House of Pain
House of Pain
House of Pain
as well, not unlike the trajectory of a yogi Grabbing the first of several floggers just right. It’s a gift more permanent
Life with UC returning from deep meditation. — this one a leather cat o’ nine tails with than a wedding ring, an insurance policy
is complicated. Standing barefoot and nude on the a substantial handle — Lady J steps more painful than a pre-nup.
Taking medicine for concrete floor of Lady J’s dungeon, Mike about four feet from her Alpha Boy’s Lady J releases Mike from St.
it shouldn’t be. seems right at home. He is. He’s Lady J’s back and begins twirling the leather ends Andrew’s Cross, and he removes his
husband and business partner (he’s a in a large figure eight. The resulting blindfold. His countenance is oddly
Help us study a once-a-day
investigational treatment for
mechanical engineer, and they own an air swooshes recall the cheesy sound effects peaceful. He looks more like a man
Ulcerative Colitis. Join today. conditioning service together). He is also of ’70s martial arts films. She moves who’s just awoken from a Sunday after-
Lady J’s “Alpha Boy” and under her com- closer, and soon contact is made, softly at noon nap than one who has been pul-
We are looking for men and
women who suffer from ulcerative mand at all times. first, then harder. Mike stretches his arms verized. He shuffles toward his wife, and
colitis (UC) to participate in a Lady J’s dungeon is less threatening skyward, and the cracks of leather against like two school kids on a playground,
clinical research study to see
if long-term treatment with an
than one might expect, at least at first flesh increase in volume. With a slight they kiss. A little peck on the lips is all,
FDA-approved medication, in glance. The small room could easily be a grin, Lady J unleashes four swift whacks then an embrace.
an investigational form, can workout area or rec room. In some across Mike’s shoulders. His head snaps Lady J puts away her toys. Mike
keep your UC from flaring up.
respects, it’s both. Exposed two-by-fours back in pain. gets dressed.
We encourage you to inquire and electrical wiring suggest a room Lady J goes soft again, lightly touch-
if you: under construction, and Lady J confirms ing the rosy patches on Mike’s upper
• Are > 18 years old with either
inactive or active UC (mild her dungeon is a work in progress. To back with her fingertips. Then, without
to moderate) the immediate left of the doorway hangs warning, she digs her fingernails into his
• Have a previous diagnosis of a sex sling, a black-leather swing sup- reddening flesh. He gasps and cranes his In the most basic terms, Lady J began
• Have NOT been in relapse ported at the corners by chains attached neck. She grabs another, heavier flogger her journey into the BDSM lifestyle as a
for > 6 weeks to metal pipes. Directly ahead are a cus- and the process begins anew. This time, prostitute. Well, sort of.
There are only 4 to 6 study
visits and 1 to 3 study phone
tom-built spanking horse and a waxing the rhythm of the whipping leather is Married at 16 in what she calls a
calls depending on UC activity. bed, complete with eyehooks for louder, matching the intensity of “The “very vanilla relationship,” Lady J soon
This clinical research study can restraints. It’s draped with a sheet cov- Omen”-esque strains of “O Fortuna,” found herself stifled by a domineering
last up to 14 months. If you
qualify and choose to volunteer, ered with images from the animated which now leap from the CD player. mate, a man whose idea of marriage was
you will be provided with all Disney film “Aladdin.” Again, she approaches slowly, allowing different than his wife’s. “What brought
study examinations and an In the far corner of the dungeon the strands to just nip the skin. Then it to an end is he couldn’t keep his dick
FDA-approved UC medication
at no cost to you during your stands St. Andrew’s Cross, a black, harder, faster and closer, culminating in in his pants,” Lady J says with a grimace.
study participation. 7-foot-tall “X” affixed with wrist and four vicious, impossible whacks across Consequently, after 17 years, she found
ankle restraints. There is a chair, a small his ruby shoulders. herself divorced with a 12-year-old son
For more information, please contact: table and, over by the sling, rows and Finally, with a sinister smile, Lady J to care for.
Borland-Groover Clinic
Research Department
rows of plastic storage bins containing takes several solid swipes at Mike’s ass Though she was employed by a
(904) 680-0871 everything from needles and sterile gauze with an ultra-thin, whip-like flogger. major health insurance company, where
to lubricants and giant dildos. From The snaps are alarming, and Mike she worked for 30 years, in her late 20s,
hooks on the wall hang all manner of moans as they connect. Nearly 20 min- she found she needed money to support
flogging devices: paddles, whips, riding utes have passed, and the once-pale fig- her son. That’s when a friend employed
crops. Some are custom-made and quite ure is a deep, throbing throbbing red. by Hertz car rental at Jacksonville
elaborate. A few cost more than $1,500. As Lady J completes the session, she International Airport suggested she
Several are purple, Lady J’s favorite color. points out the letters J and D — her work as a professional dom for well-to-
Lady J, dressed in non-threatening first initial and that of their shared wife, do traveling businessmen. “He said,
sweatpants and a purple T-shirt with her Lady D — etched in the flesh of Mike’s ‘Jackie, you would be great,’” says Lady
name emblazoned across the chest, flips buttocks, one letter per cheek. It took J. “‘You’ve already got a dominant per-
on a wall-mounted CD player. Ambient several cuttings to achieve the desired sonality. It won’t take me long to teach
orchestral music spills into the room. effect. Slicing the outline of the letters, you to use the equipment safely, and
She’s mid-sentence, showing off one of allowing them to heal, cutting into the you won’t have to sleep with any
her favorite flogging devices, when scab, healing and cutting again, then of them.’”
Mike, pulling on a blindfold and snap- applying ink so the initials would scar
ping himself into the cross’ wrist
restraints, asks, “May I speak openly?”
“Yes,” Lady J responds.
“No more talking,” requests Mike.
He’s fastened to the cross, his face
buried in the center of the “X” with
his back and rear end exposed.
“No more talking,” Lady J con-
curs. The session begins.
With her bare palm, Lady J
strokes Mike’s back softly, then places
a small bandage over a mole on his
right shoulder. Though she is about
to brutalize her Alpha Boy, Lady J
insists on doing it safely. Moles tear
easily and bleed heavily, and that’s a
kind of pain she’s not interested
in inflicting.
She retrieves two plush animal
pelts and uses them to caress Mike’s
back and buttocks. He’s silent. She
follows with industrial-grade, tex-
tured rubber gloves in a similar pat-
tern. Lady J, as she later explains, is
prepping the skin, gradually building
to greater levels of stimulation. Mike’s Lady J flogs Jen, a woman recovering from back surgery. Oddly, Jen considers her
flogging sessions part of her recovery.
shoulders slowly turn pink.
Though the lifestyle involves a violent abusing her, that’s what it amounts to.
intimate connection, BDSM adherents She takes the demons, and she gets rid of
tout the importance of respect and trust. them. When this girl left, 20 years of
Openness enhances comfort, which, in hurt, pain, agony and psychological vio-
turn, increases arousal. Though Lady J lence was gone. Whether it will stay
insists she never has sex with any of her gone is entirely up to her.
subs (she even saves sex with her hus- “We’re all broken, or we have
band and wife for the bedroom, away demons,” Mike continues. “We
from her dungeon), some of her subjects [lifestylers] openly address them, and try
are sexually gratified by the end of to remove them, which makes us better.
their sessions. How we do it is unorthodox to people in
More important than sexual arousal, the mainstream, but there’s no hocus-
says Lady J and members of her house- pocus. We repair ourselves.”
hold, is the bond they establish. The
deep relationships between doms and
subs are integral to the healing aspect of
BDSM. “I’ve smoked grass, more than
my share, more than I needed,” says It’s 1:45 a.m., and the cast of the
Mike of his early attempts at escapism. Saturday Night Seduction fetish show is
He says the endorphins produced in a in full swing. On stage at Murray Hill
session are similar to those released as a nightclub Martini’s, the cast members
result of taking certain drugs. “[Lady J] are in the middle of their very last per-
activates them. She’s the catalyst that formance, a celebration of 10 years of tit-
allows me to go [inside] and repair pain.” illating fetish and bondage shows.
To illustrate the point, Mike and Mistress Ravynn, a bleached-blonde
Lady J recount a session during which a bombshell in full leather gear, is spread-
submissive had an emotional breakdown. eagle in a sling suspended from the ceil-
On a recent Sunday night, with a half- ing by a large spring. She snatches a
dozen observers present, Lady J worked corseted female between her legs and
on a woman who had suffered domestic lashes at her with a leather flogger. Her
violence in her past. Though the woman victim writhes in mock pleasure. Around
has since moved on and remarried, she’s them other dominants and submissives
still having trouble dealing with the psy- engage in various sinful acts, simulating
chological fallout. The session was the oral sex, fondling breasts, spanking bot-
last of three that evening, and was toms and generally abusing each other.
lengthy and extreme. Dark industrial music is all around.
“Nobody wiggled, nobody spoke,” The stage is bathed in red light and a
says Lady J. “There were people there fog machine periodically pumps out
with tears streaming down their eyes. lung-searing white clouds, turning the
And the only thing you could hear was whip-wielding creatures into demonic
the thud of floggers hitting this lady. She silhouettes. Boys with horns on their
let loose of this demon, physically and heads and tattoos of skulls on their bare
vocally. It was a cleansing flogging. I arms and chests are tortured by girls with
knew what I was doing, and she knew bust-boosting brassieres and lots of black
where she wanted to go.” eyeliner. The audience plays along, alter-
“My bride has the ability to excise nately groping each other and cheering
those demons through playing with her for more. It’s like an orgy in hell if Will
and abusing her,” adds Mike. “Physically Ferrell were Satan.
The trappings of bondage — leather gear, spiked collars, oxygen masks — are the tools
of the trade at Jacksonville’s popular Seduction shows.
It’s all in good fun, but a far cry from Weekly. “I grew up idolizing entertainers
the lifestyle the show portrays. And that’s like Alice Cooper, KISS and Ozzy
the point, says Seduction founder Osbourne. So like them, I get dressed
Max Michaels. up in my character, go out and put on Mike lumbers, shirtless, into the kitchen
Michaels conceived of Saturday Night a performance. in search of painkillers. He’s just had
Seduction in 1998 when he was appro- “Many people out there seem to be extensive oral surgery and is in obvious
ached by now-deceased promoter and under the impression that what we do discomfort. “There is good pain and bad
then-Club 5 owner Bruce Chambers. involves sex,” she continued. “It does not. pain,” Mike mumbles through clenched
“We were hanging out [in downtown We love to look sexy, but we do not have teeth. “This is bad pain.”
Jacksonville], and being new to the area sex in our performances. Our goal in Coming from a man who enjoys hav-
he asked me ‘Where’s the best fetish Seduction is to put together themed per- ing his scrotum pinched, his ass-flesh
night?’” explains Michaels. “I said, formances and have fun while entertain- sliced, his urethra pierced and objects
‘Atlanta.’ He laughed and said, ‘Let’s ing the audience.” jammed into his most intimate places, the
change that.’” Six months later they As might be expected, Seduction has irony cracks like one of Lady J’s whips.
started Seduction. had its share of problems, including a The definition of pain and pleasure is
A theatrical take on bondage and fetish vice-squad shutdown of one performance. different for each person, and the gray
culture, Saturday Night Seduction places “They made an example of Seduction,” area where the two intermingle is where
the trappings and practices of the BDSM says Michaels of the raid. “All suited up BDSM practitioners find purchase. For
culture in front of anyone curious enough in ski masks, bulletproof vests and guns, some, sessions are soft and tender with
to show up and open-minded enough to they raided the club and arrested the club just a little light discipline to get them
keep watching. Michaels says he has always dancers, members of the troupe and our off. For others, the outer edge of sensa-
called Seduction the “Top 40 of the fetish female impressionist MC.” All charges tion becomes a test of physical and men-
world, mild by comparison to the extent were eventually dropped, Michaels says, tal endurance. The deeper you go, the
the lifestylers go to.” Michaels and “but the example was made.” stranger it gets.
Seduction players use themed shows — Some in the BDSM community take Basic bondage practice may involve
from naughty schoolgirls to Roman orgies issue with Seduction. Lady J says the per- anything from simple ligatures, a blind-
to bondage scenarios — to dramatize what formances can be unsafe, particularly dur- fold and soft flogging. As the sessions or
might take place in bedrooms (and dun- ing segments involving audience partici- “scenes” increase in severity and thematic
geons) across the country. pation. She claims audience members, complexity, so does the pain. Bindings
But it’s just a show, stresses Michaels, a who may not realize what they’re getting become more elaborate, and floggings
sentiment echoed by cast members. into, are at risk. As an example, she recalls grow longer and more intense. Degrada-
Anonymity is insisted upon by many of being approached by a young woman in tion and humiliation, piercings and cut-
the players, a number of whom draw a Riverside who was injured during fire tings, bloodletting and fire play, sensory
clear distinction between their stage per- play at a Seduction performance. She says deprivation, electro-stimulation, genital
sonas and their private lives. In fact, all of the woman lifted her shirt to expose sev- torture — the list goes on. As Lady J says,
the Seduction members contacted for this eral serious burns on her back. if you can think it, you can do it.
story refused a personal interview and Michaels insists all possible safety pre- But for all the physical interaction,
preferred to correspond by e-mail, cautions are observed during Seduction BDSM is mainly a psychological pursuit,
requesting that only their stage names be shows, and dismisses such criticisms as especially for the “bottom” or submissive.
used. All of those interviewed insisted falsehoods and rumors. The rumors he can Many submissives claim to have hyper-
that they do not practice bondage in their handle. He’s even somewhat proud of the conscious experiences, entering a trance-
personal relationships. bigger-than-life version that lives in some like state, known as “subspace,” when ses-
For Mistress Kitten, a 10-year veteran people’s heads. But he takes offense at the sions reach intense levels. Mike, who
of fetish shows and Seduction member thought of his shows being dangerous. refers to himself as a “pain pig,” achieves
since 1999, the attraction is more rock “All of the players sign agreements that his deepest subspace when physical tor-
star than bondage queen. “I am a per- they understand and respect the parame- ment is nearly unbearable. “I am a little
former,” she wrote in an e-mail to Folio ters of their role in the show, and are extreme, a little over the top,” says Mike.
“Sometimes I’m a lot over the top. I Lady J relishes the absolute control she
think I’ve used my safe word once.” maintains of her household. Says Lady J,
A “safe word” is a word or phrase with just a hint of a smile, “The power is
unique to each participant that indicates always in my hands.”
when they’ve left their comfort zone. If a
person is gagged, a hand gesture may be
used. The safe word is important not
only for the submissive, but for the domi- Jen is secured to St. Andrew’s Cross, her
nant as well, since she or he can also enter tattooed back receiving rhythmic blows
a transcendental headspace and may from Lady J’s floggers. Along her spine,
need to be jarred back to reality to end between two growing red patches, runs a
the session. lengthy scar, the aftermath of painful
Lady J says that every possible safety back surgery. A submissive for three years
precaution is observed in her dungeon. now, Jen considers her tattoos and her
For the uninitiated, she offers reading involvement in BDSM part of her recov-
materials detailing safe bondage practices ery. Since her surgery, Jen has had prob-
and dungeon etiquette. Her restraining lems allowing her husband (also known
devices are equipped with quick-release as her “sir” or male dominant) to touch
mechanisms, so at any time during a her back.
scene, if something goes awry, a Lady J relies on her skill with floggers
subject may escape. and her knowledge of anatomy to avoid
The universal slogan of BDSM — the sensitive parts of Jen’s back, focusing
“safe, sane and consensual”
— is of utmost importance
to Lady J. When interview-
ing a potential member of
So, for the most part, the sado-
The Round Square Hole, masochists among us keep their
she may spend a full day
with the candidate. mouths shut and their heads
Sometimes the interview down, at least until they’re in
lasts an entire weekend.
She also offers a lengthy friendly company.
training program for both
doms and subs. Her rigor
is, in a way, intended to intimidate as on the shoulder muscles rather than the
well as inform. “Many are tourists, lumbar, where the kidneys are especially
wannabes,” she says. “I’ll put them vulnerable. These sessions, with both
through their paces, and normally [the Lady J and her own husband, have
poseurs] don’t come back.” brought Jen out of what she calls “para-
Those who are accepted into the noia” about being touched.
household are treated like family. Lady J Of course, truth be told, Jen gets off
keeps records on all members and club on it, too. “I knew from the time I
activities, which include meetings at Fuel started to hit puberty that I was differ-
Coffeehouse in Riverside. A number of ent,” she says. “As a kid, hitting puberty,
members even have a key to her home. you have fantasies, and mine weren’t nor-
Once admitted into Lady J’s fold, you mal. I knew that. Mine were very violent
are, in a word, protected. “Eyes will be and had a lot to do with being tied up
on you to make sure no one abuses you against [my] will.”
sexually or mentally,” says Mike. To mainstreamers, fantasies of rape
“Nobody will ever [mess] with you.” and bondage remain just that — fan-
There are also various levels of tasies. But for those involved in BDSM,
dom/sub relationships within the BDSM fantasy is reality, an arousing, violent,
lifestyle. Some subs are part-time while mind-expanding reality. It’s the main-
others are full-on slaves. Lady J doesn’t stream’s fear and ignorance that keeps
keep slaves because, frankly, she says, BDSMers in the closet, says Jen.
they’re too much trouble, requiring Lady J would like to change that. She
instructions as specific as, “Get out of wishes more people would be open to the
bed, put on your clothes, eat your break- ideas embraced by the BDSM commu-
fast.” Make no mistake: Lady J’s subs are nity, or at least would be more accepting
at her disposal — she makes a demand, of the people who live it. That’s why she
they follow through or suffer the conse- makes education one of her objectives.
quences at her hand — but they also For Lady J, what two or more consensual
come and go freely. adults do behind the doors of their own
As Lady J’s Alpha Boy, Mike lives dungeons is their own business.
every waking moment under her control. “I don’t care what you do, and I don’t
Aside from decisions pertaining to their care how you do it,” says Lady J. “The
business, Lady J decides what, when, way I figure, as long as two people come
where and how they do things. (Mike out of a scene, and they’re able to walk
enjoys the same relationship with their out the door, and they’re both alive, it
shared wife, Lady D, also a dom, at her was a good scene.”
home across town.) Mike says he’s “noth-
ing more than a piece of chattel.”