Money in Chart
Money in Chart
Money in Chart
A materialistic Enlightment :)
by Vikas Varshney
How to find Money in a Chart
There are certain planets that rule wealth and money. They are specifically Jupiter and Venus. These
are actually called the karakas (indicators) for wealth and prosperity.
The Houses for Money are 2, 11, 9, 5 and 8.
2nd house: income and financial matters, how you earn your money.
11th house: great gains, large sums of money that come in all at once.
9th house: of luck and fortune.
5th house: speculation and intelligence, stocks, trading, and creative pursuits and talent.
8th house: inheritance, money that comes through others
1st house represents YOU, connections with any of these other wealth producing houses brings
money to you.
The planets that rule houses 2, 11, 5 and 9 are your money planets. The ruler of the 8th house will
not bring you money, but planets placed in that house can indicate money through inheritance or
marriage. Planets in houses 2, 11, 5 and 9 will produce money, but if you do not have planets in
these houses the planetary rulers of these houses will indicate the capability to achieve money, and
from what source.
*The most powerful combination for money is when the 2nd house is connected to the 11th house.
It means money will come in large sums.
*The next powerful combination is when the 1st house is connected to the 2nd house. Any
connection of the 1st house to the 2nd house will create money.
Combinations of the wealth producing houses will bring money, and this means any connection
between the 2, 5, 9, and the 11 houses produce money. Combined with the 1st house is powerful. In
Vedic astrology this combination or connection of these houses are called Dhana Yogas.
Earth Signs and Houses
The natural Earth houses 2, 6, and 10 will be active as well for financial gains. In the natural zodiac
the earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. In the natural zodiac Taurus is the 2nd sign, Virgo
the 6th sign and Capricorn the 10th sign. These houses are specifically about earthly matters, which
pertain to money.
2nd House
The planet that rules the 2nd house of money will indicate the area you will be most successful in
making money. The house this planet resides gives clues to financial success
11th House
The planet that rules the 11th house will indicate where our fortunes come.
The aspects are the degree orbs between two planets. Certain degree orbs are more fortunate than
others, some create ease and luck while others create tension and obstacles for the planets involved.
The aspect that gives wealth and ease is the trine, 120 degree between planets, conjunctions and
oppositions are important too.
Combinations of the planets that rule the money houses will produce money. The way the money is
acquired is through the house these planets occupy, meaning if they occupy the 5th house money
can come through speculation, sports, or entertainment. If a combination is in the 8th house the
money may come from and inheritance.
Combinations of planets that rule 2nd, 11th, 5th and 9th houses will produce great wealth, and if
Jupiter aspects these planets it will magnify the results of wealth and money even more. Jupiter
expands what it aspects. Jupiters aspects are the conjunction, opposition and the trine aspect (120
Rahu and Ketu as they aspect another planet can have the effect of Jupiter for they will expand
and inflate things. Particularly, if Rahu is in the main houses of money (2, 5, 9, and 11) Rahu in the
2nd and the 11th is especially powerful for wealth.
When Rahu or Ketu aspect Jupiter with a trine (120 degrees) then Jupiter mutually aspects them
with a trine. This in another powerful indication of extremes and multiplies a persons wealth!
To predict when these planets will produce their results, the transits of the planets in the heavens as
they aspect the natal combinations produce their results.
To be a strong planet it must be in a strong sign, in a good house and not aspected by more than one
malefic planet.
Good houses: Trikonal 1, 5, 9 and the angular or kendra houses 1, 4, 7, and 10 are powerful and will
promote a person to power and success. The signs a planet is strong, is their exaltation sign and the
sign they rule. The weakest sign a planet can be in is the debilitation sign.
A rule to remember, Venus is the only planet that prospers well in the 12th house: and Venus in the
12th will bring wealth and money. The stronger by sign the better the wealth. Venus is strongest in
Pisces, Libra and Taurus
Exaltation is the strongest sign and Debilitation is the weakest sign for these Planets
The main Nakshatras referenced in text books for wealth and money are:
Purva Phalguni: 13 degrees 20 minutes Leo- 26 degrees 40 minutes Leo
Dhanishta: 23 degrees 20 minutes Capricorn- 6 degrees 40 minutes Aquarius
Uttara Bhadrapada: 3 degrees 20 minutes- 16 degrees 40 minutes Pisces
Revati: 16 degrees 20 minutes- 30 degrees Pisces
*Both Purva Phalguni and Uttara Bhadrapada indicate inheritance.
I found certain nakshatras to be more prevalent in the charts of the ultra rich, billionaires charts.
They are in the signs of Libra and Scorpio.