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Name: _________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Spelling/Vocabulary: Prefixes uni, bi, tri, quad

Each word is defined below. Use the word CORRECTLY in a sentence. The sentences
needs to prove that you understand the meaning of the word. Remember to use capitals
and punctuation.
uniform: not changing in form or character or denoting a garment forming part of a
person's outfit
unicycle: a cycle with a single wheel, typically used by acrobats
universal: of, affecting, or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular
group; applicable to all cases
unify: make or become united, bring together or join
unicorn: a mythical animal typically represented as a horse with a single straight horn
projecting from its forehead
bifocals: a pair of eyeglasses having lenses with two parts with different focal lengths
biannual: occurring twice a year
bisect: divide into two parts
bilingual: a person fluent in two languages
biceps: a muscle having two points of attachment at one end, in particular, large muscle
at the front of the upper arm that flexes the forearm


tripod: a three-legged stand for supporting a camera or other apparatus
triangle: a plane figure with three straight sides and three angles
trilogy: a group of three related novels, plays, films, operas, or albums
triceratops: a large herbivorous dinosaur living at the end of the Cretaceous period,
having a massive head with two large horns, a smaller horn on the beaked snout, and a
bony frill above the neck
triathlon: an athletic contest consisting of three different events, typically swimming,
cycling, and long-distance running
quartet: a group of four people playing music or singing together
quarter: one fourth of a measure or parts, or a coin equal to one fourth of the dollar of
the United States and Canada
quadrangle: four angles, a four-sided plane figure, esp. a square or rectangle
quadruple: consisting of four parts or elements, increase or be increased fourfold
quadrilateral: a four sided figure, having four straight sides

Name: _________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Spelling/Vocabulary: Prefixes uni, bi, tri, quad
Match each word with their definition.

______ uniform

A. one fourth of a measure or parts, or a coin equal to one fourth of

the dollar of the United States and Canada

______ unicycle

B. not changing in form or character or denoting a garment forming

part of a person's outfit

______ universal
______ unify

C. consisting of four parts or elements, increase or be increased

D. a group of three related novels, plays, films, operas, or albums

______ unicorn
______ bifocals
______ biannual
______ bisect
______ bilingual
______ biceps
______ tripod
______ triangle

E. a person fluent in two languages

F. an athletic contest consisting of three different events, typically
swimming, cycling, and long-distance running
G. occurring twice a year
H. of, affecting, or done by all people or things in the world or in a
particular group; applicable to all cases
I. a mythical animal typically represented as a horse with a single
straight horn projecting from its forehead
J. a cycle with a single wheel, typically used by acrobats
K. a pair of eyeglasses having lenses with two parts with different focal
L. four angles, a four-sided plane figure, esp. a square or rectangle

______ trilogy

M. divide into two parts

______ triceratops

N. a four sided figure, having four straight sides

______ triathlon
______ quartet
______ quarter

O. a plane figure with three straight sides and three angles

P. a muscle having two points of attachment at one end, in particular,
large muscle at the front of the upper arm that flexes the forearm
Q. make or become united, bring together or join

______ quadrangle

R. a large herbivorous dinosaur living at the end of the Cretaceous

period, having a massive head with two large horns, a smaller horn on
the beaked snout, and a bony frill above the neck

______ quadruple

S. a three-legged stand for supporting a camera or other apparatus

______ quadrilateral

T. a group of four people playing music or singing together

Name: _________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Spelling/Vocabulary: Prefixes uni, bi, tri, quad
The prefix UNI means one. The prefix BI means two. The prefix TRI means three. The prefix
QUAD means four. Write a short definition for each word using the meaning of the prefix.


1 outfit










lenses with 2 focal lengths










3 legged stand










4 singers or 4 musicians



quadrangle ___________________________


quadrilateral ___________________________

Name: _________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Spelling/Vocabulary: Prefix uni, bi, tri, quad
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________
6. _________________________________
7. _________________________________
8. _________________________________
9. _________________________________
10. _________________________________

Match each word with the correct definition.

____ unify
____ uniform

A. a pair of eyeglasses having lenses with two parts with different

focal lengths

____ bifocals

B. a large herbivorous dinosaur living at the end of the Cretaceous


____ biceps

C. a four sided figure, having four straight sides

____ triangle

D. make or become united, bring together or join

____ tripod

E. a muscle having two points of attachment at one end, in

particular, large muscle at the front of the upper arm that flexes the

____ trilogy
____ triceratops
____ quadrilateral
____ quadruple

F. consisting of four parts or elements, increase or be increased

G. a plane figure with three straight sides and three angles
H. a group of three related novels, plays, films, operas, or albums
I. not changing in form or character or denoting a garment forming
part of a person's outfit
J. a three-legged stand for supporting a camera or other apparatus

Name: _________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Spelling/Vocabulary: Prefix uni, bi, tri, quad
Choose the word from the box that best fits each sentence. Not all words are used.













triceratops triathlon



quadrangle quadruple quadrilateral

1. He put on his _________________________ so he could see better.

2. There is a charming, old farmhouse just before the road ________________________ .

3. Aiden enjoyed the first book so much that he read the entire ________________________.
4. A magical _____________________ flew off into the rainbow.
5. Equilateral, isosceles, & scalene are each a type of _____________________________.
6. The _______________________ is worth 25 cents and has George Washingtons head on it.
7. My brother sings in a __________________________.
8. At the circus, we saw a bear riding a _____________________________.
9. The photographer placed the camera on the __________________________ and took the
10. When she went to work, she always ironed her _______________________.
11. My husband competed in a ______________________ on Sunday. He swam, biked and
12. The football player had been lifting weights and had huge ____________________.
13. The girl is _________________________. She speaks to her parents in one language and her
grandparents in another.
14. At the Dinosaurs Alive exhibit, we saw a ___________________________.

is the ________________________ symbol for peace.

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