Design Guide, Spring, Pin, Coiled, SPIROL
Design Guide, Spring, Pin, Coiled, SPIROL
Design Guide, Spring, Pin, Coiled, SPIROL
Starting with the invention of the Coiled Spring Pin, SPIROL stands apart from all other companies
in our industry. We are a technical resource that provides high quality components that improve
the quality of your assembly, extend the life of your products and reduce your manufacturing costs.
What is a Coiled Pin?
SPIROL invented the Coiled Spring Pin in 1948. This engineered product was
specifically designed to address deficiencies associated with conventional methods
of fastening such as threaded fasteners, rivets and other types of pins subject to
lateral forces. Easily recognized by its unique 2 coil cross section, Coiled Pins are
retained by radial tension when installed into the host component, and they are the
only pins with uniform strength and flexibility after insertion.
In dynamic assemblies, impact loading and wear often lead to failure. Coiled Pins
are designed to remain flexible after installation and are an active component within
the assembly. The Coiled Pins ability to dampen shock/impact loads and vibration
prevents hole damage and ultimately prolongs the useful life of an assembly.
SPIROLs Coiled Pin was designed with assembly in mind. Compared to other pins,
their square ends, concentric chamfers and lower insertion forces make them ideal
for automated assembly systems. The features of the Coiled Spring Pin make it the
industry standard for applications where product quality and total manufacturing cost
are critical considerations.
This combination of features enables SPIROL Coiled Pins to improve the quality of your
assembly, extend the life of your product and reduce your total manufacturing costs.
SPIROLs extensive standard range affords the designer the opportunity to incorporate
a high performance pin that has low order minimums and off-the-shelf availability.
Three Duties
Flexibility, strength, and diameter must be in the proper relationship to each other
and to the host material to maximize the unique features of SPIROLs Coiled Pin. A
pin too stiff for the applied load would not flex, causing damage to the hole. A pin too
flexible would be subject to premature fatigue. Essentially, balanced strength and
flexibility must be combined with a large enough pin diameter to withstand the applied
loads without damaging the hole. That is why SPIROL Coiled Pins are designed in
three duties; to provide a variety of combinations of strength, flexibility and diameter
to suit different host materials and applications.
What Differentiates Coiled Pins?
Prior to Installation
All Spring Pins have the common characteristic of a pin
diameter larger than the hole diameter into which the pin is
installed. Coiled Pins can be easily identified by the 21/4 coil
crosssection. The absence of a slot eliminates pin nesting
SPIROLCoiled Pin and interlocking.
prior to installation
Slotted Pin
Slotted Pins cannot flex after the slot is closed and load stresses
are transferred to the assembly at this point rather than being
absorbed by the pin. This often results in hole damage.
The Solid Pins Similarly, due to their inflexibility, Solid Pins often damage the
rigidity elongates holes when used in dynamic loading applications. This leads
the hole. Slotted Pins
cannot flex when to premature failure. Additionally, using a softer Solid Pin
the slot is closed. material reduces host damage, but commensurately reduces
the pins strength.
Coiled Pin Economics
The primary elements affecting the total cost of the assembly are:
1) the cost of the individual components
2) the cost to assemble the individual components
To achieve optimal low cost designs, Design Engineers must consider not only the
product design, but the entire assembly process. While the fasteners are typically the
least expensive components within the assembly, they can have a profound impact
on the total cost of the mechanism if not chosen properly. Designers should consider
investing in a pin that improves the robustness of the overall product design, reduces
the preparation cost of the individual components and simplifies the assembly process
to ensure the overall cost of the assembly is minimized. Engineers should give early
consideration during the design stage to ensure that the individual components of
the assembly are designed appropriately for pin fastening. When total in-place and
assembled costs are considered, SPIROL Coiled Pins are the pin of choice.
SPIROL Coiled Pins are the easiest type of pin to install. They Coiled Spring Pins absorb the widest hole tolerances.
can be installed simply with a hammer or by commercially
available press technology. After installation, they are self-retaining within the hole.
Consequently, the pin is installed in a single operation eliminating costly secondary
operations of multi-part components such as a nuts and bolts or clevis pin and retaining
rings, or multi-process products such as rivets or cotter pins. The Coiled Pin is also
conducive for automating so assembly and the associated labor time and costs are
SPIROL maintains a library of application case studies for on-line review at
Unique Features
Only Coiled Pins utilize the coiled spring concept; a recognized superior pin design. This imparts to SPIROL
Coiled Pins unique features not found in other Spring Pins or Solid Pins. More than fasteners, SPIROL Coiled
Pins are also shock absorbing elements which are integral, active components of a total assembly. There are
other pinning methods, but when the total assemblys manufacturing cost, quality and useful life are important,
the pin of choice is the SPIROL Coiled Pin.
SPIROL Coiled Spring Pins are often used in applications pin is flexible enough to prevent any damage to the hole.
traditionally assembled with Solid Pins. There is a The net result is the prolonged useful life of the assembly.
common misconception that Solid Pins are always This is not possible with Solid Pins due to their rigidity.
stronger than Coiled Pins. The fact is, the majority of
the applications use low carbon steel Solid Pins and for LOW CARBON HIGH CARBON
those that use Coiled Pins, the most common is a heat PIN GROOVED PINS PINS THAN SOLID
treated high carbon steel, standard duty Coiled Pin. DIAMETER
When comparing the strength of low carbon steel Solid STRENGTH IN kN
Pins to the strength of high carbon steel, standard duty 1.5 1.2 1.45 +20.8
Coiled Pins, the Coiled Pins are stronger due to the fact 2 2.2 2.5 +13.6
that the material is heat treated. Heat treating imparts 2.5 3.5 3.9 +11.4
strength and flexibility to the Coiled Pin, and results in the 3 5 5.5 +10.0
Coiled Pin being over 15% (on average) stronger than 4 8.8 9.6 +9.1
Solid Pins (Table 1). 5 13.8 15 +8.7
6 19.9 22 +10.5
One of the primary advantages of a Coiled Pin over a Solid 8 31.2 39 +25.0
Pin is that a Coiled Pin can be tailored to the application 10 48.7 62 +27.3
to balance its strength and flexibility. Proper designs will 12 70.2 89 +26.8
ensure that the Coiled Pin is strong enough to resist the
forces generated during use of the assembly, and that the Table 1: Strength of standard duty Coiled Pins compared to Solid Pins
In short, the shear strength of a pin is determined by the Per ISO 8749 The shear test is performed in a fixture
maximum amount of force the pin can withstand before it in which the pin support members and the member for
breaks when the force is applied perpendicular to the axis applying the load have holes with diameters conforming
of the pin. Pins can be sheared in multiple planes, for to the nominal pin size and a hardness of not less than
example, a pin that breaks in single shear would result in 700 HV. (A typical fixture is shown below.) The clearance
two separate pieces of the pin, whereas a pin that breaks between the supporting member and the load member
in double shear would result in three separate pieces of shall not exceed 0.15mm (.005). The shear planes shall
the pin. be at least one pin diameter away from each end and at
least two diameters apart. Pins too short to be tested
by double shear shall be tested by shearing two pins
simultaneously in single shear. Pins shall be tested to
fracture. The maximum load applied to the pin coincident
with or prior to pin fracture shall be regarded as the double
shear strength of the pin. Pins tested for shear strength
shall show a ductile shear without longitudinal cracks. The
speed of testing shall not exceed 12mm/min. (.5/min.).
SPIROL Coiled Pins are designed to withstand shock Independent studies 1 have resulted in the following
and rapidly changing oscillating or intermittent dynamic findings:
forces. Dynamic forces should be calculated in accordance
with accepted engineering principles, and a pin should Unlike static shear, where fracture always occurs in
be selected with a static shear strength which exceeds the shear plane, in dynamic failure of Coiled Spring
the calculated dynamic forces. Whenever it is impossible Pins, the fracture occurs some distance from the shear
to calculate the theoretical dynamic forces, it becomes plane. This testifies to the pins flexibility. In addition,
necessary to determine the static load to which the joint is the fracture in Coiled Pins progresses helically from the
to be subjected. Depending on the severity of the shock outer coil so the pin continues to function after initial
and vibration, an adequate safety factor must be applied. fracture.
Minor dynamic forces can usually be disregarded.
Dynamic endurance decreases as the length of a
Spring Pin increases in relation to the diameter. This
Due to the many factors which are involved in a dynamic
decrease is less for SPIROL Coiled Pins than for other
situation, it is impossible to precisely define test conditions
Spring Pins.
which would provide data that could readily be applied
to an actual application. Therefore, for all new designs, In all tests, Coiled Pins outlasted Slotted Pins. In some
SPIROL recommends that life cycle testing of the actual instances where other pins failed at less than 100,000
assembly be conducted under simulated real world cycles, properly designed Coiled Pins had an infinite
conditions to ensure the pin meets the desired performance endurance life at the same load (as shown below).
requirements. The simulation should not be accelerated
to the extent that a new dynamic situation is created. A 200 kg
properly performing pin will eventually fail without damaging
the hole, but only after the design life of the assembly has
Test results displaying
been achieved. 150 Coiled Pins
Dynamic failure does not occur in the shear plane. It is Slotted Pins.
It is important to start with the load to which the pin will Heavy duty pins should be used in hardened materials
be subjected. Then evaluate the material of the host to where space or design limitations rule out a larger
determine the duty of the Coiled Pin. The pin diameter to diameter standard duty pin.
transmit this load in the proper duty can then be determined
from the shear strength tables (on pages 14-19) taking into Light duty pins are recommended for soft, brittle or
consideration these further guidelines: thin materials and where holes are close to an edge.
In situations not subjected to significant loads, light
Wherever space permits, use standard duty pins. duty pins are often used because of easy installation
This pin has the optimum combination of strength resulting from lower insertion force.
and flexibility for use in nonferrous and mild steel
components. It is also recommended in hardened
ASME Paper No. 58-SA-23 by Dr. M.J. Schilhasl
components because of its greater shock absorbing
Konstruction 1960, Issue 1: Pages 5-13; Issue 2: Pages 83-85
qualities. both by Prof. Dr.Ing K. Lrenbaum
Design Guidelines
12mm A
+0.06 +0.00
4.06 -0.00 4.06 -0.06
y>A yA
Shaft Design
One of the primary benefits of using a Coiled Pin to affix Shaft and Hub The diameter of the holes through
a collar or hub to a shaft is the Coiled Pins ability to both the shaft and hub should be precision matched to
prevent hole damage. There are a few design guidelines eliminate any movement of the pin within the holes. It is
that must be adhered to in order to achieve the maximum recommended that the difference between the holes not
strength of the pinned system and prevent damage to the exceed 0.05mm (.002). Otherwise, the pin will be subject
shaft and/or hub: to dynamic loading where a very small change in velocity
Min. Hub Wall Thickness = could equate to an enormous change in force on the
Shaft The hole in a shaft 1.5 x Pin Diameter assembly. Care should be taken to ensure that the
should not exceed 1/3 of the holes are drilled through the center of the shaft and
shaft diameter. For mild steel the hub.
and nonferrous shafts, standard
duty pins are recommended. The outer diameter (OD)
The extra strength of a heavy of the shaft and the inner
duty pin is only beneficial if diameter (ID) of the hub
the hole is less than 1/4 the should be designed such
diameter of the shaft or if the that the distance between the
shaft is hardened. Hole Diameter = shear planes (OD - ID) does
Max. 1/3 Shaft not exceed 0.13mm (.005).
Hub SPIROL recommends that the hub be designed In addition, countersinks,
with a minimum wall thickness of 1.5 times the diameter particularly on the hole in
of the pin. Otherwise, the strength of the hub will not the shaft, are not recommended. Otherwise, the pin will
match the shear strength of the pin. As the wall thickness be placed in bending and the maximum strength of the
of the hub increases, so does the area of material around pinned system will not be achieved. This could lead to
the pin to absorb the load. premature failure of the assembly.
Hole Design
It is important to note that the recommended between the countersink and entrance to the
hole sizes (on pages 14-19) may not be true for hole. Furthermore, countersinks increase the
all applications. There are many applications distance between the shear planes which can
that require a different hole size to ensure put the pin in bending and thus reduce its
the proper function of the assembly. For this strength (as shown at left). Cast or sintered holes
reason, it is recommended that SPIROL be should be provided with a slight lead-in radius.
consulted on new designs.
In punched or pierced holes, it is recommended
Even though the Coiled Pin absorbs wide that pins be inserted in the same direction as
hole tolerances, holding tighter tolerances, the punch to prevent any residual burr from
particularly in some applications such as impacting the pin during installation.
friction fit hinges, precision alignment and
shaft and gear assemblies will result in better A countersink increases the Permissible Hole Misalignment Coiled
performance. distance between the shear Pins are capable of compensating for minor
planes. This can put the pin in misalignment as they are manufactured
In all cases, care must be taken to have bending and thus reduce the with a generous lead-in chamfer. In order
enough material around the pin to prevent strength of the pin. to determine the maximum misalignment
bulging and deformation of the host material. In most between mating holes into which the Coiled Pin is installed,
applications, the applied loads will far exceed the hoop use the following calculation:
stresses exerted by the Coiled Pin. Never specify a non- MPHM = (H-B) where;
heat-treated Coiled Pin for use in a hardened hole.
MPHM = Maximum Permissible Hole Misalignment
In the case of hardened host materials with drilled holes, H = Minimum hole diameter of the second hole through which the pin will
the edges of the hole should be deburred. A countersink be inserted
does not eliminate the sharp edge of a hardened hole, B = Chamfer diameter (assume this to be equal the B Max dimension
listed on pages 14-19)
and rather displaces the sharp edge to the transition
Design Guidelines
Hinge Design
There are two primary types of hinges: To design a free fit hinge, first establish the maximum
hole size in the retaining component (tight fit). Insert the
1) A free fit hinge has little to no friction or drag when Coiled Pin into the retaining component and measure
the latch or handle is rotated. Hinge components the free diameter of the pin at the center of the span.
are free to rotate independent of one another. Add a factor to provide some clearance for the rotating
member, usually 0.02mm (.001) to establish the
2) A friction fit hinge requires interference to prevent minimum diameter of the free hole. Then add the required
free rotation of components relative to one another. production tolerance to assign the maximum diameter of
Depending on design intent, resistance can vary the free hole.
from a slight drag to a value sufficient to maintain
the fixed position of components anywhere in their If the tight fit is on Span Span
full range of rotation. the inside member Length Length
of the assembly, as
Coiled Spring Pins are the pin is installed
particularly well suited for PAWL there becomes
use in both friction and a sized and an Unsized End Sized End
free fit hinges. To achieve unsized end of
optimum long-term hinge the pin. The end HANDLE
performance designers of the pin that has
should observe some not been inserted
HANDLE Pin Inserted
basic design guidelines. through the hole In This Direction
Regardless which pin type will be larger than
is used, the gap between Minimize Gap
the end that has been sized by the hole. Therefore,
hinged components should measure the diameter of the unsized end to determine
be minimized to reduce clearance and avoid bending of the minimum diameter of the free hole in the outside
the pin. members.
If a free fit hinge is desired, the Coiled Pins pre-installed To achieve a friction fit hinge, the Coiled Pin must
diameter is of negligible importance as pin diameter is create radial tension in all hinge components. Maximum
determined by the retaining, or smallest hole(s). Coiled friction will be obtained when all holes are precision
Pins are functional springs and recovery & retention in matched. Deviation in hole sizes from one component to
free fit locations must be considered. The amount of another will result in the reduction of hinge friction within
recovery/retention is dependant upon the diameter of the assembly. If the manufacturer is unable to maintain
the tight (retaining) hole(s) and the free span of the pin. the same hole size within each component, the tolerance
Free span would be defined as the distance a pin passes should be split between the components. It is most
through a free fit component. As free span increases, the common to assign the smaller half of the tolerance to the
pin diameter will also increase as it recovers a portion outside holes and larger half to the inside hole.
of its pre-installed diameter.
PAWL The Coiled Pin simplifies design as there is no need
It is recommended for better to incorporate misalignment between holes to achieve
load distribution and closer friction, as is the case with rigid Solid Pins. Coiled Pins
tolerance hinges that the perform best when installed in straight, properly aligned
tight fit of the Coiled Pin holes. The Coiled Pins spring characteristics can be
be in the outer members used to achieve exceptional performance and maintain
of the hinge. The minimum Span desired fit and function throughout the life of the product.
thickness of the outer Length
members should be equal Although this article offers general design guidelines, it is
to the diameter of the pin. If the thickness of the outer recommended that SPIROL be consulted to ensure the
members are less than the diameter of the pin, then the optimum hinge design is employed for each application.
10 tight fit should be in the inside hole.
Standard Coiled Pin Materials
High Carbon Steel UNS G10700 / G10740 HV 420 545
C67S (1.1231) / C75S (1.1248)
Alloy Steel UNS G61500 HV 420 545 Other material types are
51CrV4 (1.1859) available depending on the
Stainless Steel, Austenitic UNS S30200 / S30400 Work Hardened
application requirements.
(Nickel) 18-8 (1.4310)
SPIROL has extensive
experience with special
Stainless Steel, Martensitic UNS S42000 HV 460 560 materials required for unique
(Chrome) X30Cr13 (1.4028)
Coiled Pin Finishes
Protective finishes are generally used to improve the corrosion resistance of the base metal. There are many
different coating types, such as electroplating, chemical conversion, immersion, and mechanical applications.
Each of these processes has limitations when applied to Coiled Pins, and depending on the application there may
be other concerns. SPIROL has extensive experience in recommending and selecting the right combination of
material and finish for a variety of applications.
Identification Code
Coiled Pin 8mm diameter x 32mm length standard duty/carbon steel/plain finish
CLDP 8 x 32 M B K
Third letter specifies finish
Second letter specifies material
First letter specifies duty of pin
Second figure specifies length
First figure specifies nominal diameter
Prefix specifies pin type
Standard specifications apply except where otherwise specified.
All dimensions apply prior to plating.
Electroplated zinc is not available for pins greater than or equal to 8mm and .312" nominal diameter.
The standard finish for stainless steel pins is plain. Passivated pins are available at an additional cost.
Special sizes, duties, materials and finishes, including oil-free pins, are available upon request.
Standard Duty Coiled Pins Inch
ASME B18.8.2
NOMINAL .031 .039 .047 .052 .062 .078 .094 .109 .125 .156 .187 .219 .250 .312 .375 .437 .500 .625 .750
DIAMETER 1/32 3/64 1/16 5/64 3/32 7/64 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4
MAX. .035 .044 .052 .057 .072 .088 .105 .120 .138 .171 .205 .238 .271 .337 .403 .469 .535 .661 .787
MIN. .033 .041 .049 .054 .067 .083 .099 .114 .131 .163 .196 .228 .260 .324 .388 .452 .516 .642 .768
B DIA. MAX. .029 .037 .045 .050 .059 .075 .091 .106 .121 .152 .182 .214 .243 .304 .366 .427 .488 .613 .738
C LENGTH REF. .024 .024 .024 .024 .028 .032 .038 .038 .044 .048 .055 .065 .065 .080 .095 .095 .110 .125 .150
RECOMMENDED MAX. .032 .040 .048 .053 .065 .081 .097 .112 .129 .160 .192 .224 .256 .319 .383 .446 .510 .635 .760
HOLE SIZE MIN. .031 .039 .047 .052 .062 .078 .094 .109 .125 .156 .187 .219 .250 .312 .375 .437 .500 .625 .750
NOMINAL .031 .039 .047 .052 .062 .078 .094 .109 .125 .156 .187 .219 .250 .312 .375 .437 .500 .625 .750
DIAMETER 1/32 3/64 1/16 5/64 3/32 7/64 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4
.125 1/8
* *
.187 3/16
* * * Interchangeable
.250 1/4
* * * * Inch and mm Pins
.312 5/16
* * * * * Inch mm
.375 3/8
* * * * * * Diameter Diameter
.437 7/16
* * * * * * * .031 1/32 0.8
.500 1/2
* * * * * * * .039
.047 3/64
.562 9/16
* * * * * * .078 5/64 2.0
11/16 * * * * * * .156 5/32
.312 5/16
13/16 * * * * * * .625 5/8 16.0
15/16 * * * * *
1-1/8 * * * * * *
1-3/8 * * * * * *
1-5/8 Nominal Pin Length Length Tolerance
* * * * * *
Nominal Pin Size
L 2.000
1/32 - 3/8
1/2 - 3/4
* * * * * *
2.000 2 2.000 < L 3.000 0.015 0.025
* * * * * * *
2.250 2-1/4 3.000 < L 0.025 0.025
* * * * *
2.500 2-1/2 Nominal Pin Straightness Gage Length
* * * * * *
2.750 2-3/4 Pin Length Tolerance1 0.005
* * * * *
3.000 3 L 1.000 .007 1.000
* * * * *
3.250 3-1/4 1.000 < L 2.000 .010 2.000
* * * *
* * * *
3.500 3-1/2 2.000 < L .013 3.000
3.750 3-3/4
* * *
4.000 4
* * *
Only available in stainless steel Available in high carbon and stainless steels Only available in alloy steel
Special sizes, duties, materials and finishes, including oil-free pins, are available upon request.
Heavy Duty Coiled Pins Inch
ASME B18.8.2
NOMINAL .062 .078 .094 .109 .125 .156 .187 .219 .250 .312 .375 .437 .500 .625 .750
DIAMETER 1/16 5/64 3/32 7/64 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4
MAX. .070 .086 .103 .118 .136 .168 .202 .235 .268 .334 .400 .466 .532 .658 .784
MIN. .066 .082 .098 .113 .130 .161 .194 .226 .258 .322 .386 .450 .514 .640 .766
B DIA. MAX. .059 .075 .091 .106 .121 .152 .182 .214 .243 .304 .366 .427 .488 .613 .738
C LENGTH REF. .028 .032 .038 .038 .044 .048 .055 .065 .065 .080 .095 .095 .110 .125 .150
RECOMMENDED MAX. .065 .081 .097 .112 .129 .160 .192 .224 .256 .319 .383 .446 .510 .635 .760
HOLE SIZE MIN. .062 .078 .094 .109 .125 .156 .187 .219 .250 .312 .375 .437 .500 .625 .750
Note: All dimensions apply prior to plating.
NOMINAL .062 .078 .094 .109 .125 .156 .187 .219 .250 .312 .375 .437 .500 .625 .750
DIAMETER 1/16 5/64 3/32 7/64 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4
.187 3/16
* * Nominal Pin Length Length Tolerance
.250 1/4
* * * Nominal Pin Size 1/16 - 3/8 1/2
.312 5/16
* * * * L 2.000 0.010 0.025
.375 3/8
* * * * 2.000 < L 3.000 0.015 0.025
.437 7/16
* * * * * 3.000 < L 0.025 0.025
.500 1/2
* * * * * * Nominal Pin Straightness Gage Length
.562 9/16
* * * * * * Pin Length Tolerance1 0.005
* * * * * * * L 1.000
1.000 < L 2.000
* * * * * * 2.000 < L .013 3.000
* * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * *
2.000 2 Interchangeable
* * * * * *
2.250 2-1/4 Inch and mm Pins
* * * *
2.500 2-1/2 Inch
Diameter * * * *
2.750 2-3/4
.078 5/64 2.0 * * *
3.000 3 .156 5/32 4.0 * * *
3.250 3-1/4 .312 5/16 8.0 * *
3.500 3-1/2 .625 5/8 16.0
* *
3.750 3-3/4
4.000 4
Available in high carbon and stainless steels
Special sizes, duties, materials and finishes, including oil-free pins, are available upon request.
Light Duty Coiled Pins Inch
ASME B18.8.2
NOMINAL .062 .078 .094 .109 .125 .156 .187 .219 .250 .312
DIAMETER 1/16 5/64 3/32 7/64 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16
MAX. .073 .089 .106 .121 .139 .172 .207 .240 .273 .339
MIN. .067 .083 .099 .114 .131 .163 .196 .228 .260 .324
B DIA. MAX. .059 .075 .091 .106 .121 .152 .182 .214 .243 .304
C LENGTH REF. .028 .032 .038 .038 .044 .048 .055 .065 .065 .080
RECOMMENDED MAX. .065 .081 .097 .112 .129 .160 .192 .224 .256 .319
HOLE SIZE MIN. .062 .078 .094 .109 .125 .156 .187 .219 .250 .312
NOMINAL .062 .078 .094 .109 .125 .156 .187 .219 .250 .312
DIAMETER 1/16 5/64 3/32 7/64 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16
.250 1/4
.312 5/16
.375 3/8 Interchangeable
Inch and mm Pins
.437 7/16
Inch mm
.500 1/2 Diameter Diameter
.562 9/16 .078 5/64 2.0
.625 5/8 .156 5/32 4.0
.688 11/16 .312 5/16 8.0
.750 3/4
.813 13/16
.875 7/8
.938 15/16
1.000 1
1.125 1-1/8
1.250 1-1/4
1.375 1-3/8
1.500 1-1/2
1.625 1-5/8
1.750 1-3/4
Nominal Pin Length Length Tolerance
1.875 1-7/8
2.000 2 Nominal Pin Size 1/16 - 1/4
L 2.000 0.010
2.250 2-1/4 2.000 < L 0.015
2.500 2-1/2
Nominal Pin Straightness Gage Length
2.750 2-3/4 Pin Length Tolerance1 0.005
3.000 3
L 1.000 .007 1.000
3.250 3-1/4 1.000 < L 2.000 .010 2.000
3.500 3-1/2 2.000 < L .013 3.000
3.750 3-3/4
Only available in stainless steel Available in high carbon and stainless steels
Pin must fall through a hole gauge in length equal to the next one-inch increment over the pin length with a hole equal to the maximum
specified pin diameter plus the straightness tolerance by its own weight.
Special sizes, duties, materials and finishes, including oil-free pins, are available upon request.
Standard Duty Coiled Pins Metric
ISO 8750 ASME B18.8.3M
Note: Shear tests performed in accordance ASME B18.8.3M and ISO 8749.
NOMINAL 0.8 1 1.2 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20
* * * * mm and Inch Pins
* * * * * mm Inch
* * * * * * Diameter Diameter
* * * * * * * 0.8 .031 1/32
* * * * * * * * 1.0 .039
* * * * *
14 1.2 .047 3/64
2.0 .078 5/64
* * * * * * 4.0 .156 5/32
* * * * * * 8.0 .312 5/16
* * * * * * 16.0 .625 5/8
* * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * * *
50 Nominal Pin Length Length Tolerance
55 Nominal Pin Size 0.8 - 10 12 - 20
* * * * *
* * * * * *
60 L 10 0.25 N/A
10 < L 50 0.5 0.5
65 50 < L 0.75 0.75 * * * * *
Pin Straightness Tolerance1 * * * * *
75 Gage Hole Diameter * * * * *
80 Specified Maximum * * * * *
85 Nominal Pin Diameter Plus: Gage Length
* * * *
90 Pin Length Min. Max. 0.15
* * * *
95 L 24 0.18 0.2 25
* * * *
100 24 < L 50
50 < L
75 * * * *
Only available in stainless steel Available in high carbon and stainless steels Only available in alloy steel
Special sizes, duties, materials and finishes, including oil-free pins, are available upon request.
Heavy Duty Coiled Pins Metric
ISO 8748 ASME B18.8.3M
Note: Shear tests performed in accordance ASME B18.8.3M and ISO 8749.
NOMINAL 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20
* * Interchangeable
* * * mm and Inch Pins
mm Inch
* * * * Diameter Diameter
* * * * * 2.0 .078 5/64
* * * * * 4.0 .156 5/32
* * * * * * 8.0 .312 5/16
* * * * * * * 16.0 .625 5/8
* * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * * *
Nominal Pin Length Length Tolerance * * * * * *
* * * *
* * * *
60 Nominal Pin Size 1.5 - 10 12
L 10 0.25 N/A
65 10 < L 50 0.5 0.5 * * *
70 50 < L 0.75 0.75 * * *
75 Pin Straightness Tolerance1 * * *
80 Gage Hole Diameter * * *
85 Specified Maximum
* *
90 Nominal Pin Diameter Plus: Gage Length
* *
95 Pin Length Min. Max. 0.15
* *
100 L 24
24 < L 50
50 * *
50 < L 0.42 0.48 75
Available in high carbon and stainless steels Only available in alloy steel
Special sizes, duties, materials and finishes, including oil-free pins, are available upon request.
Light Duty Coiled Pins Metric
ISO 8751 ASME B18.8.3M
Note: Shear tests performed in accordance ASME B18.8.3M and ISO 8749.
NOMINAL 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 8
8 Interchangeable
mm and Inch Pins
10 mm Inch
12 Diameter Diameter
14 2.0 .078 5/64
16 4.0 .156 5/32
18 8.0 .312 5/16
40 Nominal Pin Length Length Tolerance
45 Nominal Pin Size 1.5 - 6
50 L 10 0.25
55 10 < L 50 0.5
60 50 < L 0.75
65 Pin Straightness Tolerance1
70 Gage Hole Diameter
Specified Maximum
75 Nominal Pin Diameter Plus: Gage Length
80 Pin Length Min. Max. 0.15
85 L 24 0.18 0.2 25
90 24 < L 50 0.3 0.34 50
95 50 < L 0.42 0.48 75
Only available in stainless steel Available in high carbon and stainless steels
Pin must fall through the gage by its own weight.
Special sizes, duties, materials and finishes, including oil-free pins, are available upon request.
While SPIROL Coiled Pins can be easily installed with a hammer or with
an arbor press, we recognize that an essential factor in reducing the overall
cost of components is having trouble-free assembly. Automation increases
assembly efficiency, particularly with awkward or small components, and
combining operations such as drilling and pinning increases productivity and
eliminates misaligned holes.
SPIROL is the only manufacturer of Coiled Pins that designs, builds and
supports a comprehensive standard line of Pin Installation Equipment ranging
from manual to fully automatic modules. We are experts in adapting our
standard modules to customer specific applications, including fixturing and
holding components for both a quality installation and ease-of-assembly. Our
time-tested, proven and reliable equipment can be equipped with options
such as rotary index tables, pin sensing, force monitoring, and drilling and Model PR
pinning combinations for enhanced productivity, heightened process control
and error proofing.
Model CR
Model SG
Protective eyewear is recommended during pin installation.
Model PM The unique features of the Coiled Pin in combination with automated
assembly solutions drive down cost for the manufacturer. When all factors
are considered such as installation quality, component damage, reduced
warranty claims, inspection during installation and throughput enhancement,
SPIROLs Coiled Pin is the pin of choice to provide a robust high-quality joint
at the lowest manufacturing cost.
Innovative fastening solutions. Technical Centers
Lower assembly costs. Americas SPIROL International Corporation
30 Rock Avenue
Danielson, Connecticut 06239 U.S.A.
Tel. +1 860 774 8571
Fax. +1 860 774 2048
SPIROL Shim Division
321 Remington Road
Stow, Ohio 44224 U.S.A.
Tel. +1 330 920 3655
Fax. +1 330 920 3659
3103 St. Etienne Boulevard
Windsor, Ontario N8W 5B1 Canada
Slotted Spring Pins Tel. +1 519 974 3334
Fax. +1 519 974 6550
Solid Pins SPIROL Mexico
Carretera a Laredo KM 16.5 Interior E
Coiled Spring Pins Col. Moiss Saenz
Apodaca, N.L. 66613 Mexico
Tel. +52 81 8385 4390
Fax. +52 81 8385 4391
Ground Hollow Rua Mafalda Barnab Soliane, 134
Dowels Comercial Vitria Martini, Distrito Industrial
CEP 13347-610, Indaiatuba, SP, Brazil
Dowel Bushings / Tel. +55 19 3936 2701
Spring Dowels Fax. +55 19 3936 7121
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