HRM Questions For Practice
HRM Questions For Practice
HRM Questions For Practice
Attempt ALL questions (100 marks)
1. Define Human Resource Management. Explain how the HR Components can be studied from the system
perspective. (also state the effect of HR environment).
2. Discuss what roles does Strategic Human Resource Management play to strengthen firms competitive
positions in the market by mobilizing organizations most valuable assets?
3. Human Resource Planning is a vital function of Human Resource Department to get the right people in
right place at right time at right cost. Elucidate.
4. How organizations future human resource need is forecasted? Discuss, what kind of the relationship
exists between Strategic Planning and Human Resource Planning.
5. Job design basically involves the alteration of job elements so as to make jobs more interesting, more
challenging and more rewarding do you agree? How this is done (approaches)?
6. Explain the concept and outcomes of Job Analysis with suitable format and example.
7. State the factors affecting recruitment practices of a business firms. Discuss the selection process you
would follow to select the most suitable candidate.
8. Describe the stages and impact of socialization process on the organizational productivity, employees
turnover and absenteeism.
9. How the managers determine the training needs in their organizations? Explain the evaluation techniques
for the effectiveness of training programs.
10. Explain the employees training and management development techniques briefly.
11. What is the importance of career planning in ones life? Discuss its planning process. How organizations
facilitate the career development of employees?
12. How do you define performance evaluation? Explain the process of appraising employees performance.
13. Explain the impact of compensation in motivation of employees and productivity of the organization.
State the factors affecting compensation policy.
14. The goals of compensation administration are to design the low cost pay structure that will attract,
motivate and retain competent employees and will be perceived as fair by the employees. Elucidate with
reference to the designing process for compensation.
15. Why the managers need to involve in health and safety measures of employees? What provisions
regarding health and safety are made in Labour Act, 1992 in Nepal.
16. What is Labour Relations? Discuss how the Nepalese labour legislations guide you as a HR manager to
settle down the labour disputes in your industry.
17. Define employees grievances. As a manager, discuss what actions would you take to handle the
employees grievances? Are you aware with the possible consequences of it?
18. Explain the concept and process of collective bargaining. Who is responsible for effective implementation
of bargaining agreement?
19. What is International/Global Human Resource Management (IHRM)? Discuss, the major issues and
concerns of IHRM.
20. International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is the interplay between the three dimensionstypes of HR activities, types of the employees and the countries of operations. In the backdrop of above
sentence, discuss the concept and model of IHRM.
21. Write short notes on: