IIM Kashipur Proposal For Construction

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Request for Proposal


Appointment of Project Manager (PM) for New Campus

Development of Indian Institute of Management Kashipur

Date of Pre-Proposal Conference of Applicants: 1400 hrs, Dec20, 2012

Submission Deadline for Applications/Proposals: 1700 hrs, Jan 3, 2013

Indian Institute of Management Kashipur

Bazpur Road, Kashipur 244713,
Distt. Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand)
Phone: 05947 - 211920
E-mail: director@iimkashipur.ac.in

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0.0 Definitions
0.1 Abbreviations
1. Introduction
2. Eligibility Criteria & Other Instructions
3. Selection Process
4. Schedule & Submission of Proposals
5. Broad Requirements of the Project
6. Terms of Reference of the Assignment
7. Other Conditions
8. Applicability
9. Canvassing
Appendix 1 : Evaluation Criteria for Technical Proposals
Appendix 2 : Technical Proposal
Appendix 2A : Minimum Staffing Requirements
Appendix 3 : Format of Financial Proposal
Appendix 4: Basic Design Principles of proposed Campus
Appendix 5: Timeline for Phase-I of Campus Development
Appendix 6 : Checklist of Proposal
Annexure 1 : Performa : General
Annexure 2 : Letter of Transmittal
Annexure 3 : Format for Letter of Joint Venture
Annexure 4 : Proposed Affidavit
Annexure 5 : Pledge of Compliance
Annexure 6 : Company/Firms experience
Annexure 7: Applicants experience: Project Sheet
Annexure 8: CVs of staff
Annexure 9: Companys management structure
Annexure 10: Details of Turnover & net-worth

RFP Issued to (Applicants Name):

Signature of Authorized
Official of PM Applicant:
Name & Designation

Signature of Authorized
Official of IIM Kashipur:
Name & Designation:

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0.0.1 IIM Kashipur or the Institute means the Indian Institute of Management Kashipur
(IIM-Kashipur) including its Society, Board of Governors, Director and its functionaries and
any other officials or agencies designated by the Director or the Board of Governors for the
0.0.2 Project Manager (PM) means the Applicant, appointed as such pursuant to this
selection process, for providing Project Management Consultancy services for the New
Campus Development Project of IIM Kashipur. PMs responsibilities include pre-planning
consultancy, planning, execution, supervision and monitoring, ensure quality control, timely
completion, post-completion review & rectification, and all other responsibilities related to
completing the project as agreed under the contract with the Institute.
0.0.3 Request for Proposal (RFP) means this document specifying the requirements,
terms and conditions, scope, and other related particulars of selecting and employing a PM
for the New Campus Development Project of IIM Kashipur.
0.0.4 Project Management Services (PMS) means services to be rendered by PM to IIM
Kashipur for its New Campus Development Project and more specifically as set out in
Clause 1.2.
0.0.5 Application means the proposal submitted by an Applicant for providing Project
Management Services and shall include Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal.
0.0.6 Applicant means the individual/firm/company/organisation or similar entity
submitting an Application in response to this Request for Proposal.
0.0.7 Technical Proposal means the technical part of the Application that includes data
and documents required for evaluating the technical capability of the Applicant.
0.0.8 Financial Proposal means the financial part of the Application that specifies the
fee, Applicant wishes to charge from IIM Kashipur for providing PM services for its New
Campus Development Project and it comprises of fee quoted for the total project and the
stages of the project.
Fee means the stage-wise charges to be paid to the PM for the services rendered
it on the New Campus Development Project of the Institute after thorough inspection and due
satisfaction of the duly authorised representative of IIM Kashipur.

0.0.10 Master Plan means the overall architectural plan / layout for the New Campus
Development of the Institute to be prepared by Design Consultant.
0.0.11 Design Consultant means the consultant selected through a competitive process
based on their reputation, proven capabilities and evaluation of submitted design proposals.
The Design Consultant shall be responsible for developing the Master Plan of the Campus in
consultation with the PM, CDC of IIM and any other representatives appointed and the
Institute, preparing the architectural and engineering designs for various structures and
utilities and supporting the implementation through specific designs and drawings and
assistance in construction and commissioning of the facilities.
0.0.12 Defect liability period means the warranty period beyond the project completion.
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0.0.14 Net worth means total assets minus total outstanding liability.
0.0.15 Capital cost means total Approved Project Cost.

Bedroom Hall Kitchen
Bought (out) Quantity
Comptroller & Auditor General
Campus Development Committee
Clean Development Mechanism
Certified Emission Reduction
Central Public Works Department
Central Vigilance Commission
Demand Draft
Earnest Money Deposit
Fellow Programme in Management
Heating Ventilating and Air-Conditioning
IIM-Kashipur Indian Institute of Management Kashipur
Indian Institute of Technology
Letter of Intent
Memorandum of Understanding
National Capital Region
No Objection Certificate
Operations & Maintenance
Public Accounts Committee
Project Manager
Research & Development
Request for Proposal
Work Breakdown Structure

Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, (hereinafter referred to as IIM Kashipur or
the Institute) is an autonomous institute established in 2011 by the Government of India to
provide quality management education in the country to cater to the needs of corporate and
non-corporate sectors and public systems. Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, a new
entrant in the elite league of IIMs, is set up with the objective of providing quality
management education while sensitizing students towards the needs of the society. The
Institute is operational from July 2011 in a temporary campus located at Ganna Sansthan,
Bazpur Road, Kashipur, Uttarakhand. For the establishment of a state-of- art permanent
campus, an area of approximately 200 acres has been identified in the Escorts Farm area of
Kundeshwari village, Kashipur, Udham Singh Nagar (dist) Uttarakhand. The site has been
selected considering factors such as easy accessibility and scope for future development.
The Institute is located in one of the most densely industrialized regions in the country. The
Government of India would be allocating adequate budgetary grants to develop the campus.
The Institute invites applications for selection of a Project Manager or Project
Management Consultant (referred to as the PM hereinafter) to assist the Institute in the
infrastructure development for the proposed campus. The selected PM shall aid and assist
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the Institute in the various activities, including, but not limited to the following: (See section
6.1 for detailed scope of services)

The Principal of the PM organization may be required to assist in competitive

selection of Design Consultant for preparation of Master Plan/Master Plan Design/
Architectural design / Engineering design.
Obtaining all statutory approvals which do not fall within the purview of
the Design Consultant(s)
Facilitating architectural/structural/services designs and evaluating detailed designs
with respect to coordination of services and execution
Vetting of quantities/cost estimates of architects/ construction agencies. It may be
noted that the vetting of engineering designs will be done by the experts decided by IIMKashipur. The PM will assist IIM on determining the critical parameters to be reported, in the
follow up of the vetting progress and in co-ordinating the design modifications that may be
required as a result of this and also assist in competitive selection of construction agencies,
Construction supervision and contract management,
Project management services.
Provide complete support for responding to legal calls/statutory queries, etc
The selection of the PM will be through an open process as per this Request for
Proposal (RfP).
The PM may be selected either for the full project of New Campus Development
covering all phases envisaged in the Master Plan or for one or more phases, based on
technical or financial parameters or at the sole discretion of the Institute.
The RFP document is also available on the official website of IIM Kashipur
The Application submitted by an Applicant should be complete in all respects.
Incomplete Applications or conditional Applications shall be subject to automatic rejection
and the said decision shall not be challenged by any applicant in any manner whatsoever.

Eligibility Criteria & Other Instructions

Primary Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for being considered for selection as the PM, an Applicant should fulfill the
following conditions of eligibility:
Technical Criteria: For demonstrating the technical capacity and experience
(Technical Criteria), the Applicant/Applicant shall, during the past five (5) financial years
immediately preceding the RFP due date, have (i) been paid for or (ii) received payments for
providing Project Management Consultancy Services for Eligible Project(s) such that the
amount is at least Rs.2 crore during each of the 5 financial years. Rs. 2 crore every year for
the first 2 years (2007-2009, Rs. 3 crore each year for the next 3 years (2009-2012)
Net-worth: The Applicant shall have a minimum net-worth of Rs 200 million in each of
at least the last 3 financial years.
The applicant shall have made a profit for each of the past 3 financial years (2009-10
2010-11 and 2011-12)
The following categories of experience would qualify as technical capacity and eligible
experience (the Eligible Experience) in relation to Eligible Projects:

Experience of providing Project Management Services (PMS)

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Eligible Experience shall be measured only for Eligible Projects. For a project to qualify as an
Eligible Project:
It should be a campus of an educational institution (preferably an institution of
national importance) with a total built-up area of at least 20000 sq. m, either in India or
abroad or
It should be a mixed use township. The capital cost of eligible project (excluding the
cost of land) shall be at least Rs 300 crore in a single case or Rs 600 crore in multiple
projects of minimum size of Rs 200 crore each, over the last 5-year period.
2.1.1 The Applicant is ineligible to submit a proposal if it or any of its constituents, agents or
service providers has been blacklisted/debarred/declared insolvent/wound up by any
authority of the Central and/or any State Government and/or any court of competent
jurisdiction in India.
2.1.2 The Applicant should not have ever failed to perform on any agreement nor been
expelled from any project or agreement nor any agreement terminated for breach by the
2.1.3 The Applicant should submit references and certificates from the concerned
institutions/ authorities in fulfilment of the eligibility criteria.
2.1.4 The Applicant is required to file an affidavit in respect of clauses 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 on a
non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) so as to authenticate the
facts as stipulated in these two clauses. The format of the proposed affidavit is given in
Annexure 4.
2.1.5 The Applicant finally selected as PM will be required to sign an Integrity Pact as part
of the agreement.

Other Instructions

2.2.1 The Applicant may be a firm or a consortium of not more than two firms the lead
member of which has been in existence for at least 7 years and has gathered Eligible
Experience in its name. In case of a consortium a copy of the agreement/MOU/partnership
deed already executed between the parties should be provided.
2.2.2 Selection of the PM shall be as per the selection process described later in this
document if it fulfils the Primary Eligibility Criteria. No additional explanation and/or
justification (for any aspect of the selection process) will be given and the Institutes decision
in this regard shall be final without any right of appeal.
2.2.3 Applicants must acquaint themselves fully about the assignment and the local
conditions before submitting the Proposal. They may visit the site with prior arrangement.
2.2.4 All latest information and clarifications sought, if any, will be posted on the website.
Applicants are advised to visit the website regularly.
2.2.5 The Applicant shall submit its Proposal in the form and manner specified in the text
and Appendices of the RFP, along with
An RfP processing fee of Rs 15000/- (Rupees Fifteen thousand only) (nonrefundable) in the form of DD payable to IIM Kashipur at Kashipur and

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An Earnest Money Deposit of Rs 1,000,000 (Rupees ten lakh only) in the form of
DD/Pay Order/ from a nationalised bank shall be drawn by each applicant submitting its
application in favour of IIM Kashipur and payable at Kashipur. EMD of unsuccessful
Applicants will be subsequently returned once the process of selection of successful
applicant is complete.
Completely filled-in and signed details as in Annexure 1-10.
2.2.6 An Applicant is eligible to submit only one Proposal. See Appendix 1-6 and
Annexure 1 to 10 for details and various formats. A checklist is provided at Appendix 6.
2.2.7 The Technical and Financial Proposals should be submitted in separate sealed
covers as specified in Clause 3.1. The Financial Proposal should be without any conditions;
any conditional Applications may be rejected.
2.2.8 The proposals as well as any other communication related to the PM work between
the Institute and the applicants/PM shall be in English language at all times.
2.2.9 The proposals should remain valid for at least 180 calendar days from the last date
for submission of proposals.
2.2.10 The Institute reserves the right to reject any Proposal if, at any time, a material
misrepresentation is made or discovered, or the Applicant does not provide responses or
clarifications sought by the Institute within the stipulated period.
2.2.11 The proposals must reach before the stipulated date of submission. Late submission
Shall not be accepted.
2.2.12 The documents and other information provided by the Institute or submitted by the
Applicant to the Institute shall remain or become the property of the Institute. All Applicants
are to treat all information provided as strictly confidential.
2.2.13 The Applicant should sign each page (which should be numbered) of the Proposal.
Additional pages should also be numbered and signed.
2.2.14 References and certificates from respective organizations submitted should be signed
by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer/Project Manager in case of a
Government Department, and a General Manager in case of other bodies.
2.2.15 The Applicant shall bear all the costs associated with submitting the Proposal,
completing any negotiations and, if selected for the work, executing the agreement in the
prescribed format.
2.2.16 The Institute reserves the right to modify any part of the RFP any time before
submission of the proposals, giving sufficient notice to all the Applicants to respond.
Changes may be communicated to all the Applicants through physical or electronic means.
The Applicant is required to acknowledge the receipt of the changes.
2.2.17 The selected PM is required to provide to the Institute its services without prejudice
or conflict of interest, in a manner that best suits the interests of the Institute.

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Selection Process

Each Applicant will submit the Earnest Money Deposit, Technical Proposal and a
financial proposal in separate sealed envelopes indicating the name of the work and clearly
marked as EMD, Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal respectively. The three
sealed envelopes should be put inside one large envelope along with a suitable covering
letter. The Financial Proposal has to be in the format specified in Appendix 3 and must be
quoted in percentage terms.
The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any Application and to cancel the
entire process without any liability and/or without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
Proposals of only those Applicants who have deposited the Earnest Money Deposit in
the prescribed format would be taken up for evaluation of primary eligibility criteria.


Evaluation of Technical Proposals

3.4.1 In the first stage, the Technical Proposal will be evaluated on the basis of Applicants
experience, understanding of Terms of Reference, proposed methodology and work plan
besides the experience of key personnel proposed for the assignment. Only those Applicants
whose Technical Proposals score 60 marks or more out of 100 shall qualify for further
consideration, and shall be ranked from the highest to the lowest on the basis of their
technical scores (St).
3.4.2 Technical Evaluation shall be strictly done as per the evaluation criteria given in
Appendix 1 of this document. The Applicants shall provide necessary data, as required in
Appendix 1, in their proposal.
3.4.3 While awarding marks for the number of eligible projects, the Applicant with the
highest number of Eligible Projects shall be awarded the highest score for the respective
category and all others remaining shall be entitled to a proportionate score.
3.4.4 Applicants may be required to make a presentation before an evaluation committee
constituted by the Institute. The presentation will be for approximately 30 minutes and will
consist of three parts: (i) past projects with focus on special features and quality aspects
(along with some photos) and special project management techniques that might have been
used to execute the project speedily and within initial budgeted cost, (ii) the Applicants
philosophy towards this project with respect to the nature of typology, structure, orientation,
kind of finishing, approaches for sustainability, energy efficiency/overall savings, safety
measures, etc and (iii) project management approach the Applicant plans to use for this
project - project organization for PM, responsibility of key personnel, etc.
3.4.5 The Institute or any evaluation committee appointed by the Institute may choose,
before deciding on the Application, to inspect such premises or project sites of the Applicant
that have been mentioned in the Technical Proposal, after due notice of 7 days to the
Applicant, at their own cost. In such case, the Applicant shall have to corroborate the
statements made in their proposal.
Short-listing of Applicants
3.5.1 If the Applicants, ranked as above, are less than 3 (three), the Institute may, at its
sole discretion, pre-qualify the best of Applicant(s) whose technical score (St) is less than 60
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but not less than 50 points, even if such Applicant(s) do(es) not qualify in terms of Clause
Evaluation of Financial Proposal
3.6.1 In the second stage, the financial evaluation will be carried out as per clause 3.7 and
its sub-clauses. Each Financial Proposal will be assigned a financial score (Sf).
3.6.2 For financial evaluation, the % of the Expected Project Cost quoted by the Applicant
indicated in its Financial Proposal will be considered (refer Appendix 3 for the format for
Financial Proposal). The fee ceiling indicated will also be included in the financial evaluation.
3.6.3 The Institute will determine whether the Financial Proposals are complete,
unqualified and unconditional and will consider only those proposals which are found
satisfactory on all counts mentioned above. The fee (as % of Expected Project Cost as well
as fee ceiling) quoted in the Financial Proposal shall be deemed as final for evaluation
purposes only. The Financial Proposal quoting the lowest % (Fm) will be given a financial
score (Sf) of 100 points (where the % is equal for 2 Applications, the Application carrying
lower fee ceiling will get 100 and the other will get the average of 100 and the score
of the next lowest Applicant; where the % is equal for more than 2 Applications, the
Applications carrying higher fee ceiling will be awarded scores between 100 and the
score of the next lowest Applicant with the score adjustment factor being the ratio of
the fee ceilings of the tied Applicants. The same principle will be used if there is tie of %
at other levels below 100). The financial scores of other proposals will be computed as
(F = % fee quoted in the Financial Proposal)
The service tax and allied cess shall be paid in addition to the fee quoted.
Combined and Final Evaluation
3.7.1 Proposals will finally be ranked according to their combined technical score (St) and
Financial score (Sf) as follows:
Where S is the combined score, and T w and Fw are weights assigned to Technical
Proposal and Financial Proposal which shall be 0.80 and 0.20 respectively.
3.7.2 The selected Applicant shall be the first ranked Applicant (having the highest
combined score).
3.7.3 The first ranked Applicant will be invited for further discussions as may be decided by
the Institute. After final selection, a Letter of Intent (LOI) shall be issued by the Institute. The
Applicant shall, within the date specified in the LOI, enter into an agreement with the
3.7.4 Before signing the agreement, an unconditional Performance Guarantee, in the form
of a Bank Guarantee (BG), of 5% of the estimated value of fee agreed to be paid to
the PM or Rs. 2.0 million, whichever is higher, will be required to be remitted by the
selected PM Applicant. This is in addition to the retention of EMD. If there are delays in
executing the assignment that are not condoned or accepted by IIM Kashipur or there is any
failure to perform, both the unconditional Performance Guarantee and EMD of the PM shall
be forfeited.

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Schedule & Submission of Proposals

Applicants satisfying the minimum qualification requirements as prescribed in clause
2.1 shall submit the Applications to the Director, IIM Kashipur, Bazpur Road, Kashipur
244713, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand) latest by January 3, 2013
Queries/clarifications may be e-mailed to director@iimkashipur.ac.in. Clarifications,
if any, shall only be posted on the Institutes website. No individual replies/clarifications may
be sent.
The key dates are as follows (subject to change):
Release of RFP request to Applicants
Pre-proposal conference for all Applicants at IIM Kashipur
Last date of receipt of proposal
Presentation by Applicants
Evaluation of Technical Proposals and Shortlisting of Applicants
Opening of Financial proposals
Negotiations, if any
Letter of Award - To be within the validity period of the Application
Submission of performance Bank Guarantee & Signing of agreement
Note: * These dates may change; change, if any, will be duly intimated


Broad Requirements of the Project

The main role and responsibility of the PM is to assist the Institute in the infrastructure
development of IIM Kashipur Campus. The Campus is proposed to be established in the
Escorts Farm area of Kundeshwari village, Kashipur, Uttarakhand, and is 200 Acres
(Approx.) in area. Over a 15-20 year period, the Campus is expected to host about 4500
residents including about 2000 students. The New Campus is proposed to be constructed
and made fully operational in about 3 phases. The first phase is required to be fit for
occupation by 2015 in all respects.
The first phase of the campus, needed for IIM Kashipur to become operational in the
New Campus, is required to be completed and made fully functional by year 2015. The first
phase of the campus will have:
Classroom blocks with a total seating capacity (in main classrooms) of about 600
persons (smaller classrooms will be additional),
Offices for faculty and staff for about 150 people,
Directors office block
Student hostels for 600 students (with arrangements for catering/mess)
Canteens for faculty/staff and others
Faculty and staff accommodation with about 100 flats of 1BHK, 2BHK, 3 BHK
and 4 BHK in the appropriate proportion, World-class Guest house of 30 suites.
A computer and communications centre with necessary instruction labs,
Modern Library with internet connectivity and work stations.
A local shopping centre, health clinic and recreational spaces, Auditorium of 1000
capacity, Convention centre, Open Air Theatre, Bank, Post Office, gymnasium, cafeteria etc.
Tracks and fields for outdoor games and events and courts for indoor games besides
other indoor sports facilities, jogging tracks and an Amphitheatre.
Adequate parking facilities for the proposed numbers of students, faculty, visitors and
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Power, power backup system (AC & DC), integrated water supply system through
underground and overhead tanks, plumbing, sewage, fire detection, and fire-fighting
Data and voice LAN/WAN network, Audio-visual and CCTV systems in lecture halls,
tutorial rooms, auditoria, convention halls, board rooms, seminar rooms and Directors
Adequate safety and surveillance system.
HVAC systems in selected areas, BMS, Security system, lifts, external & internal
Fittings, furniture, including work stations, and furnishings for offices, classrooms,
lecture halls, tutorial rooms, and, as applicable, in hostels and dwelling units.
Roads, pathways, signage, murals, artefacts, water bodies, rainwater harvesting,
landscaping, gardens/parks
Solid & other waste management systems.
Any other necessary components.
These are indicative in nature and mentioned only to give an idea of the size and scale of
activities involved. The final plan may have other components and facilities.
The subsequent phases of the New Campus are expected to be completed as per the
capacity and completion targets indicated in Appendix 4.
The planning work will entail development of the campus including paths, roads,
parking, gate, compound wall, rainwater drainage/rain harvesting, roadside cabling ducts
including placement of sleeves across the road at suitable intervals, horticulture,
landscaping, etc. It may also have a water treatment plant and sewage treatment plant,
waste management plant and solar lighting/water heating systems when desired.

Terms of Reference of the Assignment

6.0.1 The objective of IIM Kashipur, in seeking to appoint a PM, is to carry out the New
Campus Development project with adequate professional support and without undue
constraint on the academic activities of the Institute to which the Director and other officials
are expected to devote a major part of their time and effort. By acting as the agent of the
Institute, the PM is expected to provide full support to the Institute in the task of managing
the project, subject to the provisions of this RfP and other terms and conditions of the
agreement signed between the PM and the Institute. The PM will have, under the guidance
and supervision of IIM Kashipur, advisory, planning and execution as well as supervision and
monitoring responsibilities in this project. Some indicative dimensions of the project are given
in Section 5 and Appendix 4.
6.0.2 PM shall have a site office (at the IIM Kashipur New Campus site), with adequate and
appropriate manpower as required from time to time, right through the entire assignment from site survey to completion of the implementation. The Institute shall provide water and
electricity for the site office, but may charge a reasonable/nominal cost for the same. The
construction, furnishing, furbishing, maintenance, upkeep and watch and ward of site office
shall be done by the PM at their cost.
The location of the site office is to be decided by the architect/IIM and the PM. Construction
will be done by the Contractor along with other similar facilities for his own staff and the
architects site office as well. It is possible that it will be used by IIM for another purpose after
completion.. The space will be given as an empty shell. All furnishing to be done by the
user.(PM in this case). The maximum proposed size of the shell will be 70 sq.m.

Scope of Services of PM
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The PM shall function completely under the supervision of as well as specific principles and
guidelines laid down by IIM Kashipur. The PM shall not take any decisions on the
implementation plan or on the selection of various agencies of implementation without the
formal explicit approval/consent of IIM Kashipur, . IIM Kashipur will have the final authority in
all selection and decision processes related to the campus development. The PM shall
create a time line for all activities of the campus development. project and do a complete
listing and planning of activities.
The broad scope of work of PM includes, but not limited to
Obtaining necessary clearances at various stages, which are not in the scope of the
Architects responsibilities.
Assist in the process of selection of Design Consultant (architects) coordinating and
supervising & monitoring of all design deliverables on site.
Project management and contract management,
Supervision & monitoring of implementation,
Monitoring project outcomes, and

Pre-Construction Stage:


obtain all statutory approvals permissions and paperwork related to work on site.
verification of BoQ, tender documents, pre-qualification of contractors.
vetting of designs: detailed brief to vettors and co-ordinate design modifications as
may be required as a result of the vetting process.
assist IIM Kashipur wit process of award in negotiating with the bidders.
list and ensure that all insurances related to persons and activities on site are
obtained as necessary.
at the mobilisation stage:
data related to physical levels, positions, marking etc. of site to be verified
survey sheets and setting out to be verified
mobilisation facilities like: temporary power, source of water supply
sequencing and scheduling of activities on site
6.1.2 Environment Precaution Planning
Preparation of environmental documents, based upon the principles of health, safety
and environment management, in a cost-effective and technically sound manner including
environmental impact assessment report, environmental management plan, and mitigation
measures etc. necessary to get the environmental clearance from the state and central
government authorities.
Plan environmental specifications related to lead, asbestos, pesticides, indoor air
quality, and waste management and disposal.

Viable plan for use of recycling support services for proper waste management


Viable plan for use of sustainable energy resources like solar energy etc.


Rain water harvesting & water Recycling

However, any construction required for this shall be strictly and wholly to be designed to be
located within the approved Master Plan and all architectural features shall be strictly in
accordance with the overall architectural vocabulary of the campus. This task will be
assigned to the Design consultants selected for the purpose.
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6.1.3 Selection of Design Consultant

The PM shall assist the Institute in understanding and designs submitted by the
Design Consultants and where required, provide inputs on cost and material to arrive at a
viable solution.
The PM shall be a member In the meetings between the Design Consultants and IIM
Kashipur, the PM shall be a member. For such meetings, if required the PM shall record and
prepare the minutes of such meetings held. Minutes of all such meetings will be subject to
the approval of the Institute.

Scope for Design Management Services

With the help of Consultants to prepare designs of buildings, water collection, storage,
distribution drainage and disposal systems, communication and landscape designs, civil
work agencies etc, the PM shall provide integrated design services management related to
all activities of Campus Development during execution and construction phase
For the approval of the Institute, in consultation with the Design Consultants the PM
shall prepare an integrated time bar chart for various tenders with dates of commencement
and completion of each part of the project. The PM shall ensure completion of preparation of
all tender documents for buildings and all other works without any time and cost overrun.
Once the final designs prepared by selected design consultants have been accorded
approval by the Institute, it will be the responsibility of the PM to ensure regular follow up to
obtain the mandatory sanctions of the competent authority. The PM shall assist in all follow
up activities and corrections and modifications in the submissions that may be called for. The
PM will also ensure implementation of constructability, sustainability and green building
concepts in the project.

Vetting of Working Drawings & Tender Documents

Once the working and detailed design/drawings, structural calculations, structural
drawings, including specifications, for various works have been received from the Design
Consultants, the follow up of proof-checking of same shall be the full responsibility of the
IIM Kashipur may decide to get the proof checking of designs submitted by the by
experts of its choice. The PM shall monitor the progress off such checks and also co ordinate
the modification of designs wherever required. The fee for the proof-checking of structural
design/details shall be borne by IIM Kashipur and be paid directly to the vetting consultants
Engage in coordination with the Design Consultant the services of well-qualified
specialists or consultants for design of various civil, mechanical, electrical, and
communication systems, in case in-house competence is not available, pertaining to the
following services:
Mechanical works, ventilation systems, HVAC
Electrical (internal & external) HT/LT substations, power backup system etc.
Building Automation Systems
Fire detection/protection system
Security systems, Plumbing, Sewage & Sanitation, Waste management System
(solid, electronic etc)
Design of Computer network cabling and telephone cabling
Audio/video system, furniture planning for all types of buildings.
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Getting, checking and vetting mechanical, electrical and HVAC working drawings and
detailed drawings, full size details, making load/capacity calculations and preparing all design
drawings, specifications, or such other particulars as may be necessary for preparing the bills
of quantities & tender documents.

AC Planning for optimal implementation of cooling/heating.

6.1.6 Appointment of Contractors
The PM, in consultation with the Design Consultants, shall recommend to the Institute
about the optimal number of tender packages required to be prepared for successful
completion of the project without any cost/time overruns. The ramifications of tenders,
especially for building works, should be such as to attract genuine contractors besides
ensuring fair competition. The PM shall assist the Institute in the bid-process management
for selection of contractors for all works. To expedite the completion of the first and
subsequent phases of the project, IIM Kashipur may choose to split the construction (and
other) works among multiple contractors, and, if it is being done, the PM (as well as the other
related consultants) shall be required to facilitate the same
In accordance with the guidelines of the Institute, the PM shall help the Institute in
deciding the criteria for prequalification and preparation of documents for pre-qualification of
contractors for specific approval of the Institute. In all matters of selection of contractors, the
final authority to decide will lie with the Institute.
After vetting and incorporating the general/special terms and conditions of contract as
per the Institute and as prepared by the Design Consultants, the PM shall assis the Institute
in preparing the final tender document and thereafter in the tendering process until the award
is decided.
The PM shall fully assist the Institute in completing the PQ process as required by the
Institute. This will include answering pre-bid queries and conducting pre-bid meetings with
prospective contractors.
The PM shall vet the tender documents and would be fully responsible for the
accuracy and sufficiency of the estimated quantities and cost, the estimated time for
completion, the detailed nomenclature of items along with the specifications, General and
Special conditions of the Contract. The PM shall ascertain the overall correctness of the
tender documents before those are issued to prequalified tenderers.
Invitation, receipt, and opening of tender will be done by PM in consultation with the
Architect and the Institute. The evaluation of the tenders received, and preparation of the
comparative statement, clearly identifying the technical and commercial conditions shall be
done by the PM with full justification of rates based on market rates along with basic market
rates of all constituents of the material T&P machinery etc as on the date of issue of tender
documents along with proper analysis of rates including therein fair value analysis. Labor
rates will be as per minimum wages act by Uttarakhand Government. For evaluation,
standard norms such as latest CPWD manual shall be followed.
After analysis of tenders, preparation of justification/comparative statement and
submission with comments for scrutiny and approval to the Institute.
The PM shall assist the Institute in finalization of contractors for different disciplines,
including all assistance at all critical meetings. The PM shall give at least 5 days advance
notice to the Institute so that they can plan for the same.
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The PM shall be the Member Secretary of the meetings between the contractor(s)
and IIM Kashipur. Minutes of all such meetings will be subject to the approval of the Institute.
6.1.7 Construction
Vetting of working drawings and details for proper execution of work during
The PM shall approve samples of various elements, materials, components, material
testing, source approval, visiting factories or suppliers outlets for electro-mechanical
equipments. While the material sourcing and procurement may be a part of the tender
document, the PM shall accord alternative-source approval, but without any financial liability
to the Institute in case of non availability of the specified material at the source mentioned.

Check and approve shop drawings submitted by the contractors/vendors.

Wherever necessary, the PM will clarify and offer interpretation of the
drawings/specifications, or obtain clarifications from the Architect within such a time frame
that the progress of the work is not affected, attend conferences and meetings with the
contractor(s) and other relevant entities to ensure that the project proceeds generally in
accordance with the conditions of contract with the contractor, keep the Institute informed
and render advise to the Institute on any actions/course corrections, if required.
Keep a strict watch and control upon Substitutions, Extra items/Deviated items. The
Institute shall be made aware of the financial consequences of such deviations, if any, in
good time and decision shall be arrived at only after the Institutes formal approval of the
Ensure that time and cost overruns do not occur. Suggest required course correction
wherever required and recommend penalties for any deviation, failures or delays.

Issue certificate of virtual and final completion of works in consultation with the client.


Prepare answers for all queries.



Prepare and submit completion reports and drawings for the project as required and
obtaining NOC/Completion/Occupancy Certificate from statutory authorities where required.
Obtain from Design Consultant 5 (five) sets, besides digitized copies, of as-built
drawings including all services and structural design, calculation sheets, detailed
measurements, etc and explain deviations, if any, from the original drawings. The fiscal
consequences, of such deviations, if any, shall be the sole responsibility of PM and it shall
duly compensate IIM Kashipur.

Provide copies of all other relevant drawings, as requested by the Institute.


Maintain drawings from all services.

Provide all the drawings in proper electronic format suitable for use, modification, and
analysis - in particular, the files needed for interior design by interior architects. In addition,
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wherever possible, provide drawings in pdf format. All drawings and documents in electronic
format will be provided on a CD/DVD as agreed mutually
Prepare drawings, maintenance manual and methodology as well as preventive
maintenance schedule for buildings and all services/utilities.
In addition, it shall be the PMs responsibility to:
get and certify final bills of all contractors, to get no claims certificates from them
compile a list of all vendors and manufacturers and their maintenance/ local office/
distributor/representative to be contacted in case of need.
get all warranty papers and test certificates from all vendors and equipment suppliers
get all maintenance and operation manuals of all equipment
arrange for reasonable supply of spares
since handover may be staggered, arrange for safety and security of buildings which
are duly completed and handed over by the contractor, especially those which are
unoccupied for a period of time after handover


Allied Fields (in consultation with Design Consultant)

Scope for Project Management Services
6.2.1 General
Faithfully recording the minutes of all meetings held with the Institute, and all other
related agencies such as the designers, contractors/vendors etc and distributing the same to
all concerned members.

Planning Phase
Liaise with Institute/sub consultants/client consulting engineers.

Prepare a preliminary overall pre-construction schedule and construction schedule
based on the Institutes needs. Prepare in consultation and agreement with the contractor,
deliverable commitments to the Institute.
Collect market rates of all materials, labour, tools and plants, machinery, technical
specification/brochure of all materials and price list.

Construction Phase

Project Time Management
Prepare detailed activity-wise Master Programme for the entire project during the first
phase identifying the specific activities with inter-activity dependency, sequencing and
activity duration. This should preferably be in MS Project. It should also have separate plans
for separate buildings.
Prepare a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project dividing the scope into
smaller work packages.
Optimal scheduling of WBS activities so that the project can be completed in the
shortest possible span of time; and readjusting the schedule taking into consideration
schedule slippages of one or more activities; suggesting incentives/disincentives to the
contractor for completing the project/activities ahead/behind schedule.
Co-relate Project schedules prepared by the selected contractors with Master Project
schedule and incorporate any necessary modifications.
Day to day site supervision, assessment of cost overruns/savings quarterly.
Regular progress reviews, at least once in a fortnight, compare with planned Project
and submit status report to project manager (of the construction agency) and/or site in16 of 38

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charge (of the construction agency) and/or the Institute for re-casting of schedules to make
up for lost time.
Conduct regular, at least weekly, site meetings of concerned officials (of construction
agency/architect /other agencies involved/Institute, as the case may be) to monitor progress
of work, co-ordinate activities of all agencies and ensure that all outstanding matters,
drawings and decisions are resolved. (Agenda for these meetings shall be made available to
the Institute so that they can plan to attend as required).
Evaluate modifications in construction, if any, due to site conditions; advice on
variation to cost execution, if relevant, is a must. No extra items, substituted items or
deviations, beyond the stipulated limits in the contract, if any, shall be executed without the
prior written concurrence of the Institute.
Monitor progress of work, submit periodic status report to Institute on execution
planned and achieved.
Prepare and faithfully adhere to a testing and commissioning schedule for all capital
equipments and other engineering systems.
Monitor the progress of the project against these timelines and advising the Institute
of any deviations and ensuring contingent action to rectify any delays.
Coordinate with the Institute the initiation of different items of work (such as engaging
Interior designer) so that the work (say, interior architecture) can begin at the right time and
the project can be completed with no delay.
Project Cost Management
Develop a detailed project budget.
Provide support required for any possible scope changes.
Prepare cash flows for the project based on the construction schedule and other
commercial terms of payments to the contractors.
Review monthly project cost between planned cost vs. actual cost and forecast effect
of changes.
The PM will not give any decision which has an impact on the project budget without
the prior written approval for which a comprehensive proposal must be sent giving the
justification for change/decision and the amount involved.
Ensure that all changes are recorded accurately.
Prevent in-correct and in-appropriate changes.
Development of an effective system for overall project cost control.
Monitor the cost of the project and bringing any variance in signed off costs and
specifications immediately to the Institutes attention.
Project Quality Management
Check the quality of materials and workmanship with the specifications laid down.
Schedule meetings as per requirement, at least once a month with the Institute and
contractor to review the issues, upcoming decisions required, sign-offs, risk analysis,
schedules etc.,
Arrange and coordinate periodic site meetings between the contractors, consultants,
sub-contractors and Institute, etc.,
Ensure compliance to design and specifications during execution.
Set quality control procedures such as pour-cards, checklists, etc.
Ensure documentation of quality procedures implemented.
Conduct periodic quality meetings to maintain preset quality standards.
Check that product guarantees are available for mandatory period or as agreed
whichever is later.
Inspect completed works and recommend action if any.
Ensure the rectification of defects pointed out by the Institute and suggesting
corrective measures in case contractor fails to do so as per contract clause.

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Ensure timely conduct of all critical tests and conduct inspections (both on site and off
site) to ensure the quality of work as per laid down requirements/specifications/BIS
Ensure the testing of materials in approved labs only.
Receive all claims by the contractor to the institute and make specific
recommendations and justification along with all supporting documents.

Measurements & Bill Checking
Recording of measurements (as per laid down procedure/standards/practices) for all
items of work done including extra and declared sub items.
100% checking and certification of all contractors bills and forwarding it to the
Institute for payment within the agreed timelines as specified in the individual tender
documents. It should also recommend all statutory deductions as per the laws of the land.
Check and solicit rate analysis for extra items and substituted items of work and
forward the same for approval by the Institute before execution of the same at site ensuring
that such rates do not cause undue enrichment of the contractor.
Prepare reconciliation statement of various materials received and consumed at work
such as steel, cement, paint lead, etc consumed and brought to site. It should be submitted
with every bill.
Check the quantities exceeding the contract quantity and inform the cost implications
to the Institute.
Deployment of engineers and staff on site as per approved CPWD Manual unless
specifically modified by IIM Kashipur
Materials Schedule
Prepare Material requirement and procurement schedule based on the Bill of
Prepare storage scheme based upon procurement schedule.
Co-relate material procurement schedule with the Project schedule.
Contract Management
Advise the Institute on adequacy of the procedures of each contractor for carrying out
its contribution to the timely and cost effective completion of the project.
Act as the Institutes representative with respect to each contract in accordance with
this agreement and instructions from the Institute.
Ensure amendments to the contract are done as Variation orders in a timely manner
in case of Need modifications (from the Institute), Increases or decreases in BOQ, Nontendered items and Operation of rate only items.
Receive from contractors and review all shop drawings, product data, samples and
other submittals. Co-ordinate them with information contained in related documents and
transmit to the Institute (as required) for approval. Establish and implement procedures for
expediting processing. Only after due approval from IIM Kashipur the same shall be supplied
to contractors for execution.
Status Reporting
Prepare and submit weekly status reports of progress of work, consisting of the
following (as a minimum).

Executive Summary

Design issues and status by discipline

Construction issues and status

Procurement issues and status

Commissioning issues and status ( as applicable)

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Cost tracking report

Project schedule( planned vs. actual)

Bottlenecks and areas requiring immediate attention covering the Institute,

consultants and contractor actions.

Progress photographs showing monthly progress of all areas besides progress at

important milestones.

Material procured, required, tracking

Manpower planned, required and actually deployed

Quality issues and recommendations.

All minutes of meeting which were held during the period on a monthly basis

All critical communications from the Institute and architect

Prepare status reports as and when needed by the Institute.
Make presentations to the Institute regarding the status and progress of the project
on a monthly basis.
Site Safety
At the inception of the contract with the PM, prepare site safety procedures and
methods, with periodic course correction, for incorporation at site to minimize accidents
conforming to requirements as per local building by laws and as per terms of the contract.
Guidelines of ISO 18001 shall be followed for safety measures.
Testing, commissioning and handing over the facility including monitoring
performance during defect liability period and enforcing rectification of defects.

Statutory Authority Approvals

A list of all authority approvals that are required for this project will be prepared before
commencement and after completion of project. All statutory charges to these agencies will
be reimbursed/borne by the Institute.
The PM shall obtain all statutory approvals from the various statutory authorities of
those items which do not fall within the purview of the Design Consultant(s).
As of now, the design consultants will be responsible for all building
construction related approvals.
Assist IIM Kashipur in all cases of conciliation and arbitration and court cases besides
preparing replies on the observations of bodies like CAG, CVC, PAC, etc.
6.2.4 Project Closure
Verification of work upon completion.
Reviewing and verifying the as-built corrections to all plans, drawings and other
Soliciting from the contractors to supply trade files, documents, test certificates,
performance warranties/guarantees, spare parts list, maintenance manuals, no claim
certificate, etc to present to the Institute in both hard copy and electronic formats.
Preparing and maintaining the master snag/punch lists and ensuring the rectification
of defects if any. Institute may also contribute to the final snag/punch lists.
Preparing project expenses analysis, estimates and final account of expenditure
Ensuring that the constructed works and sites are cleaned and prepared for
occupancy and use even in parts as required by IIM Kashipur.
Monitor and ensure rectification of any defect for purposes of completing a full
commercial closing of the project.
Establish and effect a Programme for identifying and rectifying defects during
applicable defects liability periods including periodic monitoring and reporting.

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Solicit training from the contractors to the end users of the Institute on the use and
operation of various systems in the facility before handing over to the Institute for operation
and use.
Preparing standard measurements book for annual maintenance and repair of
If required, provide assistance to the Institute in liaising with the vendors and
contractors for making good any defects which may be found during the defects liability
period of 1 year.
Certify the release of retained amount of the contractors after the completion of
defects liability period.


This document along with all other documents communicated from IIM
Kashipur to the PM at the application stage or later at any stage till finalization of the
agreement and during execution of a formal agreement and any other documents agreed
as included between the two parties including the agreement of PM services signed
between them, except for the amendments, additions or deletions effected in the
subsequent documents, will form the basis of the contract governing the PM services of this
Wherever a later provision has a conflict with or deviates from any earlier provisions,
the later provision will supersede the earlier provision unless expressly stated or
decided otherwise. Wherever a clarification or interpretation is required on such or other
provisions or cases by either of the parties, the clarification or interpretation as given by the
Director, IIM Kashipur or any other official or agency authorized by him shall be final and
binding on the PM.
If any inadvertent error is detected at any stage in the RfP document or in
any other document subsequently supplied by IIM Kashipur to the PM Applicants, IIM
Kashipur will have the right to rectify such errors and on this any decision of the Director of
IIM Kashipur or any other official or agency authorized by him shall be final and
binding on the PM.


Canvassing of any nature by the PM Applicant or its officials or agents or anybody else on
their behalf will be considered as a disqualification and the Application/proposal of such
Applicants will be rejected.
DATE for Pre-proposal Conference at IIM Kashipur for all Applicants: Dec 18, 2012
LAST DATE for receiving the Application/proposal at IIM Kashipur: Jan 03, 2013
ADDRESS for sending the Applications/proposal:
I.I.M Kashipur
Bazpur Road, Kashipur-244713,
Distt. Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand)
Website: www.iimkashipur.ac.in
Contact: director@iimkashipur.ac.in
Phone: 05947-211920

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Appendix 1
Evaluation Criteria for Technical Proposals

Factors to be considered



Eligible Projects
executed in cities
mentioned below
Experience in
Eligible Projects

No. of Eligible Projects

executed in
Number of Eligible Projects
similar in scope anywhere
during last five (5) yrs.


Record of

Completion of projects without

time or cost overrun


Experience of the

Number and experience of 25

architects, management staff,
AC/water/ electric/ landscaping
engineers, and other technical
Evaluation will be based on the 25
quality of submissions

10 points for largest

project, 5 points for
each additional project
(Max 30)
1 point for every project
with completion time not
more than 5% beyond
the scheduled
completion time & 1
point for every project
with actual cost not
more than 3% above
the initial budgeted cost
See details below.

Methodology and
Work Plan and

2 points for each (max


30-minute power point

presentation shall be
made by the Applicant


Cities to be considered:
Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai, NCR, Nagpur,
Note: If the Applicant plans to use some defined partners/sub-consultants for some of the
services, including CDM consultants, then for evaluating the Experience of the
personnel, data of partners may be used, provided the partner is clearly specified and
there is clear commitment that same partner will actually be used during project
** Necessary proof needs to be provided wherever necessary/applicable

Appendix 2
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Technical Proposal

Please explain your objectives, approach, methodologies, likely problems & solution.
Please provide a projected work plan with justification for the IIM Kashipur project.
Please provide a work schedule and a detailed list of final output to be delivered.
Please provide your quality assurance plan.
Please provide details of PM team being deployed on IIM Kashipur project & site.
Please provide in brief, background of the key members in the PMs team. If some
sub-consultant is to be employed, then the background of that sub-consultant can be
mentioned, provided they are mentioned by name and it is guaranteed that the
named persons will be employed in the project. Please provide sufficient information
for calculating the marks in the evaluation criteria. If sufficient information is not
available about some parameter/factor, during evaluation 0 marks will be assigned to
that parameter/factor. See Appendix 2A for a list of minimum requirements of the PM
Please provide information on the total number of projects currently working on and
their project features (not more than one page on each project).
Please provide references not below the rank of project manager from the major
Institutes/Authorities/Organizations where projects were successfully carried out, for
similar or comparable assignments. Evidence on the projects should be attached.
Please provide information about any payment forfeiture or declared default of
In case of company/firm, Memorandum of Association and Article of Association shall
be furnished.
If any litigation the Applicant is involved in, such information shall be furnished.
For each relevant project, fill the table below (replicate and modify as needed; each
project information should fit in one page).
Project name, location, and brief
description of its nature
Project owner
Briefly describe the general specifics of
the finished project/building
List the green technologies/features
used, particularly for cooling and water
Total covered area (in sq. m.)
Total Cost of the Project
Duration (from getting the
appointment to handover)
Planned Date of Completion:
Actual Date of Completion:
References (name, title, tel. No./e-mail)
Copy of letters from the relevant

Appendix 2A
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Minimum Staffing Requirements*

S. No.

Project Head/
Team Leader
Project Manager



Environment /
Site / Landscape

Minimum Years
of Experience
20 in projects of
eligible size
15 in eligible
10 in eligible

Minimum Qualification

10 in eligible
8 in eligible

Degree in Architecture
Degree in relevant area

Environ. 1
Lscape 1

6 with degree
10 with diploma in
eligible projects
8 in eligible

Degree/Diploma in
engineering (Civil/ HVAC/
Electrical / Mech.
Diploma in Engineering

Degree in Engineering +
additional qualification in
Quality Control
Relevant Degree /
As essential & mutually

2 under each
Minim. 1 under
each constr.
engineer; but
actual no. to be
mutually based
on work


Quality Control

5 in eligible

Interior Designer


Other required

5 in eligible
As essential &
mutually agreed

Degree in Civil
Degree in Civil
Degree in relevant fields

Electrical 1

1 as per
To be decided
mutually as per

* If CPWD norms, if any, are superior to any of the minimum requirements specified in the table,

CPWD norms shall be followed unless specifically waived or modified by IIM Kashipur

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Appendix 3
(On Applicants letterhead)
The Director,
Indian Institute of Management, Kashipur
Bazpur Road, Kashipur 2444713
Distt. Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand)
Tel. 05947-211920
Fax __________________
E-mail : director@iimkashipur.ac.in
Subject :

Appointment as Project Manager (PM) for Development of New Campus

for Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kashipur, India.

Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned, offer to provide Project Management (PM) services for the above
subject project in accordance with your RFP dated ......................
1. Our Financial Proposal for Project Management (PM) Services of the Subject Project as
% of the Expected Project Cost is as given in the table below and this is all inclusive
including payments to any other consultants that the PM may use as part of their services
and all taxes excluding service tax.
2. Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to any modifications resulting
from contract negotiations, up to the expiration of the validity period of the Proposal, i.e.
_______________ (date) (Validity period should be at least 6 months from Proposal
3. We undertake that in competing for and, if the award is made to us, in executing the
above PM Services, we will strongly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in
force in India namely Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 & sign an Integrity Pact.
4. We understand that you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive and reserve
the right reject any and all proposals and applications without assigning any reason
Yours Sincerely

Authorized Signature
Name and Title of Signatory (With Office Seal):

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Appendix 4
Basic Design Principles of proposed Campus
Indicative Stages of Execution

Stage-wise Completion Targets



Hostel Bed


Staff Office















This is indicative in nature.

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Appendix 5
Timeline for Stage/Phase I of Campus Development


Master plan and other design finalisation

Proof checking of designs, preparation
of tender documents, bills of quantities etc.
Floating of tenders, evaluation, negotiations
award of work and mobilisation on site
Execution time including stagewise
Completion and handover

4 months
2 months
2 months
27 months

Total of 27 months after commencement of work on site

* Construction work may be entrusted to multiple agencies to complete the work in stipulated time academic premises, residential areas, & support systems/logistics systems can be under separate

IIM Kashipur is planning for completion of the current phase within 27 months after
commencement of work on site. The selection of Design Consultants is likely to be complete
by end of March 2013. The executable design drawings may be ready within 4 months after
this. It is practicable to assume that work on site can begin in about Oct-Nov. 2013.
The fee payable may be broken into:
A lump sum amount until site mobilisation takes place. This will be towards effort of statutory
permissions, scrutiny of tenders, BoQ and prequalification efforts, follow up of vetting of
drawings etc. Once site mobilisation happens, the balance fee may be paid in equal quarterly
instalments with 10-15% retention. This may be kept in reserve to pay during the extension
time period. The payment schedule may be prepared on this basis.

Appendix 6
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Checklist of Proposal

S. No.

General Information (Annexure 1)
Detailed Proposal (Technical Application) (Specify No. of
Detailed Proposal (Financial Application)
Letter of Transmittal (Annexure 2)
Evidence of Timely Completion of Past Projects (Specify
No. of documents)
Projected Work Plan (Specify No. of pages)
Demand Draft For Tender Processing Charges ( 15,000)
EMD ( 1,000,000)
Letter of Joint Venture (Annexure 3)
Affidavit (Annexure 4)
Pledge of Compliance (Annexure 5)
Proposed PM Team Size & Composition at Client Site
Latest (certified as latest) Annual Report of your company


This list is not exhaustive and there may be other documents to be attached based on
the entries of your proposal.

Annexure 1
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Performa: General





Name of work:
Name of Company / Firm:
State the structure of the Applicants
organization (Applicants to indicate as
Individual Company
Limited Liability Company
Individual Applicant/ company
provide the following information:
1. Name of the company / firm:
2. Individual Applicant company
3. Legal status of company:
4. Registration No. with the Country
of Registration
5. Registered Address:
6. Principal place of business:
7. Whether wholly owned subsidiary
or foreign company : Yes/No
8. Name and address of Principal /
Parent Company (if applicable):
9. Name of contact person:
10. Contact persons designation:
11. Address, telephone and facsimile
number, email address of contact
For Applicants who are in Joint
information for other members of JV
(include additional sheet if required):
1. Name of Company / Firm:
2. Registered Address:
3. Registration No. with the Country
of Registration:
4. Principal Place of Business:
5. Whether wholly owned subsidiary
or foreign company : Yes / No
6. Name and address of Principal /
Parent Company (if applicable):
7. Name and contact person:
8. Contact persons designation:
9. Address, telephone and facsimile
number, email address of contact
Does proposal contain the Board
empowers the person or persons to
sign the letter of application? Yes / No
State the number of

years the
28 of 38


No. of years

Revision as on Dec 18



member of JV) has been in business

under the business name appearing in
the answer to question 4 or 5 above.
State the number of years the
member of JV) has been in business
undertaking work similar in scope and
nature of work for which proposal is
Individual Applicant or each members
of JV may compile their previous
project experience as per proforma at
Annexure 7 (attach separate sheets
duly referred as in response to
question 9)


Do you authorize IIM Kashipur to

make enquiries with any of the clients
listed by the Applicant? Yes / No
Have you (each constituent member
in case of JV) provided information
regarding previous experience of
work? Yes / No

Annexure 2
29 of 38

No. of years

Revision as on Dec 18

Letter of Transmittal

1. I/we have read and examined the complete RFP document.
2. I/we hereby express our interest for undertaking the work referred to in the RFP.
3. I/we agree to abide by and fulfil all the terms, condition, and provisions of the RFP
document which shall be binding on us.
4. I/we confirm that the information provided by us in our Proposal is truthful and have no
further pertinent information to supply.
5. I/we understand that we are liable to be disqualified if any information provided by us is
found to be false, inaccurate or incorrect.
6. I/we are willing to submit ourselves for negotiations if IIM Kashipur desires so.
I/we authorize Director, IIM Kashipur, or his authorized representative, to approach any
individuals or our current or past employees to verify our competence and general



Signature of the Applicant
(Note: It is the responsibility of the Applicant to ensure that all necessary documents are
attached with the proposals, including references and certificates, affidavits, MOUs, etc. if
proposal is on behalf of a joint venture, the letter shown at Annexure 3 should be duly

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Annexure 3
Format for Letter of Joint Venture
(on each company/firms letter head)
The Director,
Indian Institute of Management, Kashipur
Bazpur Road, Kashipur 2444713
Distt. Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand)
Tel. 05947-211920
Fax __________________
E-mail : director@iimkashipur.ac.in
Project Management (PM) Services for: Assisting the Institute in designing & developing the
infrastructure of the proposed Campus.
Dear Sir,
We wish to confirm that our company / firm has formed a JV with _____________________
and ________________________ (members to insert names of all other members of the
group) for getting pre-qualified for undertaking afore-mentioned assignment.
The joint venture will be led by (name of the lead member) whom we hereby authorize to act
on our behalf for the purpose of submitting the proposal for the PM services. In the event of
our group being invited to the subject work, we agree to be jointly and severally liable to IIM
Kashipur, its successors and assigners for all obligations, duties and responsibilities arising
or imposed by any contract subsequently entered into between IIM Kashipur and our group.
Your faithfully,
Signature of the Applicant:
Name of Signatory:
Name and address of firm:
Contact Number:
1. Copy of Board Resolution / Power of Attorney or Authority letter authorizing the
representative to sign on behalf of the Company / Firm of the JV as the case may be.

Annexure 4
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Proposed Affidavit
To be swore on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/AFFIDAVIT
firm/company/consortium and the complete address) do hereby solemnly affirm and declare
as under:

That *I/We __________________________________ *am/are registered as

__________________ under the provisions of _________________________
(mention the name of the Act).


That *I/We __________________________________ have applied in response to the

Request For Proposal of Director, IIM Kashipur for appointment as Project Manager for
Implementation of Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kashipur Campus,


That the above named Applicant is eligible to submit the aforesaid proposal as neither
the Applicant nor any of its constituents have been barred by the Central Government
and/or any State Government of India at any time period to the date of submitting the


That the above named Applicant during the last three years has neither failed to
perform on any agreement nor was expelled from any project or agreement nor any
agreement terminated for any breach by the Applicant.

*I/we ____________________ the above named deponent do hereby verify that the contents
of the aforesaid paragraphs 1 to 4 are true and correct to the best of *my/our knowledge and
belief and nothing is concealed therefrom.
Verified at Delhi this _____________________ day of _______ 2012.

(*strike off whichever is not applicable)

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Annexure 5
Pledge of Compliance
(To be given by an Official not less than the Head of Companys PM Operations)
Name :


I, ______________________________________ (name & designation with company name),

acting on behalf of (company name & address), which is a Applicant for the PM services for
the New Campus Development Project of IIM Kashipur, hereby undertake that my company
is fully conscious that the role of the PM is to assist IIM Kashipur in the total of the Project or
in parts of it as agreed under specified terms and conditions of the contract including those
specified under the present RFP, and that, if my company is selected for providing the PM
services to IIM Kashipur, at No point of time my company or its officials performing the PM
responsibilities on its behalf, or any associates sub-hired by us for executing any activity in
the part of the project assigned to us, shall consciously or callously do anything to delay,
obstruct or stall the progress of the project of any activities, decisions of actions related to the
project, nor shall it refuse to cooperate or comply with any provisions of the agreement or
with any instructions issued by IIM Kashipur, for the stated or unstated reason that IIM
Kashipurs position, approach or assessment related to any elements or aspects of the
project is at variance with the position, approach or assessment of my company of its
It is further undertaken that in the event of any breach of the above undertaking during the
entire period of project implementation assigned to my company, the full responsibility of any
looses incurred by IIM Kashipur, including financial, time or reputation losses, as assessed
by IIM, Kashipur shall lie with my company and its officials and my company shall fully
compensate IIM Kashipur for all such losses without resort to conciliation or arbitration

Official Seal:

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Annexure 6
Company/Firms Experience List of PM Service or similar work*
(Details of major PM service work of similar nature executed during the last ten years :
Maximum ten projects)
Name of Company / Firm:


detail of


Date of

as single
firm / lead
member, in
a JV

cost in
of Rs.

Cost of
work in
Millions of

area in

of the

*Note :

The information to be given by individual Applicant or each member of the JV including

lead member separately.
The list of work to be compiled as per the format above.
Copy of supporting documents (experience proof) should be enclosed.
Ongoing projects will not be considered.
Where currency conversion is used, specified the assumed exchange rate.

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Annexure 7
Applicants Experience: Project Sheet
(for every project, subject to a maximum of 10 largest)
Assignment Name :

Approx value of contract (in current Rs.):

Country :
Location within country:
Name of client :

Duration of assignment (months):


Start date (month /year):

Completion date (month / year):
Name of associated consultants, if any:

Total no. of staff-months of the

Approx value of the services provided by
your firm under the contract (in current
No. of professional staff-months provided
by associated consultants:
Name of senior professional staff of your
firm involved and functions performed
(indicate most significant profiles such as
project Director / Coordinator, Team

Narrative description of Project:

Description of actual services provided by your staff with in the assignment :

Firms Name:

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CVs of staff available with Applicant
Individual Applicant to indicate the key staff employed as on _____.
Consultant may suggest the field of specialization as per their experience.
The indicative fields of specialization of key staff are architecture, civil and structural
engineering, mechanical, electric, electronic and communication engineering, environmental
conservation, water and sewerage engineering, financial planning, legal and regulatory
affairs etc.
The above field of specialization is indicative.
One page CV of key expert shall be furnished.

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Annexure 9
Companys Management Structure with Details of Key Personnel

Individual Applicant / Each Constituent Member of JV should provide details of the

companys current management structure / detail of key personnel and its principals
management organization structure / detail of key personnel on separate sheet clearly
indicating the reference as in response.

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Annexure 10
Detail of Turnover & Net-worth of Last 3 years

Individual Applicant / Each Constituent Member of JV should provide details of turnover last
three years. The turnover shall mean the receipts towards professional fee for Project
Management consultancy services only
Attach proof of the financial statement certified by auditor.


Turnover (Rs. million)

Profit (Rs. million)

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Net worth (Rs. million)

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