Easy Turkish

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The lessons...... are accessible through the below menu.

If you're new here then of course you should start with lesson
1. The following lessons are eached based on the former
lesson. It therefore makes sense to work yourself through one
unit after another.
At the end of each lesson there is a small vocabulary list which
you should learn in order to be able passing the exercises.
If you prefer printed paper it's of course possible to print out
each unit.
There is also a book version of this website but this book is
currently only available in German language. More information
Lesson 01

Lesson 02

Lesson 03

Lesson 04

Lesson 05

Lesson 06

Lesson 07

Lesson 08

Lesson 09

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Lesson 12

Lesson 13

Lesson 14

Lesson 15

Lesson 16

Lesson 17

Grammar Overview

Lessons' Overview


Hello, How
Are You?

May I Introduce

Let's Go Shopping!

Let's Go

I Don't Feel

Driver's Licence and Signs, Warnings and

ID please!

Lesson 01

Ok, were not going to slam you with information and

thousands of facts about where, why and how Turkish language
occured. For sure this kind of information is better available
from online encyclopedias and search engines. No, at this point
we just get started with learning. First we are going to pass
you some basic information about Turkish which is necessary to
understand and enables you to get comfortable with the
"system" of Turkish language.
Turkish uses the latin alphabet, just like English. Additionally
there are some more letters which stand for a special sound.
The letters W, X and Q dont exist in Turkish alphabet, as they
are formed differently: for example Van (V like W), Taksi
(instead of Taxi) and K is the same sound as Q.
Therefore Turkish alphabet looks as follows (you can play each
letter to hear the pronounciation):
C - c (like J in JUNGLE)
- (like CH in CHANCE)
G - g (like G in GARDEN, never like G in GENERAL)
- (yumuak g, its a special sound which is acutally not
spoken, it just lengthens the vowel; just occures after vowels
and never at the beginning of a word, for example yamur =
the rain sounds more like yaa-mur)
H - h (always spoken, like H in HOTEL)
I - (this again is a special sound, it looks like an i, but notice
that its not dotted. It sounds like an E in TIGER)
- i (sounds like EE in BEE, this time dotted, which is important
as it is also dotted in capital letter)
J - j (similar to C but softer, usually used for words originated
from French language, like jandarma = gendarmerie)

O - o (like O in SOFT, never like O in BOW)
- (like U in BURGER)
R - r (strongly rolled, even more than the usual English R)
S - s (sharp S like in BUS)
- (like SH in SHOP)
U u (OO like in BOOK, never spoken like YOU)
- (EW like in FEW)
V - v (like W in WATER)
Z - z (ZZ like in BUZZ)
In Turkish there is no gender like he, she, it and no definite
article like the. Actually Turkish is a perfectly emancipated
language which makes things much easier, doesnt it? But there
is an indefinite article: bir which is also the digit 1. Here we
are, you just learned another turkish word. Tebrikler
(Congratulations!) you see, just learned another one. Lets
keep this speed:
The personal prounouns are as follows:
ben = I
sen = you
o = he, she, it
biz = we
siz = you (plural) (siz is also the polite form)
onlar = they
In Turkish there is the so called vowel harmony, which is
differed in Little and GREAT VOWEL HARMONY. This is a
MUST KNOW as it is the base for following grammar
knowledge. Make yourself now familiar with the vowel
harmony, though you still dont know exactly how to use it. But
it will be clear to you soon.

The turkish vowels are: a, e, , i, o, , u,

Little Vowel Harmony:
a - - o - u is followed by a
e - i - - is followed by e
Great Vowel Harmony:
a - is followed by
e i is followed by i
o - u is followed by u
- is followed by
Examples which make these rules clear will follow later.
Turkish is an agglutinated language which means that most
words are formed with suffixes. Even complete sentences can
therefore made with one word. Examples will also follow later
as at this point we dont want to irritate you too much.
Normally you know the 4 cases:
nominative (basic form)
accusative (who or what?)
dative (whom?)
genitive (whose?).
They also exist in Turkish but apart from that you have to learn
ablative (from woher or from what?) and
lokative (where?).
Therefore Turkish has 6 cases but as you will notice later its
not that complicated.
Actually the phrase construction is summarized easily: Put the
verb at the end of the sentence. Every other word prior to the
verb can be placed almost in any order. Maybe here and there

some wild combinations might sound strange but nevertheless

you will be understood - as long as you keep the verb at the
sentence's end
If you learned and understood these five basic informations you
already made a big step in learning Turkish. Actually Turkish is
not a very complicated language. The only problem if it might
be one is the pronounciation. But even that can be learned.
And anyway just dont be shy using what you learned. It can
open hearts and an old turkish saying says:
Her dil insandr! = Every language is a human!
abece = the alphabet; ngilizce = English (the language!);
bir = one, digit 1; dil = the language, the tongue; gne =
the sun; her = every; jandarma = the gendarmerie; insan =
the human; otobs = the bus; okul = the school; taksi = the
taxi; Trke = Turkish (the language!); Van = a town in
Turkey; yamur = the rain

Exercise 01
1) Translate following words:
Van = ...
Taksi = ...
yamur = ...
jandarma = ...
abece = ...
ngilizce = ...
Trke = ...
okul = ...
gne = ...
dil = ...
her = ...
otobs = ...
insan = ...
2) According to the Little Vowel Harmony which letter follows to
the listed vowels?:
a - ...
- ...
i - ...

e - ...
o - ...
3) According to the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY which letter follows
to the listed vowels?:
e - ...
a - ...
i - ...
- ...
- ...

Lesson 02
2.1. VERBS

Turkish verbs always end on -mak or -mek. ALWAYS! There is no

exception, isnt that great? And now we arrived at the vowel harmony.
What luck you hammered this vowel harmony into your head before. The
endings -mak and -mek depend on the little vowel harmony. In detail:
If the last vowel of the verb stem is an a, , o or u then the verb always
ends with -mak. Logically in all other cases (e, i, or ) the verb ends
with -mek. Normally you learn the verbs simply in their basic form but it
could be helpful to understand why one verb ends with -mak but the
other with -mek.
yapmak = to do
kmak = to go out
bozmak = to break
uyumak = to sleep
sevmek = to love
getirmek = to bring

lmek = to die
dnmek = to think
Maybe it is getting more clear why there is a vowel harmony anyway. As
the name says its about the harmony, in fact at speaking. It sounds more
harmonical to say yapmak instead of "yapmek". bilmek is also easier to
speak out then "bilmak". Even if its not that clear for you, dont mind.
Later it will be much more clear for you.
Well, now that you know the difference between the basic verb (infinitve)
and the verb stem you know also how to form the
The verb stem is automatically the infinitive for 2nd person singular:
yap! = do! (2nd person singular)
k! = get out! (2nd person singular)
boz! = break!(2nd person singular - bozmak can also be used for
changing money, making bills to coins)
uyu! = sleep! (2nd person singular)
sev! = love! (2nd person singular)
getir! = bring! (2nd person singular)
l! = die! (2nd person singular - not very kind but primary this is about
the grammar)
dn! = think! (2nd person singular)

For forming the infinitve in 2nd person plural you just add the suffix -in.
ATTENTION! This suffix is related to the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY,
which means if the verb stem's last vowel is an
a or , suffix -in changes to -n
e or i, suffix -in stays unchanged
o or u, suffix -in changes to -un
or , suffix -in changes to -n
yapn! = do!
kn! = go out!
bozun! = break!
uyuyun! = sleep!
sevin! = love!
getirin! = bring!

ln! = die!
dnn! = think!
Remember that in Turkish the 2nd person plural is also the polite form in
which you speak to unknown or elder people or respected persons (like
your boss). In daily language its not unpolite to speak to people in 2nd
person singular (sen = you, 2nd person singular) when its obvious that
they are of same age or younger. If you are not sure, just choose the
polite form. The reaction of your conversation partner will let you know if
you exaggerate ;-)
By the way: if a verb stem already ends with a vowel (like uyu-) we add
a y prior to the suffix. You will notice that in such cases this happens
often: If two vowels meet, the Turks prefers to separate these squabblers
with a "y".
Now you also learn how to negate an imperative as this can be realized
easily. You only have to add -me oder -ma to the verb stem, depending
on the Little Vowel Harmony. For our know verb examples this then
looks as follows:
yapma! = don't do! (2nd person singular)
kma! = don't go out! (2nd person singular)
bozma! = don't break! (2nd person singular)

uyuma! = don't sleep! (2nd person singular)

sevme! = don't love! (2nd person singular)
getirme! = don't bring! (2nd person singular)
lme! = don't die! (2nd person singular)
dnme! = don't think! (2nd person singular)
Negating in 2nd person plural just requires putting -me/-ma in front of
the suffix -in.
Notice, as two vowels cannot put next to each other, again an y has to be
inserted between the two suffixes:
yapmayn! = don't do! (2nd person plural)
kmayn! = don't go out! (2nd person plural)
bozmayn! = don't break! (2nd person plural)
uyumayn! = don't sleep! (2nd person plural)
sevmeyin! = don't love! (2nd person plural)
getirmeyin! = don't bring! (2nd person plural)
lmeyin! = don't die! (2nd person plural)
dnmeyin! = don't think! (2nd person plural)
Maybe you noticed that the last suffixes now just are -in or -n. It is still
following the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY but as the negation form just is
either -ma or -me it can only follow -n or -in. For example negating
uyuyun cannot be "uyumayun" or dnn cannot be "dnmeyn"
sounds strange, even for a Turk.
amak = to open; alamak = to cry; almak = to take; binmek = to
get in, to board; brakmak = to leave, to let go; bozmak = to break, to
change money; kmak = to get out; dnmek = to think; getirmek
= to bring; glmek = to laugh; lmek = to die; sevmek = to love;
uymak = to adapt yourself; vermek = to give; vurmak = to beat
someone; yapmak = to make

Exercise 0

1) What is the infinitive form of the following verb stems and

what is the according translation?:
al- = ...
getir- = ...
a- = ...
vur- = ...
gl- = ...
sev- = ...
2) What is the 2nd person SINGULAR imperative, the negation of
the imperative and the according translation for the following
alamak - ... - ...
binmek - ... - ...
brakmak - ... - ...
vermek - ... - ...
uymak - ... - ...
3) What is the 2nd person PLURAL imperative, the negation of the
imperative and the according translation for the verbs of task 2)?:


Lesson 03
Lets go on with the simple things...


sfr = 0
bir = 1
iki = 2
= 3
drt = 4
be = 5
alt = 6
yedi = 7
sekiz = 8
dokuz = 9
on = 10
The next numbers then just are simple combinations:

bir = 11
iki = 12
= 13
dokuz = 19

Now the tenners, also just combinations:

yirmi = 20
yirmi bir = 21
yirmi iki = 22
yirmi = 23
yirmi drt = 24
otuz = 30
krk = 40
elli = 50
altm = 60
yetmi = 70
seksen = 80
doksan = 90
yz = 100
yz bir = 101
yz on bir = 111
yz yirmi bir = 121
iki yz = 200
yz = 300
bin = 1,000
bin bir = 1,001
bin iki yz doksan bir = 1,291

on bin = 10,000
yz bin = 100,000
bir milyon = 1,000,000
iki milyon = 2,000,000
bir milyar = 1 billion
Learning the numbers also includes the ordinals. For this we need a new
-(i)nci (the vowel in bracks is just used if the number ends on a
The suffix depens on the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY:







the suffix must be -nc.

i the suffix must be -inci.
u the suffix must be -uncu.
the suffix must be -nc.

birinci = 1st
ikinci = 2nd
nc = 3rd
drdnc = 4th (notice that t is modified to d)
beinci = 5th
altnc = 6th
yedinci = 7th
sekizinci = 8th
dokuzuncu = 9th
onuncu = 10th
on birinci = 11th
yirminci = 20th
otuzuncu = 30th
yznc = 100th
milyonuncu = 1,000,000th
milyarnc = billionth
Lets have a closer look to drdnc as you surely wondered why t
changes to d. This is because of the "harmony". There are the so called
"Hard Consonantes" k, p and t. Always keeping them sometimes doesn't

sound "harmonic" for turkish ears. For example, its easier to speak out
drdnc instead of "drtncu". Try it, which word is more fluently to
speak? Exactly... But its also a question of feeling. With the time you get
used to which sounds more harmonic as you develop a sense for the
Modification of "Hard Consonantes" is very usual so better get familiar
with it.
But these three letters are not the only "Hard Consonantes", there are
also , f, h, s and . These consonantes are not getting modified but they
harden the following suffix (depending on the suffix also after k, p and t).
These will be more understandable in following lessons, but we mention it
here, so you have a fair chance to get mentally prepared.
Forming the plural is almost as easy as in English. You just have to add a
-lar or -ler, following the Little Vowel Harmony:
If last vowel is an a, , o or u then use -lar.
If last vowel is an e, i, or then use -ler.
araba = the car - arabalar = (the) cars
oda = the room - odalar = (the) rooms
ocuk = the child - ocuklar = (thee) children
pencere = the window - pencereler = (the) windows
kedi = the cat - kediler = (the) cats
(Remember that in Turkish there are no definite articles!)
BUT: If you indicate a quantity you dont have to use the plural form
anymore. What does that mean?
For example you say in English:
one car, two cars, three cars, a undefined quantity of cars... thus if the
quantity of cars is more than one, in English you are forced to use the
plural. Not so in Turkish:
bir araba = a car
arabalar = (we don't know how many) cars
iki araba = two cars
araba = three cars
The Turk prefers the simple way and thinks: If anyway the number
indicates that I speak about many cars, why forming additionally a plural?

Another hint: You can combine the plural also with names, which can be
the description of a complete "clan" or group of people. This can be
Mehmetler = the "Mehmets", which can mean: brothers, sisters, father,
mother of Mehmet or his (closest) friends, etc.
Mehmetler gelecek. = The Mehmets (Mehmet and his family) will come.
Its even not unusual for English ears as it could be translated with:
Mehmet and Co.
The expressions there is and there is not are used very often in
var = there is
yok = there is not
Thats it, you dont need more.
You in are shop and would like to buy vegetables. So you ask the vender:
Domates var m? = Are there tomatoes?
(in this context it means something more like: Do you have tomatoes?)
In lesson 1 you have learned the personal pronouns ben, sen, o, biz,
siz, onlar (I, you, he/she/it, we, you (plural), they). By adding another
suffix you form the possessive pronouns:
benim = my
senin = your
onun = his/her/its
bizim = our
sizin = your (plural or polite form)
onlarn = their
Combinating with nouns these possessive pronouns never change.
benim araba = my car
senin akraba = your relative

But usually these possessive pronouns are not used but replaced by
another suffix added to the noun. The pronouns itself are used to
emphasize that something is YOURS, HIS, MY, etc So without possessive
pronouns it looks as follows:
arabam = my car
araban = your car
arabas = his/her/its car
arabamz = our car
arabanz = your (plural or polite form) car
arabas = their car
Explanation: The possessive suffixes are determined by the GREAT
VOWEL HARMONY, so the complete list looks as follows:
1st person singular: -(i)m / -()m / -(u)m / -()m
2nd person singular: -(i)n / -()n / -(u)n / -()n
3rd person singular: -(s)i / -(s)) / -(s)u / -(s)
1st person plural: -(i)miz / -()mz / -(u)muz / -()mz
2nd person plural: -(i)niz / -()nz / -(u)nuz / -()nz
3rd prson plural: -(s)i / -(s)) / -(s)u / -(s) as in 3rd person singular)
In case the noun ends on a consonate you dont need the letter in bracks:
arabas (his/her car), kedin (your cat), evimiz (our house),
glnz (your (plural or polite form) rose), kitaplar (his/her books)
In case of a proper name (names, towns, countries) you separate the
suffix with an apostrophe:
ngiltere'si... (England's...), stanbul'u... (Istanbul's...), Lale'si...
Another example but already anticipated with a genitive construction:
Mehmet'in arabas. = Mehmets car. Literally: Of Mehmet his car...
(Mehmet'in is a genitive construction)).
In next lesson we are going to deal with all cases. Then this example
sentence will be more clear.
By the way: As in English in Turkish proper nouns are always written with
a capital letter at the beginning. Apart from that in you write always with
small letters - except on a sentence's beginning of course!


3.6.1 Questions with "mi"

With mi you have the possibility of forming simple questions. These are
just simple yes/no questions.
Gelecek mi? = Will he/she/it come? This question can be answered
with yes or no, "from where" or "to where" doesn't matter.
Depending on in which person you are asking, mi gets modified:
miyim = referring to myself => Gelecek miyim? = Will I come?
misin = referring to you => Gelecek misin? = Will you come?
mi = referring to him/her/it => Gelecek mi? = Will he/she/it come?
miyiz = referring to us => Gelecek miyiz = Will we come?
misiniz = referring to you (plural) => Gelecek misiniz? = Will you
(plural) come?
mi = referring to them ==> Gelecekler mi? = Will they come?
The verb is always in 3rd person and you adjust mi accordingly to the
related person (except in 3rd person as mi is already the 3rd person
question particle). In plural 3rd person the verb of course has to be
modified to plural form, but mi itself remains unchanged.
Important to know that mi is determined by the GREAT VOWEL
- if last vowel of the anterior word is an a or , then mi changes to m
(=>accordingly mym, msn, m, myz, msnz, m)
- if last vowel of the anterior word is an e or i, then mi remains
(=>accordingly miyim, misin, mi, miyiz, misiniz, mi)
- if last vowel of the anterior word is an o or u, then mi changes to mu
(=>accordingly muyum, musun, mu, muyuz, musunuz, mu)
- if last vowel of the anterior word is an or ,then mi changes to m
(=>accordingly mym, msn, m, myz, msnz, m)
Sigaran var m? =Do you have a cigarette? (literally: Is there your
Kaleminiz var m? = Do you (plural) have a pen? (literally: Is there your
Kalyor musun? = Do you stay?
(Note: These examples include already the possessiv pronuns and
Continuous Present which will be explained in later. Here its just about
the mi.)
3.6.2 Other interrogative words
Kim? = Who? - Example: O kim? or Kim o? = Who is this?
Ne? = What? - Example: Ne yapyorsun? = What are you doing?

Nerede? = Where? - Example: Kitap nerede? = Where is the book?

Nereye? = Where to? - Example: Nereye gidiyorsun? = Where are you
Neden? or Niye? = Why? - Example: Neden/Niye gittin? = Why did
you go?
Nasl? = How? - Example: Nasl dinleniyoruz? = How do we rest?
Hangi? = Which? - Example: Hangi araba? = Welches Auto?
Ka? or Ne kadar? = How much/many? Example: Fiyat ne
kadar/ka? = How much is it? (literally: Its price is how much?)
amak = to open; akraba = the relative; araba = the car; ocuk = the
child; dinlenmek = to rest, to relax; domates = the tomato; ev = the
house; fiyat = the price; gl = the rose; hangi = which; ngiltere =
England; ka = how much; kalem = the pen; kedi = the cat; kim =
who; kitap = the book; nasl = how; ne = what; ne kadar = how
much; neden = why; nerede = where; nereye = whereto; niye = why;
oda = the room; pencere = the window; sigara = the cigarette; var =
there is/existent; yok = there is not/not existent

Exercise 03
1) What are the following numbers in written turkish form? Also
add the according ordinal (for example 1st = birinci, 2nd = ikinci,
4 = ... - ...
10 = ... - ...
12 = ... - ...
22 = ... - ...
5 = ... - ...
243 = ... - ...
1.537 = ... - ...
2) Form the plural form of the following terms and translate:
kitap = ... - ...
sigara = ... - ...
gl = ... - ...
iki oda = ... - ...
kedi = ... - ...
okul = ... - ...
sekiz dil = ... - ...
3) Correct if necessary in the following sentences the question
particle "mi" (in bracks is mentioned the person to which the

question particle should be related):

Example: (we) Eve gidiyor muyum? - wrong, it should be: Eve
gidiyor muyuz?
(he/she/it) Mehmet gelecek miyiz? - ...
(we) Kalacak miyiz? - ...
(you plural) Almanca biliyor muyum? - ...
(I) Sana verir misiniz? - ...
(he/she/it) stanbul gzel misin? - ...
4) Translate:
my house = ...
his school = ...
our car = ...
your language = ...

Lesson 04


The nominativ is just as in English the basic noun:
araba = the car
oda = the room
pencere = the window
Remember, in Turkish there is no definite article, just the indefinite article bir =
4.2.1 Who or What?
The accusative answers the question for "Who?" oder "What?".
For this you need the suffix -i which is following the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY
. Therefore the suffix can be:
-, -i, -u, -
Peyniri verir misin? = Do you pass me the cheese? (What do you pass me?)
ay iiyoruz. = We are drinking the tea. (What are we drinking?)
St getirdim. = brought the milk. (What did I bring?)
4.2.2 Ending on Hard Consonantes
Some words end with the so called "Hard Consonantes" k, p and t. Do you
remember the note in lesson 3.2? These consonantes have to be modified to ,
b and d when followed by the accusative suffix.
Mektubu aldn m? = Did you receive the letter?
mektup (= the letter) actually ends with p which has to be "softened" to a b.
Mzii duymuyorum. = I dont hear the music.
mzik (= the music) ends with k which is to be changed to
4.2.3 Vowel Ending
If the noun ends with a vocal, y has to be inserted.
Oday grdn m? = Did you see the room?
Ltfen kapy kapat. = Please close the door.
BUT: If the vocal ending results from a possessive suffix or pronoun, then you
DON'T insert y, but n:


Peyniri verir misin? = Do you pass me THE cheese?

Onun peynirini verir misin? = Do you pass me HER/HIS cheese?

Use first the possessive pronoun with its related possessive suffix ( blue), then
add the accusative suffix (green) connected with an n, not y.
Onun peyniriyi verir misin? would be therefore wrong!
We recommend you to use always the possessive pronoun when speaking in 3rd
person plural (onun/onlarin). This way you make sure that there is no mix up
of accussative suffix with possessive suffix, as they are the same when ending
on a vowel:
... bisikleti... on its own could mean "the bicycle" in accusative or "his/her
bicycle" as possessive. Usually the intended meaning results from the context of
the sentences.
4.2.4 Proper Nouns
You have to add an apostrophe to separate the noun from the suffix.
Mehmet'i grdm. = I saw Mehmet.
Trke'yi reniyorum. = I'm learning (the) Turkish (language).
4.2.5 Accusative Pronouns
The accusative pronouns of personal pronouns are:
beni = me
seni = you (famous example: Seni seviyorum. = I love you.)
onu = him/her/it
bizi = us
sizi = you (plural or polite form)
onlar = them
4.3.1 Whom?... or Whereto?
Usually dative answers the question for "Whom?". Additionally in Turkish the
dative form is also used for "Whereto?". Therefore dative in Turkish is frequently
used with verbs expressing movement. Here we need the suffx -e/-a,
determined by the Little Vowel Harmony:
Eve gidiyorum. = I'm going home. (Whereto?)
Havuza gidiyor. = He/she goes to the swimming bath.(Whereto?)
Ona anlatacam. = I will tell it to him/her. (Whom?)
4.3.2 Ending on Hard Consonantes
As well as in accusative the consonantes are modified. , k, p and t prior to the
suffix are softended to c, , b and d:
ocua bir masal okudum. = I read a fairy tale to the child.

4.3.3 Vowel Ending

If the noun ends with a vocal, y has to be inserted.
Masaya koydum. = I've put in on the tabel. (Where?)
Lokantaya gidiyor. = He/she/it goes to the cookshop. (Whereto?)
... except the vowel ending results from a possessive. Then again you insert an
n insteat of a y:

Onun masasna koydum. = I've put it on his/her table.

4.3.4 Proper Nouns
You have to add an apostrophe to separate the noun from the suffix.
Deniz'e gveniyorum. = I trust in Deniz.
4.3.5 Dative Pronouns
The dative pronouns are:
bana = me (Example: Bana verir misin? = Do you give me?)
sana = you
ona = him/her/it
bize = us
size = you (plural or polite form)
onlara = them
4.4.1 Whose?
Genitive is the answer to "Whose?". You already know a genitive construction
from the example in lesson 3.5:
Mehmet'in arabas. = literal translation: Of Mehmet his car? (Whose car?)
Genitive is formed with the suffix -in. And as it is determined by the GREAT
VOWEL HARMONY it can change to:
-n, -in, -un, -n.
Some example sentences (green the genitive suffix, blue the according
possessive suffix which is familiar to you from lesson 3.5):
bakkaln penceresi = the shop's window (whose window)
onun salar = his/her hair (whose hair?)
4.4.2 Ending on Hard Consonantes
As well as in accusative the consonantes are modified. , k, p and t prior to the
suffix are softended to c, , b and d:
bisikletin tekerlei = the bicycle's tyre respectively simply: the bicycle tyre tekerlek ends actually on k, but is to be softened to prior to the suffix.
4.4.3 Vowel Ending
If the noun ends with a vocal, n has to be inserted. So this time it's not a y.
odann kaps = the room door (the room's door)

4.4.4 Proper Nouns

As usual an apostrophe separates the suffix from the noun:
Trkiye'nin plajlar = the Turkey beaches (the beaches of Turkey)
4.4.5 Exceptions in Genitive
Well, there is an exception: After some words with vowel ending you have to
insert y instead of n as mentioned in 4.4.3:
su = water and
ne = what.
Suyun rengi mavidir. = The colour of water is blue.
-dir in mavidir is a "to be" construction you still don't know. We will come back
to this later. k in renk (= the colour) has been softened to g instead , which in
this case is an exception, too.
Neyin faydas? = The advantage of what?
Why these exceptions? It's obvious: to make it not too easy for foreigners to
learn Turkish. A piece of exclusivty should be kept.
4.5.1 From where, from who or from what?
The ablative is the contrary of dative. With the ablative you answer the
questions "from where?", "from who?" and "from what?". The ablative is formed
with -den/-dan, depending on the Little Vowel Harmony.
Evden kyorum. = I'm going out of the house.
Lokantadan geliyor. = He/she/it comes from the cookshop.
4.5.2 Ending on Hard Consonantes
If a word ends on a hard consonante there is NO softening. This time the
following suffix gets hardened, so -den/-dan is modified to -ten/-tan . This
rule is valid for all hard consonantes , f, h, k, p, s, and t:
Kitaptan rendim. = I learned from the book.
4.5.3 Proper Nouns
An apostrophe separates the suffix from the noun:
Mehmet'ten akma aldim. = I received the fire lighter from Mehmet.
stanbul'dan geliyorum. = I'm coming from Istanbul.
4.6.1 Where?
And finally we also have to be able to answer the question "where?", which leads
us to the locative. This is to be formed with the suffix -de/-da determined by
the Little Vowel Harmony.


Lokantada. = In the cookshop.
Evde. = In the house.
4.6.2 Ending on Hard Consonantes
Also here the following suffixe have to be hardened, so -de/-da are then -te/ta:
Sokakta. = On the street.
4.6.3 Proper Nouns
Once again insert an apostrophe to separate the suffix :
ngiltere'de. = In England.
Mehmet'te. = At Mehmet.
4.6.4 Remarks to the Locative
a) The locative suffix -de/-da is not to be mixed up with the word de or da
which means "too". It is a single word following the Little Vowel Harmony.

de evde. = Mehmet is at home, too.

O da lokantada. = He/she/it is in the cookshop, too.
Ben de gidiyorum. = I go, too.

b) The locative can be combined with var/yok as well as with the question
particle mi:
Antalya'da plaj

var m? = Is there a beach in Antalya, too?

c) The location prepositions are also connected with the locative:

nerede = where? which you already know. Furthermore:
burada = here
urada = there (visible)
orada = (over) there (not visible anymore)
Colloquially these prepositions are sometims shortend to
nerde, burda, urda and orda.

Burda plaj yok. = Here is no beach.

Ama orda havuz var. = But over there is a swimming bath.
Forming the different case suffixes it's important to know that not the way of
writing but the pronounciation determines the suffixes. This remark especially
refers to non-turkish names. The following examples should clarify what this
Burbanks'de. = In Burbanks.

=> The last vowel in Burbanks is an a, nevertheless the Turk would use de and
not "da", because of the way the a is spoken which determines the suffix de.
Burbanks'den (instead of 'dan). = From Burbanks.
Burbanks'e (instead of 'a). = To Burbanks.
anlatmak = to tell; bakkal = the grocery shop; bisiklet = the bicycle;
akmak = the fire lighter; ay = the tea; de/da = too; duymak = to hear;
fayda = the advantage; grmek = to see; gvenmek = to trust; havuz = the
swimming bath; imek = to drink; kapatmak = to close; kap = the door;
koymak = to put, to place; lokanta = the cookshop, place where you can eat
snacks; ltfen = please; masa = the table; masal = the fairy tale; mavi =
blue; mektup = the letter; mzik = the music; renmek = to learn;
retmek = to teach; okumak = to read - also: to study; peynir = the
cheese; plaj = the beach; renk = the colour; sa = the hair; sokak = the
street; su = the water; st = the milk; tekerlek = the tyre

Exercise 04
1) Form the accusative construction of following words:
Example: araba = arabay
kap = ...
renk = ...
lokanta = ...
masa = ...
Lale = ...
bisiklet = ...
su = ...
sokak = ...
st = ...
2) Form the dative construction of the words of task 1):
Example: araba = arabaya
= ...
= ...
= ...
= ...
= ...
= ...
= ...
= ...
= ...
3) Form the following word pairs into a genitive-possessive construction
and translate:
Example: ev, kap = evin kaps (the house door)
su, renk = ...

Lale, gl = ...
lokanta, kap = ...
Mehmet, ay = ...
plaj, fayda = ...
o, mektub = ...
4) Form each locative and ablative form of following words:
Example: araba = arabada, arabadan
plaj = ...
Londra = ...
sokak = ...
kap = ...
bakkal = ...
ev = ...
5) Translate:
a) Is there a shop here? = ...
b) Over there (visible) is a cookshop. = ...
c) Is there (not visible) water, too? = ...
d) Please bring me the water. = ...
e) Please close (polite form) the door, too. = ...


Lesson 05
5.1 "TO BE"
In order to be something in Turkish you need following suffixes:
1st person singular (I am): -(y)im / -(y)m / -(y)um / -(y)n
2nd person singular (you are): -sin / -sn / -sun / -sn
3rd person singular (he/she/it is): -dir / -dr / -dur / -dr
1st person plural (we are): -(y)iz / (y)z / -(y)uz / -(y)z
2nd person plural (you are): -siniz / -snz / -sunuz / -snz
3rd person plural (they are): -dirler / -drlar / -durlar / -drler
These suffixes follow the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY.
The letter y is put in bracks as it is only used if the word ends on a vowel.
Ususally the suffix is not used in 3rd person. For reasons of completeness we
mentioned it anyway. Some example sentences:
yiyim. = I'm good. (which has two meanings, "to be good" in the meaning of
"good and evil" or "to be good, fine" as response to "how are you?")
yisin. = Your're good.
yi(dir). = He/she/it is fine.
yiyiz. = We're good.
yisiniz. = You're (plural or polite form) good.
yi(dirler). = They're good.
Ktsn. = You're bad.
Hastaym. = I'm ill.
As usual proper nouns are separated with an apostrophe:
stanbul'dur. = This is Istanbul.
Mehmet'im. = I'm Mehmet.
Examples in combination with the locative:
Evdeyim. = I'm at home.
Trkiye'deyiz. = We're in Turkey.
Lokantada(dr). = He/she/it is in the cookshop.
The suffix for "to be" is a verb. Remember that verbs should always be put a the
sentence's end? Here the sentences consist only of one word but still the verb
(suffix) remains at the end.
Also you can combine with the known interrogative words:
Naslsn? = How are you?

Kimsiniz? = Who are you (plural or polite form)?

Nerdeyiz? = Where are we?
To express "not to be" you need an additional word: deil.
This is placed before the "to be" suffix. If you use for instance an adjective like
iyi or hasta, this remains unchanged and you put deil after it, extended by
the accordig "to be" suffix.

deil(ler). = They're not good.

Kt deilsin. = You're not bad.
Hasta deilim. = I'm not ill.
Evde deilim. = I'm not at home.
Trkiye'de deiliz. = We're not in Turkey.
Lokantada deil(dir). = He/she/it isn't in the cookshop.


Turkish doesnt offer an explicit verb for "to have". Instead it is a combination of
possessive suffixes and var/yok. As you already know both components, you
therefore know how "to have something" in Turkish: :

var. = I have a bicycle. - literally: My bicycele is existent.

Cep telefonu yok. = He/she has a mobile. - literally: His/her mobile is not
Also you already know this construction possessive + var/yok related to the
interrogative particle mi (examples in lesson 3.6.1):

var m? = Do you have a cigarette?

Kaleminiz var m? = Do you (plural or polite form) have a pen?
bu = this; byk = big; cep = the pocket; cep telefonu = the mobile, cell
phone; anta = the bag; hasta = ill; iyi = good; kt = bad, evil; kk =
small; poet = the shopping bag; u = this


Exercise 05
1) Translate to Turkish:
She's good. = ...
They are ill. = ...
The table is blue. = ...
I'm not in Ankara. = ...
The bicycle is in my house. = ...
2) Another translation task:
We don't have a cookshop. = ...
This is our grocery shop. = ...
The window is big. = ...
The street isn't small. = ...


Lesson 06
Definition: An action which is taking place just in this moment. This form is equal
to the English present continuous (-ing form).
Formed with the suffix -(i)yor.
This suffix follows the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY:
If the last vowel in verb stem is an a or , you change -iyor to -yor.
If the last vowel in verb stem is an e or i, -iyor remains unchanged.
If the last vowel in verb stem is an o or u, you change -iyor to -uyor.
If the last vowel in verb stem is an or , you change -iyor to -yor.
The vowels i, , u und are put in bracks because they only occur if the verb
stem ends on a consonante.
Additionally to the suffix for (i)yor-present you have to add the personal
pronoun suffix. It is similar to the forms you learned in lesson 5.1 "to be" with
two exceptions in each 3rd person:
-(i)yorum = 1st person singular I
-(i)yorsun = 2nd person singular you
-(i)yor = ATTENTION! Here there is no personal pronoun suffix as the basic
(i)yor-form is already 3rd person singular he/she/it
-(i)yoruz = 1st person plural we
-(i)yorsunuz = 2nd person plural you (or polite form)
-(i)yorlar = 3rd person plural they
yapmak = to do (=> verb stem yap-):
yapyorum = I'm doing
yapyorsun = you're doing
yapyor = he/she/it is doing
yapyoruz = we're doing
yapyorsunuz = you're (plural or polite form) doing
yapyorlar = they're doing
The personal pronuns (ben, sen, o, etc.) usually are just used for emphasizing:
ben yapyorum = ICH mache gerade!
Another example:
dnmek = to think (=> verb stem dn-):

dnyorum = I'm thinking

dnyorsun = you're thinking
dnyor = he/she/it is thinking
dnyoruz = we're thinking
dnyorsunuz = you're (plural or polite form) thinking
dnyorlar = they're thinking
Another verb which is often used makes an exception when using the (i)yorpresent:
demek = to say (=> verb stem de- but):
diyorum = I'm saying
diyorsun = you're saying
diyor = he/she/it is saying
diyoruz = we're saying
diyorsunuz = you're (plural or polite form) saying
diyorlar = they're saying
The e of the verb stem is getting transfered into an i. This way the word can be
speaken more easily, instead of "deyorum". The same happens with the verb
yemek = to eat:
yiyorum, yiyorsun, ...
In Lesson 2 you learned that all turkish verbs end with -mak or -mek. For
negating the infinitive you have to add -ma/-me directly in front of -mak/mek:
yapmak = to do ==> yapmamak = not to do
vermek = to give ==> vermemek = not to give
Now, to negate the turkish continuous present we just need a single letter: -m.
This is to be added prior to the suffix -(i)yor and it looks then like this: -miyor.
Simple, isnt it? A single letter just changes the meaning of a sentence...
yapmyorum = I'm not doing
yapmyorsun = you're not doing
yapmyor = he/she/it is not doing
yapmyoruz = we're not doing
yapmyorsunuz = you're (plural or polite form) not doing
yapmyorlar = they're not doing


dnmyorum = I'm not thinking

dnmyorsun = you're not thinking
dnmyor = he/she/it is not thinking
dnmyoruz = we're not thinking
dnmyorsunuz = you're (plural or polite form) not thinking
dnmyorlar = they're not thinking
In Turkish simple present is used to express something which takes place
regularly or which is basically true. For example: every day you go to work, to
school, to university, etc.
This present is formed with the suffix -(i)r.
The suffix
If the last
If the last
If the last
If the last

is determined by GREAT VOWEL HARMONY:

vowel of the verb stem is an a or , -ir changes to -r.
vowel of the verb stem is an e or i, -ir remains unchanged.
vowel of the verb stem is an o or u, -ir changes to -ur.
vowel of the verb stem is an or , -ir changes to -r.

The suffixes for personal pronouns now change, too still following the GREAT
1st person singular: -rm / -irim / -urum / -rm
2nd person singular: -rsn / -irsin / -ursun / -rsn
3rd person singular: -r / -ir / -ur / -r (no additional suffix as basic -ir is
already the 3rd person singular)
1st person plural : -rz / -iriz / -uruz / -rz
2nd person plural: -rsnz / -irsiniz / -ursunuz / -rsnz
3rd person plural: -rlar / -irler / -urlar / -rler
dnmek = to think (=> verb stem dn-)
dnrm = I think
dnrsn = you think
dnr = he/she/it thinks
dnrz = we think
dnrsnz = you (plural or polite form) think
dnrler = they think
konumak = to talk (=> verb stem konu-)
konuurum = I talk
konuursun = you talk
konuur = he/she/it talk
konuuruz = we talk

konuursunuz = you (plural or polite form) talk

konuurlar = they talk
ATTENTION, exceptions! They are some verb stems which carry only one
syllable. This leads to a transformation of suffix -ir to -er or -ar (Little Vowel
yapmak = to do (=> verb stem yap-)
yaparm = I do
yaparsn = you do
yapar = he/she/it do
yaparz = we do
yaparsnz = you (plural or polite form) do
yaparlar = they do
dvmek = to beat up (=> verb stem dv-)
dverim = I beat up
dversin = you beat up
dver = he/she/it beat up
dveriz = we beat up
dversiniz = you (plural or polite form) beat up
dverler = they beat up
BUT: Also the monosyllabic verb stems have exceptions, which means that the
suffix for these verbs has NOT to be changed from -ir into -er/-ar:
almak = to take (alrm, alrsn, alr, ...)
bilmek = to know (bilirim, bilirsin, bilir, ...)
bulmak = to find (bulurum, bulursun, bulur, ...)
durmak = to stop (dururum, durursun,...)
gelmek = to come (gelirim, gelirsin,...)
grmek = to see (grrm, grrsn,...)
kalmak = to stay (kalrm, kalrsn,...)
olmak = to become (olurum, olursun,...)
lmek = to die (lrm, lrsn,...)
sanmak = to believe, to suppose (sanrm, sanrsn,...)
varmak = to arrive (varrm, varrsn,...)
vermek = to give (veririm, verirsin,...)
vurmak = to beat (vururum, vurursun,...)
You therefore have to keep 13 monosyllabic verb stems in mind as they make
the exception of the exception and therefore are regular again. We summarize:
1) One-syllable verb stems cause change of suffix -ir into -er/-ar.
2) Except for the 13 above mentioned verbs.


At least we present you now a real exception:

gitmek = to go (=> verb stem git-)
giderim = I go
gidersin = you go
gider = he/she/it go
gideriz = we go
gidersiniz = you (plural or polite form) go
giderler = they go
-ir is changed to -er because it's a monosyllabic word and t is softened to d. You
could say now this is because t is a hard consonante. But:
atmak = to throw (=> verb stem at-)
atarm = I throw
atarsn = you throw
atar = he/she/it throw
atarz = we throw
atarsnz = you (plural or polite form) throw
atarlar = they throw
Here again a monosyllabic verb stem with an ending on a hard consonante. But
this time there is no softening. Therefore gitmek is a real irregular verb. But no
language without irregulations. Anyway it is also more easy to say gidersin
instead of "gitersin", isn't it?
There is another verb where you soften t to d:
etmek = functional verb for "to do something"
Example: telefon etmek = to call on the phone - literally: to use the phone
(telefon ederim = I call on the phone respectively I use the phone)
By the way, also in the Continuous Present you soften t in gitmek and etmek to
d, which makes gidiyorum,... respectively ediyorum,...
In general in Turkish this present tense is also called "Aorist", though in other
languages this expression is used for past tenses. But actually you dont have to
focus on that. More important is to know how and when you use this tense.
Of course there is also a negation for the present tense. Instead of the suffix -ir
you now use the suffix -ma(z)/me(z) (Little Vowel Harmony) extended
again by the according peronal pronoun suffix. The "z" is put into bracks as it is
not used in each 1st person.
yapmam = I don't do
yapmazsn = you don't do
yapmaz = he/she/it doesn't do

yapmayz = we don't do
yapmazsnz = you (plural or polite form) don't do
yapmazlar = they don't do
dnmem = I don't think
dnmezsin = you don't think
dnmez = he/she/it don't think
dnmeyiz = we don't think
dnmezsiniz = you (plural or polite form) don't think
dnmezler = they don't think
atmak = to throw; bulmak = to find; demek = to say; dvmek = to beat up;
durmak = to stop; etmek = functional verb to use; gelmek = to come;
grmek = to see; kalmak = to stay; konmak = to land; olmak = to become;
sanmak = to believe, to suppose; varmak = to achieve, to arrive; yemek = to
eat - or: the meal; yenmek = to win over

Exercise 06
1) Decline following known verbs in "iyor" and "ir" present tense and
also form the according negations:
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...


... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...




2) Following you still don't know. But nevertheless you're able to

decline in the two present tenses and form the according negations:
yazmak (to write)
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
bytmek (to enlarge, to exaggerate)
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
doldurmak (to fill in)
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ... - ...


Lesson 07
The simple past describes actions which are completed, for example actions
which happened yesterday, last week or longer time ago. So it is the tense for
"experienced and/or narrated past".
Formed with the suffix di it is determined by the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY,
so it can be
-d, -di, -du or -d.
bilmek = to known (=> verb stem bil-)
bildim = I knew
bildin = you knew
bildi = he/she/it knew
bildik = we knew
bildiniz = you (plural or polite form) knew
bildiler = they knew
As you may have noticed in 1st person plural the personal pronoun suffix now
ends with a "k" instead of "z".
Of course also in this tense the famous "Hard Consonantes" use their influence.
But this time they dont get softened. Do you remember the hint in lesson 3.2?
Some suffixes get hardened when a word ends with one of the hard
consonantes. Therefore the simple past suffix has to pass a two fisted training in
order to being able standing these consonantes and is changed to -ti:
yaptm = I did
yaptn = you did
yapt = he/she/it did
yaptk = we did
yaptnz = you (plural or polite form) did
yaptlar = they did
Also here it might be more clear that its more easy to speak out yaptm instead
of "yapdm". Otherwise it would just sound too... hmmm... just too soft!
Another example:
almak = to work (=> verb stem al-)
altm = I worked
altn = you worked

alt = he/she/it worked

altk = we worked
altnz = you (plural or polite forem) worked
altlar = they worked
At the same time the suffix -di is also to past form of "to be":
bykt = he/she/it was big
When ending on a vowel insert a y:
hastayd = he/she/it was ill
Furthermore you probably had or had not something in the past:
Arabam vard. = I had a car.
Arabam yoktu. = I didn't have a car.
Short and painless: Negation of simple past is made by the suffix -ma/-me
which is put in front of the past tense suffix:
yapmadm = I didn't do
yapmadn = you didn't do
yapmad = he/she/it didn't do
yapmadk = we didn't do
yapmadnz = you (plural or polite form) didn't do
yapmadlar = they didn't do
This time the di suffix doesnt have to be hardened as it is "protected" by the
negation particle.
Another particle:
dnmedim = I didn't think
dnmedin = you didn't think
dnmedi = he/she/it didn't think
dnmedik = we didn't think
dnmediniz = you (plural or polite form) didn't think
dnmediler = they didn't think
Remember: "to be" in Turkish is negated with deil. So then -di as the past
suffix of "to be":
byk deildi = he/she/it wasn't big

With this past tense you describe exactly the same as in English: an action which
was about to take place but wasnt completed. So it is the past counterpart to
the continuous present (-iyor). You were about to do something as something
else happened.
Formed with the suffix -(i)yordu.
As this suffix follows GREAT VOWEL HARMONY it can have following forms:
-yordu, -iyordu, -uyordu or -yordu.
biliyordum = I was knowing
biliyordun = you were knowing
biliyordu = he/she/it was knowing
biliyorduk = we were knowing
biliyordunuz = you (plural or polite form) were knowing
biliyordular = they were knowing
yapyordum = I was doing
yapyordun = you were doing
yapyordu = he/she/it was doing
yapyorduk = we were doing
yapyordunuz = you (plural or polite form) were doing
yapyordular = they were doing
Example sentence:
Lale'yi dnyordum. Telefon ald. = I was thinking of Lale as the phone
A certain action was taking place (thinking of Lale) as another action interrupted
(the ringing of the phone).
For negation you need to put the letter -m in front of the past suffix:
bilmiyordum = I wasn't knowing
bilmiyordun = you weren't knowing
bilmiyordu = he/she/it wasn't knowing
bilmiyorduk = we weren't knowing
bilmiyordunuz = you (plural or polite form) weren't knowing
bilmiyordular = they weren't knowing
yapmyordum = I wasn't doing
yapmyordun = you weren't doing

yapmyordu = he/she/it wasn't doing

yapmyorduk = we weren't doing
yapmyordunuz = you (plural or polite form) weren't doing
yapmyordular = they weren't doing
bytmek = to extend, to exaggerrate; almak = to ring, but also: to steal;
almak = to work; dalmak = to dive; doldurmak = to fill in; kum = the
sand; restoran = the restaurant; emsiye = the sunshade; yazmak = to
write; yzmek = to swim

Exercise 07
1) Decline following known verbs in "di" past tense and also form the
according negations:
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
1) Decline following verbs in "di" past tense with according negations,
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...

... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
3) Translate into Turkish:
I went home. = ...
You drank in the cookshop. = ...
We ate in the restaurant. = ...
Did you (plural or polite form) go to the beach? = ...


Lesson 08
The future describes same as in English an action which did not happen yet but
is going to happen.
Formed with the suffix -ecek/-acak.
Suffix determined by the Little Vowel Harmony:
If last vowel of the verb stem is an e, i, or the suffix is -ecek.
If last vowel of the verb stem is an a, , o or u the suffix is -acak.
... and with the personal pronoun suffixes it looks as follows:
bileceim = I'm going to know
bileceksin = you're going to know
bilecek = he/she/it is going to know
bileceiz = were going to know
bileceksiniz = youre (plural) going to know
bilecekler = theyre going to know
In each 1st person the "hard consonante" k is softened into . The reason once
again is the harmony in speaking: it is softer to say bileceim instead of
"bilecekim". The prolongues the e as explained in lesson 1 referring to the
alphabet (it therefore sounds more like "bilecea-im").
yapacam = im going to make
yapacaksn = youre going to make
yapacak = he/she/it is going to make
yapacaz = were going to make
yapacaksnz = youre going to make
yapacaklar = theyre going to make
In colloquial language/writing the 1st person can be shortened, for example:
instead of yapacam / yapacaz you write yapacam / yapacaz (often used
in letters, sms messages, etc.).
By inserting -me/-ma before the future suffix you negate the verb. Accordingly
it is then -mayacak or -meyecek (insertion of y after a vowel):
bilmeyeceim = Im not going to know
bilmeyeceksin = youre not going to know

bilmeyecek = he/she/it is not going to know

bilmeyeceiz = were not going to know
bilmeyeceksiniz = youre (plural) not going to know
bilmeyecekler = theyre not going to know
yapmayacam = Im not going to make
yapmayacaksn = youre not going to make
yapmayacak = he/she/it is not going to make
yapmayacaz = were not going to make
yapmayacaksnz = youre (plural) not going to make
yapmayacakler = theyre not going to make
ayrtmak = to reserve; izin = the vacation (or: the permission); gelecek
zaman =the future; gezinti = the walk; gezmek = to walk, promenade;
girmek = to walk in, to join; kullanmak = to use (e.g. a car = driving);
seyahat = the journey; tatil = the holidays; yer = the location, place; yer
ayrtma = the seat reservation; yolculuk = the travel, voyage

Exercise 08
1) Decline following verbs in future tense and form also the according
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...

... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
2) Translate into Turkish:
We will go home. = ...
In the vacations I'm going to travel to Turkey. = ...
Are you going to reserve a table in the restaurant? = ...
Are you (plural or polite form) going to come to the beach? = ...


Lesson 09
The undefined past describes like the simple past an action which has been
completed - with a small but important difference: you dont tell "first hand" as
you didnt have been there when the action occured. Someone else told us his
story and we re-tell it. This tense is very typical for jokes, fairy tales and stories.
Formed with the suffix -mi.
This suffix is determined by the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY which means it can
have the forms
-m, -mi, -mu and -m.
bilmiim = I knew (it might appear difficult to tell "2nd hand" that you knew
something, but it can be translated with "I was supposed to know because so
has been told...)
bilmisin = you knew (so has been told...)
bilmi = he/she/it knew
bilmiiz = we knew
bilmisiniz = you (plural) knew
bilmiler = they knew
yapmm = I made ("I was supposed to make" because so has been told...)
yapmsn = you made
yapm = he/she/it made
yapmz = we made
yapmsnz = you (plural) made
yapmlar = they made
The suffix -mi is at the same time the to be-suffix in the undefined past:
bykm = he/she/it was big
When ending on a vowel you have to insert an y:
hastaym = he/she/it was ill
To have in the undefined past:
Arabas varm. = He/she/it had a car.
Arabas yokmu. = He/she/it hadnt a car.


For negating the suffix you need to insert once again -ma/-me in before the
suffix mi:
bilmemiim = I didnt (wasnt supposed to) know
bilmemisin = you didnt know
bilmemi = he/she/it didnt know
bilmemiiz = we didnt know
bilmemisiniz = you (plural) didnt know
bilmemiler = they didnt know
yapmamm = I didnt (wasnt supposed to) make
yapmamsn = you didnt make
yapmam = he/she/it didnt make
yapmamz = we didnt make
yapmamsnz = you didnt make
yapmamler = they didnt make
Remember: "to be" is negated with deil:
byk deilmi =he/she/it wasnt big (... wasn't supposed to be big)
adam = the man, human; ama = but; altn = the gold; ok = much, many;
geirmek = to pass; gn = the day; insan = the fellow, human; insanlk =
the humanity; rlanda = Ireland; kadn = the woman; kii = the person; ky
= the village; pahal = expensive

Exercise 09
1) Decline following verbs in the undefined past tense and form also the
according negations:
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...

... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
2) Translate to Turkish what you've been told:
The man from the village found gold. = ...
Lale travelled in the vacation to Ireland. = ...
The meal in the restaurant was very good but expensive. = ...
They passed the day at the beach. = ...


Lesson 10
In Turkish there are THREE possibilities to express the need or due to do
10.1.1 "-meli/-mal"
-meli/-mal is determined by the Little Vowel Harmony.
gitmeliyim = I have to go
gitmelisin = you have to go
gitmeli = he/she/it has to go
gitmeliyiz = we have to go
gitmelisiniz = you (plural) have to go
gitmeliler = they have to go
Also you can put this form of expressing need into the two known past tenses
(above samples are in present tense). Notice that an y is inserted:
di-past / mi-past
gitmeliydim = I had to go / gitmeliymiim = I was supposed to have to
gitmeliydin / gitmeliymisin
gitmeliydi / gitmeliymi
gitmeliydik / gitmeliymiiz
gitmeliydiniz / gitmeliymisiniz
gitmeliydiler / gitmeliymiler
10.1.2 Negation of "-meli/-mal"
For negation you have to insert -me/-ma (Little Vowel Harmony).
gitmemeliyim = I don't have to go
gitmemelisin = you don't have to go
gitmemeli = he/she/it doesn't have to go
gitmemeliyiz = we don't have to go
gitmemelisiniz = you (plural) don't have to go
gitmemeliler = they don't have to go


You can use the negation form -memeli/-mamal also to say something in the
sense of "should not".
Bugn eve kalmamalsn. = You shouldn't stay at home today.
Yarn almamalym. = I shouldn't work tomorrow.
10.1.3 "Lazm"
lazm actually means "necessary" and is an unchangeable word in a combination
which expresses the need of doing something. As part of this combination you
add the suffix -me/ma (Little Vowel Harmony) and a possessive suffix to the
verb. You already know -me/ma as a negation particle but here it fulfills
another function.

lazm. = I have to go. literally: My going is necessary.

Gitmen lazm. = You have to go.
Gitmesi lazm. = He/she/it has to go.
Gitmemiz lazm. = We have to go.
Gitmeniz lazm. = You (plural) have to go.
Gitmeleri lazm. = They have to go.
Another example:
Bunu yapmam

lazm. = I have to do this.

Bunu yapman lazm. = You have to do this.
Bunu yapmas lazm. = He/she/it has to do this.
Bunu yapmamz lazm. = We have to do this.
Bunu yapmanz lazm. = You (plural) have to do this.
Bunu yapmalar lazm. = They have to do this.
10.1.4 Negation of "lazm"
The negation is very simple. As lazm is unchangeable you need another word
for negating it: deil.

lazm deil. = I don't have to go.

Bunu yapmam lazm deil. = I don't have to do this.
10.1.5 "Gerekmek"
The third option to express need to do something is offered with the verb
gerekmek which directly could be translated must. Also like in combination
with lazm you add -me/-ma and a possessive suffix to the verb.

gerekiyor. = I have to go.



gerekiyor. = You have to go.

Gitmesi gerekiyor. = He/she/it has to go.
Gitmemiz gerekiyor. = We have to go.
Gitmeniz gerekiyor. = You (plural) have to go.
Gitmeleri gerekiyor. = They have to go.
In this example we used gerekmek in (i)yor-present tense. gerekmek always
is put into the 3rd person singular, as it refers to the doing itself, not to the
person who acts. You can combine also in the other so far known tenses.
PAST: Dn akam eve gitmem gerekti. = Yesterday evening I had to go
FUTURE: Yarn havalimanna gitmem gerekecek. = Tomorrow Im going to
have to go to the airport..
R-PRESENT: Her gn okula gitmem gerek. = Everyday I have to go to
Maybe you ask now where is the ir-suffix?". Its not necessary as in this present
tense the verb stem of gerekmek is sufficient to express the need.
Actually you could also blank out the other tense suffixes as the words dn and
yarn already indicate when the actions take place.
10.1.6 Negation of "gerekmek"
For negating gerekmek you need the additional suffix -m(e), in infinitive form:
Gitmesi gerekmiyor. = He/she/it hasnt to go.
Dn eve gitmem gerekmedi. = Yesterday I hadnt to go home.
Yarn havalimanna gitmen gerekmeyecek. = Tomorrow youre not going to
have to go to the airport.
10.2 "LET'S..." / "SHALL WE...?" - THE OPTATIVE
If you like to propose a certain action, Turkish offers the optative. It sounds like
a additional case but it isnt. For using the optative you need the suffix -e)yim/(e)lim. It is only used for each 1st person (singular and plural) and follows the
Little Vowel Harmony:
1st person singular:
If the last vowel of the verb stem is an a, , o or u the suffix is -(a)ym.
If the last vowel of the verb stem is an e, i, oder the suffix is -(e)yim.

2nd person plural:

If the last vowel of the verb stem is an a, , o oder u the suffix is -(a)lm.
If the last vowel of the verb stem is an e, i, oder the suffix is -(e)lim.
e/a in bracks is only added if the verb stem ends on a consonante.
Ona soraym. = Let me ask him/her.
Or as a question with particle mi:
Ona soraym m? = Shall I ask him/her?
Hadi, gidelim. = Come on, lets go.
Gidelim mi? = Shall we go?
bro = the office; deil = (be) not; dinlemek = to listen; dn = yesterday;
gerekmek = to must; havaliman (or havaalan) = the airport; spanya =
Spain; lazm = necessary; liman = the (sea) port; sormak = to ask;
tamirhane = the garage (repair shop); tamir etmek = to reopair; yarn =

Exercise 10
1) First translate following verbs into the infinitive form and then form
the possible turkish expressions of necessarity (each 1st to 3rd person
singular and plural):
to give = ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
to listen = ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
to let go = ... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...

... - ... - ...

... - ... - ...
... - ... - ...
2) Decline following verbs into the optative form:
3) Translate:
Let's spend these holidays in Spain. = ...
Yesterday we had to bring the car to the car to the repair shop. = ...
Let's go to Mehmet's house. = ...
Today you don't have to stay in the office. = ...
Tomorrow I won't have to work. = ...


Lesson 11
The conditional describes a hypothetical action. Something which can be
translated in simple form with "would be, would do".
In Turkish you form the conditional with the suffix -sa/-sa.
The suffix follows the Little Vowel Harmony:
If the last vowel of the verb stem is an e, i, or the suffix is -se.
If the last vowel of the verb stem is an a, , o or u the suffix is -sa.
The examples:
bilsem = if I would know
bilsen = if you would know
bilse = if he/she/it would know
bilsek = if we would know
bilseniz = if you (plural) would know
bilseler = if they would know
yapsam = if I would do
yapsan = if you would do
yapsa = if he/she/it would do
yapsak = if we would do know
yapsanz = if you (plural) would do
yapsalar = if they would do
In conditonal of course you can change also the tenses:
yapsaydm = if I would have done
yapsaydn = if you would have done
yapsayd = if he/she/it would have done
yapsaydk = if we would have done
yapsaydnz = if you (plural) would have done
yapsaydlar = if they would have done
For negating the conditional we use the famous suffix -me/-ma:
bilmesem = if I wouldnt know
bilmesen = if you wouldnt know
bilmese = if he/she/it wouldnt know

bilmesek = if we wouldnt know

bilmeseniz = if you (plural) wouldnt know
bilmeseler = if they wouldnt know
yapmasam = if I wouldnt do
yapmasan = if you wouldnt do
yapmasa = if he/she/it wouldnt do
yapmasak = if we wouldnt do
yapmasanz = if you (plural) wouldnt do
yapmasalar = if they wouldnt do
You can also combine the conditional with var or yok:
varsa = if there is
yoksa = if there isn't
Domates varsa, bana ltfen iki kilo verir misin? = If there are tomatos
please give me 2 kilos?
11.4 "IF" = "EER"
Another option to form conditional phrases is offered by eer. Anyway the
suffixes se/-sa still have to be used but if you begin your sentence with eer
the listener knows automatically that a conditional sentence is now following.
Eer domates varsa, bana ltfen iki kilo verir misin?
akam = the evening; aramak = to call (by phone); cevap = the answer;
cevap vermek = to answer; armak = to call; ar = the (city) centre, the
market; eer = if; pazar = the market, Sunday; sabah = the morning; zaman
= the time

Exercise 11
1) Decline following verbs in the conditional tense and form also the
according negations:
... - ...
... - ...



... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
... - ...
2) Translate:
If you have time this evening then call me on the phone. = ...
If I'm in the city I will come to the cookshop. = ...
If you don't have a car tomorrow then I will give you MY car. = ...
If you don't have to work then let's go to the beach. = ...
If you write to her she will answer. = ...


Lesson 12
hafta = week
bugn = today
dn = yesterday
nceki gn = before yesterday
yarn = tomorrow
br gn = after tomorrow
Pazartesi = Monday
Sal = Tuesday
aramba = Wednesday
Perembe = Thursday
Cuma = Friday
Cumartesi = Saturday
Pazar = Sunday
Week days are proper nouns and there written with capital letters at the
Bugn Pazartesi. = Today is Monday.
Yarn Sal (gn). = Tomorrow is Tuesday.
gn (= day) is used frequently in combination with week days but it's optional literally it would mean: "Tomorrow is Tuesday day.", which of course is double
said but only in a literal translation.
Perembe (gn) bulualm mi? =Shall we meet on Thursday?
Dn Pazard. = Yesterday was Sunday.
Here we use a past tense as yesterday is past and you just add the according "to
be"-form to the week day.
Day times
sabah = morning
le = noon
leden sonra = afternoon
akam = evening
gece = night
ay = month (also the moon)
yl = year
Ocak = January
ubat = February
Mart = March

Nisan = April
Mays = May
Haziran = June
Temmuz = July
Austos = August
Eyll = September
Ekim = October
Kasm = November
Aralk = December
Month are also proper nouns.
The date is just a number with months plus year. So the answer to question
Bugn ayn ka? = Which date is today?
could be for example
3 Nisan 1998 ( Nisan bin dokuz yz doksan sekiz) = 3rd April 1998
22 Eyll 1632 (yirmi iki Eyll bin alt yz otuz iki) = 22nd September 1632
The four seasons:
mevsim = season
bahar oder ilkbahar = spring
yaz = summer
sonbahar = autumn
k = winter
There is an exception with the seasons:
If you like to say "in spring" or "in autumn" you just use the locative as known:
(ilk)baharda oder sonbaharda
Exception : "in summer" or "in winter", then it's:
yazn or kn
saat = hour (also the clock, watch)
dakika = minute
saniye = second
Furthermore: eyrek = quarter and buuk = half.
ets say its a quarter past 3 and somebody asks you:
Saat ka? = What time is it?
You have following options to answer:
1) Simple way: saat be on be = 5.15 (five fifteen).
2) or a bit more formal: saat bei eyrek geiyor = a quarter past five literal
translation: 5 is passed by a quarter.
For telling the time you need the accusative, if youre in the first half of an hour.
On the other side, when telling the time for the second half of an hour you use
the dative:

1) saat be krk be = 5.45.

2) saat altya eyrek var = a quarter to 6 literal translation: There is a
quarter until 6.
The "half past" times are neutral: saat on iki buuk (simple way: saat on iki
otuz) = half past twelve (12.30)
For fixing a time you use the locative and replace var by kala and geiyor by
Saat kata? = At what time?:
Saat iki (on drt) buukta. or Saat iki (on drt) otuzda. = At half past 2.
At 14.30.
Saat drt (on alt) buua be kala. or Saat drt (on alt) yirmi bete. =
At five to half past 4. At 16.25.
Saat dokuza eyrek kala. or Saat sekiz krk bete. = At quarter to 9. At
Saat onu eyrek gee. oder Saat on on bete. = At quarter past 10. At
Its up to you if you use the simple or the formal way to express time. Both
versions are right and common.
12.4.1 "Before/ago" and "after/in"
nce = before/ago
sonra = after/in

nce. = 3 weeks ago.

ki ay sonra. = After/in 2 months.
Alt gn nce. = 6 days ago.
Be yl sonra. = After/in 1 year.
Saat ikiden sonra. = After 10 o'clock.

12.4.2 "From... until/to..."

A combination of ablative/dative and kadar defines also time period.
Pazartesi'den Cuma'ya

kadar. = From Monday to Friday.

Saat dokuzdan e kadar. = From 9 to 3 o'clock.
Temmuz'den Eyll'a kadar. = From July to September.
On buuktan on ikiye eyrek kalaya kadar. = From half past 10 until
quarter to 12.
12.4.3 More Prepositions
...(always in combination with ablative):
beri = since (for)

Saat yediden

beri kullanyorum. = Im driving since 7 oclock.

Yedi saatten beri kullanyorum. = Im driving for 7 hours.
evvel = before
Saat yediden

evvel vardk. = We arrived before 7 oclock.

Ondan evvel vardk. = We arrived before him/her.
(Not to mistake with nce:
Yedi saat

nce vardk. = We arrived 7 hours ago.)

itibaren = (as) from

Saat sekizden

itibaren arayacam. = As from 8 oclock Ill call you.

Ocaktan itibaren, diyet yapacam. = As from January Im going to make
a diet.
beri = since, for; nk = because; evvel = before; itibaren = as from;
kadar = to, until; nce = before/ago; sigara imek = to smoke (to "drink" the
cigarette); ve = and; veya = or

Exercise 12
Translate following sentences with different tenses into Turkish:
1) What are you going to day tomorrow? = ...
2) In August I thought every day of you, but from today on I think of you every
hour. = ...
3) Tomorrow is Friday and yesterday was Wednesday. = ...
4) In 2 month I will spend my holidays in Turkey. = ...
5) Every week does have 7 days. = ...
6) 4 years ago I quit (left, let go) smoking. = ...
7) I came 8 days ago and before tomorrow I won't work. = ...
8) Yesterday was a beautiful day because I went home before 12 o'clock. = ...
9) Since 1996 I didn't go to this restaurant. = ...


Lesson 13
The passive is formed with the suffixes -il- and -in-. Both suffixes follow the
GREAT VOWEL HAMONY, therefore they can be modified to:
-l-, -il- , -ul- and -l... accordingly with -in-:
-n-, -in-, -un- and -n-il- is used for all verb stems ending with consonantes, EXCEPT the verb stem is
ending with an l (L), then you use -in-.
Examples in infinitive:
yapmak = to make - yaplmak = to be made
kapatmak = to close - kapatlmak = to be closed
vermek = to give - verilmek = to be passed
grmek = to see- grlmek = to be seen
Verb stems ending with l:
bulmak = to find - bulunmak = to be found
almak = to take- alnmak = to be taken
13.1.2 Vowel Ending
If the verb stem ends on a vocal the suffix is shortened to -n-:
yemek = to eat - yenmek = to be eaten
beklemek = to wait - beklenmek = to be expected
13.1.3 Passive in Different Tenses
You can put the passive into different tenses.
Pencere alyor. = The window is being opened.
Pencere alr. = The window is opened.
Pencere ald. = The window has been opened.
Pencere alm. = The window was openend.
Pencere alacak. = The window is going to be opened.
Pencere alsa. = If the window is opened.

Actually you just construct a new verb if you form the passive and this new verb
can be handled as you learned in former lessons.
If you want to express that a certain action is taken by a person you have to
combine the passive form with tarafndan (= from side of):
Bu mektup Mehmet
Kitap Yaar Kemal
Yaar Kemal.

tarafndan gnderildi. = The letter has been sent by

tarafndan yazlm. = The book has been written by


To negate just add -me/-ma (Little Vowel Harmony) to the passive form:
yaplmamak = to be not made
verilmemek = to be not passed
grlmemek = to be not seen
bulunmamak = to be not found
yenmemek = to be not eaten
Sample sentences:
Pencere almyor. = The window is not being opened.
Pencere almaz. = The window cannot be opened.
Pencere almad. = The window hasnt been opened.
Pencere almam. = The window wasnt opened.
Pencere almacak. = The window is not going to be opened.
Pencere almasa. = If the window is not opened.
At the same time the passive suffix -in is also the suffix for reflexive forms
ykamak = to wash - ykanmak = to wash himself
bulmak = to find - bulunmak = to find himself, but same as in passive: to be
grmek = to seen - grnmek = to see himself (also: to be located)
dayamak = to base; demek = to say; gndermek = to send; grmek = to


see; kir = the dirt, dity; pis = dirty; pislik = the dirt, lousiness, mess; satmak
= to sell; silmek = to erase; temizlemek = to clean; ykamak = to wash

Exercise 13
1) Put following verbs into the passive form:
dayamak (to lean) = ...
silmek (to delete) = ...
temizlemek (to clean) = ...
gndermek (to send) = ...
demek (to say) = ...
satmak (to sell) = ...
2) Translate following sentences into to Turkish with the accorrding
passive form:
a) The house has been sold by Deniz. = ...
b) This have been told to him (somebody told you). = ...
c) The room has to be cleaned every day. = ...
d) The letter has been sent yesterday. = ...
e) I washed myself this morning. = ...


Lesson 14
"with" and "without" are also formed by suffixes which are added to the
14.1.1 With - The Suffix "-li"
-li follows the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY, so it can be modified to
-l, -li, -lu and -l
Stl bir kahve ltfen. = A coffee with milk please.
Proper nouns are separated by an apostroph from the suffix:
Mehmet'le futbol mana gittim. = I have gone with Mehmet to the football
If the word ends on a vowel you insert y:
Kediyle oynuyorum. = Im playing with the cat.
The suffix -li is related to the word ile which means with but also and".

ile Mecnun. = Leyla and Mecnun. - or: Leyla with Mecnun.

Mecnun Leyla ile gezmi. = Mecnun went with Leyla for a walk.
OR: Mecnun Leyla'yla gezmi.

14.1.2 Without - The Suffix "-siz"

-siz is also determined by the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY:
-sz, -siz, -suz and -sz
Stsz bir kahve ltfen. = A coffee without milk please.
Mehmet'siz futbol mana gittim. = I have gone without Mehmet to the
football match.
14.2 "LIKE/AS" AND "FOR"
In Turkish "like/as" and "for" are single unchangeable words.
14.2.1 Like/as - "gibi"
Ay gibi bir adam(dr). = Hes a man like a bear. (literal translation: Bear like
a man is.)
Cildi ipek gibi hafif(dir). = His/her skin is as soft as silk. (literal translation:
Her/his skin silk like soft is.)
14.2.2 For - "iin"
Examples :

iin iki bilet lazm. = I need two tickets for the football match.
Bu Lale iin bir hediye(dir). = This is a present for Lale.
Futbol ma


Also for the climax and superlative forms there are single unchangable words.
14.3.1 Degrees of Adjectives and Comparative
daha = more, still
stanbul daha yakn(dr). = Istanbul is nearer. (literal translation: Istanbul
more near is.)
Bu masa daha kk(tr). = This table is smaller. (literal translation: This
table more small is.)
For comparing daha is combined with the ablative which occures a comparative:
Lale Deniz'den daha byk(tr). = Lale is taller than Deniz. (literal
translation: From Deniz Lale is more tall.)
daha can also be translated with still:

daha 20 kilometre var. = There are still 20 kms until Istanbul.

14.3.2 Superlative with "en"

en = the most

en kk(tr). or: Mehmet en k. = Mehmet is the smallest.

stanbul Trkiye'de en byk ehir(dir). = Istanbul is the biggest town in
alveri = the shopping; ay = the bear; bilet = the ticket; cilt = the skin;
daha = more, still; ders almak = to learn; en = most; futbol = football,
soccer; futbol ma = the football match; gibi = like, as; giri = the entrance;
grmek = to see; hediye = the present; mak = to shine; iin = for; ile =
with, and; ipek = the silk; kilometre = kilometre; kolay = easy; ma = the
match; sel = the flood; seyretmek = to watch; ehir = city, town; eker =
the sugar; cret = the fee, charge, toll; yal = old, aged

Exercise 14
1) Translate following sentences into Turkish:
a) Yesterday I drove home with the car. = ...

b) You (plural) have to watch today the football match without me. = ...
c) We went with Deniz to the beach. = ...
d) Tomorrow I will spend a day without work. = ...
e) Today I will go with my mother for shopping. = ...
f) This evening I have to learn with a friend. (lazm) = ...
g) The entrance is without fee. = ...
h) Without car it doesn't work ("it doesn't be"). = ...
2) And another translation exercise:
a) This is for you. = ...
b) This is the most beautiful present. = ...
c) This house is bigger than our house. = ...
d) You are shining like the sun. = ...
e) For me it's very easy. = ...
f) My father is older than my mother. = ...
g) A rain like a flood. = ....


Lesson 15
Origins are also expressed by suffixes, determined by the GREAT VOWEL
-li, -l, -lu, -l
This suffixe are to be added to countries or cities/places.
stanbul - stanbullu = citizen of Istanbul
Londra - Londral = citizen of London
Pekin (= Beijing) - Pekinli = citizen of Beijing
Auvusturya (= Austria) - Avusturyal = the Austrian
Following some more countries with nationalities:
Avustralya = Australia - Avustralyal = Australian
(Attention, not to mistake with Avusturya = Austria)
Belika = Belgium - Belikal = Belgian
in = China - inli = Chinese
Hollanda = Holland - Hollandal = Dutch
rlanda = Ireland - rlandal = Irish
sve = Sweden - sveli = Swede
svire = Switzerland - svireli = Swiss
Portekiz = Portugal - Portekizli = Portuguese
Moreover there are also fixed terms for nationalities:
Alman = German - the country Almanya = Germany
Arap = Arab - the country Arabistan = Arabia
Fransz = French - the country Fransa = France
ngiliz = English - the country ngiltere = England
sko = Scottish - the country skoya = Scottland
spanyol = Spanish - the country spanya = Spain
talyan = Italian - the country talya = Italy
Japon = Japanese - the country Japonya = Japan
Rus = Russian - the country Rusya = Russia
Trk = Turk - the country Trkiye = Turkey
In Turkish terms for languages always end with
-ce or -ca
after hard consonates with


-e or -a
... so its determined by the Little Vowel Harmony.
The combination of the suffixes for countries and languages creates the
Avustralyaca = = Australian language (though this languages might not exist)
ince = Chinese language
rlandaca = Irish language
skoyaca = Scottisch language
svee = Swedish language
svirece = Swiss language
Portekizce = Portuguese language
Exceptions as not occuring from the countries names:
Almanca = German language
Arapa = Arab language
Franszca = French language
ngilizce = English language
spanyolca = Spanish language
talyanca = Italian language
Japonca = Japanese language
Rusa = Russian language
Trke = Turkish language
And last but not least in Turkish there is also the so called Tarzanca. You speak
this language when nobody knows what youre talking about and doesnt
understand you at all. In English it would be translated with "its all Greek to
me", but for the Turks its the jungle language "Tarzanian"...
IMPORTANT: The suffix for language only refers to a language, it's not an
adjective. For example if you had italian food, this suffix is not appropiate. You
would then say: Dn Italyan yemei yedik. = "Yesterday we ate italian food."
Also professions have their own suffixes:
-ci, -c, -cu or -c
after hard consonantes
-i, -, -u or -
... and therefore following the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY.
Let's take simple terms like
posta = the post, mail

i = the work
yaz = the font
frn = the oven, the bakery
By adding the above mentioned suffixes you create professions:
postac = the postman
ii = the worker
yazc = the writer
frnc = the baker
But there are also fixed terms like:
kasap = the butcher
With another suffix you can create general terms:
-lik, -lk, -luk, -lk (GREAT VOWEL HARMONY)
Taking the formerly created professions you receive with this suffixes general
terms as follows:
postaclk = the postal system
iilik = the workership
yazclk = the business of writing
frnclk = the business of baking
birlik = the unity (from bir = one)
These are more abstract terms but you there can also result very concrete
terms, like for example:
sebzelik = the vegetable cooler (in the fridgerator)
kitaplk = the bookshelf
frn = the oven, the bakery; i = the work; kasap = the butcher; ktphane
= the library; memleket = the country, the homeland; posta = the post, mail;
sebze = the vegetable; lke = the country, the state; yaz = the font, the


Exercise 15
1) Translate
I am a Hamburger. = ...
You're not Austrian but Australian. = ...
My friend is Egyptian. (Msr = Egypt) = ...
2) Form the spoken languages in each of the following countries:
Polonya (Poland) = ...
Endonezya (Indonesia) = ...
Norve (Norway) = ...
Brezilya (Brazil) = ...
3) Form the general term for following words and tranlsate:
insan = ...
balk (the fisher) = ...
beraber = ...


Lesson 16
In order to express the ability to do something you just need another suffix. But
in Turkish you have to differ the ability to do something: either you are generally
able to do something (skill, knowledge) or just at the moment (situational).
16.1.1 The General Ability
-(y)ebiliyor oder -(y)abiliyor (Little Vowel Harmony).
The y in bracks is only inserted when the word ends on vowel. Then you add a
personal pronoun suffix (by the way, the suffix is not changed into "-(y)ablyor",
though there is a vowel "a" before):
yapabiliyorum = I can do
yapabiliyorsun = you can do
yapabiliyor = he/she/it can do
yapabiliyoruz = we can do
yapabiliyorsunuz = you (plural or polite form) can do
yapabiliyorlar = they can do
Maybe you have noticed that the suffix has a similarity to the verb bilmek in 3rd
person singular (biliyor = he/she/it knows). A free translation of the suffix could
be "knowing to do something" and in general bilmek is translated with "to
know, to be able".
Another example:
gidebiliyorum = I can walk
gidebiliyorsun = you can walk
gidebiliyor = he/she/it can walk
gidebiliyoruz = we can walk
gidebiliyorsunuz = you (plural or polite form) can walk
gidebiliyorlar = they can walk
The verb stem of gitmek is git-, but as you know you have to soften t to d.
As mentioned before this kind of ability expresses a skill or knowldege:
Trke konuabiliyorum. = Ich can speak Turkish./I know Turkish.
16.1.2 Negation of General Ability
Now the suffix has to be modified: remove -bil- and insert an m so you've got:
-emiyor or -amiyor (Little Vowel Harmony)


yapamyorum = I can't do
yapamyorsun = you can't do
yapamyor = he/she/it can't do
yapamyoruz = we can't do
yapamyorsunuz = you (plural or polite form) can't do
yapamyorlar = they can't do
16.1.3 The Situational Ability
If you are able to do something because you want to do it and no external
circumstance prevents it, then you use the suffix:
-(y)ebilir or -(y)ebilir (Little Vowel Harmony)
yapabilirim = I can do (in this moment)
yapabilirsin = you can do
yapabilir = he/she/it can do
yapabiliriz = we can do
yapabilirsiniz = you (plural or polite form) can do
yapabilirler = they can do
16.1.4 Negation of Situational Ability
To negate the situational ability you need the suffix:
(y)eme(z) or -(y)ama(z) (Little Vowel Harmony).
As usual y occurs at vowel ending and in each 1st person the z at the end is
removed (remember the negation of ir-present):
yapamam = I can't do (in this moment)
yapamazsn = you can't do
yapamaz = he/she/it can't do
yapamayz = we can't do
yapamazsnz = you (plural or polite form) can't do
yapamazlar = they can't do
It's important to note be aware of the nie Nuance: yapamam = "I can't do"
expresses that I cannot do something because I don't want to or a particular
circumstance is preventing me from doing it.
gidemem = I can't walk
gidemezsin = you can't walk
gidemez = he/she/it can walk
gidemeyiz = we can't walk


gidemezsiniz = you (plural or polite form) can't walk

gidemezler = they can't walk
Meaning: I can't or don't walk to somewhere in this moment.
In Turkish you can use the situational ability to express the allowance of doing
something, as there is no explicit verb for this (like for example "may" in
Sana bir ey sorabilir miyim? = May I (Am I allowed to) ask you
Girebilirsin. = You may (are allowed) come in.
Bakabiliriz. = We may (are allowed) to watch.
bilmek = to know, to be able; bilgi = the knowledge; bilgisayar = the
computer (literally: the counter of knowledge); eviri = the translation;
evirmek = to translate; hesap (or: fatura) = the bill, the invoice, the check;
hesaplamak = to calculate; saymak = to count; tercme = the translation;
tercme etmek = to translate

Exercise 16
1) Translate the following sentences and define if it is general or
situational ability:
a) Can you swim? = ...
b) Yes, I can swim. = ...
c) I can't come because I have to work. = ...
d) Can you pass me your pen? =
e) I can repair cars. =
2) Kind as you are, you're asking for permission doing following things:
a) May I ask you whose bike this is? = ...
b) Are they allowed to come into our house? = ...
c) May I offer you (polite form) a tea? = ...


Lesson 17
Participles are used to put a verb in relation to a substantive. The result is for
instance a relative clause, sentences which can be translated with "something
that" or "somebody who".
17.1.1 Participles with "-dik"
This suffix is determined by the GREAT VOWEL HARMONY and can therefore
-dk, -dik, -duk, -dk
After hard consonantes: -tk, -tik, -tuk, -tk
Adding a personal pronouns suffix softens the k in -dik to , except in 3rd
person plural.
Kardm tren Ankara'da duracak. = The train I missed will stop in
Kardn tren Ankara'da duracak. = The train you missed... .
Kard tren Ankara'da duracak. = The train he/she/it missed... .
Kardmz tren Ankara'da duracak. = The train we missed... .
Kardnz tren Ankara'da duracak. = The train you (plural or polite form)
we missed... .
Onlarn kardklar tren Ankara'da duracak. = The train they missed... .
The suffix doesn't express any tense mode which means that the context
clarifies in which tense (present or past) the speaker is talking.
grdn kadn can therefore be "the woman you see" or "the woman you
saw". It's up to the context to determine the tense.
Negation with -me/ma prior to the participle:
Karmadm tren Ankara'da duracak. = The train I didn't miss... .
grmediin kadn = the woman you don't/didn't see
17.1.2 Participle with "-(y)en/-(y)an"
In Turkish there is no direct translation for the relative clause term "that/who".
This is solved with the suffix
-(y)en/-(y)an (Little Vowel Harmony).
kalan yemek = the food that remains
gelen adam = the man who comes


At vowel ending insert a y:

bekleyen kz = the girl who waits
Negation with -me/ma prior to the participle:
kalmayan yemek = the food that doesn't remain
gelmeyen adam = the man who doesn't come
17.1.3 Participle with "-(y)ecek/-(y)acak"
Another participle is
-(y)ecek/-(y)acak (Little Vowel Harmony)
Actually it's identical with the future suffix -ecek/-acak, but in this case it's a
participle putting a verb in relation to a substantive, so there is no chance to
mistake it.
kalacak yemek = the food that will remain
gelecek adam = the man who will come
This vocabulary you know already:
gelecek zaman means "the future", but literally it's: "the time that will come"
Negation with -me/ma prior to the participle:
kalmayacak yemek = the food that won't remain
gelmeyecek adam = the man who won't come
The suffix -(y)ip or -(y)p, -(y)up, -(y)p (GREAT VOWEL HARMONY) helps
forming parallel sentences. It means that you can combine at least two actions
following directly after another in the same tense form.
Eve gidiyorum, ay iiyorum. = I'm going home and drink a tea.
Take the first verb, equip it with a -(y)ip-suffix and you got:
Eve gidip ay iiyorum.
The sentence is now more fluently and you save some letters. The -(y)ip-suffix is
always the same independent of the person. It's the last verb without -(y)ipsuffix determining the person and tense.
Normally you don't link more then three actions this way.
Dkkana gidip ekmek alp bana getirirsin. = You go to the shop, buy bread
and bring it to me.
At vowel ending insert a y:
Arabaya atlayp arya gidiyoruz. = We jump into the car and drive to the

atlamak = to jump; dkkan = the shop; ekmek = the bread; karmak = to
miss; kalmak = to stay; meyva (or meyve) = the fruit; meyva suyu= the
fruit juice; portakal = the orange; portakal suyu = the orange juice; tren =
the train

Exercise 17
1) Translate following sentences with the (y)en/(y)an-participle:
a) the phone that rings = ...
b) the bus that stops = ...
c) the rain that waits = ...
d) the man who calls = ...
2) Translate following sentences with the dik-participle:
a) The bike that I bought is very beautiful. = ...
b) The bus you missed drives to my village. = ...
c) You can take the newspaper that I read. = ...
d) The book that he wrote is in the bookshelf. = ...
3) Connect following sentences with the (y)ip-participle:
1) Eve gidiyorum. Kahve hazrlyorum. = ...
2) Lokantaya gidiyor. Mehmet'i aryor. = ...
4) Translate following sentences with the (y)ip-participle:
1) We go home, have meal and watch the football match. = ...
2) You call me and talk to me. = ...


Survival Kit
Important vocabulary and phrases for a basic communication:
Evet. = Yes.
Hayr. = No.
Tamam. = Okay.
Affedersin(iz). = Excuse me (plural/polite form) please.
Pardon. = Sorry.
(ok) Teekkr ederim. = Thank you (very much).
Sa ol(un). = Thank you (plural/polite form).
Bir ey deil. = You're welcome.
Ltfen. = Please. (when asking for something)
Buyurun. = Here you are. (when passing something)
... istiyorum. = I want...
Anlamyorum. = I don't understand.
Tuvalet nerede? = Where is the rest room?
zgnm, Trke konumuyorum. =I'm sorry, I don't speak Turkish.
Ltfen beni rahat brak(n). = Please leave me alone (plural/polite form).
mdat! = Help!
turizm brosu = tourist information
havaalan or havaliman = the airport
ehir merkezi = the city centre
dikkat = Attention!
su = water
ekmek = bread
plaj = beach
buz = ice (for cooling, not the ice cream, this would be dondurma)
And finally the mabe most important phrase:
ki bira ltfen. = Two beers please!


Hello, How Are You?

How to greet:
Gnaydn. = Good morning.
Merhaba. / yi gnler. = Good day.
yi akamlar. = Good evening. (also when you leave)
yi geceler. = Good night.
Ho geldiniz. = Welcome. (literally: "you come with pleasure")
Ho bulduk. = literally: "it's pleasure we found", which is the answer to "ho
Selamun aleykm. = from Arabic: May peace with you!
(Ve) Aleykm selam. = Reply: (And) May peace with you!
This kind of greeting often is used when for instance greeting a group of men.
It's not usual to greet women this way.
More colloquial ways of greeting are for example:
Selam. = Hello.
Merhaba ocuklar. = Hey guys.
Allaha smarladk. = Goodbye. (says the one who leaves, literally: "to God we
have been ordered")
Gle gle. = Goodbye. (replies the one who remains, literally: "with a smile")
Grmek zere. = Goodbye. (litarally: To see you again)
Colloquial forms:
Hadi, bana eyvallah. = Well, bye from my part.
Hadi, ben kayorum. = Okay, I'm out of here.
hadi is a short form of haydi which means actually something like "come on",
"let's go"...
Naslsn(z). = How are you (plural/polite form)?
yi, teekkr ederim. Ya sen (siz)? = Thank you, I'm fine. And you
(plural/polite form)?
Instead of teekkr ederim you can also say sa ol(un).
Other expressions of "how are you":
Ne var ne yok? = What' up?
Ne haber? = What's new?
Possible replies:
yilik. = literally: The goodness. (this are for example the news)
yle byle. = Regular.
Grrz. = See you. (when saying goodbye)
Bol anslar. = Good luck.
yi yolculuklar. = Have a nice trip.

May I Introduce Myself?

Adm... / smim... = My name is...
smin(iz) ne? / Adn(z) ne? = What's your (plural/polite form) name?
Bu... = This is...
... arkadam. = ... my friend.
... kz arkadam. = ... my girlfriend.
... nianlm. = my fiance.
... eim. = my husband/wife.
Turks usually greet with shaking hands. Persons who know each other very well
also kiss on their cheeks right and left - between men, too!
Men and women kiss mostly when they know each other very well, for example
relatives or good friends. Therefore you should be more cautious spending kisses
in the man-woman-greeting if you don't know the person very well. Women on
the other side very often greet each other with kisses even when they are
introduced each other first time, for instance when being introduced to the
family, but not at formal occasions like business dinners, meetings or similar...
Memnun oldum. = Nice to meet you. / I'm pleased.
Grten tanyoruz, deil mi? = We know each other from seeing, don't
Ner(e)de oturuyorsun(uz)? = Where do you (plural/polite form) live?
Bur(a)da m oturuyorsun(uz). = Do you (plural/polite form) live here?
Ka yandasn(z)? = How old are you (plural/polite form)?
Ben 29 yandaym. = I'm 29 years old.
Ne zaman dodun(uz)? = When have you (plural/polite form) been born?
Meslein(iz) ne? = What's your (plural/polite form) profession.
Ne alyorsun(uz)? = What do you (plural/polite form) work?
Nerde yapyorsun(uz)? = Where do you (plural/polite form) work?
Mesleim... = My job is...
A choice of professions:
a = chef
boyac = painter
ilingir = locksmith
doktor = doctor
duvarc = mason
elektriki = electrician
emekli = retiree

ev kadn = housewife
ii = worker
esnaf= craftsman
marangoz = carpenter
memur = clerk, public official
mhendis = engineer
retmen = teacher
oto tamircisi = motor mechanic
sanat = artist
tesisat = installer
tccar = merchant
Ne renimi yapyorsun(uz). or Ne okuyorsun(uz)? = What are you
(plural/polite form) studying?
... okuyorum. = I study...
A choice of common studies:
biyoloji = biology
elektroteknik = electrotechnology
fzk = physics
hukuk = law
ngiliz filolojisi = anglistics
iletmecilik = economy
kimya = chemistry
makinecilik = engineering
mimarlk = architecture
mzik = music
psikoloji = psychology
sanat = arts
tarih = history
tp = medicine


Let's Go Shopping!
Para makinas nerede? = Where is a cash machine/ATM?
Dviz brosu nerede? = Where is a money exchange office?
Nereden ... alabilirim? = Where can I buy ...?
Sende (sizde) ... var m? = Do you (plural/polite form) have ... ?
Bu kaa? / Bu ne kadar? = How much is this?
Bu (ok) pahali. = This is (very) expensive.
Bu (ok) ucuz. = This is (very) cheap.
Bana lazm ... = I need ...
Bunu istiyorum. = I want this.
Daha ucuz olmaz m? = Can you reduce it more?
Bunu beendim. = I like it.
Bunu alyorum. = I take it.
Prova edebilir miyim? = Can I test it?
Teekkrler, hepsi bu kadar. = Thanks, that's all.
Kredi kart alyor musun(uz)? = Do you accept (plural/polite form) credit
Different kind of shops:
berber = hairdresser/barber
ieki dkkani = florist
eczane = pharmacy
elektriki dkkan = electric shop
frn = bakery
gzlk = optician
kasap dkkan = butcher
kundurac = shoe maker
fotografi dkkan = photo shop
mobilyac = furniture shop
parfmeri = perfumery
plaki dkkan = music shop (CDs, cassettes, etc.)
spor eyalar = sports shop
ekerleme = candy shop
terzihane = tailoring


Let's Go Out!
Burada ... nerededir? = Where is here ... ?
(bir) bar = a bar
(bir) disko(tek) = a disco
(bir) gazino = kind of open air bar with live music
(bir) gece kulb = a night club (absolutely not recommendable, except you
like the risk and being ripped off...)
(bir) kahve = tea house, only for men
(bir) ay bahesi = tea garden, mostly open air the house for the whole family
iyi bir restoran = a good restaurant
(bir) sinema = a cinema
Giri ne kadar? = How much is the entrance fee?
For getting access to a disco usually you pay a fee. But often there is a sign
Damsz girilmez = No entrance without a lady.
which means that a man without being accompanied by a woman will be
rejected from entering. So it's more difficult to impossible to enter with a group
of men only. But for women everything is different...
A similar limitation exists for the ay bahesi: Families are prefered, single
persons or couples might be not too much welcome. The purpose of the location
determines the kind of guests...
ki kiilik masay ltfen. = A table for two, please.
Bu masa bo mu? = Is this table free?
Yemek listesini/iecek listesini var m? = Do you have a menu card/drinks'
Sizde ... var m? = Do you (plural/polite form) have...?
Ne tavsiye ediyorsun(uz)? = What do you (plural/polite form) recommend?
kahvalt = breakfast
le yemei = lunch
akam yemei = dinner
Aktm. = I'm hungry.
Susadm. = Im thirsty.
scak = hot
souk = cold
Afiyet olsun. = Enjoy your meal.
Hesap ltfen. = Check please.
Bugnk program ne? = What is shown today?

Filim ne zaman balyor? = When does the movie start?

renci iin indirim var m? = Is there a discount for pupils/students?
koltuk = parquet
loca = loge/box
yer = seat
sra = row
bo yer yok = sold out
Benimle dans eder misin? = Do you like to dance with me?
Hadi, dans edelim. = Come on, let's dance.
Benimle kar msn? = Do you like to go out with me?
... istiyorum. = I want...
alkolsz iki = alcohol free drink
amer = bitters
bira = beer
cin = gin
elma suyu = apple juice
fii biras = draft/draught beer
maden suyu = mineral water
meyve suyu = fruit juice
portakal suyu = orange juice
rak = turkish anise liquor (also called aslan st = lion's milk)
arap = wine
ampanya = champagne
su = water
viski = whiskey
votka = vodka
erefe! = Cheers!
Sarhoum. = I'm drunk.


I Don't Feel Well!

Ltfen bir doktor getir(in). = Please call (plural/polite form) a doctor.
En yakn eczane nerede? = Where is the nearest pharmacy?
Nerede doktor var? = Where is a doctor?
Nerede hastane var? = Where is a hospital?
cildiyeci = dermatologist
ouk doktoru = pediatrist
gz doktoru = eye specialist
kadn doktoru = gynaecologist
operatr = surgeon
rolog = urologist
bekleme odas = waiting room
Hastaym. = I'm ill.
Buras acyor. = Here it hurts.
ttum. = I got a cold.
Fenalaiyorum. = I feel queasy.
Midem bozuldu. = I've got an upset stomach.
stifra ettim. = I vomitted.
Ateim var. = I've got fever.
eker hastasym. = I'm diabetic.
allerji = allergy
astm = asthma
ate = fever
bahar nezlesi = hay fever
boaz ars = sore throat
bronit = bronchitis
grip = flu
gne arpms = sunstroke
gne yan = sunburn
ishal = diarrhea
iltihap = immflamation
kramp = cramp
mide bulants = queasiness
migren = migraine
rt = nausea
ksrk = cough
souk algnl = cold
(alak/yksek) tansiyon = low/high blood pressure
yaralanma = injury
zatrre = pneumonia
(Burasi) aciyor mu? = Does it hurt (here)?
Ltfen azinizi ain. = Please open your mouth.
Ne yediniz? = What did you eat?
Ciddi bir ey deil. = It's nothing serious.


aspirin = headache pill

enjeksiyon = injection
gz damlas = eye drops
hap = pill
haarat tozu = antrycide
merhem = salve
mide hap = antacide
uyku hap = sleeping pill
yemekten nce = before meal
yemekten sonra = after meal
gnde kere = three times daily
a karna = on an empty stomach


Driver's Licence and ID please!

Pasaportunuz ltfen. = Your passport please.
Evraklarn ltfen. = Your documents please.
Ehliyetiniz ve ruhsatnz ltfen. = Your driver's licence and registration
Gmre tabi eyanz var m? = Do you have something to declare?
Bunun iinde ne var? = What is in there?
... an ltfen? = Please open..
bagaj = the trunk
bavulu = the suitcase
Polis istasyonu nerede? = Where is a police station?
... ihbar etmek istiyorum. = I want to denounce ...
(bir) hrszlk = a thievery
(bir) saldr = a raid
(bir) kaza = an accident
... aldlar. = ... has been stolen.
bavulu = the suitcase
czdani = the wallet
antas = the bag
fotoraf makinasn = the photo camera
paray = the money
Burada ne kadar kalmam lazm? = How long do I have to stay here?
Bir avukatla/konsolosla grmek istiyorum. = I want to talk to a
lawyer/with the consulate.


Signs, Warnings and Abbreviations

AIK = Open
BAYLAR = Gentlemen
CIKI = Exit
DKKAT = Attention
GR = Entrance
MDAT KAPISI = Emergency Exit
KAPALI = Closed
KIRALIK = For Rent
SATILIK = For Sale
SGARA MEK YASAKTIR = Smoking Prohibited (since May 2008 smoking in
public buidlings and during driving a car is not allowed, the penalties are high...)
TEHLKE FREN = Emergency Brake
LM TEHLKES = Danger of Life (e.g. electriciy panels, often in combination
with a skull and crossbones, who still doesn't understand got a real problem ;-) )
YASAK BLGE = Restricted Area (often military areas; by the way it's of course
not allowed to take pictures of police stations and military facilities, in this
matter turkish officials don't have any sense of humour)
bkz. = baknz (see)
cad. = cadde (street)
M = Milattan nce (before Christ BC)
MS = Milattan sonra (anno Domini AD)
sok. = sokak (alley, small street)
PK = posta kutusu (post box)
PTT = Posta, Telgraf, Telefon (turkish post office)
TBMM = Trkiye Byk Millet Meclisi (the turkish parliament)
TC = Trkiye Cumhuriyeti (Republic of Turkey)
TCDD = Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demiryollar (turkish railway company)
THY = Trk Hava Yollar (Turkish Airlines)
TRT = Trkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu (turkish public television)
vb. = ve bakalar (etc.)
vs. = ve saire (etc.)
YTL = Yeni Trk Liras (the turkish currency, new Turkish Lira)



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