Electromagnetic Interference: Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Is The Branch of Electrical Engineering Concerned With The
Electromagnetic Interference: Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Is The Branch of Electrical Engineering Concerned With The
Electromagnetic Interference: Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Is The Branch of Electrical Engineering Concerned With The
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is the branch of electrical engineering concerned with the
unintentional generation, propagation and reception of electromagnetic energy which may cause
unwanted effects such as electromagnetic interference (EMI) or even physical damage in
operational equipment. The goal of EMI is the correct operation of different equipment in a
common electromagnetic environment.
EMI pursues two main classes of issue. Emission is the generation of electromagnetic energy,
whether deliberate or accidental, by some source and its release into the environment. EMI
studies the unwanted emissions and the countermeasures which may be taken in order to reduce
unwanted emissions. The second class, susceptibility is the tendency of electrical equipment,
referred to as the victim, to malfunction or break down in the presence of unwanted emissions,
which are known as Radio frequency interference (RFI). Immunity is the opposite of
susceptibility, being the ability of equipment to function correctly in the presence of RFI, with
the discipline of "hardening" equipment being known equally as susceptibility or immunity. A
third class studied is coupling, which is the mechanism by which emitted interference reaches
the victim.
Interference mitigation and hence electromagnetic compatibility may be achieved by addressing
any or all of these issues, i.e., quieting the sources of interference, inhibiting coupling paths
and/or hardening the potential victims. In practice, many of the engineering techniques used,
such as grounding and shielding, apply to all three issues.
While electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a phenomenon - the radiation emitted and its effects
- electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is an equipment characteristic or property - not to behave
unacceptably in the EMI environment.
EMC ensures the correct operation, in the same electromagnetic environment, of different
equipment items which use or respond to electromagnetic phenomena, and the avoidance of any
interference effects. Another way of saying this is that EMC is the control of EMI so that
unwanted effects are prevented.
Besides understanding the phenomena in themselves, EMC also addresses the countermeasures,
such as control regimes, design and measurement, which should be taken in order to prevent
emissions from causing any adverse effect.
Types of interference
Main article: Electromagnetic interference
Electromagnetic interference divides into several categories according to the source and signal
The origin of interference, often called "noise" in this context, can be man-made (artificial) or
Continuous interference
Continuous, or Continuous Wave (CW), interference arises where the source continuously emits
at a given range of frequencies. This type is naturally divided into sub-categories according to
frequency range, and as a whole is sometimes referred to as "DC to daylight".
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), from typically 20 kHz to an upper limit which
constantly increases as technology pushes it higher. Sources include:
Broadband noise may be spread across parts of either or both frequency ranges, with no
particular frequency accentuated. Sources include:
o Solar activity
o Continuously operating spark gaps such as arc welders
o CDMA (spread-spectrum) mobile telephony
Coupling mechanisms
Some of the technical words employed can be used with differing meanings. These terms are
used here in a widely accepted way, which is consistent with other articles in the encyclopedia.
The basic arrangement of noise source, coupling path and victim, receptor or sink is shown in the
figure below. Source and victim are usually electronic hardware devices, though the source may
be a natural phenomenon such as a lightning strike, electrostatic discharge (ESD) or, in one
famous case, the Big Bang at the origin of the Universe.
Differential-mode coupling: noise appears out of phase (in opposite directions) on two
Inductive coupling
Inductive coupling occurs where the source and receiver are separated by a short distance
(typically less than a wavelength). Strictly, "Inductive coupling" can be of two kinds, electrical
induction and magnetic induction. It is common to refer to electrical induction as capacitive
coupling, and to magnetic induction as inductive coupling.
Capacitive coupling
Capacitive coupling occurs when a varying electrical field exists between two adjacent
conductors typically less than a wavelength apart, inducing a change in voltage on the receiving
Magnetic coupling
Inductive coupling or magnetic coupling (MC) occurs when a varying magnetic field exists
between two parallel conductors typically less than a wavelength apart, inducing a change in
voltage along the receiving conductor.
Radiative coupling
Radiative coupling or electromagnetic coupling occurs when source and victim are separated
by a large distance, typically more than a wavelength. Source and victim act as radio antennas:
the source emits or radiates an electromagnetic wave which propagates across the space in
between and is picked up or received by the victim.
EMI control
The damaging effects of electromagnetic interference pose unacceptable risks in many areas of
technology, and it is necessary to control such interference and reduce the risks to acceptable
The control of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and assurance of EMC comprises a series of
related disciplines:
For a complex or novel piece of equipment, this may require the production of a dedicated EMC
control plan summarizing the application of the above and specifying additional documents