Parashah 12 - Vayechi (He Lived) 5777
Parashah 12 - Vayechi (He Lived) 5777
Parashah 12 - Vayechi (He Lived) 5777
This weeks Torah portion, Parasha Vayechi (and he lived), is the final Torah
reading from the book of Genesis.
In last weeks study, Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers and invited them,
as well as his father, to live in Egypt in order to provide for them during the
famine. Joseph, his brothers, and his father were joyfully reunited and reconciled.
Parasha Vayechi ends the first book of the Bible with the death of Jacob as well
as that of Joseph.
Gen 47:28-30 And Jacob lived (Vayechi Yaacov) in the land of Egypt
seventeen years; so the days of Jacob, the years of his life, were a hundred
forty and seven years. 29 When the time drew near that Israel must die, he
called his son Joseph and said to him, Now if I have found favor in your
sight, please put your hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with
me. Please do not bury me in Egypt, 30 but let me lie with my fathers; you
shall carry me out of Egypt and bury me in their burial place.
In this Parasha, Jacob compelled Joseph to vow to carry his body back to the
Land of his Fathers and bury him there. Joseph agreed to his dying fathers
request not to leave his body in Egypt. Although Jacob had lived the last 17 years
of his life in Egypt, he never forgot the Land God had promised him by an eternal
Covenant. What is interesting is that Joseph was 17 years old when his life story
began, tending sheep in Canaan, implying he only lived 17 years in Canaan. Here
we see that Jacob lived 130 years in Canaan and 17 years in Egypt. We also
read about Josephs death where he died at the age of 110, showing that he lived
93 years in Egypt.
Positive: None
Negative: Levi and Simeon were instruments of cruelty and Jacob
cursed their anger for their role in the massacre on Shechem after
Jacobs daughter Dinah was raped. They were self-willed and broke
down walls.
Levi and Simeon did not receive any inheritance; Simeon joined the strongest
tribe Judah, that we known as the Jews today.
Levi means interweaved and is the 3rd born of Jacob and
Leah. The number three means Covenant. Levi
symbolises the connection of threads when making a
They facilitate the connection of the vertical threads,
connecting to YHVH, and the horizontal threads,
connecting the people, having the role of facilitating the
Temple Service, the Sacrificial System, teaching the
Torah to the people as well as governing the nation. Levi
did not receive an inheritance (land) and lived among the other tribes.
This has a two-fold meaning; firstly, this gives us the timing of the coming of
Messiah, as depicted by Joshua, when the Jews (Judah) return back to the
Land of Promise. This happened in our generation when Israel was restored as
a nation in 1947.
Secondly, it points to Caleb that means dog or nations. The gentiles from the
nations will turn to YHVH and enter the Land of Promise, just like Judah. This
is currently happening in our generation where many people turn to YHVH
through the anointing that is upon Ephraim. We live in exciting times, and we
must follow wise leaders like Caleb, Who know YHVHs Covenant and His
Word, who will lead us into the Promised Land, alongside Messiah Yshua
(Joshua), reuniting us with Judah.
While the first coming of Yshua fulfils Jacobs prophecy, at this time it is only
partially fulfilled since only the Gentiles, and about one percent of the Jewish
People, have received Yshua as the Messiah. When He comes again, He will
take up His Kingship, and all the Gentiles and Jewish People will entirely submit
to His authority.
Matt 23:3739 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem. Behold, your house is
forsaken and desolate. For I tell you, you will not see Me again, until you
say, Blessed is He who comes in the name of YHVH.
Psa 118:26-27 Blessed is the one who comes in the name of YHVH; We
have blessed you from the house of YHVH. 27 YHVH is Elohim, and He has
given us light
Psa 118 is the Psalm that is sung on the Feast of Passover known as the Hallel.
This is the Psalm Yshua sang with His Disciples before He went into the Garden
and was captured. Through work during His First Coming, we can again receive
the Breath of Life, the nashamah chai through His Spirit that He gives to anyone
who accepts Him as the light of the World, the Door and Way that leads to YHVH.
Gen 49:11-12 And to Him shall be the obedience of the people. 11 Binding
his donkey to the vine, And his donkeys colt to the choice vine, He washed
his garments in wine, And his clothes in the blood of grapes. 12 His
eyes are darker than wine, And his teeth whiter than milk.
Messiah Revealed: The prophecy continues revealing attributes of Messiah.
He will bound his foal (young ass) to the Vine and His garments are washed
in wine and his clothes in the blood of grapes. Can you see the connection
to Messiah Yshua? His eyes are darker than wine (bloodshed eyes depicting
suffering) and his teeth will be white as milk White representing
righteousness that will come from His mouth.
Judah, as a nation, better known as the Jews today, are appointed and anointed
to guard and protect the Torah until Messiah comes again to gather His people
under His authority. Judah will always triumph over their enemies.
Serpent is the word nachash and has the numerical value of 358 (50
+ 8 + 300 ). This is the same as the numerical number of mashiach
or Messiah = 358 (40 + 300 + 10 + 8 ). We read in Num 21:9 where
YHVH told Moses to make a bronze serpent and place it on a pole so
that everyone who look upon the serpent, will be healed.
Messiah Revealed: This is a prophetic picture of Messiah Who
became sin (nachash / serpent), and He acted as the Anointed
Priest, Who offered a sin offering on behalf of the peoples sin
and sickness.
Dan reveals the Messiah in various ways; he is symbolised by a
lion, that connects Him to the lion of Judah, a serpent, that
represents the sin offering made on behalf of the people (Lev 4:3 where
Messiah is first mentioned in Scripture). Dan represents Messiah as the Judge
as well, through the meaning of the name Dan. He is also the One who cause
the riders to fall backwards, and that will happen when He will be the Warrior
and Judge Who will come to judge and destroy His enemies.
Positive: His bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal delicacies.
Negative: None
Fat bread can also be described as regular bread with leaven in it, that is different
with unleavened bread, where leaven or yeast symbolises sin. How many
Churches have you gone to that serve Communion with regular bread, missing
the symbolism of Passover completely as well as the timing that relates to
YHVHs Calendar? Is this a form of eating fat bread and wine? Think about it.
Sad to say that this is what is happening in a lot of Congregations today
ranging from Christianity right through to Judaism. The leaders appointed
by the people do not teach YHVHs Word, which is the bread of life.
These leaders feed their people with fat bread that is well accepted by
fleshly people in order to fill the empty seats in their churches. These
teachings are YHVHs Word mixed with fleshliness that makes the people
happy (asher). The moment people are not happy (asher) with the Word
or teachings, saying they are too this or too that, or the teacher needs to do
this or do that, then they are in a danger zone looking for fat bread, or words
that suits them. Focus on your life and character, learn about YHVH and leave
the Message alone. If the Word of YHVH makes you uneasy, thats good, if the
challenges you, then you might just change. Always seek the problem in yourself
before you try to find it in the teachings or in the people who bring them.
Sauls rebellion cost him his crown and YHVH will deal with leaders that deceive
YHVHs people. We should seek leaders like Joshua and Caleb who are
examples of wise leaders. They are knowable of the Word, they are wise in the
communication thereof, and they do not confuse the people or tickle their ears
with feel good messages.
Another interesting thing about king Agag is seen in his name gga alephgimel
gimel. Aleph a symbolises YHVH, gimel g means camel and represents
YHVHs Spirit. We see one gimel connected to the aleph (YHVH) on the right
(spiritual gimel). We see another gimel on the left that represents the physical
(fleshly gimel).
Q - If the gimel represents YHVHs Spirit, what does the second gimel
This is another spirit that is a counterfeit holy spirit, leading YHVHs
people away from His Word and teach them its all about them and what
they can get, instead of serving YHVH according to Scripture. There
are numerous books written on this where people follow their
purpose instead of YHVHs Spirit so that they can have their best
life now. They are taught that they can be wealthy and do not
hear any teachings on holiness and the character of YHVH.
They follow man instead of YHVH and read mans books
instead of the Word of YHVH.
Yshua warned us of deception of false prophets and teachers as we approach
the end and these leaders follow a false spirit, serving bread that tickles the ears,
and they keep the people focused on their flesh and to get their needs met
instead of teaching them so that their characters might change.
Haven is the Hebrew word [vx choph that means seashore that comes from
an unused root word that means, to cover.
Border is the Hebrew word hkry yerechah that means side and is also used
in explaining the building of the Tabernacle, the covering that contained the
presence of YHVH.
Spiritual Insight: It is Zebulons task to bring the fish out of the water, into the
boat. The fish or new converts will be covered so that they can exist outside
the natural waters and able to come into the Presence of YHVH. Zebulon will
assist in the process of catching the fish, and then place them inside the
boat. The boat represents Messiah, and in Him they will be covered and
be saved and be able to enter into the Presence of the Father.
Zidon is also translated as Sidon that means hunting that comes from the root
word tsud that means catching fish or to hunt. This was the last instruction
Yshua gave His Disciples (fishermen) before He went back to His Father. They
had to go out to all the nations and preach the Gospel, make disciples and
spread the message of repentance and salvation to all the people of the world.
Positive: He shall raven (tear into pieces) like a wolf that devour his prey
in the morning and divide the spoil at evening.
Negative: None
We can see from these words and passages, where all the puzzle pieces coming
together, setting the stage for the end time events. This is in context of the
original sin, and why these things must happen. It will result in YHVH devouring
the consequences of this sin through the final judgement. In the beginning, man
devoured the forbidden fruit that brought sin into the world, and at the end, sin
and its consequences will be devoured by YHVH through fire.
Messiah Revealed: Benyamin means Son of My sorrow and Son of my right
hand; the hand that has come the first time to bring grace (right hand) and
experienced sorrow. This is non-other than Messiah ben Joseph, the one
Who suffered and brought salvation as depicted by Josephs life.
That same hand will come a second time, and this time He will be the Son of
my right hand, Messiah ben David, Who will bring judgement during His
second coming, judging the world by the standard of His Sword (Zec 14:1-7).
After this, the lion and the lamb will dwell together, referring to the thousand
year peace after the battle of Har Magido or Armageddon (Zec 14:8-11). This
will be followed by the final judgement by fire, that devour sin and its
consequences, as well as those saturated with sin. This is known as the battle
of Gog and Magog (Zec 14:12-15).
We see the gathering of the remnant of YHVHs people as well as the gathering
of the nations and kingdoms at the time of the end. The number 2 is seen
throughout all passages and confirms that this is a time of the restoration of
relationships between Joseph and his brothers (believers of different
backgrounds and denominations including the Jews) so that they all will serve
YHVH in one accord or in unity, not different denominations or different sects of
Judaism. He will reveal to us how He wants to be served and we will be taught by
Messiah personally (Isa 2:1-3).