Perception01 PDF
Perception01 PDF
Perception01 PDF
Abstract. Averageness and symmetry are attractive in Western faces and are good candidates
for biologically based standards of beauty. A hallmark of such standards is that they are
shared across cultures. We examined whether facial averageness and symmetry are attractive in
non-Western cultures. Increasing the averageness of individual faces, by warping those faces
towards an averaged composite of the same race and sex, increased the attractiveness of both
Chinese (experiment 1) and Japanese (experiment 2) faces, for Chinese and Japanese participants,
respectively. Decreasing averageness by moving the faces away from an average shape decreased
attractiveness. We also manipulated the symmetry of Japanese faces by blending each original
face with its mirror image to create perfectly symmetric versions. Japanese raters preferred the
perfectly symmetric versions to the original faces (experiment 2). These findings show that preferences for facial averageness and symmetry are not restricted to Western cultures, consistent
with the view that they are biologically based. Interestingly, it made little difference whether
averageness was manipulated by using own-race or other-race averaged composites and there was
no preference for own-race averaged composites over other-race or mixed-race composites
(experiment 1). We discuss the implications of these results for understanding what makes average
faces attractive. We also discuss some limitations of our studies, and consider other lines of
converging evidence that may help determine whether preferences for average and symmetric
faces are biologically based.
1 Introduction
A recent meta-analysis has revealed very high agreement in facial-attractiveness ratings
among people from different cultures (r 0:94), as well as among people from the
same culture (r 0:90) (Langlois et al 2000). These results challenge the view that
standards of beauty are cultural artifacts. So too, does evidence that young infants prefer
to look at faces that adults find attractive (for a review see Rubenstein et al 2001).
Instead, these findings suggest that some standards of beauty may reflect biologically
based preferences that have been shaped by human evolution. Just as we have a language
instinct (Pinker 1994), so too may we have an attractiveness instinct that makes us
prefer some facial qualities over others.
Two good candidates for biologically based preferences are preferences for average
faces and for symmetric faces (Thornhill and Gangestad 1999). In many species, average
and symmetric (1) morphological traits reflect an important aspect of mate quality,
namely developmental stabilitythe ability to maintain a stable course of development
(1) Several
despite environmental and genetic stresses (Mller and Swaddle 1997; Thornhill
and Mller 1997). If averageness and symmetry signal mate quality, then individuals
with a preference for these traits would have a reproductive advantage (Mller and
Swaddle 1997; Thornhill and Gangestad 1993), and the preferences or, more precisely,
the information-processing mechanisms that generate them, could have evolved by sexual
selection. Alternatively, preferences for averageness and symmetry may be by-products
of general perceptual or cognitive mechanisms that evolved by natural selection to process
information from the environment, and which respond selectively to average and/or
symmetric stimuli (Endler and Basolo 1998; Enquist and Arak 1994; Enquist and
Johnstone 1997; Halberstadt and Rhodes 2000; Johnstone 1994).(2) In either case, however, the preferences should be universal, and evidence that preferences for average and
symmetric faces occur in diverse cultures would support the conjecture that they are
biologically based.
The attractiveness of averageness is well established for Western faces and raters.
Computer-averaged composite faces are rated as more attractive than almost all the
component faces (Langlois and Roggman 1990; Rhodes et al 1999b) and individual
faces can be made more (or less) attractive by moving their configurations closer to
(or further from) an average same-sex configuration (Rhodes and Tremewan 1996;
Rhodes et al 1999b). Faces that naturally lie closer to the population average are also
more attractive than less typical (more distinctive) faces (Light et al 1981; Rhodes and
Tremewan 1996; Rhodes et al 1999b). A few extreme traits may be more attractive
than average oneseg feminised traits (Perrett et al 1998; Rhodes et al 2000), neotonous
traits (Zebrowitz 1997)but average facial configurations are still more attractive than
most faces, and this preference must be explained.
Symmetry is also attractive for Western faces and raters. Natural variations in
symmetry covary with attractiveness (Grammer and Thornhill 1994; Mealey et al 1999;
Zebrowitz et al 1996) and, when symmetry is increased experimentally, attractiveness
generally increases, so long as the manipulation does not produce structural abnormalities (Perrett et al 1999; Rhodes et al 1998; Rhodes et al 1999a). Interestingly, although
more average faces are generally more symmetric than less average ones, symmetry
and averageness make independent contributions to the attractiveness of Western faces
(Rhodes et al 1999b).
Little is known, however, about whether people from non-Western cultures find
facial averageness and symmetry attractive. In only two published studies has the
attractiveness of average or symmetric faces in non-Western populations been examined. Jones and Hill (1993) examined both preferences in three populations of faces
(US Americans, Brazilians, Paraguayan Indians) and five populations of raters (the
same three groups plus Russians and Venezuelan Indians). They found a significant
correlation between measured averageness and attractiveness in only one group,
Paraguayan Indians, but age was confounded with averageness in that group, so that
the preference could be for youthful rather than for average faces [a youthful appearance is attractive, at least for Western faces (Zebrowitz et al 1993)]. The fact that they
failed to obtain a significant correlation between averageness and attractiveness for
either US or Brazilian faces, however, suggests that there may be some problem with
the stimuli or methodology used (eg validity of the averageness measurements), because
average Western faces are known to be attractive (see above). No significant correlations were found between measured symmetry and attractiveness for the non-Western
raters, but again, correlations were not generally found for the Western raters either,
suggesting a problem with the stimuli or methodology used.
(2) Note
that these mechanisms are not mutually exclusive. Both could have shaped the evolution
of our current preferences.
Facial attractiveness
with distinctiveness, as it is for Caucasian faces and raters (eg Rhodes and Tremewan
1996; Rhodes et al 1999b).
We examined the relative attractiveness of averaged composites of own-race, otherrace, and mixed-race composites, to determine whether familiarity with the population
from which component faces are drawn affects attractiveness of the composites. Langlois
et al (1994) suggested that averaged composites may be attractive because of their
familiarity, in which case own-race composites should be more attractive than composites of faces from a less familiar race. In this case increasing the similarity of a face
to an own-race composite might also enhance its attractiveness more effectively than
increasing its similarity to an other-race composite. We tested these predictions by
obtaining attractiveness ratings for own-race (Chinese), other-race (Caucasian), and
mixed-race composites, and by using both own-race and other-race composites to
manipulate the averageness of individual Chinese faces.
2.1 Method
2.1.1 Participants. The participants were 36 (18 male, 18 female) young, ethnically Chinese
adults (M 17:0 years, SD 1:4 years) who were paid $10 each. All were born into
Chinese communities in Asian countries (Indonesia, N 21; People's Republic of China,
N 6; Hong Kong, N 4; Malaysia, N 1; Singapore, N 1; Philippines, N 1;
Korea, N 1; Brunei, N 1) and had been living in Perth, Australia, attending local
colleges, for 6 months or less (M 3:6 months, range 0:5 ^ 6 months). Despite living
in Australia, the participants primarily had Asian friends 14 had no Australian friends,
10 had less than 5, 11 had between 5 and 10, and 1 had more than 10 Australian
friends. All but 4 had more than 10 Asian friends.
2.1.2 Stimuli. The stimuli were 48 (24 male, 24 female) front-view, black-and-white
photographs of young Chinese adults, displaying neutral expressions, which were taken
under standard lighting conditions and digitised for use as stimuli. None was familiar
to the participants. All images had a standard interpupil distance of 80 pixels, with
horizontally aligned pupils. No jewellery or clothing was visible, and blemishes and
hair on the forehead were removed with the cloning tool in Adobe Photoshop.
Male and female Chinese averaged composites were created from these faces by using
a standard procedure in Gryphon's Morph 2 (for details, see Rhodes et al 1999b). Briefly,
to create a composite from a set of faces, a set of landmark points ( N 169) was
found on each face, and used to generate the average locations of each landmark. Each
face was then warped into this average configuration, and the grey-level values at
corresponding pixel locations in each image were averaged, to generate an averaged
composite. Caucasian composites were taken from a previous study (Rhodes et al
1999b). Two mixed-race composites were also created for each sex. One had the same
number of component faces as the single-race averages (N 24) and was the average of
12 randomly chosen, same-sex faces from each race (Mixed24). The other was a composite of all 24 Chinese and all 24 Caucasian same-sex faces (Mixed48). The four averaged
composites for each sex are shown in figure 1. We will refer to these averaged composites
as norms when they are used to manipulate the averageness of individual faces.
We created high-average and low-average versions for each Chinese face, using
the procedure described in Rhodes et al (1999b). Briefly, a set of landmark points
(N 169) was found on each face and used to alter the shape of the face. A highaverage version was created by moving all landmark points on a face 50% closer to
their corresponding landmark points on an averaged composite or norm for that sex,
and remapping grey-levels from the face into this new configuration. A low-average
version was created by moving the landmark points 50% further away from their
corresponding points on the norm. This procedure alters the spatial configuration of
the face, but leaves the texture unchanged. Analogous low-average and high-average
Facial attractiveness
Figure 1. Male (top row) and female (bottom row) averaged composites from experiment 1.
Chinese24 is a composite of 24 same-sex Chinese faces, Caucasian24 is a composite of 24 samesex Caucasian faces. Mixed24 is a mixed-race composite of 12 randomly chosen Chinese and
12 randomly chosen Caucasian same-sex faces. Mixed48 is a composite of all 24 Chinese and
24 Caucasian same-sex faces.
versions were created with Caucasian norms. We also created two blends for each
face: a 50 : 50 blend of the face with a same-sex Chinese norm and a 50 : 50 blend
with a same-sex Caucasian norm. This blending procedure increases the averageness
of both texture and shape information. A full set of images for one face is shown in
figure 2.
The averaged composites and blends were sharpened in Adobe Photoshop to
reduce any blurring introduced by blending. All images were displayed in oval masks
that hid most of the hair but showed the face outline, chin, and ears.
2.1.3 Procedure. There were 18 subjects (9 male, 9 female) who rated the images on
attractiveness and a different 18 subjects (9 male, 9 female) who rated them on distinctiveness, using 10-point scales. Distinctiveness was explained as the ease with which a
face could be picked out of a crowd. Distinctiveness was rated rather than averageness,
which can be misinterpreted to mean average-looking as opposed to good-looking.
For each task, all seven versions of each face plus the eight averages ( N 344 images
in total) were presented in random order on a computer screen. Each image remained
visible until the rating was made. Subjects chose whether to read the instructions in
English, Mandarin, Malay, or Indonesian.
2.2 Results
A four-way ANOVA was carried out with sex of subject as a between-subjects variable
and sex of face, averageness level (low, normal, high, blend), and race of norm (Chinese,
Caucasian) as repeated-measures factors. Planned pairwise comparisons, with Bonferroni
correction for multiple comparisons, were used to test for predicted increases in attractiveness from low to normal, normal to high, and high to blend levels (manipulated
with the own-race, Chinese norms). A posteriori Tukey tests were used to explore differences that were not predicted or were in the opposite direction to those predicted.
Figure 2. A male face shown at the four averageness levels used in experiment 1. Top row (left
to right): low-average, normal, high-average, and blend images made by using the male, Chinese
averaged composite (norm). Bottom row (left to right): low-average, normal, high-average, and
blend images made by using the male, Caucasian averaged composite (norm). High-average
and low-average versions were made by warping the facial configuration half way towards and
away from, respectively, the same-sex norm. Averageness of shape is varied with this procedure.
The blends are 50 : 50 blends of the original faces with a same-sex averaged composite (norm).
Averageness of both texture and shape is varied with this procedure.
There were significant main effects of averageness (F3, 48 171:62, p 5 0:0001) and
race of norm (F1, 16 19:17, p 5 0:0005; ChineseM 3:9, SE 0:1; Caucasian
M 4:0, SE 0:1), and a two-way interaction between these factors (F3, 48 17:35,
p 5 0:0001)see figure 3. As predicted, when the own-race Chinese norm was used,
attractiveness increased with averageness, for both male and female faces (for all,
t 4 5:19, p 5 0:0001, 1-tailed; Bonferroni correction for 6 comparisons, p 0:008).
This result parallels previous findings with Caucasian faces (Rhodes and Tremewan
Female faces
Male faces
Averageness level
Averageness level
Figure 3. Attractiveness as a function of averageness level and race of norm for female faces
(a) and male faces (b) in experiment 1. SE bars are shown.
Facial attractiveness
1996; Rhodes et al 1999b) and clearly shows that the attractiveness of average facial
configurations is not restricted to Western culture. Attractiveness also increased when
the other-race Caucasian norm was used to manipulate averageness ( p 5 0:01 for all
in a Tukey's HSD test). This result suggests that the attractiveness of average facial
configurations does not require a high level of familiarity with the population from
which the component faces are drawn.
There was a significant three-way interaction between averageness, norm, and sex
of face (F3, 48 28:17, p 5 0:0001). For male faces, in contrast to our prediction,
blends and high-average versions made using a Caucasian (other-race) norm were more
attractive than those made with Chinese norms (for both, p 5 0:01 in a Tukey's HSD
test). For female faces, the race of the norm made little difference to the attractiveness
of blends and high-average images. Neither sex preferred blends or high-average images
made from own-race norms to those made from other-race norms, even though the
former are closer to their own population average. Nor was there a preference for
own-race averaged composites over other-race or mixed-race composites (see below).
The greater lifetime exposure to Chinese faces did not, therefore, generate a stronger
preference for Chinese than Caucasian averages.
There were several other effects, but these did not affect the conclusions drawn
above. There was a significant interaction between sex of subject and sex of face
(F1, 16 8:31, p 5 0:01), with female subjects rating female faces as more attractive
(M 4:3, SE 0:2) than male faces (M 3:6, SE 0:2), but no sex difference in
ratings for male faces (for female subjectsM 3:9, SE 0:2; for male subjects
M 3:9, SE 0:2). Sex of face also interacted with norm (F1, 16 36:63, p 5 0:0001;
male faces: Chinese norm M 3:8, SE 0:2; Caucasian normM 4:0, SE 0:2;
female faces: Chinese normM 4:0, SE 0:02; Caucasian normM 4:0, SE 0:2).
2.3 Correlating attractiveness and distinctiveness
Attractiveness ratings were highly reliable, with a Cronbach coefficient alpha of 0.94
for all the faces. We also examined reliability separately for Chinese and non-Chinese
faces, to see whether it was higher for own-race (Chinese) faces. The Chinese category
included all the original (undistorted) Chinese faces, blends of those faces with Chinese
averaged composites, high-average versions of those faces made by warping the Chinese
faces towards a Chinese norm (averaged composite), and the Chinese averaged composites. We excluded Chinese faces that had been warped away from a Chinese average
or manipulated using Caucasian norms. These faces, together with the Caucasian
averaged composites, formed the non-Chinese category. Alphas were 0.93 and 0.95,
respectively, for the Chinese and non-Chinese faces, indicating that attractiveness ratings
were equally reliable for own-race and other-race faces. Distinctiveness ratings were
less reliable and should be interpreted with caution. Coefficient alphas were 0.54 for
all faces, 0.18 for Chinese faces, and 0.55 for non-Chinese faces. It is not clear why
distinctiveness ratings should be less reliable for Chinese than non-Chinese faces.
Despite the relatively poor reliability of the distinctiveness ratings, attractiveness and
distinctiveness were significantly negatively correlated (for all faces r342 0:488,
p 5 0:0001; for non-Chinese facesr196 0:491, p 5 0:0001; for Chinese faces, all
versionsr144 0:486, p 5 0:0001; and for the original, undistorted Chinese faces
r46 0:535, p 5 0:0001). These results show that low distinctiveness (high averageness)
is attractive for Chinese faces and raters, just as it is for Western faces and raters (Rhodes
et al 1999b).
2.4 Comparing attractiveness of own-race, other-race, and mixed-race averaged composites
A three-way ANOVA, with sex of subject as a between-subjects factor, and sex of face and
type of composite (Chinese24, Caucasian24, Mixed24, Mixed48) as repeated-measures
factors was carried out on the mean attractiveness ratings. One missing value was
replaced by the mean for that cell. Planned comparisons with Bonferroni correction for
multiple comparisons were used to test the hypothesis that own-race (Chinese) composites
would be preferred to other-race and mixed-race composites.
There was no significant effect of type of composite (F3, 48 1:65, ns). Attractiveness
ratings were high, but below ceiling, for all the composites (figure 4). Type of composite
also interacted with sex of face (F3, 48 3:18, p 5 0:04, see figure 4). For male faces,
the own-race Chinese composite was not significantly more attractive than the otherrace or mixed-race composites (planned comparisons). For female faces the Chinese
composite was preferred to the Caucasian (but not the mixed-race) composites,
although this difference failed to reach significance with correction for multiple
comparisons (t48 2:20, p 5 0:04; 6 comparisons, corrected p 0:008). A posteriori
Tukey HSD tests showed that male Chinese composites were less attractive than either
female, mixed-race composite (Mixed24 or Mixed48), p 5 0:05 in each case, but this
result has no obvious theoretical significance and will not be discussed further. In
summary, different lifetime exposures to Chinese and Caucasian faces did not produce
clear differences in the attractiveness of averaged Chinese and Caucasian composites.
male faces
female faces
Type of composite
Figure 4. Mean attractiveness of averaged composites as a function of type of composite and sex
of face in experiment 1. SE bars are shown.
Facial attractiveness
3 Experiment 2
The Chinese participants in experiment 1 were living in a Western country and clearly
had some exposure to Western culture. Their preferences could, therefore, have been
influenced by Western standards of beauty. In experiment 2, we tested Japanese participants living in Japan, who had less exposure to Western culture than the Chinese
participants of experiment 1.
We investigated whether averageness is attractive for Japanese faces and raters.
We manipulated the averageness of individual Japanese faces in the same way as in
experiment 1, by moving the faces 50% closer to or further from an averaged samesex composite of Japanese faces. We predicted that attractiveness would increase with
We also investigated whether symmetry is attractive for Japanese faces and raters.
We manipulated symmetry by blending each face with its mirror image, as in previous
studies with Western faces (Rhodes et al 1998, 1999a, 1999b). This blending method
produces symmetric faces without structural abnormalities, an advantage over the symmetric chimeras used previously with non-Western individuals (Kowner 1996). Western
raters prefer these symmetric blends to the original faces, even when texture differences
are controlled, indicating a genuine preference for symmetry, not just for the smoother
complexions of blended images (Rhodes et al 1998; see also Perrett et al 1999).
We also created perfectly symmetric blends for the low-average and high-average
versions of each face. By including symmetric versions of the low-average, normal, and
high-average images, we could determine whether averageness remains attractive when
symmetry is controlled, as is the case for Caucasian faces and raters (Rhodes et al
1999b). If it does, then averageness would be attractive in Japanese faces independent
of any accompanying increase in symmetry.
3.1 Method
3.1.1 Participants. The 56 participants (28 male, 28 female) were young adults attending
universities in the Kyoto region (M 20:2 years, SD 1:8 years, range 18 ^ 26
years). They had little personal contact with Westerners ( M 2:6 Westerners known
personally, SD 4:1; M 1:3 interactions with Westerners in a month, SD 1:9),
but had studied English for an average of 8.0 years (SD 1:6 years) and had some
exposure to Western media (M 7:2 h of Western TV per month, SD 8:2; M 0:6
Western magazines read per month, SD 0:8).
3.1.2 Stimuli. The stimuli were 48 (24 male, 24 female) front-view, colour photographs
of young Japanese adults displaying neutral expressions. The images were from the
ATR face database, which contains photographs of Japanese men and women in their
twenties who were recruited from the general public in Tokyo in 1998. The photographs
showed front-views of faces, displaying neutral expressions, and were taken in a studio
with symmetric lighting. They measured approximately 7.5 cm68.0 cm. Blemishes,
stray hair, any clothing on the neck, and hair clips were removed using the cloning
tool in Photoshop. None of the faces had hair on the forehead and any partings were
filled in with hair in Photoshop, so that the symmetric images would not have odd
looking hairstyles.
Japanese male and female averaged composites were created from the 24 male
and 24 female faces, respectively, with the same procedure as in experiment 1. These
were used to create a high-average and low-average version of each face (50% distortions)
following the same procedure as in experiment 1. Perfectly symmetric versions of
the low-average, normal, and high-average images, and the average composites were
created by blending each image with its mirror image, in the following procedure.
First, each face was scaled so the pupils were horizontally aligned and in average
locations for that sex. Then, a symmetric configuration was obtained by averaging
Figure 5. A full set of images for a Japanese face from experiment 2. Top row (left to right):
low-average, normal, and high-average versions. Bottom row (left to right): perfectly symmetric
versions of the top row images.
3.1.3 Procedure. There were 32 (16 male, 16 female) participants who rated all 292
images on attractiveness and a different 24 (12 male, 12 female) participants who rated
them on distinctiveness, using 10-point scales. The images were presented in random
order (different for each participant) on a computer screen and each image remained
visible until rated. Participants were tested individually in a session lasting about
30 min. At the beginning of the session, participants completed a short questionnaire,
assessing their amount of contact with Western people and media and their fluency
in English. The questionnaire and all instructions were in Japanese.
3.2 Results
3.2.1 Attractiveness. A four-way ANOVA was carried out on attractiveness ratings, with
sex of rater as a between-subjects factor, and sex of face, averageness level (low, normal,
high), and symmetry level (normal, perfect), as within-subject factors. Planned t-tests
with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons were used to test for predicted
increases in attractiveness as averageness level increased from low to normal and from
normal to high.
Facial attractiveness
perfect symmetry
normal symmetry
Averageness level
There were several interactions, but they do not alter the conclusions drawn above.
Averageness interacted with sex of face (F2, 60 8:91, p 5 0:0004), but as predicted
attractiveness increased with averageness for both sexes (female faces Ms 3:3, 4.4,
4.7; male facesMs 3:1, 4.2, 4.8; all SEs 0:1; pairwise t 4 6:92, p 5 0:0001 for
all). Averageness also interacted with sex of rater (F2, 60 5:59, p 5 0:006), but attractiveness increased with averageness for both female (Ms 2:8, 4.0, 4.6; SEs 0:1)
and male raters (Ms 3:6, 4.6, 4.9; SEs 0:1) (F 4 72:86, p 5 0:0001, for all in
simple tests of main effects). Symmetry interacted with sex of face (F1, 30 7:00,
p 5 0:02), but perfect symmetry was still preferred for both female (normalM 4:0;
perfectM 4:3; SEs 0:1) and male faces (normalM 4:0; perfectM 4:1;
SEs 0:1) (t 4 3:39, p 5 0:002 for all).
Sex of face also interacted with sex of rater (F1, 30 19:79, p 5 0:0001). Female
faces received slightly higher attractiveness ratings from male (M 4:2, SE 0:1)
than female raters (M 4:1, SE 0:1), but male faces received much higher ratings
from male (M 4:6, SE 0:1) than female raters (M 3:5, SE 0:1).
3.3 Correlating attractiveness and distinctiveness
Attractiveness and distinctiveness ratings were highly reliable, with Cronbach coefficient
alphas of 0.94 and 0.92, respectively.(4) Attractiveness and distinctiveness ratings were
significantly negatively correlated (for all the images r290 0:604, p 5 0:0001; and
for just the undistorted images r94 0:379, p 5 0:0001). Therefore, attractiveness
and distinctiveness are negatively correlated for Japanese faces and raters, just as they
are for Western and Chinese faces and raters.
(4) Distinctiveness ratings were collected primarily to examine the relationship between attractiveness and distinctiveness, but an ANOVA showed a significant main effect of averageness level
(F2, 44 61:64, p 5 0:0001; M s 6:2, 4.7, 4.3, for low, normal, and high averageness images, respectively; all SEs 0:1), confirming the validity of distinctiveness as a converse measure of averageness.
Facial attractiveness
et al 1996) could generate an early preference for average faces. Experience would
determine the actual facial characteristics that are preferred (ie ones that are typical of
experienced faces) but the preference for averageness per se would be biologically
based, in that it relies on information-processing mechanisms that evolved by either
natural or sexual selection.
Much less is known about when a symmetry preference emerges. Samuels et al
(1994) found no preference for symmetric faces in infants 4 to 15 months old, but the
symmetric faces were made by reflecting each half of the face about the vertical
midline, which introduces structural abnormalities and produces images that are
unattractive even to adults (Kowner 1996; Langlois et al 1994; Rhodes et al 1999a).
More research is needed to determine when a preference for symmetry emerges in
development and what information-processing mechanisms are involved.
In the introduction, we suggested that preferences for averageness and symmetry
may have evolved because these traits advertise aspects of mate quality, such as developmental stability and health. In this case, individuals with the preferences would
enhance their reproductive success relative to individuals without them, and the preferences would be adaptations for identifying high-quality mates (Thornhill and Gangestad
1999). Partial support for this particular evolutionary account comes from evidence
that facial averageness is a reliable indicator of health (Rhodes et al 2001c). Facial
distinctiveness (a converse measure of averageness) of 17-year-olds was associated with
poor childhood health in males, and poor current and adolescent (marginally) health
in females, suggesting that averageness may indeed be a sign of health and developmental stability. Facial symmetry, however, did not advertise health in this sample.
Shackelford and Larsen (1997) have reported correlations between facial symmetry and
self-report measures of psychological, emotional, and physiological health, but most
did not replicate across samples and many correlations were examined, raising the
possibility of type I statistical errors. Overall, the evidence appears to be stronger for a
link between facial averageness and health than between facial symmetry and health.
As noted above, evolved preferences could also reflect more general features of
human information processing, such as a prototype-abstraction mechanism that helps
us recognise and reason about category members. If a preference for average exemplars
does result from such a mechanism, then it should not be restricted to potential mates.
Halberstadt and Rhodes (2000) have recently reported that average exemplars are
attractive for dogs, birds, and wristwatches, which suggests that humans may have a
generic preference for averageness. Thus there is evidence that general informationprocessing mechanisms may contribute to the preference for average faces (over and
above any preference for signs of mate quality), but the precise nature of those mechanisms and why they influence affective responses at all, remains to be determined.
Although not a main aim of the study, our results raise the question of what it is
about average faces that makes them attractive. One possibility is that they are attractive because they capture the central tendency of a population of faces (eg Langlois
et al 1994). On this account, the preference would be expected to vary with exposure to
the relevant population. Yet in experiment 1 there was no advantage for high-average
images or blends made with own-race over other-race averages and no preference for
own-race (Chinese) averaged composites over other-race (Caucasian) or mixed-race
composites. It is possible that the recent exposure of the Chinese participants to
Caucasian faces (all had moved to Australia within six months of testing) offset the
effect of their greater lifetime exposure to Chinese faces. The fact that very limited
exposure to a set of faces can generate a preference for the averaged composite of
those faces over a composite of unseen faces (Rhodes et al 2001a; Walton and Bower
1993) adds plausibility to this conjecture.
Facial attractiveness
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