Name and Shame: Unravelling The Stigmatization of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Name and Shame: Unravelling The Stigmatization of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Name and Shame: Unravelling The Stigmatization of Weapons of Mass Destruction
paper, it is argued that WMD continue to be of great importance. WMD are likely to
be harder to prevent and thus potentially more prevalent in the future.3 The paper
foresaw lower obstacles to the covert development of nuclear weapons and lower barriers to the use of chemical and biological weapons by states and non-state actors. Of
particular concern is the capacity of small groups or lone actors to acquire and employ
WMD.4 I argue that awareness of the increasing threats posed by these weapons
intensifies the relevance and importance of maintaining the categorization of
WMD. Naming these weapons as distinct maintains global attention and efforts to
prevent the threats posed by the development, use, and proliferation of these
Previous articles in this journal and elsewhere have addressed the destructive significance of the three weapons, examining the categorization of WMD from the focus
of one particular weapon and questioning the relevance of the term. It has been
argued that the classification of these weapons under the term WMD is no longer
necessary and obscures international arms control efforts.5 This article differs from
these previous debates, in that it expands beyond an analysis of the technological distinctions between WMD. These do not explain why WMD remain distinct from other
modern methods of warfare, or account for the significance of this term. I argue that
we can bridge this gap in understanding by viewing WMD as part of a process of stigmatization; in doing so, we are able to appreciate the wider meaning and significance
of these weapons, thereby addressing their future development and status. Adopting a
constructivist approach, the focus is upon the collective norms associated with WMD;
these are examined as part of a broad process of stigma. The study of stigma is applied
to WMD as a distinct category of warfare. By adopting this type of analysis, the technological aspects of these weapons are not as important as the wider meaning and
association of all three weapons. This article shows that the stigma has emerged as
a result of the strategic and ethical aspects of WMD; neither aspect can be separated
from the other. Constructivism denotes that there is no such thing as non-normative
behavior or pure material self interest, independent of social context.6 Understanding
and maintaining the categorization of WMD shape the response of the international
community to the dangers posed by their potential use and proliferation.
The process of stigmatization is a broad process which has evolved through time,
first emerging within the top echelons of authority, amongst policy making and scientific circles. In time, the stigma has also emerged as a bottom-up process; the term
WMD has become a familiar term amongst the general public. When examining
how the process of stigmatization has emerged and evolved, it is noted that the condemnation of chemical and biological weapons forged the stigma and led to the condemnation of nuclear weapons. This article identifies two distinct themes: firstly,
whilst each of the weapons within this category differs from each other, all three
have been framed as inhumane due to knowledge of the potential for each to cause
mass destruction. Amongst western democratic states, these weapons are viewed
with revulsion and horror. The effects of the use of WMD are indiscriminate and
unpredictable. This image of these weapons has been projected, initially, by heads
of states and through time through grass roots movements and the media. The
second theme associated with the stigmatization process is the linkage between the
stigma and an association of power. The potential use and proliferation of WMD by
states and non-state actors remain a constant international threat. These weapons have
an elevated status due to their distinct quality. Possession of WMD is associated with
strategic superiority. Whilst the categorization of WMD denotes their international
condemnation, there remains disparity between the legal constraints associated
with these weapons. Chemical and biological weapons are proscribed under international law.7 The possession of nuclear weapons remains acceptable to a small
number of states. Addressing this disparity is a complex and challenging process,
fuelled by political and strategic concerns. Unravelling the process of the stigmatization of WMD leads to a more comprehensive understanding of ways to address this
subject. An historical account of the origins, evolution, and development of the
stigma, over the years from 1868 to 1993, provides the basis for this analysis.
Origins of the Term Weapons of Mass Destruction
The term Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) was first legally defined in 1948, by
the UN Commission for Conventional Armaments, which described WMD as
Atomic explosive weapons, radioactive material weapons, lethal chemical and biological weapons, and any weapons developed in the future which have characteristics
comparable in destructive effect to those of the atomic bomb or other weapons mentioned above.8 The motivation in creating this term was to establish a distinction
between the work of the UN Commission of Conventional Armaments and that of
the UN Atomic Energy Commission, which had been established two years earlier.
Both Commissions were established to address the proliferation of new weapons
of warfare and both echoed the purpose and aims of the newly created UN, to establish mutual agreements within a cooperative environment.9 The creation of the term
WMD ensured that the two specialist Commissions were separated in their function
and aims. This was of increased importance at this time, as ideological and political
differences between the West and the Soviet Union were starting to emerge. These
differences were threatening to prevent and obscure any potential agreement.10
For the purposes of this study, the latter part of this definition is of particular
importance: any weapons developed in the future which have characteristics comparable in destructive effect to those of the atomic bomb or other weapons mentioned
above. This highlights the distinct quality of each of these weapons and provides an
insight into the emerging process of stigmatization. At this time, in 1948, all three
weapons were recognized to be of an increased threat and distinct from other contemporary methods of warfare. It is this notion of destructive effect that indicates both
the strategic elements of these weapons and also their ethical association. Recognition of this has progressively developed throughout history and has been driven
by an awareness of the inability to protect against these weapons; all three
methods of warfare have the potential to create lasting, long-term destruction.
Throughout the cold war years (1945 1989), the use of the term WMD became
central to international arms control initiatives. The term was used to symbolize the
collective strategic threat of these weapons. Predominantly, during the cold war
years, this term was associated with the large-scale use of thermonuclear weapons.
Politically, the term was used to pacify the ideological animosity between the Soviet
Union and the West in order to quell the growing arms race.
Use of this term has continued during the post-cold war period and up to present
day. The term is most associated with the George W. Bush administration. Seth Carus
notes that within the 2002 National Security Strategy, the term WMD appear 24
times.11 This term was also used frequently by the media and, as a consequence,
has become adopted by the general public.
The Obama administration has continued to adopt usage of the term WMD, indicating that it best encompasses the dangerous potential of these weapons. The 2010
National Security Strategy provides some indication of a desire to separate the
language of the Bush administration and the Obama administration. When describing
the collective threats posed by these weapons, the Strategy states that, The gravest
danger to the American people and global security continues to come from WMD,
particularly nuclear weapons.12 The term is also used again when addressing the
need to deny terrorists WMD.13
The 2010 United Kingdoms National Security Strategy also refers to WMD. The
heading Countering the Threat of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass
Destruction is used, indicating a desire to maintain the distinction between these
weapons and other weapons of warfare.14
A similar trend is also seen with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO)s 2010 Strategic Concept and again within the alliances 2012 Deterrence
and Defence Posture Review. Here, also, the Review states that the security environment faces challenges from threats such as WMD.15
The Value of a Constructivist Approach
Constructivist theory enables an understanding of the conceptualization of Weapons
of Mass Destruction (WMD), as this theory highlights the important role of ideational
forces within policy making. It is argued that all ideational phenomena are socially
constructed, the identities, interests and behaviours of political agents are socially
constructed by collective meanings, interpretations and assumptions about the
Theories of rationality are not refuted; rather constructivism examines how
rational considerations are brought to bear in collective human enterprises and situations.17 It should be noted here that constructivism, as with other international
relations (IR) theories, is a broad school of thought. This paper adopts the interpretation advocated by Alexander Wendt that the concept of anarchy is an inherently
conflictual, pre-existing entity that does not exist; anarchy is what states make of
it.18 It is, itself, formed by the identities and interests of states. Identities and interests
are linked; identities are the basis of interests. These are themselves shaped by collective meanings, which constitute the structures that organize our actions. Actors
acquire identities by participating in such collective meanings.19 These collective
meanings are shaped by norms which Peter Katzenstein defines as collective expectations for the proper behaviour of actors with a given identity.20 To expand upon
this further, a norm can be understood as a standard of appropriate behaviour for
actors with a given identity.21 Wendt clarifies the role of collective meanings
(norms) by using the example of the norm of sovereignty. States develop shared
norms as to what it means to be a sovereign state. Wendt argues that if states
stopped acting on these norms, their identity as sovereigns, if not necessarily as
states, would disappear. He notes that the sovereign state is an ongoing accomplishment of practice, not a once-and-for-all creation of norms somehow existing apart
from practice.22
It is recognized that there are different types of norms, specifically, regulative and
constitutive norms. Norms operate like rules defining (and thus constituting) an identity; in this way, norms have a constitutive effect. They specify what actions will
cause relevant others to recognize a particular identity.23 This is relevant to the
study of stigma as constitutive norms add to the sociological research emphasizing
the distinct quality of WMD. Norms also act as standards; in such instances, norms
have a regulative effect; they specify standards of proper behaviour. Norms thus
either define (constitute) identities, or prescribe (regulate) behaviour, or they do both.24
Neither of these processes is distinct. In order to establish order and constrain behaviour, it is necessary to specify the actions that will cause others to recognize a particular identity. When examining the categorization of WMD, it is recognition of the
distinct strategic and ethical properties of these weapons that has constrained states
behaviour, thus leading to the creation of measures to regulate states actions and
establish international control and proscription of these weapons.
Examining the norms associated with WMD, it can be seen that these weapons
transcend the interests of individual states. In this respect, they can be considered
as requiring global prohibition. Ethan Nadelmanns work on normative prohibitions
highlights that there is a certain category of norm which prohibit both in international law and the criminal laws of states, the involvement of states and non
state actors in certain activities.25 These norms have evolved and exist in the:
conventions and treaties of international laws and the criminal laws of nation
states, but also in the implicit rules and patterns that govern the behaviour of
states and non state actors as well as the moral principles embraced by
The capacity of these norms to influence government policies is based on a reflection
of cosmopolitan moral views.27 These are predominantly of Western, European
origin. These views are concerned with how states and individuals treat individual
human beings. They transcend the state, thereby depoliticizing the individual and
emphasizing the existence of an international society of human beings sharing
common moral bonds.28
The Significance of Stigma
A wider explanation for the significance of the categorization of Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMD) can be provided by sociological research which examines the
conceptualization of stigma. By using research into the process of stigmatization, it
is possible to examine the values and norms associated with WMD that have
developed over time into a stigma. This has then shaped their image as inhumane
weapons and has evoked efforts towards their proscription and control.
The term stigma is generally understood to signify something that is degrading or
disgraceful.29 It has been associated with labelling; stigma denotes a special discrepancy between virtual and actual social identity. It is referred to as an attribute that is
deeply discrediting.30 The use of this term has traditionally been applied to explain
the actions of individuals and groups of individuals. Research into the processes of
stigma has focused upon individuals within society who have been socially excluded.
These individuals differ in some way from others in society and this difference is
associated with disapproval. Examples include: mental disorder, sexuality, the physically impaired, nationality, racial differences, drug addiction, and more. Recently,
Rebecca Adler-Nissen has also developed an analysis of stigma in relation to the
international relations and the stigmatization of specific states.31
Conceptualizing stigma, Link and Phelan note that stigma emerges as: the convergence of inter-related components. Stigma exists when elements of stereotyping, separation, status loss, and discrimination occur together in a power situation that allows
them.32 According to this definition, stigma occurs when:
the shared perception of the strategic and ethical quality of each weapon within this
category. This work focuses upon the human reaction towards WMD as a whole. It is
the collective image of all three weapons that is so important. The term WMD is
synonymous with the stigma. By maintaining this term, reaction to one weapon intensifies reaction to all, thus moving us beyond a discussion of the technological developments and distinctions between each weapon, as well as the intricate legislative
challenges associated with each, into a deeper appreciation of the underlying value
of this category of warfare. Categorizing these weapons provides an association of
discrimination. It is for this reason that the term is of such importance.
In order to determine how the stigmatization of WMD has emerged, two themes
can be identified. The first of these is the actors involved in the stigmatizing process.
This study primarily addresses the policy decisions and actions of the state; however,
in time, as the stigma has developed, a wider number of actors have contributed to the
stigmatizing process, transcending the state. Scientific experts, policy experts, and,
eventually, the general public have condemned these weapons. It is important to
note the discursive tools and tactics used by actors to stigmatize WMD, as these
detail how the stigma has developed. This paper highlights that these weapons
have been associated with images of death and disease. The unpredictable nature
of these weapons, coupled with the knowledge of their long-term effects, has
embedded this image within the public consciousness. Progressively through time,
the association of these weapons has intensified. The stigmatization process has
been formed by the framing of these weapons as a threat to society and human
kind. The image has slowly developed that use of WMD will lead to the destruction
of human life.
The second theme connected to the process of stigmatization is the distinction
between the possession and use of these weapons. Possession is construed differently
by different actors. WMD are associated with enhanced power and status. The strategic quality of WMD enables any actor in possession of these weapons with a strategic advantage. This is relevant within the context of traditional state-to-state
conflict, but also within an asymmetrical context, when viewing the potential acquisition and use of these weapons by non-state actors.35 In addition, a distinction exists
between the possession and use of each of these weapons. Chemical and biological
weapons are proscribed by international law.36 The possession of nuclear weapons
is not proscribed. It is accepted that the five nuclear possessing states, the China,
France, Russia, the UK, and USA may maintain their nuclear capability; all other
states agree not to develop a nuclear capability. This disparity highlights that along
with the meaning of the weapons, the actors that possess these weapons are also stigmatized. The meaning of these weapons is inseparable from the perceived identity
and interests of the actors that possess them. Within the western mainstream
debate, possession of WMD by rogue states and non-state actors is feared and condemned; however, possession of WMD by the five nuclear states is accepted.37 This
then highlights the significance of the development of stigma based upon perceptions
of social, economic, and political power.
Using research into the process of stigma, it is possible to distinguish how WMD
remain distinct from other contemporary methods of warfare. The utility of modern
Recognition of the unique quality of these weapons has led nuclear weapons to be
perceived as the absolute weapon.44 Throughout the cold war years; the threat of
the use of nuclear weapons overshadowed any concerns regarding chemical and biological weapons use. Wolfgang Panofsky has argued that,
If a 1 megaton thermonuclear warhead exploded at optimum altitude over a
large city, little would be left standing or alive within 5 miles. A firestorm
could be ignited, further extending the range of destruction. In a large-scale
exchange, lethal fallout could cover an entire region.45
To Panofsky, the only true WMD are nuclear weapons.46 Acquiring a nuclear
weapons capability is a financially costly and highly advanced technological and
industrial process. Anne Harrington De Santana notes that from 1945 to 1996, it is
estimated that the total cost of American nuclear weapons programmes totalled
USD 5.5 trillion.47 This was approximately one quarter of all spending on American
national defence (USD 18.7 trillion).48 The Ploughshares fund in 2012 has argued
that the USA is on track to spend USD 620 and 661 billion on nuclear weapons
and related programmes over the next decade.49 Spending of this kind is not possible
for all states and indicates the exceptional image of these weapons.
In contrast to nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons can be developed by any state with an advanced pharmaceutical industry; development of each
does not require the same resources as nuclear weapons. As a consequence of this,
the dual use nature of chemical and biological weapons indicates that these would
be more accessible to potential proliferating states or non-state actors. Chemical
weapons are seen to cause an effect similar to that of conventional weapons. A
chemical attack is an attack using a toxic chemical agent, which when exposed,
can kill or incapacitate the human body. Marie Isabelle Cheviere notes that If
effectively produced and disseminated, chemical weapons have the potential to
kill tens of thousands of people, biological weapons hundreds of thousands.50 It
is the accessibility of these weapons that makes their stigmatization significant.
Chemical weapons have often been perceived to be the poor mans bomb and
have been considered desirable to states lacking the infrastructure to acquire
nuclear weapons.51
Of the three, biological weapons remain an unrealized threat and their potential
remains to be determined. Christian Enemark identifies that instances of the use of
biological weapons have been sparse,52 as the extent of harm resulting from
their use is highly variable.53 Crude forms of biological weapon have been used
throughout the centuries; as early as the 14th century, there were instances of siege
machines catapulting potentially infectious material into besieged cities.54 Effective
use has proved difficult due to accuracy of the dispersal of material. Technical difficulties and weather conditions have meant that these weapons are not suited as battle
field weapons, their utility against military forces is limited.55 For this reason, there
is no documented case of the full-scale use of biological weapons in warfare.56 Yet,
despite this, the perception of the unlawful use of bacteria, virus, fungi toxins or
other pathogenic materials against the population, government, agriculture, husbandry and general industry is appalling.57 Scientific innovation highlights the potential
for these weapons to create destruction similar to that of nuclear weapons: a single
biological weapon could kill or incapacitate thousands of people even with an inefficient delivery system.58 As a weapon of terror, the potential of these weapons is
The Ethical Quality of Weapons of Mass Destruction
The continued use of the term Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and the reaction of society at large to these weapons demonstrate the ethical quality of WMD.
Academic research has highlighted that moral sentiments can affect the shaping of
foreign policy.60 With reference to WMD, the majority of studies tend to focus
upon the individual properties of each weapon within this category. Specifically,
the norms associated with nuclear weapons have been examined. Nina Tannenwalds
research explores the existence of a nuclear taboo associated with the use of nuclear
weapons. The non-use of these weapons has been due to their association as abhorrent and unacceptable WMD.61 Nuclear weapons have come to be viewed with
revulsion and have been accepted as different from other methods of warfare.62 It
should be noted here that Tannenwalds research does identify the stigmatization
of nuclear weapons.63 The arguments presented within this article add to Tannenwalds research by highlighting that the stigma is not confined to just nuclear
weapons, it is a broader process and includes chemical and biological weapons, all
three being symbolized by the term WMD.
Richard Price and Catherine Jefferson have each separately researched the development of a taboo towards chemical weapons.64 Within Prices work, he identifies
that it is generally taken as a given that there is something particularly illegitimate
about chemical weapons which makes them a special problem.65 Both authors highlight the association and condemnation of these weapons with poisoning. The taboo
has been recognized by the international community and policy makers. British Prime
Minister David Cameron also noted in 2013 that there existed an international taboo
against the use of chemical weapons.66 This was the basis for a possible British
response to allegations of the use of chemical weapons in Syria.
With reference to biological weapons, the development of the norm against biological weapons follows a similar development pattern to that of chemical weapons.
Nicholas Simms has noted that the immorality of biological weapons is the underlying reason for their non-use.67
This research develops these normative arguments by examining the norms
associated with the categorization of WMD as a whole and the significance of this
categorization. Examination of the collective categorization of these weapons highlights the relevance of the stigma.
The Emergence of the Stigma: Early Historical Condemnation of Weapons of
Mass Destruction
In order to understand how and why the stigmatization of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) is significant, it is necessary to explore the historical origins of this
process. WMD have been framed as distinct due to the immediate and long-term
destruction caused by each; this has been perceived as a threat to humanity. An examination of historical materials indicates that the evolving condemnation of chemical
and biological weapons forged the stigmatization of nuclear weapons.
The origins of the stigma emerged during the turn of the 20th century as a desire
to prevent the proliferation of increasing deadly methods of warfare. This can be
seen with the establishment of a military commission in St. Petersburg in 1868,
leading to the Declaration of St. Petersburg. Amongst heads of states, there was
international recognition that scientific innovation was leading to the increasingly
destructive nature of warfare. The belief was that limitation of the tools of war
would lead to peace. Representatives attending the commission likened the necessity of this meeting to the welfare and survival of humanity. They stressed that
there was a need to prevent the use of overly destructive weapons in times of
war between civilized nations.68 Declaring that the progress of civilization
should have the effect of alleviating as much as possible the calamities of war.69
With reference to WMD, the Declaration specified that the employment by their
military or naval troops of a projectile of a weight below 400 grammes, which is
either explosive or charges with fulminating of inflammable substances should
be renounced.70 By labelling weapons of this kind as distinct, the representatives
at the commission were establishing a precedent that these weapons were uncivilized due to the nature of their effects. This precedent set the seeds for subsequent
arms control agreements.
The identification of specific weapons as unethical emerged again in 1899, at The
International Peace Conference of The Hague. Here, gas warfare was first condemned. Representatives at the Conference sought to differentiate between
weapons deemed acceptable for warfare and newly developed firearms and explosives, more powerful than the kind used at that time. Representatives sought a limitation of explosives of a formidable power and the possible prohibition of the use of
projectiles, the purpose of which is the spreading of asphyxiating or deleterious
gases.71 The discussion stressed that these new methods, due to their potential for
destruction, posed a threat to humanity. It is important to recognize strategic and political concerns here as these later contributed to the stigmatizing process. At this time,
both the American and British representatives were reluctant to press for legal constraints against the development of these weapons as no shell emitting such gases
was in practical use, or had undergone adequate experiment.72 Chemical weapons
were a hypothetical threat. Delegates argued that it was unknown what the effects
of these weapons may be, and whether in fact, they may be more humane than
other conventional weapons in use at this time.73
The use of chemical weapons during the First World War changed this view and
increased collective efforts to curtail the escalating destruction of warfare. Photographic images and personal accounts of the effects of the use of poison gas highlighted the dangers of these weapons. Chemical weapons were perceived to be
technologically distinct from other methods of warfare. The unseen nature of gas
warfare and the range of destruction created by these weapons indicated the possibility that gas warfare could be used on civilians as well as on soldiers of war.
At this time, condemnation of these weapons was not solely driven by heads of
states. Social and domestic changes, evidenced by peace movements such as the
Quaker Movement and also the Movement for Womens Suffrage (Womens Movement), all highlighted powerful expressions of public opinion; these emphasized the
ethical quality of these weapons. These began to influence the policy choices of
states. Social changes after the war, including the emancipation of women, intensified
anti-war protest and prompted policy makers within Europe and the USA to address
measures to prevent future war. One of these measures was the use and development
of poison gas. Gas warfare was seen to be abhorrent. Protest was fuelled by first-hand
accounts from the returning soldiers of their own experiences as victims of the gas
attacks.74 Arguments from the military and the chemical industry, within Europe
and the USA, that gas warfare was a humane method of warfare contradicted
with the publics perception of the physical and psychological frightfulness of
the gas poisoning experienced.75 These experiences elevated the distinction
between gas warfare and other methods of warfare used at this time. As a consequence, policy makers were forced to recognize and support these sentiments.
The process of stigmatization has also developed as a result of scientific inquiry
into the effects of use. Slowly, it was becoming recognized that there is little that can
be done to protect against the use of chemical (and potentially biological) weapons or
their long-term consequences. Within the League of Nations (1921), a Temporary
Mixed Commission composed of scientists, economic, and political experts framed
the threat of these weapons around the moral imperative towards the preservation
of human kind. The commission concluded that the investigations had proved that
the potential use of gas in war is so particularly odious that it revolts the conscience
of humanity more than any other method of warfare.76 It was noted that chemical
and bacteriological weapons were distinct, a chemical or bacteriological attack
carries destruction beyond the fighting lines, touching nations population, riches
and resources of every kind.77 The commission recognized that in large doses,
there was no complete or effective protection against a chemical or bacteriological
attack.78 In addition, should these weapons be used upon non-combatants, use was
perceived to be particularly barbarous.79 Both of these weapons could be developed
from materials readily available within most industrialized states. The knowledge of
this enhanced fears that other weapons of a similar nature may be developed. This
was the basis for the proscription of these weapons within the Geneva Protocol
Development of the Stigma: Use of Nuclear Weapons
The use of nuclear weapons in 1945 completed the process of stigmatization and led
to the construction of the term Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Knowledge of
their devastating potential meant that the development and use of nuclear weapons
was a continuing and ever present threat. Throughout Europe, people lived under
the four warning, and due to the nuclear umbrella provided by NATO, nuclear
weapons were stationed within many European states.81 During this period, the
ethical concerns about the development of nuclear weapons developed and
intensified. These concerns were framed around the possibility of a total nuclear war
and also from the fear that nuclear weapons may be used accidentally. In the late
1950s and early 1960s, grassroots movements against nuclear weapons had spread
throughout the world, the Ban the Bomb Campaign being an example of this.
Health and environmental fears associated with nuclear weapons and nuclear
weapons testing fuelled the protest. At this time, the first generation of intermediate-range missiles and tactical nuclear weapons had arrived in Europe, as part of
NATOs extended nuclear deterrence arrangements to counter the Soviet threat.
The installation of these weapons on western soil had fuelled protest.82 The image
that was portrayed was that nuclear weapons were morally abhorrent weapons
that would destroy humankind.83
The increasing development of nuclear energy programmes intensified fears of
nuclear accidents. Images of the destruction caused by the Three Mile Island
nuclear accident in 1979 in Pennsylvania demonstrated this.84 Nobody died in
this accident, but it gathered huge public attention. These events embedded the stigmatization of WMD and highlighted the inability to protect against the nature of
these weapons; nuclear poisoning could occur both in peacetime and during war.
Once again, the dangers of nuclear weapons were framed around the moral imperative to preserve humanity. The precedent established by the condemnation of
chemical weapons, during the inter-war years, fuelled concerns about nuclear
weapons and added weight to the association of these weapons with the term
mass destruction.
During the 1970s and 1980s, throughout Europe and the USA, the media
increased the association of nuclear weapons with death and destruction. Through
film and television, the image was projected that the use of these weapons would
destroy humanity. The film Red Alert, produced in 1977, demonstrated the potential
for technological malfunction and projected images of simultaneous nuclear reactors
spinning out of control.85 The imagery here was once again of the total elimination of
human kind. The 1983 Nuclear Winter: Global Consequences of Multiple Nuclear
Explosions report published in the journal Science provided a scientific study of
the devastating consequences of the use of nuclear weapons. The report provided
data to predict that multiple nuclear explosions would result in long term exposure
to cold, dark and radioactivity and could pose a serious threat to human survivors and
to other species.86 This study provided further evidence of the need to address and
prevent the proliferation and future development of these weapons.87
With reference to chemical and biological weapons, scientific investigation into
the devastating long-term consequences of their use had been reinvigorated due to
the protest against the use of nuclear weapons. All three were associated with mass
destruction. UN-sponsored investigations maintained that WMD were distinct from
conventional methods of warfare. In the report by UN Secretary-General Thant on
Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological) Weapons and the effects of Their Possible
Use (1 July 1969), Thant noted that:
the question of chemical and biological weapons has been over shadowed by
the question of nuclear weapons, which have a destructive power several
In this article, I have argued that nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, categorized as Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), are stigmatized. The process of stigma
has developed historically, due to the strategic and ethical quality of these weapons.
Labelling nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons together into one distinct category of warfare, enables international attention to focus onto the dangers of these
weapons and agreements to be reached to limit their potential development and
use. Addressing the threat of these weapons is of particular relevance within the
current security environment when facing the potential proliferation of WMD by
both states and non-state actors.
When addressing how the stigma has developed, it has been noted that these
weapons have been framed as a threat to humanity. The process of stigmatization
first emerged at the turn of the century in order to prevent the development of technologically advanced methods of warfare. This was in the hope that if limitations
could be placed on the methods of war themselves, then peace could be achieved.
In time, the specific strategic and ethical qualities of WMD have become evident.
In particular, historically, condemnation of the use of gas warfare led to the development of the stigma. The use of nuclear weapons embedded the stigma further. Concerns over the potential destruction caused by these weapons, and awareness of the
inability to protect against their effects, have continued to drive efforts to limit
their proliferation.
This work has addressed two distinct themes. First, that the actors involved in the
stigmatization process have varied. Initially, the stigma emerged in a top-down
process, via heads of state and government officials. In time, grass roots movements
and the general public have also condemned these weapons. WMD have been
framed as a threat to human kind. Secondly, the stigmatizing process has been driven
by perceptions of social, economic, and political power, which have elevated the
status of these weapons. The process of stigmatization has formed as a reaction to
the threatened possession and use of WMD by antagonistic actors. The ethical and political processes cannot be distinguished from each other; each has formed to frame the
image of the long-term danger of WMD. It is recognition of this that has fuelled legal
measures to proscribe these weapons. Here, there is also a contradiction. Chemical and
biological weapons are proscribed by international law, nuclear weapons are not. For a
small number of states, the possession of these weapons is acceptable. Addressing
measures to proscribe WMD continues to be a complex and pressing issue. For this
reason, the categorization of WMD is of importance as it focuses international attention
onto the dangerous potential of these weapons. Knowledge of the stigmatization of
these weapons provides an additional insight into this difficult challenge.
The author is grateful to Angela Crack, Aaron Karp, and Melita Lazell for comments on earlier versions of
this article. The article is a summary of the authors Ph.D. thesis, The Stigmatization of Certain Contemporary Weapons of War: Its Origins, Evolution and Development. The author is grateful to Darryl Howlett,
John Glenn, David Owen, and Neil Cooper for their guidance during this process.
1. For details of the UN investigation and report into these allegations, please see: United
Nations Mission to Investigate Allegations of the Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Arab
Republic: Report on the Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons in the Ghouta Area of Damascus on
21 August 2013.
CW_Investigation.pdf (accessed August 2014).
2. John P. Caves and W. Seth Carus, The Future of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Their Nature and Role
in 2030, Occasional Paper 10, Centre for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction, National
Defence University, Washington, DC, June 2014, pp. 1 64.
3. Ibid., p. 4.
4. Ibid.
5. Christian Enemark, Farewell to WMD: The Language and Science of Mass Destruction, Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 32, No. 2 (August 2011), pp. 382 400. For a discussion of the political
significance of this term, please see: Michelle Bentley, The Long Goodbye: Beyond an Essentialist
Construction of WMD, Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 33, No. 2 (2012), pp. 384406. Arguments in favour of separating the categorization of WMD has also been made by Wolfgang
Panofsky, Dismantling the Concept of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Arms Control Today, Vol.
28, No. 3 (April 1998), pp. 38 and Tom Sauer and Joelien Pretorius, Nuclear Weapons and
the Humanitarian Approach, Global Change, Peace and Security, Vol. 23, No. 3 (2014),
pp. 23350.
6. Rebecca Adler-Nissen, Stigma Management in International Relations: Transgressive Identities,
Norms and Order in International Society, International Organisation, Vol. 68, No. 1 (January
2014), p. 153.
7. Please see: Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of
Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction.
(accessed August 2014). With reference to the legal proscription of chemical weapons: The
Chemical Weapons Convention (The Hague: OPCW, n.d.)
8. The Avalon Project at Yale Law School, Resolution of the Commission for Conventional Armaments,
The Formulation of Proposals for the Regulation and Reduction of Armaments and Armed Forces, 12
August 1948. UN.DOCS/C.3/30.
9. For further information on this theme, please see: William Walker, Weapons of Mass Destruction and
International Order, Adelphi Paper, Vol. 44. No. 370 (10 December 2004), pp. 581.
10. Department of State Bulletin, James M. Ludlow, The Establishment of the Commission for Conventional Armaments, Vol. XVI, No. 408 (27 April 1947), p. 736 (Pub. 2813).
11. W. Seth Carus, Defining Weapons of Mass Destruction, Occasional Paper 4, Centre for the Study of
Weapons of Mass Destruction, National Defence University, Washington, DC, February 2006, p. 3.
12. The US National Security Strategy (Washington, DC: The White House, May 2010), p. 8.
13. Ibid., p. 20.
14. A Strong Britain in an Age of Uncertainty: The UK National Security Strategy (London: Cabinet
Office, October 2010), p. 29.
15. For details of NATOs strategic concepts, please see: NATO: Active Engagement, Modern Defence:
Strategic Concept for the Defence and Security of the Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Lisbon: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 19 20 November 2010). This is noted within the
preamble under the heading The Security Environment (within point 9), p. 10. See also: Press
Release: Deterrence and Defence Posture Review (Chicago, IL: North Atlantic Treaty Organization,
20 May 2012), point 4.
16. Emmanuel Adler, Seizing the Middle Ground: Constructivism in World Politics, European Journal
of International Relations, Vol. 3. No. 3 (1997), p. 324.
17. Ibid., p. 348.
18. Alexander Wendt, Anarchy Is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics,
International Organisation, Vol. 46. No. 2 (Spring 1992), pp. 391 425.
19. Ibid., p. 397.
20. Peter J. Katzenstein, Introduction, in Peter J. Katzenstein (ed), The Culture of National Security:
Norms and Identity in World Politics (New York: Columbia University Press, 1996), p. 5.
21. Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink, International Norm Dynamics and Political Change, International Organisation, Vol. 52. No. 4 (Autumn 1998), p. 891.
22. Wendt, Anarchy Is What States Make of It (note 18), p. 413.
23. Ronald Jepperson, Alexander Wendt and Peter J. Katzenstein, Norms Identity and Culture in National
Security, in Peter J. Katzenstein (ed), The Culture of National Security (New York: Columbia University Press, 1996) (note 20), p. 54. See also Katzenstein, Introduction (note 20), p. 5.
24. Ibid. In addition, Gregory Raymond, Problems and Prospects in the Study of International Norms,
Mershon International Studies Review, Vol. 41, No. 2 (November 1997), pp. 20545, describes constraining norms and gives them the same meaning as regulative norms. Both Raymond and Nina Tannenwald, The Nuclear Taboo: The United States and the Non-use of Nuclear Weapons Since 1945,
Cambridge Studies in International Relations, No. 87 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2007), describe enabling norms, these are norms that allow specific actions. For the purposes of this
paper, the decision had been taken to focus upon the terms constitutive and regulative norms.
25. Ethan Nadelmann, Global Prohibition Regimes: The Evolution of Norms in International Society,
International Organisation, Vol. 44, No. 4 (Autumn 1990), pp. 479526.
26. Ibid.
27. Ibid.
28. Ibid., p. 484.
29. Ian Hacking, Between Michael Foucault and Erving Goffman: Between Discourse in the Abstract and
Face-to-Face Interaction, Economy and Society, Vol. 33, No. 3 (August 2004), p. 295.
30. Erving Goffman, Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity (London: Penguin Books,
1990), p. 13.
31. Adler-Nissen, Stigma Management in International Relations (note 6), pp. 143 76.
32. Bruce G. Link and Jo C. Phelan, Conceptualising Stigma, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 27.
No. 3 (August 2001), p. 377.
33. Ibid.
34. Martin Slattery, Key Ideas in Sociology (Macmillan Education Ltd, 1991; Surrey: Thomas Nelson and
Sons Ltd, 1992), p. 118.
35. Cheryl Pellerin, DOD Official: Global, National Efforts Tackle WMD Threat (Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Defence, 28 July 2014).
36. The Chemical Weapons Convention and The Biological Weapons Convention (note 7).
37. Richard K. Betts, The New Threat of Mass Destruction, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 77, No. 26 (January/
February 1998), pp. 26 41; Richard Falkenrath, Confronting Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Terrorism, Survival, Vol. 40, No. 3 (Autumn 1998), pp. 43 65; Philip B. Heymann, Terrorism and
America: A Commonsense Strategy for a Democratic Society (London: MIT Press, 1998); and
Jessica Stern, The Ultimate Terrorists (Harvard: Harvard University Press, 1999).
38. I refer here to The Convention of Cluster Munitions 2008 and the Convention on the Prohibition of the
Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction, 18 September 1997. For a discussion of humanitarian arms control initiatives, please see: Neil Cooper,
Humanitarian Arms Control and the Processes of Securitization: Moving Weapons Along the Security
Conundrum, Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 32, No. 1 (April 2011), pp. 13458.
39. John Borrie, Humanitarian Reframing of Nuclear Weapons and the Logic of a Ban, International
Affairs, Vol. 90. No. 3 (2014), p. 629.
40. For further discussion, please see: R. Charli Carpenter, Vetting the Advocacy Agenda: Network Centrality and the Paradox of Weapons Norms, International Organisation, Vol. 65, No. 1 (2011),
pp. 69102 and Asif Efrat, Toward Internationally Regulated Goods: Controlling the Trade in
Small Arms and Light Weapons, International Organisation, Vol. 64, No. 1 (2010), pp. 97 131.
41. Borrie, Humanitarian Reframing of Nuclear Weapons and the Logic of a Ban (note 39).
42. Goffman, Stigma (note 30).
43. For further information regarding initial investigation of the effects of the bombings, please see transcripts of the Manhattan Project Atomic Bomb Investigating Group. This group was set up on 11
August 1945, two days after the bombing of both cities to consider the scientific, medical, and technical
effects of the bombs. The investigation estimated that 135,000 people were killed as a result of the Hiroshima bombing. Sixty-four thousand were killed in Nagasaki. The Avalon Project: Documents in
Law, History and Diplomacy. Yale Law School. The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki:
Chapter 10, Total Casualties. (accessed June
44. Bernard Brodie, The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order (New York: Harcourt, Brace
and Company, 1946).
45. Panofsky, Dismantling the Concept of Weapons of Mass Destruction (note 5).
46. Ibid.
47. Anne Harrington De Santana, Nuclear Weapons as the Currency of Power, The Non Proliferation
Review, Vol. 16, No. 3 (2009), p. 332.
48. Ibid.
49. World Nuclear Stockpile Report: What Nuclear Weapons Cost Us? (The Ploughshares Fund, 2012).
50. Marie Isabelle Chevier, Chemical and Biological Weapons, in Jeffrey A. Larsen (ed), Arms Control:
Cooperative Security in a Changing Environment (Boulder: Lynne Reiner Publishers, 2002), p. 143.
51. Panofsky, Dismantling the Concept of Weapons of Mass Destruction (note 5), pp. 3 8.
52. Enemark, Farewell to WMD (note 5), p. 386.
53. Ibid.
54. Erhard Geissler and John Ellis van Courtland Moon (eds), Biological and Toxic Weapons: Research,
Development and Use from the Middle Ages to 1945 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 15.
55. Susan Martin, The Role of Biological Weapons in International Politics: The Real Military Revolution, Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2002), p. 64.
56. Ibid.
57. Francisco Galamius, Profiling Bioterrorism: Present and Potential Threats, Comparative Strategy,
Vol. 30. No.1 (2011), p. 81.
58. Falkenrath, Confronting Nuclear, Chemical or Biological Terrorism (note 37), p. 47.
59. Francisco Galamas, Profiling Bioterrorism: Present and Potential Threats, Comparative Strategy,
Vol. 30, No. 1 (2011), pp. 79 93. Please also see: Katherine M. Vogel, Expert Knowledge in Intelligence Assessments: Bird Flu and Bioterrorism, International Security, Vol. 38, No. 3 (2013/2014),
pp. 39 71. Frank L. Smith III, American Biodefence: How Dangerous Ideas About Biological
Weapons Shape National Security, Cornell Studies in International Affairs (Ithaca: Cornell University
Press, 2014).
60. Joshua D. Kertzer, Kathleen E. Powers, Brian C. Rathbun, and Ravi Iyer, Moral Support: How Moral
Values Shape Foreign Policy Attitudes, The Journal of Politics, Vol. 76, No. 3 (July 2014), pp. 825
61. Nina Tannenwald, Stigmatising the Bomb: The Origins of the Nuclear Taboo, International Security,
Vol. 29. No. 4 (Spring 2005), pp. 5 49.
62. Ibid.
63. Ibid.
64. Catherine Jefferson, Origins of the Norm Against Chemical Weapons, International Affairs, Vol. 90,
No. 3 (May 2014), pp. 64761.
65. Richard M. Price, The Chemical Weapons Taboo (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1997), p. 1.
66. For further details, please see: Daily Hansard Debate (London: Houses of Parliament, House of
Commons, 29 August 2013).
67. Nicholas Simms, Morality and Biological Warfare, Journal of Arms Control, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1987),
pp. 5 23.
68. The Avalon Project at Yale Law School, Laws of War: Declaration of St Petersburg, 29 November
69. Ibid.
70. Ibid.
71. Ibid.
72. Ibid.
73. Ibid.
74. Roland Marchland, The American Peace Movement and Social Reform 18981918 (Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1972), p. 187.
75. Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman, A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret History of Chemical and Biological Warfare, third ed. (London: Arrow Books, 2002).
76. League of Nations, Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments, Report of the Special
Committee on Chemical and Bacteriological Weapons to the General Commission, 31 May 1932,
ConfD120 {Conf.D./A.C.B.16(1)} Geneva.5.
77. League of Nations, Report of the Temporary Mixed Commission for the Reduction of ArmamentsSummary, 30th July 1924, A.16.1924.IX, Geneva, p. 24.
78. Ibid.
79. League of Nations, Proceedings of the Conference for the Supervision of the International Trade in
Arms and, Ammunition and Impediments of War, General Committee, Reference of Chapters IV
and V of the Draft Convention to the Military, Naval and Air Technical Committee: Proposal by the
Bureau of the Conference, 13 Meeting, A.13.1925.IX., 23 May 1925.
The full title for the Geneva Protocol: The Conference for the Supervision of the International Trade in
Arms and Ammunition and in Impediments of War.
Christopher Hudson, How the Cold War Could Have Turned Britain into Armageddon, The Daily
Mail, 23 August 2007.
For further discussion, please see: Josef Joffee, Peace and Populism: Why the European Anti Nuclear
Movement Failed, International Security, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Spring 1987), p. 13.
Raymond and Tannenwald, The Nuclear Taboo (note 24), p. 161. At this time, organizations such as
the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy
(SANE) first emerged. The Federation of American Scientists was also active at this time.
This remains the most serious nuclear incident in American history. The accident occurred when a
water pump broke. It has been argued that the accident was caused by a combination of human
error and equipment failure. Radioactive steam was leaked into the atmosphere from the Three Mile
Island nuclear power plant in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. For further information, please see: On This
Day: 1979: Nuclear Leak Causes Alarm in America (British Broadcasting Corporation, 28 March
Spencer R. Weart, Nuclear Fear: A History of Images (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
1988), p. 320.
R.P. Turco, O.B. Toon, T.P. Ackerman, J.B. Pollack, and Carl Sagan, Nuclear Winter: Global Consequences of Multiple Nuclear Explosions, Science, Vol. 222, No. 4630 (1983), p. 1283.
For a detailed analysis of the response to the Nuclear Winter Thesis, please see: Theodore Rueter and
Thomas Kalil, Nuclear Strategy and Nuclear Winter, World Politics, Vol. 43, No. 4 (July 1991),
pp. 587 607.
Documents on Disarmament 1969, Report by Secretary-General Thant on Chemical and Bacteriological (Biological)Weapons and the Effects of Their Possible Use {Extracts}, 1 July 1969, p. 264.
Neil Cooper, Humanitarian Arms Control and the Processes of Securitization (note 38), p. 2.
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (New York: United Nation United Nations Office
for Disarmament Affairs, n.d.).
On This Day: Thousands Die in Halabja Gas Attack, BBC Home, 16 March 1988.
Please note that the Chemical Weapons Convention prohibits the development, production, acquisition, stockpiling, retention, transfer, or use of chemical weapons by States Parties. http://www.