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Smoke Studies

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The Aseptic Core.

Ed White, Coordinator

Smoke Studies: Clearing

the Mystery of Air Flow
Steven Klingenberg

The Aseptic Core discusses scientific and regulatory considerations for aseptic processing, with an
emphasis on aseptic formulation and filling. This
column has been developed with the intention of
providing practical advice to professionals involved
in the qualification of aseptic processes and myriad
support processes involved. The primary objective
for this column: Useful information.
Reader comments, questions, and suggestions
are needed to help us meet our objective for
this column. Discussion topics and case studies
related to aseptic processing submitted by readers are invited. Please e-mail your suggestions
to journal coordinating editor Susan Haigney at

Pictures and video taken in the manufacturing

environment must be conducted with rigorous
compliance to good manufacturing practice policies and procedures
Basic photographic considerations such as white-onwhite, reflections, panning, and other techniques
must be addressed in filming smoke studies
Smoke studies are filled under static (at rest) and
dynamic (operational) conditions
Smoke studies must have specific acceptance
Narration and music may be considered in producing the smoke study video
The final report must include basic information
including results, discussion, and conclusions.



The following key points are discussed:

Smoke studies, or airflow visualization tests, are
a key activity in the qualification, maintenance,
and monitoring of an aseptic facility
Discussions of the specific methods and techniques to conduct and record airflow visualization are not readily available
Basic airflow characteristics for the cleanroom
environment are described
Desirable airflow in a manufacturing cleanroom
is unidirectional
Commercial cleanroom foggers are used in
smoke studies

Smoke studies, or airflow visualization tests, are a

key activity in the qualification, maintenance, and
monitoring of an aseptic facility (1,2). Smoke studies are conducted to confirm unidirectional airflow
exiting high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) or ultra
low particulate air (ULPA) filters in a manufacturing
cleanroom. These studies provide visual evidence
of airflow directiona useful demonstration and
diagnostic of facility performance.
Although smoke studies have been referenced for
many years, discussions of the specific methods and
techniques to conduct such studies have been lacking.
Further, discussions of methods and techniques to

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Steven Klingenberg is director of validation and a senior leadership team member at Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Baxter Bioscience Division, Thousand Oaks, CA. He can be reached by e-mail at steven_klingenberg@baxter.com. Column coordinator Ed White is a senior principal validation engineer
at Baxter Healthcare. He may be reached by e-mail at ed_white@baxter.com.



Validation T echnology [Summer 2010]


The Aseptic Core.

record airflow visualization are not readily available.

The author and staff started performing these tests
using hot plates, water, and dry ice. When the mixture
was in the correct proportions, the smoke output
was great. It would provide enough smoke output to
film a scene using a video recorder for a few minutes.
Of course, while filming the scene, and after getting
the proper techniques prepared, the smoke would
fizzle out to nothing at the most critical moment.
The end result was a video produced with frustration
and with the bare requirements being met. The staff s
methods and techniques improved with experience.
The training and understanding of the science associated with smoke studies is critically important. The
final production of the report and subsequent video
was a culmination of fluid dynamics, photography,
manufacturing in a clean room environment, and
creativity. Photographic techniques involving lighting, background impacts, photo angles, and other
techniques are vital to produce a good video.
This discussion addresses theoretical background
information on smoke studies as well as practical
suggestions for producing video documentation.

Unidirectional And Turbulent Airflow



So why produce a smoke study and what does it tell us?

Smoke studies tell you about the air flow characteristics
in your International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Class 5 environment. Specifically, if you
have a particle or an airborne contaminant entrained
in the air within your clean room, the smoke test will
demonstrate where the particle will likely move. It is
desired that the particle will be driven in one direction
(unidirectional airflow) past the product path and
toward the floor, and then to the room air returns.
Studies are typically performed with new installations
or when there are changes to existing systems. There
should also be periodic verification that there are no
changes in a given timeframe (e.g., every two years).

There are minimal equipment and support requirements for performing a smoke study. The cleanroom
fogger (Figure 1) that generates a fog or smoke from
water vapor using water for injection (WFI) or deionized water is recommended. Methods for generating
the water vapor fog include megasonic vaporization,
steam (liquid nitrogen), and dry ice. These units are
commercially available. Be careful when selecting
a cleanroom fogger. There are other methods of
producing smoke, but many of these methods are
not suitable for a cleanroom installation. Some
of these methods, such as glycol or glycerin-based
smoke, are known to leave residue or activate fire
alarms (2). A video camera, trained manufacturing
personnel, and trained smoke study personnel are
also required for conducting these studies. Training is essential for these studies. Strict adherence
to procedures is mandatory.

Desired Airflow Characteristics Within A

Class 5 Environment
The following are desired airflow characteristics with
a Class 5 cleanroom environment:
Air flow moves toward potential sources of contamination and away from the product path. As
an example, HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate
Air) filtered air should not flow over clean room
personnel and then over the product path.
Air should be flowing smoothly in one direction
with no turbulence or eddies.



Validation T echnology [Summer 2010]

For movement within the air stream, such as a

person manipulating materials or product, air
disruption should recover quickly (within seconds) to regain unidirectional flow.
When doors are opened within Class 5 areas,
air flow is disturbed and becomes turbulent as
it sweeps through the air stream when opening.
Smoke studies should capture the effects of the
disturbance and document the air recovery to
smooth unidirectional air flow.

There are two types of airflow characteristics in the

industry: unidirectional airflow and turbulent airflow. Unidirectional smoke studies are designed to
demonstrate HEPA filtered air moving in one, smooth
direction known as unidirectional. These systems
can be horizontal airflow or vertical airflow. As an
example, in the case of a clean room application, air
will typically enter the room vertically through ceiling-mounted HEPA filters at an expected velocity rate,
flow through the defined work zone or space, then
through the exit plane of the work area.


Pictures and video taken in the manufacturing environment have inherent risks. Even though the intent
of the video may be the smoke study and illustration
of airflow, all other aspects of the aseptic area are
illustrated. For example, aseptic techniques of manuiv thome.com

Ed White, Coordinator.


Photography is an art all its own. Unless this is a
hobby for those involved or if there is a natural artful
inclination for persons responsible for filming, it can
be very tricky to record in a cleanroom environment.
The following are comments on topics associated with
photography and filming the smoke study.

White On White
Everything in a typical cleanroom tends to be white, such
as gowning and walls. The smoke generated is often lost
and becomes invisible to the camera because it is white
and introduced against the white walls in the background
(i.e., white on white). To overcome the issue, it is appropriate to hang a dark material in the background such
as black plastic sheeting taped to the wall. This way the
smoke can clearly be seen and the plastic can easily be
removed and moved to other areas of filming until the
smoke studies are completed (see Figure 1).

Filming smoke in the air stream from the ceiling moving
downward to stainless surfaces can also be challenging.
In highly-reflective stainless areas, the surfaces can have
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Figure 1: Smoke generator that utilizes WFI as

the source. Note the black plastic sheeting that
is temporarily hung in the background to aid
in filming white smoke against white walls.

Source: Smoke study video.

Baxter Healthcare Corporation.

facturing operators, gowning, equipment setup, and

all other associated activities may be scrutinized for
compliance to procedures and industry expectations.
Sometimes, the better the smoke studies are, the more
attention the viewer (auditors) pays to techniques that
are apart from the smoke study. They start looking at
the implements used, the movement, proper gowning,
operational speed, etc. The smoke studies can lead the
investigator to raise other questions about your process
from viewing the video, so it is important to be mindful of using proper technique, tools, and to follow your
procedures for the process being filmed. As an example,
when an operator breaches the barrier to remove a tipped
vial, sterile sleeves should be worn by the operator. The
sterile sleeves should cover the arms from the elbow to
the wrist. If in the filming sterile sleeves are not covering
the areas appropriately, the investigator can change their
attention away from your airflow program to focus on
questions with gowning practices, standard operating
procedure review, etc.
The point here is while sterile sleeves may be inappropriately worn on the arm but have little if any impact on
air flow, their improper use can implicate other aspects of
manufacturing. It is vital to follow your well-established
good manufacturing practice (GMP) procedures and
processes during airflow visualization studies.

mirror-like properties. Smoke can look like it is moving

downward, hitting the surface, and then changing direction and moving upward. This is due to the reflections of
the shiny surfaces of the stainless steel. To overcome this,
the photographer should be aware of this phenomenon,
and even film from a couple of different angles in order
to present the actual airflow.

Starting At The Top

Be sure to capture the area where the HEPA-filtered air
is introduced, commonly at the ceiling, and slowly pan
down following the smoke direction as it flows toward
work surfaces and equipment. The smoke should be
introduced with the nozzle pointed into the airstream.
This will demonstrate that the room air supply is sufficient to carry the smoke in the direction of the airflow.
Use the zoom function of the camera to capture the
area around the product path and pay particular attention
to open product. Take your time in filming and camera
movement. The use of a tripod can help, but often times
the areas being filmed are restrictive and without a lot
of room to allow for tripod equipment. Be sure to hold
the camera very steady. When panning the camera, move
slowly and deliberately in one direction.

Other Room Activities

Airflow studies are performed while production areas
are down (no production activities). Because of
this, there will often be competition for time in the
production area for purposes of preventative maintenance, calibration, validation, training, and other
activities. The team performing smoke studies will
have to coordinate with others in the area to assure


Validation T echnology [Summer 2010]


The Aseptic Core.

Source: Smoke study video.

Baxter Healthcare Corporation.

Figure 2: Technician performing at-rest study

under each HEPA filter.

that movement within the facility is controlled, that

doors are kept in their normal condition for manufacturing in order to protect the air pressure cascades
between classified areas. The normal airflow patterns
should be protected and maintained by controlling
activities and ingress and egress of personnel.
Another consideration while filming is making sure
others dont walk in front of the camera or disrupt
the smoke study production. More typically, Ive seen
personnel inadvertently filmed while performing
calibration or preventative maintenance activities by
capturing their activities through windows or doors
in adjacent rooms. The photographer needs to watch
for reflections in glass (windows) and other polished
materials. It can be a disruption to the viewer when
instead of watching the air flow characteristics, their
attentions turn to reflections showing someone on
a ladder or doing something on the floor. Again,
the discussions during an audit can move away from
the smoke study itself, and into other areas such as
maintenance access activities, etc.

An overview picture scanning the work area can help
to orient the viewer as to where they are in the process. It can also introduce the viewer to the areas of
focus and the layout of the room or area. This is very
helpful to capture before focusing in on a close shot
of the process area of interest.
It is recommended that map floor plans and room
numbers be filmed to document exactly where the
study is taking place.

The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) recommends maintaining not more than
a 14 angle from vertical. The concern is that with a



Validation T echnology [Summer 2010]

given velocity, a particulate will drop out of air control

if the angle is steeper than 14. A plumb bob is often
used if the angles require a reference point or straight
line to measure the angle. Refer to IEST-RP-CC006.3
for guidance and application.


This portion of the study is intended to capture airflow
without the effects of personnel or manufacturing. The
areas that will be captured are walkways or corridors,
equipment protrusions, and work surfaces that are a
potential pathway for the product. Care should be
taken to film the simulated smoke where it is introduced, typically 12 to 24 inches from the filter face,
and follow the smoke cascade slowly down to the work
height. It may be necessary to move the smoke supply
closer to the work area so that sufficient smoke is generated and can capture the airflow patterns and their
effect as the air flows over and through the equipment.
The photographer will follow the product pathway and
capture the smoke flowing over the equipment. It is
ideal to follow the production sequence.
For long walkways, the use of a cart holding the
smoke generator with a mounting bracket holding
the nozzle in the correct position can help verify each
ceiling HEPA filter. Be sure to capture all processing
areas including sterile connections, conveyor systems,
loading operations, etc. (see Figure 2).


Operational testing is intended to simulate routine
manufacturing activities. Two areas are captured in
this portion of the study. The focus is on the effects
of moving production equipment and components
and human interventions.
Smoke is introduced at the entrance plane, just
below the HEPA filter usually at the ceiling, and followed downward through the product path. The camera should follow the product, such as a vial moving
along the conveyor system, that moves through the
downward flowing smoke. There should be no turbulence or airflow bouncing off production equipment
or any eddies (air moving in a circular pattern). Smoke
should wash over process equipment and product pathways smoothly in one direction then continue through
the work area toward the floor. Care should be taken
to ensure that barrier doors and curtains remain as
closed as possible to maintain the normal air movement conditions as present during manufacturing.
iv thome.com

Ed White, Coordinator.

The air supply should continually wash the productexposed area, equipment, and personnel. Airflow
should be unidirectional in nature and should show
uniform flow patterns with minimum turbulence. Any
turbulence or dead spots should be justified with environmental monitoring studies or other justifications.

Narration and music are two options that may be
considered in support of the smoke study video.

Narration adds an element of professionalism to the
video. A sound track with the video production of
your smoke study helps to describe what the viewer
is seeing. Its a way of answering questions before
they are asked. Some of the elements to be described
in the video should include the study number, the
date, process, the room name and number, a picture
of floor plans or other diagrams that may be helpful
to describe the location, what part of the process is
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Figure 3: An operator intervention using

proper implements and techniques demonstrated during operation study.
Source: Smoke study video.
Baxter Healthcare Corporation.

Simulations include the use of appropriate gowning, appropriate implements, proper techniques,
and following established procedures. Movement
is important because we are capturing the airflow
patterns where an operator breeches the barrier and
performs simulations such as removing a tipped vial,
making a hose connection, and other pre-described
interventions. It may be necessary to capture the
scenes from a couple of different angles to fully
capture the affects of airflow to dynamic conditions
or to help when working in tight or constrictive
areas and barriers.
The photographer should take care to film the
sequence carefully to avoid sudden movement of the
camera. It is best to slowly move the camera view in
one direction following the product pathway. This will
help the viewer follow the product path in order of
processing. Use caution when zooming in and out of
the scene or quick camera movements that can cause
confusion or a dizzy collection of scenes. Remember
the camera will ultimately be the eye of the viewer.
Doors that are accessed as part of manufacturing
are also tested to demonstrate air recovery patterns
after they have been opened or closed. The air pattern
recovery should be within a few seconds. Doors that
are not used during manufacturing, such as maintenance access doors or emergency exit doors, would be
exempt from visualization studies (see Figure 3).

being filmed, any anomalies that may need further

explanation, and the description of the location where
you are in the area being filmed. Each time a smoke
study is viewed, note any questions or discussions
and be sure to include those items in future smoke
study presentations. Again, the goal of the video and
associated narration is to have a complete description,
so ultimately the viewer never has to ask questions or
get clarification of what they are seeing.
The narration should be recorded separately in a
quiet controlled room within a close timeframe of
filming the video. It can be too disruptive to try to capture the video, perform the study, and use the proper
techniques at the same time as narrating the video.
The background noise of the HEPA systems may also
be too loud to hear what is being said in the video.

Music is an option that may add a further level of
professionalism to the video. Carefully chosen,
appropriate music can add a relaxing atmosphere
and provide continuity between scenes. It helps to
fill the void between the periods of narration. We
typically use an instrumental musical loop of elevator
music style that is played in a continuous loop. It
really has no beginning or end and we use the same
loop throughout the video. It is played quietly in the
background and we are careful that it does not drown
out the important narration.

Reports typically contain the following elements:
Study number
Production area name
Company name


Validation T echnology [Summer 2010]


The Aseptic Core.

Results and discussion

The results and discussion, and the conclusions
sections of the document are the most important
sections of the smoke study final report. The report
must clearly indicate the results of the work and end
with a concluding statement whether or not the smoke
study demonstrated the intended objective that the
laminar airflow system is validated.

Consider the following elements in your airflow visualization program:
Predefined study
Predetermined acceptance criteria
Production personnel (process experts)
Study execution personnel (airflow experts)
Smoke generator
Video editing equipment
Music (optional)
Approved final study report.
In closing, if you take the time to plan the at-rest
and operational studies, remember that the camera is representing the viewers eye and provide an
explanation (narration) of what the viewer is seeing.
Using each opportunity to continually improve your
airflow visualization program, you should produce
a quality smoke study.

1. White, Ed, The Aseptic Core: Cleanroom Design,
Construction, and Validation, Journal of Validation
Technology, Volumn 15, No. 4, Autumn 2009.
2. Brande, David, Clean Room Certification and Particulate Testing, Environmental Monitoring for Cleanrooms
and Controlled Environments, Anne Marie Dixon, ed. Informa Healthcare, New York, 2007.

ISO 14644-1, Cleanrooms And Associated Controlled EnvironmentsPart 1: Classification of Air Cleanliness.
ISO 14644-2, Cleanrooms And Associated Controlled EnvironmentsPart 2: Specification for Testing and Monitoring



Validation T echnology [Summer 2010]

to Prove Continued Compliance with ISO 14644-1.

ISO 14644-3, Cleanrooms And Associated Controlled EnvironmentsPart 3: Test Methods.
ISO 14644-4. Cleanrooms And Associated Controlled EnvironmentsPart 4: Design, Construction and Startup.
ISO 14644-5. Cleanrooms And Associated Controlled EnvironmentsPart 5: Operations.
ISO 14644-6. Cleanrooms And Associated Controlled EnvironmentsPart 6: Vocabulary,
IEST-RP-CC002.3, Unidirectional-Flow, Clean-Air Devices.
IEST-RP-CC006.3, Testing Cleanrooms. JVT

At-rest (static): Condition where the effects of airflow patterns are moving as designed in a smooth,
unidirectional flow, washing over equipment, without manufacturing process or production personnel.
Classification: See ISO 14644-1 Cleanrooms and Associated Controlled EnvironmentsPart 1: Classification
of Air Cleanliness, 1999 for classifications.
Cleanroom: A room in which the air supply, air distribution, filtration of air supply, materials of construction, and operating procedures are regulated to
control airborne particle concentrations to meet appropriate cleanliness levels as defined by ISO 14644.
Cleanroom fogger: Generates a fog or smoke
from water vapor using WFI or deionized water.
Dynamic (operational): Condition where the installation is functioning in the specified manner, with the
specified number of personnel present and working
in the manner agreed upon.
Entrance plane: Perpendicular to the unidirectional
airflow located immediately upstream of the work
zone and having the same dimensions as the cross
section of the clean zone perpendicular to the direction of the airflow.
Laminar: Federal Standard 209E made the transition
from using laminar flow to unidirectional airflow. Note: Term no longer used except informally
by those who previously used the term regularly.
Laminar airflow module: A unit on a bench, ceiling,
wall, or work station that incorporates both HEPAfiltered air and unidirectional airflow for the purpose
of providing clean air to the work zone.
iv thome.com

Ed White, Coordinator.

Turbulent airflow: A cleanroom in which the filtered

air enters the room in a non-uniform velocity or turbulent flow. Such rooms exhibit non-uniform or random airflow patterns throughout the enclosure.
Unidirectional: Air that flows in a single pass, in a
single direction, through an air device or clean zone,
with generally parallel streamlines.



Good Manufacturing Practice

High Efficiency Particulate Air
Institute of Environmental Sciences
and Technology
International Organization
for Standardization
ULPA Ultra Low Particulate Air
WFI Water-for-Injection

Velocity: Part of the HEPA certification program. A

velocity from 90 to 100 fpm +/- 20% (as a guideline
valuehigher or lower velocities may be more appropriate depending on the specific process) is generally
established with a range used since the 1960s when
it was mentioned in the Non-Mandatory Appendix
of Federal Standard 209A, based on a calculation that
a 5m particle would stay airborne (settle less than
2 feet) over a distance of 20 feet in a horizontal flow
clean room.
Work zone: The volume within the cleanroom that
is designated for contamination-controlled operations, typically defined with an entrance plane and
an exit plane.

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Validation T echnology [Summer 2010]


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