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First United Presbyterian Church

5th Sunday in Lent

April 10, 2011
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

(*Please stand in body or in spirit)

Thought for Meditation: Lazarus is dead, and Jesus weeps with compassion. Approached by Martha
and Mary, he translates concern into action. He goes to the tomb and from thence Lazarus steps forth.
The one who was dead is unbound and set free. Jesus’ ministry abounds with accounts of those
likewise freed from bondage. He was and continues to be a merciful high priest on behalf of God’s

We Gather In God’s Name

PRELUDE Melodie M. Moszkowski

Words of Welcome and Signing of Friendship Pads

Please add your name to the pad you will find at the end of each pew and pass it along your row so that we
can know each other by name.

*Call to Worship From Psalm 130

Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to the voice of
my supplications!
If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with
you, so that you may be revered.
Hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and great power to redeem.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits; and in the word of the Lord I hope.
Let us worship God!

*Hymn - #83 O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High DEO GRACIAS

Call to Confession

Remember that our Lord Jesus can sympathize with us in our weaknesses, since in every respect he
was tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with boldness approach the throne of grace, that
we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Let us confess our sins against God and
our neighbor.

Prayer of Confession

You called us to life in the Spirit, yet we seek to satisfy the flesh. We call you gracious, yet we
practice greed. We praise you with our lips, O God, yet we do not honor you in our lives.
Discontent consumes us as we yearn for still more things. We know that to live by your grace
promises inheritance of new life. Redeem our enslavement to corruptible desires, that we may
by worthy to be called righteous in Christ.
~ Silent prayers ~

The Gift of Forgiveness

Paul declares that if the Spirit of God dwells in us, the one who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will
give life to our mortal bodies through God’s Spirit which dwells in us. For all who are led by the Spirit of
God are children of God. Believe this word of promise and walk in newness of life.

Thanks be to God! In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!

Since God has forgiven us in Jesus Christ, let us forgive one another.
The peace of Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
Worshippers are invited to greet one another with the words,
“The peace of Christ be with you.”

We Proclaim God’s Word

Time for Children

Children may now leave for church school.

Anthem My Song is Love Unknown John Ireland

My song is love unknown, my Savior’s love to me,

Love to the loveless shown that they might lovely be.
O who am I that for my sake my Lord should take frail flesh, and die?

Christ came from heaven’s throne salvation to bestow,

But people scorned and none the longed-for Christ would know.
But oh my Friend, my Friend indeed, who at my need His life did spend!

Here might I stay and sing, no story so divine:

Never was love, dear King, never was grief like Thine.
This is my Friend, in whose sweet praise I all my days could gladly spend.

Prayer of Illumination

Scripture Lessons

Old Testament Lesson Ezekiel 37:1-14 O.T. page 806

Epistle Lesson Romans 8:6-11 N.T. page 157
Gospel Lesson John 11:1-45 N.T. page 104
Sermon “Death and Life”

*Hymn You, O Christ, are Resurrection BEACH SPRING

Tune: The sacred Harp, 1844 Text: Copyright © 2011 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All Rights Reserved.
CHAPTER III - Of God, His Unity and Trinity

GOD IS ONE. We believe and teach that God is one in essence or nature, subsisting in himself,
all sufficient in himself, invisible, incorporeal, immense, eternal, Creator of all things both
visible and invisible, the greatest good, living, quickening and preserving all things, omnipotent
and supremely wise, kind and merciful, just and true. Truly we detest many gods because it is
expressly written: "The Lord your God is one Lord" (Deut. 6:4). "I am the Lord your God. You
shall have no other gods before me" (Ex. 20:2-3). "I am the Lord, and there is no other god
besides me. Am I not the Lord, and there is no other God beside me? A righteous God and a
Savior; there is none besides me" (Isa. 45:5, 21). "The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and
gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness" (Ex. 34:6).

GOD IS THREE. Notwithstanding we believe and teach that the same immense, one and
indivisible God is in person inseparably and without confusion distinguished as Father, Son
Holy Spirit so, as the Father has begotten the Son from eternity, the Son is begotten by an
ineffable generation, and the Holy Spirit truly proceeds from them both, and the same from
eternity and is to be worshipped with both.

Thus there are not three gods, but three persons, consubstantial, coeternal, and coequal;
distinct with respect to hypostases, and with respect to order, the one preceding the other yet
without any inequality. For according to the nature or essence they are so joined together that
they are one God, and the divine nature is common to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We Respond to God’s Word
Sharing Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer

Offering Our Gifts and Ourselves

Offertory Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley American Spiritual

First United Men’s Quartet

Jesus walked this lonesome valley,

He had to walk it by Himself;
O, nobody else could walk it for Him,
He had to walk it by Himself.

We must walk this lonesome valley,

We have to walk it by ourselves;
O, nobody else can walk it for us,
We have to walk it by ourselves.

You must go and stand your trial,

You have to stand it by yourself,
O, nobody else can stand it for you,
You have to stand it by yourself.
*Response – Sing the Faith #2195 In the Lord, I’ll Be Ever Thankful

*Prayer of Dedication

O God, as Jesus released Lazarus from the hands of death, may our ministry give to others the
promise of new life. Accept the gifts that we offer to proclaim your love. Use our talents in
ways that will set others free. May the liberating truth of Christ’s gospel be heard anew in the
land. Amen.

*Hymn - #535 Go With Us, Lord TALLIS’ CANON

Sung all together once; then sung as a round beginning with “sanctuary side” of congregation, followed
by “piano” side

We Go in God’s Name
*Charge and Blessing

All are invited to the Fellowship Hall for a time of fellowship and refreshment.

The flowers this morning are given by Jane and John Husson, to the glory of God and in celebration of
the life of their friend Rick Adams.

Today’s reader: Sue Steele

Upcoming Readers:
April 17 – Debbie Brown April 24 – Dana Parker

Next Week’s Sermon Topic:

April 17th – “Hosanna!” Scriptures: Matthew 21:1-11; Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29

Prayers of the People – April 3, 2011

• Please pray for Frank from K&L as he has had surgery and is having several physical problems
• Please pray for Rose Alexander as she recovers from surgery on Thursday the 7th.

Welcome To First United! It is a joy that you have chosen to enrich this worshipping community with
your presence this morning. We hope you find a spiritual home here, a place of love, support and
service. Following worship, you are cordially invited to gather with the community for a time of
refreshment and conversation in Fellowship Hall.

Special Thanks to our Coffee Hour Hosts for April!

April 10 – Don Lutz April 24 – Easter Brunch
April 17 – Food Fair May 1 – NEEDS A HOST!!!
Please sign up and share in creating our fellowship time. Questions? Call or write Betsy Belle Eadie –
283-1624 / BetsyEadie@aol.com

Interfaith Story Circle - Children at the Well is a project of the Interfaith Story Circle of the Tri-City
area. The story circle meets monthly, and everyone is always welcome. Our next meeting is going to be
led by the Children at the well interns- the older kids. You'd all be welcome, and if there's enough time
in the evening, they'll open up the floor for whoever would like to tell a story. It will be at the Hubbard
Interfaith Sanctuary, College of St. Rose, Thursday April 14th 6:30 to 8:30.
The Rensselaer County CROP walk will be held on May 1st, starting at the TAUM offices (392 Second
St., Troy - at 2nd and Jackson). The walk raises money for the Rensselaer County Food Pantries and
for Church World Service Programs, including disaster relief. Registration is at 12:30 and the walk
begins at 1:30. Any interest in walking? See Martha Juenger to pick up a pledge sheet. If you
wouldn’t like to walk but WOULD like to make a pledge to this great cause, you may catch us in the
fellowship hall every Sunday after the service during the month of April. FUPC usually raises $1000 -
let’s try and surpass that goal!!!
Bible Study Every Wednesday Night at 6:30: Bible Study conducted by Interim Pastor Jacquelyn
Pinkowski in the Rose Room. The focus will be on the scriptures for the following Sunday’s scripture
“A Walk in the Woods: Backpacking Through Creation”, w/
Rev. Kent Busman, Thurs.-Sun., April 28-May 1, Join other pilgrims on this challenging journey through
the Western Adirondack Wilderness. $250. Reg. deadline: April 13, 2011
“Adding Strength, Speed & Balance to Your Congregation”, w/
C. Jeff Woods, Clifton Park Center Baptist Church , Thurs. & Fri., May 12 & 13, 9am-4pm, Explore
components of healthy congregational identity and visioning with this national consultant from Alban
Institute. $85 each day by April 26; $95 thereafter. Cost for both days together: $165. Reg. deadline:
April 14, 2011
Register online at www.capitalrtc.org or by phone at 518-462-2470. Watch our website for information
on these and many other courses available in 2011. Scholarships and group discounts available for
most classes; please contact us for an application.

Maundy Thursday – April 21st

Please RSVP to the church office if you plan to attend the Fellowship time before the service.


Maundy Thursday Choral Cantata – The Chancel Choir of First United will present a choral cantata
service on Maundy Thursday, April 21, at 7 pm. Entitled Colors of Grace, this meditative work by
Joseph Martin is based on familiar hymns such as “What Wondrous Love is This” and “Go to Dark
Gethsemane.” The cantata will be sung in the fellowship hall, accompanied by piano, violin, and
percussion, augmented by a variety of visual elements. Communion will be served.
Music Together – Music Together is starting their Spring Semester. They are offering classes on
Mondays at 9:30 AM, 4:30 PM, and 6 PM. Classes start on April 11th and will continue for 10 weeks.
For more information contact Carol Jurs at (518) 393-9580 or check out their website at

April Faith Ed classes will be held on April 3rd and 10th. Children will remain in worship on April 17th and
April 24th.

The children of the church invite you to participate in helping them put together hygiene kits, as “a way
to reach disaster survivors and those in need with the hope of Christ”. This program is encouraged by
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, through Church World Service. During the month of April we will be
collecting the following items for the kits: bar of soap (bath size in wrapper), toothpaste in original
packing, washcloth, wide tooth comb, nail clipper (no metal files or emery boards), hand towel 16” x 28”
(no fingertip or bath towels), and 6 bandages. We will also need one gallon size zip lock bags to pack
the individual kits in. We will have a container available to collect these items in the Fellowship Hall.
Then during the month of May we will share some fellowship time putting these kits together. Anything
that you can contribute will be much appreciated!

April 17 – RAISE OUR ROOF, Food Fair! This is a benefit for the church’s roof fund. The theme is
“Family Favorites”. After worship there will be a variety of different foods available to purchase and eat!
Prices are $5 for individual grazing rights and $10 for families. Grazing rights will allow you to choose
whatever food you would like for your meal. Some food will be available by individual pricing. Each
family is asked to provide either a main dish, salad, side dish, dessert or beverage for the food fair.
Please sign up after worship this morning.


April 10th - Fire! What comes to mind when you hear that word? No one wants to think about every
having a fire. Yet, fires still take place. Can we give thanks in the midst of the damage caused by the
fire? What did you think of when you heard that First United had a fire? We think that our place of
worship is a sacred space and should be spared the destruction of a fire. Yet, we did have a fire on
Saturday, March 26. Join us on Sunday during Adult Ed to share how we feel and what has been
accomplished since the fire. . Though the area is closed, we do have pictures to help you see the
damage and to give thanks that there was not more damage.

FUPC Remains a NUT FREE FACILITY: First United has been a Nut Free Building for quite some
time. It is especially important as a new child will be joining Unity Sunshine Pre-School that has an
AIRBORNE NUT ALLERGY TO ALL TYPES OF NUTS. Please continue to be mindful that the pre-
school uses our kitchen. Thank you for your support in keeping the building a safe environment for the
children who use our facility.
Prayers of the People There is a prayer journal at the back of the sanctuary where you may record
prayer requests to be included during the prayers of the people.
Wear A Name Tag as a sign of warm welcome for newcomers. If you do not have one, or need a
replacement, please make a note on one of the bright orange flyers at the rear of the sanctuary.
The Deacons thank those who are contributing $1 each week to the work of the Deacons. It is greatly
appreciated as we work to help others. You can either use the gold & white envelope in the pew rack
or make a special designation in your pledge envelope for this important Deacons fund.
Deacons remind you of the Care Notes in the rack at the back of the Sanctuary. Care Notes are
pamphlets dealing with topics including grief, illness, anger management and concerns with teens and
children. We encourage you to use them for yourself, your family, friends, or other individuals who
might derive some benefit from them.
Parking for Worship is available in the large lot behind the Gurley Building at the corner of Sixth
Avenue and Fulton Street or in the small lot on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Fulton Street and also
along Fifth Avenue. Please note: The parking spaces in the alley on the Grand Street side of the
sanctuary are private parking spaces that belong to Franklin Plaza. Please do not park there.
FUPC’s parking lot (Monday – Friday) – if you visit the church during business hours, please do NOT
park in the parking lot! Our parking spaces are reserved for the staff of FUPC and its tenants from 8:30
am until 5 pm Mon. through Thurs.
For families with children: Childcare during worship for children through age 4 is available in the
nursery located between the sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall. Please pick your child up as you leave
the sanctuary for fellowship and refreshments. The Respite Room, at the rear of the sanctuary on the
south side, is available for parents or caregivers of infants who may need a brief time away of worship.
Food Donations for the Troy Larger Parish: There is always a basket for food donations for the Troy
Larger Parish Food Pantry on your way into church. And if you would rather, cash buys more food from
the Regional Food bank. Empty your change into the jars at either sanctuary door.

Bulletin Announcements: Reminder - All announcements for the bulletin should be submitted to the
church office by 9 AM Wednesday each week. Announcements will be highlighted by the reader in
worship, but there will not be time for individuals to make announcements during worship. If an
announcement does not make it into the bulletin, please speak to the reader before worship so that he
or she may include it in the oral announcements for that day.
Newsletter Announcements: The deadline for submission to the Vision Newsletter is the 17th of
every month.
Updating of information from Congregation: Due to information being returned to our offices or
information not received because email addresses have changed, we need to update our records.
Please submit your updated email address and physical address to info@unitedprestroy.org or by
calling (518) 272-2771.

The word "Helvetic" is Latin for "Swiss." The setting of the Second Helvetic Confession is Swiss-
German Reformed Protestantism.

After the great Reformer Ulrich Zwingli died in battle in 1531, Heinrich Bullinger succeeded him as
minister of the church in Zurich. Bullinger was a model Reformed minister. A preacher, he expounded
Scripture at least twice a week. A scholar, he wrote Latin commentaries on many books of the Old
Testament and on every book of the New Testament except Revelation. An educator, he initiated a
system of schools for Zurich and was rector of the Carolinum, a theological academy. A person with
ecumenical and political concerns, he was in correspondence with leaders of the Reformation and with
rulers throughout Europe. A pastor, he welcomed religious refugees into his own home. When the
plague swept through Zurich in 1564, he insisted upon ministering to the afflicted, even though he knew
he might become infected and die.

In 1561, Bullinger composed the document that later became known as the Second Helvetic
Confession. He intended to attach it to his last will and testament to the Zurich church, but events in
Germany soon brought it into the public arena.

The publication of the Heidelberg Catechism created trouble for the man who had ordered its
preparation. Lutherans considered it too Reformed in spirit, and they demanded that Frederick the
Elector, governor of the Palatinate, be brought to trial for heresy. Not a theologian himself, Frederick
turned to Bullinger, who offered Frederick this confession as the basis for his defense. When the
Imperial Diet, the ruling body of Germany, met for trial in 1566, Frederick was exonerated.

Meanwhile, the churches of Switzerland adopted Bullinger's confession as their new confession of faith.
Soon finding wide acceptance throughout Europe and beyond, it was translated into French, English,
Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Italian, Arabic, and Turkish.

Reflecting the theological maturity of the Reformed churches, the Second Helvetic Confession is
moderate in tone and catholic in spirit. From the opening paragraphs it emphasizes the church and its
life and affirms the authority of the Scriptures for the church's government and reformation. By including
an article on predestination, the confession asks the church to trust in God's free and gracious election
of its membership in Jesus Christ. At the same time, the confession addresses the practical life of the
gathered community, detailing matters of worship, church order and conflict, ministry, the sacraments,
and marriage.

Sunday, April 10
9:00 AM Chancel Choir Rehearsal Fellowship Hall
10:00 AM Worship Fellowship Hall
11:00 AM Refreshments Fellowship Hall
11:30 PM Adult Education Rose Room
7:30 PM NA Group Meeting Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, April 12
3:45 PM Troy Children’s Chorus Rose Room
7:15 PM Faith Education Meeting Rose Room

Wednesday, April 13
5:00 PM MLMT Meeting Rose Room
6:30 PM Bible Study Rose Room

Thursday, April 14
4:00 PM Fa-Fin-Stew Meeting Rose Room
7:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal Rose Room

Saturday, April 16
10:00 AM AA Meeting 2nd Floor

Sunday, April 17
9:00 AM Chancel Choir Rehearsal Fellowship Hall
10:00 AM Worship Fellowship Hall
11:00 AM Refreshments Fellowship Hall
11:30 AM Adult Education Rose Room
7:30 PM NA Group Meeting Fellowship Hall
The First United Presbyterian Church of Troy
1915 Fifth Avenue, Troy, New York 12180
Phone: (518) 272-2771 / Fax: (518) 266-9483
E-mail: info@unitedprestroy.org / www.unitedprestroy.org
Office hours Monday thru Thursday, 9 AM to 2 PM

Where People with Differences Unite in Christ

Our Mission Statement
Together, we worship God through Christ and explore all dimensions of life in the Spirit;
To demonstrate God’s inclusive love, we seek to heal wounds and care for God’s creation;
To serve God in the world, we work for peace and justice.
Our Statement of Inclusive Ministry
We invite all people of every background, condition, and orientation
into the full fellowship, ministry and mission of God’s Good News in Jesus Christ.
All who join the church are extended the full privileges of membership,
are challenged to lead lives of Christian discipleship,
and are eligible to be considered for church office.
First United Presbyterian Church Officers for 2011, 2012 & 2013
The Session
Moderator - The Reverend Jacquelyn Pinkowski
Class of 2011: Debbie Brown, Sue Steele, Courtney Savaria, Karen Harpe
Class of 2012: John Buckley, Pat Carlson, Peg Drew, Chandlee Gill
Class of 2013: David Lanoue, Bonnie McCaig, Dan Rogers, Trudi Wybourn

The Board of Deacons

Class of 2011: Martha Juenger, Don Lutz,
Marsha Mintz-Botsford, Pat Rudebush
Class of 2012: Bob Harrington, Bonnie Kerr, Carol Harrington, Claudia Schwendeman
Class of 2013: Shirley Bowes, Steven Paul Bowes II, Dana Parker, Shirley Street
Pastor: Jacquelyn Pinkowski
Minister of Music: Maury A. Castro
Coordinator of Educational Ministries: Leslie M. Kelly
Financial Analyst: Carlie D’Annunzio
Administrative Assistant: Carla Fisk
Troy Children’s Chorus Accompanist Intern: Maria Elmer

For pastoral emergencies call (518) 279-7401 or (406)794-9360

or email Jackie@unitedprestroy.org

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