Certification of COTS Software in NASA Human Rated Flight Systems
Certification of COTS Software in NASA Human Rated Flight Systems
Certification of COTS Software in NASA Human Rated Flight Systems
Flight Systems
Andre Goforth1
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, 94035
Adoption of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products in safety critical systems has been
seen as a promising acquisition strategy to improve mission affordability and, yet, has come
with significant barriers and challenges. Attempts to integrate COTS software components
into NASA human rated flight systems have been, for the most part, complicated by
verification and validation (V&V) requirements necessary for flight certification per
NASAs own standards. For software that is from COTS sources, and, in general from 3rd
party sources, either commercial, government, modified or open source, the expectation is
that it meets the same certification criteria as those used for in-house and that it does so as if
it were built in-house. The latter is a critical and hidden issue. This paper examines the longstanding barriers and challenges in the use of 3rd party software in safety critical systems
and cover recent efforts to use COTS software in NASAs Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle
(MPCV) project. It identifies some core artifacts that without them, the use of COTS and 3rd
party software is, for all practical purposes, a nonstarter for affordable and timely insertion
into flight critical systems. The paper covers the first use in a flight critical system by NASA
of COTS software that has prior FAA certification heritage, which was shown to meet the
RTCA-DO-178B standard, and how this certification may, in some cases, be leveraged to
allow the use of analysis in lieu of testing. Finally, the paper proposes the establishment of an
open source forum for development of safety critical 3rd party software.
I. Introduction
his paper grew out of recent experiences in software verification and validation (V&V) within the Exploration
Flight Test 1(EFT1) project. A recent attempt was made in formulation of a guidance document on suitability
criteria for use of COTS or 3rd party software in its onboard flight critical system. This guidance document was to
cover the requirements that 3rd party software had to meet for it to be inserted into the baseline, and for each instance
of 3rd party software, it was to identify the changes to be made to the projects flight software development
processes to support this insertion. This effort was deferred. Although the immediate reason was project re-scoping,
it became apparent during the effort that even with the original resources there were deep-rooted barriers and
challenges in the formulation and application of such a criteria.
The software practices and technology used to build 3rd party software often do not take into account important
stipulations found in NASAs software guidance documents. These stipulations call for the production of certain
types of documentation artifacts that collectively enable end-to-end traceability from requirements to running code,
which is critical to building a robust evidence gathering certification trail.
One observation reached out of this experience is that there is no single solution for easing the insertion of 3rd
party software into safety/mission critical systems. However, pressure to integrate 3rd party software technology into
flight critical systems is increasing because of rapidly growing innovations in software technology and because of
changes in the economics of software.
A. Intended Audience
Because of the ubiquity of software in NASA flight systems this paper is meant to cross cut a variety of roles and
disciplines of stakeholders in NASA and its partners. The roles include managers of programs at HQ to managers of
projects at the Centers. The disciplines include System Engineers, Flight Software Engineers, Safety and Mission
Assurance (SMA) engineers to Software Quality Assurance (SQA) engineers and others. All of these stakeholders
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will have a role in future efforts to insert 3rd party software in NASAs safety/mission critical flight systems.
Another key category of stakeholders is those technologists who focus on the insertion of innovative software
technology into large-scale NASA projects. They are usually outside of a flight project and consist of software
business entrepreneurs in the commercial sector and R&D personnel within NASA as well as those external, at
universities and research institutes.
B. Purpose And Scope
The purpose and contribution of this paper is to uncover the barriers and challenges, some of which are systemic,
that are currently complicating the insertion of 3rd party software in critical flight systems. These significantly
complicate the development of suitability criteria for 3rd party software certification for NASA flight systems.
Identifying and understanding these is one step towards development of a proactive strategy to enhance NASAs use
of 3rd party software in its mission/safety critical systems.
NASA classifies software into seven categories, with Class A being safety critical, and Class B being mission
critical1; the remaining classes of software cover scenarios that are unlikely to have acute catastrophic consequences
resulting from software malfunction. The distinction between the two is that Class A software systems are required
to ensure human safety and mission viability whereas Class B is responsible for mission viability, or equivalently,
no loss of mission (LOM). Since the EFT1 flight is un-crewed, the software is being developed as Class B. On a
subsequent crewed test flight the software will have to be upgraded to Class A. This paper is focused on these two
classes of software for two reasons. For one, software developed as Class B is sometimes a direct precursor to Class
A; second, NASAs certification requirements for software in human rated systems is the highest that may be
attained, and as such, when compared with the other classes, is unique. Furthermore, just because software has be
used as Class B in a mission does not mean it is easily upgraded for use in a Class A mission. In the case of the
EFT1, there will be significant effort in engineering the software to be robust enough to be suitable as Class A.
II. Background
The EFT1 project is a test flight and one of several milestones in the development of NASAs Multi-Purpose
Crewed Vehicle (MPCV). The MPCV is the first major human rated spacecraft to be developed by NASA since the
Shuttle2. The EFT1 onboard flight software development project is large: Hundreds of flight software engineers are
involved; flight software documentation is in the thousands of pages. The Software Development Plan (SDP) alone
is close to a thousand pages. The initial budget estimate for onboard flight software was between one and two billion
dollars. Some of the preliminary estimates for onboard software lines of code (SLOC) were on the order of a
A. NASA Standards
Overarching programmatic and system level V&V guidelines for certification of human rated flight systems is
provided by NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 8705.2B, Human-Rating Requirements for Space Systems. For
software components, NASA has guidance documents, such as NPR 7150.2, Software Engineering Requirements
and others that are used to tailor the processes, procedures and reviews used throughout the software life cycle of a
given flight software project. These documents require the collection of evidence that is used to determine whether
there is sufficient trustworthiness to ratify a system for human use. Depending on the project there may be additional
flight readiness reviews and designations that go further and cover specific operational context or intended use
scenarios. In NASA such trustworthiness is officially designated in a Certificate of Flight Readiness (COFR)2.
B. Non-NASA Standards
The MPCV uses a flight software architecture based on the ARINC 653 standard3. The use of this specification
for its on-board flight software is a first for NASA. This architectural specification is used extensively in the
commercial airframe industry and enjoys support of products and tools that have been used in DO-178B certified
The use of DO-178B4 is also breaking new ground for NASA and, as such, correlating guidelines in FAAs
safety critical standard and NASAs 7150.2 and their integrated use for a flight project is a work in progress. The
EFT1 project uses the DO-178B standard in two ways. The first is as overarching guidance in conjunction with
NASAs 7150.2, when its use is congruous and is advantageous to do so. The second use is as contract requirements
in software acquisition. This COTS software has been previously used in DO178B certified systems and NA expecta
the contractor will continue to use their existing in-house DO178B compliant processes and procedures. The
contractors prior certification artifacts may be leveraged in the new system.
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The use of software with DO-178B legacy offers a unique advantage that is not currently available with NASAs
7150.2B. This advantage is the ability, in certain circumstances, to leverage prior certification evidence towards that
needed in the certification of a new system. The circumstances are those where all the differences between the
existing systems and the one to be developed can be sufficiently correlated to make such a case. This process is in
common practice in the airframe industry and, in fact, has been turned into a product by some vendors, such as
Green Hills Software and Wind River Systems. This product is a package that provides the customer a detailed stepby-step set of guidelines that, if used appropriately, will provide a V&V trail sufficient to be audited for
certification. Although the vendor cannot guarantee that following the packages steps will automatically result in
certification approval by the FAA, it has the pedigree of successful prior use in attaining FAA certification. In many
cases, this is more cost efficient than to create the V&V processes and procedures from scratch and then generate the
artifacts necessary for certification.
C. Software Verification And Validation
Although NASAs guidelines for software verification and validation apply across the Agency, the
implementation and use of guidelines, in practice, is subject to adaptations local to a project. This paper provides a
short background that is based on the authors day-to-day observations of software V&V processes and practices
within the EFT1 project.
Software verification is a software engineering activity that demonstrates that the product meets specified
requirements. The enumeration of a systems (software included) features as a list of requirements, where each are
documented with forward and backward traceability to source code and verification success criteria throughout the
life cycle of the project, is a fundamental process for both NASA and FAA certification. The requirements
traceability matrix (RTM), in principle, defines the complete end-to-end coverage of the processes and
documentation. In practice its implementation is project specific and may or may not be part of a software build
plan. Regardless of its form, it is the projects software life cycle documentation linked together within the structure
of this matrix that ties every bit in the as-built or piece part of software to a shall and to its verification success
criteria (of test cases).
Software validation is a software engineering activity that demonstrates the as-built software product or piecepart satisfies its intended use in the target or intended environment. It follows verification because it occurs down
stream in the testing regime where there is a test platform of sufficient fidelity and sufficient aggregation of other
software piece-parts to conduct testingvalidationof the software products intended use or role in an operational
or intended environment. On account of the need to develop special avionics computing components, which are
sufficiently radiation tolerant for space flight, the MPCV has multiple verification activities that address the
development of each of these components and their software. These verification activities are linked together and in
some cases dovetail one another. The results of one verification activity become the basis upon which a subsequent
verification activity starts and continues with another set of testing, but on a higher fidelity or more specialized test
platform. Each of these test activities is a validation of intended use upon its test platform or rig.
The number of verification activities and their sequence depends on unique project needs, and, in the case of a
flight project such as EFT1, on the principle of Test Like You Fly (TLYF) and Fly Like You Test (FLYT). This
principle means that, out of a series of integration test platforms or environments, there is a final one that is identical
to the actual flight system both in hardware and software configuration, and in process configuration, which includes
provisioning a system for operation and life cycle maintenance.
For simpler systems, software verification and validation is a two-step process where individual software
components are testedverifiedand then integrated on the target platform or environment and tested there
validatedfor intended use in the actual environment. For the EFT1 the series of integration test verification
activities, which may be viewed as a sequence of validation steps, have to culminate in one final one. This sequence
is a chain, which means that regression testing requiring the use of a prior verification activitys tests and
environment has to be supported to some prior designated configuration. What is important to note is that software
piece-parts move through successive approximations of intended use validation in the series of integration test
activities, which are traceable to the final end-to-end system validation. Also worth noting is that all the software life
cycle processes and procedures built up over the course of the verification activities have to converge to those used
to support TLYF-FLYT at the final validation.
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organizations standard operating procedures can remove barriers. Challenges, on the other hand, require goal
setting that result in paradigm shifts. For example, changes corporate culture and mind-set may be carried out
through the use of strategic level policies and directives.
A. Complexity Of Software In Human-Rated Space Systems
A major challenge in the systems engineering of human rated systems is complexity. This paper notes two
aspects of this complexity that impacts software, in general, and COTS software in particular. First is that the growth
of software within NASA space systems is driven by more and more ambitious mission requirements. NASA Study
on Flight Software Complexity5 provides extensive data of the growth of software in missions over time and related
software metrics. This growth in more ambitious requirements is a major driver to adopt solutions available from 3rd
party sources.
The second aspect of complexity is the role or type of software within a system. This leads to the fundamental
dichotomy between software and hardware: software is intangible as it has no physical properties and its final
manifestations in a flight system are in the form of binary sequences, whereas hardware has physical properties. This
raises the next topic.
B. Managing Abstraction Of Software
From the systems engineering perspective, Kossiakoff6 notes that softwares intangible property of abstraction is
the most fundamental difference between software and hardware that faces the discipline. From a software reliability
engineering perspective, Lyu also notes this fundamental difference7, which makes for major challenges in
reliability engineering.
From a systems engineering vantage the roles or types of systems are software-embedded systems, softwareintensive systems and computing-intensive systems8. Software-embedded systems have software that is integral to
the reactive behavior of a systems physical components that interact with the physical world in real-time. In many
cases, safety of the equipment, the environment or personnel is of paramount importance. Software-intensive
systems, of which the Internet is a prime example, have their observable or reactive behavior done completely by
software. Control and interaction with the physical world is negligible and responsiveness is not tied to real-time,
stable closed loop control of a physical device, but to intermittent interaction with a keyboard.
Computing intensive systems consist of large scale farms of computing resources dedicated to massive
computing tasks such as those found in weather analysis/prediction, or data mining in enterprise-wide data
warehouses. The role of software here is to coordinate the processing resources while executing data processing
algorithms; the observable or reactive behavior is negligible until it is rendered for human use.
It may be said that in software-intensive and computing intensive systems the software is the system. The
systems physical plant is mainly the computing platform there to support the software. Whereas, in softwareembedded systems, the role is reversed, where software is there to animate the physical plant.
Because of the unique operational constraints of radiation intensive space environments, real-time scheduling
needs, requirements for close integration with hardware device characteristics, and limitations in processing and
bandwidth, the technology base for flight critical software is relatively limited. This is in comparison with what is
available on the whole in ground-based systems where most COTS or 3rd party software reside. There the re-use of
heterogeneously implemented software components over a broad range of computing platforms operating in benign
environments the usual case. Reuse on different platforms is readily done through the use of wrappers and other
forms of functional encapsulation or by means of interface proxies
Unfortunately, the use of these and other abstractions come with associated long functional call stack traces that
in current hard real-time platforms result in the lack of timing predictability. A systems engineering solution is to
limit the use of software with abstraction features that make predicting timing performance difficult. This is a barrier
when the project does not have the expertise to apply such software in a way that permits adequate real-time
performance. This may be viewed as a challenge when more fundamental technology readiness level (TRL)21
research is needed to overcome such an obstacle.
C. COTS Software Obsolescence In Mission Critical Systems
COTS software obsolescence in mission or flight critical systems is a challenge. A recent paper9 provides data
based on COTS acquisitions by DoD programs. It shows that program/project obsolescence is encountered because
of the differences between the lengths of life cycles found in technology versus those found in DoD programs. For
COTS software acquisitions of today, the difference between program/project life cycle periods versus COTS
software life cycle periods is growing wider rapidly. The rapid pace of innovation in software in the commercial
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sector and its pressures for short time-to-market life cycles tends to accelerate software obsolescence found in
slower paced large flight critical projects. What adds even more to the trend of obsolescence is that obsolete
software often requires obsolete hardware, and, as a result, NASAs flight systems, as a whole, become more and
more removed, in general, from COTS technology of the day and are, hence, made obsolete.
E. COTS Software Acquisition Barriers Uncovered In The EFT1 Flight Software Project
The EFT1 flight software team considered three COTS software products that had no certification legacy in
either NASA or FAA flight critical systems. These software products included an executive scripting control
language application, software to operate a global positioning system (GPS) receiver and a testability application
that aided in system fault detection, isolation and recovery (FDIR).
As part of NASAs oversight role, it had the responsibility to formulate guidance in the form of suitability
criteria by which COTS or 3rd party software would be assessed initially for inclusion and what subsequent
verification and validation artifacts were necessary for certifying this software. This guidance document was to be a
tailoring of guidelines from NPR 7150.2, NASA STD-8739.820, and EFT1 contract and project management
documents. The draft of the plan had a number of assessment or suitability criteria artifacts such as, product design
requirements, software design documents, source code (including compilers used), test records, service history
including faults, bugs, quality assurance records, etc.
Nearly all of these artifacts were found to be proprietary and accessibility was dependent on negotiations. As the
effort to complete the plan progressed the overall feasibility and practicality of adopting these products was put in
doubt because of barriers. One barrier was there was no way to predict the negotiation completion date. As a result
this acquisition was seen as a liability because it came with a major schedule risk. Even if, for sake of argument,
negotiations took no time, the time and effort to adequately perform the assessments of the artifacts was difficult to
estimate. This, too, was seen as a significant liability because of limited project resources.
For each product the following had to be ascertained:
1) How well the products features or capabilities matched EFT1 requirements,
2) How well did the source code trace to requirements and
3) What verification success criteriatest cases, if any, matched up with source and requirements.
In a nutshell, for COTS software to be inserted into the project baseline without major reservations, without
major waivers that would cast a cloud on the possibility of flight critical certification, the software product would
have to undergo significant transformations to make it compatible with EFT1s requirements traceability matrix
(RTM). Matching up products features or capabilities with the projects software requirements baseline and
resolving mismatches are major resource sinks and can require more effort than its worth. EFT1 software engineers
were faced with a task equivalent to reverse engineering the requirementscreating a list of shalls from the
existing features as could be found in a working version of the software (if it were available), its user documentation
and any available product design documents.
Having created such a list it was then necessary to determine whether there is complete coverage of targeted
EFT1 requirements. The products source code would have to be modified to add in missing capabilities. On the
other hand, there is the issue of what to do with those features already in the product that had no counterpart in
NASAs requirement set. As mentioned earlier, for mission/safety critical software the verification process does not
allow any bits to be in the final product that are not traceable to a shall; in terms of source code those lines of code
without traceable requirements would have to be removed.
Simply put, the match between NASAs requirements and the features in the software had enough mismatches to
make a reconciliation effort tantamount to developing the software from scratch.
A possible alternative was to commit to requesting an extensive series of waivers to deal such incompatibilities
and others, such as programming language and programming coding standards usage. However, this alternative
would have required the overhead of carrying special verification processes and procedures tailored for each one of
these candidates through the multitude of verification activities mentioned in section II C. Software Verification and
Validation. This could be a significant source of life cycle process and procedure overhead.
1. NASAs Guidance For COTS Software Acquisitions
NASAs acquisition of COTS software, which is similar to FAAs, is covered in section 2.3 in NPR 7150.2. Its
guidance on use of off-the-shelf software in critical systems anticipates the likelihood that maintenance and support
will not be available from its vendor and makes additional requirements for COTS or 3rd party software use. These
are summarized here:
1) A copy of the source code is provided to NASA.
2) Risk mitigation plan to cover the possibility of loss of the supplier or maintenance is made.
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3) Agreement with the supplier for access to defect reporting by client community is made.
4) Life cycle maintenance and support plan specific for this product is developed.
5) Documentation of changes to the projects software life cycle caused by use of COTS is made.
For a flight project such as EFT1 to satisfy these requirements the effort in licensing, contracting and project
logistics was found to greatly depend on the vendors business model. There are two business models. One is a DO178 compliance business model; the other is the propriety business model. The latter is discussed below in this
section; the former is covered in a subsequent one.
For COTS software with little or no legacy of use in mission/safety critical systems the barriers to incorporate
within a class A/B flight project are nontrivial. Licensing, contracting and project logistics overhead may serve as
significant barriers depending on the vendors business model and the type and role of software product to be used.
2. Type of Software
For EFT1 much of the COTS or 3rd party software, which was from vendors with proprietary business models or
no model at all, was not clearly of the software-embedded system type, where the product has interface features that
aid in close integration with other parts of a real-time system. At best, some of the software had been used in
reactive systems before but as stand-alone applications that interacted through remote-like interfaces. This disparity
between fundamental types of software where the intent to use software of one type in another type is a barrier
because of the extensive tailoring necessary to add features that support integration and to support close coupled
real-time performance.
3. Propriety Business Model
When the vendors business model is proprietary and does not accommodate licensing of sources any negotiation
on terms and price to provide source code means that the vendor has to make a major exception in their business
practices. This results in uncharted negotiations for both parties and may be long and indeterminate in length as
noted earlier. If negotiations result in terms that are mutually acceptable then NASA, technically, owns a copy of the
source code and is free to incorporate it into its baseline. However, even with the terms including life cycle support
and maintenance, once the software is made part of the projects software base it starts to lose its status as one of the
vendors ongoing products. Furtheremore, the broad experience and usage base that is continually updated within
the dynamics of a user-vendor community is eroded. The reason for this is that the sheer cost and complexity to
create a software development infrastructure, which is compatible with an external verification and validation cycle,
is too great for either party. This would require contracting for services that these COTS software vendors are
unlikely to support in the manner required by NASA.
4. Licensing and Contracting Barriers
To compound the overhead further for a vendor, current contracting practices of NASA and its support
contractors have SBU and ITAR restrictions that would have to be navigated to include a 3rd party software
provider. In these circumstances, if NASA decides to take sole responsibility and continue with the acquisition with
little or no support vendor support, any changes to the product for the sake of bug fixes or feature updates are
NASAs. As a consequence, the software becomes an orphan with its own unique set of V&V processes and
procedures that are not the original vendors and that require custom tailoring of the projects baseline software
development processes and procedures. This is a major maintenance barrier in the adoption for such COTS or 3rd
party software.
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The second motivation is competitiveness. Affordability or cost is a key part of competitiveness but without
consideration of other factors it can be irrelevant. A flight software product that is low cost, i.e. affordable, can have
a short shelf life and be prone to obsolescence, which is to say not competitive. Competiveness is about sustaining
an effective technological edge, which means building software systems whose life cycle costs are commensurate
with current economic trends.
In the past the clich of faster, cheaper, better was used to characterize the need for NASA missions to fit in
with smaller budgets. This is an excellent goal to strive for, but blindly used, it may be unrealistic due to intrinsic
physical costs. However, software does not have intrinsic physical properties of mass and volume. So, in principle,
software is not fettered to the life cycle of material systems, where a given amount of stock must be acquired, then
processed in construction of the system and then maintained against wear and tear. Because of this intangibility, it
may be argued that there is virtually no limit to the pursuit of faster, cheaper, better systems through software.
However, not to get carried away, there are limits to what can be done by software. The key point is that the relative
cost to acquire software in comparison to the cost to acquire non-software components of a system is continuing to
diminish with successive generations of innovation found in 3rd party software technology. This is another motive
for the use of COTS or 3rd party software.
C. Ultra Reliable Software To Support Permanent Human Presence In Space
The MPCV is one of NASAs next steps to support permanent human presence in space. This project is a
harbinger of those to follow that will require significant application of innovation in the use of existing technologies
as well as in the creation of new ones. Information technology, which covers all types of software, will be one of the
critical technologies. The reason for this is the growing role of software in NASA systems. An example of this trend
is found in the EFT1 project where 60% of the avionics subsystem requirements are delegated to software. Two
potential sources for software with ultra reliable legacy are vendors that have a business model geared for their
products to be inserted into flight critical systems and vendors with large scale, open source business models that
have products that make up much of the backbone of the Internets information infrastructure and of many corporate
1. DO-178 Compliance Business Model
Vendors, that provide software with a DO-178B pedigree, have a business model geared for its products to be
inserted in flight critical systems, i.e. software-embedded systems. Such a business model includes services that
address the flight critical requirements as found in DO-178B and NPR 7150.2 in a way that preserves intellectual
property and lowers the cost of insertion into a clients flight systems baseline. In the case of the EFT1 these
requirements were addressed in contract negotiations at the start of the project and, for those exceptions uncovered
later on, by subsequent negotiations in the tailoring of and waivers to the vendors software life cycle processes and
procedures, which are covered by the projects Software Development Plan (SDP). For the EFT1, the only
significant deviation in meeting the requirements was in access to source code. The contracted alternative was to
provide NASA opportunities to inspect the source code and certification artifacts during briefings under the control
of the contractor. The contractor has been responsible for providing previously acquired evidence for flight critical
certification and producing updated V&V artifacts for certification that have the necessary and sufficient
equivalence to the kind of V&V evidence that NASA creates for in-house developed products.
However, there will be significant differences in the operational theatres that NASA missions will operate in
versus the current ones that are addressed by these vendors whose domains cover aviation and automotive. In terms
of systems reliability, spacecraft, automobiles and aircraft share in the need of being ultra-reliable where the chances
for mishaps with serious injury or loss of life caused by malfunction is on the order of 1 in 10 9 hours. This in turn,
depending on the built-in system level redundancy features, may require software reliability to be no less than this,
where the systems software may directly contribute to the root cause of failure leading to a mishap. For automobiles
and aircraft the relatively short length of missions and proximity to maintenance depots make achievement of such
reliability easier than that with spacecraft where proximity and mission length are considerably different.
2. Open Source COTS or 3rd Party Business Model
For a spacecraft the length and remoteness of its operational theatre requires autonomy that is virtually without
parallel in current domains, such as aviation. The longest mission (flight) for a passenger airplane is currently
around twelve hours, which is measured between take-off and landing nominally, at a designated airport. Human
rated space flight missions beyond low earth orbit (LEO) range in days to months, even years. This will have a
major impact on the engineering of system level mission/safety attainment and, specifically, on software
mission/safety certification. Put another way, in terms of computing resources and their robustness a crewed mission
to the moon or Mars or beyond will need to bring with it the software capabilities found on earth, like those found in
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ultra reliable software-intensive and computing intensive systems. Furthermore, depot maintenance in the form of
tools and processes, which is currently provided in close proximity to operational systems, will have to be carried
along and made available in flight and in situ at remote outposts. Humans in space will need to have the same
capabilities to fix and enhance software as found on the ground. But, as it has been previously covered, there are
barriers to adoption of COTS or 3rd party software that is not developed specifically to be in compliance with
portions of software safety critical standards found in DO-178B or NPR7150.2. To address this will require a
paradigm shift in how software is developed both on the part of open source vendors and NASA. The rest of this
paper focuses on aspects of this paradigm shift.
V. Future Directions
Given the barriers and challenges and the motivation to use COTS or 3rd party software in safety critical space
flight systems the question becomes how to reap the benefits of these safely and economically. A vision is offered to
aid those who are involved in strategic planning of flight software technology use within NASA and its partners. In
addition, based on experiences in the EFT1 project, some plausible ways are provided to lower software V&V and
certification costs by leveraging prior V&V artifacts found in COTS software certified to DO-178B and by
leveraging architectural properties of the ARINC 653.
A. Cross Cutting Vision
Software verification and validation consists of software tools and processes that aid in the production of target
or end-item software; they are not a piece-part in a loadable image of the target flight software. As such they may be
viewed as overhead or a means to an end to those focused on strictly the capabilities of the end-item software
products to satisfy operational requirements. An ideal circumstance for this group is to have a software life cycle
environment that automatically takes care of V&V. Whether this is attainable in the future or not10, the role of
software V&V is not to be viewed merely as a necessary evil, but to be viewed in terms of a cross cutting vision. For
purposes of this section this vision is made in terms of a medical analogue, that of an immune system.
In the big picture, the success of inserting 3rd party software from one V&V life cycle instance into another
depends on the compatibility between the two much like that found in transplanting tissues or organs from a foreign
immune system into the recipients. R&D papers and technologies that have direct or significant bearing on COTS
software certification may be grouped into several categories. The first one is systems engineering (SE), which
covers a number of disciplines and aspects of engineering including software13. The second is software reliability
engineering (SRE), a major subset of SE, and which deals with software quality in terms of a hardware-software
vantage of fault management13 14. The third is suitability criteria for COTS software certification, which does not
appear to have much attention thus far. The fourth is safety cases research, which falls within the discipline of
formal methods15. It straddles the boundaries of safety assurance and hazard analysis, which are sub-disciplines of
systems engineering and software safety engineering16.
The immune system guards against and fights off bugs and infections; likewise, the processes and procedures in
the V&V life cycle are there to fight off the incorporation of software bugs or faults. This parallels two systems
engineering fault management lifecycle techniques mentioned by Lyu, that of fault prevention and fault removal11.
The V&V life cycle in which COTS software is produced in is in the donors immune system. On the other hand, the
recipients life cycle has its own end-item software products and does this in a way as to make them integral to its
own system-wide fault management capabilities. This parallels another systems engineering fault management
technique that of fault tolerance11 or from a software reliability engineering management technique of fault
containment12. Compatibility between a donor and a recipient is a multi-level complex subject; however, advanced
software architectures that provide explicit fault management frameworks and component-based software
engineering have the potential to address software incompatibilities15.
Although current R&D in these categories is pushing the envelope for the benefit of the V&V or certification
community, for 3rd party software insertion into mission critical systems there is still a need for R&D that tries to
find ways to make immune systems (V&V life cycles) more immune friendly (compatible) while maintaining their
own immune integrity. Details of what such research should be is outside the scope of this paper; the objective at
this point in the paper is to call attention to such a need, which does not fit neatly into pre-existing subject
categories. In general terms and to provide a vision, such research may pursue the creation and application of
advanced concepts such as architectural structures, algorithms, formal methodology, etc. toward this end. These
would be put into practice through the development of architectural artifacts linked together via a tool chain within a
unified information infrastructure that guarantees the integrity of the RTM. From these advances, immune systems,
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i.e. V&V life cycles would be smarter and more quickly capable of synthesizing foreign end-item software with
their own and, also, synthesize adaptations (updates) to their own.
B. Extending Structural Integrity: The ARINC 653 Specification
In terms of architectural artifacts, the ARINC 653 specification is a step in easing the V&V efforts necessary for
flight critical certification. The specification is based on an integrated modular architecture (IMA) framework and
provides for definitions of services and software interfaces. These collectively support the golden rule of space-time
partitioning where it is possible to certify that a change made in one partitiona collection of real-time tasks will
not have unintended side effects in another. This property eases the certification effort of the whole system because
trustworthiness of a partition is independent of others.
Such a property of structural integrity is made possible by architectural features of the specification. This is an
example where, from a systems engineering view, software abstraction is not viewed as a liability, as mentioned
earlier in section III B, but serves as a systems and software engineering asset. With hardware the dictum that form
follows function is grounded in physical reality. With software one approximation to form follows function is found
in the concept of reification as applied to software17. Application of this research to flight software architectural
specifications, such as ARINC 653, may result in the adoption of more software architectural features within the
systems engineering lexicon, which currently consists mainly of partition, process, and terms related to the ARINC
653 APEX. Such applied research needs to be grounded in a systems engineering environment, which is one of
practice, where there are practical candidate problems with a community of stakeholders that have an urgency to
create specifications that embrace even more structural integrity.
The ARINC 653 architecture would be even more certification friendly if its specification was extended to cover
additional properties of structural integrity found at the partition level to within the partition where each processs
certification is independent of others. Note that the term certification has been used loosely, and to be more precise,
the paper is referring to certifications role as a capstone of verification and validation, where officially designated
personnel outside the V&V organization are commissioned to audit run for record verification artifacts.
Another area to address is what may be added to the ARINC 653 architecture to ease the certification of a
collection of cooperating partitions. The focus is on practical specification extensions that the current ARINC 653
specification leaves to the system integratora system architect cum system administrator cum system engineer a
complex role that is distinct from that of a partition application developer. Currently, every flight project that wants
to use the ARINC 653 architecture has to create its own custom infrastructure or middleware to handle partition
This infrastructure, which the application partitions have to abide by, includes supporting interfaces to
overarching features of system initialization, restart, fault management and others that are all under the purview of
the system integrator. In support of the application developer, the vision is to create an empty box architecture that,
as an extension to the ARINC 653 specification, provides its own sphere of structural integrity consistent with the
existing one. This would allow one to drop COTS or 3rd party software code into an implementation instance, for
example, a partition or within a partitions process of the architecture and have the main unknowns be for the most
part limited to the verification of the code locally, verification of its project coding standards and verification of its
use of empty boxs interfaces. Note that once the empty box implementation infrastructure has been used in the
certification of a flight critical system, this certification could be leveraged in other NASA flight critical systems
that decide to use the ARINC integrated modular architecture approach.
C. Software Reliability Analysis
For a NASA project such as the EFT1 requirements verification artifacts and methods fall into one of the
following types: analysis, demonstration, inspection or test. Testing of software is by far the greatest consumer of
verification and validation resources. Any means to lower the total testing effort profile across the life cycle
translates into a major improvement in affordability. Historically, testing has not been seen as fungible with any
other verification method. However, with software that has been DO-178B certified on a given platform, it is
plausible to consider the use of software reliability analysis in lieu of testing.
The MPCV project had base-lined a COTS software real-time operating system (RTOS) that was a DO-178B
compliant. This software is marketed as DO-178B certified, which means it has prior usage in safety critical systems
certified by the FAA. The MPCV project decided to leverage this certification to the extent is was consistent with its
own standard, NPR 7150.2.
The features of this software are all in terms of application program interface (API) calls. These API calls as
specified in the vendors documentation were identically mapped to requirements contained in a software
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requirements specification (SRS) document. Although there is no one way to formulate verification and validation
documentation (it is something tailored by projects) there has to be a designated list of capabilities that the software
will perform and for each capability a means of verification established, which EFT1 software requirements
specification (SRS) type documents do. What was under consideration was the means of verification to be used for
the vendors software, which implemented the API calls; solutions ranged between two extremes: one was to test it
no differently from in-house developed software; the other was to do no testing at all. Here are the rationales for
these approaches.
Treating this COTS software no differently from in-house developed software is arguably the most
straightforward and safe way to go. No waiver or tailoring of the projects software verification and validation life
cycle is necessary.
On the other hand, in this context with the no-testing-at-all approach the testing of as built, piece part code that
has identical intended use as found on a large number of other operational systems may be seen as redundant and
therefore, analysis was a plausible option. With the no-testing-at-all approach, the observation that in-house testing,
in these circumstances, would be insignificant when compared to the fact that this software has been in operation
tested in practice 24 by 7, 365 days a year, for the past ten or so years, which follows from aviation industrys
experience that such a COTS software product was ultra-reliable, i.e. there is a 1 in 109 hours chance of failure. Any
testing of this software by the project would be a drop in the bucket compared to even only a days worth of
The rationale for use of analysis is further strengthened when there is similarity in the computing platforms used
in prior certified systems with those to be used. Two salient platform characteristics are the CPU clock rate and the
backplane clock rate. If the to-be-used processors CPU and backplane clock rates are multiples of prior ones, which
have certified with the same version of the RTOS, and all other characteristics are the same, then it is plausible to
follow through with an argument of similarity. To do this requires a re-audit of the certification package associated
with the RTOS software along with the prior as built flight units. Such a re-audit is within the nominal business
services provided by the contractor responsible for this software and is available at a fixed price2. The purchase of
this service would result in assurance that prior certification credit could be used in the current system and therefore,
testing is not necessary to maintain certification credit.
The choice of whether to use analysis in lieu of testing is now a matter of the cost of a re-audit versus the cost of
testing. Specific cost figures from the EFT1 project were not available on account of the proprietary nature of the
data. However, it is fair to say that the cost of testing was several fold more than by analysis. It would require a
significant increase in hiring over several months just for the testing; whereas the analysis could be done with little,
if any, increase in staff over several weeks. The reader may wish to use their own estimates in FTE hours in the
following: There were around 200 RTOS API calls to test, which means that around 200 verification success criteria
have to be written; for each of these criteria there is at least one test case to develop; and each test case needs to be
run a sufficient number of times with sufficient variation in test parameters to cover all corner cases for complete
An alternative under consideration was to use a hybrid approach where testing is limited to only those API calls
actually used in the test flight. This alternative uses analysis that relies on the legacy of prior certification evidence.
The previous discussion is a case in point in the potential use of software reliability analysis in lieu of testing as a
means of verification. The challenge for NASA with such an analysis is that, even though it may appear compelling
to some, it is not part of its conventionaltried and truesystems engineering practice and judgment used in
Agencys flight critical projects. It is only recently that NASA has started to use 3rd party software in flight critical
systems. However, this pedigree is not perceived as legacy software, where by definition, it is code that was
developed and flown by NASA. With experience in the use of 3rd party software that has a safety critical pedigree,
NASA will adapt to its advantages. What would help, in addition to such experience, is more applied research that
focuses on extending structural integrity of architectures so that a priori decisions to use analysis or other
verification methods in lieu of testing are formally grounded and become part of flight critical systems engineering
disciplines practice.
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avoided because of unknowns in resources needed and in delays to schedule. Any innovation to broaden and ease
the insertion of 3rd party software, which has no prior flight critical certification legacy, into NASAs flight systems
needs to be pioneered and sponsored outside the project level.
A. Software V&V Process Technology Demonstration
An alternative, which would not likely be part of the MPCV, is to create a flight critical technology
demonstration project that starts with the premise that it must lower software development and maintenance costs
through the extensive use of 3rd party software. In this circumstance the risk is confronted head on in the same way
that a technical solution with high risk comes from the necessity to develop new hardware to satisfy a currently
unobtainable processing requirementand is therefore unavoidable.
This would drive from the very start the development of guidelines for use of 3rd party software into the baseline
and at the same time, may find ways for software V&V processes to be more accommodating without compromise
in terms of guardians of trustworthiness. There are two concerns with such an approach.
The first is simply that making software process improvement the mission of the project is a difficult sell
because of its intangible and abstract nature. Other flight critical projects may laud the demonstration of success in
the form of dramatically lowered certification cost, but be skeptical as to whether the mission criticality of the
demonstration project was comparable to their own, particularly if theirs is a safety critical one. Another project
level issue is finding and allocating resources necessary to incorporate the new technology; the results of a
technology demonstration project do not usually include the availability of such resources.
The second problem is that creating one such exemplar project is simply not sufficient to create the critical mass
of advocacy for wholesale adoption throughout the Agency. Systemic shifts in the use of technology in an
organization as large as NASA rarely occur by fiat from the top but, instead, trickle up from the bottom through
incremental adoptions of new techniques by worker bees and through prime contractors and their subcontractors.
B. An Open Source Forum For 3rd Party Software Certification
NASA already sponsors and participates in an open source software forum18. The focus of this forum is to
improve software quality used by NASA through community review.
What this paper proposes is the creation of an open source forum that includes this objective and, in addition,
fosters and promotes the use of 3rd party software in mission/safety critical systems with a focus on the creation and
maintenance of verification artifacts that aid in flight certification. The overarching goal is to create a community
consisting of NASA, industry, and academic technologists that want to share software and software verification
artifacts that have flight critical legacy and to share software that they wish would attain flight critical legacy.
In addition, this forum would be a resource available to NASA flight software engineers and contractor
counterparts to participate in, at the discretion of their project management, on their own terms in schedule and
budget. It could serve as a conduit to infuse technological innovations into mission critical projects such as EFT1.
The forum could provide the means for preliminary vetting of the suitability of 3rd party by a flight project. This
would be a starting point that would make it much easier for a project such as the EFT1 to create its own suitability
criteria guideline for which it has contractual responsibility to provide to the prime contractor.
1. No Fee Software Model
A great deal of COTS software is open source; some examples are LINUX, Apache, and GNU software19. Open
source means that an individual or corporation is allowed to use the software without charge as long as they abide by
the user license agreement (ULA), which, for the most part, limits what proprietary designation a user may in turn
assign to products they create that either incorporates or uses the original software. This promotes communal use
and sharing and results in having a large community of developers, testers and users working together, either as
individuals or company employees. All participants and users benefit from the built-in maintenance and incremental
development of features, where these features are tested in a large variety of intended use settings.
Participation is not limited to individuals. Numerous open source software products have corporate and academic
sponsorship. In some cases, private companies have opened up their proprietary products in open source venues and
thereby leveraged the efforts of a large pool of free workers while contributing in kind their own resources. This is
true for a large portion of software-intensive systems and computing-intensive systems, but to a rather limited degree,
to software-embedded systems.
Unfortunately, it has already been seen virtually all products in this category face a major uphill battle to become
a part of the software baseline of a NASA mission or safety critical system on account of the gap between their
software V&V life cycle and NASAs. The forums primary motivation and role is to bridge this gap for the benefit
of all parties.
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For source code there are multiple choices for programming languages and for coding standards. The challenge
here is to come up with tailor-able specifications and criteria that allow alignment with a target recipient
Verification success criteria and their test cases are usually created for the different activities found in phases and
sub-phases of development, and in test and integration. For example, a development phase may have informal unit
testing performed that is distinct from formal unit test. Likewise test and integration activities may have multiple
instances of verification, some informal and some informal. The challenge here is to provide a substantive set of test
cases that aid in complete coverage of requirements testing.
For the other artifacts, they have their own unique matters that, in turn, could benefit from the application of
advanced technology. The forum is seen as a place where advanced technologists and flight project personnel are
brought together with a common goal to ease the adoption costs of COTS software in flight critical systems.
VII. Summary
Complexity of software in human-rated space systems is increasing because of the demands for autonomy in
long term, remote missions. This trend will accelerate because more and more mission requirements are being
delegated to software. A recent example is that 60% of EFT1 avionics subsystem requirements are served by
software and it is only an un-crewed test flight; the percentage is likely to increase for a crewed flight.
A major challenge for the discipline of systems engineering is managing abstraction of software. Software is
often aggregated into a computer system configuration item (CSCI). The CSCI is more of a contracting and project
management artifact and less of a representation of a software architecture or framework artifact. In fact, a systems
software architecture may be somewhat dictated by contract specifications and this may impact the complexity of
software and may force architectural solutions, which are less than optimal, that are necessary to address system
COTS software obsolescence in mission critical systems is caused by the difference between the length of time
of software technology innovation and the length of a project. Once software is developed for a flight critical
mission it is difficult and impractical to upgrade to the current software technology base. This is a challenge.
COTS software acquisition barriers depend on the vendors business model and type of systems in which the
software has been used. If the vendors business model is proprietary and its product is not of a type, such as
embedded systems, then the barriers are rather high because of the lack of availability of verification artifacts. On the
other hand, if the vendors business model supports the availability of verification artifacts and its product has been
used in a similar system as the target then the barriers are low.
A motivation to use COTS or 3rd party software is affordability. Program affordability is a perennial issue for all
of NASAs missions. Software affordability is becoming a bigger part of program affordability because of its
growing role in the implementation of mission and system requirements. Stakeholders inside and outside of NASA
observe software performing critical functions in large scale earth based systems that have the same order of
complexity that NASA flight systems have and perform with a reliability that is on par with what is required in
NASAs flight critical systems.
Competitiveness is another motive to use COTS or 3rd party software. Competitiveness, which may be
summarized by the phrase of faster, cheaper, better, is defined by the observation that the cost ratio of COTS or 3rd
party software to the overall system cost is trending downward over time. To accomplish this either substantial reuse of software certification has to occur or the cost to certify new software has to drop or both.
Another motivation to use COTS or 3rd party software is the need for large scale, use of ultra reliable software to
support permanent human presence in space. Such software is found in ground based systems.
This paper has covered major issues in the certification of COTS or 3rd party software in NASA flight critical
systems in terms of challenges and barriers. Challenges are strategic in nature and are often systemic, which means
there is no one place or position from which to make a difference. Barriers are tactical: they can be addressed either
by a well-positioned individual or dedicated team. Creation of suitability criteria for COTS software in mission
critical systems needs strategic and tactical breakthroughs, some of which are organizational and some are
To counter the challenges and barriers the paper identified a cross cutting vision of how advanced software
related technology may aid in taking advantage of COTS software in flight critical systems. The ARINC 653
specification is an immediate candidate for applying such research.
Finally, a recommendation for a call to action in the form of sponsorship and participation in an open source
forum dedicated to the adoption of COTS software in NASA safety critical systems was made.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
The following colleagues helped significantly with observations and suggestions from their reviews: Rick Alena,
Joe Coughlan, Misty Davies, Steve Jacklin, Mike Lowry, Tom Pressburger, and Peter Robinson.
T. P. Kelly. Arguing Safety A Systematic Approach to Managing Safety Cases, PhD. Thesis, Department of
Computer Science, University of York, York, UK, 1999.
Storey, N., Safety-Critical Computer Systems, Addison Wesley, 1996, pp. 364, 365
Elrad,T., Filman, R. E., Bader, A., Aspect-oriented programming: Introduction, Comm. of the ACM, Vol. 44 Issue 10,
Oct. 2001, pp. 29, 32
NASA Open Source Software, URL: http://ti.arc.nasa.gov/opensource/
Fitzgerald, B., Open Source Software: Lessons from and for Software Engineering, IEEE Computer, Vol. 44, No. 10,
Oct. 2011, pp. 25,30.
Software Assurance Standard, NASA-STD-8739.8B w/Change l, July 28 2004, URL:
HRST Technology Assessments Technology Readiness Levels, A Chart, http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/codeq/trl/
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