Group Study - Modulation Answer Key
Group Study - Modulation Answer Key
Group Study - Modulation Answer Key
1. What is the process of superimposing an intelligence frequency to a higher
a. Modulation
b. detection c. multiplexing
d. scrambling
2. In amplitude modulation, the amount of transmitter power increases as the
modulation index
a. Increases
b. decreases c. remains the same
d. halved
3. When the carrier is modulated 75%, the total power increases by what
percentage over that of the carrier alone?
a. 50%
b. 75%
c. 28%
d. 100%
4. A sine wave carrier is modulated by a single tone so the Vmax = 18mV and
Vmin = 10mV. Calculate the modulation index.
a. 0.67
b. 0.29
c. 2/3
d. 0.6
5. What is the 3rd character in the emission designation for telephony?
a. F
b. B
c. D
d. E
6. A still picture transmission using phase modulation.
a. F3C
b. G3C
c. A3E
d. F3F
7. A very small band of frequency that is used to protect interference of
adjacent frequency.
a. Guard band
b. Carrier
c. Modulating
d. Tolerance
8. In an FM transmitter, what is the result of overmodulation?
a. Lower frequency
b. distortion c. higher power
excessive bandwidth
9. Calculate the deviation ratio for an FM signal where the maximum frequency
deviation is 60kHz and the maximum modulating frequency is 5 kHz.
a. 12
b. 1/12
c. 1/3
d. 2/3
10.The maximum allowed deviation of the FM sound signal in TV is 25kHz. If the
actual deviation is 20kHz, the percent modulation is
a. 43%
b. 72%
c. 96%
d. 80%
11.What is the amount of carrier swing necessary to produce 90% modulation
for FM Broadcasting?
a. 67.5kHz
b. 60kHz
c. 120 kHz
d. 135 kHz
12.The deviation of the FM signal will depend on the _____ of the modulating
b. Frequency
b. amplitude
c. phase
d. power
13.A superheterodyne receiver is tuned to a frequency of 5MHz when the local
oscillator frequency is 6.65 MHz. What is the IF?
a. 1.65 MHz
b. 3.3 MHz c. 6.65 MHz
D. 13.3 MHz
14.Which of the following falls under the HF band of the radio spectrum?
a. 8.2345 MHz
b. 150.5 MHz
c. 2.4555 MHz
d. 35.535
15.In a transmitted AM wave, state where the information is contained.
a. Carrier
b. envelope c. sidebands
d. modulating
16.If a 7-ampere carrier is modulated 100% by a sinusoidal tome, how much
does the antenna current increase?
a. 22.5%
b. 33.3%
c. 66.7%
d. 44.8%
17.An AM signal with a maximum modulating signal frequency of 4.5kHz has a
total bandwidth of
a. 4.5kHz
b. 6.75 kHz
c. 9kHz
d. 18 kHz
18.In a Narroband FM system, the deviation ratio is commonly ONE and the
highest audio frequency is generally limited to
a. 300 Hz
b. 10 kHz
c. 3 kHz
d. 7.5 kHz
19.The local FM stereo rock station is at 96.5 MHz. What must be the local
oscillator frequency?
a. 93.9 MHz
b. 107.2 MHz
c. 112.5 MHzd. 105.9 MHz
b. downward modulation
d. demodulation
d. m > 1
34.The outline of the peaks of a carrier has the shape of the modulating signal
and is called the
a. trace
b. waveshape
c. envelope
d. carrier variation
35.Overmodulation occurs when
a. Vm > Vc
b. Vm < Vc
c. Vm = Vc
d. Vm = Vc = 0
a. 10.7 percent
d. 93.3 percent
b. 41.4 percent
c. 80.6 percent
d. modulating
c. FM signal
d. depends upon
51.The typical audio modulating frequency range used in radio and telephone
communications is
a. 50 Hz to 5KHz
b. 50 Hz to 15 Khz c. 100 Hz to 10kHz d. 300hz to 3khz
52.An AM signal with a maximum modulating signal frequency of 4.5 kHz has a
total bandwidth of
a. 4.5 kHz
b. 6.75 kHz
c. 9 Khz
d. 18 kHz
53.Distortion of the modulating signal produces harmonics which cause an
increase in the signal
a. carrier power
b. bandwidth
c. sideband power d. envelope
54.The process of translating a signal, with or without modulation, to a higher or
lower frequency for processing is called
a. frequency multiplication
b. frequency division
c. frequency shift
d. frequency conversion
55.Frequency translation is carried out by a circuit called a
a. translator
b. converter
c. balanced modulator
local oscillator
56.An input signal of 1.8 MHz is mixed with a local oscillation of 5 MHz. A filter
selects the difference signal. The output is
a. 1.8 MHz
b. 3.2 MHz
c. 5 MHz
d. 6.8 MHz
57.The output of an SSB transmitter with a 3.85 MHz carrier and a 1.5 kHz sine
wave modulating tone is
a. a 3.8485 MHz sine wave
b. a 3.85 Mhz sine wave
c. a 3.85, 3.8485, and 3.8515 Mhz sine wave d. 3848.5 and 3851.5
MHz sine wave
58.An SSB transmitter produces a 400 V peak-to-peak signal across a 52 ohms
antenna load. The PEP output is
a. 192.2 W
b. 384.5 W
c. 769.2 W
d. 3077 W
59.The output power of an SSB transmitter is usually expressed in terms of
a. average power b. RMS power c. peak to peak power
d. peak envelope
60.An SSB transmitter has a PEP rating of 1 kW. The average output power is in
the range of
a. 150 to 450 W
b. 100 to 300 W
c. 250 to 333 W d. 3 to 4 kW
61.Amplitude modulation is the same as
a. Linear Mixing
b. Analog Multiplication c. Signal Summation
62.In a diode modulator, the negative half of the AM wave is supplied by a(n)
a. Tuned Circuit b. Transformer
c. Capacitor
d. Inductor
63.Amplitude modulation can be produced by
a. Having the carrier vary a resistance
b. Having the modulating signal vary a capacitance
c. Rectifiers
d. DSB
d. Duty
76.If the amplitude of the modulating signal decreases, the carrier deviation
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. remains constant
goes to zero
c. Indirect FM
d. Indirect
83.If the amplitude of the modulating signal applied to a phase modulator is
constant, the output signal will be
a. Zero
b. The carrier frequency c. Above the carrier frequency d.
Below the carrier frequency
84.A 100 MHz carrier is deviated 50 kHz by a 4 kHz signal. The modulation index
a. 5
b. 8
c. 12.5
d. 20
85.The maximum deviation of an FM carrier is 2 kHz by a maximum modulating
signal of 400 Hz. The deviation ratio is
a. 0.2
b. 5
c. 8
d. 40
86.A 70 kHz carrier has a frequency deviation of 4 kHz with a 1000 Hz signal.
How many significant sideband pairs are produced?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
87.An FM transmitter has a maximum deviation of 12 kHz and a maximum
modulating frequency of 12 kHz. The bandwidth by Carsons rule is
a. 24 kHz
b. 33.6 kHz
c. 36.8 kHz
d. 48 kHz
88.The maximum allowed deviation of the FM sound signal in TV is 25 kHz. If the
actual deviation is 18 kHz, the percent modulation is
a. 43%
b. 72%
c. 96%
d. 139%
89.Which of the following is not a major benefit of FM over AM?
a. Greater efficiency
b. Noise Immunity c. Capture Effect d. Lower
complexity and cost
b. Excessive use of
d. Lower efficiency
d. Low-pass
d. Low-pass filter
d. FM
99.A circuit that isolates the carrier oscillator from load changes is called a
a. Final Amplifier b. Driver Amplifier c. Linear Amplifier d. Buffer
Which frequency demodulator is considered the best overall?
a. Radio Detector b. PLL
c. Quadrature
d. Pulseaveraging discriminator