Forum Romanum: Tabularia (Offices), Saepta (Voting Precincts), Macella (Market Building), Porticoes and Horrea
Forum Romanum: Tabularia (Offices), Saepta (Voting Precincts), Macella (Market Building), Porticoes and Horrea
Forum Romanum: Tabularia (Offices), Saepta (Voting Precincts), Macella (Market Building), Porticoes and Horrea
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum was the first forum ever
built. It was built on the Palatine hill, around
600 B.C. During the selection of locations for
the Forum, there were unpleasant marsh-
es in the hollow which led to a main drain-
age channel being built to drain the Forum.
Temple of Jupi-
ter Capitolinus
tion) - 509 B.C.
In ancient Rome, the Temple of Jupiter Cap- First style (200—60 B.C.) Development of hard setting mor-
REPUBLICAN itolinus is important and it is located on the tar or Mortar of Pozzolana (300 B.C.)
Capitoline Hill. The first Temple of Jupiter is
300 B. C. - from the later Roman times and it was built on
September 13 on 509 B.C. The Capitoline Tri-
It is made of volcanic sand (Pozzolana), lime and
water. This could reduce reliance on the dead
200 B. C. ad considered it sacred as it consist of Jupiter,
Juno and Minerva. The original Temple mea-
weight of massive blocks. Due to its water resis-
tant property, it can be set in a very damp envi-
sured almost 60 m x 60 m (197 feet square) and ronment. Mortar is used for waterproof facings.
was considered the most important religious At the end of this century (Hellenistic Period),
temple of the whole of Rome. This temple they discovered the lime which led to the use
was rebuilt, but Quintus Lutatius Catulus was of lime in the manufacture of mortar to bond
given the honour of dedicating the new struc- rubble masonry. Thereby, mortar had replaced
ture in 69 B.C. The new temple was built using clay and achieved its role as permanent glue. It
the same plan and the same foundations, but enables the use of concrete masonry in enor-
with more expensive materials for the super- mous constructions. Mortar also allows the
structure. However, it was completed during developments and constructions of vaults.
the late 60 B.C. The third and fourth building Mid of 2 B.C.,
was built during A.D. and no longer consid- primitive con-
ered as prehistory of the Roman architecture. crete was the
further devel-
opment of mor-
The First Style of Roman art was tar. Primitive
Temple of Saturn - 498 B.C. concrete is the
Erected in 498 B.C., the Temple of Saturn mostly an exploration of simulat-
ing marble of various colours and product of mix-
was and still is the oldest sacred place in ing mortar with
Rome, after the Temples of Vesta and Jupiter. types on painted plaster. In order
to replicate masonry, artists of the light rubble. Concrete was first used in the town
late republican period drew upon ex- of Cosa. Construction is easier and cheaper with
amples of painting and architecture primitive concrete. In the construction of arch
from the early Hellenistic period. and vault, concrete is poured over temporary
timber mould (centering). This inven-
During the Roman colonization of tion, concrete, drove the radical ad-
Pompeii, the First Style of Roman vancement of the conception of form.
art suffered a decline. This led to the
trans-formation of an Italic town with At the late 2 B.C., concrete facing had become
Greek influences into a Roman city. more regularized, eventually; it consisted of
square and pyramid shaped blocks of tough set
in a diagonal grid pattern, opus reticulatum. The
choice to use opus reticula-tum is due to the desire
Aqua Appia, 312 B.C. express a connection
of Rome’s power base.
Aqua Appia was built in 312 B.C. during the
Roman republic, by Appius Claudius Cae- 241 B.C., Falerii Novi is
cus who also built the famous Via Appia. a new city built by the
Aqua Appia is located in Italy and was build Romans using Etrus-
to satisfy the need of water supply in Forum can engineering. The
Boarium in Campus Martius. It is the oldest arch of the entrance
aqueduct in ancient Rome. The length of Aqua was the definite mark-
Appia is approximately 10 miles (16 km) and er in the early history
7 miles (11 km). It begins underground from of the voussoirs arch.
its source then continues on on arches for 3
miles (4.8 km) to its terminus in the Forum
Boarium in Campus Martius. When describing
how low it travels, Aqua Appia has the lowest
level travel point among all of the aqueducts.
It stretches 8 miles to the Sabine Hills which
is outside of Rome. To provide protection
to Appia from attackers during the Samnite
Wars that was occuring during construction,
most of the length of the aqueduct was built
underground, which was necessary because
of the heights of its source and destination.
This aqueducts structure has similar struc-
tures as the Greek and Egyptian aqueducts.
House of Menander - 300 B.C.
Mausoleum of Augustus - 28 B. C.
10 B. C.
Maison Carree - 16 B.C.
Temple of Fortu-
na Virilis - 2 B.C.
1 A. D. -
15 A. D.
20 A. D. - Pantheon was built in 27 A.D.
50 A. D.
235 A. D.
CRISIS OF THE Aqua Alexandrina was constructed in 226
A.D. by Frontinus. Aqua Alexandrina is also lo-
THIRD CENTURY cated in Italy. Alexandrina was established for
285 A. D. - 319
of the
364 A. D. Constantine was the first Christian Ro-
man emperor. He built a church on Vati-
can Hill, right atop of St. Peter’s burial
site. He began construction of the site in
319. The building featured a centralized
floor plan with four arms of equal length.
364 A.D. - 408—410 AD
- 650 A.D.