Robert Venturi
Robert Venturi
Robert Venturi
6:25 PM
8. The inside and the outside:
The specific form of a plant or animal is determined not only by the genes in the organism
and the cytoplasmic activities that these direct, but by the interaction between generic
constitution and the environment.
Since the inside is different from the outside, the wall - the point of change, becomes an
architectural event. Architecture occurs at the meeting of interior and exterior forces of use
and space. By recognizing the differences between the outside and the inside, architecture
opens the door once again to an urbanistic point of view.
9. The obligation toward the difficult whole:
It is the difficult unity through inclusion, rather than the easy unity through exclusion. The
difficult whole in an architecture of complexity and contradiction includes multiplicity and
diversity of elements in relationships that are inconsistent or among the weaker kinds of
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