CLMS Teacher Guide PDF
CLMS Teacher Guide PDF
CLMS Teacher Guide PDF
Class Home
Online Workbook
Teachers Book
Printable Tests
Language Check
Class Tools
Learner Profile
CEFR Report
6 Further Information
Who is this guide for?
This guide is intended for teachers of Cambridge English Empower using the online assessment and
practice in the Cambridge Learning Management System (LMS).
Class lesson D:
Consolidation of
core language via
integrated skills,
plus a writing
Class lessons A + B:
Grammar, vocabulary
and mixed skills
Class lesson C:
Everyday English
and Endof-course
Retake the
Unit Progress Test
Take the
Unit Progress Test
monitoring +
reporting on
test scores and
Follow the
learning path
online practice)
2 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
As a teacher, youll naturally be interested in your learners progress. Every time they step into your
classroom, youll note if a learner is struggling with a language concept, is unable to read at a natural
rate, or can understand a new grammar point but still cant produce it in a practice activity. This is
often an intuitive and spontaneous process. By the end of a course or a cycle of learning, youll know
far more about a learners ability than an end-of-course test alone can show.
An LOA approach to teaching and learning brings together this ongoing informal evaluation with more
formal or structured assessment such as end-of-unit or end-of-course tests. Ideally supported by a
learning management system, LOA is an approach that allows you to pull together all this information
and knowledge in order to understand learners achievements and progress and to identify and
address their needs in a targeted and informed way. A range of insights into learners and their
progress feeds into total assessment of the learner. It also allows you to use all of this information not
just to produce a report on a learners level of competence but also to plan and inform future learning.
Cambridge English Empower in the Cambridge LMS provides all the necessary material and tools to
help you successfully achieve total assessment of your learners, including a complete assessment
package with automated grading, a comprehensive range of additional activities for extensive
language practice and access to all the necessary performance data in one gradebook.
After logging in, the My Teaching tab lists all the Cambridge English Empower classes that have been
set up for you to teach. Click on the links to access the relevant course and section.
Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015 3
Class Home
Your Class Home will look something like this:
Click here to access the
Assessment material,
Online Workbook and
Extension activities.
Click here to
access the Forum,
Message Board
and Blog tools.
Note: Logged in as Teacher, the main tabs for the course are Class Home, Content, Resources, Class
Tools and Gradebook. Your learners, logged in as Students, have an extra Learner Profile tab:
4 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
This is where to access the Assessment material (Unit Progress Tests, Unit Speaking Tests and
Competency Tests), Online Workbook and Extension activities.
Click on Show
all to open
the menu.
Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015 5
Competency Tests
There are two Competency Tests: students should take the Mid-course Competency Test halfway
through the course, either at the end of Unit 5 for levels A1, A2 and B1, or at the end of Unit 6 for level
levels B1+, B2 and C1. Students should take the End-of-course Competency Test at the end of the
course. There are four sections to each Competency Test focussing on the four skills: Reading, Writing,
Listening and Speaking. These Tests are completed online, apart from the Speaking Test, which is
conducted by the teacher (see p14, 2021).
The purpose of the Competency Test is to give as accurate a measure as possible of a learners
performance relative to the target CEFR level. There is, therefore, just one attempt and no Review
mode for the Competency Tests.
Note: To find out more about the assessment material in Cambridge English Empower please read
section 7 Whats special about the assessment in Cambridge English Empower?
When you first access your Cambridge English Empower class, all the tests are locked and appear
greyed out. This means that your learners cannot access the tests until you unlock them, giving you
more control over your classes. As Teacher you will always be able to access and preview the tests.
To unlock a test for your learners, and (if you wish) to set a period of time that it is available, click on
the settings icon. You can do this either for a complete set of tests or for an individual test.
We recommend that you unlock each test when you want to make it available for your learners. In this
way, the learners in your class will all access the test for the same period of time and will be able to
check their progress at the appropriate points in the course.
6 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
Note: As Teacher, there is no limit to the number of times you access any test.
Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015 7
Click on Start test to open it. The test will appear in a new window and will look something like this,
depending on which test you have opened (this is the opening screen for a Unit Progress Test):
8 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
My Practice
After taking a Unit Progress Test and submitting it for scoring, learners receive a recommendation
based on their test score, to do some personalised practice activities online. Links to My Practice are
provided for each of the five language areas in the unit:
This is the
score for this
test attempt.
A score of 100%
in this language
section means
there is no My
Practice link.
This is a link to
the personalised
online practice
Learners are
directed to do
My Practice and
then take the Unit
Progress Test again.
Click here to
review the test
attempt and see
which answers
are incorrect.
Note: If a learner scores 100% in all five language areas in the Unit Progress Test, they receive a
recommendation to do Extension activities. Every learner receives a recommendation to do Extension
activities after they have completed their second attempt at the Unit Progress Test.
My Practice is intended for self-study and consists of a sequence of three parts: Language Check,
Practice 1 and Practice 2.
Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015 9
Language Check imitates the way a teacher might present language in class, incorporating
context setting, language presentation and concept checking stages.
10 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
Practice 1 follows Language Check and consists of a sequence of interactive activities to practise the
language point. Practice 1 activities are carefully selected to offer learners additional support before
they progress to Practice 2.
An example of a Practice 1 activity:
Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015 11
Practice 2 follows Practice 1. It offers an increased level of difficulty with activities often requiring a
more productive response.
An example of a Practice 2 activity:
If a learner performs poorly on a particular language point in the Unit Progress Test, then the My
Practice link takes the learner to the Language Check at the start of the chain. The learner then
proceeds through Practice 1 and Practice 2. If a learner gets a moderate score, the My Practice link
begins at Practice 1 and a good score takes the learner to Practice 2. Learners starting at Practice 1 or
Practice 2, if they wish to do so, can move backwards in the chain to Practice 1 or Language Check.
This means that busy learners can focus on what they really need.
After having the opportunity to work on their weaker areas in their personalised My Practice, learners
are then ready to retake the Unit Progress Test, correct the answers they got wrong on their first
attempt and improve their score.
Note: The Language Check is also available from the Resources tab. This means that learners can
access this material at any time, including as a way of catching up if they miss a class.
12 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
Online Workbook
The Online Workbook provides homework after every lesson. It includes practice activities for all the
grammar, vocabulary and functional language plus extended coverage of the pronunciation from the
Students Book. It also includes:
Reading and Writing skills focussed activities, including a free writing activity which saves to the
learners Portfolio (see pp2425). This activity can also be completed within the Portfolio itself.
A Review section focussing on common errors and the Wordpower section
Extra vox pop video (only available in the Online Workbook)
The Extension activities consist of two sequences of either three or four activities. Each sequence
of activities practises either Reading or Listening skills based around a text (or multiple short texts)
which then serves as a model for a final free Writing or Speaking activity.
Writing activities can be saved to the learners Portfolio by uploading a file. Speaking activities often
suggest working with a partner and practising a short conversation.
In Resources you will find a range of additional materials to help with your teaching of Cambridge
English Empower.
Note: Your learners, logged in as Students, do not have access to the Teachers Book, Printable Tests
or Teachers Extra Resources.
Student view of Resources:
Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015 13
Teachers Book
Click on the relevant section of the Teachers Book to view or download as a PDF.
Printable Tests
Download the PDFs of the Competency Speaking Test instructions and view the training videos.
Note: You can also find PDFs of all the Competency Tests and Unit Progress Tests here. We
recommend, however, that all tests except the Competency Speaking Test are completed online,
accessed from the Content tab. Only by doing the Unit Progress Tests online will your learners be able
to do the My Practice personalised practice activities.
There are Forum and Message Board activities for each unit, and suggestions for Blog activities that
can be used with any unit. Download the relevant PDF for detailed instructions on how to set up and
manage the activity.
We recommend that the Forum activities are used after the Students Book Lesson A or B (see the
relevant activity), the Message board activities after Lesson C and the Blog activities at the end of
each unit.
14 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
Language Check
There are five Language Check presentations for each unit, covering the grammar and vocabulary from
Lessons A and B, and Everyday English functional language from Lesson C. You could choose to use
these in class, or direct your learners to use them for self-study, particularly for learners who would
benefit from an extra review of a particular language point (or learners who have missed a class).
Note: Language Check presentations also form part of the personalised online practice (see My
Practice (p9) for more information).
Class Tools
The Forum, Message board and Blog tools are available from the Class Tools drop down menu:
There are unit by unit activities available for each of these tools either to use in class or to set students
to do at home. These activities are available as printable PDFs in Resources (see p14).
Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015 15
Learner Profile
The Learner Profile is available to learners logged in as Students and consists of:
a visual representation of Unit Progress Test scores enabling learners to see easily their progress
unit by unit
a CEFR Report that uses the Mid-course and End-of-course Competency Test scores to reliably
measure learners against the target CEFR level
16 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
CEFR Report
The CEFR Report shows the scores for those sections of the Competency Test that have been
completed. Learners need to complete all parts of the test, and the teacher must enter a score
manually for the Competency Speaking Test, in order to receive an overall mark.
The CEFR Report after the End-of-course
Competency Test replaces that of the
Mid-course Competency Test.
Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015 17
Teacher view of Gradebook
The Gradebook allows you as Teacher to see a complete breakdown of scores by class or by individual
learner and to access any test a learner has taken in order to review their answers.
Click here to manually
input scores.
Progress shows
the percentage
of activities
Graded Score
shows the score
that a teacher
manually enters.
18 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
Tracked activities
The Extension activities and the Online Workbook writing activities are tracked in the Gradebook. This
means that when the learner accesses the Extension activities or the Online Workbook writing activity
this is indicated by a percentage mark under Progress, but as these include free practice activities, no
score is given.
Click on View by content to access scores and tracked activities:
Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015 19
Extension activities are tracked and show Progress, but are not scored:
add a comment to automatically scored tests (Unit Progress Tests, Unit Speaking Tests and
Competency Tests)
add a comment and override a score for Extension and Online Workbook activties
amend an overall course score to accommodate any extra work your learners may have done either
online within the LMS (for example, contributions to Blog, Forum or Message Board activities) or
offline (for example, a class speaking activity).
The Competency Speaking Test scores must be manually inputted into the Gradebook so that your
learners can receive a complete CEFR Report.
To manually input scores into the Gradebook, click on View by content:
20 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
Then open the folders to the relevant Competency Speaking Test, click on the settings icon
select Score & Comment.
Follow the same process if you wish to override automatic scoring and manually input scores for
Online Workbook and Extension activities.
It is not possible to override the automatic scores for the Reading, Listening and Writing sections of
the Competency Tests, but it is possible to add a comment:
Note: Complete instructions on how to score your learners in the Mid-course and End-of-course
Competency Speaking Tests are located in the Printable Tests tab of the Resources area.
Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015 21
For more detailed information about using and customising the Gradebook, please view the step-bystep help videos (see the links in Further information).
22 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
Progress shows
the percentage of
activities accessed.
Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015 23
The Dashboard becomes available after you open a test or activity from the Content area. It gives
shortcuts to the Calendar and Announcement tools, the Resources area and the Portfolio.
24 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
Learners can also add other work to their Portfolio by clicking on Create a new task and either writing
directly into the Writing template, or by uploading a range of files (text, audio or video).
For general information about the Cambridge LMS please visit the Frequently Asked Questions:
For step-by-step videos on how to use the Cambridge LMS features please go to:
To register as a Teacher on the Cambridge LMS please visit:
For more information about Cambridge English Empower course please go to:
For more information about Learning Oriented Assessment from Cambridge English please visit:
Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015 25
The assessment material is validated and reliable. It has been written by expert test item writers
at Cambridge English Language Assessment and is based entirely on the Students Book content.
Over 23,000 trial tests were taken as part ofthe thorough test development and validation process,
involving learners across over 40 different countries. You can be sure that the test material provides
a reliable indication of learner progress and performance. The tests are also linked to the CEFR
(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) levels and provide useful preparation for
the internationally recognised Cambridge English exams.
The course includes both formative and summative assessment.
The Unit Progress Tests focus on the grammar, vocabulary and Everyday English functional language
and the learners receive a score for each of the five key language points in the unit.
After taking the test learners receive recommendations for personalised practice (My Practice) based
on their test performance. After completing the personalised practice pathway, learners are directed
to the test for a second time and have the opportunity to re-do the questions they got wrong in their
first attempt.
26 Cambridge English Empower Teachers Guide to Empower on the LMS Cambridge University Press 2015
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