Scorp Bot Guide
Scorp Bot Guide
Scorp Bot Guide
Shelby Williams
Table of Contents
1. Login
2. Chat
a. General settings
3. Dashboard
b. Slots
4. Hosting
c. Heists
5. Viewers
d. 8Ball
6. Giveaway
e. Bets
7. Commands
f. Random Number
a. Pre-set commands
b. Command
c. Variables
a. Multistream
b. Connection
8. Timers
c. Alerts
9. Counters
d. Chat
e. Streaminfo
f. Link Protection
g. Caps protection
Connect All - This will connect all that has I nclude in Connect All.
Disconnect All - This will disconnect all that has I nclude in Connect All.
Bot Name - This is the username of your bot you have created on
Oauth-Token - This is the auth-token generated while you were
logged in as your bot on twitch and clicking the button below the fields.
Channel - This is the channel you will be streaming to. Remember #
at the beginning.
Port - This is the port, leave it at 6667.
Server - - this is the server it listen to. Just leave it.
Generate Oauth Token - T
his will open Twitch website and generate
an oauth token to the currently logged in account.
Reset - r esets the current Oauth-token.
Bot Name - T
his will be the username of your bot you have
created on Beam.
Oauth- token - T
his is the auth-token generated while you
were logged in as your bot on beam a
nd clicking the button
below the fields.
Channel - T
his will be the channel you are streaming to.
Reset Oauth - r esets Oauth-Token
Generate Oauth-Token - T
his will open Beam website and
generate an oauth token to the currently logged in account.(bot
Name - T
his is the username of your stream account.
Oauth Token - T
his will be where you put the oauth token for
your Beam streaming account.
Generate Oauth-Token - T
his will open Beam website and
generate an oauth token to the currently logged in
account.(main account)
Reset Oauth - T
his will reset the Oauth.
GameWisp login
Google login
Streamjar login
API Key- This is where you put the api key to connect to Streamjar.
Connect - This will connect your account.
Disconnect - T
his will disconnect your account.
Include in Connet All- T
his will include Twitch in the Connect All
button below.
Next up is the event list. This can show you the latest followers, subs, raiders and
hosts. As well as donations.
At the bottom is a few quick links for the different places that files are stored
Auto Unhost - This will automatically unhost any channel that is currently hosted
when you go live.
Here you can see the full list of your viewers.
Hours - This shows the amount of hours the viewer has watched.
Points1 - Shows the amount of Points1 the viewer has.
Points2 - Shows the amount of Points2 the viewer has.
Gains Currency/Points($$) - This will disable the user from gaining points.
Usually used for bots or the streamer itself so you dont show up on top lists.
Gains Hours(G/H) - This will disable the user from gaining hours. Usually
used for bots or the streamer itself so you dont show up on top lists.
Participates in Giveaway(G/A) - This will remove the user from your
giveaways so the user can not win.
Manual Sub - This will give the user subscriber privileges
Entrance Message - H
ere you can type in a custom welcome message to
the user. When your bot notices the user it will write the message.
Entrance SFX - This will play a sound effect when your bot notices your
On Enter - This will say the E
ntrance Message when the bot lists the user
and starts giving points. Sometimes it can take a few more seconds after they
start speaking. (8 hour cooldown)
On Speak - It will instantly display the entrance message when the bot sees
your viewer speaks. (8 hour cooldown)
This section is used for giveaways. As of current guide its only Q
uick Giveaways.
Settings tab
Command - You can pick what the viewers has to write to join the giveaway.
Cost - You can pick how many points it will take to join the giveaway
Max Entries - You can pick how many entries the viewers can have. This can
be set so viewers with more points can enter multiple times for increased
chance to win.
Reroll tab
Winners must claim prize - selects whether winner must enter command to
collect the prize
Command - the command the winner must enter to collect prize or the bot
does a reroll
Reroll winner in - selects how many seconds the winner has to enter
command or the bot selects new winner
Reminders tab
Chat - You can change this to either do the giveaway on Twitch, Beam or Both.
Time - How long the giveaway will last for. S
hows in seconds!
Entered - This will show all the users who are in the giveaway. Useful for double
checking if someone is in the giveaway or not.
Previous Winners - This will display all the ones that has already won
Skip prev winners - This will skip all the previous winners on the stream. So
one person cant win over and over
Reset - resets the whole P
revious Winners list
This is where you set up the currency that the users can earn over time as a loyalty system.
At the very top you can choose between P
oints1 and Points2. They work the same way.
Command - This is the command viewers can write to check their points
Currency Name - The name of your currency. Usually the same as the command.
Response - This is what the bot will respond when someone uses the command.
big window on the left - is all the ranks you have in the bot with the requirement to
reach it. You can click on the rank to edit it.
Rank based on - This option can change the bot to give ranks depending on Hours
or Points
Prevent transfer between viewers - If you want the users not to trade points
between each other. Like !give username 100. This will not be usable anymore.
Announce Rank Ups - This will announce when someone ranks up in the chat for
everyone to see.
Name - The name of the rank.
Requirement - What the viewer needs to get the rank.(points/hours depending on
rank based on selection)
Manual Rank - This can be enabled so you can set the rank on the user in the
Viewers tab. (disables requirements)
Delete - This will delete the highlighted rank.
New - This will dehighlight any rank you have selected and you can type in a new
name and requirement.
Save - This will save the rank you have written.
Options Leave out of the top list- This will leave the rank out from any top list.
Purge All Points1 - This will remove everyones points for Points1.
Purge All Hours - This will remove everyones Hours.
Payout settings
On-Follow Bonus - T
his will give the viewer a 1-time bonus by following.
On Subscribe Bonus- T
his will give the viewer a1-time bonus by
Streamjar Donation - T
his will give the viewer points for donating.
Multiply by $ donated - This will multiply the amount of $ by what you
have in the box.
This tab is for making custom commands that users can use.
Command - This is the command you want the viewer to write to trigger the
C/D - This is the global cooldown across all viewers on the command.
User C/D - This is the cooldown per user so multiple viewers can use it once.
Permission - This is the rank you need to have to be able to trigger the command.
Chat - This can either be local or both. Local will be only on one site, while both will
relay the message over to the other site. Example, if someone uses command on
Twitch, it will be sent to Beam.
Type - this sets whether the bot listens for the command in a whisper, public chat, or
Command is active - T
his will enable or disable the command.
Check all text for command (C / A) - This will look through all the text for the
command to trigger. (For example if you want one word to trigger something every
time someone says it, no matter where it is in the sentence.)
Variable - This is all the variables you can insert into the response window. Very
useful so you dont have to look up all the commands from the website.
(refer below for variables and description)
SFX - Here you can add sound effects if you want people to trigger a sound every
time its used.
Prefab - Here are some premade commands you can edit or use.
Shoutout caster - makes a shoutout command
Highlight - makes a command to highlight date/time and message outputs to
file highlights
Raider - creates command to shoutout and give Raiding streamer points
Uptime - creates a command that outputs how long the stream has been live
Whisper - This will add a /w $user to the start of your response. If you want the bot
to whisper the user when the command is used.
Response - This is the full text of the response your command will output.
Add / Save - This will add/save the command you have been editing.
Edit - If you highlight a command then click edit it will load the details from the
command so you can edit what you have already made.
Clear - This will clear all the fields to make a new command.
Delete - This will delete the highlighted command.
Pre-set commands
!connect - connect twitch account and beam account for cross points/rank
!settitle - changes the stream title
!setgame - changes the game being played in title
!giveaway - starts a quick 5 second giveaway choosing from viewers who have
spoken in the last 30 mins.
!giveaway start - Usage: !giveaway start prize|time|command|cost|optional max
!giveawaytime - displays how much time is left in the giveaway(requires
regular or mod+ permission)
!commands - displays commands user can use
!command add - adds a command
(Usage: !command add !command_name permission output)
!command edit - edits targeted command
(Usage: !command edit !command_name permission output)
!command remove - removes existing command
(Usage: !command remove !command_name)
!command resetcount - r esets a commands usage count
(Usage: !command resetcount !comman_name)
Command Permissions
Used when setting permissions for custom commands.
+a - Anyone
+r - Regulars
+s - Subscribers
+m - Moderators
+e - Editors
+c - Caster
+u(name) - Specific viewer only.
+min_points(#) - Must have at least # points.
These may be used in output text for dynamic content.
if filename/path contain brackets quotations can be used to prevent it from breaking.
example: $readfile("c:\folder(1)\test.txt")
Min Chat Line - how many chats have to be sent before next timer will be shown.
Interval - how long till the next timer is displayed in minutes
(To set up a timer to display every time the Interval ends make sure the Delay times for each
timer are set lower to the interval multiplied by the number of timers you have)
Say i have 5 timers i want them to display every 10 mins i would then set my interval
to 10 mins and my timers cannot have a delay more than 50min because the global
time it takes to come back around to said command it would have been less than
50mins or equal to so the timer will display.
This can be used for different things to keep track for the viewers.
Here you can have viewers join a queue(for whatever reason im not sure lol)
Viewers - this will display the list of viewers who joined the queue.
Next - how many people are displayed when Call Next command is used
Remove Selected - removes selected person from queue
To Join - this will be the command used for viewers to join to queue
Permission - who has permission to join the queue
OnScreen Timers
Here you can set a timer to be displayed on screen during the stream
Cooldown - This will be a timer for how often the quotes can be used.
Response -This will change how the bot will answer when someone does the
!quotes command.
Format - This can be changed to how you want the quote to be saved.
Delete - This will delete the current quote you are editing.
Clear - This will clear what you have written in the fields above.
Edit - This will edit the highlighted quote in the section below.
Add / Save - This will add or save the quote you have written in the fields above.
Here you have two queues. R
equest Queue and C
ustom List. Custom list is for your
playlist and songs you have saved while the Request queue is the list of viewers songs.
Note! If someone requests it will switch to Request queue until all are done then switch back
Request Queue
Song Requests - This tickbox can turn on or off songs requests. If you only want to
listen to your custom playlist then you can disable this.
Command - You can change this to what you want the people to write when they
wanna enter a song request manually.
Search - You can change this to what you want the people to write when they want
to only write the title of the song.
Max Length - This can be set to how long you want to limit the songs to be. So it
wont be 10 hour versions for example.
Requests Per Viewer - This can limit how many songs a viewer can have in the
Points Cost - This is how much the viewer needs to pay in points to be able to
request one song.
Custom List
The viewers requests will show up between in the list here.
This is the sound effects tab. Here you can add sounds and sound effects for the viewers to
SFX Enabled - This can be turned off if you want all the sfxs to be disabled globally.
SFX Commands Enabled - This can be turned off if you dont want the viewers to
use commands.
User Delay - This can be set as a cooldown if you dont want the command to be
Volume - This changes the volume of the sound effects being played.
Default Cost - This is a default cost across all the sound effects.
Command - This is the command the viewers can type to activate the sound effect.
Cost - This is a individual cost for the highlighted sound effect. This will override the
Default Cost.
Open Folder - This will open the folder location where you can put the mp3 files.
Make sure to reload the list when you have put in some sound effects in the folder.
Reload - This will reload the list and add newly added sounds.
Play - This will play the currently highlighted sound effect.
This is the GFX tab. Here you can add custom image and gifs to your stream!
Open Stream Window - This will open the chroma key window where the GFXs will
show up.(also can be opened from O
ptions menu next to Login)
Show Window on startup - This will open the S
tream Window every time you start
the bot.
BG Chroma - This is the background of the window so you can chroma key it out in
your streaming software.
Window Size - This is how big the S
tream Window will be.
Open Media Folder - This will open a window of where you need to put the gifs.
Test - This will test the highlighted GFX.
Reload - refresh GFX
GFX Setup
To add it to OBS:
add a new source to whichever scene(s) you want it to appear in and choose
"window capture"
select the window named "Scorpbot - Stream Window". do not select capture
mouse cursor
create a color key to make the green background transparent
in OBS classic check the "use color key" option and select the same
in OBS studio click ok to close the window capture. right click the
source you just created and choose "Filters". add a new "color key"
filter and choose the same green
position/resize/crop/etc the window capture source you just created as you
...for a command:
open the commands tab in scorpbot
create a new command by giving it a name (eg !graphic)
from the variables drop-down select "gfx" and click the "add" button
in the command response area replace "animationname" with the
name of your animation
click "save" button to save your new command. You probably want to
specify permissions and cooldowns but you can do that later
in your chatroom type (as the streamer, not bot) the name of your
command (eg. !graphic) to test it
This is the game section here you can set games to be played by viewers in chat
General Settings
Game Feature Enabled - Global setting to turn off games also turn games on if
individual game setting is enabled
Permission to enable games through chat - sets who can enable a game if it is
turned off
Spin Message - This is what the bot will reply once the slots has been used.
Not Ready Message - If you have a cooldown on the game and it currently is on
cooldown the bot reply with this message.
Success - This is what the bot will reply if the viewers successful win on the slots.
Failure - This is what the bot will reply if the viewer loses on the slots.
Enabled - This will enable the Heist game where viewers can earn points in chat
based bank heist.
Command - This is the command to trigger the game.
Max Amount - T
his is the max amount someone can enter the game with.
Cooldown (mins) - T
he cooldown between each heist.
Start Delay (mins) - T
his is the delay between someone using the command
and for everyone else to join the heist.
Minimum users required before starting - T
he minimum number of users
required or game wont start.
Permission - This is the rank you need to have to join the game.
Info - This you can use to give info about the game.
Success Change
Viewer - This is the success chance for viewers.
Regular - This is the success chance for Regulars (under settings tab).
Subscriber - This is the success chance for subscribers.
Moderator - This is the success chance for moderators.
Viewer - This is how much more a viewer gets when winning.
Regular - This is how much more a viewer gets when winning (settings tab)
Subscriber - This is how much more a viewer gets when winning.
Moderator - This is how much more a viewer gets when winning.
Entry Message - Here you can edit the messages it will respond when entering the
Basic Messages - This is the general massages like results, on cooldown and etc.
Solo Outcome Messages - T
his is what it will respond if one person enters.
Group Outcome Messages - T
his is what it will respond if multiple people enter.
Response Outline - Here you can edit what the bot will reply when the game is
Save - This will save the response you have written in the window above.
Clear - This will clear the window above.
Delete - This will delete the the highlighted response above.
Command - !roulette
How to bet (in chat) - !bet type points
Examples (!bet black 100)(!bet 8 500)(!bet even 800)
Note: Currently only numbers 1-36 and black/red can be bet on. The rest will be added soon.
Random Number
Relaying the chat means that it will send what is being said to the other streaming service
To Twitch - This enables chat relay to Beam
Text box - the order of output that displays in chat.
Name - The color of the text in your bots chat window/tab.
Msg - The color of the text in your bots chat window/tab.
To Beam - This is enables chat relay to Twitch.
Text box - the order of output that displays in chat.
Name - The color of the text in your bots chat window/tab.
Msg - The color of the text in your bots chat window/tab.
Do not relay chat from - This section you can set up a list of users you dont want to
relay the chat for. (This is useful for other bots or announcements happening in the
Relay Chat - This tickbox is for enabling relay to the chat. If you want the
chats to be separate, then you can keep this unticked.
Account link command - T
his is the command viewers can use to connect
their account with an account from the other site.(So they can watch on either
site, and continue to earn points to the same pool)
Auto Connect to - T
his will automatically connect the services you tick off.
Auto Reconnect - T
his will automatically connect the services when starting
the bot.
Follow Alerts in chat - This will be said in chat when someone follows.
Twitch / Beam Sub Alerts - This will be displayed in chat when someone
GameWisp Sub Alerts - This will display in chat when someone subs on
Show host alerts- T
his will be displayed in chat when someone hosts.
Show Streamjar donation alerts - This will display when someone donates
on Streamjar.
SFX - sound that plays during alert
GFX- image that displays during alert
Viewers gain hours while stream is offline - This will disable the possibility
to gain hours as a viewer when the stream is offline.
Show when viewers enter/leave in bot chat - This will show every time
someone joins or leaves the stream in the C
hat tab.
Text Size - size of the text in bot chat window
Private whisper for new viewers first entrance - This will whisper the
viewer the first time they join.
Whisper Cooldown timers - A
cooldown on command whisper.
Viewers can be whispered command list - this is the command viewers will
type to display the available commands they can use. (Default !commands)
Show images in chat - t his will display any linked images from chat in the
bots chat
Viewers can search steam steam library - here you can set the command
viewers can use to search the steam store whether to both chats or local
Display Points with commas - displays points like 99,999 instead of 99999
Play sound when @yourname mentioned in chat - T
his will play a sound
every time someone mentions your name.
Play sound when a new message appears in Twitch Chat - T
his will play a
sound every time someone writes in Twitch.
Play sound when a new message appears in Beam Chat - T
his will play a
sound every time someone writes in Beam.
Filtered Words - T
his is the list of the filtered words that it will delete.
Enabled - T
his will enable the filtered words list.
Add - adds a word to the filtered words list
Enabled - whispers user general info about channel like points and how to
use them
Include website - w
ill include custom link in output whisper
Link protection
Alert Links unless - when enabled this will not alert the set role or higher of
link being posted
Delete Links unless - when enabled this will delete links posted by viewers
who are not the set role or higher
Link permit Seconds - t his is how long a viewer has to post a link when the
!permit command is used by mod targeted at viewer to allow viewer to post a
Custom Reply - here you can set the custom reply to viewers when they try
to post a link but are not permitted to do so.
Caps protection
Caps check - whether caps protection is on/off.
Percentage allowed - % of caps that can be used in one line of chat.
Minimum caps - h
ow many caps in one line of chat can be used.
Auto timeout after - if enabled this will time out a viewer for exceeding the
warnings limit.
Timeout length - how long a user will be time out for in minutes.
Custom reply - here you can set a custom reply to be whispered to the
timed out viewer.
Do not warn - here you can what roles will not be warned for while c aps
protection is enabled.
Here you can enter you Beam, twitch, twitter and gamewisp accounts to update on the
streamer page.