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CSS Forum Outline
What Is Media?
Functions Of Media
Creation Of Awareness
Strengthen Democracy
Promotion Of Tolerance And Understanding
Attract The Attention Of Policy Makers
Strengthen Relations With Other Countries
Effects Of Media
Positive Effects
i) Political Analysis
ii) Economic Debate
iii) Social Awareness
iv) Religious Clarification
Negative Effects
i) Political Gimmick
ii) Social Evils
iii) Deteriorating Religious Impressions
Media In Pakistan
Challenges To Media In Pakistan
Causes Of Controlled Media
It is often said that world has become a global village. It is media that has
shrunk the world into a village. Telecommunication, TV, radio, and now
computers have reduced distances and brought the countries of the world
closer to each other. Free media is the integral part of democracy. It acts as
the custodian of democracy and facilitates the decision-making process. It
has become the voice of the masses. Indeed, it is instrumental in shaping the
public opinion. A society with restricted media is just like stagnant water.
Such society breeds only ignorant minds. People remain ignorant of events,
ignorant of their rights, their duty tot eh state, their needs and the role that
they can play for the betterment of the society. Macaulay called the Press as
the fourth pillar of the state. With the advent of new technology the media
has gained new dimension and great strength. It has transformed the
present age into information explosion.
Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education,
data, promotional messages are disseminated are called media. Media
includes broadcasting and narrowcasting channels such as, TV, radio,
telephone, newspapers, magazines, billboards, fax and internet.
With the passage of time, media has become the member of our society. It
has firmly entrenched its roots in our life and now its hard to survive without
in in this modern age. Media plays many important functions in the present
age ranging from political to educational. Lets analyse its major functions.
Media is a powerful weapon. It creates awareness and consciousness of
rights, duties and responsibilities among the people. Through it, people and
government become cognizant of the future challenges.
For a democracy to flourish, a free and strong media is prerequisite. Free and
fair media is considered as guardian of democracy. It ensures free and fair
elections, accountability and transfer of power. Autocratic rulers and military
dictators always have a deep abhorrence for a media as it exposes their
illegitimacy, corruption and ineptness.
One of the biggest problem that world is facing today is intolerance and
mutual mistrust. Intolerance makes the society jungle. World needs a big
change. Media, being as much powerful source today, plays its part by
promoting tolerance and mutual understanding.
Media is the only source now which is easily accessible to all walks of people
through TV, radio, newspapers, internet and now mobile phones. People
express their problems and grievance through media which attract the
attention of policy makers. In this way, media shapes the public opinion as a
means of exerting pressure on government and policy makers.
Media, through its various trends, colours and lifestyles, has brought the
nations closer to each other. It depicts the religion and culture of the
countries. It creates social harmony and understanding and promotes
Last but not least function of media is that it provides entertainment and
recreational activities. Without entertainment society will suffocate. People
will become psychological patients. Cinemas, films, TV channels, radio and
internet provide entertainment for healthy and smooth life.
Media is the mirror of a society. It reflects the true picture of it. Hence, it
affects the society in different ways. It has both positive and negative
impacts. Lets evaluate its effects on different aspects of life.
First of all, we would consider positive effects of media on society. It provides
effects on society are as under:
Media is a powerful and effective political agent. It raises the voice of the
masses and acts as the interpreter of society. It keeps an eye on each and
every action of the government. It not only points out drawbacks and lapses
in the works done by the government but also suggests methods to improve
them. It brings expert opinions through various debates and provides the
government a guideline to follow. It also brings the performance of the ruling
government to the masses and acts as agent of change. It is further helpful
in shunning undemocratic and unconstitutional actions by military dictators
and civilian rulers.
Furthermore, media also plays a very vital role in economic sphere. It
attracts the foreign investors by showing governments projects
internationally. It is also a great source of purchasing and selling. One can do
all ones business just sitting at home through internet. It keeps its viewers in
touch with the new trends in business and products through advertisement.
Changing prices of the essentials are not a hidden matter now. It also
presents the performance of stock exchange which keeps the investors
As far as social sphere is concerned, it has brought the people of the world
closer to one another. It changes moods and behaviours of people from
conservative liberal. It purifies the society from superstitions, evils and fake
stories by presenting bold topic through channels and talk shows. It has
upgraded the living standards through new household styles. It opens new
avenues of success for the youth. It is highly productive in moulding the
characters and morals of the young generation. Entertainment provided by it
has filled the lives with the colours of joy and happiness.
Media is also not behind in religious sphere. It presents authentic information
through competent scholars. It seeks answer of publics questions which
remain unheard and unexplained. It also highlights religious events like
Moharam, Eid, Miraj and the Holy Ramadan. Moreover, sectarian disharmony
is minimised by putting forward the views of competent scholars and
enlightened Ulemas.
Now, lets scrutinize the negative effects of media.
Blackmailing by the media persons to get personal gains.
Sensationalism of news to get cheap popularity.
To show one as evil and other as liberator continuously repeating the
comments and visuals.
Vulgarity due to inflow of foreign culture. The English and Indian channels
are affecting the moral of the youth.
Time wastage due to constant watching the dramas.
Simplicity is diminishing due to more materialism.
Generation gap is increasing.
Weakening religious impression due to foreign culture.
In Pakistan, the responsibility of media is much more than any other media in
the world. Pakistan needs a big change and as now media is the only
powerful source to bring this change. Pakistani media must understand that
it presents a country which is of a high importance not only for Islamic World
but also for the peace in the whole world. It depicts the culture of Pakistan. It
must present the true picture of Islam before the world. In Pakistan, most of
the channels of media are highly politicized. Some of them are highly Islamic
and others are of highly ultra-mod. This shows the existence of two totally
different types of media in Pakistan which is creating a cultural gap This gap
has divided the society into two fragments one with fundamental thought
Location: Lahore
Posts: 162
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Thanked 71 Times in 54 Posts
i think you can also add
1-western media vs islamic media....
2-domination of western media and its influence on eastern side
*you can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you
can by what others say about him*-leo aikman!
The Following User Says Thank You to rabia butt For This Useful Post:
Roshan wadhwani (Wednesday, July 13, 2011)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
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Location: Pakhtoonkhwa
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Overall a nice attempt.
Here are a few suggesions.
1.Omitt What is Media?
2. Look at the length of your next 10 paragraphs after the first one. They are
just two lines whcih is not at all recommended.
3. Avoid such kind of sentences in essays.
First of all, we would consider positive effects of media on society. It provides
effects on society are as under:
Now, lets scrutinize the negative effects of media
Keep it up you will do good Inshallah.
"Age wrinkles the body, but disobeying Allah wrinkles the soul."
The Following User Says Thank You to MaShWaNeE For This Useful Post:
Roshan wadhwani (Wednesday, July 13, 2011)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Roshan wadhwani
40th CTP (FSP)
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Location: Islamabad, MoFA
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Originally Posted by rabia butt
i think you can also add
1-western media vs islamic media....