Bridges: The New Standard For Bridges and Bridge Reinstatement
Bridges: The New Standard For Bridges and Bridge Reinstatement
Bridges: The New Standard For Bridges and Bridge Reinstatement
SPS, the Sandwich Plate System, is an innovative material for heavy engineering structures that
SPS Bridges
Save up to 70% of the weight of concrete decks without the complexity and fatigue problems inherent in orthotropic steel decks
Replace concrete bridge decks, increase load capacity, add lanes and avoid the need for girder and pier reinforcement
Erect up to 120 linear metres of deck per day with the wearing surface already factory applied
SPS is a heavy engineering material technology developed over the last ten years
SPS Technology
In bridges, SPS plates are used as the deck and in other highly stiffened areas
such as the webs of deep girders. By incorporating SPS, bridges can be built
using substantially lighter structures. Furthermore, SPS plates are easy to maintain
and extend a bridge decks life to 100 years, eliminating the need to replace
Simple erection
concrete decks every 30 years or re-weld fatigue sensitive orthotropic steel decks.
There are now over 30,000 m2 of SPS structures in-service in demanding maritime
and civil engineering applications around the world.
This brochure outlines how to use SPS to build superior bridges, decrease
erection and repair schedules and reduce build and maintenance costs.
Improved damping
Originally developed for the maritime industry for demanding applications such as ice strengthening on Arctic drill
platforms and supertanker hulls, SPS is now bringing its significant technical, manufacturing and economic benefits to
civil engineering structures such as bridges, stadia, floors and blast walls. SPS is a strong, stiff, light construction material
with built-in vibration damping, fire insulation and security protection that requires limited through-life maintenance.
Reduced resonance
Transfer function
Displacement mm
SPS Technology
Frequency, Hz
Extensive R&D
SPS licensees. The resulting high quality, high tolerance plates are
allows the SPS plate to develop its full tensile capacity. The
on SPS structures.
maintenance demands.
structure or the SPS licensee can complete your structure and work
with your chosen erectors to install the bridge.
Maximising the amount of fabrication and finishing undertaken in
a high quality factory environment is proven to reduce project
schedules, increase project quality and save costs. SPS delivers
these benefits to your bridge projects.
The weight savings, reduced maintenance and shorter erection schedules associated with SPS Bridge Decks allow designers and planners
to rethink the economic feasibility of long and short span bridge projects and thereby help to get more out of ever tightening highway budgets.
Shop fabrication enables components to be substantially finished off-site (including wearing surfaces) and assures a high quality finish, which is
proven to outperform conventional structures. Furthermore, the simplicity and lightness of SPS Bridge Decks enable the rapid replacement of
concrete decks with minimal disruption to daily traffic and no reinforcement of the supporting structure.
conventional asphalt with a membrane protection for the steel, or more modern wearing surfaces
SPS Bridge Decks are up to 70% lighter than equivalent reinforced concrete decks and
create fully composite decks with either steel or concrete girders.
SPS 4.76-25.4-4.76
Long Life
SPS Bridge Decks offer 100 years of service life, significantly reducing the deck replacement costs
associated with the short 30 year service life of concrete. Typically, SPS Bridge Decks are made
from corrosion resistant steel although other metals can also be used. The wearing surface can be
SPS 4.7625.4-4.76
steel cavity from two metal plates and perimeter bars into which an elastomer core is injected.
Secondly, edge frames and longitudinals are attached and finally the wearing surface is applied. Deck
panel flatness is below L/1500. Panels are made to a +0mm -3mm tolerance, preventing oversize
Top PL
SPS 4.76-25.4-4.76
Backing Bar
Btm PL
SPS Bridge erection is fast, uses a single trade, light equipment and standard industry practices. Once
the girders are in place and prepared, SPS Bridge Decks are bolted to them. The upper seams
between the SPS Bridge Decks are welded, crash barriers erected and asphalt laid if required.
Fast Erection
M20 ASTM A325M
Cross Stringer
Cross Stringer
or, if speed is critical, by replacing the deck and girders with preassembled longitudinal deck-girder units.
The replacement of these old decks takes days rather than
weeks and bridges can often remain partially operational
throughout the procedure.
All steel
SPS Overlay
42 MPa
16 MPa
An SPS Overlay cross-section
SPS brings structural materials for heavy engineering closer to the ideal. SPS is a light, strong material that is simple to
Once completed SPS plates can be treated as any other steel plate and benefit from the ease of attachment of traditional
construct and maintain with many built-in performance and safety benefits. From landmark longspan bridges to the more
steel components. The broad range of proven coatings available for steel can be applied to SPS. Additionally, easy to coat
individual design statements of pedestrian bridges, SPS helps designers achieve affordable architectural elegance. The
flat sections with fewer fatigue sensitive joints and lower panel flexure mean coatings are easier to apply and last longer.
stiff, lightweight properties of SPS also allow it to be used in a wide range of bridge structural components such as
mobile bridge decks and the deep webs of built-up bridge and box girders.
Longspan Bridges
Pedestrian Bridges
Wearing Surfaces
easily erected.
SPS Orthotropic
Bridge Deck
Weather Protection
SPS panels typically use corrosion resistant steel, however,
coated or galvanised steel, aluminium or stainless steel can also
be used for particular applications.
Weather protective coatings and modern wearing surfaces are
Conventional Orthotropic
Bridge Deck
= 13.5mm
A coordinated test programme on SPS Bridge Decks and bridge deck reinstatement
Excellent Results
Legal load limit of six axle truck applied (70 tons)
SPS Bridge: Tested for static and dynamic performance and FEA correlation
Full-scale SPS Bridge Deck panel: Tested for plate and panel deflection
Ultimate capacity: Bottom flange of girder yields at 3.75 times the specified truck load (15,100 kN.m)
Half-scale SPS Bridge: Tested to confirm composite action in positive and negative
Actual yield moment within 1% of the moment calculated from section properties
Maximum shear stresses at the steel-elastomer interface at the ultimate load is less than the factored
SPS Overlay Bridge Deck: Tested for static and fatigue performance as well as
bond resistance of 4 MPa (tests show SPS typically achieves 10 MPa bond resistance)
Full size SPS Bridge Deck tested for vibration
Mode 1: Measured 5.8Hz, Predicted: 5.7Hz
Mode 2: Measured 6.0Hz, Predicted: 5.9Hz
Welded Connection
Field welded connection across the width of the bridge above and slip critical bolted connection below
Loaded fatigue tests to 10 million cycles without failure
Estimated fatigue life of 11mm deck weld = 100 million cycles
The panel connection can be designed for the required resistance of each particular bridge
New S-N fatigue curve produced for the panel connection
= 14.2mm
approval, our team will help you develop the most efficient
have their own design teams able to support you as you finalise
Images of bridges in this brochure are intended to illustrate typical bridge structures that could incorporate SPS Technology.
Long Life