P P C O N ' D W: Osed Ithout Rescription
P P C O N ' D W: Osed Ithout Rescription
P P C O N ' D W: Osed Ithout Rescription
Mae Wu
Dylan Atchley
Linda Greer
Sarah Janssen
Daniel Rosenberg
Jennifer Sass
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 3
1. Priority Pharmaceuticals of Concern
2. Ecological Priorities
Figure 1 U.S. Prescriptions Dispensed ........................................................................................................................................8
Figure 2 Locations of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities. ..................................................................................................... 21
Figure 4: Example of Data on Pharmaceuticals Extracted from LIF Website ................................................................................. 26
Table 1. Top Pharmaceutical Companies, Ranked by Total Revenue, Based on Reported Data from Industry Annual Reports ........................7
Table 2. Prescriptions of Generic Product and Brand Name Product Sold in the United States in 2007 ......................................................8
Table 3. The Largest Generic Pharmaceutical Companies by Sale and Prescriptions ................................................................................9
Table 4. Major Animal Antibiotics Sold ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Table 5. EPA Compilation of Toxic Releases Inventory Reported Discharges from Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities (1987, 1994) ..... 20
Table 6. Urinary Excretion Rates of Unchanged Active Ingredient for Selected Pharmaceuticals .............................................................. 32
AHI: Animal Health Institute
AP: Associated Press
APHA: American Public Health Association
API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
AWWA: American Water Works Association
CAA: Clean Air Act
CAFO: Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
CCL: Candidate Contaminant List
CCR: Consumer Confidence Report
CDC: Centers for Disease Control
CWA: Clean Water Act
DEA: Drug Enforcement Agency
DOD: Department of Defense
EA: Environmental Assessment
EDCs: Endocrine disrupting chemicals
EDF: Environmental Defense Fund
EE2: ethinylestradiol
EPA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FDA: U.S. Food and Drug Administration
FFDCA: Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act
GAO: U.S. Government Accountability Office
HAP: Hazardous Air Pollutant
HCWH: Health Care Without Harm
IATP: Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
KAW: Keep Antibiotics Working
LTCF: Long term care facility
NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act
NMP: Nutrient Management Plan
NRDC: Natural Resources Defense Council
OTC: over-the-counter
PAMTA: Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act
PBT: Persistence, Bioaccumulation, Toxicity
PDMA: Prescription Drug Marketing Act
PhRMA: Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association
ppb: parts per billion
PSI: Product Stewardship Institute
PSR: Physicians for Social Responsibility
RCRA: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
SDWA: Safe Drinking Water Act
SLEP: Shelf Life Extension Program
UCMR: Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule
UCS: Union of Concerned Scientists
USGS: U.S. Geological Service
WHO: World Health Organization
WWTP: Wastewater Treatment Plant
I. Executive Summary
The presence of pharmaceuticals in our waterways and drinking water is a complex and potentially
serious problem that has gained national attention with the public, lawmakers, and regulators. Some
aspects of the problem are well-characterized, some are poorly characterized, and some are shielded
from public scrutiny by industry. In this report we pull together information on the issue, including
scientific data, legal analyses, and advocacy campaigns underway and identify what we consider to be
the highest priority problems meriting additional attention from the funding, advocacy, and scientific
Within the constraints of a six week time frame, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
researched the pharmaceutical industry from cradle to grave that is, from the design and
approval of drugs in the first place to the ultimate treatment and disposal of drugs when they are
waste. We sought to examine how pharmaceuticals are contaminating our environment, highlight
possible strategies to address the problem, and determine what organizations, if any, were pursuing
those strategies.
Out of this research, we identified a pipeline with five main target areas where efforts could
positively effect change: design, approval, production, use, and disposal. First, drugs could be
designed to be fully metabolized by the body or to not persist in the environment. We found little
activity in this area. Second, FDA approval processes could better consider environmental impacts.
Again, there is little activity here. Third, the production of pharmaceuticals could be altered to
generate less waste; green chemistry principles could be applied that reduce the generation of
biologically active waste products. The pharmaceutical sector has, to some extent, begun to
incorporate these concepts, but much more can be done. Fourth, the over-prescription and overuse
of pharmaceuticals in both humans and animals can be tempered. There have been considerable
advocacy and public education campaigns in this area: pressure on doctors to prescribe fewer drugs
and a large number of activities to address the overuse of antibiotics in livestock. And finally, many
different opportunities are available to prevent the discharge of pharmaceuticals into the aquatic
ecosystem. We found a large number of initiatives focused on take-back programs to avoid
intentional disposal down the drain, but little or nothing targeting the unintentional releases of
drugs when excreted. Advocacy on the problem of animal farms and their discharge is also active.
In undertaking this research, we attempted to carve out where there are data available about the
nature of this problem and where there are data gaps. We do know with certainty that diverse classes
of pharmaceuticals are getting into our waterways and eventually into our tap water at levels that are
detectable and in forms that are biologically active. Data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and
by individual municipal water utilities strongly suggest that pharmaceuticals are entering the
environment and bypassing current treatment processes. We also know with certainty that the most
important sources of these pharmaceuticals include those intentionally disposed into the sewer
system, those discharged or released from livestock farms, and those that are excreted with human
waste. And, we know with certainty that the lifecycle of pharmaceuticalsfrom production, to use,
to excretion and disposalgenerates significant excess that ends up as waste.
But more importantly, we were struck by substantial data gaps that leave very fundamental questions
unanswerable at this time. We do not know the relative contribution of various sources to the total
problem (human versus animal, intentional disposal down the drain versus excretion, etc.) either in
general or even for individual classes of pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics. Also, we do not know
the extent to which the concentrations found in drinking water or surface water affect human or
ecological health. Although there is a body of evidence that chemical contaminants in the water that
harm aquatic and amphibious species include pharmaceuticals, no epidemiology studies have been
done to link health outcomes with pharmaceutical contamination in water (and there is not likely to
be any such data because of confounders and other almost insurmountable limitations in the
experimental design). Moreover, there are no data that we uncovered concerning the toxicity of
these compounds during incidental, lower-dose exposure to non-target populations.
We find that the most important knowledge gaps that should be addressed in any efforts to
characterize the environmental and human health impact of pharmaceutical water contamination are
as follows:
1. What volume (or magnitude measured by active units) of antibiotics is produced and used in
the United States for medical, veterinary, animal production, and consumer product uses?
2. What volume (or magnitude measured by active units) of pharmaceuticals (and certain
specific classes of pharmaceuticals) is present in our tap water and in our waterways?
3. Can these amounts cause or contribute to adverse human health effects, considering their
presence as a complex mixture in drinking water and considering sensitive populations?
4. Is there a pharmaceutical class or category of greatest concern?
5. What proportions of pharmaceutical contaminants (and certain classes of pharmaceuticals)
come from excretion from humans versus disposal down the drain?
6. What is the relative contribution from animal uses, especially the use of antibiotic and
growth hormone drugs in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), to overall
pharmaceutical contamination levels?
7. What magnitude of waste per unit of desired product comes from manufacturing
pharmaceuticals (and certain classes of pharmaceuticals), and how much of this waste is
active ingredient, hazardous chemicals, or biological hazardous waste?
8. What is the best disposal method to protect the environment? Is disposal in landfills a
significant source of contamination?
9. How persistent are pharmaceuticals (and certain classes of pharmaceuticals) in the
environment, and how effective are conventional wastewater treatment and drinking water
treatment in destroying them?
While the issue of pharmaceutical contamination of drinking water has only been recently
introduced to the general public, it has been recognized for over a decade among scientists,
environmentalists, and other public interest groups. This report strives to identify what problems
arise in each segment of the lifecycle, what we know and what we still need more information about,
and what public interest groups are doing and can do to address these gaps.
Of course, even in light of the environmental impacts of pharmaceuticals, we would not advocate
against the development or prescription of medications when medically necessary. Medical
professionals especially reproductive health professionals are rightly worried that over-emphasis
on the impacts of synthetic estrogen on the environment could discourage or limit womens access
to birth control and reproductive choice. We do not want to eliminate the use of life-saving drugs,
nor do we want to single out those people who need them. Therefore, the strategies and
recommendations that we offer below are focused on making each step of the process cleaner, not
to eliminate the pharmaceutical sector or create pressure against valuable drugs.
II. Introduction
In March 2008, the Associated Press (AP) reported that pharmaceutical residues were detected in
the drinking water of 24 major metropolitan areas across the country serving 41 million people. 1
This information was derived from tests that water utilities had undertaken voluntarily and provided
to the press. Detected drugs included antibiotics, anti-convulsants, and mood stabilizer drugs. These
results supported previous findings of the U.S. Geological Survey that sampled 139 streams in 30
states in 1999-2000 and found organic wastewater contaminants and pharmaceuticals in 80 percent
of sampled sites including antibiotics, hypertensive and cholesterol-lowering drugs,
antidepressants, analgesics, steroids, caffeine, and reproductive hormones. 2 In fact, as analytical
technology has allowed for the detection of even lower concentrations of pharmaceuticals in aquatic
systems, it has become clear that these contaminants are ubiquitous.
The unintended movement of biologically active, toxic, and hormone-disrupting compounds from
pharmaceuticals to wastewater effluents and drinking water sources is an international problem that
has been documented and publicly reported by government experts and academic researchers for
nearly two decades. 3 However, until the AP report, the general public had been in the dark about the
presence of these chemicals in our drinking water.
This report, which was motivated by the release of the AP findings, seeks to identify what is known
about the sources of pharmaceutical contamination of water, and the magnitude of the risks that
that contamination poses, as well as to document on-going efforts to address the problem and make
recommendations for further research and advocacy.
Pharmaceuticals include human and veterinary drugs (both prescription and over-the-counter),
medical agents such as chemotherapeutic drugs, and x-ray contrast media. These materials may end
up in the environment through manufacturing waste, waste from human or animal excretion,
improper disposal such as flushing down a toilet, runoff from animal feeding operations, or leaching
from municipal landfills. Indirect pathways of entry to the environment are also problematic. For
example, as water resources are depleted, particularly in the arid United States, reclaimed wastewater
is becoming an increasingly important source for irrigation. The problem is that pharmaceuticals can
enter the soil and potentially contaminate groundwater when contaminated wastewater is reclaimed
and used for irrigation.
Perhaps one of the most common pathways through which pharmaceuticals enter the environment
is human consumption, followed by excretion to a sewage treatment plant and release to surface
water as wastewater effluent. Veterinary use, both in large farming operations and in aquaculture, is
the other significant contribution to the problem.
For a number of reasons including historical practice, convenience, or ignorance many people
and institutions flush unused and unwanted pharmaceuticals down the toilet. There is little data
available to calculate the relative contribution of improper disposal of pharmaceuticals (intentional
releases) to the total release into the environment. We found only one estimate: that improper
disposal of unused pharmaceuticals contributes up to one-third of the total load of pharmaceuticals
in the environment, but this estimate was provided in a paper presented at a conference and not in a
peer-reviewed journal. 4
Furthermore, surprisingly little work has been done to evaluate the detrimental effects of exposure
to low levels of pharmaceuticals on human health. Environmental concentrations are generally
several orders of magnitude below therapeutic doses, but such low level exposures could
nonetheless pose risks, particularly to sensitive sub-populations such as the fetus, people with
chemical sensitivities, or people with existing disease burdens that could be exacerbated by
inadvertent exposures (such as patients suffering from endocrine-related cancers). 5 Assessing
possible effects is greatly complicated by the fact that environmental contaminants are always
present as mixtures.
The pharmaceutical industry has contributed to the debate on this topic. In the late 1990s, the
Pharmaceuticals Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the trade association for
pharmaceutical companies, established the Pharmaceuticals in the Environment Task Force. This
task force has developed working groups around the issue of pharmaceuticals in the environment,
specifically looking at fate and transport, human health effects, environmental risk assessment,
hormones, unused medicines, treatment, and communications. 6 7 The group maintains that the
industry is committed to evaluating the risk of pharmaceuticals in the environment using a sciencebased approach. Currently, they believe that all of the pharmaceutical compounds tested to date
pose no appreciable risk to human health in drinking water. 8 However, beyond the clinical trials
that test exposure to one drug at a time, they have not provided any evidence of this no appreciable
risk with low dose mixtures or at chronic exposures outside of a controlled clinical trial. Better
coordination to provide already generated data to environmental agencies could help with this
problem. PhRMA itself is still in the process of evaluating the effects of pharmaceuticals on aquatic
life and ecosystems. However, they have decided that disposing unused drugs down the drain should
be avoided and are continuing to research the sources of unused medicine and the most
environmentally conscious methods to dispose of them. 9
Notably, the European community has also begun looking into and dealing with pharmaceuticals in
the environment. In late 2008, the European Commission began a project known as Knowledge and
Need Assessment of Pharmaceutical Products in Environmental waters to try to fill these
informational gaps. 10
1. Priority Pharmaceuticals of Concern
Several categories of pharmaceuticals raise particular concerns: those produced and consumed in
especially large quantities, those highly potent at low concentrations, and those particularly persistent
and bioaccumulative in the environment. Within these categories, two types of pharmaceuticals
antimicrobials and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can be appropriately singled out as
The migration of antimicrobials into the environment has significant impacts. They can disrupt
wastewater treatment processes and adversely affect ecosystems because they are toxic to beneficial
bacteria. Some antimicrobials also bioaccumulate; for example, erythromycin has been found to have
both a high bioaccumulation factor of 45.31and a tendency to accumulate in soils. 1112 Antimicrobials
can also be persistent for extended periods of time; the environmental persistence of erythromycin,
for example, is longer than one year. 13
Although not well-studied, the presence of antimicrobials in natural waters may be exerting selective
pressure leading to the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. The threat of growing
antibiotic resistance has been recognized by, among others, the World Health Organization (WHO),
the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the American Medical Association (AMA), the American
Public Health Association (APHA), and the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). In fact,
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified antibiotic resistance as one of
the most pressing public health problems facing our nation. 14 Infections caused by bacteria with
resistance to at least one antibiotic have been estimated to kill over 60,000 hospitalized patients each
year. 15 Methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus, although previously limited primarily to
hospital and health facilities, are becoming more widespread. 16 In 2007, Consumer Reports tested
over 500 whole chickens for bacterial contamination and antibiotic resistance. They found
widespread bacterial contamination in their samples and 84 percent of the salmonella and 67 percent
of the campylobacter organisms that were isolated showed resistance to one or more antibiotics. 17
Antibiotic resistance is caused by a number of factors including repeated and improper use of
antibiotics in both humans and animals. Half of the antibiotics used in livestock are in the same
classes of drugs that are used in humans. 18 The U.S. Institute of Medicine and the WHO have both
stated that the widespread use of antibiotics in agriculture is contributing to antibiotic resistance in
pathogens that affect humans. 19
Further exacerbating the problem, antimicrobials are considered high production volume
chemicals, meaning they are produced or imported at well over 1 million pounds annually. In fact,
the industry trade group for animal use of antibiotics reports that in 2006, U.S. sales of antibiotics
just for animal uses exceeded 26 million pounds. 20
Other categories of pharmaceuticals that may be of concern because of their high production
volume include lipid regulators, anti-inflammatories and analgesics, antiepileptics, and selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors. 28
Appendix A provides a table that summarizes the patterns of occurrence of various priority
pharmaceuticals in water.
2. Ecological Priorities
The presence of pharmaceuticals in drinking water also raises issues beyond the obvious concern
about public health. Ecologically, pharmaceutical chemicals in waterways threaten wildlife with
continuous exposures. Since human exposures through drinking water are more intermittent, some
experts have identified ecosystem effects as a higher concern than human health. 29
Environmental monitoring has identified a number of pharmaceuticals, including ibuprofen,
acetaminophen, carbamazepine, gemfibrozil, mefanimic acid, and oxytetracycline, present in some
environments at levels high enough to harm aquatic organisms. 30 Severe effects from exposure to
relatively low levels of some pharmaceuticals are possible, as shown by the recent discovery that
vultures in Asia have been dying from eating cattle containing relatively low concentrations of the
drug diclofenac. 31 Permanent developmental abnormalities have also been suspected with mounting
evidence that the contamination of waterways are causing intersex fish in our nations rivers and
drinking water sources. For example, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported a high incidence
of intersex fish in the Potomac watershed at sites of intense farming and high human population
density. 32 Specifically, the USGS found that 75 percent of male smallmouth bass in the most densely
populated and heavily farmed Potomac basin had eggs in their testicles. Other research has found
environmental androgens associated with masculinization in female fish living downstream of pulp
mills and concentrated animal feeding operations. 33
The ecological impacts such as the likelihood of adverse effects on aquatic organisms and
persistence of certain chemicals in the environment can be the basis for developing a priority list
of pharmaceuticals. For example, Doerr-MacEwen developed a priority list of some of the most
commonly detected pharmaceuticals that represent the greatest concern for environmental impact,
accounting for these factors and the chemicals recalcitrance to treatment. 34 (See Appendix B for the
prioritization table.) Also, a WikiPharma has recently been published which compiles publicly
available ecotoxicity data for APIs into a free database. 35
Year after year, the pharmaceutical industry continues to be among the most profitable of all
businesses in the United States, topping the annual Fortune 500 survey of the most profitable
industries. 36 While there was little to no growth in other top industries, the pharmaceutical industry
self-reported continuing growth in the United States. 37 The top pharmaceutical companies are
shown in Table 1.
Total Revenue
(US$ B)
Sales 2007 (US$
Animal Health
Sales* 2007
(US$ B)
Abbott Laboratories
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Boehringer Ingelheim
Schering- Plough
* Note that animal health pharmaceutical use, mainly antibiotics, is discussed in more detail below.
Also, note that many of these companies represent many of the major producers of animal
Big blockbuster drugs bring in a lions share of the total revenue to these firms. Among those
blockbuster drugs are Pfizer's cholesterol pill Lipitor (one of the best-selling drugs in the world),
Plavix (the blood thinner from Bristol-Myers Squibb), Sanofi-Aventis, Nexium (the heartburn pill
from AstraZeneca), and Advair (the asthma inhaler from GlaxoSmithKline). 39
However, as well known as these drugs are, generics may be an equally important if not more
important segment of the pharmaceutical industry. Generics only account for 20.5 percent of all
types of prescription sales in the United States because of their relatively low price, but they
represent 65 percent of the total amount of prescriptions dispensed. 40 41 (See Figure 1.) In 2007,
many of the top 20 generic drugs sold twice the total units as the top 20 brand name drugs, and this
segment of the market is growing by seven percent annually, faster than the total. 42 (See Table 2.)
Interestingly, the top generic companies are either among the largest pharmaceutical companies
overall (Teva Pharmaceuticals is among the top 20) or they are subsidiaries of large pharmaceutical
companies (for example, Sandoz is a Novartis company).
Table 2. Prescriptions of Generic Product and Brand Name Product Sold in the United
States in 2007 43
Top Generic Products
Furosemide Oral
Metoprolol Tartrate
Amlodipine Besylate
Oxycodone w/APAP
Prednisone Oral
Triamterene w/HCTZ
Units Sold
Units Sold
Sales ($ constant)
Volume (Prescriptions)
In 2006, global spending on prescription drugs topped $643 billion, despite slowed growth in
Europe and North America. With $289 billion in annual sales, the United States accounts for almost
half of the global pharmaceutical market, followed by the European Union and Japan. However, the
growth in emerging markets such as China, Russia, South Korea, and Mexico outpaced that market;
all reached double digits, outpacing the global market. 45
In addition to manufacturing human pharmaceuticals, many of the brand name companies produce
pharmaceuticals for animal use, such as Novartis, Pfizer, and Lilly, although many livestock drugs
are manufactured by smaller companies. 46 Notably, as discussed above, livestock drugs are
dominated by antibiotics.
The quantity of antibiotics manufactured and used in animals is poorly understood, and estimates
vary depending on the source of the data. Based on data from 2002, the GAO, the investigative arm
of Congress, estimated that about 13 million pounds of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) are
sold for animal use (not including ionophores). 47 Based on a 1998 survey, the Animal Health
Institute (AHI), the trade association representing 80 percent of industries producing antibiotics for
animals, estimated that 18 million pounds were sold for all animal uses in that year. 48 And these
figures appear to be growing. More recently, the AHI reported that U.S. sales of antibiotics for both
livestock and companion animals totaled 24.4 million pounds in 2005, 26.5 million pounds in 2006,
and 27.8 million pounds in 2007. 49 The AHI also reported rapid growth in the sales of animal
antibiotics 8.2 percent between 2005 and 2006. The increase in sales was primarily due to two
classes of antibiotics, tetracyclines (also used in humans) and ionophores (not used in humans).
However, these figures may significantly underestimate the use of antibiotics in animals. A study
published by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) in 2001 estimated that non-therapeutic use
of antibiotics in cattle, swine, and poultry alone totaled 24.6 million pounds. 50
Both the AHI and the UCS have similar estimates for the total volume of sales of antibiotics. The
groups diverge in their estimate of the portion of antibiotics used for animals versus humans. The
AHI trade group argues that their members use approximately one-third of the total volume of
antibiotics, whereas the UCS itself estimates that it is over two-thirds. 51 Since neither industry nor
the government provide adequately detailed, publicly available sales and market share data, more
reliable calculations are not possible. This serious failure of government to require comprehensive
data, collected regularly, and presented to the public in standardized formats, prevents regulators,
the public, and Congress from making informed decisions on how best to reduce pharmaceutical
contamination. This lack of reliable detailed data plagues this entire report.
Table 4 shows the major antibiotics sold in 2006 for animal use. These drugs are mainly used in
swine and poultry (about ten million pounds each), with much less used in cattle (about 3 million
pounds). 52
Table 4. Major Animal Antibiotics Sold
Ionophores, arsenicals, bambermycin, carbadox,
and tiamulin
The continuing growth of the pharmaceutical industry foretells the continuing movement of these
contaminants into our global aquatic environment and a rich industry that may be reluctant to trade
its profits for better stewardship programs. Therefore, the United States large contribution to the
growth of the industry through consumption as well as some production could be leveraged to
achieve global improvements in the manufacturing processes and disposal practices.
A systematic look at the entire lifecycle of pharmaceuticals reveals five main target areas where
efforts could positively affect change:
Design: At the outset of developing a new pharmaceutical, the design could be greatly improved by
considering the inherent environmental impacts of the drug. Efforts to maximize absorption into
the body and dose the chemical more precisely to individual patient weight, for example, could be
very helpful in reducing unintentional discharge in urine and feces. The PBT profile (persistence,
bioaccumulation, and toxicity) should become an integral part of the drug discovery process.
Approval: In obtaining FDA approval to market a drug, manufacturers often provide cursory
statements about possible environmental impacts. These procedures could be revamped so that the
environmental impacts are considered more substantively, at least for drugs with the greatest
potential to cause harm.
Production: The production of pharmaceuticals usually results in up to thousands of pounds of
waste for each pound of product. A pollution prevention assessment of upstream opportunities to
reduce waste prior to treatment could clarify how much of this waste is really necessary.
Use: The over-prescription of pharmaceuticals in humans and the over-use of antibiotics in animals
is a core contributor to the problem of pharmaceuticals in drinking water. Efforts to curtail these
practices would have beneficial secondary effects with respect to the development of antibiotic
resistance and other public health matters.
Discharge and Disposal: The discharge and disposal of pharmaceuticals is an end-of-the-pipe
problem without many answers. Identification of best practices for treatment of compounds of
highest concern as well as collection initiatives for unused and expired pharmaceuticals would
illuminate paths forward for improvement.
This report systematically explains each of these steps and attempts to address the relevant issues
associated with each stage. Ultimately, this report identifies opportunities for change and
recommendations to consider at each stage in the lifecycle.
In the end, it is paramount that we continue to foster an environment where sick patients have
access to life-saving medicines and where women have access to birth control and reproductive
choice. The issues raised in this report are not meant to prioritize environmental considerations over
medical concerns. Rather, the recommendations offer substantive changes that can be made to
improve the design, approval, production, use, and discharge or disposal of pharmaceuticals in ways
that allow for the continued use of safe and effective medicine, while also protecting the
environment from unnecessary harm.
The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act of 1980 (FFDCA) empowers the FDA to regulate
pharmaceuticals that are not generally recognized as safe and effective. Under this Act, the FDA is
responsible for reviewing the potential environmental impact from the intended use of human and
veterinary medicines. To evaluate the potential effects of a proposed compound, the FDA requires
the submission of an Environmental Assessment (EA), pursuant to the National Environmental
Protection Act (NEPA). 1
NEPA requires federal agencies to conduct environmental impact assessments of any federal action
that may significantly affect the human environment. 2 Under NEPA, the approval of a drug that
triggers the requirements to conduct an EA is considered a federal action. (The EPA does not
have authority to review drugs because drugs are specifically exempted from the Toxic Substances
Control Act.)
While EAs are required for all new drug applications and some supplementary submissions, they
have historically consisted of little more than a statement that a compound had no potential
environmental impact. The FDA has recently increased and intensified the EA review and approval
process under which it now requires quantitative documentation of a compound's potential
environmental impact, including studies identifying the actual component of the drug that will enter
the environment, the toxicity of that component, the likelihood of the drug to amass in the aquatic
environment, environmental depletion mechanisms, expected introduction concentration, and
expected environmental concentration. 3
However, because NEPA does not require that the most environmentally beneficial course of action
be taken, it is unlikely that this authority would adequately restrict pharmaceuticals from the
environment. Furthermore, the FDA has a number of categorical exclusions to the EA
requirement, most notably exempting from review the production of drugs predicted to occur at less
than one ppb in the aquatic environment or 100 ppb in soil, which likely excludes many drugs 4.
The EPA regulates discharges to water from the pharmaceutical industry and from sewage treatment
plants under the Clean Water Act and industrial emissions to air under the Clean Air Act. In
addition, the EPA regulates the disposal of pharmaceutical manufacturing waste under the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act. 5 The Safe Drinking Water Act gives the EPA the authority to set
health-based standards for certain contaminants that are present in drinking water. 6
1. Clean Water Act (CWA)
Under the CWA, pharmaceutical manufacturers who discharge directly into receiving waters must
have individual National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, which are
issued subject to regulations called Effluent Guidelines and Standards for Pharmaceutical
Manufacturing Point Source Categories. 78 Generally, the regulations require monitoring and
reporting for each regulated pollutant that is either an ingredient or that is used in the manufacturing
process. 9 For pharmaceutical manufacturing, these pollutants include the components of the
formulations, the chemical intermediaries, or the final pharmaceutical product. 10 Water is tested at
the outflow, whether that outflow is to a municipal wastewater system or directly into the
environment. Those who discharge to publicly owned treatment works (that is, sewer companies)
must comply with National Pretreatment Standards. Since publicly owned treatment works must
apply for NPDES permits, the EPA could regulate the amount of pharmaceuticals that are
discharged by those plants.
However, these limitations may not be strict enough to protect human health and the environment
because they are technology-based. As explained later, there is no treatment technique currently
available that comprehensively deals with all pharmaceuticals.
2. Clean Air Act (CAA)
The EPA also regulates pharmaceutical manufacturers under the CAA, specifically by the regulations
governing Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs). 11 Manufacturing facilities that
use compounds that produce HAPs are required to test for and control emissions from exhaust
stacks and the so-called fugitive emissions that escape from equipment, filters, poorly welded pipe
joints, and other non-stack sources. These regulations do not apply to all manufacturing facilities,
but rather to certain major stationary sources that meet certain emission levels.
For many reasons, the CAA is not a useful tool for regulating pharmaceuticals in the environment.
First, none of the chemicals that fall under the HAP regulations are APIs. 12 Second, as with the
water standards and limitations for manufacturing operations under the CWA, it is unlikely that
much of the contamination currently being found in drinking water originates in air emissions from
manufacturing facilities. Finally, even if APIs were added to the HAPs list, reporting requirements
for certain HAPs begin when a facility has the capability of emitting ten tons of any one HAP or 25
tons of any combination, and it is unlikely that any facility will emit such high amounts of API. 13
3. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
Any pharmaceuticals that are characterized as hazardous or listed materials are regulated by the EPA
under RCRA, the federal law that regulates the management of solid waste, including hazardous
waste. 14 However, a number of pharmaceuticals have developed since RCRA was enacted, including
perhaps one hundred chemotherapy drugs that should be but are not regulated as hazardous. Those
that are listed as hazardous, if generated in large enough quantities, would be regulated if disposed of
by a hospital or other medical facility. 15 Pharmaceuticals that are disposed of unused and are
explicitly designated as acutely hazardous (P-listed) or toxic (U-listed) by the RCRA regulations are
considered hazardous materials and must be disposed of accordingly. Because RCRA exempts
residential or household users from their regulations, pharmaceuticals are not regulated by the EPA
if they are disposed of by an individual. 16
4. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
The SDWA governs the regulation of contaminants in our drinking water supplies. Pursuant to the
SDWA, the EPA sets health-based standards to restrict the amount of certain contaminants that
may appear in drinking water. To date, the EPA has not established any standards under the SDWA
for pharmaceuticals. The SDWA does, however, contain four provisions under which
pharmaceuticals could be considered for regulation.
First, the SDWA created a system that would push the EPA to determine whether there are
unregulated contaminants that should be regulated. As such, the EPA must, every five years, publish
a list of currently unregulated contaminants that should be considered for potential regulation, called
the Contaminant Candidate List (CCL). The EPA must then make a final determination about
whether or not to regulate at least five of the contaminants identified on the CCL. The CCL listing
process has gone through three iterations, beginning in 1998 with the publication of CCL1 and then
CCL2 in 2005. Shortly before publication of this white paper, the EPA finalized its third CCL. In
response to the public outcry about pharmaceuticals in the environment, the EPA included, for the
first time, eleven chemicals that are found in pharmaceuticals. However, to date, no chemical has
ever been selected for regulation through the CCL process, and it remains an ineffective process for
listing contaminants for regulation.
Second, the SDWA established a process to inform both the determination of whether to regulate a
contaminant on the CCL, and whether or not a contaminant should even be listed on the CCL.
Specifically, public water systems are tasked with collecting monitoring data on unregulated
contaminants to help the EPA decide whether or not to regulate a given contaminant. In 1999, the
EPA promulgated an unregulated contaminant monitoring rule (UCMR) that imposed various
monitoring requirements on community water systems for a list of unregulated contaminants. The
first round of the UCMR consisted of 26 unregulated contaminants that required some amount of
monitoring data. The second UCMR identified an additional 24 unregulated contaminants not
identified by the first UCMR. None of the unregulated contaminants that water systems are required
to monitor are pharmaceuticals.
Third, in recognition of the publics right to know, the SDWA requires community water systems to
mail to each of their customers an annual report on the level of contaminants in the drinking water
that they supply. These consumer confidence reports (CCRs) must contain, among other things,
information on the source of the water, detections of regulated contaminants in the water, and levels
of unregulated contaminants found in the water (those unregulated contaminants identified by the
UCMR). However, because pharmaceuticals do not appear on any regulated or unregulated
contaminants lists, there are no mandates requiring water systems to inform their customers of the
presence of these chemicals.
Finally, the SDWA authorizes the EPA to require testing of chemicals detected in drinking water for
potential hormone disrupting effects, but the EPA has dragged its feet in implementing its
endocrine disruptor screening program (EDSP). Since so many pharmaceuticals are potential
hormone disruptors, this delay increases the potential risks of drinking water contaminated with
these chemicals. Despite the recommendations of its advisory committee to include drinking water
contaminants on its list of chemicals intended to be screened in the endocrine disruptor screening
program as required by the SDWA, the EPAs initial list of 73 chemicals to begin screening under
the EDSP does not include any chemicals identified as drinking water contaminants, including
Thus, although the SDWA confers sufficiently strong authority on the EPA to address these
contaminants, the EPA has not exercised that authority to deal with pharmaceuticals in drinking
Intentional disposal of pharmaceuticals that are problematic because of their attractiveness to drug
abusers and recreational users are regulated by the DEA under the Drug Abuse Prevention and
Control Act. 17 DEA regulations exclude individual consumer disposal, however, as long as the
disposal is by the prescription holder. Furthermore, and problematically, the DEA specifically
prohibits consumers from returning controlled substances to the pharmacies where they originally
acquired them, or to other controlled substances registrants such as reverse distributors, except in
the case of a recall or a dispensing error. This prohibition has created one of the largest barriers for
consumers, hospitals, and other entities to dispose of their unwanted and expired pharmaceuticals
by any method other than flushing or trashing.
Because DEA guidelines suggest that it is only appropriate to return pharmaceuticals to the
pharmacy in the case of a recall or dispensing error and that there are no other provisions to cover
the return of unused or expired pharmaceuticals, it is likely that ordinary citizens, and even health
professionals, could logically conclude that the easiest method for disposing of unused
pharmaceuticals is by flushing them down the toilet. Later in this report, we discuss in detail some
drug disposal programs that have tried to deal with these problems.
destruct in the environment, or on nonpolluting technologies to decompose APIs and their active
byproducts prior to discharge into the environment. Active ingredients that decompose using
natural processes relevant to the pathways by which the drugs are discharged, such as oxidation,
hydrolysis, or biological pH, would be the most relevant to achieve this goal. The challenge with
these designs, of course, is to ensure that the drug retains its pharmaceutical activity during
production, delivery to the patient, and consumption or application. For example, if the drug
decomposes too quickly at biological pH then it may become inactive in the patient before it has had
its desired therapeutic effect. A drug designed to biodegrade under sunlight must be kept in the dark
from production through to dosing the patient. These examples are not barriers, but are
considerations of which green chemists and engineers are aware.
Finally, personalized medicine, or pharmacogenetics, is a promising and developing field in drug
design that will reduce waste, over-prescription, and overconsumption of pharmaceuticals by
customizing drug and dosage to the individual consumer. 9 This approach will have the advantage of
avoiding the prescription of pharmaceuticals to non-responders, and of avoiding over-dosing.
Patients will appreciate a medication more if it works without any side effects.
Efforts to Address Design
We did not uncover any efforts by advocacy or other groups promoting green chemistry in the
United States to address the drug design phase in the pharmaceutical industry.
As mentioned earlier, the FDA approves drugs for the market that are not generally recognized as
safe and effective and therefore must be tested to prove their safety and efficacy. 1
Clinical testing is primarily broken into three phases. During Phase 1 trials, data on drug absorption,
distribution, metabolism, and excretion in humans are collected and analyzed to evaluate drug safety,
especially short-term side effects. 2 Phases 2 and 3 are focused on efficacy in patients, although safety
is continually monitored throughout the whole process. In particular, Phase 3 focuses on efficacy
between different patient populations, different doses and in combination with other drugs. In
addition, post marketing commitments allow the FDA to continue to track the drugs safety and
efficacy after approval. Once approved, the pharmaceutical company formally sends to the FDA a
new drug application that includes all clinical trial and animal data and information on how the drug
is manufactured and behaves in the body. Notably, most of this process is beyond public scrutiny.
Outside of the NEPA requirements described earlier, the FDA does not explicitly require that
environmental impacts be considered for a pharmaceutical to be approved. The FDA does provide
some guidance, however, on one category antibiotics which dominate the animal drug
applications. That guidance outlines a comprehensive evidence-based approach to preventing
antimicrobial resistance that may result from the use of antimicrobial drugs in animals. 3
The FDA is responsible for approving the use of antibiotics for animals. Until recently, the FDA
routinely granted approval for use of antibiotics in animal feed for non-therapeutic uses, including
antibiotics used extensively to treat human illnesses. The Keep Antibiotics Working (KAW)
Coalitions campaign and several of its lead member groups have waged a steady campaign over the
past seven years to pressure the FDA to: adopt additional restrictions on the approval of new
antibiotics for animal use; reject specific applications for both new uses and off-label uses of
antibiotics critical for human use; and to revisit those approvals already granted to determine
whether they need to be withdrawn to protect the public.
In 2003, the FDA issued a guidance document intended to specifically address the issue of antibiotic
resistance in the consideration of new drug approvals for animal uses. The guidance presented a
qualitative methodology for evaluating the risk that new or existing drugs would cause resistance
problems of significance for human medicine. Unfortunately, while this guidance has much merit,
it is not mandatory or enforceable, and its effectiveness is limited. Importantly, the guidance has not
been applied to drugs already on the market, which are a much greater problem than new approvals,
since they are ongoing contributors to the evolution of antibiotic resistant diseases. 4 It is in part the
FDAs failure to even begin reconsidering existing approvals that has led groups to work on passing
legislation to mandate the re-review of existing approvals for non-therapeutic uses of antibiotics
used both in human medicine and food animal production. 5
In April 2005, four public health and environmental groups petitioned the FDA to withdraw
approvals for seven classes of antibiotics used as agricultural feed additives for their failure to meet
the safety criteria contained in the FDAs guidance on agricultural antibiotics. 6 To date, the FDA has
yet to take action on the petition. Following actions in Sweden in 1986 and Denmark in 1998, the
European Union issued a ban on the use of growth-promoting antibiotics in food animal
production, which took effect in 2006. 7
Despite the general anti-regulatory climate of the last decade, KAWs members had some
successes. In July 2005, the FDA took the important step, after a long campaign by the KAW and
some of its key members, of cancelling the approval of Cipro-like antibiotics (the fluoroquinolones)
for use in poultry, marking the first time the FDA has withdrawn approval for an agricultural
antibiotic due to concerns about antibiotic resistance. One major corporation, Bayer, fought the
FDAs action for five years, but ultimately dropped its appeals of the FDAs decision. 8 In July 2008,
the FDA banned the use of third and fourth generation antimicrobial cephalosporins for extra label
veterinary uses. 9 However, in December the FDA reversed itself and dropped the ban in the face of
overwhelming industry opposition. 10
Despite some fleeting successes in the regulatory arena, attention has rightly turned to Congress to
develop a more proscriptive approach to FDA approvals. In 2008, the Animal Drug User Fee
Amendments were signed into law, which, among other things, require the collection of veterinary
drug use data essential to the assessment and management of antimicrobial risks represented by
approved antimicrobial drugs. 11 This provision will address the problem of lack of publicly available
information on the volumes and uses of antibiotics in animal agriculture, by requiring manufacturers
of antimicrobial animal drugs to submit annual reports to the FDA. These reports would include the
quantity of each antimicrobial animal drug sold for each kind of food producing animal and the
claimed purpose of use for each kind of animal (such as growth promotion, weight gain, feed
efficiency, disease prevention, disease control, or disease treatment).
Legislation has been introduced in the House and Senate and is supported primarily by the groups
that comprise the KAW campaign including the Food Animal Concerns Trust, the Institute for
Agriculture and Trade Policy, the Union of Concerned Scientists, the Humane Society of the United
States, and the Environmental Defense Fund. The Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical
Treatment Act (PAMTA) amends the FFDCA to withdraw approvals for feed-additive uses of seven
specific classes of antibiotics which are also used in human medicine. The bill would generally
require the FDA to re-review the existing approvals of animal antibiotics also used in human
medicine within two years. The Senate version of the bill authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to
pay poultry and livestock producers to defray the transition costs of reducing the use of
antimicrobial animal drugs.
The PAMTAs lead sponsor in the Senate was Senator Kennedy and in the House is Representative
Louise Slaughter, who both introduced the bills in 2009. However, opposition from both the
pharmaceutical industry and elements of the farming sector continues to be very strong. Moving this
kind of legislation through Congress, even with an administration potentially more inclined toward
the protection of public health, will be a major undertaking.
-66 %
-99 %
-49 %
-67 %
-83 %
-64 %
-26 %
-65 %
-66 %
The location of pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities by state is provided in the map. (See Figure
2.) Notably, of 304 facilities, over 15% are located in New Jersey, and over 10% are in Puerto Rico,
with New York and California running third and fourth. 3
These states with the greatest concentrations of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants are most at
risk of contamination from this source. In fact, the AP recently found that at least 271 million
pounds of pharmaceuticals are entering the waterways that often provide drinking water. 4 We
suspect, however, that industrial manufacturing is not a priority source of API contamination
throughout the entire United States because it is mainly localized to just a few states, with the bulk
of manufacturing done overseas. Rather, the highest impacts are likely to be immediately
downstream of factories. With the exception of Puerto Rico, most pharmaceutical manufacturing
occurs outside of the United States, predominantly in Ireland, Mexico, Singapore, China, India, and
South America. 5
We were unable to find information concerning how much of the environmental pharmaceutical
load to the environment is coming from manufacturing facilities and whether or not the regulations
effectively keep them out of the water. However, it seems unlikely to us that manufacturing facilities
are as large a source of contamination nationally as the other sources discussed in this report.
Efforts to Address Production
Efforts to address the environmental impact of the production of pharmaceuticals should include
green chemistry concepts as discussed earlier. Designing pharmaceuticals so that the same
therapeutic effect can be achieved using less API is an important goal of green chemists; by
increasing the efficacy of a drug formulation, it is possible to decrease the amount of drug that must
be manufactured, thereby decreasing production waste significantly, and also the amount of drug in
the dose. 6 Some pharmaceutical companies and green chemists are also gaining some ground on
reducing the use of water in the production process and reducing the use of hazardous solvents. 7
However, we did not uncover any efforts by advocacy or other groups targeting the production
phase of the pharmaceutical industry.
65 years and
45-64 years
18-44 years
under 18
all ages
Figure 3. Percent of Persons Reporting Prescription Drug Use in the Past Month, by Age 2
At the same time that the pharmaceutical industry reaps profits from large sales, the rising costs of
health care, along with employers limiting their portion of health care coverage, has meant that
consumers are paying more in real dollars at the pharmacy than ever before. Whereas prescriptions
represented only 10.5 percent of total healthcare costs in the United States in 2002, they amounted
to 23 percent of out-of-pocket costs for the consumers. Americans spent $162.4 billion on
prescription drugs in 2002, up from less than $100 billion a decade earlier. This increase is not due
simply to an increase in population; an analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation attributes the rising
costs of prescription drugs to an increasing number of prescriptions, increasing prescription prices,
and increasing sales of high-priced brand name drugs. 3
In addition to the use of prescription medications, overthe-counter medications are readily
available, relatively inexpensive, and can be taken in combination with prescription medications,
often without the knowledge of the patients health care providers. It is common for people to selfmedicate with over-the-counter medications for ailments such as mild pain and headaches, colds and
allergy symptoms, and gastro-intestinal upset. The overuse of over-the-counter medications can not
only be risky for a patients health but can also increase the amount of pharmaceuticals entering the
environment. However, there is no data available on the contribution of these medications to
environmental contamination, or their disposal patterns. One could assume that most people will
dispose of both prescription and non-prescription medications in the same way.
The overuse of medications is driven by a number of complex and interrelated factors, including
physician practice, patient expectations and demands, aggressive marketing by pharmaceutical
companies, and prescription plan requirements. There is currently no way to tease apart which factor
is most to blame for the over-prescribing and overuse of medications.
The problem of overuse is the root cause of a significant percentage of avoidable pharmaceutical
contamination in the environment. Furthermore, there are ways to ameliorate the problem and
various groups that are addressing it.
evidence to support the safety or efficacy of the drug. And in many instances, there are approved
alternatives available that could be safer and more effective.
The off-label use of medications is very common. A 2001 survey of U.S. office-based physicians
found that 21 percent of all estimated uses for commonly prescribed medications were off-label, and
less than one-third of uses were supported by strong scientific evidence. 16 The frequency of off-label
use varied widely among specific medications and drug classes, exceeding 50 percent for some
anticonvulsants, psychiatric medications, and anti-asthmatics. In 1996, the GAO testified before the
U.S. Congress that one-third of all drug administrations to cancer patients were off-label and more
than half of cancer patients received at least one drug for an off-label indication. 17 A recent draft
guidance from the FDA relaxes the strict standards for promoting unapproved uses by condoning
the distribution of scientific articles describing off-label use. This threatens to increase the
promotion of off-label use of medications and reduce pharmaceutical companies incentive to
conduct more detailed research on safety and efficacy. 18
4. Prescription Plans
Prescription plans that require distribution of a minimum number of pills could contribute to the
accumulation of unused medication being dumped into the environment. For example, to lower
costs, many seniors rely on mail order pharmacies for their prescriptions, which require and instruct
their customers to ask for 90-day prescriptions instead of 30-day prescriptions. Therefore, because
patients change doses of medications for chronic health conditions, they are left with unused
pharmaceuticals that need to be disposed of properly. However, we were unable to find evidence
that this practice substantially contributes to the problem of pharmaceutical waste.
The over-prescription of pharmaceuticals is a significant issue with which health professionals and
practitioners constantly struggle. Therefore, adding a new dimension to the issuethat is, the
environmental impacts of the discharge and disposal of these unneeded drugs, or their impacts on
non-target populations exposed at levels far below the effective doseis not likely to further
motivate the medical community to address the problem. The development of antibiotic-resistant
bacteria, for example, which is such an urgent threat to public health, is much more likely to engage
the interest of politicians and the public. Regardless, current efforts to address the overuse of
pharmaceuticals, as described below, can still reap environmental benefits.
1. Education and Outreach
A major solution proposed for the problem of physicians over-prescribing medications because of
misdiagnosis or over-diagnosis is outreach and education from professional medical societies. There
has been a concerted national effort to educate physicians and the public about the misuse of
antibiotics, largely driven by the development of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. The CDC has
a Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare Settings and a Get Smart campaign
to educate community members about the proper use of antibiotics. 1920 Health care organizations
such as the Mayo Clinic and Kaiser Permanente also have information on their websites for their
members about the proper use of antibiotics. 2122 Noticeably absent from this advocacy work is the
American Academy of Pediatrics, whose only guidance on antibiotics deals with acute ear infections
and agricultural use of antibiotics in large animal feeding operations. 23
Based on information published in the scientific literature, it appears that efforts by professional and
public health organizations have been successful in reducing the number of antibiotic prescriptions.
In the United States, antibiotic prescriptions for respiratory infections in children less than 15 years
of age fell between 1989-1990 and 1999-2000. 24 Similarly, in England, the number of antibiotic
prescriptions issued by family practitioners decreased by 25 percent between 1995 and 2000, from
49.4 to 36.9 million prescriptions (reflecting a fall from 1 to 0.75 antibiotic prescriptions per person
per year). 25 Because of the overlapping messages that physicians and other healthcare providers
receive from multiple sources, it is not possible to determine which organization has been most
effective; however, government support of these efforts has been crucial for their success. 26
To assess specifically the effectiveness of these educational programs, follow up surveys can be
issued to see how physician prescribing practices have changed. 27 While there have been some
studies looking at the efficacy of specific programs for antibiotic prescribing practices, no one has
conducted a systematic look at the whole practice.
2. Influencing Medication Selections Based on Environmental Impacts the European
In 2005, Sweden began a major initiative to classify environmental risk and hazard characterization
for every pharmaceutical sold in the country. 28 Using information that pharmaceutical manufacturers
already must submit to the Medical Products Agency in Sweden, a producer identifies a level of risk
and hazard for each of its products. The hazard assessment is expressed on terms of how persistent,
bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) the pharmaceutical is once released into the environment (whether
by excretion or by disposal). The risk classification is expressed as the ratio of the predicted
environmental concentration to the predicted no effect concentration. Then an independent
consulting firm audits that data and either approves or disapproves the risk and hazard assessment.
Once approved, the classifications are listed on the publicly-available LIF
(Lkemedelsindustrifreningen - the Swedish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry) website. 29
The group is now starting to determine how to include environmental impacts of production into
this classification system. 30
Figure 4: Example of Data on Pharmaceuticals Extracted from LIF Website
Groups that participated in this work included the LIF, the Stockholm County Council (the body
that ensures that Stockholm residents have access to healthcare and public transit) and other
Swedish county councils, Apoteket (the state-run pharmacy chain), and other stakeholders. In fact,
six major pharmaceutical companies headquartered either in Europe or the United States (Merck,
Lily, Pfizer, Glaxo, Roche, and AstraZeneca) all approved the use of their data for this classification
The creation of this classification system was motivated by the desire to address the effects of
pharmaceuticals on the environment. Specifically, when physicians (and to a lesser extent patients)
have access to data about the relative risk and hazard associated with multiple medication choices,
they will recognize that for a given condition or disease there are choices that are more
environmentally responsible. As a result, choosing the less environmentally risky and hazardous
pharmaceutical will create incentives for industry to manufacture products that have lower
environmental impacts.
To date, every company that sells pharmaceuticals in Sweden has joined this classification system.
The cost of the data collection is borne by the company and the cost of the auditor is paid by the
LIF (which is also industry-funded). For the most part, the cost has been moderate, mainly because
the companies have already collected these data for other purposes. Research on the success of this
program is only now beginning. 31
The desire to spread this system to the European Union has been met with some success. Both the
Germans and the Dutch are very involved with conducting these risk and hazard assessments for
pharmaceuticals. 32 In addition, the European Medicines Agency is considering including
environmental data on the safety labels that are provided on pharmaceuticals. 33 The work being
done by these countries to evaluate all of the major pharmaceuticals that are used here provide a
readily available resource for us to adapt in the United States.
3. Litigation
The Community Catalysts Prescription Access Litigation Project uses class action litigation and
public education to make prescription drug prices more affordable for consumers by challenging
illegal pricing tactics and deceptive marketing by drug companies, pharmacy benefit managers, and
other pharmaceutical industry players. 34 These lawsuits are intended to motivate industry to change
its behavior so that they will stop, for example, marketing unproven off-label uses and misleading
physicians about the efficacy of their drugs.
Pharmaceutical companies have been repeatedly fined for aggressively marketing the off-label use of
their drugs to physicians, even after the FDA has explicitly denied the off-label use that is being
promoted. Most recently, Pfizer was fined a record $2.3 billion dollars for their illegal tactics to
convince physicians to prescribe drugs such as the anti-inflammatory drug, Bextra, after the FDA
denied a request for the off-label uses that were being promoted. 35 Pfizer had previously been fined
for illegal marketing of drugs but these cases had not changed corporate behavior. Other
pharmaceutical companies have been fined for similar tactics.
4. Legislative/Policy
The Community Catalysts Prescription Project uses policy changes among academic medical
centers, professional medical societies and public and private payers, as well as state and national
level policy solutions to eliminate conflicts of interest created by industry marketing. 36 Some of the
state and federal policy initiatives involve marketing, consulting, research, speaking, gifts, and meals
paid for by industry. States such as Massachusetts, Minnesota, Washington, Colorado, Vermont,
Nevada, Maine, and New Hampshire have introduced gift bans or transparency bills. 37 At the federal
level, Community Catalyst has been working on H.R. 5605 Physician Payments Sunshine Act of
2008 (Fazio), which will amend title XI of the Social Security Act to provide for transparency in the
relationship between physicians and manufacturers of drugs, devices, or medical supplies for which
payment is made under Medicare, Medicaid, or SCHIP, and for other purposes. 38
5. Private Sector
The Long Term Care Pharmacy Alliance conducts regular safety reviews to determine if any changes
are needed in long term care patients medications and dispense of drugs in specialized packaging
systems that reduce the possibility of medication errors. 39
6. Evidence-Based Prescribing Practices
Physicians who practice evidence-based prescribing choose a medical treatment based on the
efficacy and cost-effectiveness of treatment options, the benefits or harms of a treatment, and
consider the patient's own involvement in the treatment plan. This method of prescribing is free
from the marketing messages that often influence physicians prescribing patterns. Evidence-based
prescribing can include both on and off-label prescriptions. When put into practice, evidence-based
prescribing could help with the over-prescribing problem, resulting in fewer unused medications.
One model to promote evidence-based prescribing practices that could be replicated in other states
is the Drug Effectiveness Review Project. This project provides systematic evidence-based reviews
of the comparative effectiveness and safety of drugs in many widely used drug classes to inform
public policy and related activities. 40 Additionally, the Federation of State Medical Boards has
recently launched a new web-based tool for educating physicians about pharmaceuticals. 41 The
portal, called the Online Prescriber Education Network, offers free continuing medical education
credits to physicians and provides free access to unbiased sources of information about drugs. This
project was funded by a 2004 consumer protection settlement with Warner Lambert, a division of
Pfizer, over allegations of deceptive off-label marketing of the drug, Neurontin. Another resource
for physicians is Smartprescribe.org, an on-line curriculum from Wake Forest University designed to
educate physicians about how to assess information from pharmaceutical companies. Similarly,
physicians can refer to PharmedOut, an independent, publicly funded project that empowers
physicians to identify and counter inappropriate pharmaceutical promotion practices, promotes
evidence-based medicine by providing news, resources, and links to pharmaceutical-free continuing
medical education courses. 42
7. Congressional Oversight
Representatives Dingell and Stupak held a hearing in 2008 on direct-to-consumer advertising and
celebrity endorsements of drugs. 43 Also in 2008, Senator Grassley investigated industry funding of
professional organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association. Additionally,
Representative Dingell and Senator Grassley are working together to give the FDA broad powers to
levy fines, order drug recalls, and restrict drug-industry advertising. 44
Unfortunately, reliable and adequately detailed data on both the volume of sales, human
consumption, and disposal of pharmaceutical products is not publicly available. Estimates have
therefore been pieced together from small studies, surveys, and the claims of industry trade groups
that cannot be independently verified. The failure of the industry and its trade groups to provide
detailed and independently-verifiable market data prevents regulators, the public, and Congress from
making informed decisions on how best to reduce pharmaceutical contamination. Nonetheless, the
authors of this report understand these limitations and here attempt to provide a summary of what
is considered to be the best publicly-available data at this time.
1. Disposal Habits of the General Population
Because there are no official government or private records on pharmaceutical use and disposal, data
on disposal practices and the reasons for unused medications have been collected by take-back
programs or regional surveys. In California, data from an unused medication collection program
suggests that 52 percent of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines are discarded unused, compared to
45 percent of prescription medicines. 2 Interestingly, the program administrators found that the vast
majority of the medicines (72 percent) were returned because they were expired or outdated,
suggesting that most doctors are either over-prescribing drugs or that patients are simply reluctant to
finish their prescriptions. 3 A collection program in Maine attributed prescription changes or
medication that is no longer needed as the reasons more than half of the waste was generated. 4
Research by the Teleosis Institute shows that 40 percent of waste is due to drug interactions,
allergies, or side effects. 5
Failure to finish prescriptions is likely a common problem and contributor to pharmaceutical waste.
Another U.S. study found that only two percent of people finish their prescriptions. 6 A very high
percentage of drugs as much as 50 percent of many prescriptions and 80 percent of antibiotics
are said to go unused. 7 The industry trade group PhRMA disagrees, estimating that only about three
percent of all medicines go unused. 8
A 1996 U.S. survey of 500 callers to a poison information center found that the most common
methods of disposal of unused medications were trash disposal (54 percent), flushing down the
toilet or rinsing down the sink (35 percent) and simply not disposing (seven percent). Only 1.4
There is little information about the extent to which these facilities contribute to the pharmaceuticals
in the waste stream problem. Some estimate that 20 to 30 percent of pharmaceuticals disposed into
the waste stream may be coming from these groups. 22 One survey in Washington State found that
over 65 percent of pharmaceutical waste was coming from specialty outpatient facilities, over 20
percent from hospitals, and about five percent coming from nursing homes, boarding homes, and
retail pharmacies. 23
A significant barrier to ensuring responsible disposal of pharmaceuticals is that very few medical
professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, or administrators, understand all the issues
related to disposal. They are not taught the consequences of various disposal methods nor do they
have any training in RCRA or other legal requirements that govern disposal of some pharmaceutical
products when generated in large enough quantities. In fact, there is little, if any, teaching of proper
disposal of pharmaceuticals, or legal requirements in medical and dental, nursing, pharmacy, or
veterinary schools. This lack of knowledge coupled with historically low rates of enforcement of
RCRA (or state) violations have led to widespread lack of compliance with the statutory
requirements. 24 Recent enforcement initiatives by a few EPA regions like Region 2 and states like
California and Indiana have highlighted the extent of lack of compliance and lack of knowledge of
the statutory requirements. 25 These initiatives have also reportedly generated a great deal of attention
in the industry to getting technical assistance and moving toward compliance. 26
Even in the absence of convincing data about the adverse environmental and human health effects
of these contaminants, public safety considerations motivate otherwise unmovable decision-makers.
Inappropriate or inadequate disposal of unused or expired pharmaceuticals can lead to accidental
poisonings, intentional drug abuse, or theft and resale. Both nationally and internationally,
medications are the most common poison exposure category. 27 Senior citizens the largest
consumers of prescribed medication are particularly vulnerable because of their tendency to selfprescribe medicines to treat new, undiagnosed symptoms. 28 In addition to these risks, medicines that
are not consumed represent wasted health care dollars, which drive policymakers to address the
accumulation of unused and expired drugs.
1. Agriculture
Confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs; also known as factory farms) are large-scale
producers of hogs, poultry, beef or dairy cows typically housing from thousands to tens of
thousands or even hundreds of thousands of animals. These facilities produce enormous amounts of
waste, which pose significant challenges for storage and disposal. Hog waste, for example, is
typically stored in open lagoons, roughly the size of football fields. Drier animal waste, such as
chicken litter, is stored in piles, often outside where rain can lead to runoff into nearby waters.
After being stored, animal waste is typically spread on surrounding crop fields as fertilizer for crops.
These spray fields, as well as the lagoons and litter piles, are sources of pollution that can
introduce antibiotics, hormones, and other contaminants into our waterways.
Waste lagoons repeatedly discharge pollution into the nations waters through over-topping,
failure, and leaking into groundwater. 29 Animal waste also reaches waterways when it runs off spray
fields. 30 Although a certain amount of waste can be sprayed onto surrounding fields as fertilizer,
crops can only take up so much nitrogen or phosphorus before they are full. The waste that is not
taken up by plants remains available in the soil and can run off of the fields into nearby streams or
other waters during wet weather. Because CAFOs produce such enormous amounts of waste and
have relatively few disposal fields close by, they commonly apply waste in excess of the optimal
amount to fertilize crops, over-saturating the soil and sending waste into waterways bordering the
spray fields. It is primarily from these sources storage lagoons and spray fields that animal waste
pollutes our waters. 31
In agriculture, the pharmaceutical contaminants of greatest concern are antibiotics, because of their
contribution to the growing problem of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Tens of millions of pounds
of antibiotics are used in agriculture to treat infections, to compensate for conditions that contribute
to infection, and to promote growth (as feed additives). Many of these antibiotics are in the same
classes of drugs that are used in humans. 32
Troubling estimates are that nearly two trillion pounds of animal wastes are produced annually in the
United States and that between 25-75 percent of antibiotics are excreted unchanged in feces and can
persist in the soil after land application. 33,34 Subsequently, a large amount of antibiotics (and
antibiotic-resistant bacteria) are entering waterways through groundwater contamination, overflow
of waste lagoons into surface water, or by over-application of manure as fertilizer in farm fields. A
recently published study found evidence of fecal contamination and increased levels of antibioticresistant bacteria downstream of a swine concentrated feeding operation. 35 Other studies have found
antibiotic-resistant bacteria in groundwater underlying a swine waste lagoon. 36 As such, the
widespread use of antibiotics in agriculture is contributing to antibiotic resistance in humans.
As mentioned before, antibiotic resistance is caused by a number of factors including repeated and
improper use of antibiotics in both humans and animals. Scientists agree that the long-term
exposures to low levels of antibiotics common in both growth promotion and disease prevention
promote bacterial resistance by exerting selective pressure for genes that allow microorganisms to
withstand the effects of antibiotics. It is unknown whether, or to what extent, the low levels of
antibiotics currently found in drinking water can select for resistant bacteria.
As concern about the growing phenomenon of antibiotic-resistant bacteria grows, the large-scale use
of antibiotics for non-therapeutic uses is receiving greater scrutiny. As noted earlier, there are
differing estimates of the proportion of total antibiotics used in the agricultural sector. Regardless of
which estimates are correct, the contribution of the problem from CAFOs is high. In fact, the
European Union has banned non-therapeutic agricultural use of antimicrobials that are important in
human medicine and has banned feeding of antibiotics for growth purposes. 37 Notably, the National
Research Council estimated that the average annual cost per capita to consumers of a total ban on all
antibiotic use ranged from $4.84 to $9.72. The nominal impact on prices ranged from $0.013 to
$0.026 per pound for poultry to $0.03 to $0.06 per pound for pork and beef. 38
As discussed earlier, CAFOs also make widespread use of steroids and have been found to have
detectable concentrations of a sex hormone mimic in their discharge. 39
2. Human Excretion
It is possible to estimate through modeling the amount of API that enters the environment through
excretion by incorporating usage data with knowledge about the amount of active ingredient that is
excreted and the known effectiveness of the treatment techniques used by wastewater and municipal
drinking water facilities. 40 For example, Table 6 provides the urinary excretion rates of some
Table 6. Urinary Excretion Rates of Unchanged Active Ingredient for Selected
Pharmaceuticals 41
Therapeutic class
Lipid regulator
Although it is possible to do modeling based on this information, no one has done studies that have
put these models to the test to see if the numbers are accurate. As noted earlier, this is a very
important component for establishing effective policy initiatives. Accordingly, there must be calls
for immediate efforts to determine the relative source contribution of pharmaceuticals in the
environment that comes from human metabolism.
There is heightened scrutiny on intentional disposal of medications, mainly because of the concern
about the potential for accidental poisonings, especially in vulnerable populations such as children
and the elderly, the intentional abuse by teenagers or others, and the theft and resale of certain
pharmaceuticals. 42 In addition to these dangers, throwing out unused or expired drugs is a huge
waste of healthcare money. 43
For example, a 2006 pilot project by the University of Minnesota Technical Assistance Program
found that two different hospitals both lost substantial amounts of money due to waste from overordering by the pharmacy, resulting in the medications expiring on the shelf and having to be
disposed of as waste. The first hospital was a small community hospital caring primarily for elderly
chronically ill patients; the second was a large county hospital with a patient population comprised
of acute care and critically ill patients. The project identified the top ten wasted drugs based on cost
and frequency at each institution. The small (25 bed) hospital lost about $35,000 per year (including
purchase and disposal costs). The larger hospital lost about $80,000 per year (comprising 20 percent
of their inventory). This pilot project created a model for other healthcare facilities to conduct
similar audits and save money. In addition, improved record-keeping with electronic dispensing
systems (for example, Pixis systems) could facilitate the inventory process.
Also, an estimated billions of dollars nationally come from waste sample medication. In one
physician office, a pilot project found that the retail value of the medications going to waste was
$16,000 (about $5 per patient). The project instituted a system whereby a patient was given a
voucher to take to the pharmacy to pick up a trial dose (for example, five pills). The voucher system
was a win-win because it reduced over-prescriptions, reduced expenses for the pharmacy (which was
reimbursed by the manufacturers), and reduced disposal costs for the physicians office.
In recognition of these concerns, the Second International Conference on the Environment, held in
Athens, Greece, adopted a declaration in 2007 calling on governments, non-governmental
organizations, and citizens to combat the six major concerns associated with unused drugs:
childhood overdoses, household drug theft, accumulation of drugs by the elderly, environmental
impacts, improper international drug donation, and wasting of healthcare money. 44 Countries whose
attendees signed the declaration by vote included the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom,
Spain, Romania, Greece, Germany, Switzerland, India, the Philippines, and Italy. 45
1. Regulatory
U.S. guidelines for the proper disposal of prescription drugs are contradictory and in some cases
depend on the type of drug in question. The Office of National Drug Control Policy, for example,
identifies certain drugs that should be flushed down the toilet, rather than thrown in the trash
(including OxyContin, morphine, and Percocet.)46 In contrast to the White House, the American
Pharmacists Association and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service jointly recommend not flushing
medications, but rather crushing or dissolving solid medications and mixing with a substance like
kitty litter and placing it in a sealed plastic bag. 47
DOD/FDA Shelf Life Extension Project
In an attempt to prepare for war or other major military contingencies, the Department of Defense
(DOD) keeps a large stockpile of critical medical material including a number of pharmaceuticals.
The DOD has spent an inordinate amount of money replenishing these stockpiles as they hit their
expiration date. In an attempt to curb some of this spending they instituted the DOD/FDA shelflife extension program (SLEP). 48
When stockpiles are approaching their expiration date, the DOD, or one of the other participating
agencies, sends samples of the drugs to the FDA for testing. They undergo stress testing and
various other tests to determine if the expiration date can be extended. Drugs that pass the SLEP
tests are re-labeled accordingly and placed back on the shelf. There is a ten year cap on extensions,
but some drugs have been shown to degrade over a smaller time-scale. All the results are kept in an
on-line inventory so that different agencies/locations can easily determine which drugs they can
extend without further testing.
The program only applies to the stockpiles of drugs and not the entire $1.2 billion in prescription
and OTC drugs that the DOD buys each year. Currently, there are approximately $87 million worth
of stockpiled drugs. The stockpile includes a wide range of pharmaceuticals including broad range
antibiotics, atropine automatic injectors, diazepam, and anti-malaria tablets. 49 Recently, the value of
extended drugs has been around $33 million a year with testing costs of $350,000, a return of nearly
94 to 1. Those drugs that cannot be extended are sent to the Defense Reutilization and
Management Office for proper disposal, although it is unclear whether that is incineration or
landfilling. 50 Extending this program to facilities that keep large stockpiles of pharmaceuticals on
hand may be possible. For individual households, however, it would likely be more cost effective to
buy new drugs than to have old ones tested for expiration date extension. However, without security
clearance to access protected parts of the website, it is difficult to find out more information about
the program.
2. Legislative and Policy
Maine has passed legislation to create a pharmaceutical take-back program that is currently being
implemented with preliminary results expected to be publicized later in 2009. 51 In addition to the
legislation passed in Maine and a similar one pending in Washington, California passed a bill in 2007
to create model take-back programs and provide financial assistance for implementing them. 52 Also,
Indiana passed legislation addressing reverse distribution from pharmacies. 53 In fact, there continues
to be much legislative activity on this issue around the country. 54
As recently as July 2008, the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative passed a resolution
addressing pharmaceuticals in the water, motivated in part by current research associating
pharmaceuticals with ecological harm and by the lack of regulation on pharmaceutical disposal. 55
The resolution advocates for an increase in pharmaceutical take-back programs and urges federal,
state, and provincial governments to update their regulations on current programs. The initiative will
conduct its own survey on the effectiveness of collection programs and hopes to form multi-interest
working groups to develop more effective take-back programs in the future.
More recently, other municipalities and even the federal government have begun to tackle the issue.
For example, the District of Columbia introduced the Unused Safe Pharmaceutical Disposal Act of
2009 and U.S. Representative Miller introduced a bill to push the EPA to convene a task force to
examine the issue of proper disposal of pharmaceuticals.
Even more recently, Illinois passed a law that prohibits health facilities from flushing medications
down the toilet. Effective January 1, 2010, health care institutions may not discharge, dispose, flush,
pour, or empty any unused medication into a public wastewater collection system or septic system. 56
Violators can be fined up to $500.
3. Education and Outreach
One recent initiative intended to improve medical professionals understanding about the harm
caused by improper disposal of unused pharmaceuticals is the 2006 report by Hospitals for a
Healthy Environment and PharmEcology, Managing Pharmaceutical Waste: A 10-Step Blueprint
for Health Care Facilities in the United States, which provides a thorough review of the RCRA, the
DEA, and other federal regulations that affect pharmaceutical waste. 57 An update of the Blueprint is
underway, as well as a state-specific blueprint for California.
Some groups have set forth guidelines and best management practices for pharmaceutical disposal.
For example, the American Veterinary Medical Association approved in July 2009 best management
practices for minimizing unused pharmaceuticals, encouraging incineration of pharmaceuticals, and
educating clients on proper disposal. 58
4. Private Sector
Providing access to appropriate methods for safe disposal of accumulated unused or expired
pharmaceuticals not only addresses environmental concerns, but also attacks other serious public
health concerns with the use and abuse of pharmaceuticals.
The Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) has a project that focuses on the disposal of unwanted or
waste medications from households, long term care facilities, and other sources. 59 The project will
evaluate the need for a nationally coordinated system for the management of unwanted/waste
pharmaceuticals that allows for multiple solutions that reflect local and regional differences. The
project seeks to increase the safe, legal and environmentally protective management, collection and
disposal of unwanted and waste pharmaceuticals through the development of best management
practices. In December 2008, the PSI held a second national dialogue on these issues. 60
after passage of the Prescription Drug Marketing Act in 1987 (PDMA). Prior to passage of the
PDMA, returns were largely handled by pharmaceutical wholesalers and manufacturing
representatives. However, there were widespread problems with diversion (that is, theft and resale)
of the returned products. The PDMA prevents returns through these channels. The reverse
distributors provide the service of collecting the drugs from the hospitals, usually by mail, and
processing the returns for credit from the pharmaceutical companies. Traditionally, reverse
distribution is only intended to be used for pharmaceutical drugs that could potentially be returned
for credit. Each pharmaceutical manufacturer has policies on what is or is not returnable.
There are approximately 6,000 hospitals in the United States and tens of thousands of pharmacies.
Virtually all of them contract with reverse distributors. The large reverse distributors also contract
with pharmaceutical companies to ensure proper disposal of their returned product after the hospital
or pharmacy has been credited. Reverse distributors therefore send some pharmaceutical waste to
other reverse distributors that are contracted to handle a particular manufacturers products. 61
Reverse distributors have developed a set of core competencies that help them play a beneficial
role in the current medical system, and that could be expanded upon to ensure greater product
stewardship and less water-based disposal of pharmaceuticals. Some of the benefits of the reverse
distribution model are that it:
Centralizes outdated drugs into a finite number of warehouses which can be monitored for
compliant hazardous waste disposal procedures
Removes outdated drugs from the market in a systematic fashion, thereby reducing diversion
Could provide the infrastructure for national consumer take-back programs in the future 62
Only about 15 percent of pharmaceuticals are considered either hazardous under RCRA or other
federal standards. About 70 percent of pharmaceuticals come from households and are therefore
exempt from RCRA regulation under the household hazardous waste exclusion. 63 Therefore,
concerns about complying with RCRA regulations only apply to a small portion of total
Another option for handling some pharmaceuticals from these facilities in the past has been to
return unused (but not outdated) products to the long term care pharmacies that serve them, for
repackaging and potential reuse. The payer source (whether the state Medicaid program or a private
insurer) could then be credited for the amount of the returned pharmaceutical that was reused. This
has been a common practice under Medicaid in some states. However, when Medicare Part D was
enacted, it did not contain a provision allowing for crediting and reuse of returned unused drugs. As
a result, for those people receiving prescription coverage under Medicare Part D, the long term care
pharmacies cannot reuse unused medications and those pharmacies are reusing fewer
pharmaceuticals, and are disposing of more of them.
These statutory and regulatory limitations are preventing much more widespread use of reverse
distribution as a means of ensuring proper disposal of pharmaceuticals and protection of water
sources. Efforts to reform these regulations so that all the environmental impacts of disposal are
considered would improve this situation.
pharmacy certification boards, the simplicity of the program, the low cost of the program, and the
support of pharmacists who view this program as providing enhanced service to their customers. 67
Although the success of this program makes it a notable model, one major difference between
Canadian law and U.S. law makes the model difficult to replicate in the United States. Unlike the
strict U.S. laws regulating the custody of controlled substances, Canada regards any substance that
has been dispensed to a customer as a household chemical, which requires no further special
Finally, driven by concerns about increasing incidence of prescription drug abuse, Maine created a
mail-back program in collaboration with the U.S. Postal Service and the Attorney General. 68
Similarly, one of the largest reverse distributors in the country is currently engaged in a pilot mailback project in two counties in Wisconsin. 69
These pilot programs have demonstrated that there are ways to deal with the problem of unwanted
pharmaceuticals that do not involve flushing or throwing in the trash.
There is a significant amount of activity and advocacy taking place to address the eroding efficacy of
antibiotics, a public health crisis that the UCS has referred to as the Ticking Time Bomb. By
contrast, while some work has been done, so far the development of regulatory, litigation, or
legislative strategies to address the issue of hormone use by CAFOs, has not received much
attention or resources.
1. Education and Outreach
According to the UCS and others, the CAFO operators are using antibiotics primarily as growth
promoters and to prevent diseases and illnesses more likely to occur given the crowded and stressful
conditions in which livestock and poultry are produced. These non-therapeutic uses have been the
focus of an extensive campaign to reduce the use of antibiotics at factory farms. Leaders of the
campaign include the UCS, the Food Animal Concerns Trust, the Institute for Agriculture and
Trade Policy (IATP), and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). Their campaign includes
extensive public education efforts including reports (such as the UCS report Hogging It) and fact
sheets; pressure on regulatory authorities, particularly the FDA; support for legislation in Congress;
and efforts to move the market via corporate campaigns and engagement with large corporations
and institutional purchasers (like McDonalds, Burger King, Panera, and Bon Appetit).
Although the bulk of concern and advocacy resources regarding pharmaceutical pollution from
CAFOs have been focused on antibiotics, hormone pollution is also a cause of concern. Although to
a lesser degree than antibiotics, hormones are also used in some food animal operations as growth
promoters. Some organizations including the IATP, the Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR),
and the Consumers Union are doing work in this area, primarily focusing on public education or
reducing public demand for hormone-free food products via consumer action.
2. Litigation
Under the CWA, it is illegal to discharge a pollutant from a point source into a water of the
United States without a permit. CAFOs are specifically defined in the CWA as a point source
requiring a permit for discharge of pollutants. Nevertheless, application of the CWA to CAFOs has
historically been, and continues to be, extremely limited. As the number of factory farms grew
rapidly in the 1990s, they gained more attention due to increased instances of fish kills and pollution
incidents caused by the leaking, failure, or over-topping of waste lagoons, or runoff from sprayfields
(other problems that particularly affected nearby residents include air emissions, odors, and flies
from the facilities). The growing concentration of CAFOs and associated problems led to increased
pressure from state, local, and national environmental organizations for the EPA to use its
authorities under the CWA to regulate the factory farms (there was also a rise in citizen suits against
During the Clinton Administration, the EPA spent several years developing a rulemaking procedure
to require permits for most CAFOs. The end result, which satisfied neither industry nor the
environmental community, was to require CAFOs to obtain permits, develop nutrient management
plans (NMPs) that would outline a series of best practices, and limit the amount of animal waste
sprayed on surrounding fields to agronomic rates. However, under the rules, the NMPs were not
incorporated into an actual CWA permit and were thus not reviewable by the public or enforceable
by citizens via citizen suits. The rule also failed to include technology-based standards to control
discharges of pathogens. Most importantly, the rule failed to address the problem of overuse of
antibiotics at CAFOs and the impacts on water quality.
Both industry and environmental groups (including NRDC) sued to overturn aspects of the rule. 70
While both sides won parts of their claims, the net result was a significant loss of authority to
prevent pollution from CAFOs. Environmental groups successfully asserted that NMPs are
reviewable and enforceable by the public, two key elements of most CWA permits. However,
industrys victory was more sweeping and significant. Industry argued that the EPA lacked the
authority to require all CAFOs to get permits, because permits are required under the CWA only for
sources that discharge or propose to discharge pollution into U.S. waters. Because CAFOs do not
regularly discharge pollution in the same way that a factory does, industry argued that only those
facilities that actually discharge should be subject to permitting requirements. The federal Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit agreed with this argument. As a result, although those facilities that
do discharge (or propose to) are required to have NMPs that are reviewable and enforceable, the
number of facilities that will actually get the permits is likely to be very few because the EPA has
indicated that it will not articulate in its revised rulemaking what types of facilities actually discharge
or propose to discharge, which could result in the EPA only regulating facilities that are caught
discharging red-handed. In addition, it is difficult to document discharges from factory farms, in
part due to their rural location, and, given the lax enforcement climate of the last several years, the
reality is that the CWA provides very little limit on discharges from CAFOs. Therefore, it appears
that the more viable approach to addressing factory farm pollution from antibiotics is to address the
amount of antibiotics being used on the factory farms.
3. Regulatory/Legislative
As mentioned earlier, there are regulatory and legislative efforts, spearheaded by the KAW coalition
(including the EDF, the IATP, and the Humane Society) to pressure the FDAs approval of
antibiotics, especially those used for animals. (See section V, above.)
In addition, the UCS has recently focused on the role of subsidies. Their April 2008 report, CAFOs
Uncovered: The Untold Costs of Confined Animal Feeding Operations argues that by cutting an
array of subsidies to large factory farms, and adopting additional policies that would level the playing
field for small and medium pasture-based animal food operations, the market dominance of the
CAFOs could be reduced, along with attendant problems including the excessive non-therapeutic
use of antibiotics. 71
According to CAFOs Uncovered, the industry has relied on cheap inputs (water, energy, and
especially grain for feed) to support the high fixed costs of large-scale operations. Because the
government has promoted policies of inexpensive grain, CAFOs have an easier time competing with
smaller pasture-based operations. The report describes another market phenomenon that has led to
the strength of CAFOs:
Perhaps even more important has been the concentration of market power in the
processing industry upon which animal farmers depend. This concentration allows
meat processors to exert considerable economic control over livestock producers,
often in the form of production contracts and animal ownership. The resulting
captive supply can limit market access for independent smaller producers, since
the large majority of livestock are either owned by processors or acquired under
contract and processors typically do not contract with smaller producers. Federal
government watchdogs have stated that the agency responsible for ensuring that
markets function properly for smaller producers is not up to the task.
The report recommends vigorous enforcement of anti-trust and anti-competitive practice laws, a
shift in subsidies from large-scale to smaller operations, and greater monitoring and enforcement
(and therefore internalization of cost) of environmental laws including the CWA, the CAA, and
right-to-know laws. Some elements of these policies are pursued every four years as part of the Farm
Bill. Others, such as use of anti-trust laws, are largely untried.
4. Private Sector
The KAW coalition has also worked on influencing industry practices through engagement with
large-scale food businesses including restaurants and institutional food purchasers. In 2003, groups
organized protests outside of selected McDonalds and Burger King restaurants to highlight the
antibiotics being used in poultry. Shortly thereafter, McDonalds announced its policy to direct
suppliers (primarily Tysons) to phase out non-therapeutic use of antibiotics in meat. Other
successes in this effort include the Panera restaurants commitment to serve antibiotic-free poultry,
and T.G.I. Fridays policy of serving antibiotic- and hormone-free beef. Although there were some
successes as a result of this effort, there was not sufficient information to verify that commitments
made by restaurants and other businesses were adhered to. While McDonalds has an ability to audit
Tysons for its compliance, that audit is not publicly available.
Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) has been active in getting health care facilities to purchase
hormone-free and antibiotic free meat and dairy as a part of their overall work to change food
delivery in healthcare to a more ecologically sustainable and socially responsible system. 72 Over 150
hospitals have signed their Healthy Food in Healthcare Pledge, and they have a number of case
studies outlined on their website of hospitals that have successfully made changes. 73 In addition,
HCWH has developed fact sheets for healthcare institutions on the connections between the use of
antibiotics in agriculture, antibiotic resistance in humans, on healthy food, and a report on hospital
food in Europe. 74 In collaboration with San Francisco Bay Area-PSR, HCWH is working with
several different hospitals to promote this work and has at least five different hospital systems who
participate in regular meetings to discuss their progress. A critical component of creating change is
to raise physician awareness of the connection between agricultural practices and antibiotics
resistance. SF-PSR is undertaking a new project that will engage healthcare providers, particularly
physicians, more in this effort.
Much less attention has been focused on the impact of human excretion. Some public utilities have
begun to discuss the potential problems of pharmaceuticals in drinking water, although those efforts
are still in their infancy. The National Association of Clean Water Agencies, for example,
representing nearly 300 municipal wastewater treatment plants across the country, indicate that they
are exploring the development of pharmaceutical take-back programs by member agencies. 75 They
claim to support national initiatives to tackle the problem, although, realistically, there are no such
strategies. The American Water Works Association (AWWA), representing over 4,700 water utilities,
released a report in 2007 on their research on the efficacy of conventional and advanced water
treatment processes for removing endocrine-disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals from water.
Their findings, which are outlined in more detail later in the report, were that Conventional
coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation are ineffective for removing the majority of target
EDCs and PPCPs [pharmaceuticals and personal care products]. [and] [f]ree chlorine can remove
many target compounds, depending on the structure of the contaminant; chloramines are less
effective than free chlorine; ozone and reverse osmosis are more effective than free chlorine. 76
Nonetheless, the topic failed to make the agenda of their four-day annual conference in June 2008.
Similarly, the EPA is currently focusing only on research concerning detection and monitoring
methods for pharmaceuticals, and the environmental fate and transport of these contaminants in the
water. 77 The EPA also claims that it is expanding its stream studies to include data on the effects on
fish. However, the question of the potential human health effects is proceeding on a much slower
timeline. For example, to date, the only action that has taken place is the workshop, convened in
December 2008 by the National Academy of Sciences of scientific experts, to advise the EPA on
methods for screening and prioritizing pharmaceuticals to determine potential risk. 78 We are not
aware of any environmental groups directly working on addressing unintentional discharge of
pharmaceuticals from human use, as most of the focus is on animal waste.
The extent to which pharmaceuticals enter the environment is largely determined by the nature of
the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) where they are discharged and the type of contaminant. A
study of the effects of sewage treatment on 55 pharmaceuticals, for example, found an average
removal rate of approximately 60 percent at a conventional sewage treatment plant (clarification,
aeration, and coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation). 79 WWTPs successfully remove some drugs
such as ibuprofen and salicylic acid. 80 Other drugs, however, such as the anticonvulsant
carbamazepine, the lipid regulator gemfibrozil, the analgesic diclofenac, and the drug metabolite
clofibric acid have not been found to be effectively degraded in most conventional plants.(See
Appendix C for a table summarizing WWTP removal rates.) Furthermore, removal rates are highly
variable, depending on the specific operating parameters of individual treatment plants. Performance
of a WWTP in terms of plant parameters such as biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen
demand, and nitrogen removal can be a good indicator of capacity to remove pharmaceuticals. 81
Advanced sewage treatment techniques such as activated carbon, oxidation by chlorination or
ozonation, and membrane filtration can increase pharmaceutical removal rates to more than 95
percent. 82 However, even with these techniques, the most recalcitrant drugs may not be completely
removed by some of these processes.
Another concern with regard to wastewater treatment is the partitioning of hydrophobic
pharmaceuticals/metabolites to sludge. Although this can effectively remove the contaminants from
wastewater, the partitioning creates the potential for groundwater or surface water contamination
when sludge is spread on fields as an agricultural fertilizer. 83 Furthermore, repeated spreading of
sludge may lead to its accumulation in soil. 84
The search for effective treatment is hampered by the fact that there are so many different
pharmaceuticals that no one technique will effectively treat all of them. In fact, the possibility of a
treatment technique effectively dealing with one type of pharmaceutical while simultaneously
exacerbating the effects of another one exists. It is for this reason that many experts recommend
focusing on upstream solutions such as with green chemistry to, for example, maximize the uptake
of drugs so that less is excreted, or reduce the quantities of pharmaceuticals used by people and
animals. Nonetheless, no matter how effective programs become in minimizing pharmaceutical
waste, it will be necessary to improve treatment of any dangerous concentrations of drugs found to
enter the wastewater stream. While drinking water is often treated also at a drinking water treatment
plant, relying on these facilities to treat for pharmaceuticals would still leave the environment
vulnerable to these contaminants.
1. Treatment Techniques
As mentioned earlier, in 2007 AWWA compiled results from various studies on all the various
treatment processes available and under study for their effectiveness at removing pharmaceuticals
(and hormone disrupting chemicals) from drinking water. 85 The studies targeted a few
pharmaceuticals, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and estradiol, based on occurrence and to
incorporate a variety of chemical properties. Generally the most effective currently available
wastewater treatments for the pharmaceuticals were identified as filtration with granular activated
carbon and ozonation. The AWWA findings are summarized below.
Activated Carbon: The activation process for the manufacture of activated carbon creates highly
porous materials with a distribution of pore sizes and surface areas. Contaminants are absorbed by
attraction to and accumulation within the activated carbon. Both powdered activated and granular
activated carbon have been demonstrated to be effective at removing pharmaceuticals from
water/waste, with greater than 50 percent removal for most compounds.
Oxidation and Ozonation:
Chlorine Oxidation: Chlorine is an inexpensive disinfectant that is widely used in the water industry.
It is also a strong oxidating agent that can break apart chemical compounds. Chlorine and
chloramine oxidation has been demonstrated to successfully remove many compounds; however,
the process is selective based on chemical structure. Half of the target compounds were highly
reactive and more than 80 percent were removed, while the remaining compounds were removed
at less than a 20 percent rate. The more reactive compounds generally have aromatic rings with
hydroxyl, amine, or methoxy groups. Therefore, only certain pharmaceutical compounds will be
removed with high efficiency. Also, free chlorine is more effective than chloramine. However,
chlorine disinfectants can react with natural organic and inorganic matter in the water to form
disinfection by-products, some of which have been found to be carcinogenic or to cause adverse
reproductive or developmental effects in laboratory animals. 86
Ozone is a similarly strong oxidant and disinfectant and is thought to be more effective than
chlorination in reducing pharmaceuticals in wastewater. 87 Unlike chlorine, ozone decays rapidly
within minutes after addition to water and does not result in disinfection by-products. Ozonation
was highly effective at removing target compounds and is among the most effective strategies. More
than half of the compounds had 95 percent removal within two minutes of contact with ozone.
Ozone oxidized the majority of remaining compounds by more than 50 percent after 24 minutes.
UV and UV/H2O2 Oxidation: Since the early 1970s, UV light-based processes were identified as
promising alternatives to conventional treatment technologies for organic pollutant removal from
contaminated waters. UV light oxidizes organics by directly cleaving bonds by direct photolysis or
by reacting with water to form hydroxyl radicals that are effective at oxidizing organic compounds.
UV technology used for disinfection removed only a small number of target compounds. Only
compounds with conjugated bonds readily absorb UV light. The addition of H2O2 for advanced
oxidation with UV greatly increased the removal of some compounds. Nearly all compounds
showed more than 50 percent removal and the majority were oxidized by over 80 percent. However,
success is highly dependent on the dose of H2O2 and UV intensity.
Oxidative treatment success has been reported for clofibric acid, ibuprofen, and diclofenac, using
either O3, H2O2/UV, or O3/ H2O2. Ozonation has been reported to be effective in the degradation
of diclofenac with complete conversion of the chlorine into chloride ions. Oxidative treatment with
both H2O2/UV and O3 completely detoxified a mixture of carbamazepine, clofibric acid, diclofenac,
sulfamethoxazole, ofloxacin, and propranolol within one minute of treatment. 88
Ozone treatment of biologically treated water from wastewater treatment plants is reported to
reduce the concentration of many pharmaceuticals (measured by the parent compound) below
detection limits. It has also been reported to reduce toxicity of the antibiotic lincomycin and the
veterinary antibiotic enrofloxacin. This method would be useful where ecotoxicity is a concern, such
as agriculture wastewater, municipal wastewater effluents from conventional activated sludge
treatments, and effluents from pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. 89
Membranes: Membrane filtration separates contaminants from water based on molecular size
and/or electrostatic interactions on the membrane surface. Membrane systems can be an effective
technology for reducing the concentration of a diverse set of pharmaceutical compounds during
both drinking water and wastewater treatment. Nano-filtration and reverse osmosis were the most
effective membranes. Reverse osmosis membranes removed over 80 percent of all target
Fe-TAML: Because many pharmaceuticals in the environment are persistent fluoroaromatic
compounds, they are exceptionally stable, bioactive, and toxic. The Fe-TAML activators (iron plus
tetra-amido macrocyclic ligand) are comprised of an iron atom at the center, surrounded by four
nitrogen atoms, which in turn are corralled by a ring of carbon atoms. Water molecules can loosely
attach to the vertical pole of the iron atom as ligands. If hydrogen peroxide is present, it can displace
a water ligand and create a catalyst that triggers oxidation reactions with other compounds in the
solution. These catalysts can work with hydrogen peroxide to rapidly break down 17-estradiol and
17-ethinylestradiol within five minutes, whereas 17-estradiol has a natural half-life of about a week
and17-ethinylestradiol takes about twice that time to degrade naturally. In collaborative
experiments with the Institute for Green Oxidation Chemistry, the researchers reported that in the
lab Fe-TAMLs together with hydrogen peroxide can rapidly degrade not only estrogenic
compounds, but also bacterial spores similar to those of anthrax, sulfur compounds in motor fuels,
dyes in textile mill wastewater, and organic colorants discharged from pulp and paper mills. 90
However, it is not yet clear what the toxicity of the oxidation products may be simply making
something disappear is not an appropriate goal; it must disappear to something benign, and that
is something often beyond our technological detection ability. 91
2. Efforts to address this problem
There are on-going studies examining the effectiveness and feasibility of various wastewater
treatment technologies. A joint collaboration between the Massachusetts Department of
Environmental Protection and the University of Massachusetts Amherst is looking at treatment
technologies, as well as the toxicity of pharmaceuticals (and personal care products) and the
metabolites of these chemicals. 92
An Arkansas company recently received a $750,000 grant from the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences to study the cost-effective removal of pharmaceutical residuals
from wastewater using a new hyper ozonation technology. 93 The process involves using a
hyperconcentrated dissolved ozone unit to remove microbes and chemicals from the wastewater
on a large-scale basis. The grant will focus on treating antibiotic residuals, estrogen-like compounds,
industrial chemicals, and bacteria generically resistant to certain antibiotics.
For a list of abstracts identifying other methods being researched, see Appendix E.
As is generally the case with chemical wastes, there is no clearly preferred final disposal solution for
collected, unused pharmaceuticals. Incineration and landfilling both have well-recognized problems;
however, both disposal options are superior to flushing medications down the drain, where they all
subsequently enter our waterways.
1. Incineration
Incineration is often regarded as a desirable treatment technology for toxic or hazardous waste
because materials are permanently destroyed through this means. However, as is the case with the
incineration of other chemical waste, the practice of incinerating pharmaceuticals raises concerns
about the efficiency, efficacy, and environmental impacts, including the air emissions and ash residue
from the incinerators, the variations in temperature and burn time at which pharmaceuticals are
destroyed, halogenated dioxins from burning or halogenated pharmaceuticals or containers
containing polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and transportation costs and impacts to and from disposal
At the international level, there are many efforts underway to ban incineration broadly and to find
alternatives to incineration. Already, Costa Rica and the Philippines have banned incineration of all
waste, as has Buenos Aires. GAIA is an alliance of individuals, non-governmental organizations,
academics, and others who are working to end incineration, and to promote waste prevention and
disposal management practices by collaborating with others around the world. GAIA's medical
waste work is implemented in conjunction with HCWH, which undertakes projects to prevent
incineration and to promote alternatives. 94
The search for non-incineration waste disposal alternatives for chemicals is currently underway. In
February 2006, the Slovakian government and UNIDO signed an agreement on a US$20 million
Global Environment Facility-funded demonstration project for the destruction of persistent organic
pollutants waste, using non-combustion technologies. 95 Some demonstration projects are beginning
to take place (such as for Fe-TAML, gas phase chemical reduction, and alkali catalyzed reactions).
However, results will not likely be seen for many years. 96
Finding safer alternatives to incineration is a major priority for HCWH. Again, while there are some
demonstration projects beginning, more focus and energy must be put on finding commercially
viable and environmentally sustainable techniques for permanently disposing of pharmaceuticals.
2. Landfill
Although wastewater treatment facilities do not currently test for the presence of pharmaceuticals
and although landfills do age and leak, we surmise that landfilled pharmaceuticals do not contribute
significantly to contamination of drinking water.
However, aside from the possibility of small quantities of pharmaceuticals leaking from landfills,
there are other environmental issues associated with using landfills, such as groundwater
contamination from solid and/or hazardous waste landfills, security and ultimate destruction at the
disposal location, scavenging from trash receptacles or at the disposal location, and the need for
complete destruction for certain pharmaceuticals, like controlled substances.
Incorporate green chemistry concepts into the design of pharmaceuticals to make them
more biologically available and readily metabolized.
Design degradable drugs, so that the molecules fall apart in the appropriate environment
or are susceptible to chlorination.
Amend FDA regulations for approving drugs to require more substantive assessment of
the environmental impacts of manufacturing, using, and disposing the drug.
During the approval process, require companies to include studies determining the
amount of API they expect will enter the waterways, and specifically assess the health
impacts of drinking water contaminated with that amount of API on vulnerable
Develop a classification system for new and existing drugs based on the properties of
PBT, referring to the Swedish model where much of this work has been done for APIs.
Require drugs to be evaluated with this system, with the highest production volume
endocrine disrupting and antimicrobials first, followed by other high production
pharmaceuticals of concern. Approval decisions should consider environmental impacts
of priority drugs.
Incorporate green chemistry principles to reduce the amount of water and hazardous
chemicals used in and released by the production of pharmaceuticals.
Continue and expand existing efforts to reduce and limit the use of human use
antibiotics in food animal production.
Encourage the transition to the reduced risk drugs via a public education campaign to
inform patients and care-givers of the environmental impacts of drugs that serve the
same purpose. Encourage patients to ask their physician to prescribe drugs that are both
effective and as environmentally safe as possible.
Promote a national ban against flushing drugs down the drain or a coordinated initiative
across a critical mass of states. While moving such far-reaching legislation through the
Congress would likely be a slow, even years-long process, the concept of a ban on drain
disposal is itself simple to understand and would likely be very popular. Moreover, it
would be a difficult proposition for opponents to fight without alienating the public.
(Note: When it comes to actual implementation, monitoring and enforcement of such a
ban would likely prove difficult and unpopular.)
Establish a national mail back program for unused household pharmaceuticals. The
existing reverse distribution system could provide the basic infrastructure for such a
program. Two key elements for such a program to be viable would be for the DEA to
amend its regulations to allow reverse distributors to accept controlled substances from
households, and the identification of a funding source to pay reverse distributors for
processing mail backs from households (perhaps through national legislation requiring
pharmaceutical companies to pay for a mail back program, as has been done in parts of
Develop standards for disposal of pharmaceuticals at health care facilities that do not
include flushing medications down the toilets or drains. For example, pharmaceutical
distributors could be required to provide all the facilities they serve with secure
lock/drop boxes as repositories for unused medications.
Amend Medicare Part D regulations to allow long term care pharmacies to repackage
and reuse some unused pharmaceuticals received from skilled nursing facilities.
Loosen the tight DEA regulations on controlled substances so that take-back programs
may be more easily implemented.
Create producer responsibility initiatives such as disposal programs that are funded by
pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Reform the RCRA to reflect changes since 1976, such as product developments in
pharmaceuticals, and to strengthen disposal requirements of many pharmaceuticals
currently not sufficiently regulated.
Improve wastewater treatment systems across the country. While a discharge ban could
greatly reduce the amount of pharmaceuticals entering our waterways, treatment plants
will still be confronted with the challenge of removing those chemicals entering the
system from excretion. Since traditional biological treatment is not adequately effective
on most pharmaceuticals, additional treatment methods will be needed.
(Note: The quest for upgrading wastewater treatment to remove pharmaceuticals must
be understood in the context of the state of todays wastewater treatment infrastructure.
The federal government has directly invested more than $72 billion in the construction
of publicly owned treatment works and their related facilities since the CWA passed in
1972. Nevertheless, the physical condition of many of the nations 16,000 wastewater
treatment systems is poor, due to a lack of investment in plants, equipment, and other
capital improvements over the years. The last several years had seen a steady decline in
The most important knowledge gaps that should be addressed in any efforts to characterize
the environmental and human health impact of pharmaceutical water contamination are the
What volume (or magnitude measured by active units) of antibiotics is produced and
used in the United States for medical, veterinary, animal production, and consumer
product uses?
What volume (or magnitude measured by active units) of pharmaceuticals (and certain
classes of pharmaceuticals) is in our tap water and in our waterways?
Can these amounts cause or contribute to adverse human health effects, considering
sensitive populations and their presence as a complex mixture in drinking water?
What is the relative contribution from animal uses, especially concentrated animal
feeding operations, for antibiotic and growth hormone drugs?
What is the magnitude of waste per unit of desired product coming from manufacturing
pharmaceuticals (and certain classes of pharmaceuticals), and how much of this waste is
active ingredient, hazardous chemicals, or biological hazardous waste?
What is the best disposal method to protect the environment? Is the disposal in landfills
a significant source of contamination? Are there better alternatives to incineration?
What methods of animal husbandry allow the production of livestock and poultry
without the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics important in human medicine?
II. Introduction
Donn, J, Mendoza, M. and Pritchard, J. Pharmaceuticals found lurking in U.S. drinking water. Associated Press.
March, 2008. available at <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23503485/>, last visited January 2, 2009.
Barber, L.B., Murphy, S.F., Verplanck, P.L., Sandstrom, M.W., Taylor, H.E., and Furlong, E.T., 2006, Chemical
loading into surface water along a hydrological, biogeochemical, and land use gradientA holistic watershed
approach: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 40, no. 2, p. 475-486, doi: 10.1021/es051270q. (Supporting
Information) http://toxics.usgs.gov/highlights/pharm_watershed/
3 Aherne GW, Briggs R. The relevance of the presence of certain synthetic steroids in the aquatic environment. J
Pharm Pharmacol 41:735-736 (1989).
Ankley GT, Brooks BW, Huggett DB, Sumpter JP. Repeating history: pharmaceuticals in the environment. Environ
Sci Technol. 2007 Dec 15;41(24):8211-7
Kolpin, D. W.; Furlong, E. T.; Meyer, M. T.; Thurman, E. M.; Zaugg, S. D.; Barber, L. B.; Buxton, H. T.
Pharmaceuticals, hormones, and other organic wastewater contaminants in U.S. streams, 1999-2000: A national
reconnaissance. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2002, 36, 1202-1211.
Ternes, T. A. Occurrence of drugs in German sewage treatment plants and rivers. Water Res. 1998, 32, 3245-3260.
Snyder, S. A.; Westerhoff, P.; Yoon, Y.; Sedlak, D. L. Pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and endocrine
disruptors in water: Implications for water treatment. Environ. Eng. Sci. 2003, 20, 449-469.
Daughton, C. H.; Ternes, T. A. Special Report: Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment:
Agents of subtle change? (Vol. 107, p 907, 1999), Environ. Health Perspect. 2000, 108, 598-598.
Greiner, P., & Rnnefahrt, I. (2003, April 14-16). Management of environmental risks in
the life cycle of pharmaceuticals. Paper presented at the Envirapharma, Lyon, as cited by Nora A. Doerr-MacEwen
The Management of Human Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (PhD Thesis, University of Waterloo, 2007).
Webb, S., Ternes, T. A., Gibert, M., & Olejniczak, K. (2003). Indirect human exposure to pharmaceuticals via
drinking water. Toxicology Letters, 142, 157-167.
Testimony of Alan Goldhammer, PhRMA, on Pharmaceuticals in the Nations Drinking Water: assessing
potential risks and actions to address the issue before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee,
Subcommittee on Transportation Safety, Infrastructure Security, and Water Quality, April 15, 2008, available at
<http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Files.View&FileStore_id=274d4e81-b520-4967-8970d2fbc1636989> last visited 29 July 2008.
Finan, D, Garamone M and Jahnke J An Evaluation of Unused Medicine Disposal Options On Wastewater
Treatment Plant Influents. Presentation at the Fourth Annual Unused Drug Return Conference, 2007, available at
<http://www.mainebenzo.org/MaineUnusedDisposalConferencePresentationFinal.pptx>, last visited January 9, 2009
Buzby, M. 2007. Pharmaceuticals in the environment: PhRMA PIE perspective. Available at
<http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/AssessingRisk/PPCP/upload/04_Buzby.pdf>, last visited January 2, 2009.
SmaRxT Disposal program. Press release, Medicine Disposal Partnership will Encourage Public to Flush Less,
Crush More 17 March 2008, available at
last visited 3 August 2008.
See e.g. Knapp website, available at <http://www.knappe-eu.org/index.php?m=1>, last visited March 4, 2009.
Jones, O. A. H., Voulvoulis, N., & Lester, J. N. (2002). Aquatic environmental assessment of the top 25 English
prescription pharmaceuticals. Water Research, 36, 5013-5022.
Lffler, D., Rmbke, J., Meller, M., & Ternes, T. A. (2005). Environmental fate of pharmaceuticals in watersediment systems. Environmental Science and Technology, 39(14), 5209-5218.
Zuccato, E. Calamari, D, Natangelo, M, Fanelli, R. (2000) Presence of therapeutic drugs in the environment.
Lancet. 355 (9217) 1789 1790.
See generally, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in
Healthcare Settings available at <http://www.cdc.gov/drugresistance/healthcare/problem.htm>, last visited January
2, 2009.
Healthcare Without Harm factsheet. Antibiotic Resistance and Agricultural Overuse of Antibiotics. November 8,
2005. Available at <http://www.noharm.org/us/food/issue>, last visited January 2, 2009.
Oaks, J. L., Gilbert, M., Virani, M., Watson, R. T., Meteyer, C. U., Rideout, B. A., et al. (2004). Diclofenac
residues as the cause of vulture population decline in Pakistan. Nature, 427, 630-633.
US Geological Survey (February 11, 2008). Intersex Fish Linked To Population And Agriculture In Potomac
River Watershed. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 24, 2008, from <http://www.sciencedaily.com
Notably, it is unknown whether these effects are due to pharmaceuticals in drinking water, because they could be
due to chemicals (other than certain pharmaceuticals) that mimic androgens. Hotchkiss AK, et al. 2008 Fifteen
years after Wingspread Environmental Endocrine Disruptors and human and wildlife health: Where are we
today and where we need to go. Toxicological Science Advance Access published Feb 16, 2008; Durhan EJ, et al.
Identification of metabolites of trenbolone acetate in androgenic runoff from a beef feedlot. Environ Health
Perspect. 2006 Apr;114 Suppl 1:65-8.
Doerr-MacEwen, supra n. 28.
Molander, L., gerstrand, M., Rudn, C. WikiPharma - a freely available, easily accessible, interactive and
comprehensive database for environmental effect data for pharmaceuticals. Regulatory Toxicology and
Pharmacology, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 29 August 2009 at
"Why We Pay So Much," TIME magazine, Feb. 2, 2004
http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,581399-1,00.html From 1995 to 2002, for example,
pharmaceutical manufacturers were the nations most profitable industry. In 2003, they ranked third, with profits of
14% compared to 5% for all Fortune 500 firms. Kaiser Family Foundation: Prescription drug trends. October, 2004.
<http://www.kff.org/rxdrugs/upload/Prescription-Drug-Trends-October-2004-UPDATE.pdf>, last visited January 2,
2009."Why We Pay So Much," TIME magazine, Feb. 2, 2004
http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,581399-1,00.html. Since 2005, the industrys revenues have
increased 12.3% (although profits have dropped by 16.4%). Fortune 500 Magazine, April 30, 2007 available at
<http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2007/industries/Pharmaceuticals/1.html>, last visited January
2, 2009.
IMS Reports 11.5 Percent Dollar Growth in '03 U.S. Prescription Sales. IMS Health 2004. available at
<http://www.imshealth.com/ims/portal/front/articleC/0,2777,6025_3665_44771558,00.html>, last visited January 2,
Compiled by NRDC from annual reports for each company.
Generics: The right Choice for Better Health. Generic Pharmaceuticals Association (GPhA) Annual Report 2008.
Generic Pharmaceuticals Association (GPhA): Industry Statistics.
http://www.gphaonline.org/Content/NavigationMenu/AboutGenerics/Statistics/default.htm. Visited 7/15/08
Drug Topics Magazine, Pharmacy Facts and Figures available at
<http://drugtopics.modernmedicine.com/drugtopics/article/articleList.jsp?categoryId=7604> last visited January 2,
MS Health, National Sales Perspective & National Prescription Audit, Nov. 2007. (Total U.S. prescription
products only, all channels).
IMS Health Reports Global Pharmaceutical Market Grew 7 Percent in 2005, to $602 Billion press release,
March 21, 2006, available at
CRD&vgnextfmt=default> last visited 2 January 2009.
Personal communication, Allan Coukel, Prescription Project, and Sarah Janssen, NRDC. 28 July 2008. The
Prescription Project at Community Catalyst prepared a report for the Pew Environmental Trust on the use of
antibiotics in agriculture, containing information about which antibiotics are used as feed additives and who makes
them. The contact is Karen Steuer, Senior Officer, Pew Environment Group, The Pew Charitable Trusts, 202-8878818, ksteuer@pewtrusts.org to share this report with us.
Ionophores are a unique antibacterial drug product specially designed for animal production and not used in
humans. GAO, 2004. Antibiotic resistance: Federal agencies need to better focus efforts to address risk to humans
from antibiotic use in animals. See GAO. ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE: Federal Agencies Need to Better Focus
Efforts to Address Risk to Humans from Antibiotic Use in Animals Report GAO-04-490, available at
<http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d04490.pdf> last visited January6, 2009; Table 3 5896 metric tons.
Mellon, M. Statement on Hogging It: Estimates of Antimicrobial Abuse in Livestock January 8, 2001, available
at <http://www.ucsusa.org/food_and_agriculture/science_and_impacts/impacts_industrial_agriculture/margaretmellon-on-hogging.html>, last visited January 6, 2009.
AHI News Release, Sales of Disease-Fighting Animal Medicines Rise, November 14, 2008.
Mellon et al. Hogging It: Estimates of Antimicrobial Abuse in Livestock. Union of Concerned Scientists:
Cambridge MA. 2000, as referenced in: Healthcare Without Harm factsheet. Antibiotic Resistance and Agricultural
Overuse of Antibiotics. November 8, 2005. Available at <http://www.noharm.org/us/food/issue>, last visited
January 2, 2009.
Mellon et al. Hogging It: Estimates of Antimicrobial Abuse in Livestock. Union of Concerned Scientists:
Cambridge MA. 2000.
AHI News Release, supra n.20.
III. Legal Framework
42 U.S.C. 4371, et seq.
21 C.F.R. 25.10 (2008).
21 CFR Part 25
Id. at 25.31(b).
42 U.S.C. 6901-6992k (2008).
42 U.S.C. 300f, et seq.
33 U.S.C. 1251-1387(2008).
40 C.F.R. 439.0 -.4 (2008).
40 C.F.R. 439.2 refers to regulated pollutant[s] but does not specifically define them. Included in the general
definitions in the section, are two lists one is toxic pollutants, and the other is conventional pollutants. They
can be found at 40 C.F.R. 401.15 and 401.16.
40 C.F.R. 439.0
42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q (2008).
Active pharmaceutical ingredient refers to any substance (or mixture of substances) that becomes an active
ingredient in a drug product. As explained by FDA, Such substances are intended to furnish pharmacological
activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease or to affect the
structure and function of the body. Some medications may contain more than one active ingredient.
40 C.F.R. Part 63.
42 U.S.C. 6901-6992k
40 C.F.R. 262.20.
40 C.F.R. 261.4(b)(1).
21 U.S.C. 801- 971.
IV. Drug Design
Bound, J. P., & Voulvoulis, N. (2004). Pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment a comparison of risk
assessment strategies. Chemosphere, 56, 1143-1155.
Golet, E. M., Xifra, I., Siegrist, H., Alder, A. C., & Giger, W. (2003). Environmental exposure assessment of
fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents from sewage to soil. Environmental Science and Technology, 37(15), 3243.
Lffler, D., Rmbke, J., Meller, M., & Ternes, T. A. (2005). Environmental fate of pharmaceuticals in watersediment systems. Environmental Science and Technology, 39(14), 5209-5218; Scheytt, T., Mersmann, P., Leidig,
M., Pekdeger, A., & Heberer, T. (2004). Transport of pharmaceutically active compounds in saturated laboratory
columns. GroundWater, 42(5), 767-773; Scheytt, T. J., Mersmann, P., & Heberer, T. (2006). Mobility of
planned extralabel cephalosporin use ban, JAVMA News, December 15, 2008, available at
<http://www.avma.org/onlnews/javma/dec08/081215v.asp> last visited December 31, 2008.
P.L. 110-316 (August 14, 2008).
VI. The Production of Pharmaceuticals
Henderson RK, J Kindervater and J Manley Lessons learned through measuring green chemistry performance The pharmaceutical experience. 2007.
<http://portal.acs.org/portal/fileFetch/C/CTP_005585/pdf/CTP_005585.pdf>, last visited August, 2008.
Development Document for Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards. Section 3: Industry Description.
EPA-821-R-98-005; September 1998. available at <http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/guide/pharm/techdev/>, last
visited January 2, 2009.
Donn, J. Mendoza, M. Pritchard J. Tons of Released Drugs Taint US Water. Associated Press. April 20, 2009.
Personal communication between Buzz Cue, BWC Pharma Consulting, LLC and Jennifer Sass, NRDC, July 31,
Personal communication between Buzz Cue and Jennifer Sass, NRDC. July 30, 2008.
For example, several pharmaceutical companies including Lilly Research Laboratories, Pfizer, and Bristol-Meyers
Squibb Company have won Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards from the EPA over the past ten years
by using green chemistry to reduce waste. See EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge homepage, available at
<http://epa.gov/gcc/pubs/pgcc/presgcc.html>, last visited March 4, 2009.
VII. Overuse of Pharmaceuticals
Smith, Elizabeth A. and Matthew C. Mireles Track A: Safe Drug Return: Get Rid of Unused Pharmaceuticals
(GROUP) Campaign Community Medical Foundation for Patient Safety presentation at the Improving Patient
Safety through Informed Medication Prescribing and Disposal Practices; Fifth Annual Maine Benzodiazepine Study
Group Conference and Fourth Annual Unused Drug Return Conference, available at
<www.mainebenzo.org/documents/GROUPCampaign.ppt> last visited 15 July 2008.
U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. National Center for Health Statistics. National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey.
Kaiser Family Foundation: Prescription drug trends. October, 2004. available at
<http://www.kff.org/rxdrugs/upload/Prescription-Drug-Trends-October-2004-UPDATE.pdf>, last visited January 2,
Linder JA, Bates DW, Lee GM, Finkelstein JA. Antibiotic treatment of children with sore throat.
JAMA. 2005 Nov 9;294(18):2315-22.
Linder JA, Stafford RS. Antibiotic treatment of adults with sore throat by community primary care physicians: a
national survey, 1989-1999. JAMA. 2001 Sep 12;286(10):1181-6.
BBC. Depression pills too accessible. Available at <news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3579635.stm>, printed
3/30/04, accessed 7/18/08.
Kaiser Family Foundation: Prescription drug trends. October, 2004, available at
<http://www.kff.org/rxdrugs/upload/Prescription-Drug-Trends-October-2004-UPDATE.pdf>, last visited January 2,
Our Daily Meds: How the Pharmaceutical Companies Transformed Themselves into Slick Marketing Machines
and Hooked the Nation on Prescription Drugs by Melody Petersen, 2008; The Truth About the Drug Companies:
How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It by Marcia Angell, 2005; Before you take that Pill - Why the Drug
Industry May Be Bad for Your Health by J Douglas Bremmer, 2008; Selling Sickness: How the World's Biggest
Pharmaceutical Companies Are Turning Us All Into Patients by Ray Moynihan and Alan Cassels, 2006; Generation
Rx: How Prescription Drugs Are Altering American Lives, Minds, and Bodies by Greg Critser, 2007; Overtreated:
Why Too Much Medicine Is Making Us Sicker and Poorer by Shannon Brownlee, 2007.
Medicalization refers to the process whereby normal life events (losing your hair, experiencing emotions such as
sadness or anxiousness, having difficulty sleeping, etc) become medical conditions requiring evaluation and
treatment including medications.
Drug Patent Watch website, available at
archstring=DETROL%20LA> last visited July 20, 2008.
See e.g, Business Week, Do Cholesterol Drugs Do Any Good? January 17, 2008 available at
<http://www.businessweek.com/print/magazine/content/08_04/b4068052092994.htm>; Dr. Clifford J. Rosen, chair
of the Food & Drug Administration committee that evaluated Avandia, in a recent commentary in The New England
Journal of Medicine, The Rosiglitazone Story Lessons from an FDA Advisory Committee Meeting available at
<http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/NEJMp078167>, last visited December 22, 2008.
American Academy of Pediatrics: Cholesterol in Children. Pediatrics Vol. 101 No. 1 January 1998, pp. 141-147
http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/pediatrics;101/1/141; Integrity in Science Watch. Center for
Science in the Public Interest. July 21, 2008; NY Times. 8-year-olds on Statins? A new plan quickly bites back. Tara
Parker-Pope. July 8, 2008.
Radley DC, Finkelstein SN, Stafford RS. Off-label prescribing among office-based physicians. Arch Intern Med.
2006 May 8;166(9):1021-6.
Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations, Committee on Government
Reform and Oversight, U. S. House of Representatives; http://www.gao.gov/archive/1996/he96212t.pdf
The FDA Draft Guidance for Industry Good Reprint Practices for the Distribution of Medical Journal Articles
and Medical or Scientific Reference Publications on Unapproved New Uses of Approved Drugs and Approved or
Cleared Medical Devices Docket No. FDA-2008.D.0053 states that the public health may be advanced by
healthcare professionals' receipt of medical journal articles and medical or scientific reference publications on
unapproved or new uses of approved or cleared medical products that are truthful and not misleading.
Available at <http://www.cdc.gov/drugresistance/healthcare/default.htm>
Available at <http://www.cdc.gov/Features/GetSmart/>
Available at <https://members.kaiserpermanente.org/kpweb/he/list.do?name=he-topic-browseen&fetchMask=3&category=Root%2Fhealth_tree%2FDiagnosis+%26+treatment%2FDrugs+%26+supplements%2
Available at <http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/antibiotics/FL00075>
Personal communication with the American Academy of Pediatrics and Sarah Janssen, NRDC; see also Shea, K.
Nontherapeutic Use of Antimicrobial Agents in Animal Agriculture: Implications for Pediatrics 114 Pediatrics 3
September 2004, pp. 862-868 (doi:10.1542/peds.2004-1233), abstract available at
<http://aappolicy.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/pediatrics;114/3/862>, last visited Dec. 22, 2008; Clinical
Practice Guideline, Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media
Subcommittee on Management of Acute Otitis Media, 113 Pediatrics 5 May 2004, pp. 1451-1465, abstract available
at <http://aappolicy.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/pediatrics;113/5/1451>, last visited December 22, 2008.
McCaig LF, Besser RE, Hughes JM. Trends in antimicrobial prescribing rates for children and adolescents. JAMA
Majeed A. Reducing antibiotic prescriptions. CMAJ. 2002 Oct 15;167(8):850.
Minnesota Medical Association has been active in the issue of over-prescribing and has a working group the
chair is Sam Hall, MD
This section based on a personal communication with Dr. Ake Wennmalm, Environmental Director of the
Stockholm County Council and Mae Wu, NRDC, July 22, 2008.
See <www.janusinfo.se> for the English version of the classifications.
See e.g. Gunnarsson, B and Wennmalm, A. Mitigation of the Pharmaceutical Outlet into the Environment
Experiences from Sweden, Pharmaceuticals in the Environment, Kummerer, K (ed.), 2008.
A research project to assess this classification program will be completed by 2012. A first publication is pending
on the motivations, intentions, and expectations underlying the development and implementation of the project.
Further research on expert judgment in the environmental risk assessments of the pharmaceuticals and the
consistency of the classifications made so far will be completed by December 2010.Personal communication with
Marlene gerstrand and Mae Wu, NRDC on January 9, 2009.
Personal communication with Dr. Ake Wennmalm, Environmental Director of the Stockholm County Council and
Mae Wu, NRDC, July 22, 2008.
See generally, the Prescription Access Litigation Project website, available at
<http://www.prescriptionaccess.org/> last visited January 2, 2009.
Harris, Gardiner. Pfizer Pays $2.3 Billion to Settle Marketing Case. New York Times, September 2, 2009.
See generally, the Prescription Project website, available at <http://www.prescriptionproject.org>, last visited
January 2, 2009.
Report from the Prescription Project, State Legislative Activity in 2007 Relating to Conflicts of Interest,
Evidence-Based Prescribing, Marketing and Data Mining October 2007, available at
<http://www.prescriptionproject.org/tools/solutions_reports/files/0009.pdf>, last visited January 2, 2009.
H.R. 5065: Physician Payments Sunshine Act of 2008, available at
<http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h110-5605> last visited January 2, 2009.
See generally, Long Term Care Pharmacy Alliance website, available at <http://www.ltcpa.org/>, last visited
January 2, 2009.
See generally the Oregon Health and Science University homepage on DERP, available at
<http://www.ohsu.edu/ohsuedu/research/policycenter/DERP/index.cfm>, last visited January 2, 2009.
The Federation of State Medical Boards is a national nonprofit organization representing 70 medical boards in the
See generally, the PharmedOut website available at <http://www.pharmedout.org>, last visited January 2, 2009.
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising: Marketing, Education, or
Deception? May 8, 2008.
Alicia Mundy Grassley, Dingell Lead Calls For Overhauling FDA Wall Street Journal, July 30, 2008; Page A4
VIII. Pharmaceuticals Entering the Waste Stream
Boxall, Alistair B.A. The environmental side effects of medication: How are human and veterinary medicines in
soils and water bodies affecting human and environmental health?5 EMBO reports 12, 11101116 (2004),
available at http://www.nature.com/embor/journal/v5/n12/full/7400307.html, last visited 14 July 2008.
Report from the Teleosis Institute on their Green Pharmacy Program, available at
<http://www.teleosis.org/pdf/GreenPharmacy_FullPreliminaryReport.pdf>, last visited on 3 August 3008.
For more information about the program, see generally the Green Pharmacy Program with the Teleosis Institute.
Zimmer, C. Reducing Pharmaceutical Waste. White Paper by the Minnesota Technical Assistance Program.
August 2009.
Glassmeyer, S. T., E. K. Hinchey, et al. (2009). "Disposal practices for unwanted residential medications in the
United States." Environment International 35(3): 566-572.
Bound J, Voulvoulis N. Household Disposal of Pharmaceuticals as a Pathway for Aquatic Contamination in the
United Kingdom. Environ Health Perspect. 2005 December; 113(12): 17051711.
The National Association of Clean Water Agencies. November, 2005, available at
Kuspis DA, Krenzelok EP. What happens to expired medications? A survey of community medicine disposal. Vet
Hum Toxicol 1996; 38: 489.
Seehusen, DA and Edwards J. Patient Practices and Beliefs Concerning Disposal of Medications. J of the Am
Board of Family Medicine (2006) 19:542-547.
See e.g. 68 Fed. Reg. 7176, 7181 (Feb. 12, 2003); see also Arikan, O, Rice C, and Codling, E. Occurrence of
antibiotics and hormones in a major agricultural watershed by Desalination, 226 (1-3), 25 June 2008, Pages 121-133
Marks, R. Cesspools of Shame: How Factory Farm Lagoons and Sprayfields Threaten Environmental and Public
Health. NRDC Report. July 2001.
Mellon (2001), supra n. 50.
Chee-Sanford, J.C., et al. Occurrence and Diversity of Tetracycline Resistance Genes in Lagoons and
Groundwater Underlying Two Swine Production Facilities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, April 2001.
6(4), pp. 1494-1502.
Boxall, A, The environmental side effects of medication: How are human and veterinary medicines in soils and
water bodies affecting human and environmental health?5 EMBO reports 12, 11101116 (2004), available at
<www.nature.com/embor/journal/v5/n12/full/7400307.html>, last visited 14 July 2008. (The use of antibacterials
in aquaculture in the US alone is estimated to be between 92,500 and 196,400 kg per year (Benbrook, 2002), while
estimates for the total use of antibacterials in US agriculture range between 8.5 and 11.2 million kg annually (Nawaz
et al, 2001; Mellon et al, 2001).)
Sapkota AR, et al. Antibiotic-resistant enterococci and fecal indicators in surface water and groundwater impacted
by a concentrated Swine feeding operation. Environ Health Perspect. 2007 Jul;115(7):1040-5.
Chee-Sanford, supra n.Error! Bookmark not defined..
Union of Concern Scientists Press Release. European Union Bans Antibiotics for Growth Promotion. February
14, 2006. http://www.ucsusa.org/food_and_agriculture/solutions/wise_antibiotics/european-union-bans.html. last
visited August 31, 2009.
National Research Council, Costs of Eliminating Subtherapeutic Use of Antibiotics, Chapter 7, in The Use of
Drugs in Food Animals: Benefits and Risk, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1999, 179-187.
See e.g. EPA funding opportunities highlighting the potential environmental concern with steroid use in CAFOs,
available at < http://es.epa.gov/ncer/rfa/2006/2006_star_cafos.html#SUMMARY>, last visited January 2, 2009.
Ruhoy (2008), id. (citing Kostich MS, Lazorchek JM. Risks to aquatic organisms posed by human pharmaceutical
use, Sci Total Environ 2008l; 289(2-3):329-39 as an example of using this approach to estimate the types and
amounts of active ingredient introduced to sewage as an unintentional result of their intended use.)
Bound, supra n. 135.
Malloy, supra n. 28.
In Maine alone, prior to promulgation of Medicare Part D, the state received refunds for unused drugs totally $1.4
million annually. After Medicare Part D that practice was prohibited, that revenue was lost and all the waste entered
the waste stream. Personal communication with Steven Grissett and Mae Wu, NRDC.
For more information, see <http.www.PQMD.org> and <http://www.PSF-ci.org>.
The Athens Declaration, available at <http://www.mainebenzo.org/athensdeclaration>, last visited January 2,
Proper Disposal of Prescription Drugs Office of National Drug Control Policy, February 2007. available at
<http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/drugfact/factsht/proper_disposal.html>, last visited 11 July 2008.
SmaRxT Disposal program. Press release, Medicine Disposal Partnership will Encourage Public to Flush Less,
Crush More 17 March 2008, available at
last visited 3August 2008.
This section is based on information from the United States Army Medical Material Agency. Extending the shelf
life of critical war reserves medical material using the FDA/DOD Shelf Life Extension Program, available at
<http://www.usamma.army.mil/documents/SLEPInfoPaper-Mar2005.pdf>, last visited January 2, 2009.
Garamon, J. Program Extends Drug Shelf-life. American Forces Press Service. March 29, 2000, available at
<http://www.defenselink.mil/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=44979>, last visited January 2, 2009.
U.S. Department of Defense. DOD Shelf Life Management Manual available electronically at
<https://www.shelflife.hq.dla.mil/Policy_4140_27/12CH6.htm>, last visited January 2, 2009.
22 MRSA 2700 Effective 7/1/05. Unused Pharmaceutical Disposal Program, available at
<http://janus.state.me.us/legis/statutes/22/title22sec2700.html> last visited 11 July 2008.
SB 966, Pharmaceutical Drug Waste Disposal available at < http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/0708/bill/sen/sb_0951-1000/sb_966_bill_20071012_chaptered.html> last visited 28 July 2008.
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Disposal of Unwanted Medicines: A Resource for Action in Your Community, Chapter
5, available at <http://www.iisgcp.org/unwantedmeds/updatedToolkitMaterials/5.0Legislation.pdf>, last visited
December 31, 2008.
Resolution 11-2008M, Collection and disposal of pharmaceutical and personal care products. July 2008. Great
Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative. Available at
<http://www.glslcities.org/documents/2008GLSLCIResolutions.pdf>, last visited December 31, 2008.
Illinois Safe Pharmaceutical Disposal Act. Public Act 096-0221.
Pines, Eydie and Charlotte Smith, Managing Pharmaceutical Waste: A 10-Step Blueprint for Health Care
Facilities in the United States, April 15, 2006, available at < http://www.h2eonline.org/docs/h2epharmablueprint41506.pdf>, last visited December 31, 2008.
American Veterinary Medical Association, Best Management Practices for Pharmaceutical Disposal, 2009.
PSI Pharmaceutical Project. Website available at
<http://www.productstewardship.us/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=182>, last visited January 2, 2009
To give a sense of the amount of material passing through the reverse distribution system, in 2006, Capital
Returns, which is one of the three largest reverse distributors, disposed of six million pounds of non-hazardous
waste and 350,000 pounds of RCRA hazardous waste. These figures do not include what was sent by Capital
Returns to another reverse distributor for another manufacturer.
These bullets are modified from Powerpoint presentations by Charlotte A. Smith, President of PharmEcology
Associates, and Mary Hendrickson, Director of Quality and Regulatory Affairs for Capital Returns, Inc. They are
both experts in reverse distribution.
40 C.F.R. 261.4(b)(1)
Available at <http://www.iisgcp.org/unwantedmeds/updatedToolkitMaterials/2.0CaseStudies.pdf>
Based on personal communication with Eva Dale, Washington Citizens for Resource Conservation, and Mae Wu,
NRDC, 17 July 2008.
The Northwest Product Stewardship Councils website briefly outlines the Canadian programs at
http://www.productstewardship.net/productsPharmaceuticalsIntlprograms.html (last accessed 7/24/2008).
Personal communication between Ginette Vanasse, Executive Director of Post-Consumer Pharmaceutical
Stewardship Association, and Mae Wu, NRDC on July 3, 2008.
See generally Safe Medicine Disposal for ME Program website, at <http://www.safemeddisposal.com/>, last
visited December 31, 2008.
See generally Waukesha County New Mail Back Pilot Medicine Collection Program, at
<http://www.waukeshacounty.gov/page.aspx?SetupMetaId=11136&id=19810>, last visited December 31, 2008.
See Waterkeeper Alliance, Inc. v. U.S. E.P.A., 399 F.3d 486 (2d Cir. 2005).
Union of Concerned Scientists, CAFOs Uncovered: The Untold Costs of Confined Animal Feeding Operations,
available at <www.ucsusa.org/assets/documents/food_and_agriculture/cafos-uncovered.pdf>, 2008, last accessed
December 15, 2008.
See generally HCWHs homepage, available at <http://www.noharm.org/us/food/issue>, last visited January 2,
See Healthy Food in Health Care Pledge, available at <http://noharm.org/us/food/pledge>, last visited January
2, 2009.
HCWH Antibiotic Resistance and Agricultural Overuse of Antibiotics: What Health Care Food Systems Can
Do. Publication 8-02. November 8, 2005, available at
<http://www.noharm.org/details.cfm?ID=938&type=document> last visited January 2, 2009; personal email
communication with Jamie Page, Executive Director, Health Care Without Harm Europe and Mae Wu, NRDC.
NACWA media release, March 11, 2008.
Snyder, S. Wert, E. Lei, H. Westerhoff, P. and Yoon Y. Removal of EDCs and Pharmaceuticals in Drinking and
Reuse Treatment Processes. Awwa Research Foundation. 2007. p. xxxii.
See generally EPA website Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Water available at
<http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/ppcp/>, last visited January 2, 2009.
See generally, EPA website, Workshop on Approaches to Screening for Risk from Pharmaceuticals in Drinking
Water, available at <http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/ppcp/studies/nas-risk.html>, last visited December 22, 2008.
Tauxe-Wuersch, A., De Alencastro, L. F., Grandjean, D., & Tarradellas, J. (2005). Occurrence of several acidic
drugs in sewage treatment plants in Switzerland and risk assessment. Water Research, 39, 1761-1772.
Kimura, K., Hara, H., & Watanabe, Y. (2005). Removal of pharmaceutical compounds by submerged membrane
bioreactors (MBRs). Desalination, 178, 135-140; Lee, H.-B., Sarafin, K., Peart, T. E., & Svoboda, M. L. (2004).
Acidic pharmaceuticals in sewage -- methodology, stability test, occurrence, and removal from Ontario samples.
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 38(4), 667-682; Lindqvist, N., Tuhkanen, T., & Kronberg, L. (2005).
Occurrence of acidic pharmaceuticals in raw and treated sewages and in receiving waters. Water Research, 39,
Clara, M., Kreuzinger, N., Strenn, B., Gans, O., & Kroiss, H. (2005). The solids retention time a suitable design
parameter to evaluate the capacity of wastewater treatment plants to remove micropollutants. Water Research, 39,
97-106; Vieno, N. M., Tuhkanen, T., & Kronberg, L. (2005). Seasonal variation in the occurrence of
pharmaceuticals in effluents from a sewage treatment plant and in the recipient water. Environmental Science and
Technology, 39(21), 8220-8226.
Doerr-MacEwen, supra n. 28.
Dizer, H., Fischer, B., Sepulveda, I., Loffredo, E., Senesi, N., Santana, F., et al. (2002). Estrogenic effect of
leachates and soil extracts from lysimeters spiked with sewage sludge and reference endocrine disrupters.
Environmental Toxicology, 17, 105-112; Heberer, T. (2002a). Occurrence, fate, and removal of pharmaceutical
residues in the aquatic environment: a review of recent research data. Toxicology Letters, 131, 5-17.
Golet, E. M., Xifra, I., Siegrist, H., Alder, A. C., & Giger, W. (2003). Environmental exposure assessment of
fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents from sewage to soil. Environmental Science and Technology, 37(15), 3243.
Snyder, S. Wert, E. Lei, H. Westerhoff, P. and Yoon Y. Removal of EDCs and Pharmaceuticals in Drinking and
Reuse Treatment Processes. Awwa Research Foundation. 2007.
U.S. EPA, Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule, available at
<http://www.epa.gov/OGWDW/mdbp/dbp1.html>, last visited January 2, 2009.
Westerhoff et al, Fate of Endocrine-Disruptor, Pharmaceutical, and Personal Care Product Chemicals during
Simulated Drinking Water Treatment Processes, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39 (17), 6649 -6663, 2005.
Reviewed in: Khetan SK, Collins TJ. Human Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment: A Challenge to Green
Chemistry. Chemical Reviews, 2007, 107, 2319-2364
Reviewed in: Khetan SK, Collins TJ. Human Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment: A Challenge to Green
Chemistry. Chemical Reviews, 2007, 107, 2319-2364
Brown VJ. Fe-TAML: catalyst for cleanup. Environ Health Perspect. 2006 Nov;114(11):A656-9. available at
<http://www.ehponline.org/members/2006/114-11/innovations.html>, last visited January 2, 2009.
Terry Collins is the expert on this research project.
Nick Anastas and David Reckhow are the expert contacts for this study.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Selects Arkansas Company to Test New Technology for Efficient
Removal of Pharmaceuticals from Wastewater: BlueInGreen Awarded NIH Grant to Study Large-Scale Hyper
Ozonation of Wastewater. July 08, 2008. available at <http://www.blueingreen.biz/nw_nihv81.html>, last visited
January 2, 2009.
See e.g. <http://www.no-burn.org/about/index.html>
See Slovakia's Environment Minister Lszl Mikls signs US$ 20 million UNDP-GEF-UNIDO POPs project
16 February 2006, available at <http://www.unido.org/index.php?id=o49771> last visited January 2, 2009.
Personal communication with Jorge Emmanuel, HCWH and Mae Wu, NRDC on July 8, 2008.