Electrical Machines 4 Lab 1 Results Sheet Ver 2
Electrical Machines 4 Lab 1 Results Sheet Ver 2
Electrical Machines 4 Lab 1 Results Sheet Ver 2
Iline = 2.6 A
S(total) = 996 VA
P(total) = 146 W
This is with the dynamometer pushed back from the motor. When the dynamometer is attached but not excited the
power goes up to 176 W. This gives an addition of 40 W of mechanical power which represents 0.095 Nm of torque
how should this be put in? Its probably friction torque which could be either a function of speed or a constant. I
suggest adding this to the stall torque calculation and the locked rotor calculation as a constant.
Locked Rotor test
Vline = 41 V
Iline = 2.7 A
S(total) = 192 VA
P(total) = 146 W
The rotor is released and stalled using the dynamometer. Torque arm reading = 1.35 cm (= 0.135 Nm). This is when
the rotor is slowed to a very slow rate using the dynamometer with Vline = 41 V and the current is 2.65 A. This torque
can be scaled up using the square of the voltage (prove!). The measured rotor current is 1.46 A.
Operation at rated Torque
Vline = 220 V
Iline = 2.7 A
S(total) = 1000 VA
speed = 2924 rpm (measured with stroboscope) Torque arm measurement = 7.2 cm
P(total) = 374 W
Rig Photos
The dynamometer has a double bearing set so that torque can be measured from movement of a balance weight. For
the weights, with no torque they are counterbalanced with the front one set at 0 cm. When there is torque the front
weight is moved until balance is re-established. This measurement allows calculation of the torque. The mass is 10 N.
The induction motor is wound field. The front 3 connections in the figure above are for the rotor and these can either
be shorted or connected through a meter to measure the currents, as is done here. The meter on the right in the figure
above has the rotor connection through a 3-phase meter and then a star point is formed from two black wires on the
right hand terminals. The stator is connected as a delta through the left hand meter above. The meter can measure
phase and line voltage, line current, S, P and Q.
The stall point is conducted at low voltage and the machine is slowed using the dynamometer until it appears to start
stalling. The weight is moved to try and balance the dynamometer at this stall point. It will be slightly high but it is an
The rated load point, stall point, and locked rotor torque can be added to a calculated T/speed curve. Errors will be