Scheffler Dish

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Scheer Dish

based Solar System

Operations & Maintenance Manual

UNDP-GEF Project on Concentrated Solar Heat
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Government of India
November, 2014

Prepared By:

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Acknowledgement 3
About This Manual

1.0 General Description

2.0 How a Scheffler Dish System Works

3.0 Specifications
3.1 Interpreting System Specifications
3.2 Interpreting Subsystem Specifications
3.3 Interpreting Component Specifications
3.4 P&I Diagram


4.0 Description of Reflecting, Receiving and Tracking Mechanisms


5.0 Circulation System - Steam vs Thermic Fluid


6.0 Safety Information

6.1 General Safety Risks and Precautions
6.2 Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
6.3 Precautions During Operation and Maintenance
6.4 Chemicals used and health related precautions
6.5 IBR (Indian Boiler Regulations) Safety Regulations


7.0 System Operation

7.1 Startup Sequence
7.2 Start-up Precautions
7.3 Operation
7.4 Monitoring and Control
7.5 Exceptions and Backup
7.6 Shutdown Sequence
7.7 Shutdown Precautions


8.0 Maintenance
8.1 Predictive and Preventive Maintenance
8.2 Consumable Replacement
8.3 Maintenance Dos and Donts


9.0 Troubleshooting


Appendix 1: Sample Bill of Materials 34

Appendix 2: Operation Logbooks 36
Appendix 3: Focus Setting 38
Appendix 4: Maintenance 42
Standard Task Procedure 01: Cleaning of Y-Strainer 43
Standard Task Procedure 02 : Removing Insulation for Repair 45
Standard Task Procedure 03 : Daily and Seasonal Adjustment of Scheffler Dishes 47
Standard Task Procedure 04 : Calibration of Pressure Reducing Valve 50
Standard Task Procedure 05 : Calibration of Temperature Transmitter 51
Standard Task Procedure 06 : Descaling of Pipelines 53

This document is the result of active mentorship, support and inputs from the following individuals:
Dr. S. K. Singh, MNRE
Dr. A. K. Singhal, MNRE-UNDP Project Management Unit
Dr. R. P. Goswami, MNRE
Shri Pankaj Kumar, MNRE-UNDP Project Management Unit
Dr. Kiran Deshpande, Innovation Head at Thermax Ltd.
Dr. Deepak Gadhia, Founder of Gadhia Solar Ltd. and Director of MSA Renew Tech Foundation
Shri Sandeep Mahore, Senior Project Executive at Thermax Ltd.
Shri Sunil Sangwan, Engineer at Thermax Ltd.
Shri Kaliash, Technician at Solar Energy Center, Gurgaon

The manual received significant input from Thermax Ltd. on a pro-bono basis.

About This Manual

This document describes parabolic dish solar concentrators, also called Scheffler dishes and the
procedures needed to operate and maintain them successfully. The document is intended primarily
for instructors, supervisors and engineers to train the site level technicians.
The document maintains a focus on the practical day-to-day tasks of operating a parabolic trough
system. The design of the system and the engineering considerations behind its operation are not
covered unless they have a direct bearing on operational decisions.
Please note that the manual presents generalized information that is not specific to any specific
manufacturer. It prepares the student to quickly learn the specifics of a particular system during
on boarding and deployment on an installed site.

1.0 General Description

Heat from suns rays can be harnessed to provide heat to a variety of applications. But in general, suns
rays are too diffuse to be of direct use in these applications. So solar concentrators are used to collect
and concentrate suns rays to heat up a working fluid to the required temperature.
An arrangement of Scheffler dishes is shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Scheffler Steam Generation Dishes

Some of the common application where Scheffler steam systems are used are:
1. Boiler feed water preheating
2. Washing in laundries
3. Oil heating for cooking or industrial applications
4. Milk pasteurization
5. Steam cooking

2.0 How a Scheffler Dish System Works

A Scheffler reflector is a small lateral section of a paraboloid (Figure 2), which concentrates suns
radiation over a fixed focus.

Figure 2: Solar Scheffler Dish Concentrator

The Scheffler dish system works on the following principles:
1. The parabolic reflective dish turns about north-south axis parallel to earths axis, tracking the
suns movement from morning (East) to evening (West), maintaining gravitational equilibrium
of the dish
2. The parabolic reflector also performs change in inclination angle while staying directed to sun,
in order to obtain sharp focal point
3. Focus lies at the axis of rotation. It remains at a fixed position, where concentrated heat is
captured and transferred to water through the receiver to generate hot water or high pressure steam
4. Water from header pipe passes to receiver (thermosyphon principle). At the receiver, the
hot water or steam generated water and collected in the header pipe flows to the end use

3.0 Specifications

Interpreting System Specifications

A system to generate heat from Scheffler dishes, consists of a number of sub-systems and components.
However, it is easy to see what the entire system does by specifying just a few basic parameters.
Table 1 below shows the specification of a particular Scheffler system as an example. Please note that
the format for technical specifications will vary by manufacturer.
Table 1. System Specification
Nominal Rating
(per dish)
Basic Module

Example Values


2.5 kWh (10 m2 Dish)

5.5 kWh (16 m2 Dish) (approx.)
Scheffler Dish concentrating heat on

Working Fluid

Water/ Thermic Fluid Oil

Temperature Range
End use Application Industrial process steam used for
Cooking/laundry/vapor absorption
for cooling/ milk pasteurization

The heat energy output

received on a clear sunny day
The basic unit for collecting,
concentrating and capturing
suns heat
The fluid through which heat
from the sun is transferred to
the end application
The temperature range in which
the working fluid operates
The final use to which system is


Interpreting Subsystem Specifications

Figure 3. Subsystems of a CST System

As seen in Figure 3, the entire system can be thought of as made up of subsystems each performing
a core function.

The receiving subsystem collects solar radiation in the solar field from parabola shaped reflecting
collectors and transfers it to working fluid such as water or oil.
The tracking subsystem acts as a support to the receiving subsystem. It maximizes the solar energy
captured by moving solar collectors towards the sun for complete day. Some tracking systems also
track the sun as it changes its position during the seasons.
The circulation subsystem carries fluid and transfers the heat received by it to the end use application.
Fluid has to circulate in the system at a certain rate to quickly and efficiently transfer the received
heat from solar field to end use application. Circulation subsystem has a number of components such
as pipes, pumps and valves to control fluid flow and temperature.
The thermal storage subsystem is a part of the circulation system. It extracts heat from the circulating
fluid when the temperature becomes too high. When the temperature is too low, it supplies stored
heat to the fluid.
Finally, the control mechanism is the brain behind tracking and circulation system. It sends signals to
these systems to control the tracking of the receiver and the pressure and flow rate of the circulating
The table below shows a sample specification that describes each subsystem in more detail. The
values provided are examples only. Please note that the format for technical specifications will vary
by manufacturer.
Table 2. Subsystem Specification (Case Study of a Scheffler Steam Cooking System)
Collector System


Scheffler Dish
Reflecting Surface
Number of Dishes
Total collector area
System energy capacity
(8 hours)
Steam Generation
Mounting Location

Example Values

Mirrors with protective

coating at back
1168 m2
27,62,320 kCal/Day
365 Kg/hour peak
Roof Top Mounting
Stationary Focus

Receiving System

Tank Receiver painted

Heating Media
Water converted to steam
Nominal Temperature 180C (steam at 10 Kg/cm2

Collects and reflects Suns heat at a
fixed focus point
73 Scheffler Dishes of 16 m2 each
concentrate suns rays on 73 receivers
(heat exchangers) placed in the focus of
each dish
Water from header pipe placed above
the receiver, which enters the receiver
and gets converted to steam due to high
temperature achieved due to high solar
concentration.The steam collected in the
header pipe is piped to the kitchen for
Collects the heat and converts
it to steam/hot oil

Tracking Mechanism
Mounting Structure


Example Values

Dual Axis Tracking

East-West (Daily Tracking)

Drive mechanism


North-South (Seasonal)
DC wiper motor

Elliptical Parabolic Dish mounted on a
stand rotating parallel to Earths Polar
The direction in which the solar
collectors move to track suns rays on

Scheffler dishes are inter-connected with

wire rope going over gear-box which is
driven by DC motor (in clockwise/ anticlockwise direction)

Circulation Subsystem
Fluid composition
RO/DM water converted to
Operating pressure
Pressure Reducing Valve
reduces system pressure to
<1Kg/cm2 at cooking vessel
180C< 105 C
Pressure protection
Safety Relief Valve at Header Pipe and
Jacketed Cooking Vessel to vent excess
steam to ensure that the system pressure
doesnt go above system design pressure

Interpreting Component Specifications

The key components in any Scheffler system are described below.

Scheffler Dishes as shown in Figure 4 are a class of parabolic shaped reflector, made up of solar grade
reflecting mirrors. An illustrative example of the technical specification of a dish is provided
below. Please note that the method of specifying the dish will vary by manufacturer.


Table 3. Specification of a 16 m2 Scheffler Dish:


Module Description
Surface Area of Collector
Aperture Area of Collector
Dimension & Shape
Thermal output Capacity
Thermal Efficiency
Footprint Ground Area Required for
Single Dish Stand and Receiver

Scheffler Dish Concentrator

16 m2
11.65 m2(Average)
92 %
5.5 KW
42 % (approx.)
35 m2

Receiver at fixed focus of Scheffler Dish

Figure 4: Scheffler Dish Concentrator and Receiver

As shown in Figure 5, is placed at the focus of the Dish, which absorbs concentrated sunlight to
heat up water to generate steam
Receiver works on thermosyphon principle, in which cold water sinks down from header to
receiver, and hot water/steam comes up (lower relative density) and is collected back in header
pipe for storage
Header Pipe
Storage tank contains water in the lower half and steam in upper half
Works as a buffer system, i.e. it collects and stores steam generated by Scheffler system, which
can be utilized as per requirement


Table 4. Component Specifications



Wiper Motor



Specification and

Gives torque to
move rotary support Gear Ratio:
with accurate
Gives motion to
drive wiper motor


Controls tracking of Input: From HMI

the dish
(Human Machine

Solar radiation To monitor and

log solar radiation
received, for
monitoring systems

Range: 0 to ___ W/ sq.
Output: 0 to ___mV

Wind speed

To detect storms,
when the wind
velocity exceeds
a certain speed,
parabolic trough
should go to the
stowing position
(0 degree)

3 cup anemometer
Wind Range: 0 to ___

Hot water
circulating pump

Voltage: ___ Volts
Current: ___ Amps
Speed: ___ RPM
Head: _ bar
Capacity: ___ litres of
water per second
Max Water Temp:

Hot water


7 Header Pipe
Store hot water and
maintain pressure in
circulation system
8 Pressure
Reduces pressure
Reducing Valve at the header pipe
outlet to a safe
limit. It protects the
application from
surge pressure

Specification and
Max. Pressure: ___ Kg/
Volume: ___Ltr.
Valve pressure rating:
__ bar
Maximum temperature:
__ C
Material: CS or
Stainless steel
Manual or Automatic
(controlled by PLC)
End connection used:
Flange or thread end
Open bonnet (for
water and steam) or
closed bonnet (for
thermic oil)

Safety Relief

Releases pressure
to the atmosphere
when it crosses a
preset limit

10 Flow meter

Same as for PRV

Digital or Analog
Range: 0 to __m3/h
Inlet water
temperature range:
___C to ___C
Inlet pressure range:
__ bar to __ bar

11 Pressure gauge Measurement of

pressure at a point
in the system

Range: 0 to __ kg/cm2


12 Temperature Measurement of
temperature at a
point in the system

Specification and
Range: 0 to ___C

13 Direct Cooking Has perforated base Capacity in Litres

which is used for
cooking rice, boiling
potatoes with steam
14 Jacketed
For cooking dal,
Cooking Vessel sambhar, soup, etc.
with steam/hot oil

Capacity in Litres

15 Steam Trap


To remove
condensate from
steam distribution
line, while trapping
the steam and not
letting it escape

In Scheffler steam cooking system, the water softener system softens fresh inlet
water by removing dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium to prevent
scaling. This soft water is then stored in the feed water tank, from where it is
pumped to the header pipe, whenever level in it goes below its minimum Water
Level (as specified by manufacturer). The Scheffler dish heats up the water to
form steam, which gets collected in its upper portion. This steam passes through
insulated steam line to process heat application, like for indoor cooking. Here we
have two types of vessels- direct cooking vessels and jacketed cooking vessels.
Steam Trap at the bottom of a jacketed cooking vessel collects condensed
steam (water) and moves it out of the vessels while trapping the steam inside
the vessel. Condensed Steam is collected in condensate recovery tank, from
where it is pumped back to header pipe. If at any stage steam pressure in vessel
exceeds its designed pressure due to some failure, or due to a hammering
effect, safety relief valves opens-up to protect vessels from excess pressure.

3.4 P&I Diagram

A P&I (Piping and Instrumentation) diagram shown below in Figure 5 is used by engineers to represent
a full system view of the components in a typical system and the flow of fluid through the system.
Interpretation of this diagram is useful to diagnose and rectify problems.



Figure 5: P&I Diagram of Scheffler Dish generating Steam for Cooking Purpose

4.0 Description of Reflecting, Receiving and Tracking Mechanisms

These 3 mechanisms work in tandem to maximize the energy captured from the sun through the day
and the seasons.
The reflector in Scheffler dishes concentrates sunlight over a focus, which remains stationary even
as the dish itself moves. See Figure 6 below for an illustration. The arrangement of dishes can be as
sleeping & standing dishes. The standing dishes are south facing while sleeping dishes are north facing.
The receiver receives heat from both sides (Figure 6)

Figure 6: Sleeping Standing Scheffler Dish Arrangement for Steam Generation

The main parts of the parabolic dish (Figure 7 and 8) are listed below:
a. Dish frame assembly
b. Main rotating pipe
c. Tracking wheel
d. Tracking triangle
e. Reflector stand
f. Gear mechanism


Figure 7: Daily Tracking Mechanism in Scheffler Dish

Figure 8: Daily Tracking System for Scheffler Dish

Scheffler Dish tracking can generally be of two types:
1. Single Axis Tracking- Automatic daily tracking but manual seasonal tracking
2. Dual Axis Tracking- Automatic daily tracking and automatic seasonal tracking


Tracking of Reflector in Scheffler Dish:

1. Daily Tracking (East to West):
In order to compensate for west-east rotation of the earth Scheffler Dish moves from east to
west. As shown in Figure 9 Dish moves by 1 every 4 minutes about rotating pipe.
Electronic Timer is driving 12 Volt Wiper Motor, which accurately controls rotation of Scheffler Dish, by Pulse Width Modulation Technique at fixed Duty Cycle. Speed of Wiper Motor is
controlled by changing Duty Cycle of output power as,
Speed of Wiper Motor Duty Cycle
Duty Cycle (D) = Ton

Wiper Motor thereafter rotates Gearbox (min. Gear Ratio 1: 60), which transmits power
to GI wire rope, connected through Wire Rope Drum. This GI wire rope connects Scheffler
Dishes in a row to a common Tracking Wiper Motor.
In Scheffler Dish, with suns movement from east to west, the dish continuously turns about
an axis, tracking suns radiation and maintaining the focus of collector on the receiver tube.
The axis of daily rotation is located exactly in north-south-direction, parallel to earth axis
and runs through the center of gravity of the reflector. The GI wire passes on C-Channel of
rotating support of Scheffler through bicycle hub support as shown in Figure 8.
GI Wire pulls the Reflectors in clockwise direction during tracking period. To counter force
from GI wire a dead weight (counter weight) is hung to rotary support on counter weight
1) Seasonal Tracking (North South)
Seasonal tracking is done to change position of Reflector in N-S direction depending on position of the sun.
Mechanism providing lever and screws are mostly used,
however new system incorporate linear actuators.
Very slow Seasonal Movement, i.e. 23.5 in three
Needs adjustment in 3-4 days
In India, dishes are more vertical relative to ground
during winters and flat in summers

Figure 9


Figure 10: Correct position of focus falling on the receiver

(Concentrated and at the center of receiver)
Seasonal Adjustment is done by a telescopic bar at each end of the reflector. There are two ways of
doing Seasonal Adjustment:
1) Manual Adjustment (as explained in STP 03)
2) Automatic Seasonal Tracking with linear actuators to move dish up or down

5.0 Circulation System - Steam vs Thermic Fluid

1 System Pressure




Steam Systems
Steam based systems are high
pressure fired systems, hence
require engineers supervision

Thermic Fluid Systems

Most thermic fluid systems

operate at relatively low
pressure, hence dont require
constant engineers supervision
Air in combination with hot water Non corrosive fluids, providing
and salts can cause corrosion /
high degree of metal finish
Nitrogen gas used with expansion protection as provided by
tank to maintain pressure and
lubricating oils
supress effect of corrosion
Require frequent maintenance, but Require minimal maintenance
easier to maintain
Water is relatively safer, and is
Cannot be directly discharged
widely used in domestic Kitchen
into sewers, but can be
processed and recycled to reuse
Inorganic thermic fluids may
have toxic property*


6.0 Safety Information

An understanding of safety involves three aspects:
A general awareness of safety risks on the site
Knowledge of protective equipment that should be available on-site and the specific scenarios
when they should be used
Safety precautions that should be followed for every activity that is undertaken on-site
This section provides general coverage of all of the above aspects. In addition, the safety risks and
precautions related to every task can be found in the Standard Task Procedures in the annexure.
NOTE: This is a generalized discussion of safety aspects on CST systems. By no means is thisa comprehensive
treatment of all safety risks and precautions. For a more complete understanding of safety, please refer to the
manufacturer manual or OSHA guidelines.


General Safety Risks and Precautions

Human Safety
Risks from High Temperature
The fluid is at a temperature above 110C, which is scalding temperature. So any
contact with fluid should be avoided
Pipes and other metal parts carrying fluid are at same temperature and are mostly
insulated. However, at any exposed area near insulated hose pipes, the temperature can be high enough to cause skin burns
The area between the reflector and receiver can be extremely hot
Risks from High Pressure
The system is pressurized, with fluid/steam at a pressure much higher than atmospheric pressure. Thus, on any opening/breakage/crack the fluid/steam can come out
as a jet and may come in contact with and injure the human body
Regularly monitor pressure at header pipe. It should be under safe operating limit
(Normal Limit: 10-11 Kg/cm2). If pressure in header pipe exceeds this limit call system maintenance
The pressure and safety relief valves should be set and tuned only by a trained person. Follow
STP 04 to adjust the safety relief valve
Risks from Concentrated Sunlight
Concentrated sunlight seen at the reflector or receiver can severely damage the
human eye
Make sure that focus cannot accidently fall on any ignitable material
Never move or stand between the dish and the receiver, and if at all you
are moving in this region keep closer to dish and away from receiver
Risks from Heights
Catwalk, railings, ladders provided should all be in place and inspected periodically


Equipment Safety
Risks to the equipment can occur from the following factors.
Use of excessive force while handling levers or tightening
Placement of sensitive equipment such as temperature and pressure gauges near sources of
heat. For example:
o Temperature and pressure gauges placed close to the receiver and not insulated
o PVC conduit piping or any other non-metallic equipment placed behind the receiver
Control panel, water pump motor, any other electrical equipment in the field should be properly grounded
For all rotating equipment, safety guard and protective mesh are to be installed and well maintained
Control panel is to be installed at a suitable place to prevent direct exposure from rain / dust /
sun light /heat


Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


Precautions During Operation and Maintenance

Note: Please refer to the manufacturers manual for the specific make and grade of each piece of equipment
to be used
Hand gloves of appropriate thickness and insulation to protect against hot surfaces
Industrial safety shoes while walking on site
Protective Sunglasses
Fire Extinguisher
While working on height / sloping roof, use
o Foot support (scaffolding / firm roof mounted platforms)
o Safety harness/ Hand-grip rope

Do not stand or walk between dish and receiver. If possible, the dishes should be completely
defocused before any maintenance task near receiver area
Wear heavy duty sun goggles always while in side the solar field. Avoid looking at receiver or
dish or focus with naked eyes.
Use always safety helmet while moving inside the installation area
Use hand gloves while handling the mirror
Only authorized persons should enter inside the solar field
Do not touch bare receiver surface. It is kept un-insulated to absorb solar
While setting focus never over force adjustment lever excessively
Header Pipe stores steam at high pressure, hence avoid going near that region
Keep distance from Safety Relief Valve when releasing Steam


Do not disturb tracking lever intentionally and once system is set do not disturb any settings at
tracking mechanism, seasonal adjustment, gearbox, etc.
While Handling Pipeline and Equipment
Flexible hose pipes are generally susceptible to leakages due to high pressure in the system,
hence maintain safe distance
Ensure isolating valves are closed to stop the flow of fluid before attending to a module or
Drain hot fluid first through vents before opening any equipment to avoid any chance of contact
Loosen screws and connections only when the system is not under pressure
Wear gloves while removing insulation to avoid skin contact with hot surfaces
If fluid is to be drained by opening the pipe flanges or coupling, ensure:
o Most of body part is above the pipeline
o Stand away from pipe-line while opening drainage valves to avoid fluid spill over the body
While Handling Receiver & Header Pipe
Release steam completely by pressing handle on safety relief valve before opening any equipment, to reduce pressure in Header Pipe to atmospheric pressure
While Working on the Scheffler Dish
When working on the dish at a height, ensure that grip for hands and support for feet is available
to avoid from falling
Dish is made up of glass and is not strong enough to support any load on its surface ensure
that other supports are available before undertaking any work with the dish
Close top/bottom needle valves of water level gauge before removing glass tube to clean it from
the inside


Chemicals used and health related precautions

Use Soft Water

It is safe for use and has no health related issues
Soft water can be safely released to atmosphere to control pressure in the system as water/
steam has no toxic effect on environment
Thermic Fluid Precautions
Maintain good ventilation around equipment area to provide quick cooling of any leaks. This will
also disperse any unreacted vapors
Safety relief valve should be connected to a vessel to discharge thermic fluid safely, as fluid may
be toxic and unsafe for release to environment


IBR (Indian Boiler Regulations) Safety Regulations

Steam Boilers exceeding 22.75 Liters capacity, Steam Pipelines where steam pressure exceeds 3.5 Kg/
cm2 come under the scanner of IBR regulations.
All valves & fittings should be as per IBR specifications with test certification for each valve. During
repair work technician should follow IBR Regulations & specifications for tasks such as procuring
material, welding & plumbing works near Steam Boilers & Steam Pipelines. Operator should refer to
manufacturers specifications for valve/fitting to be replaced.


7.0 System Operation


Startup Sequence

Ensure compliance to all safety factors as mentioned in the chapter of Safety

Turn on all MCBs in Solar Tracking Control Panel

Ensure Sufficient Water Supply

Check soft water level in the feed water tank and / or in the steam drum. Level has to be
maintained minimum 50 % of level gauge on steam drum. (Refer to manufacturer manual
for exact limits).
If water level is lower than 50% then:
nIf there is enough water in Condensate Recovery Tank then start water Pump WP2 to
fill Header Pipes. If not,start Water Pump WP1 to fill Header Pipe from Feed Water
Then, open Valve (V1) to fill Header Pipe to the 50% water level mark, and then close
it back

Start Reflector Dish Tracking Mechanism

Electronic Timer
Bring the dishes to the morning position using the mechanism available on the specific
Put all the dishes/rows on auto mode so as to track the sun from east to west direction
Once the timer is set, the focus of the system will be at a single point throughout the day
Electronic Timer with PLC based automated tracking
Completely automated dishes themselves bring the dish to set suns rays on Receiver,
and thereafter track focus of the system to a single point throughout the day
Seasonal Adjustment if not automated, should be done in every 2-3 days
For both manual and automated systems, the focus on the receiver may have to be centered
so as to gain the maximum energy output from solar:
Rotate sprocket handle attached with gearbox to manually turn the dish to reflect
Suns rays onto the receiver. Focus should be at the center of Receiver, otherwise make
adjustment (See STP 03), to bring focus to the center of receiver
Use forward or reverse inching buttons provided on the control panel to set the focus


Wait for Pressure to Build up

Once the pressure starts rising in the steam drum, open the drum vent valve and ensure
steam is coming out of vent
When drawing steam from header pipe, first drain condensate water in steam line from
any steam vent of the line, till only saturated steam is coming out.
Once the desired (set) pressure is reached at steam drum, drain the stagnant water in
the process pipeline first with the help of valve provided for a minute, and open the
process utility valve for the utilization of the steam



Start-up Precautions

Planned routine maintenance should be done before starting up the system in morning as the
system is cooled down at this stage
Ensure that overload trip lamp is not glowing. If glowing, correct the fault
If thermic fluid is used in circulation system, it should be initially heated up by 20C per hour till
it reaches 100C, so that all moisture is removed from the thermic fluid
Never use hard water to fill the Header Pipe, as it can cause scaling in the system
Check that counter weights are properly hung through the pulley
Check for GI wire ropes, to make sure that they are free to move around pulleys
Electrical wires, rubber pipes should be either hidden, or kept at ground near dish, to protect
them from burning due to excessive heat
Ensure that valves on steam line are closed when not using steam

7.3 Operation

Setting of the focus correctly on the receiver may be required at any time during the operation. Refer
to STP 03 at the end of this document for more details. For a different version of the same procedure,
please also refer to Appendix 3.
Operation for PLC Based Control Panel
1. If by evening or earlier the dishes reach their extreme end, motors move dishes back to
homing position automatically by sensing reverse limit switch.
2. Once the dish reaches to home position, it touches to forward limit switch, which automatically stops the entire system
3. It is necessarily expected that positions of all dishes are properly and mechanically synchronized
Operation for Timer-Based Control Panel ( Non-PLC Based)
1. Operator has to adjust the position of dish so that sun focus is at the center. Forward and
reverse inching push buttons to be used to adjust the position as desired. Operator shall never
use inching buttons while auto mode is ON.
2. After adjustment of dish positions, again heating switch shall be put ON.
3. Now depending on the timer ON/OFF duration setting, the dish moves in forward direction
in steps. 01 sec ON and 18 sec OFF time is set. If required the setting can be changed on the
4. This tracking shall continue for the whole day automatically. (Battery power is used for this
purpose. Battery keeps on charging whole day if panel is provided)
5. At the end of the day when dish motor reaches and touches the full forward limit switch,
forward movement of the motor stops. Now the motor draws power from grid and starts
reversing automatically. At this moment the operator being evening time shall stop the heating by switching OFF the heating switch. The dishes shall reverse back to original position and
touch full reverse limit switch and stop.
6. Second day same operation shall be repeated by the operator.
7. It is necessarily expected that positions of all dishes are properly and mechanically synchronized.


In Manual Mode, the individual motors can be adjusted by using the Push Button on the Push Button
Station on the respective dish row


Monitoring and Control

System parameters should be monitored regularly. An illustrative example of a monitoring table

to be followed is shown below:
System Parameters for Normal Operation (Illustrative Example Actual Values will vary by Manufacturer)
System Parameter


Set maximum pressure in header pipe

10 Kg/cm2

Set minimum pressure at steam line

Depends on application

Water level in header pipe *

75 % water level

Dry saturated steam generated for minimum solar

radiation 450 W/m2

5 Kg/hour

Set pressure limit at steam line near cooking vessel*

2 Kg/cm2

Monitor pressure at the point where steam is being utilized. It should be within safe limit of the
device which is utilizing that heat.Take readings of the operating parameters in a logbook. Some
examples of the logbooks that could be used are shown in Appendix 2
If dish is moving too fast or too slow and the focus is out of place, follow STP 3, to adjust the timer.
Monitor pressure in expansion tank. Safety relief valve should always go off to vent out excess
If the safety relief valve does not open after pressure crosses safe pressure limit shut down the
system and call maintenance.


Exceptions and Backup

Power Failure
Power backup is supplied along with system to run electronic timer during power cuts. In case
backup power is also not working, manually defocus dishes to sleep mode so as to protect
insulation near receiver from any damage due to concentrated heat.
Not Using System for Long Time/Rainy Season
o Turn the dish to morning or evening position facing downwards
o Give proper shading, cover items like Timer(daily Tracking Device)/PLC, wiper motor,Valves,
Gearbox, Safety Relief Valve, Pressure Reducing Valves, etc.
o Flush out water from the circulation system
o Turn off all MCBs in Solar Control Panel


Shutdown Sequence

There are different sets of action followed for different type of systems:
1) Electronic Timers

Go-to Timer and press shut down button. The dish starts turning in anti-clockwise direction.
When the dish reaches sleep position release shut down button.


Some timers have option to automatically bring dishes to morning position at a set time in the
2) Electronic Timers with automated Tracking/PLCs

Electronic timers with pre-set time after which it automatically brings back dish to morning
3) Manually

Dish can also be brought manually to sleep position by rotating Sprocket Handle.


Shutdown Precautions

Dont touch receiver and header pipes as the system is hot

Valves connected with header pipe dont require to be operated during day to day operation
except for steam globe valve on Steam Line outlet from Header Pipe.
Dish should be defocused to morning position, otherwise it may fall on any nearby object and
this concentrated heat can damage it
Reflected sunlight from the dish should not fall on windows of nearby homes

8.0 Maintenance
An exhaustive list of maintenance items is provided below. A sample maintenance chart to be used on
site is provided in Appendix 4.


Predictive and Preventive Maintenance

To isolate any module, close down respective gate valves for it before doing the maintenance.
Reflectors and Receivers
Clean reflector dishes or whenever the mirrors are dusty and reflectivity is reduced
Twice a year, check for broken mirrors
o Schedule to replace them soon if there are five or less broken mirrors in a dish
o Schedule immediate replacement (recommended) if there are five or more broken mirrors
in a row
Every five years or whenever necessary check for mirror degradation as shown in Figure 11
below. Check
o Reflectivity of the mirrors should be more than 90%
o Deterioration of mirrors affects the performance of the system
o Replace blind mirrors (with reflectivity less than 80%)

Mirror with poor


Mirror with poor


Figure 11: Mirror Condition


Good Mirror
with reflectivity
more than 90%

Annually, undertake structural painting and repair of the system to improve its life span
Twice a year, apply black coating on receiver with paint as per manufacturers specification to
improve systems performance
Circulation System
Annually, check for scaling at inner linings of Receiver
and Header Pipe as shown in Figure 12.
o Scaling & its effect on systems performance has to
be visually determined.
o This maintenance task is generally outsourced
because it is rarely performed and requires descaling
systems & industrial grade descaling chemicals
Weekly, check for leakages in the system. Due to
high pressure in the systems, system is susceptible to
leakages especially at points like the Rubber Washer in
Figure 12: Scaling of Inner Lining
the Water Level Indicator, flexible hose pipe. Perform
of Pipe
this operation when you spot leakages in circulation pipe
o Identify the point of leakage and remove insulation for that component
o Repair/Replace component with leakage
o Leave insulation material (mineral wool) open to dry off, and then put it back
On the onset of monsoon remove all the water from the header pipes. Open Blind Plugs connected at the bottom of steam pipelines. This will flush out rust & impurities from pipelines
along with water from header pipe
After the monsoon, add fresh RO/DM water in circulation system & then start the system
Annually, calibrate Temperature Transmitter, Pressure Transmitter, Flow meter and other gauges
Annually, replace soft water resin (if applicable)in RO water purifier
Quarterly, clean Screen in Y-Strainers with brush or by soaking it in a clean solution
Twice a year, clean RO system Cartridge Filler
Tracking System
Quarterly check that GI wire rope is tightly hung at end
points in the tracking system. GI rope can be tightened by
GI Wire should be able to move freely about cycle hubs
Quarterly check for the movement of cycle hubs
Replace hubs which are deformed due to excessive weight
Quarterly, grease & lubricate moving parts in the system
as shown in Figure 13. Lubrication should be done specially
after rainy season
o Lubricate brackets and screw of rotating pipe
o Screws & Levers in seasonal adjustment rods
o Cycle Chain on Gearbox


Figure 13: Greasing of moving parts


Consumable Replacement


Maintenance Dos and Donts

Following are the consumable parts in Scheffler System, and hence need standby stock:
1. Coating for receiver as per manufacturers specifications
2. Resin for RO water purifier
3. Feed water if there is no water source near Scheffler Solar System
4. Oil & Grease
5. Mirrors (Though not consumable, but some spare mirrors (around 25 mirrors per dish) should
be stocked as replacement for broken mirrors)

Carry out maintenance as per the drawn maintenance schedule
Maintain the operation and maintenance log book every time as defined in the log format
For any maintenance work, ensure that power supply to control panel is switched off and dishes
are defocused from the receiver
Follow all the requirements about safety as specified in the Chapter on Safety
Ensure all the settings(temp and pressure) are as per the design criteria
Do not clean the mirrors with dry cloth or with paper
Do not clean mirror after 8.00 am & before 5.00 pm
Do not modify the system without written approval from the manufacturer
Do not touch the Receiver when focus is on the receiver
Do not walk in between receiver and dish during operation
Do not stop water circulation till temperature drops to 60C
Do not use hard water for mirror cleaning as it may form scaling on mirrors and thus reducing


9.0 Troubleshooting
Courtesy: Thermax Ltd.


1 System not 1.Control Panel
starting in the not switched on
2.Problem in
incoming power
for control Panel
3.Main MCCB
not working in
Control Panel

2 Scattered

1.Improperly fixed
2.Mirrors not

Problem reasons

Problem reasons

Control Panel physically

not Started
Problem in main
distribution panel
Physical damage to the
incoming cable
Short circuit at main
distribution line
MCCB Tripped

Fixing arrangement not

tightened properly
No manpower available
Procedure not followed
Soft water not available
Proper tools not

Incoming cable not

routed properly
Cable damage
Due to overload
Short circuit in
control panel
Malfunctioning of
Short circuit in any of
the motors or circuit

3.Low radiation
4.Fine tuning not Nut jam for fine
5.Mirrors tainted Bad quality of
protective coating
Domestic mirrors used
Corrosive weather/
Coastal Area
3 Auto forward 1.Problem in the Carbon deposited on Loose contact
not happening contactor for
internal contacts
forward motion
2.Problem with
Program not
Improper earthing to
the PLC
functioning properly
PLC panels
3.Problem in one
the limit switches
4.Problem in gear
5.Problem in gear
4 Water Pump 1.Problem in
not operating signals from

Limit switch damaged

Limit switch stuck up

Winding burnt

Due to overload on
No Lubricant for
Gear Box

Gear box jam

Magnetic switch not
functioning properly
Float stuck up inside
Problem in electrical
connection inside
Carbon deposit on
internal contact

2.Problem in
contactor for
water pump
3.Problem in
Internal contact burnt
rotary switch for Wiring not proper
water pump
4.Problem in V-belt V belt worn out
for pulleys
Slippage of V belt on


Corrective action
Main switch to be switched ON and ensure
indicating lamps glows
Main distribution panel to be checked and
correct the fault
Check/correct incoming supply to control
panel and / or replace the cable if required
Check/correct/replace the main distribution
Check and replace MCCB
Check/correct the fault
Repair/replace the MCCB
Check and correct the fault
Check/adjusted alignment of mirrors.
Identify manpower from client end for dish
Follow process as per the O & M Manual
Mirror to be cleaned only with soft water
Hose pipe with nozzle, mopping brush and
wiper to be arranged for cleaning mirrors.
No option
Make the adjustment nut free and fine tune
the connection
Replace mirrors with Thermax supplied
solar grade mirrors

Check/clean/correct/replace contactor
with same specs and tighten the electrical
Check/correct in coordination with PLC
engineers and provide separate instrument
earthings for PLC panels
Check/replace/repair Limit switch
Check/replace/repair Gear motor
Check/repair Gear box
Repair/replace magnetic switch
Clear Float
Check and correct the electric connections

Loose contact

Check/replace/correct/clean contactor the


Loose contact

Check/replace rotary switch

Correct the wiring as per wiring diagram
Check tension/replace V - Belt
Check tension/replace V - Belt


5 Focus not
exactly at
center of

1.Dish/Dishes not No supply to AC motor Problem in wiring

tracking properly from Panel
Problem in contactor
for AC motor
Improper alignment of Distortion in tracking
tracking wheel wrt gear wheel
Wire rope locking
arrangement loose
Distortion in aluminum Overload on the
rectangular tube linkage linkage mechanism to center
in holes of
rectangle is
not as per the
Back bearing
nut of rotating
pipe is over
Top bearing
part over
tight and thus
the dish
Improper alignment
of dishes
Improper jointing of
aluminum tubes
Overload on the
linkage mechanism
due to high speed of
Inadequate distance
Improper installation
between dishes
Inadequate layout
Inadequate distance
Improper installation
between dish &
Improper Layout size
Receiver inclination
angle not as per

Inclinometer not
available during
Negligence during
2. Dish movement Under sizing of hole at Back bearing nut
is jammed
of rotating pipe is
Oversizing of bolt at
Top bearing part
rotating pipe
overtight and thus
restricting the dish
Improper lubrication at
top part assembly
3.improper dish Balancing weight not
Side rope not properly Approach ladder not
Locking of adjustment
levers not tight
Fine adjustment not
Nut jam for fine


Check proper supply to panel and motor

and / or rectify
Check contacts and replace if required
Check and correct for any distortion in
Check and tight the locking arrangement
Check and correct if required the distance
as per drawings

Loose the back bearing nut and ensure

Loose the top part cover and ensure free

movement of dish

Check and correct the alignment as per the

procedure given in installation manual
Correct the joint and tight the nut and bolts
for proper load distribution
Do not operate the system during high wind
condition and tie dishes with reflector stand
properly with ropes so as to avoid damages
Take prior approval from Engineering
any correction to be made
Take prior approval from Engineering
any correction to be made
Take prior approval from Engineering
any correction to be made
Take prior approval from Engineering
any correction to be made
Angle to be checked with inclinometer


Make alignment report and get it approved

Check hole of back bearing channel and
correct as per requirement
Check and loosen the top part

Ensure proper lubrication and free

movement of bolt
Check and correct balancing
Check/adjust upper and lower seasonal
Locking arrangement to be tightened
Make the adjustment nut free and fine tune
the connection

6 Water
pump not

1.Problem in NRV Dead weight inside

stuck up and not
Direction of NRV not
2.Suction strainer Excessive dust in water Water tank not
from piping
Wire mesh of strainer Hard water getting
clogged with permanent used for operation
3.Problem with
Wear and tear of valve Hard water getting
the valve seat
seat assembly
used for operation
Spring tension not
In operation since
long time

Check/rectify/replace NRV

Correct the direction as per requirement

Clean the water tank and flush the piping till

Softener not
No breaks
for regular
Foreign particles inside Strainer not cleaned Maintenance
the valve seat assembly
not done
4.Problem in gland Wear and tear of Gland Wear and tear of
pump shaft
Gland washer rubber High temperature of
inlet water

5.Faulty pressure
6.No Water in
feed water tank
7 Pressure not 1.Low radiation
developing in
stream drum 2.Focus not on
receiver center
3.No water steam

4.Scatterd focus
5. Less focus
6.Faulty pressure

Water leakage form

Foreign particles
Gland washer assembly between shaft and
Gland rubber
Isolation valve closed Negligence
Spring tension lost
Over Pressure
Softener is not working Resin property lost
Cloudy weather,
As per above point
no 2
Pump not working

Strainer not

As per above point

no 3

Spring tension lost




Adjust/replace the spring tension

Clean the valve seat assembly properly

during preventive maintenance
Check shaft for smoothness, Replace gland
Maintain inlet temp of the water within 70
degree C
Replace gland washer
Clean the gland water and strainer

Open the isolation valve

Repair/replace the pressure gauge
Replace Resin
Replace softener
Wait for clear atmosphere

As per above point As per above

no 2
point no 2
Level controller not
Level gauge functioning Gauge glass valve
Operator Negligence
As per above point
no 3
Mirror tainting
Low radiation
Isolation valve closed

Use only soft water to clean the strainer

Replace the water treatment equipment, if
Check/replace valve seat assembly

As per above point no 2

Check level controller and make the water

pump operational. Repair if required
Clean the gauge glass valve and ensure the
tube shows water level
At the start it should be a standard practice
for steam drum filling
As per above As per above point no 3
point no 3
Replace tainted mirror
Wait for clear atmosphere
Open the isolation valve
Repair/replace the pressure gauge

8 Steam
1.Problem in safety Valve seat wear and
continuously valve
Scale formation on
blowing from
valve seat
drum safety
Spring tension lost
2. Restriction to
steam flow

Main steam stop valve

or isolation valve at
Application point
Problem in NRV In
outlet line

Choked steam piping

9 Drum

1.Faulty pressure Spring tension lost

2.Main steam stop Negligence during
valve closed
No utilization of steam
at the application point
3.Problem in
NRV direction not as
outlet the NRV
per requirement
Flap / Dead weight
inside got stuck up
4.Underutilization System is producing
of generated
more steam then
quantity of steam requirement
5.Choked steam Hard water being used
to operation
Thicker welding
penetration inside
welding joints causing
very small diameter to
pass the steam

Check/replace the seat of safety valve

Hard water being
used for operation
Overnighting of the
No utilization of
generated quantity of
steam at process

Softener not

NRV direction not as Negligence

per requirement
Flap / Dead weight Scale formed
inside got stuck up dust inside the
NRV casing
Hard water being
Softener is not
used for operation functioning
properly due
to operational
Thicker welding
penetration inside
or poor
the welding joint
causing very small
Over-pressurizing of

Negligence during
Scale formed dust
inside the NRV casing

Softener not
functioning properly
due to operational
welding and poor


Recharge softener, clean the valve seat.

Replace the safety valve spring
Open the valves and utilize the solar stream
to the maximum possible extent
Check/replace/rectify NRV
Check and ensure free movement of flap /
dead weight steam flow
Remove chocking
Replace choked portion of piping

Check/replace the choked portion

Welding to be done by skilled, experienced
Replace pressure gauge
Open the valve and start utilizing the steam
from solar
Open the valve and start utilizing the steam
from solar
Check/rectify/replace NRV
Check and ensure free movement of flap /
dead weight for smooth steam flow
Solar steam shall be used to maximum
possible extent
Remove choking/replace choked portion
Check and replace the choked and welding
to be done by skilled, experienced welder

10 Auto reverse 1.Problem in PLC Program not

not happening
functioning properly
2.Problem in
contactor for
reverse motion
3.Problem to limit
switch for reverse
4.Problem in gear
5.Problem in Gear

Improper earthings
to PLC panel

Carbon deposited on
internal contacts

Loose contact

Limit switch damaged

Limit switch stuck up

Winding burnt

Due to overload on
No Lubricantion for
Gear Box
Sprocket wheel teeth

Gear box jam

Additional Troubleshooting Notes

Noise in circulation pump

Pressure at Pump

Receiver is deforming from

its Shape

Check/correct in coordination with PLC

engineer and provide separate instrument
earthings for PLC Panel
Check/correct/clean/replace contactor
with same specs and tighten the electrical
Check/repair/replace Limit Switch
Check/replace/repair Gear motor
movement jam
Check/repair Gear box

Due to
Bearing Jam
Gear box shaft bend Due to

Probable Cause

Make proper alignment

Clean the bearing part, make proper
lubrication, and ensure smooth
Proper alignment to be done avoid the
overload on shaft, replace the shaft if


Alignment of pump motor


Refer to Pump/ motor manual to

realign the pump/motor

Pressure of suction
pump lower or equal to
saturation pressure of
water at that temperature

Check pressure of compressed air in

expansion tank; It must be above 3 Kg/
cm2. Rectify as required

Air entrapment in the

water system

Open and close vent valves in the

water piping, one at a time to remove
trapped air

Y-strainer is choked

Clean the filter (refer to STP 1)

The pump is cavitating

due to hot water under

Check pressure of compressed air in

expansion tank; It must be above 3 Kg/
cm2. Rectify as required

Very less/ no water in in

header pipe

Defocus the dish immediately

Fill water in header pipe
Set the focus of the dish back on

System not generating

proper steam at expected

Timer which tracks the

dish not working properly

Refer to STP 3 to adjust /set focus of

the dish on the center of the receiver

Power supply problem for

the timer

Electric backup battery in the Timer

needs to be replaced

Refer to Annexure 3

Refer to Annexure 3


Appendix 1: Sample Bill of Materials

Size of the concentrators
Reflective material
Reflectivity of the mirror

: 16 mtr2
: 2 mm thick mirror
: more than 90%

Central Tracking system

Automatic type, drive- dc motor 12 volt
Reduction gear box, Gear Ratio 1:60
DC Motor tracking by electronic timer.

2) Steam Header.
Material used for steam header
Design pressure
Insulation material used
3) Receiver
Design pressure
Working pressure
Insulation material
4) System steam and feed water piping
Steam header pipe
Common header pipe
Steam out let line from header pipe
to common Steam collecting line
Common steam collecting line from
header pipe
Steam out let line from common
header to Kitchen header
Common feed water line
Insulation material
Feed water line from common line
to header pipe

: High grade mild steel (Sh 40)

: 15 kg/cm2
: 1 00 kg/mq. lrb 50 mm thick with aluminium Cladding
: tank type circular
: high grade mild steel
: 15 kg/cm2
: 10 kg/cm2
: 1 00kg/mq. lrb with 100mm insulation & Aluminium
: 10 diameter (IBR Sh 40)
: 10 diameter (IBR Sh 40)
: 1 diameter (IBR Sh 40)
: 2 diameter (IBR Sh 40)
: 2 diameter (IBR Sh 40)
: 2 diameter (G.I. C Class)
: 100kg/mq. lrb with 50 mm insulation
: 1 diameter (G.I. C Class)

5) Valves and fittings

Steam globe valve flange end, MOC: Carbon Steel, IBR
Safety valve Gun metal, spring loaded, Spirex
Pressure Gauge (6 dial, Gauge Range: 0 to 20 kg/cm2)
Syphon Tube, MOC: S.S., Q & U type
Needle valve, MOC: S.S.
Steam strainer, MOC: C.S., flange end.
Non return valve, MOC: S.S., disc type for header pipe
Non return valve, MOC: C.S., flange end for steam line
Non return valve gun metal screwed end for water line
Water meter for feed water line, gun metal screwed end 1 diameter
Water level indicator Make: S.S., screwed end diameter


Steam separator seamless made from high grade mild steel

Temperature Gauge PT100 with accessories.
Pressure Reducing Valve, MOC: C.S., flange end, IBR
6) Feed water pump
Reciprocating Pump for filling header pipes at required capacity and with required pressure
7) S.S. Tank for treated feed water
5000 Litre. Cap Insulated with rock wool/mineral wool with 3 thick with 100 kg/m3 density
8) Water softening plant
Capacity: 5000 Litre/day


Appendix 2: Operation Logbooks

Log Book (Daily Monitoring)

Daily Observation Report on Steam Pressure (Kg/cm2) in different Header Pipes in Scheffler Solar
Cooking System:











Log Book (Weekly Monitoring)

Morning System Readings:








If System used for cooking Generated Steam (Steam Supply to kitchen)













Appendix 2 (Contd.)
Courtesy: Thermax Ltd.
Solar Steam Generation System-Log Sheet
Page 1 of 2
Solar Steam Generation
Site Engineer
Commissing engineer
Solar fild:
Type of Mirrors
Location Data
Unit 8.00 8.30 9.00 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00
Global Radiation Gb w/m2
Diffuse radiation Gd w/m3
Ta C
Wind speed
W m/sec
Solar field


8.00 8.30 9.00 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00

Feed water tank T1 C


Steam Drum
Utility 1:
Utility 2:

P1 kg/cm2 g
P2 kg/cm2 g
P3 kg/cm2 g

8.00 8.30 9.00 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00

Solar Steam Generation System-Log Sheet

Feed water

Gb w/hr

Page 2 of 2

8.00 8.30 9.00 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30 5.00

Water Level


Initial Feed water tank level (mm) L1

Final Feed water tank Level (mm) L2
Water consumption Ltr/Day
Total Steam Generation: Kg/Day


Appendix 3: Focus Setting

NOTE: This Section Is Coutesy Of Thermax Ltd.
Always start the focus setting from the dish on which the gear box mechanism is installed.

Figure 1: Receiver Focus

a) For horizontal movement of the focus: Horizontal movement of the focus shall be done with the help of local push buttons provided on
the control panel.
Once the timer is set the focus of the system will be at a single point through out the day.
Note - Side ropes of both sides to be equally tightened so as the focus remains on receiver
centre. Length may vary of ropes but the tension should be equal.

For vertical movement of the focus:Use Seasonal adjustment setting by the lever provided and geared motor initially.
Refer fig no 2,3 and 4
Seasonal adjustment is essentially required when the focus is vertically up ward or down ward on
the respective receiver.
Circle 01 in Fig 1 Correct Focus (At the CENTRE of Receiver)
Circle 02 in Fig 1 Needs Seasonal Adjustment (Focus vertically UP of Receiver)
Circle 03 in Fig 1 Needs Seasonal Adjustment (Focus vertically DOWN of Receiver)
Frequency: - Once in two days and carry out the adjustment at 10.00 12.00 noon.
We need to adjust the Dish so that focus is always at the centre of respective receiver.
There are two levers with locking arrangements which are provided on the structure for seasonal
One lever is at the upper and another is at the lower end of dish. Refer Fig for Seasonal adjustment
lower side & Seasonal adjustment upper side.


Focus vertically UP WARD

1. First unlock and loosen the Lower lever.
2. Adjust the focus with the help of Lower lever so that focus is closer to centre of the
receiver by pushing LC 2 inside LC 1 Refer Fig No. - 4
3. Lock bottom lever K 5 on satisfactory focus adjustment at the centre.
4. Sharpen the focus at the centre of the receiver (Fine adjustment), by upper seasonal
by unlocking K 2 and rotate R 1 clockwise or anti clockwise Refer Fig No. -6
5. Lock top lever K 2 on satisfactory fine circular focus adjustment.



Focus vertically DOWN WARD

1. First unlock and loosen the lower lever.
2. Adjust the focus with the help of Lower lever so that focus is closer to centre of the respective
receiver by LC 2 pulling outward from LC 1 Refer Fig No. - 4
3. Lock bottom lever K 5 on satisfactory focus adjustment at the centre.
4. Sharpen the focus at the centre of the receiver (Fine adjustment), by upper seasonal adjustment
by unlocking K 2 and rotate R 1 clockwise or anti clockwise Refer Fig No. 6
5. Lock top lever K 2 on satisfactory fine circular focus adjustment.
Refer photos below for details:-

Figure 2: Seasonal Adjustment Lower Side


Figure 3: Seasonal Adjustment-Lower Exploded View

Figure 4: Seasonal Adjustment Upper Side


Figure 5: Seasonal Adjustment Upper Side Exploded View

Important Note: Do not tighten excessively the locking arrangement to avoid tension.


Appendix 4: Maintenance
Courtesy:Thermax Ltd.
Maintenance activity







Calibrate all pressure


Calibrate temperature
indicators & controllers

Clean strainers-feed pump


Check safety valves


Dust removal from Elect

control panel

Clean electrical contactor


Check connection of level


Cleaning gauge glass

protector & glasses

Grease all rotating parts

Dismantling, cleaning &

lapping of all the Valves,
NRVs, Safety Valves, blowdown valves

Hydraulic test, up to 1.5

times the max. working
pressure for 30 minutes

Offer the boiler for the

hydraulic test to IBR

Cleaning of feed water


Tighten all bolts


Standard Task Procedure 01

Cleaning of Y-Strainer
Responsible Person: Technician
Effective Date: 2013-09-05

Revision: 001
This Standard Task Procedures is used:

1. As a learning aid

2. To assess competence

3. As a job aid while performing the function

4. To conduct a Planned Task Observation


Equipment/tools: Spanner, Brush

Material: Cloth, Bucket
Other prerequisites:

Safety Equipment:

Documentation to be
a. Maintenance Log sheet

Submitted to

By when


On Task Completion

Pre-operational checks
Check state of system



Suspected choking of Y-Strainer/Insufficient

or inconsistent pressure
Criteria: Operating/Safety/Quality

Prepare for Startup

1. Close isolating gate valve

Close isolating gate valve connected just before strainer.

2. Opening strainer

Remove isolation from the strainer.

Loosen nuts and bolts from cover with a spanner of suitable size.

3. Collecting sludge in a

Place a bucket under strainer to collect oil. Circulating liquid along

with dirt will flow down to the bucket. When no more circulating
fluid is coming out, remove filter (screen) from
inside the strainer.

Risk for hand! Wear hand gloves. Check that temperature of circulating liquid is safe to
handle before touching it.



Criteria: Operating/Safety/Quality

Cleaning of Filter
When no more circulating fluid is
coming out, remove filter (Screen)
from inside the strainer.

Clean filter with pressurized water

and brush.

Take out sludge from inner side of


Place back filter after cleaning and

tightly close cover with bolts. Put
back insulation. Open back isolating
gate valve. Start the liquid circulation
system. Remove air in strainer
through air-vent located at a height
near outlet of strainer. After air is
removed close back air vent.
Keep your face and body away from circulating fluid

Risk of Body injury

Wear Gloves


Standard Task Procedure 02

Removing Insulation for Repair
Responsible Person: Technician
Effective Date: 2013-09-05

Revision: 001
This Standard Task Procedures is used:

1. As a learning aid

2. To assess competence

3. As a job aid while performing the function

4. To conduct a Planned Task Observation


Equipment/tools: Screw Driver, Wire Cutter

Material: Cloth
Other prerequisites:

Documentation to be
a. Maintenance Log sheet
Pre-operational checks
Check state of system


Submitted to

By when


On Task Completion

Poor system temperature or pressure output

Criteria: Operating/Safety/Quality

Prepare for Startup

1. Open Aluminum/SS sheet

Open screws of the Insulation line to be opened and take

out Aluminum/SS sheet.


2. Remove wire mesh and
insulating material

Criteria: Operating/Safety/Quality
Untie wire mesh to loosen glass wool from the pipe.
Use wire cutter to remove wire mesh if required.

Remove insulating material for inspecting pipeline.

3. Maintenance operation on

Perform required maintenance operation on the pipe/component

(repair/replacement). Use wire cutter to remove wire mesh if

4. Close back pipe Insulation

After pipe has been satisfactorily repaired, fold wire mesh around
the pipe to be insulated, fill back insulation material in wire mesh
and twist metallic ends of wire mesh so as to hold insulation
material at its position.
If wire mesh is not in condition to be reused, get a new mesh.
Put back Aluminum/ SS sheets and tighten them with

Risk for hand! Wear hand gloves.


Standard Task Procedure 03

Daily Adjustment and Seasonal Adjustment of Scheffler Dishes
Responsible Person: Technician

Effective Date: 2013-09-05

1. As a learning aid

Revision: 001
This Standard Task Procedures is used:
2. To assess competence

3. As a job aid while performing the function

Equipment/tools: Spanner, Brush
Safety Equipment:

4. To conduct a Planned Task Observation


Material: Cloth, Bucket
Other prerequisites:

Pre-operational checks
a. Check state of system
When focus is not at the center of receiver
Criteria: Operating/Safety/Quality
Daily Adjustment
Tuning of PLC/electronic
timer for automatic daily
tracking of Scheffler Dish

1) When focus of dish on receiver is lagging (left of center)

Go to electronic timer, and increase duty cycle in its panel by
a small fraction of units
In PLC/Electronic Timer switch Tracking Mode knob to Manual

Adjust focus of dish on the center of the receiver manually with

Handle as shown in figure above. Switch back tracking knob in PLC/
Electronic Timer to Auto mode
Observe for some time that if focus of the dish is still lagging, keep
on repeating above procedure of increasing duty cycle of tracking
unit by a fraction



2) When focus of dish on receiver is leading (right of center)

Follow same procedure as above, you follow when the focus is
lagging, but in this case keep on substantially decreasing duty cycle
by a fraction, till Tracking System starts turning dish in sync with the
movement of the Sun from East (Morning)to West (Evening)
Seasonal Adjustment
of Scheffler Dish
Carried out once in very
two-three days between 10
and 12 noon

To adjust dish in North-South direction

(Seasonal Adjustment) push-pull red seasonal
supports (red) as shown in figure on right

1) Focus vertically upwards

First unlock and loosen the lower lever (K5)

Adjust the focus with the help of lower lever so that focus is
closer to the center of the respective receiver by pushing LC2
inside LC1
Lock the bottom lever K5 on a satisfactory focus adjustment
at the center

Sharpen the focus at the center of the receiver (fine

adjustment), by the upper seasonal adjustment by unlocking
K2 and rotate R1 clockwise or anti-clockwise
Lock top lever K2 on satisfactory fine circular focus adjustment


2) Focus vertically downwards

First unlock and loosen the lower lever (K5).
Adjust the focus with the help of lower lever so that focus is
closer to center of the respective receiver by LC2 pulling outward
from LC1.
Lock the bottom lever K5 on satisfactory focus adjustment at the
Sharpen the focus at the center of the receiver (fine adjustment),
by upper seasonal adjustment by unlocking K2 and rotate R1
clockwise or anticlockwise.
Lock top lever K2 on satisfactory fine circular focus adjustment.
Wear hand gloves.

Wear Safety Helmet


Standard Task Procedure 04

Calibration of Pressure Reducing Valve
Responsible Person: Engineer/Technician
Effective Date: 2013-10-05

Revision: 001
This Standard Task Procedures is used:

1. As a learning aid

2. To assess competence

3. As a job aid while performing the function

4. To conduct a Planned Task Observation


Other prerequisites:

Equipment/tools: Screw Driver

Safety Equipment:

Documentation to be
a. Maintenance Log sheet
Pre-operational checks
a. Check state of system

Submitted to

By when


On Task Completion


Should not be in working condition

Criteria: Operating/Safety/Quality

Preparation for

1. Close the System (cooking vessels, boilers, etc.).

2. Monitor inlet/outlet pressure at PRV at temperature gauge.
3. Open the top cover on the Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) in clockwise direction.
4. Now you can see the adjusting Screw.

5. To increase outlet pressure, turn the screw nut clockwise and screw
in anti-clockwise direction while monitoring the outlet pressure,
till outlet pressure becomes equal to required set pressure.
6. To decrease outlet pressure, turn the screw nut anti-clockwise and
screw in clockwise direction while monitoring the outlet pressure,
till outlet pressure becomes equal to required set pressure.
7. Close back Top Cover on Adjusting Screw.
High pressure in steam pipeline can harm application device, or the operator hence operate carefully


Standard Task Procedure 05

Calibration of Temperature Transmitter
Responsible Person: Technician
Effective Date: 2013-09-05

Revision: 001
This Standard Task Procedures is used:

1. As a learning aid

2. To assess competence

3. As a job aid while performing the function

4. To conduct a Planned Task Observation


Equipment/tools: Spanner, oil bath, stirrer,

thermometer, resistance wires of different

Documentation to be
a. Operations Log sheet
Pre-operational checks

Submitted to

By when


On Task Completion

a. Check state of system

Preparation for

Material: Silicone Oil

Other prerequisites:

Safety Equipment:


Should not be in working condition

Criteria: Operating/Safety/Quality

Take a vessel.
Put oil, which can sustain temperature of about 300 C
Heat the oil using heater.
Use a calibrated thermometer to observe temperature of Silicon
oil bath (in range 200-230 C)

Calibrating Temperature



Criteria: Operating/Safety/Quality
1. Continuously stir the oil bath.
2. Keep the temperature bath at steady state for 15 min by using
ON/OFF switch.
3. Note the readings of thermometer and TT simultaneously (adjust
your watch time with the data logging system time)
4. Adjust Shunt (pot) resistance/Amplifier of all thermocouples to
give temperature of oil bath on SCADA screen.

5. Now connect back Temperature Transmitters back to

their original location.
Note: there are Temperature Transmitter calibrating devices
available, operator can refer to these devices for accurate

Risk for hand! Wear hand gloves.

For thermocouples used at high temperatures, replacement rather than recalibration is recommended.


Standard Task Procedure 06

Descaling of Pipelines
Responsible Person: Engineer/Technician
Effective Date: 2013-10-14

Revision: 001
This Standard Task Procedures is used:

1. As a learning aid

2. To assess competence

3. As a job aid while performing the function

4. To conduct a Planned Task Observation


Equipment/tools: Wrench, Descaler Pump,

Hose Pipes, Bucket

Material: Descaling Chemical, Cloth

Other prerequisites:

Safety Equipment:

Documentation to be
a. Operations Log sheet

Submitted to

By when


On Task Completion

Pre-operational checks



This Task is done once a while, depending on

site water quality, and RO System Usage, and is
generally outsourced to a specialist

a. Check state of system


Criteria: Operating/Safety/Quality
1. When several modules are to be descaled, the units are to be
disconnected and descaled individually
2. Close isolating gate valve to isolate system module to be descaled.
3. Get the following items:

Descaler Pump
Vinegar and Water*

* There are chemicals available for better removal of scales from

inner lining of module. Contact experienced descaling technicians for
professional Descaling of your system



Prepare the setup as shown in figure above:

1. Place Descaler Pump at the bottom of the bucket.
2. Connect Descaler Pumps outlet to a module (Receiver Tube), with a
hose pipe.
3. Fix outlet of another hose pipe in the bucket to collect back
chemical solution from the module

Criteria: Operating/Safety/Quality

Starting Descaling

1. Pour Vinegar or Descaling Chemical solution with water in ratio of

1:3 in the bucket
2. Start Descaler Pump
3. Alow the solution to circulate for about 1 hour
4. Now stop the Pump. Dispense discard descaling chemical in the
bucket into sink

Fresh Water Rinse

1. Fill the bucket with cold water

2. Start the Pump to circulate fresh water in the module for about 15
3. You may need to replace fresh water and repeat this procedure of
Rinsing if you notice any residual taste in the module.
You have to individually follow this descaling process for each module.

Acid Spill, wear Hand Gloves


Prepared by

D-66, 60 Feet Road, First Floor (Above Corporation Bank), Near Chattarpur Temple, New Delhi - 110074

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