The Woodleighan Summer 2010

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wo o d l e i g h a n
Issue 6 - Summer 2010
FREDDIE BRADLEY Made out of paper and painted by Freddie Bradley (Year 2), this is a monster based on a
BLUE HEAD (above) character from the film ‘Where the Wild Things are.’
painting, 50 x 30 cm 2010

2 | the woodleighan | No. 6 | Summer term

The Historical Society reveals all


Year 7&8 excavate Woodleigh


Year 6 visit Fountains Abbey

Woodleigh Photography club winner


A Country & Western theme


Skateboarding arrives in the courtyard


Features on sport this year


Photography from the Woodleigh Flickr

Summer term | No. 6| the woodleighan | 3

Woodleigh’s history re

THIS term, Rory Selvey, George Craw- England and some of the other staff, pres- ber docks, but because of the war in 1939,
ford, Zac Woolley and Beau Wyatt have entations to the school and the parents on Woodleigh moved to Firby Hall.
become very interested in the history of the open day and lectures to pupils Lang- After the war, in 1946, the school
the school, and have founded the Histori- ton Primary School. made its final move to its current destina-
cal Society in order to find out more infor- In 1929 Woodleigh was founded in tion - Langton Hall. This is in a fantastic
mation. This is what they have found out Hessle, near Hull. It was founded by setting in the countryside
so far, written by Rory Selvey. Arthur and Barbara England, grandpar- Since Arthur England, his son, Robin,
The society has been doing things to ents of the current Mr England. Origi- and his grandson, Mr England, have be-
learn more and to spread the word about nally the school had only eight pupils. come headmasters of the school.
the history such as interviews with Mr The school was very close to the Hum- In 1992, the Friends of Woodleigh,
4 | the woodleighan | No. 6 | Summer term
time, achieving great goals and producing
amazingly happy people.
The Historical Society have been re-
searching a mysterious object discovered
on the school site.
When the old IT room was demolished
in 2002 Mr England found a old sun dial
on the roof of it. When he found it, it was
slightly pink, which suggests it is nickel
FOW, was founded as an organisation to with a bit of silver. It is thought to of been
raise money for the school. It has done a made by a prisoner of war who was here
huge amount of work, making everyday during World War 2.
life as a child, teacher and parent much Mr England thinks it was either
easier. dropped or left there on purpose. Mr
Over its time, Woodleigh has grown Tolkien posted a photo of it on,
hugely in popularity, extent and recogni- hoping to find out what it is. There were
tion in the local community. several comments and in the end it was
Pupils have lived happily at Woodleigh most likely to be a Universal equinoctial
over the years as it has progressed through ring dial.
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Ryedale Special Families SCHOOL COUNCIL
2009 - 2010

ON SATURDAY 13th June Ryedale Spe- football.

l Sponsored fancy dress bike ride

cial Families came to Woodleigh to do

some activities lead by James Bulmer.
After that we went on a treasure hunt,
which was made by year sevens in I.T.
l Meet and greet session with
Ryedale Special Families
First we introduced ourselves and told they were off like a pack of horses, read-
them what would be happening that day.
Afterwards we gave them a quick tour of
ing clue after clue, not waiting for the rest
of us. Finally we had finished the treasure
l Raffle to raise money for skate-
boarding master-class for all pupils
the outside of the school. They loved the hunt and we went back into the reading and equipment
trampoline. room for drink and biscuits
Then we gave them a guided tour
around the grounds of Woodleigh, they
Then we had a music session. A few
students demonstrated the instruments,
l Speeches in special assemblies to
highlight the work of the School
really enjoyed seeing all of the surround- Charles Saunders on trumpet, Jonty Meg- Council
ings of our environment and they were all ginson on trombone and James Bulmer
amazed at the sight of the tree house.
Then (because we had prepared one
on flute.
Next we let them have a go on the in-
l Deciding on the ideal end of
Summer term school trip
for them) they did a treasure hunt all struments. “The school was alive with
around school. After they had finished
that they had a music session and some
music, literally.” Fred Austin said.
I think this experience was excellent
l Fund-raising for seals protection at
Scarborough Sea Life centre.
instruments were demonstrated. because it got us to meet people who are
The most popular instrument was
the drums as basically everyone wanted
different from us and it is a brilliant way
to meet new friends.
l Deciding on the subject for this
year’s themed week - local history
to have a go on them. After some drinks When they were about to leave, the
and biscuits we took them back outside
again and a majority of them went on the
School Council cried three cheers. I think
it was a great experience for both them
l Designing a questionnaire for pu-
pils on school improvements
trampoline and a minority of them played and us.
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Charles Saunders hits the right note

CHARLES Saunders, year 8, won a music carried out a listening test and sang to the Later that month Charles also sat an
exhibition and an academic exhibition to judges as well. academic scholarship exam to Radley. He
Radley College in Oxfordshire. Charles was asked many questions by took a wide range of exams that lasted
Firstly, Charles travelled down to Ra- the panel to find out his interests and fin- three days. He really enjoyed having the
dley with his trumpet, playing two pre- ished with an interview with the warden. opportunity to stay at Radley and was very
pared pieces, one unprepared piece and He was overjoyed with his result and Mrs excited with his overall result. Charles
also improvising with jazz and blues to Naylor said “It was a great achievement was presented with an Old Woodleighans’
the experienced panel of musicians. He well deserved”. tie for his achievements.

French year seven meals are miam-miam


PUPILS in year 7 have been working hard cheese from all parts of France, discussing During Open Day, Year 7 also organ-
in French lessons to develop their abili- them in French and writing brief notes on ised a French cafe. The menu contained
ties in spoken and written French. One their opinions, ranging from ‘délicieux’ to delicious croissants, pain au chocolat and
of their recent topics was food and shop- ‘je n’aime pas ça’! a lovely bredele and brioche to eat.
ping, so their teacher, Madame Downey, The most popular cheese was Brie, To drink there was a choice of coffee,
decided to let them experience genuine which many of the pupils had first tasted chocolate chaud or jus de pomme. The
French cheeses for themselves. During during their stay in Rouen last October, cafe was a great success and we always
the hour-long ‘dégustation’, they tasted and the least popular by far was Roque- had a stream of people to serve.
and learnt about ten different varieties of fort.
Summer term | No. 6| the woodleighan | 7
Fancy dress bike ride TOp OUTFITS
l 14 different Santa outfits
DURING December Woodleigh did a ing to ensure no crashing at the corners!)
l Year Seven dressing up as
cheer-leaders. Even the boys.
fancy dress bike ride to raise money for
Ryedale Special families. The event was
Luckily though there were only some mi-
nor cuts and scrapes.
l Cinderella
arranged by the school council.
Among the Santas and cheerleaders
The event raised over £1000 pounds
for Ryedale special families with both
l Spiderman
there was also a chavvy Cinderella, a boy parts of the school doing it and an esti-
scout and whole other variety of animals. mate was that combined we crossed the l Woody from Toy Story
Everyone looked forward to the bike
ride in the morning and could not wait to
channel twice!
We handed the large check to a Ryedale
l Superman
get started. Before the bike ride there was special families representative the follow-
a picture taken for the Gazette and Her- ing day.
ald who also wrote an article about the Everyone put a lot of effort into it and
event. the Ryedale Special Families were very
The teacher counted the number of pleased with the money raised.
laps completed. Some pupils managed to There were some amazing costumes
completed over 100 laps. Ryan Donaghy for the bike ride. For example, Woody
raised the most sponsorship money. from Toy Story, Superman, Reindeers,
One of the largest combined costume Rugby superstars, Spiderman, ghosts,
efforts was by the year 7 boys who all many Father Christmases and a power
dressed up as cheerleaders. ranger.
The whole, almost shambolic, cycle The School Council had worked very
route was up and around the drive, (try- hard to organise the event.
8 | the woodleighan | No. 6 | Summer term
Exotic animals visit school

BEFORE Easter a lady called Fiona came omous ones.

and showed us a lot of animals from They were based in the reading room
snakes to spiders and cockroaches to rats so they could use the giant screen. They
rabbits to guinea-pigs. used the giant screen to tell us all about
We all found it really fun trying to the animals and have a quiz at the end of
identify all the different types of animals. the show.
They let us see amazing things like gi- I was surprised at the size of the cages
ant African millipedes, frogs, snakes and and hoped that they were just their travel-
huge black tarantulas. ling ones.
They also showed us some rabbits and Emily Breese said “I loved holding the
rats and mice. The rabbits were really rabbit it was very cute and very friendly”
soft. There were also lots of snakes and Abbie Cowton said “I loved watching
other reptiles. the tarantula it was very funny to watch
Unfortunately we weren’t allowed to and quite scary. ”
hold the really venomous ones but the Ida Hudson said “I loved the snake it
ones we were allowed to hold, the corn was very cute and funny.”
snakes, were so slimy we didn’t really Ellie Stone said “I love the chinchilla
want to hold any more of them. because it is fluffy and I want one of my
They were very scaly as well but the own at home.”
colours on them were so fantastic we Guy Scothern said “I liked the Guin-
would rather just look at the really ven- ea-pig because I used to have one.
Summerterm No.46|| the woodleighan | 9
World Book Day

WOODLEIGH held yet another success- Tardis failed to re-materialise.

ful “World Book Day” at the start of the Charlotte Austin said, “It was really
year. fun, better than last year. I think that my
There were lots of book characters costume was really good and I enjoyed
and also movie characters such as “Harry making it with my mum.”
Potter” and “Doctor Who”. There were She dressed up as Little Red Riding
also some fairytale characters’ like “Little Hood from Little Red Riding Hood and
Red Riding Hood”. the Big Bad Wolf.
Everyone tried their hardest at mak- No-one knows who dressed up as
ing their costumes as good as they could the Big Bad Wolf, who crept around the
be. Most costumes were hand made. school before disappearing into the staff
Everybody deserved a prize. Many of room at break.
the costumes were magnificent. Some of The whole day was a great success and
the teachers dressed up too! thank you to all the staff of Woodleigh for
This was one of the best world book putting it on.
days ever! Charlie Procter said, “It was William Bradley, aka Harry Potter,
fantastic, the best world book day ever.” said “ I loved it this year!”
Charlie dressed up as the fourth doc- Ben Hudson, Luke Skywalker said,
tor (Tom Baker) from Doctor Who. Char- “The best part about it was seeing every-
lie is currently unaccounted for after his body’s costumes.”
10 | the woodleighan | No. 6 | Summer term
Ben’s Year of Wildlife

THIS SPRING I have been following finding a lot more food then they would
the wild life around Woodleigh and have in a normal Spring, and our goldfinches
found some amazing stuff, but one of the are having such a good Spring that they
main highlights of this Spring was the are having another brood. They have
Goldfinch family. built a new nest in the yew hedges near
This year they started to build their the court. I know this is the same family
nest in late March. They laid five eggs in as the last brood because the male has a
early May and by the end of May all five damaged wing but can still fly.
chicks fledged and left the parents. There also are a lot of rook’s nests
But that doesn’t always happen often around Woodleigh School. There is one
a brood of five would only have one or rook with a fractured wing that has been
two chicks fledge from the nest. But in wandering around for about three weeks
a bad spring when the parents can’t find and hopefully it should get of the ground
very much food all the chicks will starve. in a few weeks.
However most finches nesting sort that This blackbird’s nest (picture) is near
out by pushing the other chicks out so the the tractor shed.
stronger chicks can get more food and in- Early in the spring a hedgehog was
crease their chance of survival. found on the court it was just wondering
But all of our chicks fledged in the end around and someone found it and rescued
and this indicates that the parents are it.
Summer term | No. 6| the woodleighan | 11
Year 7&8 dig Woodlei

THIS YEAR, as part of our Local History the artefacts.

Week, Woodleigh had an archaeology day One of the activities was also scanning
at school with York Archaeology Trust, the ground with two different Geo-phys
in which years7 and 8 took part. There machines. The H-frame machine sent
were numerous activities like digging electro-magnetic waves into the ground to
with trowels and spades, and also clean- search for resistance under the soil created
ing artefacts. by certain objects. The level of resistance
Most people enjoyed the digging the could tell you what material it is made out
most because there was always the thrill of, or how deep it is in the ground. This
of finding something exciting. could lead to finding something and also
Another activity was drawing found the depth could show you what time pe-
artefacts. This was interesting because riod it is from. With our scans we found
every item had to be drawn to scale and what we thought was probably the end
this was measured exactly with a ruler. of the old driveway at the front of the
During this we also got a detailed look at school. These images of the ground and

Maths adds up to lots of fun


IN MARCH Woodleigh School competed lasted for 60 seconds and students played was really cool to think that I was playing
in world maths day 2010. up to 500 games, earning points for each someone on the other side of the world.”
We played lots of people from all over correct answer. William Bradley said, “I liked going up
the world in the practice sessions and Those answering the most questions to a higher level where all the questions
then we played three others from all over will appear in the Hall of Fame and Jonty were more challenging.”
the world in the final. Gillingham, 11, was hoping to be one of Ben Hudson scored an outstanding
Every pupil took part in the global in- those: “It’s a chance of being famous for 279 points and Brandan Lansbury got a
ternet event aimed at promoting numera- being good at Maths,” he said. great score of 165 points. You get to de-
cy in schools on Wednesday 3rd March. “I really liked the part where you sign your self in cartoon for world maths
The competition comprised sudden could decorate your own avatar,” class- day.
death live interactive mental arithmetic mate Sam Burdett said. There were lots of puzzles where peo-
games against randomly picked students Victoria Hind added: “I liked play- ple scored over 100 points but Charlie
from all around the world. Each game ing against people from Australia – that managed a stunning 522 points.
12 | the woodleighan | No. 6 | Summer term
igh History
the shapes in it were shown in a presenta-
tion on the interactive whiteboard in year
When we cleaned the finds, hot water
and toothbrushes were used. Every crack
and feature had to be cleaned so that the
object could be examined later in detail.
There were a few artefacts that looked
boring before we had cleaned them but,
after we had finished scrubbing them, had
some interesting features to take in such
as carvings or paint.
In the afternoon, many people con-
tributed to the digging and some people
went field-walking, with good finds like
pottery and shaped flints.
Overall the whole day had been a great
success, with everyone enjoying themselves.

Summer term | No. 6| the woodleighan | 13

Very local
history at
Malton Museum

I WAS so exited when we arrived at Malton Museum as I walked

through the door I was thinking what type of things we would
be doing!
A Roman Soldier called Lucius had a chest which had all the
items he would need for a long journey. He also had a stick with
a sponge on the end used for wiping his bottom. Lucius also had
one tin bowl which he used for eating from, and also a knife and
spoon because forks had not been invented yet.
The first activity my group did was the questionnaire. We
read the question and then tried to find out which glass case
to go to and find out the right bit information. Once you found
out that you just had to write it under the question you were
answering, and then you did the next question.
The next activity we did was mosaics. On this activity you
had a outline of a picture and you had little bits of stone and you
had to put all the stones on your outline and finish the picture.
It was a lot of fun.
Once we had finished that activity we moved on to the next
one which was Roman games.
We played a board game called Merels. This involved mak-
ing up your own game. Everyone had lots of fun playing this in
Another activity involved dressing up as Roman Soldiers, a
Roman Soldier’s wife, or a peasant. Being a Roman Soldier was
hard because it required wearing heavy chain mail and h e l m e t
and an awkward shield.
We learned how to grind flour using authentic Roman equip-
ment and all the pupils took home the flour to bake their own
Roman bread.
At the end there was a quiz and the pupils had to go around
the entire museum find the answers. The gift shop was great fun.
There was a great selection of Roman, Saxon, Viking, Tudor,
and modern related products, for example, old fashioned sweets.
The best item for sale was a replica catapult pencil sharpener
based on an original medieval design.
14 | the woodleighan | No. 6 | Summer term

A monk’s day out


IN MAY, Year Six had a trip to Fountains Abbey. When they got
there they were told a bit about the abbey, then they got robes
called habits (picture across) and wore rope belts called girdles.
Fountains Abbey is North of Ripon on the way to Thirsk.
When you arrive you cannot see the Abbey but you can see the
most recent building - the Bell Tower. The main window in the
largest part of the monastery points towards to Jerusalem to en-
sure the monks are closer to Jesus.
The first thing they saw was a little model of Fountains ab-
bey. Then they went and looked around the ruins of the abbey.
We were told about the ruins.
We were showed the different rooms which included the re-
fectory where the Monks ate, the warming room were the monks
were allowed to go once a day there were two massive fires, the
cellar was were all the food and wine and ale was kept.
The punishment was excellent, but for health and safety we
weren’t aloud to pretend to whip each other so instead we just
got told what we have to do.
We learned that the Monks were allowed one glass of ale or
wine. They also ate bread with a very thick soup. They ate any-
thing with two legs, but mainly chickens.
When the Monks reached old age the Abbot would allow
them to go to the infirmary and at that point most of the monks
would be delighted because the infirmary provided three meals a
day whereas the monastery only served one.
Finally, they went and looked around the mill where we
made corn into flour. Then we saw the massive wheel turn be-
fore going went back to school.
Pictures by Max Bramhall - Year 6

Summerterm No.66|| the woodleighan | 15
16 | the woodleighan | No. 6 | Summer term
House plays won by North

ON SATURDAY the 20th of March there North and the full cast, bar one, was se-
was a house play extravaganza as all four lected to play their part on Wednesday. To
houses battled in a ‘Fawlty Towers’ house replace Victoria, Alex Curtis played Polly
play competition. and, as a last addition, Robert Bradley
Each house was judged on their played Mrs Taylor.
unique performance and interpretation The final cast was: Patrick Litten
of the playscript by the teachers. as Basil Fawlty, George Ullyott as Sybil
The play was ‘Basil the Rat’ and there Fawlty, Charles Saunders as Mr Carnegie,
were some great performances from many Alex Curtis as Polly, Ryan Sun as Manuel,
people. Rory Selvey as Terry and Robert Bradley
The winner of the house plays was as Mrs Taylor. It was a big success.

Christmas with Jack and the Beanstalk


THE Christmas play for Years 3, 4, 5, 6 of animals in the play. heart and some of the songs harder than
this year was Jack and the Beanstalk. The entire crowd enjoyed it and gave others because we had to do lots of ac-
Everyone had great fun, we all en- us a round of applause after every song. tions with them.
joyed singing and acting. Esme Hudson Everyone put all their effort into the play Lots of people came to watch the plays
had the main part - she was Jack. Chloe and even had a piece of scaffolding for a because pre-prep also did a play about
Fowler also had a significant part, she bean stalk. bees called Billy No Buzz. That was about
was Jack’s mother. George Breese was We had to make a lot of costumes for a bee who was bullied because he had no
the giant. He was very an angry giant and all the animals such as chickens, a cock- buzz. In the end of the play everyone who
when he walked on stage he stormed on erel, a donkey, a cow and lots more. had been mean to the bee went and said
and he had to shout a lot. There were a lot We had to learn all our songs off by sorry to him.
Summer term | No. 6| the woodleighan | 17
REFLECTION by Max Bramhall (right)
Winning entry selected by Mark Denton
spring term 2010

18 | the woodleighan | No. 6|

6 |Summer
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Woodleigh School Photography Club
The themes this term were:

Bright or white
& Multi-coloured

The competition to decide the best image produced this

term was judged by landscape photographer Mark Denton.

1st Prize –Max Bramhall (page 8)

2nd Prize-Patrick Litten (page 7)
3rd Prize-Jonty Gillingham(page 3)

Many thanks to Mark Denton for judging the competition and

presenting the prizes.
People in the photo club:

Max Bramhall
Samson Chan
Frankie Cheng
George Crawford
Hattie Gillingham
Jonty Gillingham
Victoria Hind
Stephen Lee
Patrick Litten
Ryan Sun
George Ullyott
Peggy Ullyott
Zac Woolley


THE GIRL IN RED by Patrick Litten (right)
spring term 2010

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spring term 2010

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THE THREE SHEEP by Jonty Gillingham
spring term

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24 | the woodleighan | No. 6 | Summer term
Country and Western Cabaret in a Day, y’all
The band’s
ON THE 19th of March the school per-
formed a cabaret - it was brilliant!
Everybody sung songs and did a little
bit of acting at the same time.
l Islands in the Stream All the parents enjoyed it to and they
got a meal served by the Year Eights while
l American Pie they watched it!
The cabaret was country and western
l Walk the Line theme this year with one of the Curtis
brothers, Mikey the Bad, being a wanted
l A Boy named Sue man as the main part of the cabaret.
It was full of excitement!
l When you say nothing at all All of the songs where a great choice
especially 9 till 5 witch was sung by the
l Four wheels on my wagon whole school and Galveston sung by
Mikey Curtis, also Islands in the stream
l Nine till Five and American Pie sung by the whole
school sounded great!
l Country Roads All the rest of the best songs and
my favourites were: Four wheels on my
l Galveston wagon, Walk the line by year eight and
Country roads sung by all the school. Eve-
l Rhinestone Cowboy rybody thought the cabaret was fun!

Pictures by Max Bramhall - Year 6

Summer term | No. 6| the woodleighan | 25
Skateboarding wizards
WOODLEIGH School turned into a skate park for the day as the was great to learn new skills and it was a challenging experi-
pupils practised ollies, flips and 180s with maximum air. ence.”
The School Council and the Friends of Woodleigh organised Victoria Hind, age 11, from Hutton Cranswick said: “I liked
the event which lasted all day and involved over 80 children. it and I found it fun especially the flips.”
Instructor Paul, from Rubicon Skate, started with a series Jonty Gillingham, age 11, from Thixendale said: “I liked the
of balancing exercises and moves. Pupils aged 5-13 found out ollies and tic-tacs because they were harder and more difficult
whether they were regular or goofy, which end of the board was to execute.”
the nose and which the tail, and how to turn at speed. The best skateboarders performed a master-class in the af-
Pupils also learned and practised a series of tricks and moves, ternoon, finished by Paul the instructor completing a spectacu-
including 180s, kick flips, tic tacs and glides. lar aerial 360 shove it and kick flip over the school’s parking
George Ullyott, age 12, from Garton-on-the-Wolds, said : “It barrier.

26 | the woodleighan | No. 6 | Summer term



WOODLEIGH School took part in the an- and Haydn Clements dominated, each
nual U11 Spirit of Soccer festival hosted scoring good efforts to win the match.
by Aysgarth. The penultimate game was against
Woodleigh’s U11 B team took part. Barnard Castle which resulted in a frus-
The first match was against Mowden trating 0-0 stalemate.
Hall. Ben Hudson scored a sensational This left Woodleigh School in the fi-
hat-trick to win the game 3-0. nal against local giants St Olave’s. Rory
Then we played Bramcote, with Ben Selvey, coming on in the second half,
Hudson adding to his tally and Charlie scored two injury time screamers - a
Procter scored a further blinder. The re- master-stroke substitution by Woodleigh
sult was 2-0 to Woodleigh. coach Mr Copeland.
After that we played Cundall and Keeper George Crawford did not con-
Brandan Lansbury finished them off with cede a single goal to round off a magnifi-
a low piledriver into the bottom corner. cent tournament winning performance
Aysgarth were next and Ben Hudson by Woodleigh.

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28 | the woodleighan | No. 6 | Summer term
Plate success
for Woodleigh

THE WOODLEIGH 1st team travelled up to Hurworth to com-

pete in their annual rugby sevens tournament.
Our first match was against Grindon Hall, a team we had
never played before. They had some very strong, powerful and
direct runners that were very difficult to tackle. However we
held them off for a couple of minutes before they broke away and
scored under the posts. After that it went downhill, they scored
more tries and someone got injured. The final score was 26-0.
We then lost our next two matches quite heavily against Cundall
and Terrington. They were very hard teams indeed and we did
not have a top strength side out.
Having finished these two consecutive matches, Woodleigh
were very tired and had an hour’s rest before our next match
against Argyle. Woodleigh came onto the pitch ready to go and
Frankie Cheng scored early on. This boosted confidence and
more tries came from Frankie and Harry Connell. After half
time Woodleigh lost pace but managed to finally beat Argyle.
Woodleigh’s confidence was boosted hugely by this and we went
into the next match in high spirits.
Our next encounter was with Hurworth House, a team which
we had closely beaten in 15-a-side last term. We started well,
with aggressive tackling and a good firm covering in defence. At
half time, the scores were level on 7-7. In the last five minutes,
Charles Saunders came on with a slightly recovered injured el-
bow, and after a great movement by the whole team, Woodleigh
scored in the corner. Woodleigh won the match 14-7. After that
Woodleigh had come third in their group and played Fyling Hall
in the plate. We won this match pretty easily with great play
from the forwards Alex Curtis, Charlie Goodlass and Ben Laver-
The plate final was against Hurworth, whom we had already
beaten in the pools. It was a very close match and breakaway
tries from Alex Curtis and Charles Saunders led to a 14 ‐ 0 lead.
In the last play of the game, they looked as though they would
score but a foot race ended in that glory being cut off.
This was the first prize we had won this season and it really
showed how well everyone had performed throughout the day.

Summerterm No.66|| the woodleighan | 29
Huge cross-country ev

Hockey and Netball on a high


THE HOCKEY and Netball teams this year have played 15 The U9’s first netball match was against Bramcote in January.
matches with mixed success. However, all of the boys and girls We lost 5-2 but we all tried really hard especially Lucy Cawkwell
in Years 3-8 have greatly enjoyed the experience. The hockey who was the best player in that match.
team has 2 boys and 7 girls. Some of our best players are Peggy The first hockey match the U9 played was against Terrington
Ullyott, Sam Burdett and Louise Litten but everyone plays really in February. Terrington won 7-8 and our best player was Esme
well. Hudson. We all played well really but Esme just played a little bit
In our first match of the term we played netball against Queen better.
Ethelburga’s and we lost 3-2. The best player was Peggy Ullyott but The best moment is when you score a goal in hockey and net-
we all tried really hard. Our second match was against Terrington ball or when you have tackled someone on the other team. It’s
where we were playing Hockey. The score was 5-3 to Terrington really good if you win but even if you don’t win it doesn’t mean
and our best player was Sam Burdett but we all worked hard. you didn’t try your best.
30 | the woodleighan | No. 6 | Summer term
vent run at Woodleigh

IN MARCH Woodleigh hosted their annual cross-country com-

petition. There were 350 people running from 16 schools around
Yorkshire. Also the course had been changed this year, making
the event even more exciting.
The first race was the under 9 mixed, which Woodleigh came
tenth overall in. The next was the under 11 girls race, in which
Woodleigh did not compete because there were people absent.
Our best race was the under 11 boys, where we came third
overall with competitive runners such as the Bradley boys, Jonty
Megginson and Harry Fenton. This was a huge success against
schools much bigger than us.
Woodleigh did not compete in the under 13 girls competition,
so our next race was the under 13 boys. We came seventh overall
in this with runners like Cameron Castleton and Beau Wyatt
coming in the top 25. Frankie Cheng ran very well for the school
as well.
This race concluded a fantastic for the Woodleigh running
teams. We had some great performances from all age-groups and
everybody really tried their hardest.
The overall winners of the under 13 boys race was St Mar-
tin’s Ampleforth. They ran very well, but, still, Woodleigh
should congratulate them

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Amazing season for Cr

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ricket teams


THE U11 cricket team have had an amaz- venor at home. We won both matches
ing season. They started the season with well and kept our winning streak. The
a match against Cundall Manor. They match against Moorlands was a pairs one
bowled first and got them out for 70. We and it was a comfortable win. The match
got to 70 with 5 wickets down and won against Belmont Grosvenor was at home
the match convincingly. and we bowled first.
Our next match was against Red House. We managed to bowl them out for 55
They got a score of 64-3. We came into with Robert Bradley getting a hat-rick and
bat and won with only one wicket down. a five wicket haul. This was another good
We were very happy with our two wins win and our last match of the season was
and were looking forward to our next getting nearer.
match against Scarborough Collage Jun- The last match of half term was against
ior School. Bramcote. We batted first and got a total
With our confidence running high we of 85 all out. They came into bat and kept
started the home match. We batted first the partnership until the sixth over when
and gained an outstanding total of 120.We we got the break through and then some
were extremely pleased with our efforts wickets fell. They managed a total of 65
as it was a very good score. Scarborough all out and lost the match by 20 runs.
were taking it steady at first because they The next match was against St Mar-
had lost a wicket first ball. Scarborough’s tins we got 88-7. Our bowling started well
innings was going badly and after losing a and they were 30-3. Then their 4th wicket
couple more wickets they lost all of their partnership put the game in their hands,
confidence and were all out for 20. but we fought back and took four wickets
We had two more matches against but it was too late. St Martin’s won the
Moorlands in Leeds and Belmont Gros- match with one ball to spare.

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Editors: Charles Saunders & Patrick Litten
Sub editors and writers: Year 5 & Year 8
Design and layout by Mr Tom Tolkien
Woodleigh School News -
Woodleigh School Twitter -

Photo credits: All photographs taken be pupils and staff at Woodleigh School

Many thanks to: All the staff and children at Woodleigh School
All text © Woodleigh School 2010. Woodleigh School - Langton - Malton - North Yorkshire. Y017 9QN
01653 658215 (tel), 01653 658423 (fax)

34 | the woodleighan | No. 6 | Summer term

A BUZZING BUMBLE BEE (above) Fabienne created this painting with a sponge and vivid paint. She did it all by herself with
painting on paper, 150 x 85cm 2010 yellow and black paint so it looked just like a bumble bee.

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