1 Users Come First: From Personas To User Stories

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User stories are probably the most popular agile technique to capture product functionality:
Working with user stories is easy. But telling effective stories can be hard. The following ten tips
help you create good stories.

1 Users Come First

As its name suggests, a user story describes how a customer or user employs the product; it is
written from the users perspective. Whats more, user stories are particularly helpful to capture a
specific functionality, such as, searching for a product or making a booking. The following
picture illustrates the relationship between the user, the story, and the product functionality
(symbolised by the circle).

If you dont know who the users and customers are and why they would want to use the product,
then you should not write any user stories. Carry out the necessary user research first, for
example, by observing and interviewing users. Otherwise, you take the risk of writing
speculative stories that are based on beliefs and ideasbut not on data and empirical evidence.

2 Use Personas to Discover the Right Stories

A great technique to capture your insights about the users and customers is working
with personas. Personas are fictional characters that are based on first-hand knowledge of the
target group. They usually consist of a name and a picture; relevant characteristics, behaviours,
and attitudes; and a goal. The goal is the benefit the persona wants to achieve, or the problem the
character wants to see solved by using the product.
But there is more to it: The persona goals help you discover the right stories: Ask yourself what
functionality the product should provide to meet the goals of the personas, as I explain in my
post From Personas to User Stories. You can download a handy template to describe your
personas from romanpichler.com/tools/persona-template.

3 Create Stories Collaboratively

A user story is not a specification, but an communication and collaboration tool. Stories should
never be handed off to a development team. Instead, they should be embedded in a conversation:
The product owner and the team should discuss the stories together.
You can take this approach further and write stories collaboratively, for instance, as part of your
product backlog grooming process. This leverages the creativity and the knowledge of the team
and results in better user stories.
If you cant involve the development team in the user story work, then you should consider
using another, more formal technique to capture the product functionality, such as, use cases.

4 Keep your Stories Simple and Concise

Write your stories so that they are easy to understand. Keep them simple and concise. Avoid
confusing and ambiguous terms, and use active voice. Focus on whats important, and leave out
the rest. The template below puts the user or customer modelled as a persona into the story and
makes its benefit explicit. It is based on by Rachel Davies popular template, but I have replaced
user role with persona name to connect the story with the relevant persona.
As <persona> ,
I want <what?>
so that <why?>.
Use the template when it is helpful, but dont feel obliged to always apply it. Experiment with
different ways to write your stories to understand what works best for you and your team.

5 Start with Epics

An epic is a big, sketchy, coarse-grained story. It is typically broken into several user stories over
timeleveraging the user feedback on early prototypes and product increments. You can think of
it as a headline and placeholder for more detailed stories.
Starting with epics allows you to sketch the product functionality without committing to the
details. This is particularly helpful for describing new products and features: It allows you to
capture the rough scope, and it buys you time to learn more about how to best address the needs
of the users. It also reduces the time and effort required to integrate new insights. If you
many detailed stories in the product backlog, then its often tricky and time-consuming to relate
feedback to the appropriate stories and you have to be careful not to introduce inconsistencies.

6 Refine the Stories until They are Ready

Break your epics into smaller, detailed stories until they are ready: clear, feasible, and testable.
All development team members should have a shared understanding of the storys meaning; the
story should not too big and comfortably fit into a sprint, and there has to be an effective way to
determine if the story is done.

7 Add Acceptance Criteria

As you break epics into smaller stories, remember to add acceptance criteria. Acceptance criteria
complement the narrative: They allow you to describe the conditions that have to be fulfilled so
that the story is done. The criteria enrich the story, they make it testable, and they ensures that the
story can be demoed or released to the users and other stakeholders. As a rule of thumb, I like to
use three to five acceptance criteria for detailed stories.

8 Use Paper Cards

User stories emerged in Extreme Programming (XP), and the early XP literature talks about story
cards rather than user stories. There is a simple reason: User stories were captured on paper
cards. This approach provides three benefits: First, paper cards are cheap and easy to use.
Second, they facilitate collaboration: Every one can take a card and jot down an idea. Third,
cards can be easily grouped on the table or wall to check for consistency and completeness and
to visualise dependencies. Even if your stories are stored electronically, it is worthwhile to use
paper cards when you write new stories.

9 Keep your Stories Visible and Accessible

Stories want to communicate information. Therefore dont hide them on a network drive, the
corporate intranet jungle, or a licensed tool. Make them visible, for instance, by putting them up
on the wall. This fosters collaboration, creates transparency, and makes it obvious when you add
too many stories too quickly, as you will start running out of wall space. A handy tool to
discover, visualise, and manage your stories is my Product Canvas shown below.

10 Dont Solely Rely on User Stories

Creating a great user experience (UX) requires more than user stories. User stories are helpful to
capture product functionality, but they are not well suited to describe the user journeys and the
visual design. Therefore complement user stories with other techniques, such as, story maps,
workflow diagrams, storyboards, sketches, and mockups.
Additionally, user stories are not good capturing technical requirements. If you need to
communicate what an architectural element like a component or service should do, then
write technical stories orwhich is my preferenceuse a modeling language like UML.

Finally, writing user stories is worthwhile when you develop software thats likely to be reused.
But if you want to quickly create a throwaway prototype or mockup to validate an idea, then
writing stories may not be necessary. Remember: User stories are not about documenting
requirements; they want to enable you to move fast and develop software as quickly as possible
not to impose any overhead.

Read more http://www.romanpichler.com/blog/10-tips-writing-good-user-stories/

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