Yllabus: Unit Major Learning Outcomes Topics and Sub-Topics
Yllabus: Unit Major Learning Outcomes Topics and Sub-Topics
Yllabus: Unit Major Learning Outcomes Topics and Sub-Topics
(Code: 3340904)
Teaching Scheme
(In Hours)
Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Unit I
Unit II
Logic Gates
And Wave
Unit III
Algebra and
Unit- IV
semiconductor memories
A to D And D
various types of A to D
to A
Convertors and 5b.Describe the working of
Display Devices
various types of and D to
A convertors.
5c.Explain working of
various display devices
used with digital circuits.
Unit Title
Number Systems
Logic Gates and Wave shaping
Boolean Algebra And
Combinational Circuits
Sequential Circuits
A to D and D to A Convertors
and Display Devices
Digital Instruments
Types of number system, inter conversion
Introductions to codes
Binary weighted & non weighted codes
Excess code
Grey code,
BCD code
Hamming code (only introduction)
Thus the equivalent gray code is 01101. Now concentrate on the example where the M.S.B. of
the binary is 0 so for it will be 0 for the most significant gray bit. Next, the XOR of the first
and the second bit is done. The bits are different so the resultant gray bit will be 1. Again
move to the next step, XOR of second and third bit is again 1 as they are different. Next, XOR
of third and fourth bit is 0 as both the bits are same. Lastly the XOR of fourth and fifth bit is 1
as they are different. That is how the result of binary to gray code conversion of 01001 is done
whose equivalent gray code is 01101.
The M.S.B of the binary will be 0 as the M.S.B of gray is 0. Now move to the next gray bit. As it is 1 the
previous binary bit will alter i.e it will be 1, thus the second binary bit will be 1. Next look at the third bit of the
gray code. It is again 1 thus the previous bit i.e the second binary bit will again alter and the third bit of the
binary number will be 0. Now, 4th bit of the given gray is 0 so the previous binary bit will be unchanged, i.e 4th
binary bit will be 0. Now again the 5th grey bit is 1 thus the previous binary bit will alter, it will be 1 from 0.
Therefore the equivalent Binary number in case of gray code to binary conversion will be (01001).
(a) 1101
(b) 0110
(c) 1001
(d) 1110
12. The binary division 110002 1002 gives
(a) 110
(b) 1100
(c) 11
(d) 101
13. The number 128 is equivalent to decimal
(a) 12
(b) 20
(c) 10
(d) 4
14. The number 1001012 is equivalent to octal
(a) 54
(b) 45
(c) 37
(d) 25.
15. The number 178 is equivalent to binary
(a) 111
(b) 1110
(c) 10000
(d) 1111.
16. Which of the following is NOT an octal number?
(a) 19
(b) 77
(c) 15
(d) 101
17. Hexadecimal number system is used as a shorthand language for representing .......numbers.
(a) decimal
(b) binary
(c) octal
(d) large
18. The binary equivalent of A16 is
(a) 1010
(b) 1011
(c) 1000
(d) 1110.
19. BCD code is
(a) non-weighted
(b) the same thing as binary numbers
(c) a binary code
(d) an alphanumeric code.
20. Which of the following 4-bit combinations is/are invalid in the BCD code ?
(a) 1010
(b) 0010
(c) 0101
(d) 1000.
21. Octal coding involves grouping the bits in
(a) 5's
(b) 7's
(c) 4's
(d) 3's.
22. In Excess-3 code each coded number is .......than in BCD code.
(a) four larger
(b) three smaller
(c) three larger
(d) much larger.
23. Which numbering system uses numbers and letters as symbols ?
(a) decimal
(b) binary
(c) octal
(d) hexadecimal
24. To convert a whole decimal number into a hexadecimal equivalent, one should divide the
decimal value by.......
(a) 2
(b) 8
(c) 10
(d) 16.
1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (a) 11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (c)
20. (a) 21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (a)
Unit II
Logic Gates and Wave Shaping Circuits
2.1 Diode and transistor as a switch.
2.2 Diode as a clipper circuit
2.3 Positive logic and negative logic levels
2.4 Different types of logic gates, symbol and truth table
2.5 Universal gates - NAND and NOR
2.6 Logic family RTL, DTL
An Ideal diode also acts like a switch. When the diode is forward biased it acts like a closed
switch as shown in the figure below.
Whereas, if the diode is reversed biased, it acts like an open switch as shown in the figure
Transistor as a Switch
We all know that a transistor has 4 regions of operation, in which Active, Cut-off and Saturation are
commonly used. A transistor works in active region when worked as an Amplifier. When a transistor
works as a Switch it works in Cut-off and Saturation Regions. In the Cut-off State both Emitter Base
Junction and Collector Base junctions are reverse biased. But in saturation region both junctions are
forward biased. Switch is a very useful and important application of transistors. In most digital ICs
transistors will work as a switch to make power consumption very low. It is also a very useful circuit
for an electronics hobbyist as it can be used as a driver, inverter etc.
ON = Saturation
OFF = Cutof
Transistor as a Switch ON
Transistor will become ON
(saturation) when a sufficient
voltage V is given to input. During
this condition the Collector Emitter
be approximately equal to zero, ie
the transistor acts as a short circuit.
For a silicon transistor it is equal to
0.3v. Thus collector current Ic =
Vcc/Rc will flows.
Transistor as a Switch
Transistor will be in OFF (cut-of) when the
input Vin equal to zero. During this state
transistor acts as an open circuit and thus
the entire voltage Vcc will be available at
Negative Logic: With reference to negative logic, logic 0 state is the most positive logic or
voltage level and logic 1 state is the most negative logic or voltage level. In other words,
active high level is 0 and active low level is 1.
For instance, V(0) = 5V and V(1) = 0V, V(0) = 15V and V(1) = 5V.
Thus a positive logic AND gate acts as a negative logic OR gate and vice versa.
Hope you find the information presented here useful. Please leave your footprints in the
comments section below for any feedback or queries.
B) MOS Families:
1. P-MOS Family
2. N-MOS Family
3. Complementary-MOS Family
Diode Logic
In DL (diode logic), only Diode and Resistors are used for
implementing a particular Logic. Remember that the Diode
conducts only when it is Forward Biased.
Low Fan In
Propagation Delay is Larger
Digital Instruments
Analog signal is a continuous
signal which represents physical
Denoted by sine waves
Uses continuous range of values to
represent information
Human voice in air, analog
electronic devices.
Analog technology records
waveforms as they are.
Digital signals are discrete time
signals generated by digital
Denoted by square waves
Uses discrete or discontinuous values
to represent information
Computers, CDs, DVDs, and other
digital electronic devices.
Samples analog waveforms into a
limited set of numbers and records
Can be noise-immune without
deterioration during transmission and
write/read cycle.
Instrumentation System
All the physical input parameters like temperature, pressure, displacement, velocity,
acceleration and so on will be converted into its proportionate electrical signal.
Multiple analog signals are received by this device and are sequentially provided on to a
measuring instrument.
Signal Converter
It is used to convert an analog signal to a form that is acceptable by the analog to digital
Auxiliary Equipment
All the system programming and digital data processing functions are carried out by this unit.
The auxiliary equipment may be a single computer or may be a collection of individual
instruments. Some of its basic functions include linearizing and limit comparison.
Digital Recorder
It is mostly a CRO or a computer.
Unit III
Boolean Algebra and Combinational Circuits
Unit- IV
Sequential Circuits
Flip-Flop (FF) circuits: R-S, D, J-K and master slave J-K.
Shift register: series, parallel left and right
Asynchronous and Synchronous counter using 7493 and 7490
Introduction of Semiconductor memory RAM, ROM, PROM,
A digital computer needs devices which can store information. A flip flop is a binary
storage device. It can store binary bit either 0 or 1. It has two stable states HIGH and LOW i.e.
1 and 0. It has the property to remain in one state indefinitely until it is directed by an input
signal to switch over to the other state. It is also called bistable multivibrator.
The basic formation of flip flop is to store data. They can be used to keep a record or
what value of variable (input, output or intermediate). Flip flop are also used to exercise
control over the functionality of a digital circuit i.e. change the operation of a circuit
depending on the state of one or more flip flops.
These devices are mainly used in situations which require one or more of these three.
Operations, storage and sequencing.
To describe the circuit of Figure 1(a), assume that initially both R and S are at
the logic 1 state and that output is at the logic 0 state.
Now, if Q = 0 and R = 1, then these are the states of inputs of gate B, therefore
the outputs of gate B is at 1 (making it the inverse of Q i.e. 0). The output of gate B is
connected to an input of gate A so if S =1, both inputs of gate A are at the logic 1 state. This
means that the output of gate A must be 0 (as was originally specified). In other words, the 0
state at Q is continuously disabling gate B so that any change in R has no effect. Also the 1
state at is continuously enabling gate A so that any change S will be transmitted through to Q.
The above conditions constitute one of the stable states of the device referred to as the Reset
state since Q = 0.
Now suppose that the RS flip flop in the Reset state, the S input goes to 0. The
output of gate A i.e. Q will go to 1 and with Q = 1 and R = 1, the output of gates B ( ) will go
to 0 with now 0 gate A is disabled keeping Q at 1. Consequently, when S returns to the 1 state
it has no effect on the flip flop whereas a change in R will cause a change in the output of gate
B. The above conditions constitute the other stable state of the device, called the Set state
since Q = 1. Note that the change of the state of S from 1 to 0 has caused the flip flop to
change from the Reset state to the Set state.
There is another input condition which has not yet been considered. That is when
both the R and S inputs are taken to the logic state 0. When this happens both Q and will be
forced to 1 and will remain so far as long as R and S are kept at 0. However when both inputs
return to 1 there is no way of knowing whether the flip flop will latch in the Reset state or the
Set state. The condition is said to be indeterminate because of this indeterminate state great
care must be taken when using RS flip flop to ensure that both inputs are not instructed
When NOR gate are used the R and S inputs are transposed compared with the NAND
version. Also the stable state when R and S are both 0. A change of state is effected by pulsing
the appropriate input to the 1 state. The indeterminate state is now when both R and S are
simultaneously at logic 1.
Table 3 shows this operation
The excitation table for RS flip flop is very simply derived as given below
D Flip Flop
A D type (Data or delay flip flop) has a single data input in addition to the clock input as
shown in Figure 3.
Basically, such type of flip flop is a modification of clocked RS flip flop gates
from a basic Latch flip flop and NOR gates modify it in to a clock RS flip flop. The D input
goes directly to S input and its complement through NOT gate, is applied to the R input.
This kind of flip flop prevents the value of D from reaching the output until a clock pulse
occurs. The action of circuit is straight forward as follows.
When the clock is low, both AND gates are disabled, therefore D can change
values without affecting the value of Q. On the other hand, when the clock is high, both AND
gates are enabled. In this case, Q is forced equal to D when the clock again goes low, Q
retains or stores the last value of D. The truth table for such a flip flop is as given below in
table 6.
JK Flip Flop
One of the most useful and versatile flip flop is the JK flip flop the unique features of a JK flip
flop are:
1. If the J and K input are both at 1 and the clock pulse is applied, then the output will change state,
regardless of its previous condition.
2. If both J and K inputs are at 0 and the clock pulse is applied there will be no change in the output.
There is no indeterminate condition, in the operation of JK flip flop i.e. it has no ambiguous state. The
circuit diagram for a JK flip flop is shown in Figure 4.
When J = 0 and K = 0
These J and K inputs disable the NAND gates, therefore clock pulse have no effect on the flip
flop. In other words, Q returns it last value.
When J = 0 and K = 1,
The upper NAND gate is disabled the lower NAND gate is enabled if Q is 1 therefore, flip
flop will be reset (Q = 0, =1) if not already in that state.
When J = 1 and K = 0
The lower NAND gate is disabled and the upper NAND gate is enabled if is at 1, As a result
we will be able to set the flip flop (Q = 1, = 0) if not already set
When J = 1 and K = 1
If Q = 0 the lower NAND gate is disabled the upper NAND gate is enabled. This will set the
flip flop and hence Q will be 1. On the other hand if Q = 1, the lower NAND gate is enabled and flip
flop will be reset and hence Q will be 0. In other words, when J and K are both high, the clock pulses
cause the JK flip flop to toggle. Truth table for JK flip flop is shown in table 8.
T Flip Flop
A method of avoiding the indeterminate state found in the working of RS flip flop is to
provide only one input (the T input) such, flip flop acts as a toggle switch. Toggle means to
change in the previous stage i.e. switch to opposite state. It can be constructed from clocked
RS flip flop be incorporating feedback from output to input as shown in Figure 5.
Such a flip flop is also called toggle flip flop. In such a flip flop a train of extremely
narrow triggers drives the T input each time one of these triggers, the output of the flip flop
changes stage. For instance Q equals 0 just before the trigger. Then the upper AND gate is
enable and the lower AND gate is disabled. When the trigger arrives, it results in a high S
This sets the Q output to 1. When the next trigger appears at the point T, the lower
AND gate is enabled and the trigger passes through to the R input this forces the flip flop to
Since each incoming trigger is alternately changed into the set and reset inputs the flip
flop toggles. It takes two triggers to produce one cycle of the output waveform. This means
the output has half the frequency of the input stated another way, a T flip flop divides the input
frequency by two. Thus such a circuit is also called a divide by two circuit
A master slave flip flop contains two clocked flip flops. The first is called master and the
second slave.
When the clock is high the master is active. The output of the master is set or reset according
to the state of the input. As the slave is inactive during this period its output remains in the
previous state.
When clock becomes low the output of the slave flip flop changes because it become active
during low clock period. The final output of master slave flip flop is the output of the slave
flip flop. So the output of master slave flip flop is available at the end of a clock pulse.
This section provides classification of memories. There are two main types of memories i.e.
RAM and ROM. Following tree diagram shows the classification of Memory:
Masked ROM
Masked ROM: the program or data are permanently installed at the time of
manufacturing as per requirement. The data cannot be altered.
The process of permanent recording is expensive but economic for large quantities.
PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory): The basic function is same as that of
masked ROM. but in PROM, we have fuse links. Depending upon the bit pattern, fuse can be
burnt or kept intact. This job is performed by PROM programmer.
To do this, it uses high current pulse between two lines. Because of high current, the fuse will
get burnt; effectively making two lines open. Once a PROM is programmed we cannot change
connections, only a facility provided over masked ROM is, user can load his program in it.
The disadvantage is a chance of regrowing of fuse and changes the programmed data because
of aging.
EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory): the EPROM is
programmable by the user. It uses MOS circuitry to store data. They store 1s and 0s in form
of charge. The information stored can be erased by exposing the memory to ultraviolet light
which erases the data stored in all memory locations. For ultraviolet light a quartz window is
provided which is covered during normal operation. Upon erasing it can be reprogrammed by
using EPROM programmer. This type of memory is used in project developed and for
experiment use. The advantage is it can be programmed erased and reprogrammed. The
disadvantage is all the data get erased even if you want to change single data bit.
EEPROM: EEPROM stands for electrically erasable programmable read only memory.
This is similar to EPROM except that the erasing is done by electrical signals instead of
ultraviolet light. The main advantage is the memory location can be selectively erased and
reprogrammed. But the manufacturing process is complex and expensive so do not commonly
RAM (Random Access Memory):
Second classification of memory is RAM. The RAM is also called as read/write memory. The
RAM is a volatile type of memory. It allows programmer to read or write data. If the user
wants to check execution of any program, user feeds the program in RAM memory and
executes it. The result of execution is then checked by either reading memory location
contents or by register contents.
Following is the classification of RAM memory. It is available in two types:
SRAM (Static RAM): SRAM consists of flip-flop; using either transistor or MOS. for
each bit we require one flip-flop. Bit status will remain as it is; unless and until you perform
next write operation or power supply is switched off.
Advantages of SRAM:
Disadvantages of SRAM:
DRAM (Dynamic RAM): In this type of memory a data is stored in form of charge in
capacitors. When data is 1, the capacitor will be charged and if data is 0, the capacitor will not
be charged. Because of capacitor leakage currents the data will not be hold by these cells. So
the DRAMs require refreshing of memory cells. It is a process in which same data is read and
written after a fixed interval.
Advantages of DRAM:
Low cost
Disadvantages of DRAM:
Required refreshing circuit to maintain or refresh charge on capacitor, every after few