Osteoconduction and Osteoinduction
Osteoconduction and Osteoinduction
Osteoconduction and Osteoinduction
T. Albrektsson
C. Johansson
T. Albrektsson () C. Johansson
Department of Biomaterials/
Handicap Research, P.O. Box 412,
SE 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
e-mail: tomas.albrektsson@hkf.gu.se
Osteoinduction, osteoconduction
and osseointegration
The terms osteoinduction, osteoconduction and osseointegration are frequently, but not always correctly, used
terms in many orthopaedic papers. To give but one example of incorrect terminology, arthroplasties are commonly
claimed to be osseointegrated based only on radiographic
evidence, despite the fact that the resolution of radiography alone is too poor to determine whether an implant is
osseointegrated or not. The aim of this paper is to first
briefly explain and define these terms and then to look
at them in some detail. Osteoinduction, osteoconduction
and osseointegration are now the subject of much discussion, e.g. in connection with bone morphogenic proteins
(BMP), bone growth factors and direct bone anchorage,
respectively. Suggested definitions of the terms osteoinduction, osteoconduction and osseointegration read as follows:
osteoconduction. Osseointegration is
the stable anchorage of an implant
achieved by direct bone-to-implant
contact. In craniofacial implantology,
this mode of anchorage is the only
one for which high success rates
have been reported. Osseointegration
is possible in other parts of the body,
but its importance for the anchorage
of major arthroplasties is under debate. Ingrowth of bone in a porouscoated prosthesis may or may not
represent osseointegration.
Keywords Osteoinduction
Osteoconduction Osseointegration
Osteoinduction. This term means that primitive, undifferentiated and pluripotent cells are somehow stimulated to
develop into the bone-forming cell lineage. One proposed
definition is the process by which osteogenesis is induced
Osteoconduction. This term means that bone grows on a
surface. An osteoconductive surface is one that permits
bone growth on its surface or down into pores, channels
or pipes. Wilson-Hench [43] has suggested that osteoconduction is the process by which bone is directed so as to
conform to a materials surface. However, Glantz [18] has
pointed out that this way of looking at bone conduction is
somewhat restricted, since the original definition bears little or no relation to biomaterials.
Osseointegration. This was first described by Brnemark
and co-workers [12]. The term was first defined in a paper
by Albrektsson et al. [4] as direct contact (at the light mi-
croscope level) between living bone and implant. Osseointegration is also histologically defined in Dorlands Illustrated Medical Dictionary as the direct anchorage of an
implant by the formation of bony tissue around the implant without the growth of fibrous tissue at the boneimplant interface. Since the histological definitions have
some shortcomings, mainly that they have a limited clinical application, another more biomechanically oriented definition of osseointegration has been suggested: A process
whereby clinically asymptomatic rigid fixation of alloplastic materials is achieved, and maintained, in bone during
functional loading [46]. The rigid fixation of an implant
in orthopaedic praxis can be determined using radio-stereophotogrammetic (RSA) techniques and, at least in craniofacial implantology, resonance frequency analysis (RFA)
Fig. 1 At the time of injury, adequate cells for bone repair are both
undifferentiated and differentiated bone cells. The majority of newly
formed bone depends on the undifferentiated cells that are induced
to become preosteoblasts
Fig. 2 The best way to demonstrate whether a specific agent is osteoinductive is to inject it into a soft tissue pouch, where bone formation does not occur under normal conditions. BMP-7 induced
bone formation 19 days after injection into a subcutaneous site in
a rat. Toluidine blue. Bar, 100 m
Osseointegration of implants
Brnemark, who introduced this term, suggested the
spelling osseointegration instead of osteointegration,
and the original spelling is preferred in this paper. Osseointegration is not an isolated phenomenon, but instead
depends on previous osteoinduction and osteoconduction.
Thus materials that are too toxic to allow osteoconduction
will not be osseointegrated either. However, many materials show at least some bone attachment, which has inspired
bone pathologists to regard osseointegration as a simple
foreign body reaction [15], whereas more clinically oriented
scientists have rejected such a view. Osseointegrated implants have undergone a real breakthrough in oral and
craniofacial implantology, yielding excellent functional results, in contrast to alternatively anchored implants, which
have generally shown very poor success rates [6, 12, 35,
36]. Even if initial osseointegration is dependent on bone
induction and conduction, the term implies that the bone
anchorage is maintained over time. Cylindrical implant
designs (without threads), rough plasma-sprayed surfaces
and overloading represent factors that may lead to secondary failure of osseointegration [2, 4].
The ultrastructure of the bonetitanium interface in osseointegration demonstrates an amorphous layer from 20
40 to 500 nm thick. Some investigators [5] have described
collagen and calcified tissue in this zone, whereas others
[32] have failed to verify these findings. This zone is too
narrow to be seen at the light microscope level of resolution. At the light microscope level, direct bone contact,
osteogenesis and bone resorption occur simultaneously
Fig. 5 Simultaneous bone formation and resorption at the interface between bone (B) and a commercially pure titanium (c.p. Ti)
implant. There are three cavities arranged in a horizontal line in the
middle of the figure. In the left cavity, red dominates, i.e. positive
staining for acid phosphatase meaning active bone resorption. In
the middle cavity, blue dominates, i.e. positive staining for alkaline
phosphatase, meaning active bone formation. In the right cavity,
there is red and blue staining, i.e. both bone formation and resorption. Bar, 100 m
Osteoinduction, osteoconduction and osseointegration are
interrelated, but not identical phenomena. Osteoinduction
is part of normal bone healing and is responsible for the
majority of newly formed bone, e.g. after a fracture or the
insertion of an implant. The implant itself may be osteoinductive, but this is not a prerequisite for bone induction.
Osteoconduction is a term now usually used in conjunction with implants. Osteoconduction and osseointegration
both depend not only on biological factors, but also on the
response to a foreign material. The osteoconductive response may be rather short lived, but successful osseointegration maintains its bone anchorage over a long period.
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