Crypto Micro-Syllabus (Csitauthority -
Crypto Micro-Syllabus (Csitauthority -
Crypto Micro-Syllabus (Csitauthority -
Credit Hours: 3
Unit 1. Introduction
Encryption and Secrecy, The Objectives of Cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Attacks, Attack types(Active and
Passive), Cryptanalysis attacks(Cipher text only, Known-plaintext, Chosen-plaintext, Adaptively-chosenplaintext, chosen and adaptively-chosen-ciphertext), Bruit force attack
Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses
Introduction and Terminology(Confidentiality, Authentication, Integrity)
Shannons Descriptions of a Conventional Cryptosystem
Classical Cryptosystems (Ceaser, Simple Substitution, Vigenere, Vernam, Simple XOR, Playfair, Hill
Transpositions), Rotor Machines, Hagelin, Enigma, Steganography
10 Hrs.
Fiestel Cipher Structure, Encryption Algorithms, Block cipher and stream cipher, Data Encryption
Standard(DES), Multiple Encryption DES, International Data Encryption Algorithm(IDEA), Advanced
Encryption Standard(AES), Modes of Operation, Codebook Mode, Cipher Block Chaining(CBC) Mode
4 Hrs.
The Concept of Public- Key Cryptography, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, RSA(Description, computational
aspect, security of RSA)
4 Hrs.
6 Hrs
Hashes, Hash Functon vs MAC, Motivations and Applications, Collision free Hash Functions, The Birthday
Attack, Cryptographically Secure Hashing, Secure Hash Algorithm(SHA), Encryption with Message
Digest(MD), MD5
5 Hrs.
5 Hrs.
IP Security, Web Security, Secure Socket Layer(SSL), Transport Layer Security(TLS), Secure Electronic
Transaction(SET), Different Versions of SNMPs ,PGP
Text/Reference books:
1. D.R. Stinson Cryptography, Theoruy and Practice, CRS Press
2. William Stallings, Network Security Essentials, Applications and Standards, Pearson
3. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Specinner, Network Security Private Communication in a
Public world, Second dition,2004, Pearson
4. Matt Bishop, Computer Security, Art and Science, Pearson
5. Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, Pearson
LAB Works:
Subject teacher should assign lab works to the students related to course material covered in
the class successively. Lab works can be done by using any programming languages like c, C++,
JAVA, .Net or by using any Mathematical functions that are used to solve various algorithms
related to cryptography and its application.