AGMA - ANSI 1006-A97 Tooth Proportions For Pastic Gears PDF

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ANSI/AGMA 1106-497 a ANSI/AGMA 1106-A97 exition of ‘ANSVAGMA 1006-A97 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Tooth Proportions for Plastic Gears AGMA STANDARD epoca By Dea [ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS th The Parmision OF AGA ray Heenan te i Tooth Proportions for Plastic Gears American AngvaGMa 1108-497 National — (Metric edition of ANS/AGMA 1006-A97] Standard approval ot an American National Standard requites verification by ANS! that the require- ‘ments for due process, consensus, and other critera for approval have been met by the ‘standards developer. ‘Consensus's established when, inthe judgment af the ANS! Board of Standards Review, ‘substantial agreement has been reacted by directly and materially affected interests. ‘Substantial agreement means mach more than a simple majorty, but not necessarily una- rimtly. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a Concerted effort be made toward their resolution. ‘The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary thelr existence does not In any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, from ‘manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards. ‘The American National Standards Insitute does not develop standards and will inno circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no ‘person shall have the right or authariy to issue an interpretation of an American National ‘Standardinthe name ofthe American National Standards institute. Requests for intorpra- talion of this standard should be addressed to the American Gear Manufacturers ‘Association. CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA technical publications are subject to constant improvement, revision, or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMA ‘Technical Publication should be sure that the publication is the latest aveilable from the ‘Association on the subject matter. [Tables or other self-supporting sections may be quoted or extracted. Credit lines should ead: Extracted from ANSVAGMA 1108-A97, Tooth Proportions for Plastic Gears, with the permission of the publisher, the American Gear Manufacturers Association, 1500 King Street, Suite 201, Alexandria, Virginia 22314] ‘Approved August 7, 1997 ABSTRACT ‘This standard presents a new basic rack, AGMA PT, which, with ts full round filet, may be preferred in many applications of gears made from plastic materials. It also explains and ilustrates the general concept of the basicrack. It contains a description, with equations and sample calculation, ot how the proportions of a spur or helical gear may be derived from the design tooth thickness and the basic rack data. These equations and calculations use ISO based symbols and metric units. In several annexes, there are discussions of possible ‘variations from this basie rack and also a procedure for defining tooth proportions without using the basic rack ‘concept. Published by American Gear Manufacturers Association 1500 King Street, Sulte 201, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Copyright © 1997 by American Gear Manufacturers Association All rights reserved. 'No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic. rarlevel eyster or otherwise, without prior writen permission ofthe publisher. Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 1-55580-685-5 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSUAGMA 1106-AS7 Page eeerue 11 Nomenclature: symbols and terme ... : 2 Standard basic racks (based on unit module) .......- Figures 11 AGMA PT basic rack (for m oF my =1) ..... 2 Example of AGMA PT basic rack modtied with tip rei 3 Conparon of caled bending somes at ets for AGMA Fre-PAch and AGMA PT basic racks ...... (2) Effect of filet shape on mold flow ‘ie Ett at sap on ow onrtson don sac (a cenit location) ..-..-++.++ ee 2 4) Efoc of filet shape on filet surtace temperature during feazing .. ‘(8 Comparison of eickag eect under ion wth sharp and rounded 5 Tat on fires rode by oven exe goare ‘ Annexes ‘A. Batic rack description and application . B Experimental basi racks fr plastic gears. © Determination of tooth thickness and other design variables D Gear tip relist from a modified basic rack .. E F « ‘Alternate practices for defining tooth proportions .. Generating gear geometry without racks ‘Sample calculations .... Bibliography .. ANSUAGMA.1106-AS7 ‘AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Foreword TThe foreword, footnctas, and annexes are provided fr informational purposes only and ‘should not be construed as a part of ANSVAGMA 1106-AS7, Tooth Proportions for Plastic Goars.] AGMA has issued standards for gear tooth proportions over a period of many years. The most recent versions have been AGMA 201.02 (withdrawn 1895), Tooth Proportions for Coarse-Pitch Involute Spur Gears, and ANSVAGMA 1003-G83, Tooth Proportions for Fine-Piich Involute Spur and Helical Gears. These standerds and their predecessors were prepared in response to the need to standardize gear generating cutting tools such as hobs ‘and shaper cutters. Without such standards, the variety of tools needed by gear shops ‘would have become unlimited. ‘The manviacture of gears by the molding process is not subject to the same practical constraints es manufacture by the gear cutting process. Every mold is inherently non-standard’. The geometry of the mold cavity cannot folow a standard because of varying allowances for shrinkage. Furthermore, there are some mathods for manufacturing the mold cavity which do not depend on cutting tools and, even for those that do, special tools are generally required. Thus, tooth proportions for molded plastic gears need not {ollow those established for machined gears. ‘Some of the special properties of plastic materials influence the selection of gear tooth proportions as the two following examples llustrate: = _Thestructure and orientation of plastic molecules, regardless of processing method, ‘makes the strengths ofthe materials particularly sensitve to sharp internal comers. A substantially stronger tooth wil resi f sharp filets at the base ofthe tooth are avoided. “The tooth proportions for gears made eocording tothe AGMA fine-pltch standard noted ‘above generally resutin relatively sharp filets. ~__In certain applications, the higher expansion properties of plastic materiais may ‘create the need fo a greater depth of engagement between mating gears than permitted by the other standard tooth forms. ‘As a resuit ofthis preference fora different tooth form, members ofthe plastic gear molding industry have adopted ther own individual sets oftooth proportions. One set hat has gained wide usage by plastic gear designers, and is oten specified in place of the AGMA Fine-Pitch Standard, has been developed by Willem McKiniey (1]. Because these tooth forms contain the preferential features for molded plastic gears and because they are ‘already well recognized inthe industry, they were used, with some changes, es models in the preparation ofthis standard. The first of the four variations in this set has a depth of ‘engagement, or working depth, that is the seme as in the above mentioned AGMA standards. The other three have increased depths of engagementin varying degrees. This standard has selected only the frst veriation, which isthe one in widest use, as the model for the new tooth proportions. However, data similarly based on the other three variations are inctuded in annex B. ‘The tooth ormsin this standard are defined withthe use ofthe basicrack concept. For those ‘hat might be unfamiliar with this concept, a detailed description ofthe basicrackisincluded —* ‘as annex A. Suggestions for the improvement of this standard wil be welcome. They should be sent to the American Gear Manufacturers Association, 1500 King Steet, Suite 201, Alexandria, Virginia, 22914. . AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD =“ ANSVAGMA 1106-A97 PERSONNEL of the AGMA Plastic Gearing Committee Irving Laskin, PE. Evole Polytechnique de Montréal RTP Company SD. Pierson ...... ABA-PGT, Ine. GW Plastos, Inc. ATi... ...4.... Black & Decker, Inc M. Schireson ..... DSM Engng. Plastics, Inc. Eastman Kodak Company L Siders + Lexmark Z Smith. Hoechst Geianese Corp. M. Thompson ..... UFE, Inc. A Utrich . UFE, Ine. M. Wichmann ..... OuPont Polymers EH. Willams, Ill... LNP Engng. Plastics, Inc. JH. Winzeler, Jt... Winzeler, Inc. {DEO Product Development ‘lied Devices Corporation ~ Rochester Gear, Inc. ‘Gear Research Institute DSM Engineering Plastics UTC Pratt & Whitney Lewis Research, Ino. ‘Spaulding Composites Co. ‘BF Goodrich Spec. Cher. Procass Geer Company cETIM DSM Engng. Piastics, inc. Eastman Kodak Company «ATS Precision Comp. Div. + DSM Engng, Plastics, Inc. + Consultant + Institute for Plastic Innovation + Emerson Power Trans. Co. Invincible Gear Company RE. Smith & Company, Inc. Seitz Corporation +. DuPont Polymers + .W. Tool - Milan GW Plastics Hoschst Celanese ANSUAGMA.1108-AS7 (This page is intentionally blank) AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD "AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ‘ANSYAGMA 1108-AS7 American National Standard - Tooth Proportions for Plastic Gears 1 Scope 1.1 Basic rack This standard defines a basic rack for spur and helical plastic gears. However, the specific basic rack can be applied to any type of gear which employs the basic rack concept to help define its geometry. NOTE: This optional atrnatve to oth- ex AGMADasioracks.Itwil often be preferred for those applications in wich tooth bending strength is a major factor in he design of plastic gears. ‘A detalled description of the basic rack concept, Including its features and its application to various types of gears, is given in annex A. The data for three other basic racks, differing primarily in depth of engapement, are given in annex B. 1.2 Gear tooth proportions This standard shows how basic rack dimensions determine the tooth proportions of the gear once the tooth thickness has been established. —Spectic values of the gear tooth thickness and the resulting gear tooth proportions are not covered by this standard. However, many of the considerations that 0 into such a selection are discussed in annex C. ‘The tip elit from a modified basic rack is discussed in annex D. 1.3 Non-traditional practices for defining tooth Proportions. ‘Annexes E and F describe some non-traditional Practices curently used to help achieve gear esigne that are optimum for their applications. ‘Their uae with molded plastic gears has been made mare convenient by modem methods of mold cavity manufacture. These practices include moditying standard basic racks, creating custom designed basic racks, and desigring tooth proportions without reference to basic racks. in the annexes, the description of each method is accompanied by Potential advantages and design cautions. An example of one procedure for the last method, designing without reference to basic racks, is presented in annex F 2 Definitions and symbols 2.1 Definitions ‘The terms used in this standard conform to ANS ‘AGMA 1012-F90, Gear Nomenclature, Definition of ‘Terms with Symbols and AGMA 904~B89, Metric Usage. ‘Terms used in this standard which require elabora- tion and concepts which are specific to plastic gears: are covered where they are frst used. 2.2 Symbols The symbols used in the tables and formulas are ‘shown in table 1, NOTE: The aymbols and definitions used inthis stan ‘dard may ifr tom simitar items in other AGMA stan dards. The user should not assume that tamitar ‘symbols can be used without a careful sty of these

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