The Environmental Monitoring Program in A GMP Environment: Microbiology Topics
The Environmental Monitoring Program in A GMP Environment: Microbiology Topics
The Environmental Monitoring Program in A GMP Environment: Microbiology Topics
The Environmental
Monitoring Program in a
GMP Environment
Scott Sutton
The following key points are discussed in this article:
The routine environmental monitoring program is a critical aspect
of documenting the state of control of the facility
Recommendations for the selection of sample sites to be used in the
qualification program are provided. These recommendations are
directed at providing data to allow creation of a program useful in
determination of the state of control of the facility
The qualification study should provide data to allow determination of
meaningful alert and action levels for that facility. It must be noted
that there are significant technical and scientific issues with the regulatory guidelines for the areas of an aseptic core regiona suggestion consistent with proposed revisions to United States Pharmacopeia
chapter <1116> Microbiological Control and Monitoring Environments Used for the Manufacture of Healthcare Products is provided
Explicit examples are provided from publically-available sources
(FDA-483 observations and warning letters) of enforcement activities based on good manufacturing practice failures in the environmental monitoring program
A discussion is provided on the relative values of 483 observations and warning letters as useful indicators of US Food and Drug
Administration policy.
The qualification, or requalification, of an aseptic
manufacturing facility depends in large part on the
demonstration of controlled microbial conditions. The
following are several areas where this is especially true:
Cleaning studies
Contamination control planning (1)
Equipment hold time studies (establishment of
clean and dirty hold timesprocess hold times
are process-specific)
Selection of sample sites for environmental
Establishment of facility-relevant alert and action
levels for controlled environments.
This article examines the environmental monitoring
(EM) program, its sample sites, frequency of testing,
and establishment of alert and action levels. A method
to qualify and justify the selection of the sample
sites within a facility used for routine environmental
monitoring is presented. This discussion is not meant
to describe the only possible approach to this selection
but rather one that the author has used in the past with
success. Due to the limitations of space, this discussion
does not include sampling of the water system, gasses,
or personnel which have distinct considerations.
In trying to determine the appropriate parameters of
a complex program such as environmental monitoring, we first have to agree upon the scope and
purpose of the program. The purpose of the EM
program is to document the state of control of the
facility, not to determine the quality of the finished
product. The US Food and Drug Administration
guidance document (2) is very clear on this point in
section X.A.1 and states:
In aseptic processing, one of the most important
laboratory controls is the environmental monitoring program. This program provides meaningful
information on the quality of the aseptic processing environment (e.g., when a given batch is being
manufactured) as well as environmental trends of
ancillary clean areas. Environmental monitoring
should promptly identify potential routes of con-
tamination, allowing for implementation of corrections before product contamination occurs (211.42
and 211.113).
Section X.A.2 of the guidance states, Environmental monitoring data will provide information on the
quality of the manufacturing environment.
Recent publications have reinforced the position that
the EM program looks to document the state of control
of the facility. Hussong and Madsen (3) point out that
the microbiological assays used have limits of quantification higher than the customary control levels and so
are subject to a great deal of variability. This consideration, by their argument, reduces the precision and
predictive ability of the data. Therefore, the trend of
the data is the critical aspect, and this information cannot be used in finished product quality decisions. In
other words, pristine EM data for an aseptic processing
facility speaks to the state of control of that facility, not
to the sterility of products produced there.
Farrington expanded this thesis in a subsequent
article (4). He observed that the relationship of EM
data to finished product quality was an unproven,
but commonly held belief. In the absence of data, we
cannot assume it is true, but that it is undeniable that
these data (and particulary the trending of these data)
show the state of control of the facility. He argues
that the regulatory concern over contamination from
environment makes sense, but must be applied with
judgment and scientific rigor. The major problem with
EM data, of course, is the fundamental imprecision
and variability of these data. This imprecision renders
the data all but useless as quantitative predictors of the
system, but valuable as raw data for the determination
of trends in the facility as a whole. Farrington makes
the interesting observation here that these concerns
about traditional EM methods are also a concern for
rapid methods.
Farrington is not the only worker to point out the
fundamental problem using rapid methods to generate inherently imprecise and variable data. Sutton (5)
has more than once pointed out the questionable value
of generating bad data quickly over generating bad
data slowly. The data are not inherently better for
being read off an extremely expensive machine. This
is not to say that the rapid methods are not needed or
Summer 2010 Volume 14 Number 3
The following section (X.A.1) from the FDA guidance (2) is relevant for consideration:
All environmental monitoring locations should be
described in SOPs with sufficient detail to allow for
reproducible sampling of a given location surveyed.
Written SOPs should also address elements such as
1. frequency of sampling, 2. when the samples are
taken (i.e., during or at the conclusion of operations),
3. duration of sampling, 4. sample size (e.g., surface
area, air volume), 5. specific sampling equipment and
techniques, 6. alert and action levels, and 7. appropriate response to deviations from alert or action levels.
The generation of relevant data to justify sample sites
is taken seriously by FDA. An example of this can be
found in an FDA-issued warning letter (15):
For environmental and personnel monitoring:
Your active air-sampling unit in one aseptic filling
room is not located in a critical area representative
of exposure of open containers on the aseptic line.
The active air sampling unit was observed positioned behind stoppered vials. . .
You have not evaluated the microbiological burden
generated from the manual aseptic connection from
the source vessel to the XXX filling vessel.
It is not sufficient to pick a few sites around the
room and then apply alert and action levels as recommended by some guidance document. The location,
control levels, and frequency of sampling must be justified by data and a rational analysis.
Data from the qualification study should be used to
set the initial operating alert and action levels for the
routine environmental monitoring program. A good
rule of thumb is that the alert level should be at the
95th percentile of observed readings for a given period
of time, the action level at the 99th percentile (see the
PDA Technical Report #13 for an excellent discussion of
setting alert and action levels). While common industry practice is to uncritically accept regulatory recommendations for predefined clean zones, this practice
is discouraged in the US (see reference 2, especially
section X.A.2 Establishing Levels and a Trending Program). There is controversy over the regulatory guidance for highly controlled areas as well with concern
28 Journal of GXP Compliance
that control levels set so far below the level of quantification for plate count assays (generally 25-30 CFU per
plate, compared with regulatory guidance setting alert
and action levels as low as single digits). This concern
led USP to suggest a frequency distribution approach
for these areas (14). An interesting discussion of this
approach can be found in Caputo and Huffman (16).
Whichever approach is chosen to the determination
of the inital alert and action levels, they should be one
of the deliverables from the EM qualification program.
Once these are established there must be a mechanism in place to track and trend them in real time
and to investigate excursions. The recent upset over
vaccine production featured a failure to investigate
repeated excursions that figured prominently in 483
observations (17) and in the associated warning letter
(18). A second example of this enforcement stance
can be seen in the warning letter from 2009 regarding
manufacture control of a parenteral medication (19).
Collection of data and then failure to use the data to
determine the state of control for the facility is clearly
at odds with GMP and will be cited.
We would be remiss if the role of the historical database was not discussed in the setting of alert and action
levels. This expectation is described in the FDA aseptic
processing guidance document (section X.A.2) as:
Microbiological monitoring levels should be established based on the relationship of the sampled location to the operation. The levels should be based on
the need to maintain adequate microbiological control
throughout the entire sterile manufacturing facility.
One should also consider environmental monitoring
data from historical databases, media fills, cleanroom
qualification, and sanitization studies, in developing
monitoring levels (2).
That this is a long-standing expectation of FDA is
evidenced by an FDA-483 observation from 2001 that
reads (in part), 44. The firms microbial alert and action limits established for the XX to XXX manufacturing areas are not based on historical data taken from
the EM Program (20).
FDA has clearly recommended establishment of a
listing of common microorganisms found in the
aseptic manufacturing environment. This expectation is laid out in section X.B. (2), as follows:
Characterization of recovered microorganisms
provides vital information for the environmental monitoring program. Environmental isolates
often correlate with the contaminants found in a
media fill or product sterility testing failure, and
the overall environmental picture provides valuable information for an investigation. Monitoring
critical and immediately surrounding clean areas
as well as personnel should include routine identification of microorganisms to the species (or,
where appropriate, genus) level. In some cases,
environmental trending data have revealed migration of microorganisms into the aseptic processing
room from either uncontrolled or lesser controlled
areas. Establishing an adequate program for differentiating microorganisms in the lesser-controlled
environments, such as Class 100,000 (ISO 8), can
often be instrumental in detecting such trends. At
minimum, the program should require species (or,
where appropriate, genus) identification of microorganisms in these ancillary environments at frequent
intervals to establish a valid, current database of
contaminants present in the facility during processing (and to demonstrate that cleaning and sanitization procedures continue to be effective).
The EM qualification study is an excellent opportunity to start this catalog, and to generate
information on the effectiveness of the cleaning
and sanitization program from a microbiological
perspective. Make sure that the EM qualification
program includes relevant evaluations.
There is a great deal of interest currently in the topic
of objectionable organisms. And in fact you might
even find 483 observations that relate to objectionable organisms in an aseptic manufacturing arena
(21). A quck check of the current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) guidance (22) shows the following three references to objectionables:
21 CFR 211.84(d)(6). Each lot of a component,
drug product container, or closure that is liable
to microbiological contamination that is objec-
tionable in view of its intended use shall be subjected to microbiological tests before use.
21 CFR 211.113(a). Appropriate written procedures, designed to prevent objectionable microorganisms in drug products not required to be
sterile, shall be established and followed.
21 CFR 211.165(b). There shall be appropriate
laboratory testing, as necessary, of each batch
of drug product required to be free of objectionable microorganisms.
There are two problems with referencing objectionables with aseptic manufacture: the first is
that it begs the question of what permissible microorganisms might be in the aseptic environment,
and secondly that it misrepresents the requirements
in 21 CFR 211 which relate to non-sterile finished
dosage forms. The point here is that we must be
careful of over-interpreting 483 observations as
teaching tools. While they can be enlightening, in
the end they are only one inspectors opinion on
that particular day and faced with a particular set
of conditions. Everyone has an off day, and we may
never know all the background that went into the
483 observation.
Having said that, the availability of warning
letters provides a window into CGMP that can be
very useful. Warning letters have been reviewed at
the district, frequently have been reviewed at the
national level, and can be considered to represent
FDA policy.
1. PMF Newsletter, Volume 13, Number 6, Pharmaceutical
Microbiology Forum, June 2007, http://microbiologyforum.
2. FDA, Guidance for Industry: Sterile Drug Products Produced by
Aseptic ProcessingCurrent Good Manufacturing Practice, 2004.
3. Hussong, D and RE Madsen, Analysis of Environmental
Microbiology Data From Cleanroom Samples, Pharm Technol. Aseptic Proc:10-15, 2004.
4. Farrington, JK., Environmental Monitoring in Pharmaceutical
ManufacturingA Product Risk Issue, Amer Pharm Rev.
8(4):26-30, 2005.
5. Sutton, S., Is Real-Time Release Through PAT CompatSummer 2010 Volume 14 Number 3
9, 2004.
19. FDA, Warning Letter to Dabur Oncology PLC, April 22,
20. FDA, FDA-483 Observation to Eli Lilly & Company, 2001.
21. FDA, FDA-483 Observation for Genzyme Corporation,
pdf observations #13, 24, 25, 30, 31, 34
22. FDA, Code of Federal Regulations, 21 CFR 211, CGMP in
Manufacturing, Processing, Packaging, or Holding of Drugs and
Finished Pharmaceuticals. GXP