Report To The Chairman, Subcommittee On Transportation, Committee On Appropriations, House of Representatives

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United States General Accounting Office

GAO Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee

on Transportation, Committee on
Appropriations, House of

March 1997
Immature Software
Acquisition Processes
Increase FAA System
Acquisition Risks

United States
GAO General Accounting Office
Washington, D.C. 20548

Accounting and Information

Management Division


March 21, 1997

The Honorable Frank R. Wolf

Chairman, Subcommittee on
Committee on Appropriations
House of Representatives

Dear Mr. Chairman:

This report responds to your request that we review the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA)
air traffic control modernization software acquisition maturity and improvement activities. FAA
plans to spend billions of dollars replacing its existing air traffic control systems, but has a
history of performing poorly when acquiring these software-intensive systems. We found that
FAA’s software acquisition processes are immature, and are making recommendations to the
Secretary of Transportation for strengthening them.

We are sending copies of this report to the Secretary of Transportation, the Director of the
Office of Management and Budget, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration,
and other congressional committees. We will also make copies available to other interested
parties upon request. If you have questions or wish to discuss the issues in this report, please
contact me at (202) 512-6412. Major contributors to this report are listed in appendix II.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Rona B. Stillman

Chief Scientist for Computers
and Telecommunications
Executive Summary

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is modernizing the air traffic

Purpose control (ATC) systems upon which it will rely to ensure safe, orderly, and
efficient air travel well into the 21st century. Since software is the most
expensive and complex component of these systems, FAA must use defined
and disciplined processes when it acquires software.

Recognizing software’s growing importance and prevalence in ATC

systems, the Chairman, Subcommittee on Transportation and Related
Agencies, House Committee on Appropriations, asked GAO to determine
(1) the maturity of FAA’s ATC modernization software acquisition processes,
and (2) the steps/actions FAA has underway or planned to improve these
processes, including any obstacles that may impede FAA’s progress.

To accommodate forecasted growth in air traffic and replace aging

Background equipment, FAA embarked on an ambitious ATC modernization program in
1981. FAA estimates that it will spend about $20 billion to replace and
modernize software-intensive ATC systems between 1982 and 2003. Our
work over the years has chronicled many FAA failures in meeting ATC
projects’ cost, schedule, and performance goals, largely because of
software-related problems. As a result of these failures as well as the
tremendous cost, complexity, and mission criticality of FAA’s ATC
modernization program, we designated the program as a high-risk
information technology initiative in our 1995 and 1997 report series on
high-risk programs.1

Software quality is governed largely by the quality of the processes

involved in developing or acquiring, and maintaining it. Carnegie Mellon
University’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI), recognized for its
expertise in software processes, has developed models and methods that
define and determine organizations’ software process maturity. Together,
they provide a logical framework for baselining an organization’s current
process capabilities (i.e., strengths and weaknesses) and providing a
structured plan for incremental process improvement.

Using SEI’s software acquisition capability maturity model (SA-CMM),2 SEI’s

software capability evaluation method, and SA-CMM authors as consultants,

High-Risk Series: An Overview (GAO/HR-95-1, Feb. 1995); High-Risk Series: Information Management
and Technology (GAO/HR-97-9, Feb. 1997).
We used a draft version of the model for our evaluation (version 00.03, dated April 1996). The first
published version of the model was released on October 1996, after we performed our evaluation.
According to the model’s authors, the published version differed only editorially from the draft we

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Executive Summary

GAO staff trained at SEI evaluated FAA’s ATC modernization software

acquisition maturity in the seven key process areas (KPA) necessary to
attain a “repeatable” level of process capability, and one KPA associated
with the “defined” level of process maturity.3 Repeatability ensures that an
organization has the necessary process discipline in place to repeat earlier
successes on projects in similar domains. Repeatable processes are at the
second level on SEI’s five-level scale of process maturity. Organizations
that do not satisfy the requirements for the “repeatable” level are by
default judged to be at the “initial” level of maturity, meaning that their
processes are ad hoc, sometimes even chaotic, with few of the processes
defined and success dependent mainly on the heroic efforts of individuals.
The one KPA associated with the third level of process maturity, which is
called the “defined” level, is acquisition risk management. It was included
because many software experts consider it to be a very important process

As part of its evaluation, GAO examined five ongoing ATC modernization

projects selected by FAA.4 These were the Automated Radar Terminal
System, Display System Replacement, National Airspace System
Infrastructure Management System, Voice Switching and Control System,
and the Weather and Radar Processor. (See chapter 1 of this report for
more detailed information on GAO’s evaluation scope and methodology.)

Because of the number and severity of FAA ATC modernization software

Results in Brief acquisition process weaknesses, FAA did not fully satisfy any of the seven
KPAs necessary to achieve the “repeatable” level of process maturity. As a
result, its processes for acquiring software, the most costly and complex
component of ATC systems, are ad hoc, sometimes chaotic, and not
repeatable across projects. In addition, serious process weaknesses
prevented FAA from satisfying the one KPA specified under SEI’s “defined”
maturity level. While FAA showed process strengths, primarily in the
solicitation and evaluation (i.e., testing) KPAs,5 GAO found extensive
weaknesses in these and the remaining six KPAs (i.e., software acquisition

The seven KPAs relating to the repeatable level are software acquisition planning, solicitation,
requirements development and management, project office management, contract tracking and
oversight, evaluation, and transition and support.
GAO asked FAA to choose five projects that are: (1) major efforts with large software acquisition
components, (2) managed by different FAA product teams, (3) at different life cycle stages, and
(4) among FAA’s best managed.
According to the SA-CMM, solicitation is the process of ensuring that award is made to the contractor
most capable of satisfying the specified requirements, and evaluation is the process of determining
that acquired software products and services satisfy contract requirements prior to acceptance.

Page 3 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Executive Summary

planning, requirements development and management, project office

management, contract tracking and oversight, transition and support, and
acquisition risk management).6 Some of these weaknesses were systemic,
recurring in each of the KPAs. For example, no software project teams
measured or reported to management on the status of activities
performed, and management never verified that critical activities were
being done. These types of problems are some of the reasons for FAA’s
frequent failures to deliver promised ATC system capabilities on time and
within budget.

FAA has stated its commitment to increasing ATC modernization process

maturity. However, despite 4 years of activity in this area, FAA lacks an
effective management approach for improving software acquisition
processes. Currently, the Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG) is
responsible for process improvement; but the SEPG has neither
organizational nor budgetary authority over the product teams that acquire
software, and, therefore, cannot effectively implement or enforce process
change. Instead, it can only recommend and encourage change.
Additionally, FAA does not have an effective plan to correctly target and
prioritize improvements and measure improvement progress. In the
absence of this plan, it has initiated a “hodge podge” of software
acquisition improvement efforts without any analytical justification. As a
result, FAA’s process improvement activities have yet to produce more
repeatable, better defined, more disciplined software acquisition

Principal Findings

ATC Modernization To attain a given SEI-defined maturity level, an organization must satisfy
Software Acquisition the key practices for the KPAs associated with that level. FAA’s ATC
Processes Are Immature modernization organization had too many weaknesses to satisfy any of the
“repeatable” KPAs (i.e., software acquisition planning, solicitation,
requirements development and management, project office management,

According to the SA-CMM, software acquisition planning is the process for ensuring that reasonable
planning for all elements of the software acquisition occur; requirements development and
management is the process for establishing an unambiguous and agreed upon set of software
requirements; project office management is the process for effective and efficient management of
project office activities; contract tracking and oversight is the process of ensuring that contractor
activities, products, and services satisfy contract requirements; transition and support is the process of
transferring acquired software products to the eventual support organization; and acquisition risk
management is the process of identifying software risks early and adjusting the acquisition strategy to
mitigate those risks.

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Executive Summary

contract tracking and oversight, evaluation, and transition and support),

nor does it satisfy the acquisition risk management KPA from the “defined”
or third maturity level.

For FAA to satisfy any of these eight KPAs, it must eliminate the key practice
weaknesses identified in this report.7 Each practice that is performed
effectively constitutes a strength, and each practice not performed or
performed poorly constitutes a weakness. While FAA’s ATC modernization
has some strengths, it has more weaknesses. Table 1 tallies these strengths
on the five projects that GAO evaluated. In summary, of the total number of
KPA practices rated, 38 percent constituted strengths, 50 percent were
weaknesses, and 12 percent were observations. An observation indicates
that the evidence was inconclusive and did not clearly support a
determination of either strength or weakness.

Table 1: Collective Number of KPA

Strengths, Weaknesses, and Number of Number of Number of
Observations on the Five Projects Key Process Area strengths weaknesses observations
Software acquisition planning 16 37 7
Solicitation 36 28 14
Requirements development and 17 35 6
Project office management 26 35 6
Contract tracking and oversight 26 32 6
Evaluation 43 21 8
Transition and support 27 32 8
Acquisition risk management 16 46 7
Totals 207 266 62

Additionally, GAO found that while the five projects varied as to practice
strengths, weaknesses, and observations under three of the five “common
features” or practice groupings (commitment to perform, ability to
perform, and activities performed), the projects were consistently weak in
all practices under the remaining two groupings (measurement and
analysis and verifying implementation). As a result, software project teams
and FAA management consistently lack reliable information on project
team performance.

SEI groups each of its KPA practices into one of five “common features” or practice categories. These
are “commitment to perform, ability to perform, activities performed, measurement and analysis, and
verifying implementation.”

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Executive Summary

FAA’s Approach for To be effective, the FAA organization responsible for software acquisition
Improving ATC process improvement must have (1) organizational and/or budgetary
Modernization Software authority over the ATC modernization units acquiring the software; and
(2) an effective plan to guide improvement efforts and measure progress
Acquisition Processes Is on each. The FAA organizational entity currently responsible for ATC
Not Effective modernization software acquisition process improvement, the SEPG, has
neither. As a result, little progress has been made over the last 4 years in
instituting definition and discipline into ATC modernization software
acquisition processes.

The SEPG is a multilevel committee structure chaired by a member of FAA’s

Chief Information Officer’s (CIO) staff. The SEPG is directed by the Software
Engineering Executive Committee, which is chaired by the head of the ATC
modernization program. The SEPG has no authority to implement and
enforce process change. Consequently, it can only attempt to encourage
and persuade software acquirers to establish and follow defined and
disciplined software acquisition processes.

The SEPG and its predecessors have advocated and initiated a collection of
efforts intended to strengthen ATC modernization software-related
processes, including software acquisition processes. However, there is no
analytical basis for the focus, content, timing, and interrelationships of
these efforts. Specifically, the efforts (1) are not based on any assessment
of current software acquisition process strengths and weaknesses; and
(2) are not detailed in a formal plan that specifies measurable goals,
objectives, milestones, and needed resources, prioritizes efforts, fixes
responsibility and accountability, and defines metrics for measuring
progress. Instead, these efforts were undertaken with no sound analytical
basis and, rather than being part of a comprehensive plan, are discussed in
general terms without detail and specificity in briefing documents, minutes
of meetings, and working group recommendations. While the SEPG is now
taking steps to establish the analytical basis needed to formulate a
comprehensive software process improvement plan, that plan does not yet
exist, and no schedule has been established for completing it.

Given the importance and the magnitude of information technology at FAA,

Recommendations GAO reiterates its earlier recommendation that a CIO management structure
similar to the department-level CIOs as prescribed in the Clinger-Cohen Act
of 1996 be established for FAA.8

Air Traffic Control: Complete and Enforced Architecture Needed for FAA Systems Modernization
(GAO/AIMD-97-30, February 3, 1997).

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Executive Summary

To improve FAA’s software acquisition capability for its ATC modernization,

GAO recommends that the Secretary of Transportation direct the FAA
Administrator to:

• assign responsibility for software acquisition process improvement to

• provide FAA’s CIO with the authority needed to implement and enforce ATC
modernization software acquisition process improvement;
• require the CIO to develop and implement a formal plan for ATC
modernization software acquisition process improvement that is based on
the software capability evaluation results contained in this report and
specifies measurable goals and time frames, prioritizes initiatives,
estimates resource requirements, and assigns roles and responsibilities;
• allocate adequate resources to ensure that planned initiatives are
implemented and enforced; and
• require that, before being approved, every ATC modernization acquisition
project have software acquisition processes that satisfy at least SA-CMM
level 2 requirements.

In its written comments on a draft of this report, the Department of

Agency Comments Transportation recognized the importance of mature software acquisition
and GAO’s Evaluation processes, agreed that FAA’s processes are insufficiently mature,
acknowledged that FAA process improvement activities have yet to
produce greater software acquisition process discipline, and reaffirmed
FAA’s commitment to improving its software acquisition capabilities using
the SA-CMM. However, the Department did not state what, if any, specific
action it would take on GAO’s recommendations. Additionally, it took the
positions that (1) the SA-CMM by itself is inadequate to evaluate ATC system
acquisition capabilities, is too new to use as an authoritative source of
guidance, and “may” have been misapplied by GAO, (2) the report does not
sufficiently recognize FAA’s process improvement organization and
progress nor the difficulties and time required to affect process
improvement change, (3) the SEPG, which is FAA’s designated agent for
software acquisition process change, is organized as the Department
“understands” other SEPGs to be organized, and (4) the report “leads the
reader to erroneously conclude that the five programs reviewed are in
trouble” relative to attainment of cost and schedule goals.

None of these positions are valid. First, the SA-CMM, like the SW-CMM
(another SEI software-specific capability maturity model), focuses on
software because it is widely recognized as the most difficult and costly

Page 7 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Executive Summary

component of modern computer systems; the one most frequently

associated with late deliveries, cost overruns, and performance shortfalls;
and the one in greatest need of special management attention. Further,
while the SA-CMM is relatively new, the processes it requires are well
established, experience-based tenets of effective software acquisition that
are widely supported throughout industry and government. Moreover, GAO
applied the SA-CMM at FAA properly and with extraordinary diligence: Every
member of the evaluation team was trained at SEI; the team leader was
certified by SEI as a lead evaluator; and three SEI professionals, including
two authors of the SA-CMM, participated in the evaluation and concurred
with every practice determination (e.g., strength, weakness).

Second, FAA’s many software acquisition process improvement activities

were undertaken without assessing current software acquisition process
strengths and weaknesses, and were not part of a comprehensive plan for
process improvement. Therefore, FAA had no analytical basis for deciding
what improvement activities to initiate, or what priorities to assign them.
Further, although FAA began drafting a plan during the course of GAO’s
evaluation, it has no schedule for completing it. In describing FAA’s
progress to date in improving its processes, the report delineates a wide
array of FAA process improvement activities, but distinguishes these
activities from actual progress. In fact, after 4 years of activity, FAA could
not point to a single case in which it had instituted a more disciplined
software acquisition process. Since SEI published statistics show that the
median time to improve from software development CMM level 1 to level 2
is 26 months, and from level 2 to level 3 is 17 months, it is entirely
reasonable to expect FAA to be able to demonstrate some improvement in
its processes after 4 years.

Third, the issue is not whether FAA’s SEPG is organized as the Department
“understands” other SEPGs to be organized, but whether the SEPG, or any
FAA organizational entity responsible for implementing and enforcing
software acquisition process change, has the authority needed to
accomplish the task. Currently, no organizational entity in FAA has the
requisite authority.

Last, the report addresses the maturity of FAA’s software acquisition

processes and concludes that these processes are ad hoc and
undisciplined, reducing the probability that software-intense ATC
modernization projects will consistently perform as intended and be
delivered on schedule and within budget. The report does not address the
overall status of the projects covered by GAO’s review, and, therefore,

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Executive Summary

provides no basis for drawing conclusions about the projects’ overall cost
or schedule performance.

The Department’s comments and GAO’s evaluation of them are presented in

greater detail in chapter 11 of this report.

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Executive Summary 2

Chapter 1 16
Overview of ATC 16
Introduction The ATC Modernization Program Is Complex, Costly, and 19
Historically Problematic
ATC Modernization Now Proceeding Under a New Acquisition 20
Management System
FAA Organizations Responsible for ATC Systems Acquisition and 21
Objectives, Scope, and Methodology 22

Chapter 2 29
FAA’s Software Acquisition Planning Process Is Not Effective 29
Software Acquisition Conclusions 37
Chapter 3 39
Product Teams Performing Many Solicitation Practices 39
Solicitation Conclusions 51

Chapter 4 52
Requirements Development and Management Process Is Not 52
Requirements Effective
Development and Conclusions 62
Chapter 5 63
FAA’s Project Office Management Process Area Is Not Effective 63
Project Office Conclusions 72
Chapter 6 73
FAA Lacks an Effective Contract Tracking and Oversight Process 73
Contract Tracking and Conclusions 85

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Chapter 7 87
FAA Is Strong in Most but Not All Evaluation KPA Practices 87
Evaluation Conclusions 99

Chapter 8 101
Transition and Support Not Being Performed Effectively 101
Transition and Conclusions 113
Chapter 9 115
ATC Modernization Software Risk Management Is Ineffective 115
Acquisition Risk Conclusions 126
Chapter 10 127
FAA Organization Responsible for ATC Software Acquisition 127
FAA Lacks an Process Improvement Lacks Authority to Affect Change
Effective Approach FAA Planning for Software Process Improvement Has Not Been 129
for Improving ATC Improvement Initiatives Have Thus Far Not Instilled Software 130
Modernization Process Discipline
Software Acquisition Conclusions 131
Chapter 11 132
Recommendations 132
Overall Conclusions Agency Comments and Our Evaluation 133
Appendixes Appendix I: Comments From the Department of Transportation 138
Appendix II: Major Contributors to This Report 144

Tables Table 1: Collective Number of KPA Strengths, Weaknesses, and 5

Observations on the Five Projects
Table 1.1: SA-CMM KPAs Used to Assess FAA Software 25
Acquisition Maturity
Table 2.1: Software Acquisition Planning Findings for ARTSIIIE 31
Table 2.2: Software Acquisition Planning Findings for DSR 32

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Table 2.3: Software Acquisition Planning Findings for NIMS 33

Table 2.4: Software Acquisition Planning Findings for VSCS 35
Table 2.5: Software Acquisition Planning Findings for WARP 36
Table 3.1: Solicitation Findings for ARTSIIIE 42
Table 3.2: Solicitation Findings for DSR 44
Table 3.3: Solicitation Findings for NIMS 46
Table 3.4: Solicitation Findings for VSCS 48
Table 3.5: Solicitation Findings for WARP 50
Table 4.1: Requirements Development and Management Findings 55
Table 4.2: Requirements Development and Management Findings 57
for DSR
Table 4.3: Requirements Development and Management Findings 58
for NIMS
Table 4.4: Requirements Development and Management Findings 59
for VSCS
Table 4.5: Requirements Development and Management Findings 61
for WARP
Table 5.1: Project Office Management Findings for ARTSIIIE 66
Table 5.2: Project Office Management Findings for DSR 67
Table 5.3: Project Office Management Findings for NIMS 68
Table 5.4: Project Office Management Findings for VSCS 70
Table 5.5: Project Office Management Findings for WARP 71
Table 6.1: Contract Tracking and Oversight Findings for ARTSIIIE 76
Table 6.2: Contract Tracking and Oversight Findings for DSR 78
Table 6.3: Contract Tracking and Oversight Findings for NIMS 80
Table 6.4: Contract Tracking and Oversight Findings for VSCS 82
Table 6.5: Contract Tracking and Oversight Findings for WARP 84
Table 7.1: Evaluation Findings for ARTSIIIE 90
Table 7.2: Evaluation Findings for DSR 92
Table 7.3: Evaluation Findings for NIMS 94
Table 7.4: Evaluation Findings for VSCS 96
Table 7.5: Evaluation Findings for WARP 98
Table 8.1: Transition and Support Findings for ARTSIIIE 104
Table 8.2: Transition and Support Findings for DSR 106
Table 8.3: Transition and Support Findings for NIMS 108
Table 8.4: Transition and Support Findings for VSCS 110
Table 8.5: Transition and Support Findings for WARP 112
Table 9.1: Acquisition Risk Management Findings for ARTSIIIE 118
Table 9.2: Acquisition Risk Management Findings for DSR 119
Table 9.3: Acquisition Risk Management Findings for NIMS 121

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Table 9.4: Acquisition Risk Management Findings for VSCS 123

Table 9.5: Acquisition Risk Management Findings for WARP 125

Figures Figure 1.1: Summary of ATC Over the Continental United States 18
and Oceans
Figure 1.2: ARA Organization Chart 22
Figure 1.3: SA-CMM Levels and Descriptions 24
Figure 2.1: Software Acquisition Planning 30
Figure 3.1: Solicitation Summary 40
Figure 4.1: Requirements Development and Management 54
Figure 5.1: Project Office Management Summary 64
Figure 6.1: Contract Tracking and Oversight Summary 74
Figure 7.1: Evaluation Summary 88
Figure 8.1: Transition and Support Summary 102
Figure 9.1: Acquisition Risk Management Summary 116

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AAR Office of Aviation Research

AAS Advanced Automation System
ACT William J. Hughes Technical Center
AIMD Accounting and Information Management Division
AIT Office of Information Technology
AND Office of Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance
ARA Associate Administrator for Research and Acquisitions
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated
ARTS Automated Radar Terminal System
ASD Office of System Architecture and Investment Analysis
ASU Office of Acquisitions
ATC air traffic control
ATCSCC Air Traffic Control System Command Center
ATS Associate Administrator for Air Traffic Services
AUA Office of Air Traffic Systems Development
CIO Chief Information Officer
CMM Capability Maturity Model
COTS commercial, off-the-shelf
DSR Display System Replacement
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
GAO General Accounting Office
IPT Integrated Product Team
ISSS Initial Sector Suite System
KPA key process area
NAS National Airspace System
NDI non-development item
NIMS NAS Infrastructure Management System
SA-CMM Software Acquisition Capability Maturity Model
SE-CMM Systems Engineering Capability Maturity Model
SCE Software Capability Evaluation
SEEC Software Engineering Executive Committee
SEI Software Engineering Institute
SEPG Software Engineering Process Group
SW-CMM Capability Maturity Model for Software
TRACON Terminal Radar Approach Control
VSCS Voice Switching and Control System
WARP Weather and Radar Processor

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Page 15 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control
Chapter 1


The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) primary mission is to ensure

safe, orderly, and efficient air travel in the national airspace. FAA’s ability
to fulfill this mission depends on the adequacy and reliability of the
nation’s air traffic control (ATC) system, a vast network of computer
hardware, software, and communications equipment.1 The ATC system,
however, is being strained by aging equipment, much of which is 1960’s
technology, and growing air traffic. This growth should continue as the
number of passengers traveling on U.S. airlines is expected to increase by
38 percent between 1995 and 2003, from about 580 million to nearly
800 million.

To accommodate the forecasted growth in air traffic and to relieve the

problems of the aging ATC system, FAA embarked on an ambitious ATC
modernization program in 1981. FAA estimates that it will spend about
$20 billion to replace and modernize software-intensive ATC systems
between 1982 and 2003. Our work over the years has chronicled many FAA
failures in meeting ATC projects’ cost, schedule, and performance goals.2
As a result of these failures as well as the tremendous cost, complexity,
and mission criticality of FAA’s ATC modernization program, we designated
the program as a high-risk information technology initiative in our 1995
and 1997 report series on high-risk programs.3

Automated information processing and display, communication,

Overview of ATC navigation, surveillance, and weather resources permit air traffic
controllers to view key information, such as aircraft location, aircraft flight
plans, and prevailing weather conditions, and to communicate with pilots.
These resources reside at, or are associated with, several ATC
facilities—air traffic control towers, terminal radar approach control
(TRACON) facilities, air route traffic control centers (en route centers),
flight service stations, and the Air Traffic Control System Command
Center (ATCSCC). These facilities’ ATC functions are described below.

• Airport towers control aircraft on the ground and before landing and after
take-off when they are within about 5 nautical miles of the airport, and up
to 3,000 feet above the airport. Air traffic controllers rely on a combination

The ATC system is a major component of the National Airspace System (NAS).
Air Traffic Control: Status of FAA’s Modernization Program (GAO/RCED-95-175FS, May 26, 1995); Air
Traffic Control: Status of FAA’s Modernization Program (GAO/RCED-94-167FS, Apr. 15, 1994); Air
Traffic Control: Status of FAA’s Modernization Program (GAO/RCED-93-121FS, Apr. 16, 1993).
High-Risk Series: An Overview (GAO/HR-95-1, Feb. 1995); High-Risk Series: Information Management
and Technology (GAO/HR-97-9, Feb. 1997).

Page 16 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 1

of technology and visual surveillance to direct aircraft departures and

approaches, maintain safe distances between aircraft, and communicate
weather-related information, clearances, and other instructions to pilots
and other personnel.
• Approximately 180 TRACONs sequence and separate aircraft as they
approach and leave busy airports, beginning about 5 nautical miles and
ending about 50 nautical miles from the airport, and generally up to 10,000
feet above the airport, where en route centers’ control begins.
• Twenty en route centers control planes over the continental United States
in transit and during approaches to some airports. Each en route center
handles a different region of airspace, passing control from one to another
as respective borders are reached until the aircraft reaches TRACON
airspace. En route center controlled airspace usually extends above 18,000
feet for commercial aircraft. En route centers also handle lower altitudes
when dealing directly with a tower, or when agreed upon with a TRACON.
• Two en route centers—Oakland and New York—also control aircraft over
the ocean. Controlling aircraft over oceans is radically different from
controlling aircraft over land because radar surveillance only extends 175
to 225 miles offshore. Beyond the radars’ sight, controllers must rely on
periodic radio communications through a third party—Aeronautical Radio
Incorporated (ARINC), a private organization funded by the airlines and FAA
to operate radio stations—to determine aircraft locations.
• About 90 flight service stations provide pre-flight and in-flight services,
such as flight plan filing and weather report updates, primarily for general
aviation aircraft.

See figure 1.1 for a visual summary of air traffic control over the
continental United States and oceans.

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Chapter 1

Figure 1.1: Summary of ATC Over the Continental United States and Oceans

En Route


En Route

Flight Service En Route

Station Center

Airport Tower


Departure Control
Airport Tower
Approach Control
Local and Ground Control

United States

Page 18 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 1

FAA faced two problems in continuing to fulfill its mission to ensure safe,
The ATC orderly, and efficient air travel in the national airspace. First, the ATC
Modernization system of the late 1970s was a blend of several generations of automated
Program Is Complex, and manual equipment, much of it labor-intensive and obsolete. Second,
air traffic was projected to increase dramatically as a result of airline
Costly, and deregulations of the late 1970s. FAA recognized that it could increase ATC
Historically operating efficiency by increasing automation. It also anticipated that
meeting the demand safely and efficiently would require improved and
Problematic expanded services, additional facilities and equipment, improved work
force productivity, and the orderly replacement of aging equipment.
Accordingly, in December 1981, FAA initiated its plan to modernize,
automate, and consolidate its enormous ATC system infrastructure by the
year 2000. In doing so, it chose to acquire new ATC systems by contracting
for systems development services from vendors rather than building new
ATC systems in-house.

This ambitious modernization program includes the acquisition of new

surveillance, data processing, navigation, and communication equipment
in addition to new facilities and support equipment. Totaling over 200
separate projects, the modernization is estimated to cost over $34 billion
through the year 2003. Software-intensive ATC systems make up a large
portion of this total, accounting for 169 projects costing $20.7 billion. The
Congress will have provided FAA with approximately $14.7 billion of the
$20.7 billion through fiscal year 1997. Many of these projects, for example
the Display System Replacement and the Voice Switching and Control
System, each involve the acquisition of over a million lines of code.
Moreover, because the software must operate in a real-time environment
in which human life is at stake, it must be fault tolerant, meaning that it
must be able to monitor its own execution and recover from failures
without losing any data.

Over the past 15 years, FAA’s modernization projects have experienced

substantial cost overruns, lengthy schedule delays, and significant
performance shortfalls. To illustrate, the long-time centerpiece of this
modernization program—the Advanced Automation System (AAS)—was
restructured in 1994 after estimated costs tripled from $2.5 billion to
$7.6 billion and delays in putting significantly less-than-promised system
capabilities into operation were expected to run 8 years or more over
original estimates. Similarly, increases in costs for three other ATC projects4
have ranged from 51 to 511 percent, and schedule delays have averaged

The three projects and their respective percentage increase in unit costs are the Voice Switching and
Control System (511 percent), the Integrated Terminal Weather System (129 percent), and the Aviation
Weather Observing System (51 percent).

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Chapter 1

almost 4 years. For example, the per-unit cost estimate for the Voice
Switching and Control System increased 511 percent, and the first site
implementation was delayed 6 years from the original estimate.

AAS and other ATC projects have also experienced shortfalls in

performance. For example, the critical Initial Sector Suite System
component of AAS, which was intended to replace controllers’
workstations at en route centers, faced so many technical problems that
its functionality was severely scaled back. In addition, difficulties in
developing the Air Route Surveillance Radar-4 software and integrating it
with other ATC systems delayed its implementation for years.

Because of FAA’s contention that many of its modernization problems were

ATC Modernization rooted in the Federal Acquisition System, the Congress enacted legislation
Now Proceeding in October 1995 that exempted FAA from most federal procurement and
Under a New personnel laws and regulations and directed FAA to develop and implement
a new acquisition system that would address the unique needs of the
Acquisition agency.5 At a minimum, the system was to provide for more timely and
Management System cost-effective acquisitions. On April 1, 1996, in response to the Act, the FAA
Administrator began implementation of a new acquisition management

The new system is intended to reduce the time and cost to field new
products and services by introducing a new investment management
system that spans the investments’ entire life cycles, a new procurement
system that provides flexibility in selecting and managing contractors, and
organizational learning and cultural reform that supports the new
investment management and procurement systems.

This high-level policy promulgated by the new acquisition management

system is intended to be supplemented by guidelines in three areas:
software/systems acquisition, facilities acquisition, and services
acquisition. These guidelines will be available to FAA staff via the Internet
and were scheduled to be online by October 1, 1996. As of February 1,
1997, these guidelines were still in draft form and not available to FAA staff.

Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act 1996, P.L. No. 104-50, sec.
348, 109 Stat. 436, 460 (1995).

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Chapter 1

Two major FAA organizations play key roles in the modernization of ATC
FAA Organizations systems—the Office of the Associate Administrator for Research and
Responsible for ATC Acquisitions (ARA) and the Office of the Associate Administrator for Air
Systems Acquisition Traffic Services (ATS). Briefly, ARA is responsible for acquiring ATC systems,
while ATS is responsible for operating and maintaining ATC systems.
and Maintenance Cross-functional integrated product teams (IPT) residing in ARA are
responsible for specific ATC system acquisition projects.

ARA manages ATC modernization research and development and acquisition

activities. According to the Associate Administrator for ARA, only about
one-half of the total ATC systems development budget is spent by ARA,
while the other one-half is spent by ATS implementing system
enhancements. Within ARA, two groups are responsible for acquiring
systems, while other groups handle cross-cutting management functions,
such as budget formulation and program evaluation. These two groups are
the Office of Air Traffic Systems Development (AUA) and the Office of
Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance Systems (AND).

Five IPTs reside in AUA and are organized by ATC business areas (i.e., en
route, terminal, weather and flight service, air traffic management,
oceanic), and five IPTs reside in AND and are organized by ATC functional
areas (i.e., infrastructure, communications, surveillance, Global
Positioning System/navigation, aircraft/avionics). IPTs are responsible for
research, development, and acquisition as well as for ensuring that new
equipment is delivered, installed, and working properly. For example, the
en route IPT comprises product teams for the Display Channel Complex
Rehost, the Display System Replacement, the Voice Switching and Control
System, and several other en route systems. Each IPT includes systems and
specialty engineers, logistics personnel, testing personnel, contract
personnel, and lawyers as well as representatives from the organizations
responsible for operating and maintaining the ATC equipment. The
organization chart below shows the structure of the ARA organization.

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Chapter 1

Figure 1.2: ARA Organization Chart

for Research and

Office of Air Traffic Office of Aviation Office of Office of System William J. Hughes
Office of Acquisitions Office of Information
Systems Research Comm., Navigation, Architecture and
ASU Technology Tech Center
Development AAR and Surveillance Investment Analysis

Chief Scientist Integrated Product Corporate Architecture Resource

Acquisition Policy
Integrated Product for Human Factors Team for Information and System Management
and Procedures
Team for En Route Division Infrastructure Management Div. Engineering Division
AUA-200 AAR-100 AND-100 AIT-100 ASD-100 ACT-100
Integrated Product Integrated Product Evaluation and
Research Team for Configuration ATC Engineering
Quality Assurance Integrated Product Team for
Division Communications Management and Test Division
Division Team for Terminal Information Systems
AAR-200 AND-300 ASD-200 ACT-200
ASU-200 AUA-300 AIT-200
Integrated Product Research and Integrated Product Integrated Product NAS Programming CNS Engineering
Contracts Team for Weather Acquisitions Team for Team for IT and Financial
Division and Test Division
and Flight Service International Division Surveillance Services Management ACT-300
ASU-300 AAR-300 AND-400 AIT-300 ASD-300
Systems, AUA-400
Airport and Aircraft Integrated Product Integrated Product Investment Analysis Facilities
Integrated Product
Safety, Research Team for GPS/ Team for IT and Operations Management
Team for Air Traffic
and Development Navigation Acquisitions Research Division
Division, AAR-400 AND-500 AIT-400 ASD-400 ACT-400
Aviation Security Integrated Product Aviation Simulation
Integrated Product Research and Team for and Human
Team for Oceanic Development Aircraft/Avionics Factors Division
AUA-600 Division, AAR-500 AND-600 ACT-500
Airport Management
and Emergency
Operations Division

The Chairman, Subcommittee on Transportation and Related Agencies,

Objectives, Scope, House Committee on Appropriations, requested that we review FAA’s
and Methodology ability to acquire software for ATC systems. Our objectives were to
determine (1) the maturity of FAA’s ATC modernization software acquisition
processes; and (2) the steps/actions FAA has underway or planned to
improve these processes, and any obstacles that may impede FAA’s
improvement actions.

To determine FAA’s software acquisition process maturity, we applied the

Software Engineering Institute’s Software Acquisition Capability Maturity
Model (SA-CMM)6 and its Software Capability Evaluation (SCE) method. SEI’s
expertise in software process assessment is accepted throughout the
industry. Our evaluators were all SEI-trained software specialists. In

We used a draft version of the model for our evaluation (version 00.03, dated April 1996). The first
published version of the model was released in October 1996, after we performed our evaluation.
According to the model’s authors, the published version differed only editorially from the draft we

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Chapter 1

addition, we employed SEI consultants, two of whom are authors of the

model, as advisors to ensure proper application of the model.

The SA-CMM ranks organizational maturity according to five levels (see

figure 1.3). Maturity levels 2 through 5 require the verifiable existence and
use of certain software acquisition processes, known as key process areas
(KPA). According to the SEI, an agency that has these acquisition processes
in place is in a much better position to successfully acquire software than
an organization that does not have these processes in place. We evaluated
FAA’s software acquisition processes against all level 2 KPAs and one level 3
KPA (see table 1.1). We included one level 3 KPA—acquisition risk
management—because it is considered by software experts to be a very
important process area.

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Chapter 1

Figure 1.3: SA-CMM Levels and Descriptions

Level 5 - Optimizing
Continuous process improvement is empowered by
quantitative feedback from the process and from piloting
innovative ideas and technologies.

Level 4 - Managed
Detailed measures of quality of the software acquistion
processes, products, and services are collected. The
Predictable software processes, products, and services are
process quantitatively understood and controlled.

Level 3 - Defined
The acquisition organization's software acquisition
process is documented, standardized, and established
as the standard software acquisition process. All
Standard projects use an approved, tailored version of the
consistant organization's standard software acquisition process
process for acquiring their software products and services.

Level 2 - Repeatable
Basic project management processes are established
to track performance, cost, and schedule. The
Disciplined necessary process discipline is in place to repeat
process earlier successes on projects in similar domains.

Level 1 - Initial
The software acquisiton process is characterized as
ad hoc, and occasionally even chaotic. Few processes
are defined and success depends on individual

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Chapter 1

Table 1.1: SA-CMM KPAs Used to

Assess FAA Software Acquisition SA-CMM Level 2 Key
Maturity process areas Description
Software acquisition planning Ensuring that reasonable planning for the software
acquisition is conducted and that all elements of the
project are included.
Solicitation Ensuring that award is made to the contractor most
capable of satisfying the specified requirements.
Requirements development Establishing a common and unambiguous definition of
and management software acquisition requirements understood by the
acquisition team, system user, and the contractor.
Project office management Managing the activities of the project office and
supporting contractor(s) to ensure a timely, efficient, and
effective software acquisition.
Contract tracking and Ensuring that the software activities under contract are
oversight being performed in accordance with contract
requirements, and that products and services will satisfy
contract requirements.
Evaluation Determining that the acquired software products and
services satisfy contract requirements prior to
acceptance and transition to support.
Transition and support Providing for the transition of the software products being
acquired to their eventual support organization.
CMM Level 3 Description
Key process area
Acquisition risk management Identifying risks as early as possible, adjusting acquisition
strategy to mitigate those risks, and developing and
implementing a risk management process as an integral
part of the acquisition process.

As established by the model, each KPA contains five common attributes

that indicate whether the implementation and institutionalization of a KPA
can be effective, repeatable, and lasting. The five common features are:

• Commitment to perform. Commitment to perform describes the actions

that the organization must take to establish the process and ensure that it
can endure. Commitment to perform typically involves establishing
organizational policies and sponsorship.
• Ability to perform. Ability to perform describes the preconditions that
must exist in the project or organization to implement the software
acquisition process competently. Ability to perform typically involves
resources, organizational structures, and training.
• Activities performed. Activities performed describes the roles and
procedures necessary to implement a KPA. Activities performed typically
involve establishing plans and procedures, performing the work, tracking
it, and taking appropriate management actions.

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Chapter 1

• Measurement and analysis. Measurement and analysis describes activities

performed to measure the process and analyze the measurements.
Measurement and analysis typically includes defining the measurements to
be taken and the analyses to be conducted to determine the status and
effectiveness of the activities performed.
• Verifying implementation. Verifying implementation describes the steps to
ensure that the activities are performed in compliance with the process
that has been established. Verification typically encompasses reviews by

In accordance with SEI’s SCE method, for each KPA in level 2 and the one KPA
in level 3 (risk management), we evaluated institutional FAA policies and
practices and compared project-specific guidance and practices against
the five common attributes. This project-specific comparison can result in
one of four possible outcomes: (1) project strength—an effective
implementation of the key practice; (2) project weakness—ineffective
implementation of a key practice or failure to implement a key practice;
(3) project observation—key practice evaluated but evidence inconclusive
and cannot be characterized as either strength or weakness; and (4) not
rated—key practice not currently relevant to project, therefore not

We performed the project-specific evaluations on five ongoing ATC

modernization projects, each of which is described below. We asked FAA to
choose these projects using the following criteria: (1) the projects are
major efforts with large software acquisition components; (2) the projects
are managed by different integrated product teams, (3) the projects are in
different stages of their life cycles, and (4) the projects are among FAA’s
best-managed acquisitions. The projects that FAA selected for our
evaluation are:

• Automated Radar Terminal System (ARTS) IIIE: ARTS gathers information

from surveillance sensors, processes it, and sends it to air traffic
controllers in terminal radar approach control facilities and control towers
at airports. A series of improvements to ARTS have provided increased
processor capacity and the ability to support a greater number of
controller displays. The ARTS IIIE improvements provide for more
controller positions and surveillance sensor inputs at selected large
facilities. ARTS IIIE is operational at New York, Chicago, and Dallas/Fort
Worth with additional systems planned for Southern California and
Denver. FAA estimates that the enhancement will cost $383.8 million to
develop and deploy.

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Chapter 1

• Display System Replacement (DSR): DSR is intended to replace air traffic

controllers’ display-related systems in each of the en route centers. DSR
consists of controller work stations connected via a local area network to
three interfacing systems (Host Computer System, Enhanced Direct
Access Radar Channel, and Weather and Radar Processor). FAA plans to
deploy DSR to all 20 en route centers in the continental United States, as
well as ATC facilities in Anchorage and potentially in Honolulu. FAA is now
conducting system acceptance testing. FAA estimates that DSR will cost
$1,055.3 million to develop and deploy.
• National Airspace System (NAS) Infrastructure Management System (NIMS):
NIMS is intended to provide the system infrastructure, including data
architecture and network communications, to permit remote ATC system
operational monitoring and maintenance. This program will provide a
three-tiered architecture consisting of a national control center, 4 to 10
operational control centers, and over 300 local work centers. NIMS is in the
pre-solicitation phase, and FAA estimates that it will cost about
$500 million to develop and deploy.
• Voice Switching and Control System (VSCS): VSCS is intended to provide
air-to-ground and ground-to-ground communications between en route
centers and aircraft. The VSCS is to replace the aging ground-to-ground
switching equipment and the air-to-ground circuits with a single
integrated, computer-controlled, digital voice switching system. The
development of VSCS is completed and all systems are operational. FAA
estimates that VSCS will cost about $1.5 billion to develop and deploy.
• Weather and Radar Processor (WARP): WARP is a next generation weather
and radar processing and display system that is intended to permit
consolidation of weather data from several sources into a single,
integrated display for controllers. Currently, the weather information
provided to controllers in the en route centers comes from long-range
aircraft surveillance radars, which are not well-suited for this purpose.
Next generation weather radars are to replace the surveillance radars as
the source of weather information. WARP is to collect, process, and
disseminate this and other weather data to controllers, traffic management
specialists, pilots, and meteorologists. WARP is currently under
development, and FAA estimates that it will cost $124.6 million to develop
and deploy.

To address our second objective (what steps/actions FAA has underway or

planned to improve its software acquisition processes and what obstacles,
if any, may impede FAA’s progress), we interviewed FAA’s Chief Scientist for
Software Engineering and his staff to determine: (1) process
improvements that are planned and underway; (2) the rationale for each

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Chapter 1

initiative; (3) the relative priority of each; (4) progress made on each
initiative; and (5) obstacles, if any, impeding progress. We also analyzed
process improvement plans, meeting minutes, and related documentation
to further address these areas. Finally, we interviewed representatives
from the ATC modernization product teams and the SEPG to obtain their
perspectives in assessing process improvement support, activities,
progress, and obstacles.

The Department of Transportation provided written comments on a draft

of this report. These comments are presented and evaluated in chapter 11,
and are reprinted in appendix I. We performed our work at FAA
headquarters offices in Washington, D.C. between March 1996 and
February 1997, in accordance with generally accepted government
auditing standards.

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Chapter 2

Software Acquisition Planning

The purpose of software acquisition planning is to ensure that reasonable

planning for the software acquisition is conducted and that all aspects of
the total software acquisition effort are included in these plans. According
to the SA-CMM, a repeatable software acquisition planning process, among
other things, includes (1) addressing software life cycle support in
acquisition plans, (2) preparing life cycle software cost estimates,
(3) having a written software acquisition policy, (4) measuring and
reporting on the status of software acquisition planning activities, and
(5) having guidance on software training and experience requirements for
project personnel.

All five projects have some ability and/or activity strengths in this KPA. For
FAA’s Software example, every project addresses software life cycle support in planning
Acquisition Planning documents and software life cycle cost estimates were prepared for four
Process Is Not of the projects. However, we found many more process weaknesses than
strengths. For example, FAA has a systems acquisition policy, but the
Effective policy does not specifically address or provide guidance on software
acquisition. Therefore, FAA management has not formally recognized the
importance and uniqueness of software acquisition issues in the system
acquisition process, and has not formally committed to managing software
acquisition in a disciplined manner. Also, the product teams do not
measure or report on the status of software acquisition planning activities.
As a result, management is not always aware of problems in project
performance, and cannot always take corrective action expeditiously.
Additionally, none of the five projects has specific guidance on software
training or experience requirements for project participation. As a result,
software training is ad hoc, and decisions about project personnel
assignments are subjective.

Figure 2.1 provides a comprehensive listing of the five projects’ strengths,

weaknesses, and observations for the software acquisition planning KPA.
The specific findings supporting the practice ratings cited in figure 2.1 are
in tables 2.1 through 2.5.

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Chapter 2
Software Acquisition Planning

Figure 2.1: Software Acquisition Planning


Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written policy for Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
planning the software acquisition.

Personnel are assigned the responsibility for

Ability 1 Weakness Strength Strength Strength Observation
performing software acquisition planning.

Ability 2 The acquisition organization has experienced Observation Observation Observation Observation Observation
software acquisition management personnel.

Ability 3 Software acquisition management personnel are Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
experienced in the domain of the project.

Activity 1 Software acquisition planning personnel are Weakness Strength Strength Strength Weakness
involved in system acquisition planning.

The project's software acquisition planning is

Activity 2 documented and the planning documentation is Weakness Weakness Observation Weakness Weakness
maintained over the life of the project.

Activity 3 The software acquisition strategy for the project is Weakness Weakness Strength Weakness Weakness

Software acquisition planning includes provisions

Activity 4 for ensuring that the life cycle support of the Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
system is included in planning documentation.

Activity 5 A life cycle cost estimate for the software activity is Weakness Strength Strength Strength Strength
prepared and independently verified.

Measurements are made and used to determine the

Measurement 1 status of the software acquisition planning Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness

The activities for software acquisition planning are

Verification 1 reviewed by acquisition organization management Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
on a periodic basis.

The activities for software acquisition planning are

Verification 2 reviewed by the project manager on both a periodic Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
and event-driven basis.

= Weakness Key practice not implemented

= Strength Key practice effectively implemented
= Observation Key practice evaluated but evidence inconclusive. Cannot characterize as either strength or
= Not rated Key practice not currently relevant to project, therefore not evaluated

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Chapter 2
Software Acquisition Planning

Table 2.1: Software Acquisition Planning Findings for ARTSIIIE

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written The system acquisition policy does not Weakness
policy for planning the software acquisition. adequately address software, e.g., it does
not address items that should be included
in software planning such as contract
tracking and oversight, requirements
development, evaluation, and risk
Ability 1 Personnel are assigned the responsibility No personnel are assigned the Weakness
for performing software acquisition planning. responsibility for software acquisition
Ability 2 The acquisition organization has The acquisition organization has no Observation
experienced software acquisition guidance regarding training or experience
management personnel. requirements for project participation.
Ability 3 Software acquisition management There are no guidelines that define domain Weakness
personnel are experienced in the domain of knowledge or experience.
the project.
Activity 1 Software acquisition planning personnel are No one on the product team is specifically Weakness
involved in system acquisition planning. assigned responsibility for software
Activity 2 The project’s software acquisition planning There is no documented software Weakness
is documented and the planning acquisition plan.
documentation is maintained over the life of
the project.
Activity 3 The software acquisition strategy for the There is no software acquisition strategy. Weakness
project is developed.
Activity 4 Software acquisition planning includes The product team ensures that life cycle Strength
provisions for ensuring that the life cycle support is included in planning
support of the system is included in documentation.
planning documentation.
Activity 5 A life cycle cost estimate for the software The life cycle cost estimate was prepared Weakness
activity is prepared and independently but not independently verified.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the software taken and used to determine the status of
acquisition planning activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for software acquisition While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
planning are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for software acquisition While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
planning are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

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Chapter 2
Software Acquisition Planning

Table 2.2: Software Acquisition Planning Findings for DSR

Display System Replacement
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written The system acquisition policy does not Weakness
policy for planning the software acquisition. adequately address software, e.g., it does
not address items that should be included
in software planning such as contract
tracking and oversight, requirements
development, evaluation, and risk
Ability 1 Personnel are assigned the responsibility Personnel are assigned the responsibility Strength
for performing software acquisition planning. for performing software acquisition planning.
Ability 2 The acquisition organization has The acquisition organization has no Observation
experienced software acquisition guidance regarding training or experience
management personnel. requirements for project participation.
Ability 3 Software acquisition management There are no guidelines that define domain Weakness
personnel are experienced in the domain of knowledge or experience.
the project.
Activity 1 Software acquisition planning personnel are Software acquisition personnel are involved Strength
involved in system acquisition planning. in system acquisition planning.
Activity 2 The project’s software acquisition planning There is no software acquisition planning Weakness
is documented and the planning documentation.
documentation is maintained over the life of
the project.
Activity 3 The software acquisition strategy for the Officials stated that the software acquisition Weakness
project is developed. strategy is developed, however, the
documents provided did not address such
things as objectives, technologies, and
Activity 4 Software acquisition planning includes Software acquisition planning includes life Strength
provisions for ensuring that the life cycle cycle support planning.
support of the system is included in
planning documentation.
Activity 5 A life cycle cost estimate for the software A life cycle cost estimate is prepared and Strength
activity is prepared and independently independently verified.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the software taken and used to determine the status of
acquisition planning activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for software acquisition While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
planning are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for software acquisition While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
planning are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

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Chapter 2
Software Acquisition Planning

Table 2.3: Software Acquisition Planning Findings for NIMS

NAS Infrastructure Management System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written The system acquisition policy does not Weakness
policy for planning the software acquisition. adequately address software, e.g., it does
not address items that should be included
in software planning such as contract
tracking and oversight, requirements
development, evaluation, and risk
Ability 1 Personnel are assigned the responsibility The team members are assigned the Strength
for performing software acquisition planning. responsibility for software acquisition
Ability 2 The acquisition organization has The acquisition organization has no Observation
experienced software acquisition guidance regarding training or experience
management personnel. requirements for project participation.
Ability 3 Software acquisition management There are no guidelines that define domain Weakness
personnel are experienced in the domain of knowledge or experience.
the project.
Activity 1 Software acquisition planning personnel are The team members for software acquisition Strength
involved in system acquisition planning. are assigned collective responsibility and
are actively involved in system acquisition
Activity 2 The project’s software acquisition planning At this early stage in the program, the Observation
is documented and the planning software acquisition planning
documentation is maintained over the life of documentation is being written but is not
the project. complete.
Activity 3 The software acquisition strategy for the Officials stated that the software acquisition Strength
project is developed. strategy will be contained within the
acquisition plan.
Activity 4 Software acquisition planning includes Software acquisition planning includes Strength
provisions for ensuring that the life cycle provisions for ensuring that life cycle
support of the system is included in support is included in planning
planning documentation. documentation.
Activity 5 A life cycle cost estimate for the software A life cycle cost estimate for software has Strength
activity is prepared and independently been prepared and independently verified.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the software taken to determine the status of activities for
acquisition planning activities. any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for software acquisition While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
planning are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.

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Chapter 2
Software Acquisition Planning

NAS Infrastructure Management System

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 2 The activities for software acquisition While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
planning are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

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Chapter 2
Software Acquisition Planning

Table 2.4: Software Acquisition Planning Findings for VSCS

Voice Switching and Control System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written The system acquisition policy does not Weakness
policy for planning the software acquisition. adequately address software, e.g., it does
not address items that should be included
in software planning such as contract
tracking and oversight, requirements
development, evaluation, and risk
Ability 1 Personnel are assigned the responsibility Personnel are assigned the responsibility Strength
for performing software acquisition planning. for performing software acquisition planning.
Ability 2 The acquisition organization has The acquisition organization has no Observation
experienced software acquisition guidance regarding training or experience
management personnel. requirements for project participation.
Ability 3 Software acquisition management There are no guidelines that define domain Weakness
personnel are experienced in the domain of knowledge or experience.
the project.
Activity 1 Software acquisition planning personnel are Software acquisition personnel are involved Strength
involved in system acquisition planning. in system acquisition planning.
Activity 2 The project’s software acquisition planning The project’s software acquisition planning Weakness
is documented and the planning is not documented.
documentation is maintained over the life of
the project.
Activity 3 The software acquisition strategy for the No software acquisition strategy exists. The Weakness
project is developed. system acquisition strategy does not
address software.
Activity 4 Software acquisition planning includes The life cycle support of the system is Strength
provisions for ensuring that the life cycle included in the acquisition planning
support of the system is included in documentation.
planning documentation.
Activity 5 A life cycle cost estimate for the software The life cycle cost estimate has been Strength
activity is prepared and independently prepared and independently verified.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the software taken or used to determine the status of
acquisition planning activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for software acquisition While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
planning are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for software acquisition While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
planning are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

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Chapter 2
Software Acquisition Planning

Table 2.5: Software Acquisition Planning Findings for WARP

Weather and Radar Processor
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written The system acquisition policy does not Weakness
policy for planning the software acquisition. adequately address software, e.g., it does
not address items that should be included
in software planning such as contract
tracking and oversight, requirements
development, evaluation, and risk
Ability 1 Personnel are assigned the responsibility Although the product team stated that they Observation
for performing software acquisition planning. are assigned collective responsibility for
systems acquisition, they could not provide
documentation to show a specific
assignment for software acquisition.
Ability 2 The acquisition organization has The acquisition organization has no Observation
experienced software acquisition guidance regarding training or experience
management personnel. requirements for project participation.
Ability 3 Software acquisition management There are no guidelines that define domain Weakness
personnel are experienced in the domain of knowledge or experience.
the project.
Activity 1 Software acquisition planning personnel are Although the product team is responsible Weakness
involved in system acquisition planning. for systems acquisition, there is no one
specifically assigned for software nor does
any document expressly state that software
is part of systems acquisition.
Activity 2 The project’s software acquisition planning There is no software acquisition plan. Weakness
is documented and the planning
documentation is maintained over the life of
the project.
Activity 3 The software acquisition strategy for the There is no software acquisition strategy for Weakness
project is developed. the project. The system acquisition strategy
covers only software enhancements.
Activity 4 Software acquisition planning includes The acquisition plan includes provisions for Strength
provisions for ensuring that the life cycle ensuring that life cycle support is included.
support of the system is included in
planning documentation.
Activity 5 A life cycle cost estimate for the software The life cycle cost estimate is prepared and Strength
activity is prepared and independently independently verified.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the software taken and used to determine the status of
acquisition planning activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for software acquisition While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
planning are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.

Page 36 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 2
Software Acquisition Planning

Weather and Radar Processor

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 2 The activities for software acquisition While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
planning are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Effective planning is the cornerstone of successful software acquisition.

Conclusions While FAA showed some strengths in this KPA, its many weaknesses render
the software acquisition planning capability ad hoc and chaotic. Therefore,
it is unlikely that projects are effectively measuring and monitoring
software acquisition progress and taking corrective actions expeditiously.

Page 37 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 2
Software Acquisition Planning

Page 38 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 3


The purpose of solicitation is to prepare a request for proposal that

delineates a project’s software-related requirements, and select a
contractor that can most cost-effectively satisfy these requirements, while
complying with relevant solicitation laws and regulations. According to
the SA-CMM, specific requirements for a repeatable solicitation process
include, among other things, (1) having and following a solicitation plan,
(2) assigning responsibility and ensuring sufficient resources for
coordinating and conducting solicitation activities, (3) preparing and
reviewing cost and schedule estimates for the software products and
services being acquired, and (4) periodically measuring solicitation work
completed and effort and funds expended, comparing these measures to
plans, and reporting the results to management.

All five projects have strengths in many of the practices required by this
Product Teams KPA. For example, most projects have written solicitation plans, assign
Performing Many responsibility for coordinating and conducting the solicitation activities,
Solicitation Practices and prepare and review contract-related software cost and schedule

However, the projects are weak in several areas. For example, even
though most projects had a written solicitation plan, not all projects
followed their plans. Also, none of the projects adequately identified the
resources needed to conduct solicitation activities. While FAA personnel
stated that they had adequate solicitation resources, they provided no
evidence of either a mechanism for identifying required resources or for
ensuring that required resources are provided. These weaknesses increase
the risk of FAA not adequately evaluating the offerors’ proposals, and
making a suboptimal selection. Additionally, none of the five measured or
reported on the status of product team solicitation activities. As a result,
management cannot identify solicitation problems early and resolve them

Figure 3.1 provides a comprehensive listing of the five projects’ strengths,

weaknesses, and observations for the solicitation KPA. The specific
findings supporting the practice ratings cited in figure 3.1 are in tables 3.1
through 3.5.

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Chapter 3

Figure 3.1: Solicitation Summary


The acquisition organization has a written policy for

Commitment 1 Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
the conduct of the solicitation.

Commitment 2 Responsibility for the software portion of the Weakness Observation Strength Weakness Strength
solicitation is designated.

A selection official has been designated to be

Commitment 3 responsible for the selection process and the Strength Not rated Strength Strength Not rated

Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating and Strength Strength Strength Not rated Strength
conducting the solicitation activities exists.

Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for the solicitation Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness

Ability 3 Individuals performing the solicitation activities have Observation Observation Observation Observation Observation
experience or receive training.

Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for solicitation Strength Not rated Strength Observation Strength

The project's solicitation activities are performed in Observation Not rated Strength Weakness Strength
Activity 2
accordance with its plans.

Activity 3 The project team documents its plans for proposal Weakness Strength Strength Observation Strength
evaluation activities.

Activity 4 The project team's proposal evaluation activities are Weakness Not rated Strength Weakness Strength
performed in accordance with its plans.

Activity 5 A cost estimate and schedule for the software Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
activity being sought are prepared.

The software cost estimate and schedule are

Activity 6 independently reviewed for comprehensiveness and Strength Observation Strength Strength Strength
The groups supporting the solicitation (e.g., end
user, systems engineering, support organization, and Weakness Not rated Strength Observation
Activity 7 application domain experts) receive orientation on Weakness
the solicitation's objectives and procedures.
The project team and the offeror review the project's
Activity 8 software requirements during negotiations to ensure Observation Strength Not rated Observation Strength
mutual understanding.

Measurements are made and used to determine the Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
Measurement 1
status of the solicitation activities.

Page 40 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 3


The activities for solicitation are reviewed by the
Verification 1 designated selection official or acquisition Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
organization management on a periodic basis.

The activities for solicitation are reviewed by the

Verification 2 project manager on both a periodic and event-driven Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness

= Weakness Key practice not implemented

= Strength Key practice effectively implemented
= Observation Key practice evaluated but evidence inconclusive. Cannot characterize as either strength or

= Not rated Key practice not currently relevant to project, therefore not evaluated

Page 41 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 3

Table 3.1: Solicitation Findings for ARTSIIIE

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA Order 1810.1F is the written policy. Strength
policy for the conduct of the solicitation.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for the software portion of the Officials gave conflicting answers as to who Weakness
solicitation is designated. is responsible for the software portion of the
solicitation, and could not provide a
document that formally designates
Commitment 3 A selection official has been designated to The Administrator was the selection official Strength
be responsible for the selection process for the sole-source contract.
and the decision.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating A group (matrix team) is responsible for Strength
and conducting the solicitation activities coordinating and conducting the solicitation
exists. activities.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for the No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
solicitation activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing the solicitation The acquisition organization has no Observation
activities have experience or receive guidance regarding training or experience
training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The team documents its plans for Strength
solicitation activities. solicitation activities.
Activity 2 The project’s solicitation activities are While officials stated that solicitation Observation
performed in accordance with its plans. activities are performed in accordance with
its plans, they could not provide
documentation to support this.
Activity 3 The project team documents its plans for The team does not document its plans for Weakness
proposal evaluation activities. proposal evaluation activities.
Activity 4 The project team’s proposal evaluation No evaluation plan exists, therefore, the Weakness
activities are performed in accordance with team could not perform in accordance with
its plans. its plan.
Activity 5 A cost estimate and schedule for the A cost estimate and schedule were Strength
software activity being sought are prepared. prepared.
Activity 6 The software cost estimate and schedule The cost estimate and schedule were Strength
are independently reviewed for independently reviewed.
comprehensiveness and realism.
Activity 7 The groups supporting the solicitation (e.g., No orientation briefing occurred. Weakness
end user, systems engineering, support
organization, and application domain
experts) receive orientation on the
solicitation’s objectives and procedures.

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Chapter 3

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE

Key Practice Finding Rating
Activity 8 The project team and the offeror review the Officials stated that meetings were held with Observation
project’s software requirements during the contractor to ensure mutual
negotiations to ensure mutual understanding, however, they could not
understanding. provide documents to support this.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the solicitation taken and used to determine the status of
activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for solicitation are reviewed by While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
the designated selection official or reviews the status of the contract and the
acquisition organization management on a contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the
various key process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for solicitation are reviewed by While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
the project manager on both a periodic and status of the contract and the contractor’s
event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 43 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 3

Table 3.2: Solicitation Findings for DSR

Display System Replacement
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written There is an FAA policy that addresses Strength
policy for the conduct of the solicitation. solicitation conduct.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for the software portion of the Officials stated that responsibility for the Observation
solicitation is designated. software portion of the solicitation has been
assigned, however, they could not provide
documents to support this.
Commitment 3 A selection official has been designated to Not applicable. DSR was a change order Not rated
be responsible for the selection process from an existing larger contract that went
and the decision. through the acquisition phase in 1984.
Current team members joined the team
after the change order was negotiated and,
therefore, could not address this key
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating A group responsible for the solicitation Strength
and conducting the solicitation activities exists.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for the No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
solicitation activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing the solicitation The acquisition organization has no Observation
activities have experience or receive guidance regarding training or experience
training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for Not applicable. DSR was a change order Not rated
solicitation activities. from an existing larger contract that went
through the acquisition phase in 1984.
Current team members joined the team
after the change order was negotiated and,
therefore, could not address this key
Activity 2 The project’s solicitation activities are Not applicable. DSR was a change order Not rated
performed in accordance with its plans. from an existing larger contract that went
through the acquisition phase in 1984.
Current team members joined the team
after the change order was negotiated and,
therefore, could not address this key
Activity 3 The project team documents its plans for The product team uses a change order Strength
proposal evaluation activities. evaluation plan to document plans for
proposal evaluation activities.

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Chapter 3

Display System Replacement

Key Practice Finding Rating
Activity 4 The project team’s proposal evaluation Not applicable. DSR was a change order Not rated
activities are performed in accordance with from an existing larger contract that went
its plans. through the acquisition phase in 1984.
Current team members joined the team
after the change order was negotiated and,
therefore, could not address this key
Activity 5 A cost estimate and schedule for the A cost estimate and schedule were Strength
software activity being sought are prepared. generated.
Activity 6 The software cost estimate and schedule Officials could not produce documentation Observation
are independently reviewed for that supported their statement that the
comprehensiveness and realism. software cost estimate and schedule were
independently reviewed.
Activity 7 The groups supporting the solicitation (e.g., Not applicable. DSR was a change order Not rated
end user, systems engineering, support from an existing larger contract that went
organization, and application domain through the acquisition phase in 1984.
experts) receive orientation on the Current team members joined the team
solicitation’s objectives and procedures. after the change order was negotiated and,
therefore, could not address this key
Activity 8 The project team and the offeror review the A series of scheduled meetings were held Strength
project’s software requirements during to ensure mutual understanding of
negotiations to ensure mutual requirements.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the solicitation taken and used to determine the status of
activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for solicitation are reviewed by While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
the designated selection official or reviews the status of the contract and the
acquisition organization management on a contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for solicitation are reviewed by While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
the project manager on both a periodic and status of the contract and the contractor’s
event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 45 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 3

Table 3.3: Solicitation Findings for NIMS

NAS Infrastructure Management System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written The Acquisition Management System is the Strength
policy for the conduct of the solicitation. written policy.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for the software portion of the Responsibility for the software portion of the Strength
solicitation is designated. solicitation has been designated to software
experts on the team.
Commitment 3 A selection official has been designated to A selection official has been designated to Strength
be responsible for the selection process be responsible for the selection process
and the decision. and decision.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating The contracting officer, support staff, and Strength
and conducting the solicitation activities the parent ASU organization are
exists. responsible for coordinating and
conducting the solicitation activities.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for the No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
solicitation activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing the solicitation The acquisition organization has no Observation
activities have experience or receive guidance regarding training or experience
training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The product team documents its plans for Strength
solicitation activities. solicitation activities.
Activity 2 The project’s solicitation activities are Officials stated that solicitation activities will Strength
performed in accordance with its plans. be performed in accordance with its plans.
NIMS is in the presolicitation phase.
Activity 3 The project team documents its plans for The project team has documented its plans Strength
proposal evaluation activities. for proposal evaluation activities.
Activity 4 The project team’s proposal evaluation In accordance with the plan, Strength
activities are performed in accordance with prequalification was completed and
its plans. vendors were down-selected from it.
Activity 5 A cost estimate and schedule for the The Acquisition Program Baseline includes Strength
software activity being sought are prepared. a cost estimate and schedule for the
software acquisition.
Activity 6 The software cost estimate and schedule An independent assessment was done. Strength
are independently reviewed for
comprehensiveness and realism.
Activity 7 The groups supporting the solicitation (e.g., Solicitation activities orientation was Strength
end user, systems engineering, support conducted for NIMS personnel.
organization, and application domain
experts) receive orientation on the
solicitation’s objectives and procedures.
Activity 8 The project team and the offeror review the The NIMS project has not yet reached this Not rated
project’s software requirements during stage, therefore, this activity was not rated.
negotiations to ensure mutual

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Chapter 3

NAS Infrastructure Management System

Key Practice Finding Rating
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the solicitation taken to determine the status of activities for
activities. any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for solicitation are reviewed by While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
the designated selection official or reviews the status of the contract and the
acquisition organization management on a contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for solicitation are reviewed by While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
the project manager on both a periodic and status of the contract and the contractor’s
event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 47 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 3

Table 3.4: Solicitation Findings for VSCS

Voice Switching and Control System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA Order 1810.1F is the written policy. Strength
policy for the conduct of the solicitation.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for the software portion of the Officials gave conflicting answers as to who Weakness
solicitation is designated. is responsible for software acquisition, and
could not provide documentation that
formally designates responsibility.
Commitment 3 A selection official has been designated to The Administrator was the selection official. Strength
be responsible for the selection process
and the decision.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating Officials stated that a group was Observation
and conducting the solicitation activities responsible for coordinating and
exists. conducting solicitation activities; however,
they could not provide documentation to
support this claim.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for the No mechanism exists for identifying the Weakness
solicitation activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing the solicitation The acquisition organization has no Observation
activities have experience or receive guidance regarding training or experience
training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for Officials said that solicitation activities were Observation
solicitation activities. documented in the Acquisition Plan and
Source Evaluation Plan; however, they
could not provide these documents.
Activity 2 The project’s solicitation activities are Solicitation activities were not performed in Weakness
performed in accordance with its plans. accordance with plans.
Activity 3 The project team documents its plans for Officials stated that proposal evaluation Observation
proposal evaluation activities. activities were documented; however, they
could not provide the documentation.
Activity 4 The project team’s proposal evaluation Officials could not describe how or if Weakness
activities are performed in accordance with proposal evaluation activities were
its plans. performed in accordance with plans;
additionally, they could not provide
documents to support this activity.
Activity 5 A cost estimate and schedule for the A cost estimate and schedule for the Strength
software activity being sought are prepared. software activity were developed.
Activity 6 The software cost estimate and schedule The software cost estimate and schedule Strength
are independently reviewed for were independently reviewed for
comprehensiveness and realism. comprehensiveness and realism.
Activity 7 The groups supporting the solicitation (e.g., Officials stated that orientation was held, Weakness
end user, systems engineering, support however, the documentation provided did
organization, and application domain not indicate that the product team received
experts) receive orientation on the orientation on the solicitation objectives and
solicitation’s objectives and procedures. procedures.

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Chapter 3

Voice Switching and Control System

Key Practice Finding Rating
Activity 8 The project team and the offeror review the Officials stated that the product team and Observation
project’s software requirements during the offeror reviewed project software
negotiations to ensure mutual requirements during pre-award
understanding. negotiations, however, they could not
provide documentation to support this.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the solicitation taken or used to determine the status of
activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for solicitation are reviewed by While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
the designated selection official or reviews the status of the contract and the
acquisition organization management on a contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for solicitation are reviewed by While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
the project manager on both a periodic and status of the contract and the contractor’s
event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 49 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 3

Table 3.5: Solicitation Findings for WARP

Weather and Radar Processor
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written There is a written policy for solicitation. Strength
policy for the conduct of the solicitation.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for the software portion of the Responsibility for the solicitation has been Strength
solicitation is designated. designated.
Commitment 3 A selection official has been designated to Because there was only one offeror, this Not rated
be responsible for the selection process commitment was not rated.
and the decision.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating A group is responsible for coordinating and Strength
and conducting the solicitation activities conducting the solicitation activities.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for the No mechanism exists for identifying and for Weakness
solicitation activities. ensuring that the needed resources are
provided to the project.
Ability 3 Individuals performing the solicitation The acquisition organization has no Observation
activities have experience or receive guidance regarding training or experience
training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The project team documents its plans for Strength
solicitation activities. solicitation activities.
Activity 2 The project’s solicitation activities are The project’s solicitation activities were Strength
performed in accordance with its plans. performed in accordance with its plans.
Activity 3 The project team documents its plans for The team documented its plans for Strength
proposal evaluation activities. proposal evaluation activities.
Activity 4 The project team’s proposal evaluation Proposal evaluation activities were Strength
activities are performed in accordance with performed in accordance with the plan.
its plans.
Activity 5 A cost estimate and schedule for the An independent government cost estimate Strength
software activity being sought are prepared. was prepared which included major
milestone data.
Activity 6 The software cost estimate and schedule The software cost estimate and schedule Strength
are independently reviewed for were independently reviewed.
comprehensiveness and realism.
Activity 7 The groups supporting the solicitation (e.g., Officials stated that team members Observation
end user, systems engineering, support received orientation at the beginning of the
organization, and application domain solicitation, however, they could not provide
experts) receive orientation on the documentation to support this.
solicitation’s objectives and procedures.
Activity 8 The project team and the offeror review the Numerous negotiation sessions were held. Strength
project’s software requirements during
negotiations to ensure mutual
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the solicitation taken and used to determine the status of
activities. activities for any of the key process areas.

Page 50 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 3

Weather and Radar Processor

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for solicitation are reviewed by While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
the designated selection official or reviews the status of the contract and the
acquisition organization management on a contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for solicitation are reviewed by While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
the project manager on both a periodic and status of the contract and the contractor’s
event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

While FAA has many strengths in this KPA, systemic weaknesses in areas
Conclusions including measurement and analysis and management verification of
practices, along with other project-specific weaknesses, render this KPA
non-repeatable and dependent upon the capabilities and commitment of
individual employees.

Page 51 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 4

Requirements Development and


The purpose of requirements development and management is to establish

and maintain a common and unambiguous definition of software
requirements among the acquisition team, the system users, and the
software development contractor. This KPA involves two subprocesses:
(1) developing a baseline set of software-related contractual requirements,
and (2) managing these requirements and changes to these requirements
for the duration of the acquisition.

The SA-CMM specifies a number of requirements development and

management practices necessary to achieve a repeatable maturity level.
These include (1) having a written organizational policy for establishing
and managing requirements allocated to software; (2) documenting plans
for the development and management of requirements; (3) having
documented processes for requirements development, including
elicitation, analysis, and verification; (4) measuring and reporting on the
status of requirements development and management activities to
management; (5) appraising the impact on software of system-level
requirements changes; and (6) having a mechanism to ensure that
contractor-delivered work products meet specified requirements.

In the past, we have attributed ATC modernization problems, in part, to

Requirements FAA’s failure to effectively manage requirements. For example, we reported
Development and in 1994 that FAA did not adequately specify or effectively control changes
Management Process to the requirements of its Initial Sector Suite System (ISSS) component of
the Advanced Automation System.1
Is Not Effective
Our evaluation of FAA’s capability relative to this KPA’s requirements
reiterates our earlier reported concerns in this area and pinpoints specific
weaknesses. For example, while FAA has a policy on requirements
development and management, this policy does not address establishing
and managing software requirements. Further, product teams do not
always document their requirements development and management plans,
and while two had a defined process for controlling changes to existing,
baselined requirements, they did not have a documented process for
developing new software requirements, including requirements planning,
elicitation, analysis, or verification. Additionally, management does not
oversee or verify requirements development and management activities,
which means that management has no assurance that specified

Advanced Automation System: Implications of Problems and Recent Changes (GAO/T-RCED-94-188,
Apr. 13, 1994).

Page 52 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 4
Requirements Development and

requirements are correct and complete, and does not know when
management action is warranted.

We also found some practice strengths. For example, most projects (1) are
assessing the impact on software requirements of system-level
requirements changes and (2) have a mechanism to ensure that
contractor-delivered work products and services satisfied specified
software requirements.

Figure 4.1 provides a comprehensive listing of the five projects’ strengths,

weaknesses, and observations for the requirements development and
management KPA. The specific findings supporting the practice ratings in
figure 4.1 are in tables 4.1 through 4.5.

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Chapter 4
Requirements Development and

Figure 4.1: Requirements Development and Management Summary


The acquisition organization has a written policy for

Commitment 1 establishing and managing the system requirements Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
allocated to software.

Ability 1 A group that is responsible for performing requirements Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
development and management activities exists.

Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for requirements Weakness Strength Weakness Weakness Weakness
development and management activities.

Individuals performing requirements development and

Ability 3 management activities have experience or receive Observation Observation Observation Observation Observation

The project team documents its plans for

Activity 1 requirements development and management activities. Weakness Weakness Not rated Weakness Weakness

The project's requirements development and

Activity 2 management activities are performed in accordance Weakness Weakness Not rated Weakness Weakness
with its plans.

The project team baselines the software requirements

Activity 3 and places them under change control early in the Strength Weakness Not rated Observation Strength
project, but not later than release of the solicitation.

The project team appraises system requirements

Activity 4 change requests for their impact on software. Strength Strength Not rated Strength Strength

The project team appraises software requirements

changes for their impact on performance, schedule,
Activity 5 cost, system capacities, supportability, and Strength Weakness Not rated Weakness Not rated
The project team maintains a requirements
mechanism for traceability during the software effort
Activity 6 to ensure requirements have been included in the Strength Strength Not rated Strength Strength
implemented work products and services.

Measurements are made and used to determine the

Measurement 1 status of the requirements development and Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
management activities.

The activities for requirements development and

Verification 1 management are reviewed by acquisition organization Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
management (and the contractor) on a periodic basis.

The activities for requirements development and

Verification 2 management are reviewed by the project manager on Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
both a periodic and event-driven basis.

= Weakness Key practice not implemented

= Strength Key practice effectively implemented
= Observation Key practice evaluated but evidence inconclusive. Cannot characterize as either strength
or weakness

= Not rated Key practice not currently relevant to project, therefore not evaluated

Page 54 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 4
Requirements Development and

Table 4.1: Requirements Development and Management Findings for ARTSIIIE

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written Officials stated that FAA Order 1810.1F is Weakness
policy for establishing and managing the the written policy for requirements
system requirements allocated to software. development and management, however, it
does not address software requirements.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for performing A group responsible for requirements Strength
requirements development and development and management exists.
management activities exists.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying and for Weakness
requirements development and ensuring that the needed resources are
management activities. provided to the project.
Ability 3 Individuals performing requirements The acquisition organization has no Observation
development and management activities guidance regarding training or experience
have experience or receive training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The project team does not document its Weakness
requirements development and plans for requirements development,
management activities. planning, elicitation, analysis, and
Activity 2 The project’s requirements development There is no requirements development and Weakness
and management activities are performed management plan, therefore, the activities
in accordance with its plans. are not performed in accordance with it.
Activity 3 The project team baselines the software A requirements baseline, which is under Strength
requirements and places them under change control, was established prior to the
change control early in the project, but not release of the solicitation.
later than release of the solicitation.
Activity 4 The project team appraises system The project team’s appraisals of the impact Strength
requirements change requests for their of system requirements changes on
impact on software. software are documented.
Activity 5 The project team appraises software The project team’s appraisal of software Strength
requirements changes for their impact on requirements changes’ impact on
performance, schedule, cost, system performance, schedule, cost, and system
capacities, supportability, and architecture. capacities is documented, but not the
impact on system supportability or
Activity 6 The project team maintains a requirements There is a mechanism for traceability of Strength
mechanism for traceability during the software requirements implementation.
software effort to ensure requirements have
been included in the implemented work
products and services.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the requirements taken and used to determine the status of
development and management activities. activities for any of the key process areas.

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Chapter 4
Requirements Development and

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for requirements development While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
and management are reviewed by reviews the status of the contract and the
acquisition organization management (and contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
the contractor) on a periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for requirements development While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
and management are reviewed by the status of the contract and the contractor’s
project manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 56 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 4
Requirements Development and

Table 4.2: Requirements Development and Management Findings for DSR

Display System Replacement
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written policy Officials stated that FAA Order 1810.1F is the Weakness
for establishing and managing the system written policy for requirements development and
requirements allocated to software. management, however, it does not address
software requirements.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for performing The group responsible for requirements Strength
requirements development and management development and management is the product
activities exists. team.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for Adequate resources are provided for Strength
requirements development and management requirements development and management
activities. activities.
Ability 3 Individuals performing requirements development The acquisition organization has no guidance Observation
and management activities have experience or regarding training or experience requirements for
receive training. project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for While processes exist for milestone review, these Weakness
requirements development and management documents do not cover the activities to be
activities. performed such as user involvement, elicitation,
and requirements development.
Activity 2 The project’s requirements development and There is no requirements development and Weakness
management activities are performed in management plan, therefore, the activities are not
accordance with its plans. performed in accordance with it.
Activity 3 The project team baselines the software Software requirements are baselined as part of the Weakness
requirements and places them under change contract process, but not explicitly prior to
control early in the project, but not later than solicitation.
release of the solicitation.
Activity 4 The project team appraises system requirements The product team appraises system requirements Strength
change requests for their impact on software. changes for their impact on software.
Activity 5 The project team appraises software requirements Software requirements were not appraised for Weakness
changes for their impact on performance, their impact on performance, schedule, cost,
schedule, cost, system capacities, supportability, system capacities, supportability, and architecture.
and architecture.
Activity 6 The project team maintains a requirements The product team maintains a mechanism for Strength
mechanism for traceability during the software requirements traceability.
effort to ensure requirements have been included
in the implemented work products and services.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to determine No internal measurements are taken and used to Weakness
the status of the requirements development and determine the status of activities for any of the key
management activities. process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for requirements development and While the Integrated Product Team leader reviews Weakness
management are reviewed by acquisition the status of the contract and the contractor’s cost
organization management (and the contractor) on and schedule, he does not review the status of the
a periodic basis. activities that are required to be performed for any
of the key process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for requirements development and While the product team leader reviews the status Weakness
management are reviewed by the project of the contract and the contractor’s cost and
manager on both a periodic and event-driven schedule, he does not review the status of the
basis. activities that are required to be performed for any
of the key process areas.

Page 57 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 4
Requirements Development and

Table 4.3: Requirements Development and Management Findings for NIMS

NAS Infrastructure Management System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written policy Officials cited the Acquisition Management Weakness
for establishing and managing the system System and FAA Order 1810.1F, but these do
requirements allocated to software. not address software requirements.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for performing The team members are assigned collective Strength
requirements development and management responsibility for the requirements process.
activities exists.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying resources Weakness
requirements development and management required and for ensuring that the needed
activities. resources are provided to the project.
Ability 3 Individuals performing requirements The acquisition organization has no guidance Observation
development and management activities have regarding training or experience requirements
experience or receive training. for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The project has not reached the point where Not rated
requirements development and management these activities are performed.
Activity 2 The project’s requirements development and The project has not reached the point where Not rated
management activities are performed in these activities are performed.
accordance with its plans.
Activity 3 The project team baselines the software It is too early in the project life to assess: the Not rated
requirements and places them under change software requirements have not been
control early in the project, but not later than developed.
release of the solicitation.
Activity 4 The project team appraises system It is too early in the project life to assess: no Not rated
requirements change requests for their impact software has been developed or specified.
on software.
Activity 5 The project team appraises software It is too early in the project life to assess: no Not rated
requirements changes for their impact on software requirements have been developed or
performance, schedule, cost, system specified.
capacities, supportability, and architecture.
Activity 6 The project team maintains a requirements No traceability matrix of software requirements Not rated
mechanism for traceability during the software has been developed at this point in the project.
effort to ensure requirements have been
included in the implemented work products and
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to determine No internal process measurements are taken to Weakness
the status of the requirements development and determine the status of activities for any of the
management activities. key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for requirements development and While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
management are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management (and the contractor) contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
on a periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for requirements development and While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
management are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s cost
manager on both a periodic and event-driven and schedule, he does not review the status of
basis. the activities that are required to be performed
for any of the key process areas.
Page 58 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control
Chapter 4
Requirements Development and

Table 4.4: Requirements Development and Management Findings for VSCS

Voice Switching and Control System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written Officials stated that FAA Order 1810.1F is Weakness
policy for establishing and managing the the written policy for requirements
system requirements allocated to software. development and management, however, it
does not address software requirements.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for performing The product team is responsible for Strength
requirements development and requirements development and
management activities exists. management planning.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying the Weakness
requirements development and resources required and for ensuring that the
management activities. needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing requirements The acquisition organization has no Observation
development and management activities guidance regarding training or experience
have experience or receive training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for There are no documented plans for Weakness
requirements development and requirements development and
management activities. management activities.
Activity 2 The project’s requirements development There is no requirements development and Weakness
and management activities are performed management plan, therefore, the activities
in accordance with its plans. cannot be performed in accordance with it.
Activity 3 The project team baselines the software Officials stated that requirements are Observation
requirements and places them under baselined at contract award, but no
change control early in the project, but not documentation was provided to support this
later than release of the solicitation. statement.
Activity 4 The project team appraises system The project team appraises system Strength
requirements change requests for their requirements change requests for their
impact on software. impact on software.
Activity 5 The project team appraises software The project team appraises software Weakness
requirements changes for their impact on requirements changes for their impact on
performance, schedule, cost, system performance, schedule, cost, and system
capacities, supportability, and architecture. capacities, but not on system supportability
and architecture.
Activity 6 The project team maintains a requirements A mechanism for traceability during the Strength
mechanism for traceability during the software effort is maintained.
software effort to ensure requirements have
been included in the implemented work
products and services.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the requirements taken or used to determine the status of
development and management activities. activities for any of the key process areas.

Page 59 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 4
Requirements Development and

Voice Switching and Control System

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for requirements development While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
and management are reviewed by reviews the status of the contract and the
acquisition organization management (and contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
the contractor) on a periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for requirements development While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
and management are reviewed by the status of the contract and the contractor’s
project manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 60 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 4
Requirements Development and

Table 4.5: Requirements Development and Management Findings for WARP

Weather and Radar Processor
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written Officials stated that FAA Order 1810.1F is Weakness
policy for establishing and managing the the written policy for requirements
system requirements allocated to software. development and management, however, it
does not address software requirements.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for performing The team is responsible for requirements Strength
requirements development and development and measurement activities.
management activities exists.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying and for Weakness
requirements development and ensuring that the needed resources are
management activities. provided to the project.
Ability 3 Individuals performing requirements The acquisition organization has no Observation
development and management activities guidance regarding training or experience
have experience or receive training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for While a process for managing requirements Weakness
requirements development and changes exists, there is no documented
management activities. process for requirements development and
Activity 2 The project’s requirements development There is no plan, thus, it cannot be followed. Weakness
and management activities are performed
in accordance with its plans.
Activity 3 The project team baselines the software The product team baselined the software Strength
requirements and places them under requirements and placed them under
change control early in the project, but not change control before the release of the
later than release of the solicitation. solicitation.
Activity 4 The project team appraises system The product team appraises system Strength
requirements change requests for their requirements change requests for their
impact on software. impact on software.
Activity 5 The project team appraises software WARP has not had a software requirement Not rated
requirements changes for their impact on change yet; therefore, this activity was not
performance, schedule, cost, system rated.
capacities, supportability, and architecture.
Activity 6 The project team maintains a requirements There is a traceability matrix for tracking Strength
mechanism for traceability during the software requirements implementation in
software effort to ensure requirements have the system specification.
been included in the implemented work
products and services.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the requirements taken and used to determine the status of
development and management activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for requirements development While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
and management are reviewed by reviews the status of the contract and the
acquisition organization management (and contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
the contractor) on a periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.

Page 61 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 4
Requirements Development and

Weather and Radar Processor

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 2 The activities for requirements development While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
and management are reviewed by the status of the contract and the contractor’s
project manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Requirements management has been a pervasive and longstanding

Conclusions problem with FAA’s ATC modernization, and the results of our evaluation
point to many software-specific weaknesses in this area. Because of these
weaknesses, it is likely that requirements management problems will
continue to jeopardize projects’ cost, schedule, and performance goals.

Page 62 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 5

Project Office Management

The purpose of project office management is to manage the activities of

the project office and supporting contractors to ensure a timely, efficient,
and effective software acquisition. According to the SA-CMM, effective
project office management requires, among other things, that project
teams (1) be organized to accomplish the project’s objective, (2) have a
written policy for the management of the software project, (3) document
its plans for the activities of the project team, (4) have the authority to
alter either the project’s performance, cost, or schedule baseline while
maintaining the other two, and (5) periodically brief management on the
status of project office management activities.

ATC modernization teams are organized to accomplish project objectives,

FAA’s Project Office with each team including representatives from key functional areas (e.g.,
Management Process software engineering, contracting, test and evaluation, operations and
Area Is Not Effective maintenance). However, serious weaknesses in other KPA requirements
undermine FAA’s project office management capability. For example, most
teams lack a written policy for software project management, do not
document its plans for software acquisition management activities, and
could not identify which team member(s) is responsible for different team
activities (e.g., software, support, requirements, testing, and/or reviews).
As a result, lines of accountability and decision-making are blurred,
increasing the chances of delays and mistakes. Additionally, the product
lead cannot adjust either software performance, cost, or schedule baseline
while holding the other two constant. This inflexibility limits the teams’
ability to effectively and efficiently respond to such events as valid
requirements changes and funding changes. Also, project teams do not
periodically brief management on the status of project office activities,
which means that management may not be able take corrective action
when warranted.

Figure 5.1 provides a comprehensive listing of the five projects’ strengths,

weaknesses, and observations for the project office management KPA. The
specific findings supporting the practice ratings cited in figure 5.1 are in
tables 5.1 through 5.5.

Page 63 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 5
Project Office Management

Figure 5.1: Project Office Management Summary


Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written policy for Weakness Weakness Strength Weakness Weakness
execution of the software project.

Commitment 2 Performance, cost, and schedule baselines are Strength Strength Strength Weakness Strength

A project team that is responsible for performing the

Ability 1 project's software acquisition management activities Strength Strength Weakness Strength Strength

Adequate resources for the project team and matrix

Ability 2 support organization(s) are provided for the duration Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
of the software acquisition project.

The project manager is permitted to alter either the

Ability 3 performance, cost, or schedule software acquisition Weakness Weakness Observation Weakness Weakness
baseline while maintaining the other two constant.

The project team and matrix support individual(s)

Ability 4 have experience or receive training in project office Observation Observation Observation Observation Observation
software acquisition management activities.

Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for software Weakness Weakness Weakness Strength Strength
acquisition management activities.

Activity 2 The project team is organized to accomplish the Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
project's objectives.

Activity 3 The software acquisition activities of the project team Strength Strength Not rated Weakness Strength
are directed to accomplish the project's objectives.

Activity 4 The software acquisition activities of the project team Strength Strength Not rated Strength Weakness
are controlled.

Activity 5 Measurements are used to track project status, Strength Strength Not rated Strength Strength
execution, and funding expenditures.

Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to determine the Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
status of the project office management activities.

The activities for project office management are

Verification 1 reviewed by acquisition organization management on Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
a periodic basis.

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Chapter 5
Project Office Management


The activities for project office management are

Verification 2 reviewed by the project manager on both a periodic Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
and event-driven basis.

= Weakness Key practice not implemented

= Strength Key practice effectively implemented
= Observation Key practice evaluated but evidence inconclusive. Cannot characterize as either strength or

= Not rated Key practice not currently relevant to project, therefore not evaluated

Page 65 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 5
Project Office Management

Table 5.1: Project Office Management Findings for ARTSIIIE

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA Order 1810.1F was cited as the written Weakness
policy for execution of the software project. policy, but it does not contain policy for
software project execution.
Commitment 2 Performance, cost, and schedule baselines Performance, cost, and schedule baselines Strength
are supported. are supported.
Ability 1 A project team that is responsible for The product team is responsible for Strength
performing the project’s software performing software acquisition
acquisition management activities exists. management activities.
Ability 2 Adequate resources for the project team No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
and matrix support organization(s) are resources required and for ensuring that the
provided for the duration of the software needed resources are provided to the
acquisition project. project.
Ability 3 The project manager is permitted to alter The acquisition baseline process does not Weakness
either the performance, cost, or schedule allow the project manager to alter the
software acquisition baseline while baseline.
maintaining the other two constant.
Ability 4 The project team and matrix support The acquisition organization has no Observation
individual(s) have experience or receive guidance regarding training or experience
training in project office software acquisition requirements for project participation.
management activities.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The project plans do not address software Weakness
software acquisition management activities. acquisition project management.
Activity 2 The project team is organized to The product team is organized to Strength
accomplish the project’s objectives. accomplish the project’s objectives.
Activity 3 The software acquisition activities of the The activities of the product team are Strength
project team are directed to accomplish the directed and controlled to accomplish the
project’s objectives. project’s objectives.
Activity 4 The software acquisition activities of the The software activities of the product team Strength
project team are controlled. are controlled.
Activity 5 Measurements are used to track project Measurements are used to track project Strength
status, execution, and funding expenditures. status, execution, and funding expenditures.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the project office taken and used to determine the status of
management activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for project office management While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
are reviewed by acquisition organization reviews the status of the contract and the
management on a periodic basis. contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for project office management While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
are reviewed by the project manager on status of the contract and the contractor’s
both a periodic and event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 66 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 5
Project Office Management

Table 5.2: Project Office Management Findings for DSR

Display System Replacement
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written policy FAA Order 1810.1F was cited as the written Weakness
for execution of the software project. policy, but it does not contain policy for software
project execution.
Commitment 2 Performance, cost, and schedule baselines are Performance, cost, and schedule baselines are Strength
supported. supported.
Ability 1 A project team that is responsible for performing The product team is responsible for managing Strength
the project’s software acquisition management the software acquisition management activities.
activities exists.
Ability 2 Adequate resources for the project team and No mechanism exists for identifying resources Weakness
matrix support organization(s) are provided for required and for ensuring that the needed
the duration of the software acquisition project. resources are provided to the project.
Ability 3 The project manager is permitted to alter either The product team leader cannot alter the Weakness
the performance, cost, or schedule software performance, cost, or schedule software
acquisition baseline while maintaining the other acquisition baseline.
two constant.
Ability 4 The project team and matrix support The acquisition organization has no guidance Observation
individual(s) have experience or receive training regarding training or experience requirements
in project office software acquisition for project participation.
management activities.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for Plans for software acquisition management Weakness
software acquisition management activities. activities are not documented.
Activity 2 The project team is organized to accomplish the The product team is organized to achieve the Strength
project’s objectives. project’s objectives.
Activity 3 The software acquisition activities of the project The software acquisition activities of the product Strength
team are directed to accomplish the project’s team are directed to accomplish the project’s
objectives. objectives.
Activity 4 The software acquisition activities of the project The software acquisition activities of the product Strength
team are controlled. team are controlled by the Integrated Product
Team leader.
Activity 5 Measurements are used to track project status, The product team is using measurements to Strength
execution, and funding expenditures. track product status, execution, and funding
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to determine No internal process measurements are taken Weakness
the status of the project office management and used to determine the status of activities for
activities. any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for project office management are While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
reviewed by acquisition organization reviews the status of the contract and the
management on a periodic basis. contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for project office management are While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
reviewed by the project manager on both a status of the contract and the contractor’s cost
periodic and event-driven basis. and schedule, he does not review the status of
the activities that are required to be performed
for any of the key process areas.

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Chapter 5
Project Office Management

Table 5.3: Project Office Management Findings for NIMS

NAS Infrastructure Management System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written The policy for project office management is Strength
policy for execution of the software project. contained in the Acquisition Management
Commitment 2 Performance, cost, and schedule baselines Performance, cost, and schedule baselines Strength
are supported. were developed and are being reviewed
through the Acquisition Program Baseline
Ability 1 A project team that is responsible for The product team is assigned the Weakness
performing the project’s software responsibility for acquisition management
acquisition management activities exists. activities. However, no one is assigned
responsibility for software acquisition
management activities.
Ability 2 Adequate resources for the project team No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
and matrix support organization(s) are resources required and for ensuring that the
provided for the duration of the software needed resources are provided to the
acquisition project. project.
Ability 3 The project manager is permitted to alter Officials said they could change the cost, Observation
either the performance, cost, or schedule performance, or schedule baseline, but
software acquisition baseline while could not provide documentation to support
maintaining the other two constant. this.
Ability 4 The project team and matrix support The acquisition organization has no Observation
individual(s) have experience or receive guidance regarding training or experience
training in project office software acquisition requirements for project participation.
management activities.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The Integrated Program Plan and the Weakness
software acquisition management activities. Product Team Plan provide plans for
acquisition management, but these do not
address software acquisition management
Activity 2 The project team is organized to The product team is being organized to Strength
accomplish the project’s objectives. accomplish the project’s objectives.
Activity 3 The software acquisition activities of the Too early in project life to assess: no Not rated
project team are directed to accomplish the software acquisition activities performed.
project’s objectives.
Activity 4 The software acquisition activities of the Too early in project life to assess: no Not rated
project team are controlled. software acquisition activities performed.
Activity 5 Measurements are used to track project The project has not reached a stage where Not rated
status, execution, and funding expenditures. this activity applies.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the project office taken to determine the status of activities for
management activities. any of the key process areas.

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Chapter 5
Project Office Management

NAS Infrastructure Management System

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for project office management While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
are reviewed by acquisition organization reviews the status of the contract and the
management on a periodic basis. contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for project office management While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
are reviewed by the project manager on status of the contract and the contractor’s
both a periodic and event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 69 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 5
Project Office Management

Table 5.4: Project Office Management Findings for VSCS

Voice Switching and Control System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written policy FAA Order 1810.1F was cited as the written Weakness
for execution of the software project. policy, but it does not contain policy for software
project execution.
Commitment 2 Performance, cost, and schedule baselines are Performance, cost, and schedule baselines are Weakness
supported. not supported.
Ability 1 A project team that is responsible for performing The product team is responsible for performing Strength
the project’s software acquisition management software acquisition management activities.
activities exists.
Ability 2 Adequate resources for the project team and No mechanism exists for identifying the Weakness
matrix support organization(s) are provided for resources required and for ensuring that the
the duration of the software acquisition project. needed resources are provided to the project.
Ability 3 The project manager is permitted to alter either The product team leader does not have the Weakness
the performance, cost, or schedule software flexibility to alter cost, performance, or schedule
acquisition baseline while maintaining the other while maintaining the other two.
two constant.
Ability 4 The project team and matrix support The acquisition organization has no guidance Observation
individual(s) have experience or receive training regarding training or experience requirements
in project office software acquisition for project participation.
management activities.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The Product Team Plan and the Contract Strength
software acquisition management activities. Management Plan document acquisition
Activity 2 The project team is organized to accomplish the The product team is organized to accomplish Strength
project’s objectives. the project’s objectives.
Activity 3 The software acquisition activities of the project While officials stated that software activities of Weakness
team are directed to accomplish the project’s the team are directed to accomplish the
objectives. project’s objectives, documents provided do not
specify the activities that the team members
must accomplish.
Activity 4 The software acquisition activities of the project The software acquisition activities are controlled. Strength
team are controlled.
Activity 5 Measurements are used to track project status, Measurements are used to track project status, Strength
execution, and funding expenditures. execution, and funding expenditures.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to determine No internal process measurements are taken or Weakness
the status of the project office management used to determine the status of activities for any
activities. of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for project office management are While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
reviewed by acquisition organization reviews the status of the contract and the
management on a periodic basis. contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for project office management are While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
reviewed by the project manager on both a status of the contract and the contractor’s cost
periodic and event-driven basis. and schedule, he does not review the status of
the activities that are required to be performed
for any of the key process areas.

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Chapter 5
Project Office Management

Table 5.5: Project Office Management Findings for WARP

Weather and Radar Processor
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written policy FAA Order 1810.1F was cited as the written Weakness
for execution of the software project. policy, but it does not contain policy for software
project execution.
Commitment 2 Performance, cost, and schedule baselines are Performance, cost, and schedule baselines are Strength
supported. generated and supported.
Ability 1 A project team that is responsible for performing The product team is responsible for performing Strength
the project’s software acquisition management software acquisition management activities.
activities exists.
Ability 2 Adequate resources for the project team and No mechanism exists for identifying and for Weakness
matrix support organization(s) are provided for ensuring that the needed resources are
the duration of the software acquisition project. provided to the project.
Ability 3 The project manager is permitted to alter either The acquisition baseline process does not allow Weakness
the performance, cost, or schedule software the project manager to alter the baseline.
acquisition baseline while maintaining the other
two constant.
Ability 4 The project team and matrix support The acquisition organization has no guidance Observation
individual(s) have experience or receive training regarding training or experience requirements
in project office software acquisition for project participation.
management activities.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The product team documents its plans for Strength
software acquisition management activities. software acquisition management activities.
Activity 2 The project team is organized to accomplish the The product team is organized to accomplish Strength
project’s objectives. the project’s objectives.
Activity 3 The software acquisition activities of the project The software acquisition activities of the project Strength
team are directed to accomplish the project’s team are directed to accomplish the project’s
objectives. objectives.
Activity 4 The software acquisition activities of the project No individual is controlling the software Weakness
team are controlled. acquisition activities of the product team.
Activity 5 Measurements are used to track project status, Measurements are used to track project status, Strength
execution, and funding expenditures. execution, and funding status.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to determine No internal process measurements are taken Weakness
the status of the project office management and used to determine the status of activities for
activities. any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for project office management are While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
reviewed by acquisition organization reviews the status of the contract and the
management on a periodic basis. contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for project office management are While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
reviewed by the project manager on both a status of the contract and the contractor’s cost
periodic and event-driven basis. and schedule, he does not review the status of
the activities that are required to be performed
for any of the key process areas.

Page 71 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 5
Project Office Management

Numerous ad hoc project office management practices, including a

Conclusions pervasive lack of measurement, analysis, and verification of project status
and progress, are limiting FAA’s ability to meet ATC modernization project
commitments. More discipline and definition in this KPA is needed before
ATC modernization teams can consistently repeat project successes.

Page 72 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 6

Contract Tracking and Oversight

The purpose of contract tracking and oversight is to ensure that (1) the
software development contractor performs according to the terms of the
contract; (2) needed contract changes are identified, negotiated, and
incorporated into the contract; and (3) contractor performance issues are
identified early, when they are easier to address. According to the SA-CMM,
a repeatable contract tracking and oversight process, among other things,
includes (1) having a written organizational policy for contract tracking
and oversight, (2) having a documented plan for contract tracking and
oversight, (3) conducting tracking and oversight activities in accordance
with the plan, and (4) ensuring that individuals performing contract
tracking and oversight are suitably experienced or trained.

Our past work on ATC modernization projects has raised concerns about
FAA Lacks an contract tracking and oversight. For example, in 1994 we reported that FAA
Effective Contract did not provide adequate oversight of its contractor during the initial
Tracking and development of the ISSS.1 As a result, development problems and lack of
progress were not always recognized in a timely manner. The results of
Oversight Process this software capability evaluation indicate that these problems persist
and pinpoint the underlying contract tracking and oversight weaknesses.
For example, FAA does not have a written organizational policy for
contract tracking and oversight, and most teams have no documented plan
for contract tracking and oversight activities. Furthermore, the team that
has a plan does not always follow the plan, and none of the teams ensure
that persons responsible for managing software contracts have suitable
experience or training. As a result, the product teams cannot formulate an
independent assessment of contract progress and are forced to rely on
data provided by the contractor. Since contractor reports do not always
identify problems expeditiously, FAA is not always positioned to correct
them promptly.

Figure 6.1 provides a comprehensive listing of the five projects’ strengths,

weaknesses, and observations for the contractor tracking and oversight
KPA. The specific findings supporting the practice ratings cited in figure 6.1
are in tables 6.1 through 6.5.

Advanced Automation System: Implications of Problems and Recent Changes (GAO/T-RCED-94-188,
Apr. 13, 1994).

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight

Figure 6.1: Contract Tracking and Oversight Summary


The acquisition organization has a written policy for

Commitment 1 the contract tracking and oversight of the contracted Weakness Weakness Not rated Weakness Weakness
software effort.

Commitment 2 Responsibility for the contract tracking and oversight Strength Weakness Not rated Strength Strength
activities is designated.

The project team is supported by contracting

Commitment 3 Strength Strength Not rated Strength Strength
specialists in the execution of the contract.

A group that is responsible for managing contract

Ability 1 Weakness Strength Not rated Strength Strength
tracking and oversight activities exists.

Adequate resources are provided for contract

Ability 2 tracking and oversight activities. Weakness Weakness Not rated Weakness Weakness

Individuals performing contract tracking and oversight

Ability 3 Observation Observation Not rated Observation Observation
activities have experience or receive training.

The project team documents its plans for contract

Activity 1 Weakness Weakness Not rated Strength Weakness
tracking and oversight activities.

The project's contract tracking and oversight activities Weakness Weakness Not rated Weakness Weakness
Activity 2
are performed in accordance with its plans.

The project team reviews required contractor software

Activity 3 planning documents which, when satisfactory, are Observation Strength Not rated Weakness Strength
made part of the contractor's baseline.

The project team, with end user input, conducts

Activity 4 Strength Observation Not rated Strength Strength
periodic reviews and interchanges with the contractor.

The project team tracks the contractor's development

Activity 5 of the software engineering environment required to Strength Strength Not rated Strength Strength
support the software.
Any problems or issues found by the project team
Activity 6 during contract tracking and oversight are recorded Strength Strength Not rated Strength Strength
in the appropriate corrective action system and tracked
to closure.

Activity 7 The project team maintains the integrity of the contract

throughout the contract performance period. Weakness Strength Not rated Weakness Strength

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight


Measurements are made and used to determine the

Measurement 1 Weakness Weakness Not rated Weakness Weakness
status of the contract tracking and oversight activities.

The activities for contract tracking and oversight are

Verification 1 reviewed by acquisition organization management Weakness Weakness Not rated Weakness Weakness
on a periodic basis.

The activities for contract tracking and oversight are

Verification 2 reviewed by the project manager on both a periodic Weakness Weakness Not rated Weakness Weakness
and event-driven basis.

= Weakness Key practice not implemented

= Strength Key practice effectively implemented
= Observation Key practice evaluated but evidence inconclusive. Cannot characterize as either strength or
= Not rated Key practice not currently relevant to project, therefore not evaluated

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight

Table 6.1: Contract Tracking and Oversight Findings for ARTSIIIE

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA Order 1810.1F was cited as the written Weakness
policy for the contract tracking and policy, but it does not provide the policy for
oversight of the contracted software effort. contract tracking and oversight.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for the contract tracking and Responsibility for contract tracking and Strength
oversight activities is designated. oversight is designated.
Commitment 3 The project team is supported by Contract specialists are assigned to the Strength
contracting specialists in the execution of product team.
the contract.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for managing Officials gave conflicting statements as to Weakness
contract tracking and oversight activities who has the responsibility for contract
exists. tracking and oversight activities, and could
not provide documentation that formally
delegates responsibility.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
contract tracking and oversight activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing contract tracking The acquisition organization has no Observation
and oversight activities have experience or guidance regarding training or experience
receive training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for Contract tracking and oversight plans do Weakness
contract tracking and oversight activities. not exist.
Activity 2 The project’s contract tracking and No plan exists, therefore, activities cannot Weakness
oversight activities are performed in be performed in accordance with it.
accordance with its plans.
Activity 3 The project team reviews required While officials stated that the product team Observation
contractor software planning documents reviews contractor software planning
which, when satisfactory, are made part of documents, they could not provide
the contractor’s baseline. documentation to support this.
Activity 4 The project team, with end user input, Periodic reviews are held. Strength
conducts periodic reviews and
interchanges with the contractor.
Activity 5 The project team tracks the contractor’s The product team tracks the development Strength
development of the software engineering of the software engineering environment.
environment required to support the
Activity 6 Any problems or issues found by the Issues found during meetings and reviews Strength
project team during contract tracking and are documented in minutes and tracked.
oversight are recorded in the appropriate
corrective action system and tracked to

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE

Key Practice Finding Rating
Activity 7 The project team maintains the integrity of While product team members (including the Weakness
the contract throughout the contract contracting officer) stated that the
performance period. contracting officer is responsible for
maintaining the integrity of the contract,
they could not provide any documents that
support this.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the contract tracking taken and used to determine the status of
and oversight activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for contract tracking and While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
oversight are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for contract tracking and While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
oversight are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight

Table 6.2: Contract Tracking and Oversight Findings for DSR

Display System Replacement
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA Order 1810.1F was cited as the written Weakness
policy for the contract tracking and policy, but it does not provide the policy for
oversight of the contracted software effort. contract tracking and oversight.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for the contract tracking and Officials gave conflicting answers on who is Weakness
oversight activities is designated. responsible for contract tracking and
oversight, and they could not provide
documentation that formally delegates
Commitment 3 The project team is supported by The product team is supported by a Strength
contracting specialists in the execution of contracting specialist in execution of the
the contract. contract.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for managing The product team is responsible for Strength
contract tracking and oversight activities managing contract tracking and oversight
exists. activities.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
contract tracking and oversight activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing contract tracking The acquisition organization has no Observation
and oversight activities have experience or guidance regarding training or experience
receive training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for There are no written plans for contract Weakness
contract tracking and oversight activities. tracking and oversight activities.
Activity 2 The project’s contract tracking and No plan exists, therefore, the product team Weakness
oversight activities are performed in cannot perform in accordance with it.
accordance with its plans.
Activity 3 The project team reviews required Reviews are used to approve contract Strength
contractor software planning documents planning documents, which, when
which, when satisfactory, are made part of satisfactory, are made part of the
the contractor’s baseline. contractor’s baseline.
Activity 4 The project team, with end user input, While it was stated that continuous Observation
conducts periodic reviews and interactions with the contractor are held,
interchanges with the contractor. officials could provide no documents to
support this.
Activity 5 The project team tracks the contractor’s The product team tracks the contractor’s Strength
development of the software engineering development of the software engineering
environment required to support the environment required to support the
software. software.
Activity 6 Any problems or issues found by the The product team records problems and Strength
project team during contract tracking and issues found during contract tracking and
oversight are recorded in the appropriate oversight and tracks them to closure.
corrective action system and tracked to

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight

Display System Replacement

Key Practice Finding Rating
Activity 7 The project team maintains the integrity of The product team maintains the integrity of Strength
the contract throughout the contract the contract throughout the contract
performance period. performance period.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the contract tracking taken and used to determine the status of
and oversight activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for contract tracking and While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
oversight are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for contract tracking and While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
oversight are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight

Table 6.3: Contract Tracking and Oversight Findings for NIMS

NAS Infrastructure Management System
Key Practice Findings Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written Since NIMS is not under contract yet, it was Not rated
policy for the contract tracking and not evaluated against this KPA.
oversight of the contracted software effort.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for the contract tracking and Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
oversight activities is designated. reached a stage where this applies.
Commitment 3 The project team is supported by Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
contracting specialists in the execution of reached a stage where this applies.
the contract.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for managing Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
contract tracking and oversight activities reached a stage where this applies.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
contract tracking and oversight activities. reached a stage where this applies.
Ability 3 Individuals performing contract tracking Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
and oversight activities have experience or reached a stage where this applies.
receive training.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
contract tracking and oversight activities. reached a stage where this applies.
Activity 2 The project’s contract tracking and Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
oversight activities are performed in reached a stage where this applies.
accordance with its plans.
Activity 3 The project team reviews required Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
contractor software planning documents reached a stage where this applies.
which, when satisfactory, are made part of
the contractor’s baseline.
Activity 4 The project team, with end user input, Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
conducts periodic reviews and reached a stage where this applies.
interchanges with the contractor.
Activity 5 The project team tracks the contractor’s Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
development of the software engineering reached a stage where this applies.
environment required to support the
Activity 6 Any problems or issues found by the Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
project team during contract tracking and reached a stage where this applies.
oversight are recorded in the appropriate
corrective action system and tracked to
Activity 7 The project team maintains the integrity of Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
the contract throughout the contract reached a stage where this applies.
performance period.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
determine the status of the contract tracking reached a stage where this applies.
and oversight activities.

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight

NAS Infrastructure Management System

Key Practice Findings Rating
Verification 1 The activities for contract tracking and Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
oversight are reviewed by acquisition reached a stage where this applies.
organization management on a periodic
Verification 2 The activities for contract tracking and Too early to assess: the project has not Not rated
oversight are reviewed by the project reached a stage where this applies.
manager on both a periodic and
event-driven basis.

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight

Table 6.4: Contract Tracking and Oversight Findings for VSCS

Voice Switching and Control System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written There is no policy on contract tracking and Weakness
policy for the contract tracking and oversight.
oversight of the contracted software effort.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for the contract tracking and Responsibility for contract tracking and Strength
oversight activities is designated. oversight is designated.
Commitment 3 The project team is supported by The product team is supported by a Strength
contracting specialists in the execution of contracting specialist.
the contract.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for managing A group exists that is responsible for Strength
contract tracking and oversight activities managing contract tracking and oversight.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying the Weakness
contract tracking and oversight activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing contract tracking The acquisition organization has no Observation
and oversight activities have experience or guidance regarding training or experience
receive training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The product team has documented its Strength
contract tracking and oversight activities. plans.
Activity 2 The project’s contract tracking and The product team could not provide Weakness
oversight activities are performed in evidence that shows its contracting tracking
accordance with its plans. and oversight activities are performed in
accordance with its plans.
Activity 3 The project team reviews required While reviews are conducted, officials could Weakness
contractor software planning documents not provide documentation that shows the
which, when satisfactory, are made part of results are made part of the contractor’s
the contractor’s baseline. baseline.
Activity 4 The project team, with end user input, The product team conducts periodic Strength
conducts periodic reviews and reviews and interchanges with the
interchanges with the contractor. contractor.
Activity 5 The project team tracks the contractor’s The contractor is required to provide a list Strength
development of the software engineering of common tools and support equipment,
environment required to support the which the product team uses to track the
software. software engineering environment
Activity 6 Any problems or issues found by the The contractor has an extensive software Strength
project team during contract tracking and development environment and problems or
oversight are recorded in the appropriate issues are tracked to closure.
corrective action system and tracked to
Activity 7 The project team maintains the integrity of There is no evidence that either the Weakness
the contract throughout the contract contracting officer or the product team are
performance period. following the process and maintaining the
integrity of the contract.

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight

Voice Switching and Control System

Key Practice Finding Rating
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the contract tracking taken or used to determine the status of
and oversight activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for contract tracking and While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
oversight are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for contract tracking and While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
oversight are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight

Table 6.5: Contract Tracking and Oversight Findings for WARP

Weather and Radar Processor
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written There is no written policy for contract Weakness
policy for the contract tracking and tracking and oversight activities.
oversight of the contracted software effort.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for the contract tracking and The product team is responsible for Strength
oversight activities is designated. contract tracking and oversight activities.
Commitment 3 The project team is supported by The product team is supported by Strength
contracting specialists in the execution of contracting specialists.
the contract.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for managing The product team is collectively responsible Strength
contract tracking and oversight activities for contract tracking and oversight activities.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying and for Weakness
contract tracking and oversight activities. ensuring that the needed resources are
provided to the project.
Ability 3 Individuals performing contract tracking The acquisition organization has no Observation
and oversight activities have experience or guidance regarding training or experience
receive training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for Plans for contract tracking and oversight Weakness
contract tracking and oversight activities. activities are not documented.
Activity 2 The project’s contract tracking and Since there is no contract tracking and Weakness
oversight activities are performed in oversight plan, there is no way to assess
accordance with its plans. whether activities are being performed in
accordance with the plan.
Activity 3 The project team reviews required The product team reviews required Strength
contractor software planning documents contractor software planning documents
which, when satisfactory, are made part of which, when satisfactory, are made part of
the contractor’s baseline. the contractor’s baseline.
Activity 4 The project team, with end user input, The product team conducts periodic Strength
conducts periodic reviews and reviews and interchanges with the
interchanges with the contractor. contractor.
Activity 5 The project team tracks the contractor’s As a deliverable, the status of the software Strength
development of the software engineering support environment development is
environment required to support the reviewed and tracked.
Activity 6 Any problems or issues found by the The contracting officer’s technical Strength
project team during contract tracking and representative is responsible for managing
oversight are recorded in the appropriate and tracking action items, and these are
corrective action system and tracked to recorded in an appropriate correction
closure. system.
Activity 7 The project team maintains the integrity of The contracting officer maintains the Strength
the contract throughout the contract integrity of the contract and is responsible
performance period. for doing so throughout the contract
performance period.

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight

Weather and Radar Processor

Key Practice Finding Rating
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the contract tracking taken and used to determine the status of
and oversight activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for contract tracking and While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
oversight are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for contract tracking and While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
oversight are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

To effectively and efficiently acquire software, FAA must have a

Conclusions well-defined and enforced process that provides for proactive tracking and
oversight of its software development contractors. FAA’s current process
for ATC modernization contractor tracking and oversight is ad hoc and
reactive, thereby increasing the chances of its ATC software acquisitions
being late, costing more than expected, and not performing as intended.

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Chapter 6
Contract Tracking and Oversight

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Chapter 7


The purpose of evaluation, or testing, is to determine that the acquired

software products and services satisfy contract requirements prior to
acceptance. According to the SA-CMM, a repeatable evaluation process
includes (1) documenting evaluation plans and conducting evaluation
activities in accordance with the plan, (2) developing and managing
evaluation requirements in conjunction with developing software technical
requirements, (3) incorporating evaluation requirements into the
solicitation and the resulting contract, (4) tracking contractor
performance of evaluation activities for compliance with the contract,
(5) ensuring that adequate resources are provided for evaluation activities,
and (6) measuring and reporting on the status of evaluation activities to

All of the projects were strong in many evaluation practice areas. For
FAA Is Strong in Most example, all rated projects have documented test and evaluation plans and
but Not All Evaluation conduct test and evaluation activities in accordance with the plans. In
KPA Practices addition, most teams develop evaluation requirements for
contractor-conducted software tests concurrent with developing software
technical requirements, and all teams incorporate evaluation requirements
into the solicitation and resulting contract. Also, most teams track
contractor performance of test activities for compliance with the contract.

Despite these many strengths, several weaknesses prevented FAA from

meeting this KPA. For example, only one of the teams ensures that
adequate resources are provided for evaluation activities. Additionally,
none of the teams measure and report on the status of all evaluation
activities to management. As a result, management does not have a
complete and accurate picture of evaluation status and progress, which
could impair decision-making.

Figure 7.1 provides a comprehensive listing of the five projects’ strengths,

weaknesses, and observations for the evaluation KPA. The specific findings
supporting the practice ratings cited in figure 7.1 are in tables 7.1 through

Page 87 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 7

Figure 7.1: Evaluation Summary


The acquisition organization has a written policy for
Commitment 1 managing the evaluation of the acquired software Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
products and services.

Commitment 2 Responsibility for evaluation activities is clearly Strength Strength Observation Strength Strength

A group that is responsible for planning, managing,

Ability 1 and performing evaluation activities for the project Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength

Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for evaluation Weakness Strength Weakness Weakness Weakness

Ability 3 Individuals performing evaluation activities have Observation Observation Observation Observation Observation
experience or receive training.

Members of the project team and groups supporting

Ability 4 the software acquisition receive orientation on the Weakness Strength Weakness Strength Observation
objectives of the evaluation approach.

Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for evaluation Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength

Activity 2 The project's evaluation activities are performed in Strength Strength Not rated Strength Not rated
accordance with its plans.

Evaluation requirements are developed and

Activity 3 managed in conjunction with development of the Strength Strength Observation Strength Strength
system or software technical requirements.

Activity 4 The evaluation requirements are incorporated into the Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
solicitation and resulting contract.

The project team tracks contractor's performance in

Activity 5 terms of evaluation requirements for compliance with Strength Strength Not rated Strength Not rated
the contract.

Planned evaluations are performed on the acquired

Activity 6 software products and services prior to acceptance for Strength Strength Not rated Strength Not rated
operational use.

Results of the evaluations are analyzed and

Activity 7 Strength Strength Not rated Strength Not rated
compared to the contract's requirements to establish
a basis for acceptance.

Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to determine the Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
status of the evaluation activities.

The activities for evaluation are reviewed with

Verification 1 acquisition organization management on a periodic Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness

Page 88 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 7


The activities for evaluation are reviewed with the

Verification 2 project manager on both a periodic and event-driven Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness

= Weakness Key practice not implemented

= Strength Key practice effectively implemented
= Observation Key practice evaluated but evidence inconclusive. Cannot characterize as either strength or

= Not rated Key practice not currently relevant to project, therefore not evaluated

Page 89 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 7

Table 7.1: Evaluation Findings for ARTSIIIE

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA Order 1810.4B is the written policy. Strength
policy for managing the evaluation of the
acquired software products and services.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for evaluation activities is Evaluation responsibility is clearly defined. Strength
clearly defined.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for planning, The product team is responsible for Strength
managing, and performing evaluation evaluation activities.
activities for the project exists.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
evaluation activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing evaluation activities The acquisition organization has no Observation
have experience or receive training. guidance regarding training or experience
requirements for project participation.
Ability 4 Members of the project team and groups The product team did not receive Weakness
supporting the software acquisition receive orientation on the evaluation approach.
orientation on the objectives of the
evaluation approach.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The Test and Evaluation Master Plan Strength
evaluation activities. delineates all evaluation activities.
Activity 2 The project’s evaluation activities are Evaluation activities are performed in Strength
performed in accordance with its plans. accordance with plans.
Activity 3 Evaluation requirements are developed and Evaluation requirements are developed and Strength
managed in conjunction with development managed in conjunction with development
of the system or software technical of the system or software technical
requirements. requirements.
Activity 4 The evaluation requirements are Evaluation requirements are part of the Strength
incorporated into the solicitation and contract.
resulting contract.
Activity 5 The project team tracks contractor’s The evaluation activities performed by the Strength
performance in terms of evaluation contractor are tracked.
requirements for compliance with the
Activity 6 Planned evaluations are performed on the Planned evaluations are performed to Strength
acquired software products and services ensure that technical and contract
prior to acceptance for operational use. requirements are met prior to acceptance.
Activity 7 Results of the evaluations are analyzed and Technical and contract requirements are Strength
compared to the contract’s requirements to met prior to acceptance.
establish a basis for acceptance.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the evaluation taken and used to determine the status of
activities. activities for any of the key process areas.

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Chapter 7

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for evaluation are reviewed While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
with acquisition organization management reviews the status of the contract and the
on a periodic basis. contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for evaluation are reviewed While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
with the project manager on both a periodic status of the contract and the contractor’s
and event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 91 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 7

Table 7.2: Evaluation Findings for DSR

Display System Replacement
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA Order 1810.4B is the written policy. Strength
policy for managing the evaluation of the
acquired software products and services.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for evaluation activities is The product team leader is responsible for Strength
clearly defined. evaluation activities.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for planning, The test and maintenance leader, along Strength
managing, and performing evaluation with the product team, are responsible for
activities for the project exists. planning, managing, and performing
evaluation activities.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for Adequate resources are provided for Strength
evaluation activities. evaluation activities.
Ability 3 Individuals performing evaluation activities The acquisition organization has no Observation
have experience or receive training. guidance regarding training or experience
requirements for project participation.
Ability 4 Members of the project team and groups Members of the project team received Strength
supporting the software acquisition receive orientation on the evaluation approach.
orientation on the objectives of the
evaluation approach.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The product team documents its plans for Strength
evaluation activities. evaluation activities.
Activity 2 The project’s evaluation activities are The project’s evaluation activities are Strength
performed in accordance with its plans. performed in accordance with its plans.
Activity 3 Evaluation requirements are developed and Evaluation requirements are developed in Strength
managed in conjunction with development conjunction with the system requirements.
of the system or software technical
Activity 4 The evaluation requirements are The evaluation requirements are Strength
incorporated into the solicitation and incorporated into the contract.
resulting contract.
Activity 5 The project team tracks contractor’s The product team tracks the contractor’s Strength
performance in terms of evaluation performance, in terms of evaluation
requirements for compliance with the requirements, using the A-level and B-level
contract. specifications in the contract as criteria.
Activity 6 Planned evaluations are performed on the Planned evaluations are performed on the Strength
acquired software products and services acquired software products and services
prior to acceptance for operational use. prior to acceptance for operational use.
Activity 7 Results of the evaluations are analyzed and Results of evaluations are analyzed and Strength
compared to the contract’s requirements to compared to the contract’s requirements to
establish a basis for acceptance. establish a basis for acceptance.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the evaluation taken and used to determine the status of
activities. activities for any of the key process areas.

Page 92 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 7

Display System Replacement

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for evaluation are reviewed While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
with acquisition organization management reviews the status of the contract and the
on a periodic basis. contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for evaluation are reviewed While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
with the project manager on both a periodic status of the contract and the contractor’s
and event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 93 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 7

Table 7.3: Evaluation Findings for NIMS

NAS Infrastructure Management System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written The Acquisition Management System is the Strength
policy for managing the evaluation of the written policy.
acquired software products and services.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for evaluation activities is Officials stated that the test leader is Observation
clearly defined. responsible for evaluation activities;
however, they could not provide
documentation to support this.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for planning, The product team has responsibility for Strength
managing, and performing evaluation planning, managing, and performing
activities for the project exists. evaluation activities.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
evaluation activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing evaluation activities The acquisition organization has no Observation
have experience or receive training. guidance regarding training or experience
requirements for project participation.
Ability 4 Members of the project team and groups Orientation on the objectives of the Weakness
supporting the software acquisition receive evaluation approach was not received.
orientation on the objectives of the
evaluation approach.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The project team documents its plans for Strength
evaluation activities. evaluation activities.
Activity 2 The project’s evaluation activities are NIMS has not yet reached the stage where Not rated
performed in accordance with its plans. evaluation activities are being performed.
Activity 3 Evaluation requirements are developed and Too early to assess: system software Observation
managed in conjunction with development requirements are not developed sufficiently
of the system or software technical to develop evaluation requirements.
Activity 4 The evaluation requirements are The evaluation requirements are Strength
incorporated into the solicitation and incorporated into the solicitation through the
resulting contract. statement of work, which will be part of the
Activity 5 The project team tracks contractor’s NIMS has not yet reached the stage where Not rated
performance in terms of evaluation evaluation activities are being performed.
requirements for compliance with the
Activity 6 Planned evaluations are performed on the NIMS has not yet reached the stage where Not rated
acquired software products and services operational evaluation activities are being
prior to acceptance for operational use. performed.
Activity 7 Results of the evaluations are analyzed and NIMS has not yet reached the stage where Not rated
compared to the contract’s requirements to evaluation activities are analyzed and
establish a basis for acceptance. compared to the contract.

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Chapter 7

NAS Infrastructure Management System

Key Practice Finding Rating
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the evaluation taken to determine the status of activities for
activities. any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for evaluation are reviewed While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
with acquisition organization management reviews the status of the contract and the
on a periodic basis. contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for evaluation are reviewed While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
with the project manager on both a periodic status of the contract and the contractor’s
and event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 95 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 7

Table 7.4: Evaluation Findings for VSCS

Voice Switching and Control System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA Order 1810.4B provides policy Strength
policy for managing the evaluation of the guidance.
acquired software products and services.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for evaluation activities is The Test and Evaluation Master Plan Strength
clearly defined. defines the responsibility for evaluation.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for planning, A group is assigned responsibility for Strength
managing, and performing evaluation planning, managing, and performing
activities for the project exists. evaluation activities.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying the Weakness
evaluation activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing evaluation activities The acquisition organization has no Observation
have experience or receive training. guidance regarding training or experience
requirements for project participation.
Ability 4 Members of the project team and groups An orientation was conducted. Strength
supporting the software acquisition receive
orientation on the objectives of the
evaluation approach.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for Test and evaluation activities are Strength
evaluation activities. documented.
Activity 2 The project’s evaluation activities are Evaluation activities are performed in Strength
performed in accordance with its plans. accordance with plans.
Activity 3 Evaluation requirements are developed and Test and evaluation requirements are Strength
managed in conjunction with development developed and managed in conjunction
of the system or software technical with system requirements.
Activity 4 The evaluation requirements are Evaluation requirements are part of the Strength
incorporated into the solicitation and contract.
resulting contract.
Activity 5 The project team tracks contractor’s The contractor’s performance in terms of Strength
performance in terms of evaluation evaluation requirements is tracked through
requirements for compliance with the weekly meetings.
Activity 6 Planned evaluations are performed on the Evaluation procedures are documented in Strength
acquired software products and services the Test and Evaluation Master Plan and are
prior to acceptance for operational use. performed prior to acceptance.
Activity 7 Results of the evaluations are analyzed and FAA conducts factory acceptance tests and Strength
compared to the contract’s requirements to compares results to the contract’s
establish a basis for acceptance. requirements.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the evaluation taken or used to determine the status of
activities. activities for any of the key process areas.

Page 96 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 7

Voice Switching and Control System

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for evaluation are reviewed While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
with acquisition organization management reviews the status of the contract and the
on a periodic basis. contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for evaluation are reviewed While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
with the project manager on both a periodic status of the contract and the contractor’s
and event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 97 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 7

Table 7.5: Evaluation Findings for WARP

Weather and Radar Processor
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA Order 1810.4B is the written policy. Strength
policy for managing the evaluation of the
acquired software products and services.
Commitment 2 Responsibility for evaluation activities is Responsibility for evaluation activities has Strength
clearly defined. been clearly defined.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for planning, A group is responsible for evaluation Strength
managing, and performing evaluation activities for the project.
activities for the project exists.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying and for Weakness
evaluation activities. ensuring that the needed resources are
provided to the project.
Ability 3 Individuals performing evaluation activities The acquisition organization has no Observation
have experience or receive training. guidance regarding training or experience
requirements for project participation.
Ability 4 Members of the project team and groups Orientation was not needed because the Observation
supporting the software acquisition receive test leader and his team were familiar with
orientation on the objectives of the the evaluation approach.
evaluation approach.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The Test and Evaluation Master Plan Strength
evaluation activities. documents the team’s plan for evaluation
Activity 2 The project’s evaluation activities are WARP has not reached the stage where Not rated
performed in accordance with its plans. evaluation activities are being performed
and can be compared to a plan.
Activity 3 Evaluation requirements are developed and Evaluation requirements are developed and Strength
managed in conjunction with development managed in conjunction with development
of the system or software technical of system or software technical
requirements. requirements.
Activity 4 The evaluation requirements are The evaluation requirements are Strength
incorporated into the solicitation and incorporated into the solicitation and
resulting contract. resulting contract.
Activity 5 The project team tracks contractor’s WARP has not reached the stage where the Not rated
performance in terms of evaluation contractor is performing evaluation activities
requirements for compliance with the that can be tracked for compliance with
contract. contract.
Activity 6 Planned evaluations are performed on the WARP has not yet reached the stage where Not rated
acquired software products and services evaluations are being performed.
prior to acceptance for operational use.
Activity 7 Results of the evaluations are analyzed and WARP has not yet reached the stage where Not rated
compared to the contract’s requirements to evaluations are being performed.
establish a basis for acceptance.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the evaluation taken and used to determine the status of
activities. activities for any of the key process areas.

Page 98 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 7

Weather and Radar Processor

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for evaluation are reviewed While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
with acquisition organization management reviews the status of the contract and the
on a periodic basis. contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for evaluation are reviewed While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
with the project manager on both a periodic status of the contract and the contractor’s
and event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

FAA performs most but not all evaluation KPA practices. To satisfy all
Conclusions evaluation practices and thereby have reasonable assurance that its
software acquisition projects will be effectively evaluated and tested on a
repeatable basis, FAA must ensure that its product teams identify
evaluation resource, training, and experience needs, and that they
measure and brief management on the status of all evaluation activities.

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Chapter 7

Page 100 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 8

Transition and Support

The purpose of transition and support is to provide for the effective and
efficient “hand-off” of the acquired software products to the support
organization responsible for software maintenance. According to the
SA-CMM, repeatable transition and support processes, among other things,
include (1) having a written policy for transitioning software products to
the support organization, (2) designating a group that is responsible for
coordinating transition and support activities, (3) having a complete
inventory of all software and related items that are to be transitioned,
(4) including members of the support organization in transition and
support planning, (5) requiring the support organization to demonstrate its
capability to modify and support the software, and (6) measuring and
reporting to management on the status of transition and support activities.

All of the projects were strong in several transition and support practice
Transition and areas. For example, FAA has a written policy for transitioning software
Support Not Being products to the support organization. Additionally, all five projects have
Performed Effectively designated a group responsible for transition and support. However,
various weaknesses in other practices prevented FAA from satisfying this
KPA. In particular, some of the teams lack a complete inventory of all the
software and related products to be transitioned, thus jeopardizing the
efforts of the support organization to effectively maintain the full software
configuration. Additionally, one team did not include the software support
organization in planning for transition and support, and some teams do not
have plans to require the support organization to demonstrate its
capability to maintain the software after transition. As a result, support
problems, such as the inability to perform required maintenance, may
result. Further, none of the projects are measuring and reporting to
management on the status of transition and support activities, precluding
management from addressing transition and support problems

Figure 8.1 provides a comprehensive listing of the five projects’ strengths,

weaknesses, and observations for the transition and support KPA. The
specific findings supporting the practice ratings cited in figure 8.1 are in
tables 8.1 through 8.5.

Page 101 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 8
Transition and Support

Figure 8.1: Transition and Support Summary


The acquisition organization has a written policy for

Commitment 1 the transitioning of software products to the support Strength Strength Strength Observation Strength

The acquisition organization ensures that the

Commitment 2 software support organization is involved in planning Weakness Strength Strength Strength Strength
for transition and support.

A group that is responsible for coordinating the Strength Strength Weakness Strength Strength
Ability 1
transition and support activities exists.

Ability 2 Responsibility for transition and support activities is Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength

Ability 3 Adequate resources are provided for transition and Weakness Weakness Not rated Weakness Weakness
support activities.

The organization responsible for providing support

Ability 4 of the software products is identified no later than Strength Weakness Not rated Strength Weakness
release of the solicitation.

The software support organization has a complete

Ability 5 inventory of all software and related items that are Strength Weakness Not rated Weakness Not rated
to be transitioned.

Ability 6 Individuals performing transition and support Observation Observation Not rated Observation Observation
activities have experience or receive training.

The members of organizations interfacing with the

Ability 7 transition and support activities receive orientation Weakness Observation Not rated Observation Not rated
on the salient aspects of the transition and support

The project team documents its plans for transition Strength Strength Not rated Weakness Strength
Activity 1
and support activities.

Activity 2 The project team's transition and support activities Strength Weakness Not rated Observation Not rated
are performed in accordance with its plans.

The project team transfers responsibility for the

Activity 3 software products only after the support organization Weakness Strength Not rated Weakness Observation
demonstrates its capability to modify and support the
software products.

The project team oversees the configuration control Strength Strength Not rated Weakness Not rated
Activity 4
of the software products throughout the transition.

Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to determine the Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
status of the transition and support activities.

The activities for transition and support are reviewed

Verification 1 with acquisition and software support organizations' Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
management on a periodic basis.

Page 102 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 8
Transition and Support


The activities for transition and support are reviewed

Verification 2 with the project manager on both a periodic and Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
event-driven basis.

= Weakness Key practice not implemented

= Strength Key practice effectively implemented
= Observation Key practice evaluated but evidence inconclusive. Cannot characterize as either strength or

= Not rated Key practice not currently relevant to project, therefore not evaluated

Page 103 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 8
Transition and Support

Table 8.1: Transition and Support Findings for ARTSIIIE

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA Order 1800.58 is the written policy. Strength
policy for the transitioning of software
products to the support organization.
Commitment 2 The acquisition organization ensures that The Product Team Plan identifies the Weakness
the software support organization is organization responsible for software
involved in planning for transition and support, but transition is not mentioned.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating A group responsible for coordinating the Strength
the transition and support activities exists. transition to support activities exists.
Ability 2 Responsibility for transition and support Responsibility for transition and support Strength
activities is designated. activities is designated.
Ability 3 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
transition and support activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 4 The organization responsible for providing The Product Team Plan designates Strength
support of the software products is responsibility for providing support of the
identified no later than release of the software products before release of the
solicitation. solicitation.
Ability 5 The software support organization has a The software support organization has a Strength
complete inventory of all software and complete inventory of all software and
related items that are to be transitioned. related items that are to be transitioned.
Ability 6 Individuals performing transition and The acquisition organization has no Observation
support activities have experience or guidance regarding training or experience
receive training. requirements for project participation.
Ability 7 The members of organizations interfacing Orientation was not given. Weakness
with the transition and support activities
receive orientation on the salient aspects of
the transition and support activities.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The product team documents its plans for Strength
transition and support activities. transition and support activities.
Activity 2 The project team’s transition and support The product team’s activities are being Strength
activities are performed in accordance with conducted in accordance with its plans.
its plans.
Activity 3 The project team transfers responsibility for No certification procedures to test the Weakness
the software products only after the support capability of the support organization was
organization demonstrates its capability to provided.
modify and support the software products.
Activity 4 The project team oversees the configuration The product team oversees the Strength
control of the software products throughout configuration management of the software
the transition. throughout transition.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the transition and taken and used to determine the status of
support activities. activities for any of the key process areas.

Page 104 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 8
Transition and Support

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for transition and support are While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
reviewed by acquisition and software reviews the status of the contract and the
support organizations’ management on a contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for transition and support are While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
reviewed by the project manager on both a status of the contract and the contractor’s
periodic and event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 105 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 8
Transition and Support

Table 8.2: Transition and Support Findings for DSR

Display System Replacement
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA has a written policy for transition and Strength
policy for the transitioning of software support.
products to the support organization.
Commitment 2 The acquisition organization ensures that The Product Team Plan identifies the Strength
the software support organization is individual responsible for support planning.
involved in planning for transition and
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating The product team is responsible for Strength
the transition and support activities exists. transition and support activities.
Ability 2 Responsibility for transition and support Responsibility is assigned to the product Strength
activities is designated. team for transition and support activities.
Ability 3 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
transition and support activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 4 The organization responsible for providing Although DSR is in the development stage, Weakness
support of the software products is the support organization has not been
identified no later than release of the identified.
Ability 5 The software support organization has a While documents are planned for Weakness
complete inventory of all software and configuration audits as part of the transition
related items that are to be transitioned. process, a complete inventory does not
Ability 6 Individuals performing transition and The acquisition organization has no Observation
support activities have experience or guidance regarding training or experience
receive training. requirements for project participation.
Ability 7 The members of organizations interfacing While officials stated that orientation had Observation
with the transition and support activities occurred, they could not provide
receive orientation on the salient aspects of documents to support this.
the transition and support activities.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The Program Implementation Plan contains Strength
transition and support activities. the plans for transition and support.
Activity 2 The project team’s transition and support Transition planning is being delayed Weakness
activities are performed in accordance with pending a decision on who will provide
its plans. maintenance.
Activity 3 The project team transfers responsibility for There is a plan for the support organization Strength
the software products only after the support to demonstrate its capabilities prior to
organization demonstrates its capability to transition of responsibilities.
modify and support the software products.
Activity 4 The project team oversees the configuration The product team oversees the contractor, Strength
control of the software products throughout who will maintain configuration
the transition. management throughout the transition.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the transition and taken and used to determine the status of
support activities. activities for any of the key process areas.

Page 106 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 8
Transition and Support

Display System Replacement

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for transition and support are While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
reviewed by acquisition and software reviews the status of the contract and the
support organizations’ management on a contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for transition and support are While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
reviewed by the project manager on both a status of the contract and the contractor’s
periodic and event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 107 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 8
Transition and Support

Table 8.3: Transition and Support Findings for NIMS

NAS Infrastructure Management System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written The Acquisition Management System is the Strength
policy for the transitioning of software written policy.
products to the support organization.
Commitment 2 The acquisition organization ensures that The software support organization is Strength
the software support organization is represented in the product team.
involved in planning for transition and
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating Officials gave conflicting answers as to who Weakness
the transition and support activities exists. is responsible for coordinating the transition
and support activities, and they could not
provide documentation that formally
designates responsibility.
Ability 2 Responsibility for transition and support Responsibility for transition and support Strength
activities is designated. activities is designated.
Ability 3 Adequate resources are provided for It is too early in the project’s cycle to Not rated
transition and support activities. evaluate this ability.
Ability 4 The organization responsible for providing It is too early in the project’s cycle to Not rated
support of the software products is evaluate this ability.
identified no later than release of the
Ability 5 The software support organization has a It is too early in the project’s cycle to Not rated
complete inventory of all software and evaluate this ability.
related items that are to be transitioned.
Ability 6 Individuals performing transition and It is too early in the project’s cycle to Not rated
support activities have experience or evaluate this ability.
receive training.
Ability 7 The members of organizations interfacing It is too early in the project’s cycle to Not rated
with the transition and support activities evaluate this ability.
receive orientation on the salient aspects of
the transition and support activities.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for It is too early in the project’s cycle to Not rated
transition and support activities. evaluate this activity.
Activity 2 The project team’s transition and support It is too early in the project’s cycle to Not rated
activities are performed in accordance with evaluate this activity.
its plans.
Activity 3 The project team transfers responsibility for It is too early in the project’s cycle to Not rated
the software products only after the support evaluate this activity.
organization demonstrates its capability to
modify and support the software products.
Activity 4 The project team oversees the configuration It is too early in the project’s cycle to Not rated
control of the software products throughout evaluate this activity.
the transition.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the transition and taken to determine the status of activities for
support activities. any of the key process areas.

Page 108 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 8
Transition and Support

NAS Infrastructure Management System

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for transition and support are While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
reviewed by acquisition and software reviews the status of the contract and the
support organizations’ management on a contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for transition and support are While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
reviewed by the project manager on both a status of the contract and the contractor’s
periodic and event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 109 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 8
Transition and Support

Table 8.4: Transition and Support Findings for VSCS

Voice Switching and Control System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written A written policy for transition exists; Observation
policy for the transitioning of software however, the officials interviewed did not
products to the support organization. identify it.
Commitment 2 The acquisition organization ensures that The acquisition organization ensured that Strength
the software support organization is the software support organization was
involved in planning for transition and involved in planning for transition and
support. support.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating The product team is responsible for Strength
the transition and support activities exists. coordinating transition and support
Ability 2 Responsibility for transition and support Responsibility for transition and support Strength
activities is designated. activities is designated.
Ability 3 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying the Weakness
transition and support activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 4 The organization responsible for providing The organization responsible was identified Strength
support of the software products is before the release of the solicitation.
identified no later than release of the
Ability 5 The software support organization has a The software support organization does not Weakness
complete inventory of all software and have a complete inventory of all software
related items that are to be transitioned. and related items that are to be transitioned.
Ability 6 Individuals performing transition and The acquisition organization has no Observation
support activities have experience or guidance regarding training or experience
receive training. requirements for project participation.
Ability 7 The members of organizations interfacing While officials said that members of Observation
with the transition and support activities organizations interfacing with the transition
receive orientation on the salient aspects of and support activities received orientation,
the transition and support activities. they could not provide documentation to
support this.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for Only a draft plan exists. Weakness
transition and support activities.
Activity 2 The project team’s transition and support There is no plan for transition and support, Weakness
activities are performed in accordance with therefore, the activity cannot be performed
its plans. in accordance with it.
Activity 3 The project team transfers responsibility for No demonstrations were held for the Weakness
the software products only after the support support organization to demonstrate its
organization demonstrates its capability to capability to support the software products.
modify and support the software products.
Activity 4 The project team oversees the configuration Since there is no transition and support Weakness
control of the software products throughout plan, there is no evidence that this activity is
the transition. being performed.

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Chapter 8
Transition and Support

Voice Switching and Control System

Key Practice Finding Rating
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the transition and taken or used to determine the status of
support activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Verification 1 The activities for transition and support are While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
reviewed by acquisition and software reviews the status of the contract and the
support organizations’ management on a contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
Verification 2 The activities for transition and support are While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
reviewed by the project manager on both a status of the contract and the contractor’s
periodic and event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

Page 111 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 8
Transition and Support

Table 8.5: Transition and Support Findings for WARP

Weather and Radar Processor
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written There is a written policy for transition and Strength
policy for the transitioning of software support.
products to the support organization.
Commitment 2 The acquisition organization ensures that The support organization is part of the Strength
the software support organization is product team and is involved in planning for
involved in planning for transition and transition.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating The product team has the responsibility for Strength
the transition and support activities exists. coordinating the transition and support
Ability 2 Responsibility for transition and support Responsibility for transition and support Strength
activities is designated. activities is designated to the product team.
Ability 3 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying and for Weakness
transition and support activities. ensuring that the needed resources are
provided to the project.
Ability 4 The organization responsible for providing The organization responsible for providing Weakness
support of the software products is support of the software products was not
identified no later than release of the chosen before the release of the solicitation.
Ability 5 The software support organization has a It is too early in the project’s development Not rated
complete inventory of all software and for it to have developed an inventory.
related items that are to be transitioned.
Ability 6 Individuals performing transition and The acquisition organization has no Observation
support activities have experience or guidance regarding training or experience
receive training. requirements for project participation.
Ability 7 The members of organizations interfacing It is too early in the project’s development Not rated
with the transition and support activities for it to define support.
receive orientation on the salient aspects of
the transition and support activities.
Activity 1 The project team documents its plans for The Product Team Plan documents the Strength
transition and support activities. initial plans for transition and support
Activity 2 The project team’s transition and support It is too early in the project’s development Not rated
activities are performed in accordance with for it to be evaluated against this key
its plans. practice.
Activity 3 The project team transfers responsibility for Officials gave conflicting answers as to Observation
the software products only after the support whether or not the demonstration has been
organization demonstrates its capability to planned.
modify and support the software products.
Activity 4 The project team oversees the configuration It is too early in the project’s development Not rated
control of the software products throughout for it to be evaluated against this key
the transition. practice.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the transition and taken and used to determine the status of
support activities. activities for any of the key process areas.

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Chapter 8
Transition and Support

Weather and Radar Processor

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for transition and support are While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
reviewed by acquisition and software reviews the status of the contract and the
support organizations’ management on a contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
periodic basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for transition and support are While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
reviewed by the project manager on both a status of the contract and the contractor’s
periodic and event-driven basis. cost and schedule, he does not review the
status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

FAA’stransition and support process for its ATC modernization suffers from
Conclusions weaknesses which render it undefined and undisciplined. In light of FAA’s
enormous investment in ATC-related software and the fact that over
65 percent of the life cycle cost of software is incurred during
maintenance, it is essential that these weaknesses be corrected.

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Chapter 8
Transition and Support

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Chapter 9

Acquisition Risk Management

SEI defines risk as the possibility of suffering a loss. The purpose of

acquisition risk management is to formally identify risks as early as
possible and adjust the acquisition to mitigate those risks. According to
the SA-CMM, an effective risk management process, among other things,
includes (1) having a written policy on acquisition risk management,
(2) developing a software acquisition risk management plan,
(3) conducting software risk management activities in accordance with the
plan (e.g., identifying risks, taking mitigation actions, and tracking risk
mitigation actions to completion), and (4) measuring and reporting on the
status of acquisition risk management activities to management.

FAA is not effectively performing ATC modernization software acquisition

ATC Modernization risk management. Although FAA has a written policy on risk management,
Software Risk it has many weaknesses in this KPA. For example, most teams have no risk
Management Is management plan, and the one team that has a plan failed to follow it. As a
result, the teams are not identifying risks, taking risk mitigation actions,
Ineffective and tracking risk mitigation actions to completion. Moreover, none of the
teams measure and report to management on the status of acquisition risk
management activities. Consequently, management is not in a position to
correct problems promptly.

Figure 9.1 provides a comprehensive listing of the five projects’ strengths,

weaknesses, and observations for the acquisition risk management KPA.
The specific findings supporting the practice ratings in figure 9.1 are in
tables 9.1 through 9.5.

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Chapter 9
Acquisition Risk Management

Figure 9.1: Acquisition Risk Management Summary


Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written policy for Strength Strength Weakness Strength Strength
the management of acquisition risk.

Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating Weakness Strength Strength Strength Strength
acquisition risk management activities exists.

Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for acquisition risk Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
management activities.

Individuals performing acquisition risk management

Ability 3 activities have experience or receive required Observation Observation Observation Observation Observation

Activity 1 Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation activities Weakness Strength Strength Weakness Strength
are integrated into software acquisition planning.

The Software Risk Management Plan is developed

Activity 2 according to the project's defined software Weakness Weakness Weakness Strength Weakness
acquisition process.

The project's acquisition risk management activities

Activity 3 are performed in accordance with its Software Risk Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
Management Plan.

The project team identifies, analyzes, and takes

Activity 4 appropriate software risk mitigation actions during Observation Weakness Weakness Weakness Strength
acquisition planning.
Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation are
Activity 5 conducted as an integral part of the project Weakness Strength Not rated Weakness Strength
performance management and contract performance
management processes.

Activity 6 Software risk mitigation actions are tracked to Weakness Weakness Observation Weakness Strength

Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to determine the Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
status of the acquisition risk management activities.

Measurement 2 Resources expended for acquisition risk management Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
activities are recorded and tracked.

The activities for acquisition risk management are

Verification 1 reviewed by acquisition organization management on Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
a periodic basis.

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Chapter 9
Acquisition Risk Management


The activities for acquisition risk management are

Verification 2 reviewed by the project manager on both a periodic Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness Weakness
and event-driven basis.

= Weakness Key practice not implemented

= Strength Key practice effectively implemented
= Observation Key practice evaluated but evidence inconclusive. Cannot characterize as either strength or
= Not rated Key practice not currently relevant to project, therefore not evaluated

Page 117 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 9
Acquisition Risk Management

Table 9.1: Acquisition Risk Management Findings for ARTSIIIE

Automated Radar Terminal System IIIE
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written policy There is a policy for acquisition risk Strength
for the management of acquisition risk. management.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating No group is assigned acquisition risk Weakness
acquisition risk management activities exists. management tasks.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying resources Weakness
acquisition risk management activities. required and for ensuring that the needed
resources are provided to the project.
Ability 3 Individuals performing acquisition risk The acquisition organization has no guidance Observation
management activities have experience or regarding training or experience requirements
receive required training. for project participation.
Activity 1 Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation No risk identification, analysis, or mitigation Weakness
activities are integrated into software acquisition activities are integrated into software acquisition
planning. planning.
Activity 2 The Software Risk Management Plan is There is no risk management plan. Weakness
developed according to the project’s defined
software acquisition process.
Activity 3 The project’s acquisition risk management No software risk management plan exists, Weakness
activities are performed in accordance with its therefore, the activities are not performed in
Software Risk Management Plan. accordance with it.
Activity 4 The project team identifies, analyzes, and takes Officials stated that the product team identifies, Observation
appropriate software risk mitigation actions analyzes, and mitigates risks, but could not
during acquisition planning. provide documents to support this.
Activity 5 Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation are Officials could provide no evidence of risk Weakness
conducted as an integral part of the project identification, analysis, and mitigation being
performance management and contract conducted as part of project and contract
performance management processes. management.
Activity 6 Software risk mitigation actions are tracked to Risks are not tracked to completion. Weakness
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to determine No internal process measurements are taken Weakness
the status of the acquisition risk management and used to determine the status of activities for
activities. any of the key process areas.
Measurement 2 Resources expended for acquisition risk FAA does not track resources. Weakness
management activities are recorded and
Verification 1 The activities for acquisition risk management While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
are reviewed by acquisition organization reviews the status of the contract and the
management on a periodic basis. contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for acquisition risk management While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
are reviewed by the project manager on both a status of the contract and the contractor’s cost
periodic and event-driven basis. and schedule, he does not review the status of
the activities that are required to be performed
for any of the key process areas.

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Chapter 9
Acquisition Risk Management

Table 9.2: Acquisition Risk Management Findings for DSR

Display System Replacement
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written There is a written policy for acquisition risk Strength
policy for the management of acquisition management.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating The product team is responsible for Strength
acquisition risk management activities acquisition risk management.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
acquisition risk management activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing acquisition risk The acquisition organization has no Observation
management activities have experience or guidance regarding training or experience
receive required training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation Strength
activities are integrated into software are integrated into the software acquisition
acquisition planning. planning.
Activity 2 The Software Risk Management Plan is While there is a risk management plan that Weakness
developed according to the project’s addresses software at a high level, there is
defined software acquisition process. no software risk management plan.
Activity 3 The project’s acquisition risk management Because there is no software risk Weakness
activities are performed in accordance with management plan, activities are not
its Software Risk Management Plan. performed in accordance with it.
Activity 4 The project team identifies, analyzes, and The risk identification activities are not well Weakness
takes appropriate software risk mitigation defined. The product team used risk
actions during acquisition planning. interchangeably with currently identified
problems, action items, issues, and
schedule tracking.
Activity 5 Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation What the product team considers risks Strength
are conducted as an integral part of the (problems, action items, issues, etc.) are
project performance management and identified, analyzed, and mitigated.
contract performance management
Activity 6 Software risk mitigation actions are tracked Software risk mitigation is not tracked to Weakness
to completion. completion.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the acquisition risk taken and used to determine the status of
management activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Measurement 2 Resources expended for acquisition risk FAA does not track resources. Weakness
management activities are recorded and

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Chapter 9
Acquisition Risk Management

Display System Replacement

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for acquisition risk While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
management are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for acquisition risk While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
management are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

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Chapter 9
Acquisition Risk Management

Table 9.3: Acquisition Risk Management Findings for NIMS

NAS Infrastructure Management System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written The Acquisition Management System is the Weakness
policy for the management of acquisition written policy for acquisition risk
risk. management, but it does not address
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating Both the Integrated Program Plan and the Strength
acquisition risk management activities Product Team Plan assign the risk
exists. management plan activities to the team.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying Weakness
acquisition risk management activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing acquisition risk The acquisition organization has no Observation
management activities have experience or guidance regarding training or experience
receive required training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation Acquisition risk management is part of Strength
activities are integrated into software acquisition planning as called for in both
acquisition planning. the Integrated Program Plan and the
Product Team Plan.
Activity 2 The Software Risk Management Plan is No software risk management plan exists. Weakness
developed according to the project’s The risk management plan does not
defined software acquisition process. address software.
Activity 3 The project’s acquisition risk management There is no software risk management plan, Weakness
activities are performed in accordance with therefore, activities cannot be performed in
its Software Risk Management Plan. accordance with it.
Activity 4 The project team identifies, analyzes, and The project team does not identify, analyze, Weakness
takes appropriate software risk mitigation or mitigate software risks.
actions during acquisition planning.
Activity 5 Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation While plans call for risk identification, Not rated
are conducted as an integral part of the analysis, and mitigation, the project has not
project performance management and reached a stage where this activity applies.
contract performance management
Activity 6 Software risk mitigation actions are tracked A risk tracking system is being developed Observation
to completion. as called for in the Integrated Program Plan.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the acquisition risk taken to determine the status of activities for
management activities. any of the key process areas.
Measurement 2 Resources expended for acquisition risk FAA does not track resources. Weakness
management activities are recorded and

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Chapter 9
Acquisition Risk Management

NAS Infrastructure Management System

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for acquisition risk While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
management are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for acquisition risk While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
management are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

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Chapter 9
Acquisition Risk Management

Table 9.4: Acquisition Risk Management Findings for VSCS

Voice Switching and Control System
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA Order 1810.1F is the policy for Strength
policy for the management of acquisition acquisition risk management.
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating The product team leader is the acquisition Strength
acquisition risk management activities risk manager.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying the Weakness
acquisition risk management activities. resources required and for ensuring that the
needed resources are provided to the
Ability 3 Individuals performing acquisition risk The acquisition organization has no Observation
management activities have experience or guidance regarding training or experience
receive required training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation The risk management plan does not call for Weakness
activities are integrated into software risk activities to be integrated into software
acquisition planning. acquisition planning.
Activity 2 The Software Risk Management Plan is There is a software risk management plan. Strength
developed according to the project’s
defined software acquisition process.
Activity 3 The project’s acquisition risk management Although there is a risk management plan, Weakness
activities are performed in accordance with there is no evidence that acquisition risk
its Software Risk Management Plan. management is performed in accordance
with the plan.
Activity 4 The project team identifies, analyzes, and The project team does not identify, analyze, Weakness
takes appropriate software risk mitigation and take appropriate actions during
actions during acquisition planning. acquisition planning.
Activity 5 Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation The product team does not ensure that risks Weakness
are conducted as an integral part of the are identified, or that analyses and
project performance management and mitigations are conducted as an integral
contract performance management part of project performance management
processes. and contract performance management.
Activity 6 Software risk mitigation actions are tracked There is no evidence that risk mitigation is Weakness
to completion. tracked to completion.
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the acquisition risk taken or used to determine the status of
management activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Measurement 2 Resources expended for acquisition risk FAA does not track resources. Weakness
management activities are recorded and
Verification 1 The activities for acquisition risk While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
management are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.

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Chapter 9
Acquisition Risk Management

Voice Switching and Control System

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 2 The activities for acquisition risk While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
management are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

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Chapter 9
Acquisition Risk Management

Table 9.5: Acquisition Risk Management Findings for WARP

Weather and Radar Processor
Key Practice Finding Rating
Commitment 1 The acquisition organization has a written FAA Order 1810.1F is the written policy. Strength
policy for the management of acquisition
Ability 1 A group that is responsible for coordinating The product team is responsible for Strength
acquisition risk management activities acquisition risk management activities.
Ability 2 Adequate resources are provided for No mechanism exists for identifying and for Weakness
acquisition risk management activities. ensuring that the needed resources are
provided to the project.
Ability 3 Individuals performing acquisition risk The acquisition organization has no Observation
management activities have experience or guidance regarding training or experience
receive required training. requirements for project participation.
Activity 1 Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation Strength
activities are integrated into software activities are integrated into software
acquisition planning. acquisition planning.
Activity 2 The Software Risk Management Plan is Although there is a risk management plan, it Weakness
developed according to the project’s incorrectly identifies risks as currently
defined software acquisition process. identified problems, action items, issues,
Activity 3 The project’s acquisition risk management While issues are reviewed at team Weakness
activities are performed in accordance with meetings, they are not specifically identified
its Software Risk Management Plan. and managed as risks.
Activity 4 The project team identifies, analyzes, and The product team identifies and analyzes Strength
takes appropriate software risk mitigation risks as defined in the risk management
actions during acquisition planning. plan and takes appropriate actions during
acquisition planning.
Activity 5 Risk identification, analysis, and mitigation The product team identifies, analyzes, and Strength
are conducted as an integral part of the mitigates risks (as defined in the risk
project performance management and management plan) as part of project and
contract performance management contract performance management.
Activity 6 Software risk mitigation actions are tracked Software risks as defined in the risk Strength
to completion. management plan are tracked to
Measurement 1 Measurements are made and used to No internal process measurements are Weakness
determine the status of the acquisition risk taken and used to determine the status of
management activities. activities for any of the key process areas.
Measurement 2 Resources expended for acquisition risk FAA does not track resources. Weakness
management activities are recorded and

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Chapter 9
Acquisition Risk Management

Weather and Radar Processor

Key Practice Finding Rating
Verification 1 The activities for acquisition risk While the Integrated Product Team leader Weakness
management are reviewed by acquisition reviews the status of the contract and the
organization management on a periodic contractor’s cost and schedule, he does not
basis. review the status of the activities that are
required to be performed for any of the key
process areas.
Verification 2 The activities for acquisition risk While the product team leader reviews the Weakness
management are reviewed by the project status of the contract and the contractor’s
manager on both a periodic and cost and schedule, he does not review the
event-driven basis. status of the activities that are required to
be performed for any of the key process

FAA’s software acquisition risk management process has many weaknesses

Conclusions and is, therefore, undefined and undisciplined. To become an effective
acquirer of software, FAA must adopt a more structured, rigorous, and
disciplined approach to ATC modernization software acquisition risk

Page 126 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 10

FAA Lacks an Effective Approach for

Improving ATC Modernization Software
Acquisition Processes
In order to be effective, the organization responsible for improving
software acquisition processes must have (1) organizational and/or
budgetary authority over units acquiring software; and (2) a
comprehensive plan to guide software acquisition process improvement
efforts and measure progress on each. At FAA, responsibility for ATC
software acquisition process maturity and improvement has been assigned
to three organizational entities over the last 4 years, and currently is
assigned to FAA’s Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG), a multilevel
committee structure chaired by a member of FAA’s Chief Information
Officer’s (CIO) staff. However, the SEPG, like the entities previously
responsible for software acquisition process improvement, has neither
organizational nor budgetary authority over the ATC modernization product
teams that acquire software. Further, the SEPG does not have a software
acquisition process improvement plan to guide its maturation efforts.

As a result, management of FAA’s software acquisition process

improvement effort is ad hoc and has not instilled software acquisition
process discipline into the ATC modernization program. While the SEPG is
now taking steps to establish the analytical basis for a defined and
comprehensive software process improvement plan, that plan does not yet
exist, no schedule has been established for completing it, and the SEPG,
like the organizational entities before it that have failed to institute
process improvements, has no authority to implement or to enforce
process change.

FAA has been attempting to strengthen its software acquisition processes

FAA Organization since 1993. At that time it established the Software Engineering Specialty
Responsible for ATC Group to, among other things, incrementally improve FAA’s software
Software Acquisition acquisition processes, first establishing repeatable processes [SEI maturity
level 2], then defined processes [SEI maturity level 3], and eventually
Process Improvement managed processes [SEI maturity level 4]. This group was to be FAA’s focal
Lacks Authority to point for software process assessment and improvement initiatives
through 2002, and it developed a 10-year strategy and implementation plan
Affect Change for doing so. It also produced guidance addressing software acquisition
management, software management indicators, and other software-related
processes and practices.

In 1995, FAA established the Office of the Chief Scientist for Software
Engineering under FAA’s CIO to lead FAA’s software-related process
improvement efforts, including software acquisition. According to FAA
officials, this change was made to strengthen software process

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Chapter 10
FAA Lacks an Effective Approach for
Improving ATC Modernization Software
Acquisition Processes

improvement through increased interaction with the ATC modernization

project offices. In May 1995, the Chief Scientist reaffirmed SEI’s CMM as the
basis for all FAA process improvement and set forth three broad “strategies
for improving the quality of FAA software.”1 The three strategies were
(1) “improve the software acquisition, development, certification, and
maintenance processes of the FAA and its suppliers,”2 (2) “accelerate the
adoption of open systems, COTS, NDI,3 re-engineering, and reuse by FAA
programs (without jeopardizing system safety or integrity),”4 and
(3) “promote the use of best software engineering practices throughout the
FAA and its supplier community.”5 The Chief Scientist also began about a
dozen loosely defined process improvement activities. Examples of these
activities include participating in national and international software
engineering activities, interacting with governmental and professional
software engineering organizations, meeting with FAA suppliers and
aviation groups, and assessing software engineering methods, tools, and
best practices.

Another of the Chief Scientist’s dozen activities was to form the SEPG as
FAA’s“focal point for initiating, planning, motivating, and facilitating the
improvement of ’acquisition life cycle processes’ for software intensive
systems.”6 Formed in October 1995, the SEPG includes representatives from
ATC modernization product teams and their parent organizations as well as
other FAA organizations, and it is chaired by the Chief Scientist for
Software Engineering. The SEPG is directed by the Software Engineering
Executive Committee (SEEC), which is chaired by the Associate
Administrator for Research and Acquisition (i.e., the head of the ATC
modernization), and is composed of senior FAA executives. The SEEC is
responsible for recommending and providing guidance on software
engineering issues. Additionally, some of the ATC modernization product
teams’ parent organizations have SEPGs.

“Strategies and Tactics for FAA to Improve Software, CIP Steering Committee Meeting,” May 16, 1995,
page 8.
See footnote 1.
COTS is commercial, off-the-shelf; NDI is non-development item.
See footnote 1.
See footnote 1.
In a document entitled “SEPG Purpose” Nov. 18, 1996, FAA defines a software intensive system as
“any system that is entirely software or whose principle (sic) functionality depends on the correct
functioning of software.”

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Chapter 10
FAA Lacks an Effective Approach for
Improving ATC Modernization Software
Acquisition Processes

None of the organizations responsible for ATC modernization software

acquisition process improvement over the last 4 years, including the SEPG,
have had organizational and/or budgetary authority over the ATC
modernization product teams that acquire ATC software. As a result,
neither the SEPG nor its predecessor organizations have been positioned to
effectively and efficiently implement and enforce process changes.
Instead, they can only attempt to encourage and persuade product teams
to undertake process improvement activities.

To illustrate the ineffectiveness of this management structure, the Chief

Scientist proposed that each product team earmark 5 percent of its
software-related budgets to implement approved process improvement
initiatives. According to the Chief Scientist, however, the teams refused to
spend product team money on the FAA-wide software improvement
activities being proposed. One product team leader stated that the teams
are understaffed and there is not enough time and resources to support
these activities.

To properly focus and target software acquisition process improvements,

FAA Planning for current process strengths and weaknesses (the capability baseline) must
Software Process be fully identified and assessed, and an effective plan for systematically
Improvement Has Not correcting weaknesses must be developed. At a minimum, this plan should
specify measurable goals, objectives, milestones, and needed resources,
Been Effective should clearly assign responsibility and accountability for accomplishing
well-defined tasks, and should be documented and approved by FAA

Despite 4 years of software acquisition process improvement effort, FAA

has not effectively baselined FAA’s ATC modernization software acquisition
processes, and has not developed a comprehensive plan for software
acquisition process improvement on the basis of this baseline. In 1995, the
Chief Scientist began an effort to assess software acquisition processes,
but completion of the effort was delayed 8 months and, because it lacked
the requisite depth and scope, it could not be used to produce an effective
baseline to guide improvement activities. Subsequent plans to perform
more detailed and comprehensive assessments were dropped.

FAA also has no comprehensive plan for software acquisition process

improvement. As a proxy, the Chief Scientist claims that a variety of
documents produced and activities conducted over the last 2 years
collectively form a complete and comprehensive plan. These include (1) a

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Chapter 10
FAA Lacks an Effective Approach for
Improving ATC Modernization Software
Acquisition Processes

document containing the “preliminary process improvement

recommendations” of a process improvement working group dated
September 4, 1996, (2) minutes of SEPG and SEEC meetings, (3) briefings on
software process improvement activities, and (4) the business plan for the
ATC modernization organization. However, these documents and activities,
which only briefly address process improvement initiatives, cite broad
strategies, and sometimes mention general schedules and resource needs,
do not constitute an effective plan. They do not specify well-defined and
measurable goals and milestones, assign responsibility, identify resource
needs for each initiative, or define how and when process improvements
will actually be implemented and enforced. Further, without a capability
maturity baseline, there is no analytical basis for selecting these initiatives.
According to product team officials, the modernization effort has no
software acquisition process improvement plan.

Since 1995, the Chief Scientist has planned or initiated a dozen activities.
Improvement Some have never been started, some are behind schedule, and several
Initiatives Have Thus have proceeded according to plan. For example, while the Chief Scientist
Far Not Instilled planned to complete an assessment of ATC modernization software
acquisition capabilities using SEI level 2 and level 3 requirements by
Software Process December 1996 and June 1997, respectively, these efforts were never
Discipline performed. Other efforts are behind schedule. For example, software
engineering policies, guidance, and standards that were to be issued by
September 1996 are now scheduled for issuance the third quarter of
calendar year 1997; and a software life cycle tool that was to be developed
by October 1996 has been postponed indefinitely.

Several efforts have met their milestones and begun to build a foundation
for undertaking process improvements. For example, a software
engineering training plan was developed in May 1996, 1 month ahead of
schedule; product teams have been trained to use the SEI software
development CMM and the associated capability evaluation methodology to
evaluate contractors’ capabilities to develop software; one product team
used the results of a CMM evaluation as part of its source selection criteria;
and, according to the Chief Scientist, hundreds of members of various ATC
modernization product teams have been trained in software management
techniques, such as defining software processes, using software
management indicators, estimating software costs, and using standards
such as open systems standards.

Page 130 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 10
FAA Lacks an Effective Approach for
Improving ATC Modernization Software
Acquisition Processes

Other FAA activities relating to software process improvement include

establishing an SEPG infrastructure, pilot testing selected software product
and process metrics, creating a software quality assurance capability,
reengineering configuration management processes, and studying
software cost estimation tools. In addition, the SEPG and the Chief Scientist
are now taking steps to establish an analytical basis for software
acquisition process improvement. For example, the SEPG and the Chief
Scientist intend to use the results of this GAO evaluation as the basis for
planning future software acquisition process improvement activities. Also,
the SEPG has begun to analyze the interrelationships among FAA’s various
process improvement activities, link the activities to strategic goals and
measurable outcomes, and explore ways to manage these activities in a
coordinated fashion. Further, the Chief Scientist intends to formalize the
results of these steps in a comprehensive plan of action, although no
schedule has been set for doing so.

However, none of these activities or steps, either individually or in the

aggregate, have yet resulted in more repeatable, better defined, more
disciplined ATC modernization software acquisition processes. In
interviews, product team and SEPG officials confirmed that the software
acquisition processes had not yet been improved. Instead, the activities
have begun to lay a foundation for potential process improvements in the

FAA has neither an effective management structure nor plan of action for
Conclusions improving its software acquisition processes. As a result, software
acquisition processes will remain immature and will not support effective,
efficient, and economical acquisition of mission-critical software costing
billions of dollars. Until responsibility and accountability for software
acquisition process improvement is assigned to an FAA organizational
entity with the requisite authority to affect process change, and until this
organizational entity pursues a plan for change based on a complete and
objective assessment of current process strengths and weaknesses, it is
unlikely that significant ATC modernization software acquisition process
improvements will be made, and ATC software acquisition processes will
remain immature.

Page 131 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 11

Overall Conclusions and Recommendations

Leading software acquisition organizations rely on defined and disciplined

software acquisition processes to deliver promised software capabilities
on time and within budget, first on a project-by-project basis, and later, as
the organization’s processes become more mature, consistently across the
institution. FAA’s ATC modernization software acquisition processes are ad
hoc and sometimes chaotic, and are not repeatable even on a
project-by-project basis. As a result, FAA’s success or failure in acquiring
ATC software depends largely on specific individuals, rather than on
well-defined and disciplined software acquisition management practices.
This greatly reduces the probability that software-intense ATC
modernization projects will consistently perform as intended and be
delivered on schedule and within budget. For FAA to mature beyond this
initial level, it must implement basic management controls and instill
self-discipline in its software projects.

FAA recognizes the importance of software process maturity and the need
to improve its software acquisition processes. However, it lacks an
effective management structure for accomplishing this because the FAA
organization responsible for process improvement, the SEPG, lacks the
authority to implement management controls and instill process discipline
within the ATC modernization software acquiring organizations.
Additionally, despite 4 years of FAA process improvement activity, no
well-targeted, comprehensive, and coordinated plan of action for software
acquisition process improvement exists.

Given the importance and the magnitude of information technology at FAA,

Recommendations we reiterate our recent recommendation that a CIO organizational structure
similar to the department-level CIOs as prescribed in the Clinger-Cohen Act
of 1996 be established for FAA.1

To improve FAA’s software acquisition capability for its ATC modernization

and thereby take the first step in institutionalizing mature acquisition
processes, we recommend that the Secretary of Transportation direct the
FAA Administrator to:

• assign responsibility for software acquisition process improvement to

• provide FAA’s CIO the authority needed to implement and enforce ATC
modernization software acquisition process improvement;

Air Traffic Control: Complete and Enforced Architecture Needed for FAA Systems Modernization
(GAO/AIMD-97-30, Feb. 3, 1997).

Page 132 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 11
Overall Conclusions and Recommendations

• require the CIO to develop and implement a comprehensive plan for ATC
modernization software acquisition process improvement that is based on
the software capability evaluation results contained in this report and
specifies measurable goals and time frames, prioritizes initiatives,
estimates resource requirements, and assigns roles and responsibilities;
• allocate adequate resources to ensure that these improvement efforts are
implemented and enforced; and
• require that, before being approved, every ATC modernization acquisition
project have software acquisition processes that satisfy at least SA-CMM
level 2 requirements.

In its written comments on a draft of this report, the Department of

Agency Comments Transportation recognized the importance of mature software acquisition
and Our Evaluation processes, agreed that FAA’s processes are insufficiently mature,
acknowledged that FAA process improvement activities have yet to
produce greater process discipline, and reaffirmed FAA’s commitment to
improving its software acquisition capabilities using the SA-CMM. However,
the Department did not state what, if any, specific action it would take on
our recommendations. Additionally, the Department expressed several
concerns, each of which is presented below, along with our rebuttal.

First, the Department stated that FAA does not separately procure software
for its ATC systems. Rather, it procures systems that use software as a
major component. Therefore, its policies and procedures (i.e., processes)
are “geared” to system acquisitions, and evaluating only the
software-related aspects of its acquisition processes “is not an adequate

GAO Rebuttal: All major system modernizations, like the ATC modernization,
involve the acquisition of hardware, software, and firmware operating
interdependently. However, as FAA’s own experience with the Advanced
Automation System clearly proves, the software component is the source
of most system risk, and the component most frequently associated with
late deliveries, cost increases, and performance shortfalls. Moreover, there
is widespread recognition throughout the computer industry that the
billions of dollars being invested in complex, real-time, fault tolerant
systems, like FAA ATC systems, are jeopardized by inadequate management
attention to software in general, and undisciplined, ill-defined software
acquisition and development processes in particular. This is precisely why
SEI developed its software-related CMMs, why the CMMs have been endorsed
and accepted throughout industry and government, and why the scope of

Page 133 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 11
Overall Conclusions and Recommendations

this evaluation focused on software acquisition processes rather than on

broader systems issues. Further, the FAA system acquisition policies and
procedures that the Department references do not explicitly or adequately
address software issues. For example, they do not address
software-specific acquisition planning for such KPAs as contract tracking
and oversight, requirements development and management, and risk
management. Additionally, they do not provide for measuring and
verifying the performance of software-specific acquisition activities.

Second, the Department commented that the SA-CMM “is not widely used,
adopted, or validated” and, while it has “significant merit, it is certainly not
to be taken as the same authoritative source for process improvement
guidance as the SW-CMM,2 which has been in use worldwide by thousands of
organizations for several years.”

GAO Rebuttal: This position is clearly inconsistent with the Department’s

and FAA’s stated commitment to using the SA-CMM as the basis for efforts to
improve FAA’s software acquisition capabilities. More important however is
that this position is without substance. The SA-CMM does not promulgate
original or novel concepts of debatable value. Instead, it presents as
requisite processes and practices those activities that common sense have
validated as essential to effective software acquisition. For example, it
requires disciplined requirements development and management,
solicitation, contract tracking and oversight, and evaluation. Our
evaluations have for years made the same points without rational dispute.
The SA-CMM simply provides a coherent framework and standard
terminology for these concepts. The findings in this report, which have
been corroborated by SEI, are compelling not because of the age of the
model used, but because the criticality of the processes and practices
examined is undeniable.

Third, the Department claimed that “GAO may have misapplied the model”
by (1) giving inadequate consideration to equivalent alternative practices
when determining whether SA-CMM specified practices were performed
(e.g., DSR system acquisition planning being judged as an insufficient proxy
for software acquisition planning specified in the SA-CMM), (2) not
effectively tailoring the SA-CMM to focus only on project activities that
occurred after the cancellation of the Advanced Automation System, and
(3) reporting evaluation results in a way that “does not create an
environment conducive to process improvement” (i.e., reporting the

SW-CMM is SEI’s software development capability maturity model.

Page 134 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 11
Overall Conclusions and Recommendations

results for each project, rather than either aggregating the results or
disguising the identity of the projects).

GAO Rebuttal: We applied the model properly and correctly, and SEI has
attested to this. Every member of our evaluation team was trained by SEI;
the team leader was an SEI designated “lead evaluator” and has been
authorized by SEI to submit results for inclusion in SEI studies; three senior
SEI professionals, two of whom are authors of the SA-CMM, participated in
the evaluation to ensure that the model was properly used; and SEI
concurred with each practice determination in the report (e.g., strength,
weakness). With respect to each of the Department’s subsidiary points
regarding our application of the model:

(1)During the course of extensive interviews with FAA designated officials,

no evidence of reasonable alternative practices was provided. If such
evidence had been provided, we would have considered it. For example,
when FAA provided a system acquisition plan for DSR as evidence of
software acquisition planning, we reviewed the document and found that it
was not a reasonable alternative practice because it did not adequately
address the software component of the acquisition.

(2)As agreed with SEI, those practices that were deemed inapplicable were
not rated, and those performed years ago were so designated. Moreover,
even if all practices predating the Advance Automation System’s
cancellation were ignored, none of our conclusions and recommendations
would change.

(3)The model and evaluation method do not specify any reporting format.
In particular, they do not address whether results should be reported for
each project, or whether the identity of the projects should be disguised or
results reported only in the aggregate. Given the mission-critical
importance and billion dollar cost of these projects, full disclosure of all
relevant facts to the Congress and the public is both warranted and

Fourth, concerning FAA’s software acquisition process improvement

efforts, the Department stated that the report does not sufficiently
appreciate the “progress made to date, the difficulties involved in
achieving that progress, and the time that it takes for . . . changes of
this . . . magnitude.” Specifically, the many efforts underway are not a
“hodge podge” of activities, but are “a very healthy sign of the seriousness
and enthusiasm” that FAA assigns to process improvement and are

Page 135 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 11
Overall Conclusions and Recommendations

“organized with respect to specific directorate objectives.” Also, since

FAA’s process improvement activities have been underway for less than 2
years, it is too early to expect results.

GAO Rebuttal: The Department’s position that FAA’s many process

improvement activities are not a “hodge podge,” but rather are part of an
organized and coordinated comprehensive plan of action, is not supported
by the facts. While FAA began drafting a plan during the course of our
evaluation, it had no schedule for finalizing this plan, and no analytical
basis for the software acquisition process improvement activities
underway. Just as its software acquisition processes lack maturity and
discipline, so do its efforts to improve these processes. Claims that FAA has
been engaged in software improvement efforts for less than 2 years, and
thus it is too early to evaluate results, are also unsupported. In fact,
software acquisition process maturity and improvement efforts began in
1993. Since SEI published statistics show that the median time to improve
from SW-CMM level 1 to level 2 is 26 months, and from SW-CMM level 2 to level
3 is 17 months, it is entirely reasonable to expect FAA to be able to
demonstrate some improvement in its processes after 4 years.

Fifth, while the report states that the SEPG has neither the organizational
nor the budgetary authority to effectively implement process change, the
Department stated that its “understanding . . . is that organizations do not
normally give their SEPG authority over product teams.” In FAA’s case, the
SEPG provides advice and counsel to the Software Engineering Executive
Committee, which consists of senior managers who have authority and
responsibility to direct process improvement actions. The SEPG is the
committee’s agent for implementing these improvements.

GAO Rebuttal: The issue is not whether FAA’s SEPG is organized as the
Department “understands” other SEPGs to be organized, but whether the
SEPG, or any FAA organizational entity responsible for implementing and
enforcing software process change, has the authority needed to
accomplish this task. Currently, no organizational entity in FAA has the
requisite authority. Accordingly, we have recommended that a CIO
organizational structure similar to the department-level CIOs prescribed in
the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 be established for FAA, and that it be
assigned the responsibility and resources needed to affect and enforce
software acquisition process improvement.

Page 136 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Chapter 11
Overall Conclusions and Recommendations

Sixth, the Department contends that the report “leads the reader to
erroneously conclude that the five programs reviewed are in trouble”
relative to their cost and schedule goals.

GAO Rebuttal: The report addresses the maturity of FAA’s software

acquisition processes and concludes that these processes are ad hoc and
undisciplined, reducing the probability that software-intense ATC
modernization projects will consistently perform as intended and be
delivered on schedule and within budget. The report does not address the
overall status of the projects covered by GAO’s review, and, therefore,
provides no basis for drawing conclusions about the projects’ overall cost
and schedule performance.

Page 137 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Appendix I

Comments From the Department of


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Appendix I
Comments From the Department of

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Appendix I
Comments From the Department of

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Appendix I
Comments From the Department of

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Appendix I
Comments From the Department of

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Appendix I
Comments From the Department of

Page 143 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

Appendix II

Major Contributors to This Report

Randolph C. Hite, Senior Assistant Director

Accounting and Keith A. Rhodes, Technical Director
Information Leonard J. Latham, Technical Assistant Director
Management Division, Suzanne M. Burns, Senior Information Systems Analyst
Madhav S. Panwar, Senior ADP/Telecommunications Analyst
Washington, D.C. Ira S. Sachs, Senior Information Systems Analyst

(511487) Page 144 GAO/AIMD-97-47 Air Traffic Control

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