OYM Bulletin 2010 June 27
OYM Bulletin 2010 June 27
OYM Bulletin 2010 June 27
The Church of the Good Shepherd
Our Vision:
Inspired by Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, we are a
caring congregation tending to the spiritual well-being of one
another and reaching out to help others in the community
and the world beyond.
Our Mission:
To bring to life the teachings of Jesus Christ and to serve as
faithful stewards of God’s creation.
Our Values:
Caring and compassion, respect, welcoming, love, mission
and service, freedom to question,
growth in life-changing faith and joy.
Our Prayer:
That God will bless you to be a blessing to others.
*This symbol > invites us to stand as we are able.
*Wherever you find bold text please join in.
Loving and merciful God,
we confess we have not lived
honestly before the world.
We have presented a false picture
of who you really are.
Gracious God, this is often because
we do not see you clearly ourselves.
Change our hearts, O God.
Let us live lives that follow our Saviour
so the world may see you more clearly
and come to know you more dearly.
May we live only to make your name great.
Assurance of Forgiveness
The psalmist reminds us that the Lord is merciful, slow to
get angry and filled with unwavering love. God’s grace
means God does not deal with us according to what we
deserve. For as the heavens are high above the earth,
so great is God’s gracious love toward those who honour
God; as far as the east is from the west, so far God
removes our sin from us. Friends, this is remarkable!
Thanks be to God!
Family Time
Music Notes
Derrick Lewis
OYM Nursery –
Alexandra Graham,
Owen Sondermeyer,
Parker Sondermeyer
Heather Hall,
Peter Hall,
Andy Noakes,
Tom Noakes,
Rebecca Sondermeyer,
Quinn Sondermeyer
The Food Bank (at Lansing United church) sees more than 1,500
people per month.
You will find wooden boxes under the table by the doors. They
are checked regularly.
The Action Plan is available for pick-up from the information table in
the Narthex.