Guidelines For Group On Clean India

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Topic: Ensuring Hygiene, Waste Management and Sanitation across India

I. You PPT content may cover:

(1) The issue and its importance
(2) Some statistics highlighting lack of cleanliness in India (e.g. quantum of
untreated solid waste, Number of toilets, Open defecation etc.)
(3) The reasons for current situation (or causes of poor hygiene)
(4) Basics of the major policy initiative namely Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (or Clean
India Mission) Its objectives, strategy, achievements and challenges, major issues
and challenges facing the programme etc.
(5) Where does the problem of waste management fit into the Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan? Does the programme address the problem of waste management
effectively? If so, how (give the details about the policy instruments/action plan)
(6) List the arguments for and against Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
[After presenting this, ask the class to take a stand on the mission. Then,
seek suggestions from the class to address/resolve the weaknesses of the
programme (i.e. disadvantages of the programme). We will have a short
discussion surrounding these two aspects]
(7) Once this above discussion is over, present your groups independent policy
solution to address the problem of lack of hygiene, waste management system
and sanitation in India. That is, you are required to formulate an independent
policy strategy to address the issue) using (a) the PPT on policy formulation
and policy implementation (attached with the email) and (b) the readings
attached with the email, in particular those covering international
experiences such as Singapore to prepare your policy proposal.
Once you present the solution there will be a discussion and conclusion on
the same.

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