Radiation Safety Test Study Guide
Radiation Safety Test Study Guide
Radiation Safety Test Study Guide
The objective of the Radiation Safety Exam is to insure that those people using
radioactive isotopes are very familiar with:
7. Understand the difference between counts per minute and disintegrations per
8. be familiar with TLD dosimetry and the proper positioning of a dosimetry
9. Be familiar with the requirements for bioassays at BYU, including when, and
how to do them.
Section 5: Be able to complete the following calculations
1. Calculate the activity of radioactive material which must be added to a
cell culture to obtain a specific activity in the test sample (usually an
aliquot of
the original) This involves instrument efficiency, labeling efficiency, and
2. Calculate the absorbed dose if told the ionizing radiation flux and given the
linear energy transfer (for example, calculate the dose due to a skin exposure to
P32 given that 32P betas deposit approximately 200,000 electron volts in the
first 0.1 cm traveled through soft tissue) or given a point source activity calculate
the flux.
3. Calculate the half-life of a material
4. Calculate dilutions factors or concentrations given the appropriate information.
5. Calculate the actual contamination in becquerels per square centimerter of a
small area of contamination given a survey meter reading.
6. Given a point source of x becqureels and the exposure rate per becquerel,
calculate the exposure at 10 cm.
Section 6: Rules and Regulations
1. Be familiar with bioassays and when they must be done
2. Know how to properly dispose of radioactive material
3. Understand the requirements for proper security
4. Be familiar with the state rules governing ionizing radiation
5. Understand the allowable occupational dose for an adult and a fetus
6. Know how to declare a pregnancy
7. Calculate the actual contamination level in Bq or Ci on a surface given an
instrument count and the efficiency of the instrument.
Section 7 Surveys
1. know how to properly leak check a package
2. know how often your survey meter must be calibrated and where to get the
calibrating done
3. know where to conduct surveys
4. know how to do a contamination survey
5. know how to properly document a survey
Section 8 Paperwork and Documentation
people receive ionizing radiation from radon, potassium 40, carbon 14 and tritium.
These are all naturally occurring nuclides that are in the environment. In addition
cosmic radiation and radiation from building materials contaminated with naturally
occurring nuclides give us a constant exposure to high energy photons. A total natural
background exposure is in the range of 200 to 400 mrem/year.
1.8 External and internal hazards. Generally all alpha emitters, and beta
emitters with energy less than 50 KEV will not penetrate the dead layers of skin to
cause direct physiological damage from outside the body. The radiation can do
damage if in direct contact with living tissue. High energy beta particles and photons
do present a hazard from outside the body.
2. Ionizing Radiation and its interaction with matter.
2.1. Compton scattering: photons interact with electrons producing a free
electron and a scattered photon with less energy.
2.2. Bremsstraahlung: Energetic electrons interact with mater, undergo change
in momentum and photons are produced. High atomic number absorbing materials
increase the number and energy of bremsstraahlung photons.
2.3. Specific Ionization and LET: the measure of ion pairs formed per unit
distance traveled is called specific ionization (SI). The energy deposited per unit
distance traveled is called linear energy transfer or LET.
2.4. Pair Production: high energy photons (above 1.02 MEV) may produce a
pair of electron like particles (electron and positron).
2.5. Photoelectric effect: A photon reacts with an electron resulting in an
energetic electron with no remaining photon. This competes with Compton scattering
as a means of dissipating photon energy. High atomic number materials shift the
balance in favor of photoelectric effect. High energy photons tend to shift the balance
in favor of Compton scattering.
2.6. Shielding: It is better to shield a high energy beta with low atomic number
materials than with high atomic number materials to reduce bremsstraahlung.
3. Types of Ionizing Radiation.
3.1. origin and characteristics: Origin of a negative beta particle is the
nucleus. The beta has low mass but a high charge. Quality factor usually =1.
3.1.1. Note range and half layer values
3.1.2. P32 range about 0.8 cm in unit density material such as water or
soft tissue.
3.2. origin and characteristics: Origin in the nucleus, usually very high energy,
and very short range due to charge and mass. Hence high LET. Will not penetrate the
keratinized epidermal layer. Quality factor assigned is typically 20.
3.3. origin and characteristics: origin in the nucleus, no mass, no charge, very
penetrating. External hazard. Quality factor 1 for isotope related energies (up to a few
3.4. X-ray: Origin orbital electrons or energetic electrons. Properties same as
gamma rays. (Both are termed photons) quality factor 1 for normal energies associated
with tracers.
4. Waste Disposal
4.1. Decay in Storage: only allowed for nuclides with half live less than 90 days.
4.2. Discharge: We may discharge water soluble radioactive materials in certain
quantities. We must be able to demonstrate that the materials are freely soluble. The
following daily limits are set:
4.2.1. 3H
100 microcuries
4.2.2. 14C
100 microcuries
4.2.3. S
100 microcuries
4.2.4. 32P
100 microcuries
4.3. Ship: All materials that cannot be decayed or discharged must be shipped to
a low level radioactive waste repository.
4.4. Preparation for Disposal
4.4.1. Packaging Plastic containers not glass Seal the Containers Label Nuclide, date, laboratory and quantity.
4.4.2. Do not mix any short half life material with long (greater than 90
day) half life material. Ever! I mean really ever. Unless you have explicit permission
from the RSO dont do it. I will charge a flat 100 dollar fee for any such waste unless it
has been specifically cleared through my office.
4.4.3. Scintillation Cocktail; all old varieties containing toluene or xylene
will be surcharged.
4.4.4. Mixed waste: Do not create a mixed waste without explicit
permission from the RSO. A mixed waste is a waste that is both a hazardous chemical
waste and a radioactive waste. These are almost impossible to dispose of. Almost any
organic solvent, including methyl alcohol, would be considered a hazardous chemical
waste. Ethyl alcohol is considered hazardous waste above 24% concentration in
aqueous solution.
4.4.5. Make sure that your disposal logs accurately reflect the disposal of
radioactive materials.
5. Personal Protection.
5.1. Dosimetry. We require dosimetry devices for anyone using significant
quantities of nuclides that are external health hazards. These include 125I and 32P.
Significant quantities means more than 3 millicuries of 32P received by one laboratory
in one month or more than 2 millicuries of 32P in one shipment. For 125I, bound
iodine in kits less than 30 microcuries does not require dosimetry.
5.2 Bioassays Anyone receiving and manipulating more than 5 millicuries of any
isotope will check with the RSO to complete appropriate bioassays. All iodinations will
require an appropriate bioassay. Bioassays will also be required if there is reason to
believe that you have ingested or inhaled a radioactive material.
5.3 Personal Protective Equipment
Standard Equipment includes: lab coat, gloves, and goggles
5.4. Laboratory Surveys: Should be performed at the end of each working day
when isotopes are used. These surveys should be logged in your manual. Areas
surveyed should include hands, bottom of shoes, floor near work area, telephone,
computer, sink, anywhere your hands frequent and lab bench where work was
5.2. Leak checking new material: The RSO leak checks all materials except
tritiated compounds at the outer surface of the box and the outer surface of the inner
packaging. Once you remove a vial you should check the vial before using the material
and record the leak check results on the inventory form.
5.3. Shielding, distance, time, quantity. Are manipulable parameters for
maintaining exposures ALARA.
5.4. Accident response.
5.4.5. Protect life and health
5.4.6. Safely limit the spread (may include cleaning the material up)
5.4.7. Call RSO
5.5. Eating and drinking are forbidden in an area cleared for the use of
radioactive isotopes.
6. Regulations.
6.1. Pregnancy.
6.1.1. Allowable exposure to fetus = 50 mrem/month or 500 mrem/
6.1.2 The University has an obligation to the mother and fetus if the
mother decides to declare her pregnancy.
6.2. 10 CFR 20 is the federal regulation covering general worker safety.
6.3. R-313-15 Utah regulation covering worker safety and R-313-18 covers
notices to workers.
6.4. Security: All radioactive materials including radioactive waste must be
under the personal supervision of a qualified user or locked up at all times. Period.
6.5. Reporting. Report spills, leaks, or other occurrences to the RSO (2-5779) If
you have an emergency, that is imminent or immediate threat to life or health call 911,
or 2-2222.
7. Radio toxicity variables.
7.1. Biological half life - In general the longer the half life the more toxic the
7.2. Target Organ if a nuclide concentrates in an organ it is typically more
radiotoxic than one which does not have a target organ.
7.3. Specific Ionization - the higher the SI or LET the higher the toxicity
8. Units Of Measurement.
10.1. Decay Nt = Noe-0.693t/T where t is the time elapsed and T is the half life.
10.2. 1 mrad = 62,400 MeV per gram Rule of thumb: 100 beta particles per cm
per second = 10 mrad/hr exposure with high energy betas.
Problem calculate the exposure if a thin window gm tube detector gives 30,000 counts
per minute the counter has 5 cm2 surface area and 100% counting efficiency (assume
even distribution of beta flux over the window surface).
We can say that the 30,000 counts are picked up in a 5 square cm area or we have
6,000 counts per minute through each square centimeter. This is equal to 100 counts
per cm per second or about 10 mrad/hr. If you had been given the precise energy of
the beta particle then it is a simple matter to convert electron volts/gram to rad and
come up with a precise answer. For example 100 beta's per second from 32P with an
average energy of 0.7 Mev/beta and a range of 0.8 cm will deposit all of their energy in
the first cm of tissue. Thus 100 X 0.7 = 70MeV of energy is deposited in one gram
(1cm3 soft tissue is about one gram and one erg = 6.24*10 5 MeV). The rest is a simple
conversion problem. An interesting problem would be to give the amount of energy
deposited in the first tenth of a cm and that deposited in the second tenth of a cm and
allow you to find the different dose rates to the various layers of tissue.