4-Denture Limiting Structures

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Denture Limiting

Maxillary limiting structures

1. Labial frenum
2. Labial vestibule
3. Buccal frenum
4. Buccal vestibule
5. Zygoma
6. Hamular notch
7. Vibrating line of the palate
Labial Frenum
 Fold of mucous membrane
Containing no muscle fibres

 Extends from mucous

membrane of the lips
towards the residual ridge
on the labial surface.
 Labial notch must be done opposite to the
frenum to allow freedom of motion
without causing ulceration and denture
Labial mucous membrane reflection area
(Labial Vestibule)
 Reflection of mucous membrane
from the lip to labial alveolar bone.
 Extends from the labial frenum
to the buccal frenum.
 Denture flange is in relation to
Orbicularis oris and incisive labii

 So, they limit the thickness and length of the labial

flange of the denture in this area.
Buccal Frenum
 Fold of mucous membrane that varies in size and number.
 Extends from buccal mucous
membrane reflection area
towards the slope or crest of
the residual ridge.
 Orbicularis Oris muscle pulls the buccal frenum forward and
the buccinator muscle pulls it backward.
 Denture border must be trimmed
to fit the depth and width
of the frenum to avoid
denture dislodgement.
Buccal mucous membrane reflection area
Buccal vestibule
 Reflection of the mucous membrane from the cheek to the
alveolar ridge distal to the buccal frenum.
 Bounded externally
by the cheek and internally
by the residual ridge.
 Denture flange is
in relation to the
buccinator muscle.
-Denture flange must extend
to rest on the attachment
of the buccinator muscle
in the buccal vestibule.

As, Horizontal contraction

of buccinator will not
displace the denture.
 Thickness of the distal end of the buccal flange must
accommodate the coronoid process as
the mandible moves from
side to side to avoid
denture dislodgement.
Root of zygomatic process of maxillary malar bone
The Zygoma
 It is formed by the lower portion of zygomatic
process of the maxilla which flares upward and
outward from the area above the first molar tooth.
 Provides excellent resistance to vertical forces as its bearing
surface is at right angles to the direction of occluding forces.
 Covering this area with the denture adds to denture stabiity.
Hamular Notch

 Band of connective tissue

lying between pterygoid
hamulus of the sphenoid
bone and distal portion of
maxillary tuberosity.
 Distal end(PPS) of the upper denture must
extend from one humular notch to the other
notch following the contour of the hard palate.
Vibrating line of the palate
 Imaginary line that marks the beginning of motion in the

soft palate when the patient says (Ah)


 Determines posterior extension of the maxillary denture.

Mandibular limiting structures
Facial border
• Mandibular labial frenum
Lingual border
• Labial vestibule • Lingual frenum
• Buccal frenum • Alveolingual sulcus
• Buccal vestibule • Sub lingual salivary gland
• Masseter muscle influence area
area • Retromylohyoid space
• Distal extension of
mandibular denture
Mandibular labial frenum
 Band of mucous membrane
that extends from the
mucous membrane of the
lip towards the residual ridge
on the labial surface.
 Labial notch must be made to allow free movement of
the lip during function.
Labial mucous membrane reflection area
Labial Vestibule

Reflection of the mucous membrane from the lip to the alveolar ridge distal to
the labial frenum.
Labial flange in this area is in relation

to orbicularis oris and

incisive labii inferioris muscle,
So they limit its
Thickness and extension .
Buccal Frenum
 Fold of mucous membrane in the premolar region attaching the
cheeks to the alveolar ridge.
 The impression must be functionally trimmed so a notch is
created in this area to allow freedom of motion without
displacement of the denture.
Buccal mucous membrane reflection area
Buccal Vestibule

 Reflection of mucous membrane from the cheek to the

alveolar ridge distal to the buccal frenum.
 The buccal flange is in relation
to the buccinator muscle.
 Horizontal contraction
of buccinator will not displace
the denture.
Masseter muscle influence area
 Distobuccal corner
of the mandibular
denture converge
rapidly in medial
 Buccal flange converge rapidly in a medial direction to avoid
displacement by contracting pressure of the masseter
Distal extension of mandibular
 More distally the mandibular denture is in relation to the
retromolar pad and anterior border of the ramus of the

 The lower denture should cover the retromolar

pad as it forms a splendid soft tissue seal that
is valuable in retaining the denture.
Lingual frenum
 Fold of mucous membrane that extends from the floor of the
mouth along the midline to the under surface of the tongue.

 Denture flange must be

Well rounded in this area.
Alveolingual sulcus
 The space between the residual ridge and the tongue extending
from the lingual frenum to the retromylohoid curtain.
 Extension of the lingual flange is determined by the extent of the
functional movement of mylohyoid muscle.
Sublingual salivary gland area

 The lingual flange of the lower denture is in relation to the

sublingual salivary gland in the premolar region.
 With excessive resorption of the mandible, sublingual salivary
gland bulges superiorly affecting depth of the lingual flange in
this area.
Retromylohyoid space
 It lies at the distal end of the alveolingual sulcus.
 Extends from end of mylohyoid ridge to retromylohoid curtain.
 Overextension in this area will cause sore throat due to
pressure on superior constrictor.
 Boundaries:

Medial: tongue
Lateral: mandible
Posterior: palatoglossus
Anterior: posterior portion
Of mylohyoid
Prosthodontic department
Ain shams university

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