Jet Venturi Fume Scrubbers
Jet Venturi Fume Scrubbers
Jet Venturi Fume Scrubbers
1. Water Pressure. The higher the pressure the more efficient the unit, especially
on dust collection.
Whenever a recycle system is involved, it is better to specify a water pressure
of 80-100 psig at the nozzle since this will normally result in a smaller unit and
lower horsepower requirement than a system based on 40-60 psig. Some
processes require large quantities of water whereas others can get by on much
less. The optimum pressure and liquid consumption will be recommended for
your application.
2. Since the unit requires no fan, the exact amount of draft required should be
computed if at all possible. This is a controlling factor in terms of both water
volume and pressure.
3. Systems Components. Jet Venturi Fume Scrubbers are available as individual
units for incorporation in your own design or in conjunction with complete
package systems designed and engineered by our specialists. Where total
design is desired, it is important that we know the requirements for auxiliary
equipment such as motors, liquid level controls etc.
4. Once-through vs. Recirculating. Depending upon the process or pollutant
involved. further treatment may be required. A recycle loop will help to
concentrate the contaminant to cut the size of further treatment equipment.
Recycle can also be used for the recovery of material being scrubbed. For
example, a stream containing air, HCl, water vapor, and C02 can be scrubbed
with water to produce an HCl stream which can then be stripped of HCl for
From the capacity curve, 800 CFM can be handled by an 88 Fume Scrubber. The required
horsepower is 2.6.
From the curve it is obvious we can reduce the motive pressure required by increasing the size
of the unit. Taking the same problem as above, we will use a 30 x 30 unit.
Scrubber Sizing: For Example 1 of scrubber sizing, look on separator sizing curve for 800
CFM and draw a line across to the separator curve. A 30 diameter unit would be required.
For Example 2, the required unit from the curve at 9,000 CFM is a 96 unit.
Custom Versus Stock Units: For optimum efficiency it is advisable to custom design Fume
Scrubbers. When conditions are not accurately known, however, stock units may be the most
economical answer. These units are available in inert fiberglass reinforced polyester
construction so that they can be used for almost every conceivable condition. Their light
weight allows use on roof areas without additional supporting steelwork. Roof mounting frees
valuable floor space for other equipment. Separator tanks including storage for recycling are
also furnished. Pilot plant test units are available for preliminary tests in your own plant. This
may be particularly important if the pollutant is unusual or the actual operating conditions are
unknown. Test facilities are also maintained for double checking on specific parameters.
(PVC), or other plastics, or it may be lined with an endless variety of appropriate material
depending upon process need. Since various impurities in the gas flow may alter the
resistance of materials to attack, your own experience with other equipment in similar service
may prove to be the best judge. When this previous experience is not available, the answer
may be found in our extensive case history file.
Letf: 36 diameter Fume Scrubber handling 12,500 cfms of gas a 150 F in high analysis super
phosphate operation
Right: Several Jet Venturi Scrubbers handling HCI, HNO3 an NH3 at major chemical