Pacnet: Honolulu, Hawaii Number 38 July 25, 2011

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Pacific Forum CSIS

Number 38
Honolulu, Hawaii

July 25, 2011

US-India Ties: the Limits to Defense Cooperation with Second, as such collaboration was extended to out-of-
New Delhi by Sourabh Gupta area operations, ranging from the Mediterranean to the
Pacific, New Delhi would participate in the soft maritime
Sourabh Gupta ( is a constrainment of China. Indias dispatch of a temporary
senior research associate at Samuels International Associates, liaison officer to US Pacific Command headquarters in the
Inc. wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, its willingness to
Much has been written over the past decade about the participate in trilateral naval exercises in the East China Sea,
promise of a transformed US-India strategic relationship, both as well as its hosting of wide-ranging multinational exercises
globally and in Asia. From safeguarding the global commons in critical Indian Ocean waterways that serve as approaches to
to promoting the spread of democratic values to preventing the the Malacca Straits, lent weight to this belief.
domination of Asia by a single power, this partnership of
On both counts, expectations werent borne out. A civil
natural allies is deemed to be indispensible for stability and
nuclear deal and endorsement of Indias Security Council
prosperity in the 21st century. Much less has been noted about
aspirations notwithstanding, New Delhi appears unwilling to
the limits to such cooperation. Yet with Secretary of State
confront Beijing in any security format other than one which is
Hillary Clinton having passed through New Delhi last week
strictly bilateral (Sino-Indian), nor countenance the degree of
following the second round of the annual US-India Strategic
jointness or interoperability in bilateral defense planning
Dialogue, one of only a half-dozen such dialogs that the US
preferred by Washington. Indeed at the very point defense
has, these limits appear to be kicking in forcefully.
interoperability assumes the trappings of quasi-informal
In late April, despite personal lobbying by President military alignment, New Delhi tends to reflexively shrink from
Obama, New Delhi eliminated the top two US contenders such engagement.
from its shortlist of suppliers for the India Air Forces fourth-
generation of advanced combat aircraft. With New Delhis Almost a decade after its first broaching by Washington,
New Delhi is yet to post a mid-level officer on a
preliminary design contract toward co-development of a fifth-
permanent basis to Pacific Command. Recent
generation fighter recently signed with Moscow, the window
to US-India collaboration in this space appears to have closed. statements by Indias Ministry of Defence (MoD) that it
does not seek such a relationship with US combatant
In April, New Delhi signaled its disinclination to upgrade commands, as well as MoDs disallowing of all
the strategic dialog to a joint 2+2 (foreign + defense ministers) unsupervised contact between armed forces officials and
format, as the US has with Tokyo in turn leading to foreign defense delegations, suggests a shrinking space
postponement of the Strategic Dialogue. Attempts in May to for exchange of ideas at the mil-mil level with PACOM.
revive the issue were met with firm objections, leaving this
format of joint talks stillborn. Near-term disappointments Despite being afforded an exceptional window to the
aside, it is the underlying variance in New Delhis strategic operation of the US militarys CENTRIX battlegroup
purposes that has been the key obstacle to deepening the US- networking system during Malabar series exercises,
India defense relationship. New Delhi remains averse to signing a Memorandum of
Agreement (a CISMoA) that would facilitate tactical
Ditching Defense Interoperability communications system interoperability. Driven as
At the time of its visualization in the early-to-mid 2000s, much by intrusiveness concerns, New Delhi has chosen
bilateral defense cooperation, with a robust maritime to vest dependence instead on Russias military-grade
component, was viewed as the crown jewel of the burgeoning satellite navigational system which is as yet only semi-
US-India strategic partnership. The US hope if not operational. That top-dollar purchases of US-origin
expectation was two-fold: military transport and reconnaissance aircraft have had
to be consequently kitted with down-rated avionics
First, New Delhi would be Washingtons key security suites, has not changed New Delhis thinking.
partner in the Indian Ocean region (IOR), increasingly joined
with US military in use-of-force planning to address regional Leery that navy-to-navy fuel transfer arrangements, as
contingencies a Japan, without Article 9 restraints, of the practiced during the US-India Malabar series exercises
IOR. The 2005 bilateral Framework Defense Agreement lent might set a precedent for reciprocal fuel-sharing
credence to this belief, envisaging Indian collaboration in requests during peacetime or otherwise in the South
multinational operations of common interest that China Sea and beyond, New Delhi has stepped back
conceptually span the range from humanitarian and disaster from initialing a mutual Logistics Support Agreement
relief (HA/DR) activities to Proliferation Security Initiative (LSA). Provision for logistics cooperation, it bears
(PSI)-style interdictions to perhaps even coalition of the noting, was the rare case of an interoperability-aiding
willing interventions that lack an explicit UN mandate. deliverable that was explicitly secured by Washington
1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1150, Honolulu, HI 96813 Tel: (808) 521-6745 Fax: (808) 599-8690
Email: Web Page:
when drawing up in 2006 the Indo-US Framework for drilling and pipeline interests off the Burmese shoreline, as
Maritime Security Cooperation. A variant of such also the presence of PLAN submarines in the more enabling
logistics cross-sharing, particularly insofar as it relates nautical environment of the Bay of Bengal, might alter this
to non-military and non-traditional security calculation, although those are both hypothetical at this time.
competencies in the IOR such as search and rescue,
That said, a stable geo-political balance in Asia remains
anti-piracy, etc., remains an objective worth pursuing
the necessary condition of the Indian national interest. To this
perhaps when the current, none-too-US-friendly Indian
end, appetite exists in New Delhi for sharing perceptions and
defense minister demits office.
assessments geared toward upholding such an equilibrium
Apprehensive that involvement of US carrier battle bilaterally with the US, trilaterally with Japan, as well as
groups in the Malabar exercises and attendant shore within the open architecture of Asian security multilateralism.
leave for hundreds of US servicemen on Indian soil The recently announced US-India-Japan senior officials-level
might create demands for SOFA-equivalent immunity dialog mechanism, as well as the ASEAN Defense Ministers
protections, the exercises have been scaled down. And Meeting-Plus (ADMM+) framework, provide useful venues in
following a bluntly-worded demarche by Beijing in this regard both to employ diplomatic pushback to check
2007 in the wake of five-party war games hosted in the Chinese overreach (as was the case in Hanoi at the 2010 ARF
Bay of Bengal, the multinational component of these summit) as well as to instill a more nuanced understanding of
exercises has been shifted out-of-area altogether all the possibilities, and the limits, to trilateral and regional
ensuing Malabar exercises in the IOR have since been defense and strategic cooperation in Asia.
strictly US-India affairs. Broadening the conversation to cover trilateral and
Far from suggesting a willingness to extend Indian regional trade, financial and economic integration is also
maritime security obligations beyond the IOR, as some have paramount, given that US-India convergence on the larger
inferred the trilateral Malabar exercises in the East China Sea questions of the future of Asias geo-politics is unlikely in an
to be, it in fact reveals an Indian disinclination to be appended environment lacking such co-dependencies.
to a US and allied maritime strategy in its Indian Ocean zone
In this regard, the Obama administrations recent decision,
of core interest. Practical arms-length collaboration with, as reportedly, to invite Indias participation as an observer at the
opposed to integrating within as has also been the pattern, in November 2011 APEC summit in Hawaii, bears commending.
practice, with New Delhis support for US-led, international An equivalent effort needs to be brought to bear on New Delhi
anti-piracy operations in these waters appears to be the
to strike down barriers within its trade, manufacturing, land
ceiling to such bilateral defense cooperation. use, labor, and industrial bankruptcy regime, so that a trilateral
Pursuing Geo-Political Convergence in Asia Instead trade format involving Japanese design inputs, Indian
production-shared light manufacturing and US final goods
Although it would be easy to blame New Delhis consumption demand might reinforce a Washington-Tokyo-
reluctance to pursue bilateral defense interoperability solely on
New Delhi geo-economic co-dependency that is currently
rote attachment to an unyielding strategic autonomy, a deeper lacking. Actualizing the vast commercial potential of US-
strategic calculus is in the works. As outlined in 2007 by
India (and Japan) civil nuclear cooperation, currently stalled at
Indias then-foreign minister at the peak of the US-Indian
the political hurdle of liability laws, enrichment and re-
honeymoon, increased cooperation with each of the great processing technologies, and the not-insignificant obstacle of a
global power centers had for the first time in Indias
meandering New Delhi-Tokyo civil nuclear cooperation
independent history begotten an upward spiral of improving negotiation, would not hurt either.
relations with each of the other powers. The essence of Indias
diplomatic strategy was to ensure that no set of great power The Pacific Forum is accepting applications for the
bilateral relationships was advanced to the detriment of 2011 SPF Fellowship position. Details, including an
another. application form, can be found at the Pacific Forum
web site [].
Conversely, to the extent that US-India defense ties, and
accompanying procurement relationship, was perceived in
Beijing and Moscow as a precursor to an informal military and
political alignment, disenchantment in these capitals had the
potential to reverse this virtuous cycle of relationships and
unhinge a key pivot of New Delhis multi-vectored diplomatic
strategy. Paradoxical as it might appear, Beijing (the
presumptive target of such ties) and Moscow (the prospective
loser from such a procurement relationship) limit the scope of
Indias defense cooperation with the US.
To the extent, further, that such ties are viewed in New
Delhi as being somewhat superfluous to security requirements
in its immediate maritime neighborhood, US-Indian defense
cooperation that assumes the characteristics of quasi-informal
military alignment will remain aspirational at best well into
the future. Beijings dispatch of naval assets to protect its
1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1150, Honolulu, HI 96813 Tel: (808) 521-6745 Fax: (808) 599-8690
Email: Web Page:

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