Why Israel Is The Victim PDF
Why Israel Is The Victim PDF
Why Israel Is The Victim PDF
Recent history shows us that it was not an Israeli refusal to grant the Palestinian Arabs the right
of self-determination that led to their campaigns of
terror, but that Palestinian self-determination empowered a people steeped in the hatred of Jews to
engage in terrorism.
With the peace process each new level of Palestinian self-determination led to an intensified
wave of terror against Israel, as chronicled in this
pamphlet. In 2006 when the Palestinian Arabs were
able to vote in a legislative election for the first
time in ten years, they chose Hamas, a genocidal
terrorist organization that drew its popularity from
its unwillingness to even entertain the thought of
peace with the Jewish State.
The 2006 election showed once again that the
root cause of terrorism lay in a culture where political popularity came from killing Jews, not from
bringing peace.
Hamas ability to carry out more spectacular
terrorist attacks, employing motivated Islamist suicide bombers, gave it the inside track in the election. Where Western political parties might com3
back and in a Six Day War vanquished the Egyptian armies and drove them out of Gaza. After the
war, Israel refused to withdraw its armies from
Gaza and the West Bank because the Arab invaders, which included Iraq, Jordan and several other
states refused to negotiate a formal peace treaty.
In the years that followed, a few thousand Jews
settled in Gaza.
By 2005 they numbered 8,500, a tiny community compared to the 1.4 million Palestinian Arabs.
While they lived in Gaza, the lives of the Jewish
settlers were in constant danger, particularly after
the formation in Gaza of one the worlds leading
terrorist organizations, Hamas, whose stated goal
is the destruction of Israel and the establishment
of an Islamic state from the [Jordan] River to the
After the rejection of the Oslo Peace process
in 2001 by Yassir Arafat and the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinians launched four years of unrelenting terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians. The
attacks were led by Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, an arm of the
Palestinian Authority. As a result of the Palestinian
rejection of the peace process and the unrelenting
terrorism, the Israeli government decided that a secure peace could probably not be negotiated with
its Palestinian antagonists. It therefore built a fence
along its borders both on the West Bank and Gaza
to prevent further infiltration by suicide bombers,
a measure which dramatically reduced the attacks.
The Israeli government further decided to remove
all Jews living in the Gaza Strip and to withdraw
the Israeli Defense Forces which protected them.
By September 2005, the Israeli government evacuated every Jew who had been living in the Gaza
Forget for a moment all the strategic and geopolitical rationales for the Gaza pullout and consider only the reason that the Jewish settlements
in Gaza were an issue at all: Palestinian Arabs
and indeed all the Arab states of the Middle East
hate Jews and want to dismantle the Jewish state.
They hate Jews so ferociously that they cannot live
alongside them. There is not an Arab state or Arab
controlled piece of territory in the Middle East that
will allow one Jew to live in it. This is why in 1948
the Arab states rejected the two- state solution that
would have created a Palestinian state in the West
Bank and Gaza alongside the State of Israel. They
wanted to destroy the Jewish state more than they
the 7th Century AD as a result of the Muslim invasions. These Arabs were largely nomads who had
no distinctive language or culture to separate them
from other Arabs. In all the time since, they had
made no attempt to create an independent Palestinian state west or east of the Jordan River and none
was ever established.
The pressure for a Jewish homeland was dramatically increased, of course, by the Nazi Holocaust which targeted the Jews for extermination and
succeeded in killing six million, in part because no
countrynot even England or the United States
would open their borders and allow Jews fleeing
death to enter. In 1948, the United Nations voted
to partition the remaining portion of the original
Mandate, which had not been given to Jordan, to
make a Jewish homeland possible.
Under the partition plan, the Arabs were given
the Jews ancient home in Judea and Samaria
now known as the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip
on the border with Egypt. The Jews were allotted
three slivers of disconnected land along the Mediterranean and the Sinai desert. They were also cut
off from the slivers, surrounded by Arab land and
under international control. Sixty percent of the
If the Palestinian Arabs had been willing to accept this arrangement in which they received 90%
of the land in the Palestine Mandate, and under
which they benefited from the industry, enterprise
and political democracy the Jews brought to the region, there would have been no Middle East conflict. But they were not.
Instead, the Arab Leaguerepresenting five
neighboring Arab states declared war on Israel
on the day of its creation, and five Arab armies
invaded the slivers with the aim of destroying
the infant Jewish state. During the fighting, according to the UN mediator on the scene, an estimated
472,000 Arabs fled their homes and left the infant
state. Some fled to escape the dangers, others were
driven out in the heat of war. They planned on returning after what they assumed would be the inevitable Arab victory and the destruction of the infant
Jewish state.
But the Jewsmany of them recent Holocaust
survivors refused to be defeated. Instead, the five
Arab armies that had invaded were repelled. Yet
there was no peace. Even though their armies were
beaten, the Arab states were determined to carry
on their campaign of destruction and to remain for23
their desert bloom. They built the only industrialized economy in the entire Middle East. They built
the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. They
treated the Arabs who remained in Israel well. To
this day the very large Arab minority, which lives
inside the state of Israel, has more rights and privileges than any other Arab population in the entire
Middle East. This is especially true of the Arabs
who lived under Yasser Arafats corrupt dictatorship, and live presently under the the Palestine
Authority, which inherited his totalitarian rule and
today administers the West Bank.
The present Middle East conflict is said to be
about the occupied territoriesthe West Bank of
the Jordan and the Gaza stripand about Israels
refusal to give them up. But during the first twenty years of the Arab Israeli conflict, Israel did not
control the West Bank or the Gaza Strip. When Jordan annexed the West Bank and Egypt annexed the
Gaza strip after the 1948 war, there was no Arab
outrage. But the war against Israel continued.
The Arab Wars Against Israel
In 1967, Egypt, Syria and Jordanwhose leaders had never ceased to call for the destruction of
neighbors were still formally at war. This is the reality that frames the Middle East conflict.
In 1973, six years after the second Arab war
against the Jews, the Arab armies again attacked
Israel. The attack was led by Syria and Egypt, abetted by Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and five
other countries who gave military support to the
aggressors, including an Iraqi division of 18,000
men. Israel again defeated the Arab forces. Afterwards, Egypt and Egypt aloneagreed to make
a formal peace.
The peace was signed by Egyptian president,
Anwar Sadat, who was subsequently assassinated
by Islamic radicals, paying for his statesmanship
with his life. Sadat is one of three Arab leaders assassinated by other Arabs for making peace with
the Jews.
Under the Camp David accords that Sadat
signed, Israel returned the entire Sinai with all its
oil riches. This act demonstrated once and for all
that the solution to the Middle East conflict was
ready at hand. It only required the willingness of
the Arabs to agree.
Possibly the most glaring expression of the Arabs bad faith is their deplorable treatment of the
Palestinian refugees and refusal for half a century
to relocate them, or to alleviate their condition,
even during the years they were under Jordanian
rule. While Israel was making the desert bloom
and relocating 600,000 Jewish refugees from Arab
states, and building a thriving industrial democracy, the Arabs were busy making sure that their
refugees remained in squalid refugee camps in the
West Bank and Gaza, where they were powerless,
rightless, and economically destitute. Despite economic aid from the UN and Israel itself, despite the oil wealth of the Arab kingdoms, the Arab
leaders have refused to undertake the efforts that
would liberate the refugees from their miserable
camps, or to make the economic investment that
would alleviate their condition. There are now 22
Arab states providing homes for the same ethnic
population, speaking a common Arabic language.
But the only one that will allow Palestinian Arabs
to become citizens is Jordan. And the only state the
Palestinians covet is Israel.
citizens and the organs of the PLO and the Palestine Authority, despite billions in revenues, have
let them to stew in refugee camps for 50 years. (In
contrast, Israel has been steadily absorbing and
settling Jewish refugees over the same time period). In Jordan, Palestinians already have a state in
which they are a majority but which denies them
self determination. Why is Jordan not the object
of the Palestinian liberation struggle? The only
possible answer is because it is not ruled by the
hated Jews.
The famous green line marking the boundary between Israel and its Arab neighbors is also
the bottom line for what is the real problem in the
Middle East. It is green because plants are growing in the desert on the Israeli side but not on the
Arab side. The Jews got a sliver of land without
oil, and created abundant wealth and life in all its
rich and diverse forms. The Arabs got nine times
the acreage but all they have done with it is to sit
on its aridity and nurture the poverty, resentments
and hatreds of its inhabitants. Out of these dark elements they have created and perfected the most
vile antihuman terrorism the world has ever seen:
Suicide bombing of civilians.
ity who embraces its social contract. But this history of the attempt to establish a Jewish state in the
Middle East is also why I am a fierce supporter of
Israels survival and have no sympathy for the Palestinian side in this conflict. Nor will I have such
sympathy until the day comes when I can look into
the Palestinians eyes and see something other than
death desired for Jews like me.
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