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2652 J. M. Carré & C. M. McCormick Facial metrics and aggression
around it, and increase the point counter total by one. It was Table 1. Mean (s.e.m.) for women (nZ51) and men (nZ37)
explained to participants that the point counter might for each of the variables measured in study 1.
flash several times with negative signs around it, resulting in
a one-point decrease in the point counter total. They were women men t (d.f.Z86) p-value
told that this meant that their partner (actually the computer
program) had stolen a point, and each stolen point would be face ratio 1.80 (0.10) 1.86 (0.13) 2.33 0.02
added to the partner’s counter. Participants could respond by trait domi- 5.8 (5.5) 8.35 (5.5) 2.15 0.04
continuing to select option no. 1 (point reward) or could
switch to option no. 2 or 3. Pressing option no. 2 ten times
would steal a point from their partner; however, participants aggression 209 (151) 278 (145) 2.18 0.03
were instructed that they were randomly assigned to the reward 2486 (406) 2423 (302) K0.80 0.43
experimental condition whereby they, unlike their partner, protection 294 (164) 316 (127) 0.66 0.51
would not keep any points stolen. Pressing option no. 3 ten
times would protect their point counter against theft of points
for a brief time. Thus, the dependent variables from the PSAP
measure were option nos. 1 (reward earned), 2 (aggression) 600
aggressive behaviour
and 3 (protection). Selection of option no. 2 was considered
reactive aggression because the participants did not increase
reward, and in fact lost opportunity to increase reward, each 400
time option no. 2 was selected.
(e) Study 1 procedure
Participants arrived in groups of two or four and first
completed a demographic and trait dominance questionnaire. 0
1.50 1.65 1.80 1.95 2.10
Next, participants were photographed while in a seated
position and maintaining a neutral facial expression. Partici- face width-to-height ratio
pants were escorted to separate rooms for the PSAP Figure 2. Scatter plot depicting the relationship between face
procedure. The PSAP took approximately 40 min to width-to-height ratio and aggressive behaviour in under-
complete, after which they completed a brief questionnaire graduate men (nZ37, rZ0.38 and pZ0.02).
designed to assess whether they were aware of the deception
used in the experiment. Responses confirmed that partici- 3. RESULTS
pants believed that they were playing against another person. (a) Study 1
Tests for gender differences in trait dominance, facial ratio
and aggressive behaviour consisted of MANOVA and
(f ) Aggression measure in studies 2 and 3 follow-up t-tests. There was a main effect of gender
The penalty minutes that each player accrued per number of (F5,82Z3.04, pZ0.01): men had a greater facial ratio
games played during the 2007–2008 season (obtained from the (t86Z2.33, pZ0.02, Cohen’s dZ0.50); scored higher on
Ontario University Athletics website for study 2 and from trait dominance (t86Z2.15, pZ0.04, Cohen’s dZ0.46);
ESPN’s website for study 3) were used as the measure of and were more aggressive than women (t86Z2.18, pZ0.03,
aggression. Penalties included behaviours such as slashing, Cohen’s dZ0.47). Men and women did not differ in reward
cross-checking, high-sticking, boarding, elbowing, checking (t86ZK0.80, pZ0.43, Cohen’s dZ0.18) or protection
from behind, fighting and so on. These behaviours meet the (t86Z0.66, pZ0.51, Cohen’s dZ0.15) responses (table 1).
classic definition of aggressive behaviour as any act that is Separate regression analyses for men and women were
intended to harm another individual, who, in turn, is motivated computed with trait dominance and face ratio as predictors
to avoid the behaviour (Baron & Richardson 1994). of aggressive behaviour. For men, face ratio predicted
15 per cent of unique variance in aggressive behaviour
(g) Statistics (R 2Z0.18, F2,34Z3.60, pZ0.04; t36Z2.50, pZ0.02;
Gender differences in trait dominance and facial width- figure 2), but trait dominance was not a significant
to-height ratio were examined using multivariate analysis of predictor of aggression ( pZ0.27). Furthermore, the face
variance (MANOVA), with follow-up t-tests. Multiple linear ratio by trait dominance interaction was not significant
regression analysis was used to examine the relationship (R 2changeZ0.001, F1,33Z0.04, pZ0.84). For women, face
between predictor variables (trait dominance, facial width- ratio and trait dominance did not predict aggressive
to-height ratio and trait dominance by facial width-to-height behaviour (R 2Z0.03, F2,41Z0.66, pZ0.52), nor did the
ratio interaction) and aggressive behaviour as measured by interaction (R 2changeZ0.003, F1,40Z0.14, pZ0.72).
the PSAP. The main assumptions underlying linear
regression (e.g. outliers, linear relationship between pre- (b) Study 2
dictors and criterion, multicollinearity, independence of Individual differences in face ratio in male hockey players
observations, homoscedasticity and errors normally distrib- explained 29.2 per cent of the variance in penalty minutes
uted) were examined and were all met. Also, Pearson’s per game played (rZ0.54, pZ0.01; figure 3).
correlation coefficients were computed to examine the
bivariate association between the facial width-to-height ratio (c) Study 3
and aggressive behaviour in varsity and professional ice Individual differences in the face width-to-height
hockey players. All analyses conducted were two-tailed and explained a significant proportion of the variance in
the level of significance was set at p!0.05. aggressive behaviour (rZ0.30, pZ0.005) in NHL hockey
(a) 3.5
penalty minutes
1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5
face width-to-height ratio
(b) 3.5 (c)
penalty minutes
(d ) 3.5 (e)
penalty minutes
( f ) 3.5 ( g)
penalty minutes
1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5
face width-to-height ratio face width-to-height ratio
Figure 4. Scatter plots depicting the relationship between face width-to-height ratio and aggressive behaviour (number of
penalty minutes per game played) in male professional hockey players for the six Canadian teams in the NHL (nZ112) as a
group (a) and for each individual team (b–g): (a) all Canadian NHL teams (rZ0.30), (b) Calgary Flames (rZ0.17),
(c) Edmonton Oilers (rZ0.20), (d ) Montreal Canadiens (rZ0.39), (e) Ottawa Senators (rZ0.51), ( f ) Toronto Maple Leafs
(rZ0.37) and ( g) Vancouver Canucks (rZ0.24).
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