images of the Buddha at Bamiyan are works of
(a) The Maurya Art
(b) The early Mathura school of Art
(c) The Gandhara Art
(d) The Gupta Art
Answer: The Gupta Art
Qutab Minar was built by
(a) Razia Sultan
(b) shahjahan
(c) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
(d) Iltutmish
Answer: Qutb-ud-din Aibak

Bronze coins of Nataraja cast during the Chola period invariably show the deity with
(a) Eight hands
(b) Six hands
(c) Two hands

(d) Four hands

Answer: Six hands

Ajanta paintings are the finest specimens of

(a) Rock engravings
(b) Rajasthani miniature paintings
(c) Persian art

(d) Indian cave paintings

Answer: Rajasthani miniature paintings

The paintings in the Ajanta and Ellora Caves are indicative of development of art under the
(a) Pallavas
(b) Chalukyas
(c) Pandyas
(d) Rashtrakutas
Answer: Rashtrakutas

The buildings constructed by which Mughal ruler represent the climax in the evolution of Mughal arhitecture ?
(a) Akbar
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Jehangir
(d) Shahjahan
Answer: Shahjahan

Who among the following Gupta rulers was a poet and a musician and was adorned with the title of Kaviraja or King of poets ?
(a) None of these
(b) Samudragupta
(c) Chandragupta I
(d) Skandagupta
Answer: Samudragupta
The new element of Gopuram was encouraged in temples of South India by
(a) Pandyas
(b) Chalukyas
(c) Cholas
(d) Pallavas

Answer: Pandyas

Which of the following was built by Rashtrakutas ?

(a) Siva temple of Ellora
(b) Channakeshava temple of Betur
(c) Kailasha temple of Mahabalipuram
(d) Surya temple of Konark
Answer: Siva temple of Ellora

Of all the great powers that made the history of South India, none had a more marked effect on the architecture of this region than the earliest of all. This
observation refers to
(a) Cholas
(b) Pallavas
(c) Rashtrakutas
(d) Chalukyas
Answer: Pallavas

The earliest extant (still standing) temples date from

(a) The Sunga period
(b) The Gupta period
(c) The Vedic period
(d) The Maurya period
Answer: The Gupta period

Which of the following is not connected with Kushans ?

(a) Fourth Buddhist Council
(b) Gandhara Art
(c) Mathura Art
(d) Ajanta paintings
Answer: Gandhara Art
Ajanta paintings depict scenes from the
(a) Mahabharat
(b) Upanishads
(c) Jatakas
(d) Ramayana
Answer: Jatakas

The stupa at Sanchi and the railings surrounding it, belong to the period of
(a) Kushans
(b) Mauryas
(c) Guptas
(d) Cholas
Answer: Mauryas

The temple built during the medieval period by which of the following dynasties are known as Seven Pagodas?
(a) Choias
(b) Hoysalas
(c) Pallavas
(d) Chalukyas
Answer: Pallavas
The first Mughal building to have been built entirely of marble is
(a) Akbar's mausoleum
(b) Itmat-ud-Daula's tomb
(c) Humayun's tomb
(d) Taj Mahal
Answer: Taj Mahal

The finest and most eleborate temple of Chola architecture is the

(a) Subrahmanya temple at Thanjaur
(b) Temple at Gangaikonda Cholapuram
(c) Kailashanatha temple at Kanchipuram
(d) Brihadisvara temple at Thanjaur
Answer: Brihadisvara temple at Thanjaur
Biwi Ka Maqbara is the tomb of
(a) Nurjahan
(b) Mumtaz Mahal
(c) Humayun's sister
(d) Aurangzeb's wife
Answer: Mumtaz Mahal

Akbar built the Panch Mahal, noted for its various types of pillars, at
(a) Delhi
(b) Lahore
(c) Agra
(d) Fatehpur Sikri
Answer: Fatehpur Sikri

Who built the mausoleum of Jahangir and where ?

(a) Nur Jahan at Lahore
(b) Nur Jahan at Fatehpur Sikri
(c) Shahjahan at Agra
(d) Shahjahan at Delhi

Answer: Nur Jahan at Lahore

The city of Agra was founded by

(a) Ibrahim Lodi
(b) Firuz Tughlaq
(c) Sikandar Lodi
(d) Rana Sanga
Answer: Sikandar Lodi

An overwhelming majority of the images at Ajanta are those of

(a) Buddha
(b) Durga
(c) Siva
(d) Vishnu
Answer: Buddha

The largest grant of villages to temples and brahmana was given by the ruling dynasty known as
(a) Pratiharas
(b) The Guptas
(c) The Palas
(d) Rashtrakutas
Answer: The Guptas
Which of the following Indian kings excelled in art and music ?
(a) Harshavardhana
(b) Kanishka
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Chandragupta Maurya
Answer: Samudragupta
Which Sultans added the Alai Darwaza to the Qutab Minar ?
(a) Alauddin Khilji
(b) Iltutmish
(c) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
(d) Firoz Tughlaq
Answer: Alauddin Khilji

The use of Kharoshti in ancient Indian architecture is the result of India's contact with
(a) Iran
(b) Central Asia

(c) Greece
(d) China
Answer: Greece

The rock-cut caves at Elephanta belong to the period of

(a) Rashtrakutas
(b) Vakatakas
(c) Satavahanas
(d) Chalukyas

Answer: Chalukyas

The Kailashanath Temple at Ellora was excavated at the instance of

(a) Govinda III
(b) Amoghavarsha I
(c) Krishna I
(d) Krishna II
Answer: Krishna I

The material used in Mathura school of art is

(a) Slate
(b) Red sandstone
(c) Granite
(d) White marble
Answer: Red sandstone

Which one of the following monuments has a dome which is said to be one of the largest in the world ?
(a) Jama Masjid, Delhi
(b) Tomb of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq, Delhi
(c) Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur
(d) Tomb of Sher Shah, Sasaram
Answer: Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur

The Mughal school of painting formed the spinal column of the various schools of Indian miniature art. Which of the following painting styles was not affected by
Mughal Painting ?
(a) Kangra
(b) Kalighata
(c) Rajasthani
(d) Pahari
Answer: Kangra

Most of the buildings of Fatehpur Sikri are built with

(a) Red sandstone
(b) Marble
(c) Brick
(d) Limestone
Answer: Red sandstone

Which of the following is not true about Ajanta Caves ?

(a) They are in Maharashtra.

(b) They do not have paintings of flora and fauna.
(c) They are decorated with Buddhist art.
(d) They depict the techniques used in ancient India.

Answer: They depict the techniques used in ancient India.

On the wall of which of the following buildings built by Shah Jahan, the Persian couplet If there is a paradise on earth, it is this, it is this, it is this is inscribed ?
(a) Moti Masjid
(b) Diwani-e-Am, Delhi
(c) Jasmine Palace
(d) Diwani-i-Khas, Delhi
Answer: Diwani-i-Khas, Delhi
The Rathas at Mahabalipuram are
(a) Monolithic structures
(b) All the above
(c) Square or rectangular
(d) Eight in number
Answer: All the above

Arhai-Din-Ka Jhopra built by Qutuddin Aibak is located in

(a) Badayun
(b) Kalinjas
(c) Ajmer
(d) Delhi
Answer: Ajmer

Tansen, the greatest musician of Akbar's court, belonged to

(a) Delhi
(b) Kanauj
(c) Agra

(d) Gwalior
Answer: Gwalior

History: Cultural History- Literature & Science

The famous book Geet Govind was written by

(a) Banabhatta
(b) Jayadev
(c) Mirabai
(d) Kalidas
Answer: Jayadev

Kalidasa lived during the reign of

(a) Chandragupta II
(b) Chandragupta II
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Ashoka, the Great
Answer: Chandragupta II

Which of the following works of kalidasa is not a play ?

(a) Vikramorvasiya
(b) Malavikagnimitra
(c) Meghadoot
(d) Abhijinana Shakuntalam
Answer: Meghadoot

The Panchatantra was written during the

(a) Sultanate period

(b) Gupta period

(c) Maurya period
(d) Later Vedic period
Answer: Maurya period

The famous epic Mahabharata was written by

(a) Valmiki
(b) Bhavabhuti
(c) Patanjali
(d) Ved Vyas
Answer: Ved Vyas

Aryabhatta was a famous

(a) Scientist
(b) Painter
(c) Astronomer
(d) Physician
Answer: Astronomer

Who among the following was a lexicographer?

(a) Banabhatta
(b) Panini
(c) Dandin
(d) Amarasimha
Answer: Amarasimha

Who is author of Ashtadhyayi?

(a) Charak
(b) Aryabhatta
(c) Vishnu Sharma
(d) Panini
Answer: Panini

Names of sixteen Mahajanapadas were found in

(a) Anguttara Nikaya
(b) Harshacharita
(c) Indica
(d) Kalpa Sutra
Answer: Anguttara Nikaya
Harsha wrote
(a) Kadambari
(b) Meghasandesam
(c) Ratnavali
(d) Raghuvamsa
Answer: Ratnavali

Mitakshara, an authoritative treatise on Hindu law, was written by

(a) Vigneswara
(b) Manu
(c) Jimutavahana

(d) Hemadri
Answer: Vigneswara

Kalhan's Rajatarangini is a history of

(a) Kashmir
(b) Chandragupta's reign
(c) Harsha's reign
(d) Rajasthan
Answer: Kashmir

Who among the following is the author of the book Yogasutra?

(a) Manu
(b) Visvamitra
(c) Vasishtha
(d) Patanjali
Answer: Patanjali

The Shahnama was written by

(a) Abul Fazal
(b) Firdausi
(c) Alberuni
(d) Amir Khusrao
Answer: Firdausi

The great scholar, Banabhatta, lived during the reign of

(a) Chandragupta II
(b) Ashoka
(c) Kanishka
(d) Harsha
Answer: Harsha

Which of the following is an ancient Indian work relating to prayer and sacrificial ceremony ?
(a) Brahamanas
(b) Aranyakas
(c) Amarakosa
(d) Vajasaneyi Samhita
Answer: Brahamanas

Padmavat of Malik Muhammad Jaisi, a notable work in Hindi, was completed during the reign of
(a) Akbar
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Sher Shah
(d) Babar
Answer: Sher Shah

The poet Harisena was the courtier of

(a) Lakshmana Sena
(b) Chandragupta
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Skandagupta
Answer: Samudragupta

All the following literary works are traditionally ascribed to personages who lived in the Maurya period, except
(a) Mrichchhakatika
(b) Kalpasutra of Bhadrabahu
(c) Kautilya's Arthashastra
(d) Katha Vathu
Answer: Mrichchhakatika
Which is not a Vedic text ?
(a) The Smritis
(b) The Upanishads
(c) The Brahmanas
(d) The Angas
Answer: The Angas

Tulsidas wrote Ramcharitamanas during the reign of

(a) Rama Raya
(b) Krishnadeva Raya
(c) Akbar
(d) Jehangir
Answer: Akbar

In which of the following modern states Asokan insirations are not found ?
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Orissa
(c) Karnataka
(d) Andhra Pradesh
Answer: Tamil Nadu

Who among the following saints wrote Bijak?

(a) Tulsidas
(b) Guru Arjun
(c) Kabir
(d) Ramdas
Answer: Kabir

Matta Vilasa Prahansa was written during the period of

(a) None of these
(b) Pallavas
(c) Sangam
(d) Later Pandayas
Answer: Pallavas

The account of Babur's life was written in

(a) Turki
(b) Arabic
(c) Urdu
(d) Persian
Answer: Turki

Mahabharata is also known as

(a) Chhandogya
(b) Vijay-pitaka
(c) Katha Vatthu
(d) Jayanama-Itihasa
Answer: Jayanama-Itihasa

The Head of the University of Nalanda was the great Bengali scholar
(a) Sheelabhadra
(b) Shreejnan Atisha
(c) Basubandhu
(d) Nagarjuna
Answer: Sheelabhadra

Tahqiq - I - Hind, a famous literary work, was written by

(a) Minhaj-us-Siraj
(b) Alberuni
(c) Badauni
(d) Nizam-ud-din-Ahmad
Answer: Alberuni

Of the following, the oldest Sanskrit poet, whose composition still remains in original classical style, is
(a) Bhavabhuti
(b) Dandin
(c) Ashvaghosa
(d) Kalidasa
Answer: Ashvaghosa

The most outstanding feature of Babar's memoirs (Tuzuk-i-Baburi) is its

(a) Literary value
(b) Authentic record
(c) Candidness in description
(d) Large volume
Answer: Candidness in description

Who among the following ladies wrote a historical account during the Mughal Period ?
(a) Gulbadan Begam
(b) Zebun-nissa Begam
(c) Nurjahan Begam
(d) Jahanara Begam
Answer: Gulbadan Begam
The first major work in the development of Marathi literature, was done by
(a) Sant Dhyaneshwar
(b) Sant Namdev
(c) Yogi Mukundraj
(d) Sant Ramdas
Answer: Sant Namdev

Who among the following literary figures of the Gupta Age is given the title of Indian Shakespeare?
(a) Bharavi
(b) Kalidasa
(c) Harisena
(d) Vishakhadatta
Answer: Kalidasa
In which of the following inscriptions is Ashoka mentioned by name ?
(a) Bairat inscription
(b) None of these

(c) Major Rock Edict at Girnar

(d) Lamghan inscription
Answer: Bairat inscription
Kadambari was written by
(a) Harsha
(b) Bana

(c) Kalidasa
(d) Kautilya

Answer: Bana

The famous poet in the court of Alauddin Khilji was

(a) Barauni
(b) Sadi
(c) Badre Chach
(d) Amir Khusrau
Answer: Amir Khusrau
Sangam literature is

(a) Early Tamil literature attributed to the first three centuries of the Christian era.
(b) Sanskrit works of Puranic nature dealing with the sanctity of the place where there is confluence of rivers in Prayaga.
(c) Classical Sanskrit literature patronised by the Guptas.
(d) Pali literature dealing with the history of the Buddhist samghas.
Answer: Early Tamil literature attributed to the first three centuries of the Christian era.
Who recast the original single Veda into four Vedas ?
(a) None of these
(b) Vyas
(c) Patanjali
(d) Shankaracharya
Answer: Vyas

The Buddhist religious literature produced during the Mauryan period was in
(a) Ardhamagadhi
(b) Pali
(c) Sanskrit
(d) Prakrit
Answer: Prakrit

Dhanvantri, a renowed physician of ancient India, adorned the court of

(a) Kanishka
(b) Ashoka
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Chandragupta Vikramaditya

Answer: Chandragupta Vikramaditya

The literature of the Sangam Age was written mostly in the form of
(a) Drama
(b) All the above
(c) Poetry
(d) Prose
Answer: Poetry

In the beginning, Jain texts were originally written in

(a) Pali
(b) None of these
(c) Sanskrit
(d) Prakrit
Answer: Prakrit

History: Invansions, wars and travellers

The immediate cause of invasion of Ahmad Shah Abdali on India was

(a) He was attracted by its wealth.
(b) He was invited by Shah Nawaz Khan.
(c) He hed a strong army.
(d) The Indian rulers were weak.
Answer: The Indian rulers were weak.
The invasion of Huns first took place during the rule of
(a) Gupta
(b) Kushans
(c) Mauryas
(d) Nandas
Answer: Gupta
The First Battle of Panipat was fought in the year
(a) 1764
(b) 1776

(c) 1526
(d) 1527
Answer: 1526

Fahien came to India during the reign of

(a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya

(b) Ashoka
(c) Harshavardhana
(d) Chandragupta Maurya

Answer: Chandragupta Vikramaditya

The Second Battle of Panipat was fought during the reign of

(a) Humayun
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Akbar
(d) Babar
Answer: Akbar

Alberuni came to India with

(a) Alexander
(b) Timur
(c) Babur
(d) Mahmud of Ghazni

Answer: Mahmud of Ghazni

Who looted the temple of Somnath ?

(a) Mohammad Ghori
(b) Nadir Shah
(c) Mahmood of Ghazni
(d) Changhiz Khan
Answer: Mahmood of Ghazni

The historical source attributed to Megasthenes is

(a) Indica
(b) The Periplus of the Erythrean Sea
(c) Naturalis Historia
(d) Geography
Answer: Indica

Changiz Khan invaded India during the rule of

(a) Balban
(b) Ala-ud-din Khilji
(c) Iltutmish
(d) Qutubuddin Aibak
Answer: Iltutmish

The first to invade India out of the following were

(a) Turks
(b) Mongols
(c) Arabs
(d) Afghans
Answer: Arabs

Black Hole Episode was the main cause of

(a) Battle of Wandiwash
(b) Battle of Haldighati
(c) Battle of Plassey
(d) Battle of Buxar
Answer: Battle of Plassey

Who among the following scholars was the first to visit India ?
(a) Ibn- Batutah
(b) Marco Polo
(c) Fa-Hien
(d) Hiuen Tsang
Answer: Fa-Hien

Hiuen Tsang, the Chinese pilgrim, visited India during the reign of
(a) Ashoka
(b) Harshavardhana
(c) Chandragupta I
(d) Kanishka
Answer: Harshavardhana
The Battle of Talikota was fought in the year
(a) 1586
(b) 1565
(c) 1526
(d) 1576
Answer: 1565

The first Muslim invasion of India was led by

(a) Mahmud Ghazni
(b) Timur Lane
(c) Muhammad Ghori
(d) Muhammad bin Kasim
Answer: Muhammad bin Kasim
The term Macedonia's Madman referred to
(a) Xerxes
(b) Darius
(c) Alexander
(d) Philip II
Answer: Alexander

The Third Battle of Panipat was fought between

(a) Marathas and Britishers
(b) Rajputs and Britishers
(c) Marathas and Rajputs
(d) Marathas and Afghans
Answer: Marathas and Afghans

The Battle of Kanwah was fought between

(a) Babar and Rana Sangha
(b) Akbar and Rana Sangram Singh
(c) Babar and Hemu
(d) Akbar and Rana Pratap
Answer: Babar and Rana Sangha

Which of the following statements is incorrect in regard to Battle of Buxar ?

(a) Mir Kasim was routed at the Battle of Buxar
(b) None of these
(c) The battle was fought in 1863.
(d) British took over the administration of Bengal after the battle.
Answer: The battle was fought in 1863.
Chengez Khan was a

(a) Mongol
(b) None of these
(c) Turk
(d) Persian

Answer: Mongol

Akbar defeated Rana Pratap in the Battle of Haldighati in the year

(a) 1596
(b) 1576
(c) 1570
(d) 1588
Answer: 1576

Mahmud of Ghazni attacked India mainly

(a) To spread Islam in India
(b) To take the famous artisans of India to his court
(c) To plunder the wealth of India
(d) To establish his empire in India
Answer: To plunder the wealth of India

Ibn - Batutah visited India during the reign of Sultan

(a) Muhammad Tughlaq
(b) Sikander Lodhi
(c) Ala-ud-din Khilji
(d) Feroz Tughlaq
Answer: Muhammad Tughlaq

Which of the following is correctly matched ?

(a) Battle of Wandiwash - Akbar and English forces
(b) Battle of Tarain - Prithviraj Chauhan and Mohammed Ghori
(c) Battle of Panipat - Babur and Rana Sanga
(d) Battle of Kanwah - Humayun and Sher Shah
Answer: Battle of Tarain - Prithviraj Chauhan and Mohammed Ghori
The Third Battle of Panipat was fought in the year
(a) 1739
(b) 1757
(c) 1761
(d) 1707
Answer: 1761
Nadir Shah invaded India during the reign of
(a) Bahadur Shah
(b) Farrukhsiyar

(c) Muhammed Shah

(d) Shah Alam
Answer: Muhammed Shah

Which of the following battles was fought in 1192 A.D.?

(a) Second Battle of Tarain

(b) Battle of Kanwah
(c) First Battle of Tarain
(d) Battle of Talikota

Answer; Second Battle of Tarain

India's famous Peacock Throne and the diamond koh-e-Noor were taken away by
(a) Ahmad Shah Abdali
(b) Robert Clive
(c) Mohammad Ghori
(d) Nadir Shah
Answer: Nadir Shah

Ashoka, the Great conquered Kalinga in the year

(a) 261 A.D.
(b) 78 A.D.
(c) 261 B.C.
(d) 58 B.C.

Answer: 261 B.C.

Chinese pilgrim Fahien visited India in

(a) 5th century
(b) 7th century
(c) 4th century
(d) 6th century
Answer: 5th century

The Battle of Plassey was fought in the year

(a) 1761
(b) 1775
(c) 1757
(d) 1576
Answer: 1757

The Second Battle of Panipat was fought between

(a) Akbar and Hemu

(b) Clive and Siraj-ud-Daula
(c) Babar and Rana Sanga
(d) Ahmad Shah Abdali and Marathas
Answer: Akbar and Hemu

The first Hun invasion took place during the reign of

(a) Yasodharman
(b) Kanishka
(c) Skandagupta
(d) Samudragupta
Answer: Yasodharman

Porus was defeated by Alexander at the Battle of????

(a) Herat
(b) Kabul
(c) Hydaspes
(d) Buxar
Answer: Hydaspes

India was invaded by Timur Lung in

(a) 1335
(b) 1389
(c) 1385
(d) 1398
Answer: 1398

Alberuni , the famous historian came to India in the

(a) 9th century A.D.
(b) 16th century A.D.
(c) 12th century A.D.
(d) 10th century A.D.
Answer: 10th century A.D.
The First Battle of Panipat was fought between
(a) Humayun and Sher Shah Suri
(b) Babar and Ibrahim Lodhi
(c) Akbar and Hemu
(d) Hemu and Babar
Answer: Babar and Ibrahim Lodhi

The main purpose of Fahien's visit to India was to

(a) Study Indian art and music
(b) Find out an easy land route for trade with India
(c) Visit Buddhist monasteries and record their history and condition
(d) Study the administrative system of Gupta rulers
Answer: Visit Buddhist monasteries and record their history and condition
Mongols intruded into India for the first time during the reign of
(a) Balban
(b) Firoz Shah Tughlaq
(c) Iltutmish
(d) Alauddin Khilji
Answer: Iltutmish

The Second Battle of Panipat was foyght in

(a) 1456
(b) 1556
(c) 1526
(d) 1761
Answer: 1556

Megasthenes was the Ambassador of

(a) The Persians
(b) Seleucus Nikator
(c) Alexander
(d) Darius
Answer: Seleucus Nikator

The treaty of Purandhar was signed in 1665 with Shivaji by which soldier statesman ?
(a) Shaista Khan
(b) Raja Jay Singh
(c) Raja Jaswant Singh
(d) Afzal Khan
Answer: Raja Jay Singh

History:Marathas and Coming up Europeans

Which of the following was the main function of the Peshwa under Shivaji's administration ?
(a) He advised the king about foreign affairs.
(b) He was incharge of all public finance and accounts of the kingdom
(c) He was to fix dates for religious ceremonies
(d) He was to look after the general intrest and welfare of the state
Answer; He was to look after the general intrest and welfare of the state
When did Vasco Da Gama come to India ?
(a) 1498
(b) 1542
(c) 1492
(d) 1398
Answer: 1498

The Maratha Chief, Sambhaji, was executed during the reign of

(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Mahabat Khan
(c) Jehangir
(d) Shahjahan
Answer: Aurangzeb
What was the capital of Shivaji's kingdom ?
(a) Raigarh
(b) Karwar
(c) Pune
(d) Purandhar
Answer: Raigarh
Goa was captured by the Portuguese in
(a) 1510 A.D.
(b) 1610 A.D.
(c) 1470 A.D.
(d) 1570 A.D.
Answer: 1510 A.D.

The beginning of the British political sway over India can be traced to the battle of
(a) Panipat
(b) Plassey
(c) Buxar
(d) Wandiwash
Answer: Plassey

Who was the ruler of an Indian state who allied himself with the French ?
(a) Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah
(b) Saadat Khan
(c) Alivardi Khan
(d) Tipu Sultan
Answer: Tipu Sultan
The final defeat of the Maratha confederacy came during the time of
(a) Wellesley
(b) Cornwallis
(c) Minto
(d) Hastings
Answer: Hastings

The Finance Minister under Shivaji was

(a) Mantri
(b) Samanta
(c) Pandit Rao
(d) Amatya
Answer: Amatya

The Maratha power reached the zenith of its glory during the reign of
(a) Shivaji
(b) Baji Rao II
(c) Balaji Vishwanath
(d) Balaji Baji Rao
Answer: Balaji Baji Rao

Who among the following rulers belonged to the Holkar dynasty ?

(a) Ahalyabai
(b) Shivaji
(c) Tukoji
(d) Prithviraj
Answer: Tukoji

When the East India Company came into existence, England was ruled by the
(a) Stuarts
(b) Normans
(c) Tudors
(d) Hanovarians

Answer: Stuarts

The Dutch first established their hold in India in 1605 at

(a) Gujrat
(b) Surat
(c) Masulipatnam
(d) Goa
Answer: Masulipatnam

The first Europeans to come to India were

(a) Dutch
(b) French
(c) Portuguese
(d) British
Answer: Portuguese

Who laid the foundation of Portuguese power in India ?

(a) None of these
(b) Affonso De Albuquerque
(c) Vasco da Gama
(d) Bartholomew Dias
Answer: Affonso De Albuquerque
The tax collected by Marathas was known as
(a) Chauth
(b) Pilgrim Tax
(c) Jazia
(d) Sardeshmukhi
Answer: Chauth

Which of the following statements about Hyder Ali is incorrect ?

(a) He was defeated at porto Novo in 1781
(b) He made a coalition with Nizam and Maratha against the English in the Second Anglo Mysore war.
(c) He was a man of great determination
(d) He was a great scholar
Answer: He was a great scholar
Which of the following is not true about Hyder Ali ?
(a) He was a tactful general
(b) He was an able administrator

(c) He was a profound scholar

(d) Mysore under him was a cause of anxiety for British
Answer: He was a profound scholar

Bombay was taken by the English East India Company from

(a) Charles I
(b) The Dutch

(c) Charles II
(d) The Portuguese

Answer: Charles II

The immediate successors of Shivaji's descandents who came to power in the Maratha Kingdom, were in
(a) Bhonsles
(b) Gaekwards
(c) Holkars
(d) Peshwas
Answer: Peshwas

Tipu Sultan was defeated in Third Mysore War in 1790 by

(a) Lord Cornwallis
(b) Sir John Macpherson
(c) John Shore
(d) Warren Hastingts

Answer: Lord Cornwallis

Who among the following is known for his introduction of a new calendar, a new system of coinage and new scales of weight and measures ?
(a) Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah
(b) Saadat Khan Burhan-ul-Mulk
(c) Tipu Sultan
(d) Murshid Quli Khan
Answer: Tipu Sultan
The Maratha Kingdom was founded by Shivaji during the reign of
(a) Shahjehan
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
(d) Akbar
Answer: Aurangzeb

The Maratha power reached its zenith during the Peshwaship of

(a) Narayan Rao
(b) Madhav Rao I
(c) Bajirao I
(d) Balaji II
Answer: Balaji II

Which was not one of the regions in which the English first set up trading posts ?
(a) Coromandel Coast
(b) Goa
(c) Bengal
(d) Gujrat
Answer: Goa

Who succeeded Mir Jafar ?

(a) Haider Ali
(b) Tipu Sultan
(c) Chanda Sahib
(d) Mir Kasim
Answer: Mir Kasim

Who among the following Maratha Generals restored Maratha control over the imperial Mughal government in Delhi in 1784 ?
(a) Visaji Krishna
(b) Mahadji Sindhia
(c) Tukoji Holkar
(d) Raghunath Rao
Answer: Mahadji Sindhia
In 1757, Siraj-ud-Daula was defeated by
(a) Cornwallis
(b) Clive
(c) Canning
(d) Hastings
Answer: Clive

The Peshwa become the official head of Maratha administration in the year
(a) 1748A.D
(b) 1742 A.D
(c) 1730 A.D
(d) 1736 A.D
Answer: 1748A.D

Albuquerque captured Goa from the ruler of

(a) Vijaynagar
(b) Bijapur
(c) Golconda
(d) Ahmednagar
Answer: Bijapur

Which of the following Peshwa preached the ideal of Hindu- Padpadshahi ?

(a) Baji Rao I
(b) Madhav Rao II
(c) Balaji Vishwanath
(d) Baji Rao II
Answer: Baji Rao I

Who amongst the British Generals defeated Peshwa Baji Rao II ?

(a) Outram
(b) Kitchener
(c) Elphinstone
(d) Malcolm
Answer: Malcolm

Which Indian King requested Napolean for help to drive the British from India ?
(a) Rani of Jahnsi
(b) Shivaji
(c) Jai Singh
(d) Tipu Sultan
Answer: Tipu Sultan

Which body guard of Shivaji accompained him during his famous escape bid from Afzal Khan ?
(a) Dev Nath
(b) Shambhuji Kavji
(c) Gopi Nath
(d) Sonaji Pant
Answer: Shambhuji Kavji

Who succeded Siraj-ud-Daula as Nawab of Bengal after the Battle of Plassey ?

(a) Aliwardi Khan
(b) Shuja-ud-daulah
(c) Mir Kasim
(d) Mir Jafar
Answer: Mir Jafar

Tipu Sultan Ruled from

(a) Mysore

(b) Belur
(c) Halebid
(d) Srirangapatnam
Answer: Srirangapatnam

Goa was first colonised by

(a) Portuguese
(b) English
(c) French
(d) Dutch
Answer: Portuguese

The East India Company received the zamindary of the 24 parganas from
(a) Mir Jafar
(b) Chanda Sahib
(c) Mir Qasim
(d) Siraj-ud-Daulah
Answer: Chanda Sahib
Which one of the following is not correctly paired ?
(a) Gaekwad-Baroda
(b) Scindhia-Gwalior
(c) Bhonsle-Indore
(d) Peshwa-Poona
Answer: Bhonsle-Indore

Tranquebar on the Tamil Nadu coast was a colonial outpost of the

(a) Portuguese
(b) Danish
(c) Dutch
(d) French
Answer: French

Which of the following countries did not attempt to establish trading centres at India ?
(a) Portuguguese
(b) England

(c) France
(d) Italy
Answer: Italy

In 1498, Vasco da Gama landed at

(a) Bombay
(b) Goa
(c) Cochin
(d) Calicut

Answer: Calicut

Which of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

(a) Battle of Buxar - Mir Jafar vs Clive
(b) Battle of Kharda - Nizam vs East India Company

(c) Battle of Chilianwala - Dalhousie vs Marathas

(d) Battle of Wandiwash - French vs East India Company
Answer: Battle of Wandiwash - French vs East India Company
Shivaji was crowned as an independent king at
(a) Poona
(b) Singhagarh
(c) Surat
(d) Raigarh

Answer: Raigarh

Shivaji was known as a nation-builder and a graet administrator. Yet, who among the following could not understand it and played into the hands of Farrukhsiyar
(a) Baji Rao II
(b) Parashram Srinivas
(c) Sambhaji
(d) Shahu
Answer Shahu

History: Miscellaneous

Which of the following rulers died while playing Changan?

(a) Sher Shah
(b) Jalal-ud-din-Khilji
(c) Qutab-ud-din Aibak
(d) Balban
Answer: Qutab-ud-din Aibak

The ancient name of the city of Patna is

(a) Kausambi
(b) Kapilavastu
(c) Kanauj
(d) Pataliputra
Answer: Pataliputra

Who was the ruler of medieval India who is credited with the construction of Grand Trunk Road ?
(a) Babur
(b) Krishnadeva Raya
(c) Jehangir
(d) Sher Shah Suri
Answer: Sher Shah Suri

Which of the following were the contemporaries of Kanishka ?

(a) Kambar, Banabhatt, Asvaghosha
(b) Asvagosha and Kambar
(c) Asvagosha, Kalidas, Nagarjuna
(d) Nagarjuna, Asvaghosha, Vasumitra
Answer: Nagarjuna, Asvaghosha, Vasumitra
Rudradaman was one of the greatest
(a) Maurya rulers
(b) Pallavas rulers
(c) Saka rulers
(d) Kushan rulers
Answer: Pallavas rulers

In whose rule was Islam as the state religion abolished ?

(a) Balban
(b) Ghias-ud-din Tughlaq
(c) Ibrahim Lodi
(d) Akbar
Answer: Akbar
Bernier visited India during the reign of
(a) Jahangir

(b) Shahjahan
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) Akbar
Answer: Aurangzeb

Which is not the name of Kautilya ?

(a) Chanakya
(b) Dramidacharya
(c) Vishnugupta

(d) Devaputra
Answer: Devaputra

Gradual decline of towns was an important feature of the

(a) Gupta period
(b) Rashtrakuta Khilji
(c) Satavahana age
(d) Pratihara age
Answer: Gupta period

Who is regarded as the greatest law giver of ancient India ?

(a) Manu
(b) Patanjali
(c) Kautilya
(d) Panini
Answer: Manu

Which Muslim emperor was attracted by the beauty of Queen Padmini ?

(a) Humayun
(b) Akbar
(c) Alauddin Khilji
(d) Babar
Answer: Alauddin Khilji

Saranjami system was an important feature of

(a) None of these
(b) Maratha revenue system
(c) Taluqdari system
(d) Administration of the Qutub Shahis
Answer: Maratha revenue system

Which of the following is wrongly matched ?

(a) Chandragupta - Kautilya
(b) Harshavardhana - Chaitanya
(c) Vikramaditya - Chaitanya
(d) Akbar - Todar Mal
Answer: Vikramaditya - Chaitanya

The Kalachuri era counted from A.D. 248 was mostly current in
(a) Kashmir
(b) Bengal
(c) Central India
(d) Andhra

Answer: Andhra

The Hijra era is counted from

(a) 1526 A.D.
(b) 622 A.D.
(c) 632 A.D.
(d) 712 A.D.
Answer: 622 A.D.

The ancient name of Bengal was

(a) Vatsa
(b) Kamarupa
(c) Gauda
(d) Matsya
Answer: Gauda

The capital of the ancient Vrijian state was

(a) Ujjain
(b) Vaishali
(c) Pataliputra
(d) Ayodhya
Answer: Vaishali

Who among the following is most famous for building a large number of canals for irrigation ?
(a) Akbar
(b) Shahjahan
(c) Firuz Shah Tughlaq

(d) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Answer: Firuz Shah Tughlaq

Akbar founded his own religion known as Din-i-Ilahi which means

(a) Divine Faith
(b) None of these
(c) House of Worship

(d) Universal peace

Answer: Divine Faith

The first Indian ruler to organise Haj pilgrimage at the expense of the state was
(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Akbar
(c) Alauddin Khilji
(d) Feroz Tughlaq
Answer: Akbar

Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to introduce the practice of Sijda?
(a) Balban
(b) Muhammad Tughlaq
(c) Firoz Tughlaq
(d) Alauddin Khilji
Answer: Balban

Gujarat was traditionally known as

(a) Telangana
(b) Saurashtra
(c) Konkan
(d) Rann of Kutch
Answer: Saurashtra
Pushyabhuti dynasty ruled over
(a) Thaneshwar
(b) Sakal
(c) Pataliputra
(d) Ujjain

Answer: Thaneshwar

Who amongst the following lost his kingdom in Hindustan but retrieved it after about 15 years in exile ?
(a) Ala-ud-din Khilji
(b) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq
(c) Humayun
(d) Firuz Shah Tughlaq
Answer: Humayun

Who was the first ruler to annex any part of the Deccan to the Mughal empire ?
(a) Jahangir
(b) Aurangzeb
(c) Humayun
(d) Akbar
Answer: Akbar

Charaka was the court physician of

(a) Ashoka
(b) Harshavardhana
(c) Kanishka
(d) Chandragupta Maurya
Answer: Kanishka

The chief centre of Indo - Roman trade was

(a) Arikamedu
(b) Muziris
(c) Alexander
(d) Madurai
Answer: Alexander

The first metallic coin used in India, (first by Indo-Greeks) was in

(a) Bihar and eastern U.P.
(b) Western India
(c) Central India
(d) South India
Answer: Bihar and eastern U.P.
Sanchi is famous for
(a) Cave paintings
(b) The rock edicts of Ashoka
(c) The largest Buddhist Stupa
(d) Rock- cut temples
Answer: The largest Buddhist Stupa

Before ascending the Maurya throne, Ashoka served as a Viceroy of

(a) Taxila
(b) Kaushambi
(c) Pataliputra
(d) Tosali
Answer: Taxila
The Nagara, the Dravida and the Vesara are
(a) The three main linguistic divisions of India

(b) The three main racial groups of Indian subcontinent

(c) The three main styles of Indian temple architecture
(d) The three main musical gharanas as prevalent in India.
Answer: The three main styles of Indian temple architecture

Ahmad Shah built the capital city of Ahmedabad on the site of the old town of
(a) Idar
(b) Sidhpur
(c) Asawal
(d) Sabarmati
Answer: Asawal

Who was the founder of the Nanda dynasty ?

(a) Ashoka Nanda
(b) None of these
(c) Mahapadma Nanda
(d) Dhana Nanda
Answer: Mahapadma Nanda

Which of the later Guptas assumed the imperial title of Maharajadhiraja and performed the horse sacrifice to show his strenght ?
(a) Kumaragupta III
(b) Kamarupa
(c) Adityasena
(d) Mahasena Gupta
Answer: Adityasena

Lingayat movement owes its origin to

(a) Purandharadasa
(b) Vidyaranya
(c) Appar
(d) Basava
Answer: Basava

After the decline of the Guptas, a large part of North India was reunited by
(a) Harshavardhana
(b) Chalukyas
(c) Rajputs
(d) Saka Satraps
Answer: Chalukyas

During the reign of which of the following emperors was the artillery most perfect and numerous ?
(a) Jahangir
(b) Shahjahan
(c) Akbar
(d) Aurangzeb
Answer: Aurangzeb

Chachnama is a famous work on the history of

(a) Kashmir
(b) Sind
(c) Gujarat
(d) Punjab
Answer: Sind

The Mahajanapada which gained prominence to become an empire was

(a) Kasi
(b) Magadha
(c) Kosala
(d) Avanti
Answer: Magadha

Which of the later Gupta rulers was a contemporary and ally of Harshavardhana ?
(a) Mahasena Gupta
(b) Kamarupa
(c) Madhava Gupta
(d) Damodar Gupta
Answer: Mahasena Gupta
The word Hindu as referrence to the people of Hind (India) was first used by
(a) The Arabs
(b) The Romans

(c) The Chinese

(d) The Greeks
Answer: The Greeks

Which of the following renders a proof of trade with Rome in old times ?
(a) Harappa
(b) Ropar

(c) Mohenjodaro
(d) Lothal
Answer: Lothal

The coin rupia was first issued by

(a) Akbar
(b) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
(c) Sher Shah
(d) Ala-ud-din Khilji
Answer: Akbar

Among the following , whose empire was the largest ?

(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Jehangir
(c) Babar
(d) Akbar

Answer: Aurangzeb

Which of the following varieties of land available during the Mughal times did not yield any land revenue to the state ?
(a) Raiyvati lands
(b) Sayurghal lands
(c) Jagir Lands
(d) Khalisa (Crown) lands
Answer: Sayurghal lands

History: National Movement 2

Who among the following is known as the Heroine of 1942 Quit India Movement ?
(a) Suchitra Kriplani
(b) Sarojini Naidu
(c) Aruna Asaf Ali
(d) Dr. Annie Besant
Answer: Aruna Asaf Ali

The first to start a joint stock company trade with India were the
(a) Danish
(b) Portuguese
(c) Dutch
(d) French
Answer: Portuguese

Who amongst the following is associated with the Local Self-Government Act ?
(a) William Bentick
(b) Dalhousie
(c) Ripon
(d) Cornwallis
Answer: Ripon

Seeds of Indian participating in the Legislative Council of the Governor General of India are embodied in the
(a) Indian Councils Act, 1892
(b) Government of India Act, 1919
(c) Indian Councils Act, 1861
(d) Indian Councils Act, 1909
Answer: Indian Councils Act, 1892
Arya Samaj was started by
(a) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(d) Swami Vivekananda
Answer: Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Which of the following is the most significant contribution of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel to modern India ?
(a) His Presidentship of Indian National Congress
(b) His participating in Quit India Movement
(c) His role in Non-Cooperation Movement
(d) His achievement of integration of princely states
Answer: His achievement of integration of princely states
Who is known as the Grand Old Man of India ?
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai

(c) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

(d) C. Rajagopalachari
Answer: Dadabhai Naoroji

Which of the following was a recommendation of Hunter's Commission ?

(a) Women's education
(b) Introduction of civic education at college university level

(c) New regulation for the organized senates system

(d) Gradual withdrawal of state support from higher education

Answer: Gradual withdrawal of state support from higher education

The theory of economic drain of India during British imperialism was propounded by
(a) R.C. Dutt
(b) Dadabhai Naoroji
(c) M.K. Gandhi
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: Dadabhai Naoroji

Who amongst the following was involved in the Alipore Bomb case ?
(a) S.N. Banerjea
(b) Aurobindo Ghosh
(c) Bipin Chandra Pal
(d) Jatin Das
Answer: Jatin Das

Which one of the following upheavals took place in Bengal immediately after the Revolt of 1857 ?
(a) Indigo Disturbances
(b) Pabna Disturbances
(c) Sanyasi Rebellion
(d) Santal Rebellion
Answer: Indigo Disturbances
Which of the following was not founded by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar ?
(a) Samaj Samata Sangh
(b) Depressed Classes Institute
(c) Peoples Education Society
(d) Deccan Education Society
Answer: Deccan Education Society

The title Punjab Kesari was conferred on

(a) Lala Lajpat Rai
(b) Sardar Baldev Singh
(c) Ranjit Singh
(d) Bhagat Singh

Answer: Lala Lajpat Rai

The affairs of East India Company came into the hands of the British Crown under
(a) Regulating Act
(b) Govt. of India Act
(c) Pitt's India Act
(d) Cabinet Mission Plan
Answer: Regulating Act

Muslim League first demanded partition of India in

(a) 1916
(b) 1946
(c) 1940
(d) 1906
Answer: 1940

The Supreme court in British India was established under

(a) The Charter Act of 1813
(b) The Charter Act of 1833
(c) Regulating Act of 1773
(d) Pitt's India Act of 1784
Answer: Regulating Act of 1773

Gandhiji wanted that the students should spend their vacations in

(a) Social Service
(b) None of these
(c) Studies
(d) Games
Answer: Social Service
Who gave the motto Back to the Vedas?
(a) Swami Dayanand Saraswati
(b) Swami Vivekananda
(c) Ramkrishna Paramhansa
(d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Answer: Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Theosophist, educationist and Indian national leader. This description fits

(a) Srinivasa Shastri
(b) Shyama Prasad Mookherji
(c) Annie Besant
(d) Madan Mohan Malviya
Answer: Annie Besant

The most effective contribution made by Dadabhai Naoroji to the cause of Indian National Movement was that he
(a) Brought the problems of Indians to the notice of the British
(b) Stressed the need for eradication of all the social evils before anything else.
(c) Interpreted the ancient Indian texts and restored the self - confidence of Indians.
(d) Exposed the economic exploitation of India by the British
Answer: Exposed the economic exploitation of India by the British
The year 1943 is important because
(a) World War II ended.
(b) Quit India Resolution was passed.
(c) Azad Hind Fauj was formed.

(d) Dandi March was organised by Mahatma Gandhi

Answer: Azad Hind Fauj was formed.

The Indians celebrated the Independence Day for the first time on
(a) 10984
(b) 18289
(c) 10959
(d) 17394
Answer: 10984

Abandonment of the policy of annexation and aggrandizement towards Indian states came under the
(a) Indian Councils Act, 1861
(b) Indian Councils Act, 1909
(c) Indian Councils Act, 1892
(d) Government of India Act, 1858
Answer: Government of India Act, 1858

Who was the first European to translate the Bhagwad Gita into English ?
(a) Sir Alexander Cunningham
(b) Charles Wilkins
(c) William Jones
(d) James Prinsep
Answer: Charles Wilkins

Which of the following was a continous movement based on the philosophy of Gandhiji, and not a specific movement ?
(a) Quit India Movement
(b) Civil Disobedience Movement
(c) Swadeshi Movement
(d) Non-Cooperation Movement
Answer: Swadeshi Movement

Who was the leader of Poona Sarvajanik Sabha founded in 1870 ?

(a) Justice Ranade
(b) erozeshah Mehta
(c) S.N. Banerjee
(d) K.T. Telang
Answer: Justice Ranade

Which of the following is correctly matched ?

(a) New India - M.K. Gandhi
(b) Yugantar - Aurobindo Ghosh
(c) Young India - Annie Besant
(d) Kesari - B.G. Tilak
Answer: Kesari - B.G. Tilak

Who was the first Indian to pass the Indian Civil Service ?
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(b) D.N. Wacha
(c) Surendranath Banerjee
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji
Answer: Surendranath Banerjee
The Lucknow Pact of 1916 was made between
(a) The Hindus and the Muslims
(b) The Congress and the Muslim League
(c) The moderates and extremists
(d) The British and the Indians
Answer: The Congress and the Muslim League

Who was the Chairman of Boundary Commission to define the boundries of the dominions under the Indian Independence Act of 1947 ?
(a) Stafford Cripps
(b) Lord Mountbatten

(c) Cyril Radcliffe

(d) Lord Wavell
Answer: Cyril Radcliffe

Which of the following universities was not established by Lord Dalhousie ?

(a) Calcutta
(b) Delhi
(c) Bombay
(d) Madras

Answer: Delhi

When was the Cooperative Societies Act first passed in India ?

(a) 1904
(b) 1906
(c) 1900
(d) 1902
Answer: 1904

Who started the Bhoodan Movement ?

(a) Swami Vivekananda
(b) Acharya Vinoba Bhave
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Jayaprakash Narayan

Answer: Acharya Vinoba Bhave

The Forward Bloc was formed by

(a) B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Subhash Chandra Bose
(c) P.C. Joshi
(d) Acharya Narendra Dev
Answer: Subhash Chandra Bose

Non Cooperation Movement started in :

(a) 1870
(b) 1942
(c) 1921
(d) 1920
Answer: 1920

Ancient Monuments Preservation Act was passed during the Viceroyalty of

(a) Lansdowne
(b) Curzon
(c) Ripon
(d) Minto

Answer: Curzon

Who said, I therefore want freedom immediately, this very night, before dawn if it can be had?
(a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Annie Besant
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Who was called by the British rulers as the leader of Indian unrest?
(a) Subhas Chandra Bose
(b) M.K. Gandhi
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Answer: Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Which of the following Acts was described by Jawaharlal Nehru as Charter of Slavery?
(a) Regulation Act
(b) Vernacular Press Act
(c) Government of India Act, 1919
(d) Government of India Act, 1935
Answer: Government of India Act, 1919

History: National Movement 3

The British Governor General, who formulated the policy of Subsidiary Alliance with regard to Indian powers was
(a) Lord Wellesley
(b) Lord William Bentick
(c) Warren Hastings
(d) Lord Dalhousie
Answer: Lord Wellesley
Where did Mahatma Gandhi first try the weapon of Satyagraha ?
(a) South Africa
(b) Dandi

(c) Champaran
(d) Bardoli
Answer: South Africa

The first main British Parliament Act regarding East India Company's administration in India was
(a) Rowlatt Act
(b) Pitts India Act

(c) Charter Act of 1913

(d) Regulation Act

Answer: Regulation Act

Who was the first Indian to become the member of British Parliament ?
(a) D.N. Wacha
(b) Dadabhai Naoroji
(c) Badruddin Tyabji
(d) W.C. Banerjee
Answer: Dadabhai Naoroji

Who conceived the idea of Pakistan ?

(a) Mohd. Ali Jinnah
(b) H.S. Suharwardhy
(c) Chlowdhary Rahmat Ali
(d) Asaf Ali

Answer: Chlowdhary Rahmat Ali

Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?

(a) Lord Rippon-Local Self Government
(b) Thomas Munro-Ryotwari System
(c) Holt Mackenzie-Mahalwari Settlement in Northern India
(d) Lord Cornwallis-Subsidiary System
Answer: Lord Cornwallis-Subsidiary System

Gandhiji started Satyagraha movement in 1919 in protest against the

(a) Simon Commission
(b) Colonial exploitation of India
(c) Champaran wrongs
(d) Enactment of Rowlatt Act
Answer: Enactment of Rowlatt Act

Satyagraha Ashram was established by who among the following ?

(a) Lokanayak Jayaprakash Narayan
(b) Acharya Vinoba Bhave
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Acharya Kripalani
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Who was the founder of the Muslim League in India ?

(a) Nawab Salimulla
(b) None of these
(c) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(d) M.A. Jinnah
Answer: Nawab Salimulla

Who was the Governor General of India when the Indian National Congress was formed ?
(a) Lord Cornwallis
(b) Lord Mountbatten
(c) Lord Lytton
(d) Lord Dufferin
Answer: Lord Dufferin
Regarding the freedom struggle, which of the following events is/are not true ?
(a) Morley-Minto reforms granted Muslim demands in 1909.
(b) Transfer of India's capital from Calcutta to Delhi was announced in 1910.
(c) Muslim League was founded in 1907.
(d) The partition of Bengal was done in 1905
Answer: Muslim League was founded in 1907.
Which was the first newspaper to be published in India ?
(a) Bengal Chronicle
(b) The Hindu
(c) Bengal Gazette
(d) Bombay Samachar
Answer: Bengal Gazette

Uplift of the backward classes was the main programme of the

(a) Prarythana Samaj
(b) Ramakrishna Mission
(c) Arya Samaj
(d) Satyashodhak Samaj
Answer: Satyashodhak Samaj

Permanent Revenue System of Lord Cornwallis proved oppressive to the tenants because they were
(a) Asked to pay under military pressure
(b) Exploited by the zamindars
(c) Forced to produce more
(d) Asked to pay yearly revenue in advance
Answer: Exploited by the zamindars
Legalisation of widow remarriage in India was first secured by
(a) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
(b) Maharishi Karve
(c) Pandit Ramabai
(d) K. Natarajan
Answer: Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

The Doctrine of Lapse was introduced by

(a) Warren Hastings
(b) Lord Dalhousie
(c) Lord Canning
(d) Lord Wellesley
Answer: Lord Wellesley

Who among the following analysed the cause of the uprising of 1857 advocating a reconciliation between the British and the Muslims ?
(a) Syed Ahmed Bardvi
(b) Shah Wali-Ullah
(c) Syed Ahmed Khan
(d) Syed Amir Ali
Answer: Syed Ahmed Khan

During the British rule, first partition of Bengal was done in

(a) 1903
(b) 1908
(c) 1905
(d) 1885
Answer: 1905

The British law which provoked Mahatma Gandhi to crusade for the Asians in South Africa was called

(a) The Apartheid Act

(b) The Asiatic Registration Act
(c) The Blacks Registration Act
(d) The Coloured's Licence Act

Answer: The Asiatic Registration Act

When did the British Parliament pass the Indian Independence Bill ?
(a) 17393
(b) 17349
(c) 17218
(d) 17250
Answer: 17349

Vallabhbhai Patel was born at

(a) Borsad
(b) Nadiad
(c) Ahmedabad
(d) Baroda
Answer: Nadiad

The founder of Boy Scouts and Civil Guides Movement in India was
(a) Robert Montgomery
(b) Baden Powell
(c) Charles Andrews
(d) Richard Temple
Answer: Baden Powell
The Rowlatt Act led to
(a) Economic reforms in U.P.
(b) Massacre at Amritsar
(c) Communal riots in Bengal
(d) Social legislation in Madras
Answer: Massacre at Amritsar

In 1917, at Champaran, the government forced farmers to undertake

(a) Opium cultivation
(b) Land ceiling
(c) Indigo cultivation
(d) Hallow cultivation
Answer: Indigo cultivation
The first session of Indian National Congress was held at
(a) Surat
(b) Lahore

(c) Calcutta
(d) Bombay
Answer: Bombay

Woods Despatch of 1854 resulted in the

(a) Establishment of educational system

(b) Establishment of Indian universities
(c) Introduction of Postal System
(d) Abolition of child marriage

Answer: Establishment of educational system

The English Weekly edited by Mahatma Gandhi was

(a) Young India
(b) Bombay Chronicle
(c) Kesari
(d) Comrade
Answer: Young India

The first railway started in India under the Governor-Generalship of

(a) Lord Dalhousie
(b) Lord Cornwallis
(c) Lord Canning
(d) Lord Hastings

Answer: Lord Dalhousie

The Act which imparted provincial autonomy is

(a) Government of India Act, 1919
(b) Indian Independence Act, 1947
(c) Government of India Act, 1935
(d) Indian Councils Act, 1909
Answer: Government of India Act, 1935

Indian sepoys in the Bengal army revolted because

(a) The British tried to make them use the greased catridges.
(b) The British passed the General Service Enlistment Act.
(c) The British officers ill-treated them.

(d) The British discontinued the payment of field allowance.

Answer: The British tried to make them use the greased catridges.
From where did Mahatma Gandhi start his historic Dandi March ?
(a) Chauri Chaura
(b) Dandi
(c) Sabarmati Ashram
(d) Champaran

Answer: Sabarmati Ashram

Quit India Movement started after the failure of

(a) Cripps proposal
(b) None of these
(c) Simon recommendation
(d) Cabinet Mission
Answer: Cripps proposal

The practice of Sati was declared illegal by

(a) Lord Ripon
(b) Raja Rammohan Roy
(c) Lord Cornwallis
(d) Lord William Bentick
Answer: Lord William Bentick

Except Jammu and Kashmir and Hyderabad, the integration of Indian states was completed in
(a) 17807
(b) 18598
(c) 18203
(d) 17380
Answer: 18203
Who among the following could not be captured by the British in 1857 ?
(a) Nana Saheb
(b) Tantia Tope
(c) Bahadur Shah II
(d) Mangal Pandey
Answer: Nana Saheb
The Simon Commission was concerned with
(a) Famines
(b) Constitutional reforms
(c) Higher education
(d) Reforms in princely states
Answer: Constitutional reforms

The Vernacular Press Act 1878 was repealed by

(a) Lord Lytton
(b) Lord Ripon
(c) Lord Minto
(d) Lord Curzon
Answer: Lord Ripon

The first national leader to attack the Salt Tax in Indian Legislature was
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Pherozeshah Mehta
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji
(d) G.K. Gokhale
Answer: G.K. Gokhale

The Indian states that were annexed by invokingthe Doctrine of Lapse included
(a) Mysore, Satara and Bhavnagar
(b) Jhansi, Nagpur and Satara
(c) Jhansi, Nagpur and Travancore
(d) Jhansi, Satara and Mysore
Answer: Jhansi, Nagpur and Satara

The Congress split into moderates and extremists in the session at

(a) Surat
(b) Lucknow
(c) Ahmedabad
(d) Madras
Answer: Surat

History: National Movement 4

Which of the following was an empire Communist journal of M.N. Roy ?
(a) Kishan Sabha
(b) The Worker
(c) Vanguard
(d) Anushilan

Answer: Vanguard

The Gandhi - Irwin Pact proclaimed the suspension of

(a) Dandi March
(b) None of these
(c) Civil Disobedience Movement
(d) Non Cooperation Movement
Answer: Civil Disobedience Movement

The office of the Secretary of State for India was created by the
(a) Morley - Minto Reforms, 1908
(b) Montague- Chelmsford Reforms
(c) Indian Councils Act, 1861
(d) Government of India Act, 1858
Answer: Government of India Act, 1858

The Indian National Congress adopted the resolution of Poorna Swaraj (complete independence) at its session held at
(a) Calcutta
(b) Allahabad
(c) Karachi(d)
Answer: Lahore
After 1853, a very large amount of the British capital was invested in
(a) Coal mining
(b) Tea plantation
(c) Railways
(d) Jute mills
Answer: Railways
The Home Rule Movement in India was started by
(a) S.N. Banerjee and W.C. Banerjee
(b) Annie Besant and Gokhale
(c) Mahatma Gandhi and Motilal Nehru
(d) Annie Besant and Tilak
Answer: Annie Besant and Tilak

The importance of Gandhiji's Non-Cooperation Movement was that

(a) It showed the ability and the willingness of the people in general to endure.
(b) None of these
(c) Non-violence was employed for the first time as an effective weapon of mass movement.

(d) It was a great movement on a large scale.

Answer: Non-violence was employed for the first time as an effective weapon of mass movement.
Who among the following was the leader of the moderates ?
(a) B.G. Tilak
(b) C.F. Andrews
(c) Annie Besant

(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Answer: Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Who among the following started Bhudan Movement ?

(a) Jayaprakash Narayan
(b) Acharya Kripalani
(c) Vinoba Bhave
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: Vinoba Bhave

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was born in the year

(a) 1889
(b) 1914
(c) 1899
(d) 1900
Answer: 1889

Who among the following was a prominent officer of the Azad Hind Fauj ?
(a) Shah Nawaz Khan
(b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(c) Aruna Asaf Ali
(d) DR. M.A. Ansari
Answer: Shah Nawaz Khan

Which of the following revolutionary leaders organised an attack on the armoury of Chittagong ?
(a) Surya Sen
(b) C.R. Das
(c) Jatin Das
(d) Chandrashekhar Azad
Answer: Surya Sen

Luckhnow Pact of 1916 is significant in the history of Indian National Movement because
(a) None of these
(b) It ended separate electorates for Hindus and Muslims.
(c) It decide India's non participating in World War I.
(d) Both the groups of Congress men settled their disputes
Answer: It ended separate electorates for Hindus and Muslims.

What was the chief characteristic of Government of India Act, 1935 ?

(a) Unitary Government at Centre
(b) None of these
(c) Interim Indian Government at Centre
(d) Federal Government at Centre
Answer: Federal Government at Centre

Which of the following statements is not correct ?

(a) Swami Dayanand Saraswati established the Arya Samaj.
(b) Mahatma Gandhi was born in Gandhinagar.
(c) Dr. Annie Besant was a theosophist
(d) The international headquarter of the Theosophical Society is in Madras.
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi was born in Gandhinagar.

The title of Governor - General was changed to that of Viceroy in the year
(a) 1905 A.D.
(b) 1917 A.D.
(c) 1858 A.D.
(d) 1885 A.D.
Answer: 1858 A.D.

What was the name of the periodical published by Mahatma Gandhi during his stay in South Africa ?
(a) Afrikaner
(b) Indian Opinion
(c) India Gazette
(d) Navjivan
Answer: Indian Opinion
Which of the following was written by Raja Rammohan Roy ?
(a) Tuhfatul Muwahiddin
(b) Kiratarjuniya
(c) Mother India
(d) Brahma Samhita
Answer: Tuhfatul Muwahiddin

Whom did Mahatma Gandhi describe as pure as crystal, as brave as a lion and the most perfect man in the political field ?
(a) B.G. Tilak
(b) C.R. Das
(c) Motilal Nehru
(d) G.K. Gokhale
Answer: G.K. Gokhale
Who among the following first propounded the idea of basic education?
(a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(b) Dayanand Saraswati
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

What did Gandhiji do to practise the ideals of truth and non-violence in 1916 ?
(a) He started an all-India Satyagrahs.
(b) He founded Sabarmati Ashram near Ahmedabad
(c) He founded the Gujarat Vidyapeeth.
(d) He joined the Indian National Congress.
Answer: He founded Sabarmati Ashram near Ahmedabad

The Prime Minister of Britain at the time of India's independence was

(a) Ramsay Macdonald
(b) Clement Attlee
(c) Lord Mountbatten
(d) Wintson Churchill
Answer: Clement Attlee

The split between the extremists and the moderates took places in the sessions Indian National Congress held at
(a) Bombay
(b) Surat
(c) Calcutta
(d) Lahore
Answer: Surat

Which of the following statements regarding Quit India Movement is correct ?

(a) The movement paved the way for British seriously considering granting freedom to India.
(b) The Muslims did not participate in the movement.
(c) It was entirely a non-violent movement.
(d) The upper middle class did not show interest in this movement.
Answer: The Muslims did not participate in the movement.

General Dyer who was responsible for Jallianwala Bagh massacre was shot dead by
(a) Udham Singh
(b) Hasrat Mohani
(c) Sohan Singh Bhakna
(d) V.V.S. Iyer
Answer: Udham Singh

The famous song Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram was sung during Dandi march by the renowed musician
(a) Mallikarjun Mansur
(b) Onkar Nath Thakur
(c) Krishna Rao Shankar Pandit
(d) Digambar Vishnu Paluskar
Answer: Digambar Vishnu Paluskar

The greatest evil that arose out of British policies with regard to Indian agriculture, was the
(a) Emergence of the money lenders
(b) None of these
(c) Transformation of the peasant cultivators into tenants at will.
(d) Improverishment of the peasantry
Answer: Improverishment of the peasantry
The Home Rule Movement started by Annie Besant aimed at
(a) Boycotting foreign goods.
(b) Attaining self rule for India
(c) Educating the Indian masses
(d) Agitating against the British monopoly in administration.
Answer: Attaining self rule for India

Before Delhi, where was the capital of India during the British India ?
(a) Lucknow
(b) Patna
(c) Bombay
(d) Calcutta
Answer: Calcutta
In 1930 Mahatma Gandhi started Civil Disobedience Movement from
(a) Sabarmati
(b) Dandi

(c) Wardha
(d) Sevagram
Answer: Sabarmati

Which Governor General abolished the system of dual government established by Robert Clive and established the Company's control over Bengal ?
(a) Warren Hastings
(b) Sir Charles Metacalfe
(c) Lord Wellesley
(d) Lord Cornwallis

Answer: Warren Hastings

Which of the following is not a form of Ganshian Satyagraha ?

(a) Civil Disobedience
(b) Hunger strike
(c) Hijrat
(d) Non - Cooperation
Answer: Hijrat

The immediate cause for precipitation of the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 was
(a) Disparity in salaries of native sepoys and British soldiers
(b) The rumour of use of catridges greased with cow fat
(c) Spread of Christianity
(d) Doctrine of Lapse

Answer: The rumour of use of catridges greased with cow fat

The Viceroy upon whom a bomb was thrown but he did not change his attitude towards the Indians, was
(a) Lord Chelmsford
(b) Lord Hardinge
(c) Warren Hastings
(d) Lord Curzon
Answer: Lord Hardinge
The capital of India was shifted to Delhi during the reign of
(a) Curzon
(b) Hardinge
(c) Minto
(d) Chelmsford
Answer: Hardinge

Which of the following is correctly matched ?

(a) Pararthana Samaj : Dayanand Saraswati

(b) Brahmo Samaj : Jyotiba Phule
(c) Satya Shodhak Mandal : Keshab Chandra Sen
(d) Sri Narayan Dharma Paripalana Yogam : Narayana Guru

Answer: Sri Narayan Dharma Paripalana Yogam : Narayana Guru

The Separatist system of representation by various religious communities and other groups was a prominent feature of the
(a) Government of India Act, 1919
(b) Indian Independence Act, 1947
(c) Government of India Act, 1935
(d) Indian Council Act, 1861
Answer: Government of India Act, 1935

Lala Lajpat Rai was assulted by the British during

(a) The protest against the Simon Commision
(b) The First war of Indian Independence
(c) The salt Satyagraha
(d) The Civil Disobedience Movement
Answer: The protest against the Simon Commision
The Young India was edited by
(a) Acharya Narendra Dev
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Mahadev Desia
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Vande Mataram was first published in

(a) Anand Math
(b) Kesari
(c) Gitanjali
(d) Harijan
Answer: Anand Math

The song Jana-Gana-Mana composed by Rabindranath Tagore, was first published in January 1912 under the title of
(a) None of these
(b) Bharat Vidhata
(c) Rashtra Jagrati
(d) Tatva Bodhini
Answer: Bharat Vidhata

History: National Movement 5

The Muslim League demanded a separate nation for the Muslim in India from the year
(a) 1920
(b) 1940
(c) 1945

(d) 1930
Answer: 1940

The resolution to start the Quit India Movement was adopted by INC at its session held at

(a) Bombay
(b) Karachi

(c) Lahore
(d) Calcutta
Answer: Bombay

Which school of religion started in 1867, was basically anti-British ?

(a) Deoband
(b) Farazi
(c) Wahabi
(d) Aligarh
Answer: Deoband

The first Indian Councils Act was passed in

(a) 1857
(b) 1892
(c) 1861
(d) 1853
Answer: 1861

Why were the Indians dissatified with the Simon Commission ?

(a) It recommended that Dyarchy in the provinces should be abolished.
(b) None of these
(c) There was no Indian member in the Commission.
(d) Indians never wanted the review of the working of the Act of 1919.
Answer: There was no Indian member in the Commission.

By which law did the British Crown take over the power to rule over India from the East India Company ?

(a) Magna Carta of Rights

(b) None of these
(c) Indian Councils Act, 1861
(d) Ilbert Bill

Answer: Magna Carta of Rights

Who founded the Indian National Social Congress in 1887 ?

(a) B.G. Tilak
(b) M.G. Ranade
(c) G.K. Gokhale
(d) Ram Prasad Bismil
Answer: M.G. Ranade

Who was responsible for the introduction of English as the official language in India ?
(a) Lord William Bentick
(b) Allan Octavian Hume
(c) Marquess of Dalhousie
(d) Sir Charles Wood
Answer: Sir Charles Wood
Mahatma Gandhi gave the call Do or Die during the
(a) Quit India Movement
(b) Civil Disobedience Movement
(c) Khilafat Movement
(d) Non-cooperation Movement
Answer: Quit India Movement

According to Mountbatten Plan, which of the following provinces was not to be included in the Indian dominion ?
(a) Bihar
(b) Madras
(c) Bombay
(d) Sind
Answer: Sind
British merchants were willing to invest in railways and mines but not in cotton textiles industry. The reason was
(a) Competition from the Indians
(b) Lack of Technology
(c) None of these
(d) Lack of raw material
Answer: None of these

Who introduced the system of Civil Services ?

(a) Lord Hardinge
(b) William Bentick
(c) Warren Hastings
(d) Lord Dalhousie
Answer: William Bentick

Who was named as Mira Behn by Mahatma Gandhi ?

(a) Annie Besant
(b) Maria Montessouri
(c) Kamla Devi
(d) Madeline Slade
Answer: Madeline Slade

Who was known as the Liberator of the Press?

(a) Bentick
(b) Macaulay
(c) Hastings
(d) Metcalfe
Answer: Metcalfe

Who initiated the introduction of education in English in India?

(a) Lord Dalhousie
(b) Lord Bentick
(c) Lord Curzon
(d) Lord Macaulay
Answer: Lord Macaulay

Which of the following institutions was not founded by Mahatma Gandhi ?

(a) Phoenix Ashram
(b) Sabarmati Ashram
(c) Sevagram Ashram
(d) Vishwa Bharati
Answer: Vishwa Bharati

Who commented that Cripps Mission was a post-dated cheque on a crashing bank ?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Which of the following upheavals took place in Bengal immediately after the Revolt of 1857 ?
(a) Pabna Disturbances
(b) Indigo Disturbances
(c) Sanyasi Rebellion
(d) Santal Rebellion
Answer: Indigo Disturbances

When was the first interim government formed during the British rule in India ?
(a) 17046
(b) 17015
(c) 16650
(d) 16681
Answer: 17046

The major difference between the moderates and the extremists in the Congress session of 1907 was regarding
(a) Satyagraha
(b) Swaraj
(c) Education
(d) Boycott
Answer: Swaraj
Who after the Constitutional deadlock due to the Quit India Movement, gave the call - Back of Cripps ?
(a) C. Rajagopalachari
(b) Rajendra Prasad
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: C. Rajagopalachari
The Arya Samaj was founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati in
(a) 1875
(b) 1893
(c) 1874
(d) 1882
Answer: 1875

Cripps Mission aimed at

(a) Giving proportional representation to the Muslims under the framework of the new Constitution
(b) A compromise between Congress demand of united India and Muslim League's demand for a partitioned India.

(c) Giving complete independence to united India.

(d) Widening the gulf between the Congress and the Muslim League
Answer: Giving complete independence to united India.

Whom did Lord Wavell invite to make proposal for formation of an interim government ?

(a) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad

(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) M.A. Jinnah

Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru

The author of Hind Swaraj was

(a) M.K. Gandhi
(b) Swami Sharddhanand
(c) V.D. Savarkar
(d) B.G. Tilak
Answer: M.K. Gandhi

Who declared: The only hope for India is from the masses. The upper classes are physically and morally dead?
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(b) Swami Vivekananda
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Answer: Swami Vivekananda

Who among the following characterised the Revolt of 1857 as a conspiracy?

(a) G.B. Malleson
(b) Sir John Kaye
(c) T.R. Holmes
(d) Sir Lawrence
Answer: Sir John Kaye

Which of the following is not a provision of the Charter Act of 1853 ?

(a) Governor General was given the power to veto the bills passed by the Legislative Council.
(b) A provision was made for an open competitive examination for recruitment to Indian Civil Services.
(c) None of these
(d) Under thid Act, a legislative Council for India was created.
Answer: None of these
Lala Lajpat Rai did not write in
(a) English
(b) Urdu
(c) Hindi
(d) Punjabi

Answer: English

One of the most important activities of Mahatma Gandhi was the abolition of untouchability. For this purpose he founded the All India Harijan Sangh in
(a) 1931
(b) 1932
(c) 1928
(d) 1930
Answer: 1932

Dadabhai Naoroji declared Swarajya as the aim of the INC at the Calcutta session in

(a) 1906
(b) 1905
(c) 1896
(d) 1901
Answer: 1906

Non-Cooperation Movement was passed in which session of Indian National Congress ?

(a) Kanpur
(b) Nagpur
(c) Bombay
(d) Calcutta
Answer: Calcutta
King George V visited India during the viceroyalty of
(a) Lorg Curzon
(b) Lord Rippon
(c) Lord Reading
(d) Lord Hardinge
Answer: Lord Hardinge
The first Governor - General of Bengal was
(a) Lord Clive
(b) Lord Wellesley
(c) Warren Hastings
(d) Lord Cornwallis
Answer: Warren Hastings

In whose regime during the British period was Samachar Darpan the first vernacular paper, published?
(a) Marquess of Hastings
(b) Lord Minto
(c) Lord Curzon
(d) Lord William Bentick
Answer: Marquess of Hastings
who among the following was not associated with Home Rule Movement ?
(a) Annie Besant
(b) M.A. Jinnah
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) Bipin Chandra Pal
Answer: M.A. Jinnah

Who said the following of the Indian National Congress:A safety valve for the escape of great and growing forces generated by our own actions was urgently
(a) A.O. Hume
(b) Lord Curzon
(c) Annie Besant
(d) Lord Rippon
Answer: A.O. Hume

The Revolt of 1857 affected Several town in Bihar. Which of the following entries gives the correct sequence of the outbreak of the revolt in different towns of
Bihar ?
(a) Jagdishpur, Patna, Rohini, Muzaffarpur
(b) Rohini, Patna, Muzaffarpur, Jagdishpur
(c) Muzaffarpur, Patna, Jagdishpur, Rohini
(d) Patna, Muzaffarpur, Rohini, Jagdishpur
Answer: Rohini, Patna, Muzaffarpur, Jagdishpur

Who among the following was not one of the revolutionaries abroad who added a new dimension to our struggle for freedom ?
(a) Chidambaran Pillai
(b) Raja Mahendra Pratap
(c) Har Dayal
(d) Maulana Barkatullah
Answer: Chidambaran Pillai

History: National Movement 6

Be proud that you are an Indian, proudly claim I am an Indian, every Indian is my brother? who had said these words ?
(a) Vivekananda
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Lala Rajpat Rai
Answer: Vivekananda

What was the ultimate goal of Gandhi's Salt Satyagraha?

(a) Purna Swaraj for India
(b) Removal of economic hardship to the people
(c) Repeal of Salt Laws
(d) Abolition of Government monopoly on taxation
Answer: Purna Swaraj for India
Shuddhi Movement was started by
(a) Arya Samaj
(b) Brahma Samaj
(c) Theosophical Society
(d) Prarthana Samaj
Answer: Arya Samaj

Who introduced the railways and telegraphs in India ?

(a) Lord Dalhousie
(b) Lord Canning
(c) Lord Hardinage
(d) Lord Ripon
Answer: Lord Dalhousie

The Chauri-Chaura incident (during Non-Cooperation Movement) relates to

(a) Large scale looting of government property by Congress workers.
(b) A major offensive by underground revolutionaries
(c) Massive police firing on unarmed Satyagrahis.
(d) The burning of a police post by a mob.
Answer: The burning of a police post by a mob.
Who advocated the policy of abolishing princely states in free India ?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) C.Rajagopalachari

(d) Vallabhbhai Patel

Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru

7 . All the three Round Table Conferences were held in

(a) London
(b) Manchester
(c) Calcutta

(d) Bombay
Answer: London

Which of the following Movements was started by the Indian National Congress during the course of the Second World War and formed a part of our freedom
struggle ?
(a) Quit India
(b) Swadeshi
(c) Home Rule
(d) Civil Disobedience
Answer: Quit India

Who among the following was the leader of a number of anti-British revolts in Sambalpur ?
(a) Sayyid Ahmad Barelvi
(b) Surendra Sai
(c) Utirat Singh
(d) Kattabomman
Answer: Surendra Sai

The Cripps Mission visited India during the regime of

(a) Lord Wellington
(b) Lord Linlithgow
(c) Lord Wavell
(d) Lord Mountbatten
Answer: Lord Linlithgow

The system of budget was introduced in India during the viceroyalty of

(a) Ripon
(b) Canning
(c) Dalhousie
(d) Elgin
Answer: Canning

The Quit India Movement started at

(a) Lahore on July 7, 1942
(b) Wardha on Aug 7, 1942
(c) Bombay on Aug 8, 1942
(d) Delhi on Aug 15, 1942

Answer: Bombay on Aug 8, 1942

Who was the Governor-General when the Great Mutiny of 1857 broke out ?
(a) Lord Dalhousie
(b) Lord Hardinge
(c) Lord Canning
(d) Lord Ripon
Answer: Lord Canning

Which one of the following was the most immediate factor for the spread of Swadeshi and boycott of foreign goods during the first decade of the present century
(a) Curzon's Partition of Bengal
(b) Curzon's plan to curb the growing popularity of the Indian National Congress.
(c) Curzon's design to curtail the sphere of local self government
(d) Curzon's attempt to control the universities
Answer: Curzon's plan to curb the growing popularity of the Indian National Congress.
Indian National Congress split for the first time in its session at
(a) Surat
(b) Calcutta
(c) Allahabad
(d) Lahore
Answer: Surat

The first Indian to be elected to the leadership of Communist International was

(a) Sohan Singh Josh
(b) M.N. Roy
(c) P.C. Joshi
(d) S.A. Dange
Answer: M.N. Roy
According to the Poona Pact signed in 1932,
(a) Hindus and Muslims patched up their differences
(b) None of these
(c) The strategy for elections was made.

(d) A joint electorate for the Scheduled castes with the Hindus was suggested.
Answer: A joint electorate for the Scheduled castes with the Hindus was suggested.
Who among the following was a prominent officer of the Azad Hind Fauj ?
(a) DR. M.A. Ansari
(b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(c) Shah Nawaz Khan
(d) Aruna Asaf Ali
Answer: Shah Nawaz Khan
Sharada Act deals with
(a) Intercaste marriage
(b) Polygamy
(c) Child Marriage

(d) Widow remarriage

Answer: Child Marriage

Who among the following was associated with the Home Rule Movement from Madras in 1922 ?
(a) C. Rajagopalachari
(b) T.Prakasham
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Annie Besant
Answer: T.Prakasham

The first fort which the British constructed in India was

(a) Agra Fort
(b) St. David Fort
(c) St. George Fort
(d) Hoogly Fort
Answer: St. George Fort

Those who joined Mahatma Gandhi during the Champaran struggle included
(a) Rajendra Prasad and Anugraha Narayan Sinha
(b) Mahadev Desai and Maniben Patel
(c) Vallabh bhai Patel and Vinobha Bhave
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru and Rajendra Prasad
Answer: Vallabh bhai Patel and Vinobha Bhave

The Indian National Congress represented the views of the microscopic minority in India. This contention was maintained by
(a) Lord Curzon
(b) Lord Lansdowne
(c) Lord Dufferin
(d) Lord Ripon
Answer: Lord Dufferin

The first Indian university opened in 1857 was in

(a) Banaras
(b) Bombay
(c) Calcutta
(d) Madras
Answer: Calcutta

Between which periods were the three Round Table Confrences held in London ?
(a) 1906-1909
(b) 1914-1942
(c) 1929-1931
(d) 1930-1932
Answer: 1930-1932

The setting up of a Constituent Assembly of India was not acceptable to the Indian National Congress when it was proposed under the
(a) Mountbatten Plan
(b) Cabinet Mission Plan
(c) Cripps Plan
(d) Government of India Act, 1935
Answer: Cripps Plan
The Dual Government introduced by Robert Clive in Bengal was a failure because
(a) He was not a good administrator.
(b) Local people rose against Clive.
(c) Power was divorced from responsibility.
(d) The home government did not encourage it.
Answer: Power was divorced from responsibility.

Who among the following was responsible for the revival of Hinduism in the 19th century ?
(a) Swami Vivekananda
(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(c) Swami Dayananda
(d) Guru Shankaracharya
Answer: Swami Vivekananda

What is not ahimsa according to Gandhiji ?

(a) It is tolerating the wrong.
(b) It is truth.
(c) It is a positive state of love.
(d) It is doing good even to the evil doer.
Answer: It is tolerating the wrong.

Who amongst the following Englishmen was fellow of Gandhiji in South Africa ?
(a) None of these
(b) Polak
(c) C.F. Andrews
(d) Peterson
Answer: Polak

The Interim Government formed by INC in September 1946 was headed by

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) C. Rajagopalachari
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru

In which of the sessions, Home Rule Leaguers were able at demonstrate their political strength ?
(a) The Lucknow Session of Congress in 1916
(b) The joint session of the ATTUC and NFTL in Nagpur in 1938
(c) The All India Trade Union Congress held in Bombay in 1920
(d) The first A.U.P. Kisan Sabha in 1918
Answer: The Lucknow Session of Congress in 1916

The first Bengali political drama which presented the story of the brutality of English indigo planters was
(a) Neel Darpan
(b) Shome Prakash
(c) Rast Goftar
(d) Indian Social Reformer
Answer: Neel Darpan

Who among the following was responsible for the revival of Hinduism in 19th century ?
(a) Swami Vivekananda
(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(c) Guru Shankaracharya
(d) Swami Dayanand

Answer: Swami Dayanand

The main aim of forming the Indian National Congress in its initial stages was
(a) To reduce the military expenditure

(b) To improve the lot of peasants and indigo cultivators

(c) To secure the right of recruitment of Indians in the higher civil services under British administration
(d) To hold a simultaneous examination in India and England for the ICS
Answer: To secure the right of recruitment of Indians in the higher civil services under British administration
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place in the city of
(a) Bombay
(b) Hyderabad
(c) Lahore
(d) Amritsar
Answer: Amritsar

On whose recommendations was the Constituent Assembly formed ?

(a) Cabinet Mission Plan
(b) Govt. of India Act, 1935
(c) Mountbatten Plan
(d) Cripps Mission
Answer: Cabinet Mission Plan

Moderates and extremists of the Indian National Congress differed mainly on the issue of
(a) National education
(b) Swaraj
(c) Swadeshi
(d) Boycott
Answer: Swaraj
Who among the following were popularity known as Red Shirts ?
(a) Khudai Khidmatgars
(b) Mambers of the Azad Hind Fauj
(d) People led by Rani Gaidinliu
Answer: Khudai Khidmatgars
The Indian Independence League was set up by
(a) Jayaprakash Narayan
(b) Aruna Asaf Ali
(c) Rash Behari Bose

(d) S.M. Joshi

Answer: Rash Behari Bose

History: National Movement 7

Who among the following, analysed the cause of uprising of 1857 advocating a reconcilation between the British and the Muslims ?
(a) Syed Ahmed Khan
(b) Syed Ahmed Bardvi
(c) Syed Amir Ali
(d) Shah Wali- ullah
Answer: Syed Ahmed Khan

Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre ?
(a) Lord Hardinage
(b) Lord Irwin
(c) Lord Chelmsford
(d) Lord Curzon
Answer: Lord Chelmsford

Jallianwala Bagh massacre occurred on

(a) 43568
(b) 11142
(c) 43130
(d) 44057

Answer: 43568

The Civil Disobedience Movement was led in the North - West Frontier Province by
(a) Sewa Singh Thikriwala

(b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

(c) Shaikh Mohammad Abdullah
(d) Dr. M.A. Ansari
Answer: Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Which of the following Acts was known as Morley Minto reforms ?

(a) Indian Councils Act, 1892
(b) Government of India Act, 1919
(c) Government of India Act, 1915
(d) Government of India Act, 1909
Answer: Government of India Act, 1909

Who among the following was impeached in England for his actions in India ?

(a) Lord Cornwallis

(b) Warren Hastings
(c) Lord Wavell
(d) Lord Ripon
Answer: Warren Hastings

The famous Pakistan resolution was passed at

(a) Delhi
(b) Calcutta
(c) Lahore
(d) Bombay
Answer: Lahore

Mahatma Gandhi started his Dandi march from

(a) Sabarmati Ashram
(b) Ahmedabad
(c) Dandi
(d) Porbandar
Answer: Ahmedabad

When was the monopoly of East India Company in trade brought under the control of the British Crowns ?
(a) 1784 A.D.
(b) 1813 A.D.
(c) 1793 A.D.
(d) 1773 A.D.
Answer: 1773 A.D.
Gandhi- Irwin Pact was signed in London in
(a) 1931
(b) 1925
(c) 1937
(d) 1930
Answer: 1931

The communal award declared in 1932 by Ramsay Macdonald provided a separate electorate for the
(a) Sikhs
(b) Anglo- Indians
(c) Muslims

(d) Depressed classes

Answer: Muslims

Who was the head of the Committee formed by the government to enquire into Jallianwala Bagh massacre ?
(a) General Dyer
(b) None of these
(c) John Simon
(d) Hunter
Answer: Hunter

Which of the following is considered as the Revolutionary Era ?

(a) None of these
(b) 1900-1913
(c) 1857-1890
(d) 1934-1942
Answer: 1900-1913

In 1943, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose proclaimed the Independent India (Azad Hind) in
(a) Vienna
(b) Singapore
(c) Rangoon
(d) Tokyo
Answer: Singapore

Ryotwari was started by

(a) Hastings
(b) Dalhousie
(c) Munro
(d) Wellesley
Answer: Munro

The Great Mutiny of 1857 broke out during the Governor - General ship of
(a) Lord Dalhousie
(b) Lord Canning
(c) Lord Wellesley
(d) Lord Hardinage

Answer: Lord Canning

Who among the following worked for the upliftment of depressed classes before independence ?
(a) Ram Manohar Lohia
(b) Rajendra Prasad
(c) Jagjivan Ram
(d) Bhim rao Ambedkar
Answer: Bhim rao Ambedkar

Mahatma Gandhi Thoughts were greatly influenced by

(a) The Vedas
(b) None of these
(c) The upanishads
(d) Bhagwad Gita
Answer: Bhagwad Gita

The centenary celebration of Indian National Congress was held at

(a) Delhi
(b) Madras
(c) Calcutta
(d) Bombay
Answer: Bombay

Which of the following movements truly reflected the spirit of Hindu - Muslim unity ?
(a) Civil Disobedience Movement
(b) Quit India Movement
(c) Swadeshi Movement
(d) Khilafat Movement
Answer: Khilafat Movement
Who played the prominent part in bringing about the Lucknow Pact ?
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Motilal Nehru
(d) Lajpat Rai
Answer: Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Moplah rebellion of 1921 took place in
(a) Kerala
(b) North - west Frontier Province
(c) Assam
(d) Kashmir
Answer: Kerala

Burma was seperated from India in

(a) 1935
(b) 1941
(c) 1939
(d) 1937
Answer: 1937

Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on

(a) 18289
(b) 17562
(c) 17558
(d) 17928
Answer: 17562

The 19th Century reawakening in India was confined to be

(a) Upper middle classes
(b) Rich peasantry
(c) Urban landlords
(d) Priestly classes
Answer: Upper middle classes

Who founded the Scouts Movement ?

(a) Clement Attlee
(b) Lord Baden Powell
(c) Annie Besant
(d) Florence Nightingle
Answer: Lord Baden Powell

English as a media of education was introduced in India in

(a) 1835
(b) 1883
(c) 1838
(d) 1853
Answer: 1835

To promote the cause of Indian independence Home Rule society, popularly called India House was established in London by

(a) Hardayal
(b) Shyamji Krishna Varma
(c) Madan Lal Dhingra
(d) V.D. Sarvarkar

Answer; Shyamji Krishna Varma

The East India Company assumed responsibility for the education of the Indian people by the Charter Act of
(a) 1774
(b) 1793
(c) None of these
(d) 1758
Answer: None of these

With how many volunteers did Gandhiji start on his famous Dandi march on March 12, 1930?
(a) 78
(b) 108
(c) 12
(d) 58
Answer: 78

The secret society of revolutionaries which was organised by V.D. Savarkar in 1904 was
(a) Abhinav Bharat
(b) Sandhya
(c) Yugantar
(d) Ghadar
Answer: Abhinav Bharat

Which of the following statements about Mahatma Gandhi's views on Satyagraha is not correct ?
(a) It is the best weapon of the week against the strong.
(b) It accepts the concept of self- suffering to wean away the evil doer by love and suffering.
(c) It denotes assertion and economic dominance.
(d) It is the exercise of the purest soul force against all types of injustice.
Answer:It is the best weapon of the week against the strong.
Rani Lakshmi Bai died fighting the British in the battle of
(a) Gwalior
(b) Kalpi
(c) Kanpur
(d) Jhansi
Answer: Gwalior
The Simon Commision visited India to
(a) Discuss the demand for the formation of Pakistan.
(b) None of these

(c) See the important historical places

(d) Enquire into the progress of responsible government in India.
Answer: Enquire into the progress of responsible government in India.

Who said, Good government was never a good substitute for self government ?

(a) Swami Dayananda

(b) Swami Vivekanand

(c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

(d) Ramakrishna Paramhansa
Answer: Swami Dayananda

. The first weekly paper published by the INC (in 1889) was
(a) India
(b) Young India
(c) Voice of India
(d) Indian Opinion
Answer: India

History: National Movement 8

The post and telegraph system in India was introduced during the time of
(a) Lord Cornwallis
(b) Lord Canning
(c) Lord Hardinage
(d) Lord Dalhousie
Answer: Lord Dalhousie

The reform movement among the Muslims started by Sir Khan is known as ?? Movement.
(a) Khilafat
(b) Wahabi
(c) Aligarh
(d) Sufi
Answer: Aligarh

During whose Viceroyalty, Queen Victoria was crowned with Kaiser-i-Hind in Delhi Durbar ?
(a) Lytton
(b) Lord Minto
(c) Hastings
(d) Elgin
Answer: Lytton

The Communal Award which was later changed after Mahatma Gandhi's fast unto death in a jail at Poona, was given by
(a) Winston Churchill
(b) Stanley Baldwin
(c) Ramsay Macdonald
(d) Lloyd George
Answer: Ramsay Macdonald

The first Swarajist Conference was held at

(a) Madras
(b) Allahabad
(c) Bardoli
(d) Ahmedabad
Answer: Allahabad

Gandhiji started Satyagraha in 1919 in protest against

(a) Act of 1909
(b) Salt law
(c) Jallianwala Bagh massacre
(d) Rowlatt Act
Answer: Rowlatt Act

When the East India Company came into existence, England was ruled by the
(a) Hanovarians
(b) Tudors
(c) Normans
(d) Stuarts
Answer: Stuarts
Lord Mountbatten replaced?.as Viceroy of India in 1947.
(a) Lord Curzon
(b) Lord Linlithgow
(c) Lord Chelmsford
(d) Lord Wavell
Answer: Lord WavellWavell
Who presided over the Cabinet Mission ?
(a) A.V. Alexander
(b) Sir P. Lawrence

(c) Stafford Cripps

(d) Clement Attle
Answer: Sir P. Lawrence

The moderate and extremist sections of INC were reunited in the??? session
(a) 1920 Calcutta
(b) 1922 Karachi

(c) 1921 Bombay

(d) 1916 Lucknow

Answer: 1916 Lucknow

Who among the following attended all the Round Table Conferences ?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Madan Mohan Malaviya
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) B.R. Ambedkar
Answer: B.R. Ambedkar

The author of the book Hindu way of Life is

(a) Aurobindo Ghosh
(b) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
(c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru

Answer: Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

The objective of the Cabinet Mission was

(a) None of these
(b) To help establish a Constituent Assembly to form the Constitution
(c) For partition of India
(d) To hand over power to Indians
Answer: To help establish a Constituent Assembly to form the Constitution

Which Act was the first legislative interference by the British Parliament in the affairs of India ?
(a) Fox's India Bill, 1783
(b) Pitt's India Act, 1784
(c) The Regulating Act, 1773
(d) The Declaratory Act, 1781
Answer: The Regulating Act, 1773

The last Governor General of India was

(a) C. Rajagopalachari
(b) Lord Mountbatten
(c) Lord Wavell
(d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Answer: C. Rajagopalachari

The Congress ministries that had been formed in several provinces in 1937 resigned in November 1939 in protest against the
(a) British policy of repression
(b) Interference of the Viceroy and the Governors, in administration
(c) Participation of India in the Second World War, without consulting the Indian National Congress
(d) Refusal of the British government to grant independence to India
Answer; Participation of India in the Second World War, without consulting the Indian National Congress
Who was the pioneer among the following social reformers ?
(a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(b) Swami Vivekanand
(c) Dayanand Saraswati
(d) Ramakrishna Paramhansa
Answer: Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Wood's Despatch of 1854 resulted in the
(a) Introduction of postal system
(b) Establishment of educational system
(c) Abolition of child marriage
(d) Establishment of Indian universites
Answer: Establishment of educational system

Who once remarked, Nehru is a patriot while Jinnah is a politician.

(a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Sir Mohammad Iqbal
(d) Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Answer: Sir Mohammad Iqbal

When Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated, who said, None will believe that a man like this body and soul ever walked on this earth?
(a) Leo Tolstoy
(b) Bertrand Russel
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Albert Einstein
Answer: Albert Einstein

Who initiated the greeting of Jai Hind ?

(a) Subhash Chandra Bose
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) B.G. Tilak
Answer: Subhash Chandra Bose

Satyagraha Sabha was formed by Mahatma Gandhi at

(a) Ahmedabad
(b) Bombay
(c) Poona
(d) Calcutta
Answer: Bombay

Which of the following enactments of British Parliament allowed Indian magistrates to try the cases of British nationals as well in India ?
(a) Bill of Rights
(b) Pitt's India Act
(c) Ilbert Bill
(d) Rowlatt Act
Answer: Ilbert Bill

Queen Victoria was appointed Empress of India in

(a) 1885
(b) 1877
(c) 1858
(d) 1876
Answer: 1877

The first Governor -General of India was appointed in

(a) 1911
(b) 1858
(c) 1774
(d) 1833
Answer: 1911

The Second Civil Disobedience Movement started with

(a) The adoption of a resolution declaring Poorna Swaraj as the objective of the Congress
(b) The failure of Cripps Mission
(c) Dandi march
(d) The passing of the Quit India Resolution
Answer: The failure of Cripps Mission

When did the Indian National Congress ask for the Dominion Status ?
(a) 1942
(b) 1947
(c) 1908
(d) 1929
Answer: 1908

The Cripps Mission visited India during the regime of

(a) Lord Wavell
(b) Lord Mountbatten
(c) Lord Wellington
(d) Lord Linlithgow
Answer: Lord Linlithgow

Who among the following was not the Viceroy of India during the 20th century ?
(a) Lord Minto
(b) Lord Dalhousie
(c) Lord Chelmsford
(d) Lord Irwin
Answer: Lord Minto
The slogan Inquilab Zindabad was given by
(a) Khudi Ram Bose
(b) Subhash Chandra Bosse
(c) Chandra Shekhar Azad
(d) Sardar Bhagat Singh
Answer: Sardar Bhagat Singh

Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of Quit India Movement ?
(a) Lord Mountbatten
(b) Lord Wellington
(c) Lord Wavell
(d) Lord Linlithgow
Answer: Lord Linlithgow

Bombay Samachar, the first newspaper started in Bombay, was a venture by the
(a) Parsees
(b) Sindhis

(c) Hindus
(d) Gujaratis
Answer: Parsees

Which of the folowing is correctly matched ?

(a) Non- Cooperation Movement : 1920
(b) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre : 1921
(c) Salt Satyagraha : 1929
(d) Surat split : 1905

Answer: Non- Cooperation Movement : 1920

The credit for forming an all India organisation of nationalist political workers goes to
(a) A.O. Hume
(b) W.C. Bonnerjee
(c) S.N. Banerjea
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji
Answer: A.O. Hume

Which reformer from Maharashtra was known as Lokhitavadi ?

(a) M.G. Ranade
(b) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
(c) Pandit Ramabai
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Answer: Gopal Hari Deshmukh

Who said : Bengal united is a power. Bengal divided will pull several different ways?.. ?
(a) Hardinge
(b) Risley
(c) Dufferin
(d) Curzon
Answer: Risley

Who among the following was not one of the founders of the Congress Socialist party set up in 1934 ?
(a) P.C. Joshi
(b) Acharya Narendra Dev
(c) Ashok Mehta
(d) Jaya Prakash Narayan
Answer: P.C. Joshi

The purpose of the Whitley Commission was

(a) To suggest measures to improve conditions of labourers

(b) None of these
(c) To look into the problem of minorities in India
(d) To enable political parties in India to reach a consensus on the constitutional question
Answer: To suggest measures to improve conditions of labourers

Identify the area where the Santhals proclaimed a government of their own in 1855-56 :
(a) Munger - Bhagalpur
(b) Gaya -Munger
(c) Bhagalpur-Rajmahal
(d) Shahabad- Gaya
Answer: Bhagalpur-Rajmahal

History: National Movement 9

Mahatma Gandhi gave the call to reject foreign goods during the
(a) Civil Disobedience Movement
(b) Non Cooperation Movement
(c) Khilafat Movement
(d) Swadeshi Movements
Answer: Swadeshi Movements

Who among the following opposed Mahatma Gandhi's association with the Khilafat movement ?
(a) Mohammed Ali Jinnah
(b) Abul Kalam Azad
(c) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(d) Fazlul Haquer
Answer: Mohammed Ali Jinnah
The integration of Indians States is the achievement of
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Rajendra Prasad
(d) Vallabhbhai Patel
Answer: Subhash Chandra Bose
Jawaharlal Nehru helped to start the newspaper
(a) Pioneer
(b) Patriot

(c) Kesri
(d) National Herald
Answer: National Herald

Who was the British Prime Minister at the time of the Second Round Table Conference ?
(a) Clement Attlee
(b) None of these

(c) Neville Chamberlain

(d) Ramsay Macdonald

Answer: Ramsay Macdonald

Who was the Viceroy during the time Mr. Attlee of England declared the British intention to transfer power to Indians ?
(a) Lord Irwin
(b) Lord Linlithgow
(c) Lord Mountbatten
(d) Lord Wavell
Answer: Lord Wavell

The Wavell Plan aimed at

(a) Complete Indianisation of the Executive Council

(b) None of these
(c) Complete Europeanisation of the Executive Council.
(d) Giving equal representation to the Indians and the European in the Executive Council
Answer: Complete Indianisation of the Executive Council

The leader who left politics, retired to Pondicherry and set up an ashram there, was
(a) Aurobindo Ghosh
(b) Bhikaji Cama
(c) Lokmanya Tilak
(d) Bipin Chandra Pal
Answer: Aurobindo Ghosh
The first Satyagraha of Gandhiji for the cause of indigo farmers was observed at
(a) Champaran
(b) Sabarmati
(c) Chauri Chaura
(d) Bardoli
Answer: Champaran

Which of the following was East India Company's most significant parliamentary Act ?

(a) Regulation Act

(b) Rowlatt Act
(c) Charter Act of 1813
(d) Pitts Act

Answer: Regulation Act

The word Adivasi was used for the first time to refer to the tribal people by
(a) Jyotiba Phule
(b) Thakkar Bappa
(c) B.R. Ambedkar
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: Thakkar Bappa

Except Jammu and Kashmir and Hyderabad, the integrationof Indian states was completed in

(a) 18598
(b) 18203
(c) 17380
(d) 17807
Answer: 18203

Which of the following Acts of British Parliament was introduced to remove the shortcomings of the Regulation Act ?
(a) Government of India Act, 1919
(b) Rowlatt Act
(c) Pitt's India Act, 1784
(d) Charter Act of 1793
Indian National Congress held its first sessum at
(a) Lahore
(b) Madras
(c) Bombay
(d) Lucknow
Answer: Bombay

Who was the founder of Muslim League in India ?

(a) None of these
(b) Aga Khan
(c) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(d) M.A. Jinnah
Answer: Aga Khan

When was Purna Swaraj day first decided tobe celebrated ?

(a) 17394
(b) 18289
(c) 10984
(d) 11185
Answer: 10984
The trial of INA heroes was held at
(a) Delhi
(b) Simla
(c) Bombay
(d) Calcutta
Answer: Delhi

Who among the following was the follower of Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy?
(a) Bertrand Russel
(b) Martin Luther
(c) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(d) Marshal Tito
Answer: Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Montague -Chelmsford reforms were

(a) Educational reforms
(b) Constitutional reforms
(c) Political reforms
(d) Social reforms
Answer: Constitutional reforms

First Governor - General of India, after independence was

(a) C. Rajagopalachari
(b) Lord Mountbatten
(c) Rajendra Prasad
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: Lord Mountbatten

In the history of the freedom movement of India, the year 1930 is associated with
(a) Chauri Chaura incident
(b) Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy
(c) Partition of Bengal
(d) Dandi March

Answer: Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy

Which of the following revolutionary groups was involved in Kakori Conspiracy Case ?
(a) Ghadar Party
(b) Abhinav Bharat Group
(c) Anushilan Samiti
(d) Hindustan Republican Association
Answer: Hindustan Republican Association
The Second International was attended by
(a) Pherozeshah Mehta
(b) Dinshaw Edalji Wacha
(c) Surendranath Banerjee
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji
Answer: Dadabhai Naoroji

The Buddha, the Ramayana and the Mahabharat are three treasures of India. Who said this?
(a) Swami Vivekananda
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Rabindranath Tagore
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: Swami Vivekananda

Who among the following was not the member of the Cabinet Mission which visited India in 1946?
(a) Lord Pethick Lawrence
(b) A.V. Alexander
(c) Sir Stafford Cripps
(d) Lord Mountbatten
Answer: A.V. Alexander
Who, amongst the following is associated with the Local Self-Government Act ?
(a) Lord Cornwallis
(b) Lord Dalhousie
(c) William Bentick
(d) Lord Ripon
Answer: William Bentick

When Mahatma Gandhi set out on the Dandi march, he was accompanied, among others, by
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru and Sarojini Naidu
(b) Rajendra Prasad and Sarojini Naidu

(c) Vallabhbhai Patel and Sarojini Naidu

(d) Jawaharlal Nehru and Rajendra Prasad
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru and Sarojini Naidu

Raja Rammohan Roy's Brahmo Samaj rejected

(a) Casteism
(b) Ritualism

(c) Idolism
(d) All of the above

Answer: All of the above

In the early stages, the moderates in IndianNational Congress sought political progress through
(a) Renonucing the titles conferred on them by Britishers
(b) None of these
(c) Boycotting the legislature and judiciary
(d) Instigating violence
Answer: Boycotting the legislature and judiciary

Who said:Cowa rdice and ahimsa do not go together any more than water and fire ?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Jayaprakash Narayan
(c) Acharya Narendra Dev
(d) Acharya Vinoba Bhave

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Who was the political guru of Gandhiji?

(a) Dadabhai Naoroji
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Answer: Gopal Krishna Gokhale

In 1921, Chamber of Prince was established to

(a) Al of these
(b) Organize the princes of India provinces
(c) Demand self rule

(d) Support Gandhiji in Satyagraha

Answer: Organize the princes of India provinces

The Barrah dacoity was the first major venture of the revolutionary terrorists of the freedom movement in
(a) The Madras Presidency
(b) Bombay- Karnataka
(c) Punjab
(d) East Bengal
Answer: East Bengal

Legislature of widow remarriage in India was first secured by

(a) K. Natarajan
(b) Maharshi Karve
(c) Pandita Ramabai
(d) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Answer: Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

Who led Quit India Movement in the absence of Mahatma Gandhi ?

(a) Sardar Patel

(b) Aruna Asaf Ali
(c) Sarojini Naidu
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: Aruna Asaf Ali

A.O. Hume belongs to

(a) Germany
(b) Britain
(c) Indian Councils Act, 1892
(d) U.S.A.
Answer: Britain

The aim of the Swarajya party was to

(a) Boycott the Congress moves
(b) Agitate for total freedom
(c) Resort to extremism
(d) Enter the legislature and wreck the government from within
Answer: Enter the legislature and wreck the government from within

On the death of Gandhiji, who said that The light has gone out of our lives?.?
(a) Dr. S. Radhakrishna
(b) Lord Mountbatten
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru

Give me blood, I will give you freedom. These words are attributed to
(a) Subhash Bose
(b) Veer Savarkar
(c) Khudi Ram Bose
(d) Bhagat Singh
Answer: Subhash Bose

History: Political History- Ancient Period

What was the rate of land revenue as given in the dharma shastras?
(a) 4-Jan
(b) 8-Jan
(c) 6-Jan
(d) 3-Jan
Answer: 6-Jan

During the Gupta period of Indianhistory, the village affairs were managed by the village headman with the assistance of
(a) Vishyapati
(b) Amatya
(c) Gopa
(d) Mahattara
Answer: Vishyapati

Who was the first king to conquer Malwa, Gujarat and Maharashtra ?
(a) Skandagupta
(b) Harshavardhana

(c) Samudragupta
(d) Chandragupta Maurya

Answer: Chandragupta Maurya

Name the great Hindu King who combined in himself the qualities of Samudragupta and Ashoka ?
(a) Harshavardhana
(b) Chandragupta II
(c) Kanishka
(d) Chandragupta I
Answer: Harshavardhana

Who among the following was a great ruler of Kalinga in ancient times ?
(a) Kharavela
(b) Mayurasarman
(c) Bindusara
(d) Ajatashatru
Answer: Bindusara

The great Hindu law -giver was

(a) Kautilya
(b) Manu
(c) Kapil
(d) Banabhatta
Answer: Manu

Which of the following is the correct chronological order ?

(a) Guptas - Kushans - Mauryas - Sungas
(b) Sungas - Mauryas - Guptas - Kushans
(c) Mauryas - Sungas - Kushans - Guptas
(d) Kushans - Guptas - Sungas - Mauryas
Answer: Mauryas - Sungas - Kushans - Guptas

Which of the following was an important port of the eastern coast during the Gupta period ?
(a) Kalyan
(b) Sopara
(c) Tamralipti
(d) Broach
Answer: Tamralipti
The Arab conquest of Sindh took place in
(a) 712 A.D.
(b) 1009 A.D.
(c) 740 A.D.
(d) 1001 A.D.
Answer: 712 A.D.
Sakas were finally overthrown by
(a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
(b) Devapala
(c) Gautamiputra Satakarni
(d) Kanishka
Answer: Gautamiputra Satakarni

Which of the following was a republic in sixth century B.C.?

(a) Vrijian state
(b) None of these
(c) Magadha
(d) Avanti
Answer: Vrijian state

In the sixth and fifth centuries B.C., the most remarkable king of the Haryanka line was
(a) Bimbisara
(b) Sisunaga
(c) Udayi
(d) Ajatashatru
Answer: Bimbisara

The Arthashastra is not concerned with

(a) Administration of tests of loyalty to ministers.
(b) Appointment of superintending officers for industries.
(c) Appointment of superintending officers for agriculture
(d) Assignment of lands to officers for their services.
Assignment of lands to officers for their services.
The original name of the Kushanas was in
(a) Chinese Turkistan
(b) Arabia
(c) Persia
(d) Macedonia
Answer: Chinese Turkistan

Who among the following was not a Saka ruler?

(a) Nahapana
(b) Menander
(c) Rudradaman
(d) Sodassa
Answer: Menander

Maurya empire declined after Ashoka mainly because of

(a) Weak successors of Asoka
(b) Decentralisation of powers
(c) Ashoka's excessive patronage to Buddhism.
(d) The policy of ahimsa leading to military weakness.
Answer: Weak successors of Asoka

The most commonly used coin, during the Mauryan period, was
(a) Nishka
(b) Karashapana
(c) Suvarna
(d) Kakini
Answer: Karashapana

The first monarch of Magadh kingdom in the sixth century B.C. was
(a) Jarasandha
(b) Bimbisara
(c) Prasenajit
(d) Ajatashatru
Answer: Bimbisara

Chandragupta Maurya's empire extended in the north -west upto

(a) Indus
(b) Sutlej
(c) Hindukush
(d) Ravi
Answer: Hindukush
Chandragupta Maurya overthrew the power of Nandas at
(a) Taxila
(b) Sravana Belgola
(c) Ujjain
(d) Magadha
Answer: Magadha

The official religion during the rule of the Sunga dynasty was
(a) The Ajivika religion
(b) Brahmanism
(c) Buddhism
(d) Jainism
Answer: Brahmanism
The Huna leader Mihirgula was defeated by
(a) Rajyavardhana
(b) Buddhagupta

(c) Chandragupta
(d) Yashodharman
Answer: Yashodharman

Who amongst the rulers of southern India were the contemporaries of kings of the Gupta empire ?
(a) Rashtrakutas
(b) Cholas
(c) Vakatakas
(d) Satavahanas

Answer: Satavahanas

The name by which Ashoka is generally reffered to in his inscription is

(a) Dharmakirti
(b) Priyadarshi
(c) Dharmadeva
(d) Chakravarti
Answer: Priyadarshi

Hindu colonieswere founded in the south-east Asian countries mostly during the period of
(a) The Cholas
(b) The Mauryas
(c) The Guptas
(d) The Rajputs

Answer: The Mauryas

Before ascending the Mauraya throne, Ashoka served as a Viceroy of

(a) Taxila
(b) Kaushambi
(c) Tosali
(d) Patliputra
Answer: Taxila

After the Mauryas, the most important kingdom in Deccan and Central India was that of
(a) Vakatakas
(b) Satavahanas
(c) Pallavas
(d) Cholas
Answer: Satavahanas

The Kaulinya system was introduced in Bengal by

(a) Lakshmana Sena
(b) Vijaya Sena
(c) Hemanta Sena
(d) Ballala Sena

Answer: Hemanta Sena

Who amongst the following is credited by a Chinese pilgrim with having built the ancient city of Rajagriha, the modern Rajgir in Patna district ?
(a) Prasenajit
(b) Bimbisara
(c) Udayi
(d) Ajatashatru
Answer: Bimbisara

Pulakesin II was a contemporary of

(a) Harsha
(b) Chandragupta Maurya
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Ashoka
Answer: Harsha

In early ancient India, the largest urban centre was

(a) Pataliputra
(b) Kanauj
(c) Taxila
(d) Kausambi
Answer: Pataliputra

Which Saka ruler was responsible for important irrigation works in Saurashtra ?
(a) Nahapana
(b) None of these
(c) Menander
(d) Rudradaman
Answer: Rudradaman

The most important kingdom in Deccan and Central India after the Mauryas was the
(a) Pallavas
(b) Satavahanas
(c) Cholas
(d) Vakatakas
Answer: Satavahanas

Which of the following dynasties ruled over Magadha in the 6th century B.C. ?
(a) Sisunaga
(b) Haryanka
(c) Mauryas
(d) Nandas
Answer: Haryanka

Which of the following became the most important city of northern India under Harsha ?
(a) Thaneswar
(b) Kanauj
(c) Pataliputra
(d) Ujjain
Answer: Kanauj

The most famous Indo-Greek ruler to rule over India, noted for his justice and popularity with his subjects, was
(a) Menander
(b) Demetrios
(c) Rudradaman
(d) Eukratides
Answer: Menander

The Arab conquest of Sindh took place in 712 A.D. under the leadership of
(a) Muhammad bin Kasim
(b) Qutub-ud-din
(c) Subuktagin
(d) Mahmud Ghaznavi
Answer: Muhammad bin Kasim

Chandragupta II fought war with the

(a) Sakas
(b) Parthians
(c) Huns
(d) Kushans
Answer: Sakas

The Gupta feudatories who became strong and independent in Gujarat were known as
(a) Yaudheyas
(b) Pundra Vardhanas
(c) Maitrakas
(d) Vakatakas
Answer: Maitrakas

Lichchavi princess Kumara Devi was married to

(a) Pravarasena
(b) Harshavardhana
(c) Chandragupta II
(d) Chandragupta I
Answer: Chandragupta I

Gondophernes belonged to
(a) The Saka dynasty
(b) The Satavahana dynasty

(c) The Kushana dynasty

(d) The Parthian dynasty
Answer: The Parthian dynasty

Rudradaman was one of the greatest

(a) Kushan rulers
(b) Pallava rulers
(c) Maurya rulers
(d) Saka rulers
Answer: Saka rulers

The ancient kingdom of Avanti had its capital at

(a) Ayodhya
(b) Ujjain
(c) Vaishali
(d) Pataliputra
Answer: Ujjain

The Ashokan inscription which gives an account of the Kalinga war and its effects is
(a) Minor Rock Edict IV
(b) Minor Rock Edict XIII
(c) Girnar Rock Edict
(d) Minor Rock Edict III
Answer: Minor Rock Edict XIII

The only ruler of India who ruled over territories in Central Asia beyond the Pamirs was
(a) Kanishka
(b) Harsha

(c) Ashoka
(d) Samudragupta
Answer: Kanishka

The great Royal Road mentioned by Megasthenes ran from

(a) Prayag to Ujjaini
(b) Pataliputra to Taxila

(c) Pataliputra to Prayag

(d) Indus to Pataliputra

Answer: Indus to Pataliputra

Who among the following is considered as the first national ruler of India ?
(a) Kanishka
(b) Chandragupta Maurya
(c) Ashoka
(d) Chandragupta I
Answer: Chandragupta Maurya

Which Gupta ruler had led a compaign to the south and was an expert Veena player ?
(a) Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya
(b) Skanda Gupta
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Chandragupta I
Answer: Samudragupta

In which century did Ashoka reign ?

(a) Third century B.C.
(b) Third century A.D.
(c) Second century B.C.
(d) Second century A.D.
Answer: Third century B.C.

The medium of exchange in gold during the Gupta period was known as the
(a) Suvarna
(b) Karshapana
(c) Dinara
(d) Dramma
Answer: Suvarna

Ashoka's claim of greatness chiefly lay in the

(a) Extensive conquests
(b) Exclusive patronage to Buddhism
(c) Strengthening of army
(d) Promotion of welfare of his people

Answer: Promotion of welfare of his people

Kanishka's capital was at
(a) Mathura
(b) Peshawar
(c) Amravati
(d) Kanauj
Answer: Amravati

Which of the following rulers was adorned with the title of Maharajadhiraja (king of kings)?
(a) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Ashoka
(c) Chandragupta I
(d) Kanishka
Answer: Kanishka
Ashoka's invasion of Kalinga resulted in
(a) Wealth and prosperity of Mauryan empire.

(b) Victory to the policy of war and territorial conquests.

(c) The development of peace and non-violence as state policy.
(d) Peaceful relations with Kalinga.
Answer: The development of peace and non-violence as state policy.
Who among the following has been called the Napoleon of India ?
(a) Harshavardhana
(b) Samudragupta
(c) chandragupta
(d) Ashoka
Answer: Samudragupta

Who amongst the following kings defeated Harsha's army on the bank of river Narmada ?
(a) Rajendra Chola
(b) Pulakesin II
(c) Krishnadeva Raya

(d) Rajendra I
Answer: Pulakesin II

History: Political History- Kingdoms of South

Who among the following was a Satavahana ruler ?

(a) Nahapana
(b) Mahendravarman
(c) Vasisthiputra Pulumayi
(d) Rudradaman
Answer: Vasisthiputra Pulumayi

The political and cultural centre of the Pandyas was

(a) Vengi
(b) Mahabalipuram
(c) Kanchipuram
(d) Madurai
Answer: Madurai

Vijayanagara is compared to the Chola for

(a) Display of land revenue
(b) System of land revenue
(c) Rural local self government
(d) Foreign conquests

Answer: Display of land revenue

Kanchi was the capital of
(a) Rashtrakutas

(b) Cholas
(c) Chalukyas
(d) Pallavas
Answer: Pallavas

Krishnadevaraya was the ruler of

(a) Bahmani
(b) Vijayanagar
(c) Pallava
(d) Chola
Answer: Chola

Who was the founder of Sunga dynasty ?

(a) Bimbisara
(b) Agnimitra
(c) Pushyamitra
(d) Ajatashatru
Answer: Pushyamitra

The Chola king who conquered the northern part of Sri Lanka and made it a province of his empire, was
(a) Adhirajendra
(b) Rajaraja
(c) Parantaka I
(d) Rajendra I
Answer: Rajaraja

The Chola empire reached its zenith under

(a) Parantaka I
(b) Rajendra Chola II
(c) Rajaraja
(d) Rajendra Chola I
Answer: Rajendra Chola I
The capital of Kakatiya dynasty was
(a) Hampi
(b) Dwarasamudra
(c) Warangal
(d) Madurai
Answer: Warangal

Which of the following is the oldest dynasty ?

(a) Pallavas
(b) Cheras
(c) Chalukyas
(d) Satavahanas
Answer: Satavahanas

The Chola ruler who subdued the Ganges and obtained the title Gangai Konda Cholan was
(a) Kulottunga
(b) Rajendra Chola I
(c) Rajadhiraja Chola

(d) Rajaraja Chola

Answer: Rajendra Chola I

Which of the following statements about Krishnadevaraya is incorrect ?

(a) He founded a new city, Nagalapur in honour of his mother Nagaladevi.

(b) After his death, there were struggles for succession as successors were incompetent.
(c) He fought the Battle of Talikota.
(d) He was an accomplished writer and poet.
Answer: He fought the Battle of Talikota.
The last ruler of Sunga dynasty was
(a) Sujyeshtha
(b) Vasudeva
(c) Devabhuti
(d) Bhaga
Answer: Vasudeva

Satavahanas belonged to
(a) Konkan region
(b) Kalinga
(c) Andhra region
(d) Maharashtra
Answer: Andhra region

Which of the following was the lowest unit of Chola administration ?

(a) Mandalam
(b) Valanadu
(c) Kottam
(d) Kurram
Answer: Kurram
Bahmani Kingdom in South India extinguished in the
(a) End of 16th century
(b) Later half of 17th century
(c) Beginning of 17th century
(d) Beginning of 16th century

Answer: Beginning of 16th century

The capital of Bahmani Kingdom was

(a) Gulbarga
(b) Ellichpur
(c) Warangal
(d) Devagiri
Answer: Gulbarga

The Kingdom of Vijayanagar came into existence during the reign of

(a) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
(b) Balban
(c) Harshvardhana
(d) Alauddin Khilji
Answer: Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

The earliest evidence of Jewish community settling in India is provided by a charter of a

(a) Chera King
(b) Vijayanagara King
(c) Chola King
(d) Pandya King
Answer: Vijayanagara King

Harihara and Bukka, the founders of the Vijayanagara kingdom shaped the course of their conduct on the advice of
(a) Vidyaranya
(b) Tulsidas
(c) Tukaram
(d) Ramdas
Answer: Vidyaranya
The first ruling dynasty of Vijayanagara Kingdom was
(a) Aravidu dynasty
(b) Sangama dynasty
(c) Saluva dynasty
(d) Tuluva dynasty
Answer: Sangama dynasty

The special feature of the financial system of Vijayanagara was

(a) Land tax
(b) Currency system
(c) Revenue from seaports
(d) Surplus revenue
Answer: Revenue from seaports

The Bahmani Kingdom was founded by

(a) Malik Kafur
(b) Hasan
(c) Timur
(d) Zain-ul-Abidin
Answer: Hasan

A lot of details regarding the village administration under the Cholas is provided by the inscriptions at
(a) Kanchipuram
(b) Uttaramerur
(c) Thanjavur
(d) Uraiyur
Answer: Uttaramerur

Chalukya dynasty in South India was founded by

(a) Bukka
(b) Parantaka I
(c) Pulakesin I
(d) Harihara
Answer: Pulakesin

The dynasty that excelled itself as a naval power was that of the
(a) Cholas
(b) Hoysalas
(c) Cheras
(d) Pallavas
Answer: Cholas

Pallava Kings were the devotees of

(a) Vishnu
(b) Shiva
(c) Mahavira
(d) Buddhacharita
Answer: Shiva

Bahmani Kingdom was founded by

(a) Zain-ul-Abidin
(b) Malik Kafur
(c) Timur
(d) Hason
Answer: Hason

Who amongst the following rulers of Southern India was/were the contemporaries of Harshavardhana ?
(a) Both (a) and (b)
(b) Rajendra Chola
(c) Pulakesin II of Chalukyas
(d) Narasimhavarman of Pallavas
Answer: Both (a) and (b)

The founder of Vijayanagar kingdom was

(a) Krishnadeva Raya
(b) Narasimha Varman
(c) Raja Raja
(d) Harihar and Bukka
Answer: Harihar and Bukka

Which of the following kingdoms od South India was well known for its naval power ?
(a) Hoysala
(b) Pandya
(c) Chola
(d) Chalukya
Answer: Chola
The power of the great Cholas was established by
(a) Rajaraja I
(b) Rajaraja
(c) Kulothunga
(d) Aditya
Answer: Aditya
Madurai was the capital of
(a) Rashtrakutas
(b) Pandyas
(c) Cholas
(d) Pallavas
Answer: Pandyas

Vijayanagar empire ruins are found in

(a) Bijapur
(b) Baroda

(c) Golconda
(d) Hampi
Answer: Hampi

Which of the following was a special feature of Chola administration ?

(a) Full powers to ministers in the rule
(b) Cheap and proper tax collecting method
(c) Autonomy for village administration
(d) Division of empire into mandalams

Answer: Autonomy for village administration

After the Mauryas the most important kingdom in the Deccan and Central India was that of the
(a) Cholas
(b) Pallavas
(c) Satavahanas
(d) Vakatakas
Answer: Satavahanas

Vikramasila University was founded by

(a) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Pulakesin II
(c) Kanishka
(d) Dharmpala
Answer: Dharmpala

Who amongst the following Chola Kings fought against the Shailendera King of Shri Vijaya and defeated him ?
(a) Sundar Chola
(b) Rajaraja Chola I
(c) Rajendra Chola
(d) Parantaka I
Answer: Rajendra Chola
A Pala ruler who was raised to the throne by different sections of people was
(a) Mahipala
(b) Dharmapala
(c) Devapala
(d) Gopala
Answer: Gopala

In the Sangam age, Uraiyur was important for

(a) Its being a great emporium of foreign trade.
(b) Its being a great centre of indigenous trade.
(c) Its being a great centre of cotton trade.
(d) Its being a great centre of spice trade.

Answer: Its being a great centre of cotton trade.

The capital of Eastern Chalukyas was
(a) Vatapi
(b) Amravati
(c) Nagarjunakonda
(d) Vengi
Answer: Vengi

The Satavahana King who defeated the western Saka King, Nahapana was
(a) Satakarni I
(b) Vasishthiputra Pulumayi
(c) Yajna Satakarni
(d) Gautamiputra Satakarni
Answer: Gautamiputra Satakarni
In Krishnadevaraya's court, Ashtadiggajas were the
(a) Eight great poets of his court.
(b) Eight great scholars of his kingdom
(c) Eight great ministers in his court
(d) Eight elephants placed at eight corners of his capital.
Answer: Eight great poets of his court.

Nicolo Conti, the traveller who visited Vijayanagara kingdom in 1420 A.D., was
(a) A Frenchman
(b) An Italian
(c) A Greek
(d) A Russian
Answer: An Italian

The Arabs were established traders on the west coast of India and had the support of the rulers of Kerala. Which one of the following rulers first conducted a
naval campaign on important Arab trade centres to check their monopoly ?
(a) Mahendravarman
(b) Dantidurga
(c) Rajaraja Chola

(d) Chalukya Vikramaditya VI

Answer: Chalukya Vikramaditya VI


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