Lec 03 Trends in Urban Growth
Lec 03 Trends in Urban Growth
Lec 03 Trends in Urban Growth
During the 19th and early 20th centuries, urbanization resulted from and contributed to
industrialization. New job opportunities in the cities motivated the mass movement of surplus
population away from the countryside. At the same time, migrants provided cheap, plentiful
labor for the emerging factories. Today, due to movements such as globalization, the
circumstances are similar in developing countries. Here the concentration of investments in cities
attracts large numbers of migrants looking for employment, thereby creating a large surplus labor
force, which keeps wages low. This situation is attractive to foreign investment companies from
developed countries that can produce goods for far less than if the goods were produced where
wages are higher. Thus, one might wonder if urban poverty serves a distinct function for the
benefit of global capital.
One of the major effects of rapid urban growth is urban sprawl"- scattered development that
increases traffic, saps local resources and destroys open space. Urban sprawl is responsible for
changes in the physical environment, and in the form and spatial organization of cities.
Developed and less developed countries of the world differ not only in the percent living in
cities, but also in the way in which urbanization is occurring.
In Mexico City (950 square miles), as in many other megacities in the developing world, urban
sprawl exists as nearly 40% of city dwellers live in the urban periphery in poverty and
environmental degradation. These high density settlements are often highly polluted owing to the
lack of urban services, including running water, trash pickup, electricity or paved roads.
Nevertheless, cities provide poor people with more opportunities and greater access to resources
to transform their situation than rural areas. In the United States, and Pakistan poorly planned
urban development is threatening environment, health, and peoples quality of life.
Consequences of Urban Growth:
Increases traffic and Squatter Settlements,
Pollutes air, water and other threats to natural environment,
Worsens the existing degraded built environment,
Destroys agricultural land, parks, and open spaces,
Costs cities and counties millions of dollars for new housing, water and sewer lines, new schools,
and increased police and fire protection
Creates crowded schools in the suburbs and empty, crumbling schools in center of cities
Solutions to decrease Urban Growth:
Enacting growth boundaries, parks and open space protection,
Planning and promoting public participation in housing and transportation.
Reversing government programs and tax policies that help create sprawl.
Revitalizing already developed areas through measures such as attracting new businesses,
reducing crime and improving schools:
Preventing new development in floodplains, coastal areas and other disaster- prone areas.