Dewatering 3

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(discharge) from which may be computed assuming a single well with an equivalent radius rs.

This approach is known as big well approximate analysis.

Another approach is to

superpose the drawdowns due to several wells at the centre of the building. In both cases the
well formulae are needed for the soil and hydraulic conditions at the site. The radius of the
assumed big well is;

rs =


60 x90

= 41.5m

B = width of excavation, b + 10m
L = length of excavation, +10m

In other words the wells are at 5m distance to the building. The radius of influence (Ro) is the
radius within which the drawdown occurs. Drawdown of the water table at a point produces a
cone of depression and the radius of influence (Ro) is a function of the drawdown (h) and the
permeability (k) of the soil as shown below.


More permeable the soil means greater the radius of influence is Ro = Chk is a proposed
equation to calculate Ro where c is a factor equal to 3000 for radial flow to pumped wells and
between 1500 and 2000 for line flow to trenches or to a line of wellpoints. Ro at the present
case is, Ro = 3000(76-69)

5 x10 4 ; Ro= 470 m. The percent drawdown of the water table at

any distance from the center of cone can be obtained from the following figure.

Drawdown at centre of excavation by peripheral wells:

Distance from perimeter to centre = 41.5m
Percentage distance along radius of influence (Ro) :
x100 = 8.8% From the above figure % drawdown is 58 %.

Therefore, required drawdown at wells to obtain 7m drawdown at centre of excavation will be

= 12m .

In practice since each line of wells will contribute to the drawdown, a

somewhat lesser drawdown at the wells will be required. Alternatively, assuming a full 12 m
drawdown will allow a margin of error.

For the confined aquifer case the flow (or yield) can be calculated by the following formula
(Refer to sources containing well formulae for various profiles. References 2, 3 and 4 provide
such formulae).

2kD( H hw ) 2 xx5 x10 4 x17 x(21 9)



Q = 0.264 m3/s = 246 lt/s

Q = discharge from assumed single well (m3/s)
k = coefficient o permeability (m/s)
D = height of piezometric level above base of aquifer (m)
hw= height of water at outside edge of pumping wells
after drawdown (m)
Ro = radius of influence (m)
rs = equivalent radius of assumed single well (m)
Assuming 450 mm diameter wells find the area of wetted depth (hw) of wells for calculated
yield using the following graph for k = 5x10-4 m/s : Yield per metre of wetted depth = 2.1 lt/s

Total wetted depth required

=126 m approx. For drawdown to +64.0m at the wells (i.e.
2 .1

hw9m) the intake level of the pumps must be at a level sufficiently lower to allow for the
length of the pump and to avoid cavitation of the water above the pump. (Allow 1.5m for the

length of pump and 5m for cavitation) It would there fore be necessary to set the pump inlet
at, say, +57m. Allow also 2-3m below the pump inlet and bottom of the well screen should
be at, say, 54.0m.

Yield per well = 9m x 2.1 lt/s = 18.9 lt/s .

Hence theoretical numbero f wells required:
= 14

Add three (about 20%) to allow for variations in soil conditions, pump breakdowns etc. Plus
margin of error and reserve capacity to establish equilibrium.
Selection of the pump:
Yield per pump : 264/14 = 18.9 lt/s
Total pumping head from pumping level = 12m. (76m 64m)
Allow 4 m for velocity head and friction losses.
Therefore the total head is appoximately 16 m.
From pump manufacturers performance curves (submersible pumps) select suitable pumps
for installation inside 200/300 mm diameter casing screen (i.e. 450 mm less 75 mm annulus
for gravel pack).
Check also conveying pipe sizes (250 mm dia. minimum required, allow 305 mm dia).
Design of wellpoints can be made after calculating the yield (flow) using formulae for
trenchs (line sources) and then using the given nomograms.


1. Quinion, D.W. and Quinion, G.R.(1987), Control of Groundwater, ICE Works

Construction Guides, Thomas Telford Pub.Co., London.
2. Somerville, S.H.(1986), Control of Groundwater for Temporary Works, CIRIA
(Construction Industry Research and Information Association) Report No.113.
3. Mansur, C.I. and Kaufman, R.I. (1962) Dewatering, in Foundation Engineering
G.A. Leonards pp.241-350, Mc Graw-Hill Book Co.
4. Powers, J.P. (1992), Construction Dewatering, 492p., 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons
5. Teng, V.C.(1962) Foundation Design, 466 p., Ch.5, Prentice-Hall, IAC.,Englewood
Cliffs, N.J.


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