Concentrated Solar Power
Concentrated Solar Power
Concentrated Solar Power
Abstract: More recently, there has been an increasing interest in the use of concentrated solar thermal energy for the production of electricity, but also for the use in cogeneration
and trigeneration. In this sense, the increasing use of solar thermal energy in urban areas is expected, and its impact on the environment is inducing an increasing interest. The
paper analyses the impact of concentrated solar power technology (linear Fresnel, parabolic trough, parabolic dish, and central tower) on the environment in terms of water
consumption, land use, wasted heat, emissions of gases, emissions of pollutants that include the leakage of heat transfer fluid through pipelines and tanks, impact on flora and
fauna, impact of noise and visual impact. The impact on the environment is different for different concentrated solar power technologies and depends on whether thermal energy
storage is included in the plant. Water is mainly used for cooling the system, but also for cleaning the surface of the mirror. To reduce water consumption, other cooling technologies
(e.g. air cooling) are being developed. The available data from the literature show large variances depending on the size of the plant, geographic location and applied technology.
Figure 1 Power tower with direct storage of molten salt. Today's and advanced molten salt projects are conceptually similar, but higher salt temperatures are expected with the
sCO2-Brayton energy cycle [2]
2 THE POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT because power plants are often rated in terms of capacity.
Results based on generation provide a more consistent
Studies usually evaluate the life-cycle environmental comparison between technologies that differ in the capacity
impacts of CSP plants. The life-cycle analysis (LCA) defines factor and enable the evaluation of land-use impacts that vary
boundary conditions to include processes, such as by solar irradiation, storage options, the way of tracking and
manufacturing (extraction of raw materials, transport to the applied technology [5].
factory, component manufacturing processes, transportation
to the regional warehouse), construction (land preparation, 25
construction of auxiliary facilities, plant assembly),
Land used m2/MWh/yr
impacts. Two metrics are most often applied for land use. The 80
first metrics is the total surface area, which corresponds to all 70
land enclosed by the site boundary. The boundaries of the site 60
where the power plant is located are usually specified in 50
blueprint drawings and are usually protected by a fence. 40 Area per Capacity (m2/kW/yr)
Another metric is the area occupied by individual plant 30
components which comprise land directly occupied by solar Area per Generation (m2/MWh/yr)
arrays, substations, service buildings, access roads, and other 10
infrastructure. This direct-impact area is contained within the 0
total-area border and is smaller than the total area. 0 5 10 15
Land use is quantified on a basis of capacity Termal Storage (hours)
(area/MWel) and generation (area/GWh/yr). Capacity-based
Figure 3 The relationship between CSP thermal storage and direct land-use [6]
results are useful for judge land-use and new projects costs,
Since more recently, more solar power plants have a consumption, showing that solar thermal power plants with a
thermal energy reservoir. In this case, the required surface dry cooling system can reduce the life-cycle water
area increases with the capacity of the reservoir (Fig. 3). consumption of a parabolic through the plant with TES by
Generally, the land used is higher than for wind power, 80%. However, water savings also include significant
geothermal power plants, and nuclear power, but lower than compromises. Capital costs are roughly 10 % higher and
for coal, biomass, and hydropower. In the future, growing power consumption is up to 1.5% more than for wet cooling
global energy demand will lead towards lower-quality and plants.
open-pit coal mining and oil and gas extraction, using Some studies point out that the change from wet to dry
secondary and tertiary recovery technologies (e.g. tight oil cooling in a 100 MW parabolic trough a CSP plant can
and shale gas). This means that the land footprint of non- decrease the water consumption from 3.60 m3/MWh to 0.25
renewable energy sources will increase over time, while m3/MWh. However, the application of dry cooling instead of
renewable energy sources can be expected to decrease the wet increases investment costs and lowers plant efficiency,
land footprint. adding 3.0% to 7.5% to the levelled electricity cost.
Moreover, this increases LC GHG emissions and the
2.2 Water Use and Consumption Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) by 8%. Additionally,
dry-cooling technology is less effective at environment
Like other power plants, solar thermal plants have a temperatures above 38 °C. Finally, there are also CSP
fairly large water footprint to produce electricity. One part of designs with small freshwater requirements, such as
water is used to produce steam in the thermodynamic cycle, parabolic dishes with Stirling engines and gas turbine towers.
and most of the water (85% to 95%) is intended for cooling.
The applied cooling technology largely determines the 2.3 Waste
amount of water the plant has withdrawn. Most of the applied 2.3.1 Solid and Non-Hazardous Waste
cooling water is returned to the environment, but the quality
of that water differs from those taken from the environment During the life-cycle of the CSP plant, both maintenance
and that can be a source of concern. activities and the disposal of waste typical of electricity
The consumption of a solar power plant with (once- production will be carried out. Power plant waste includes
through) wet cooling is estimated at up to 3.8 m3/MWh of oily rags, empty containers, broken and rusted metal and
electricity, which is more than the amount of coal (3.123 machine parts, waste electrical materials and other various
m3/MWh) and the amount of a nuclear power plant (3.055 solid wastes including the typical waste produced by
m3/MWh) with the same cooling system; but also for gas workers. This waste is classified and managed by a local
turbine combined cycle which has the lowest water company authorized to do so. The collection and disposal of
withdrawal among thermal power plants (0.57 to 1.10 waste are carried out in accordance with the appropriate
m3/MWh) using a wet cooling tower (Fig. 4) [7, 8]. regulatory requirements in order to minimise the safety and
health effects.
m3/MWh of Lifetime Energy Output
GT Binary
comb. cycle
GT Flash
Natural gas
GT Binary
Gas comb. cycle
GT Double flash
GT Single flash
Figure 5 Life-cycle GHG emissions (g CO2-eq/kWh) of CSP technologies [10]
Figure 6 Waste heat (MWt) per unit of electric capacity (MWe) for different
processes of power generation [12]
Phase Extraction and Component Manufacturing takes
12.97% of the total CO2 production, the construction phase
Recently, it became very popular to utilize waste heat in
takes 0.02%, the highest CO2 production is 86.5% in the plant
various ways. One application where the heat from CSP
phase, and dismantling and disposal takes 0.51%.
could be used is desalinization. This is particularly important
The production of mirrors and galvanized steel
for regions with high irradiation that are suitable for CSPs
contributes to the majority of greenhouse gas emissions
and are faced with a serious deficit of fresh water. Scientists
associated with the production of solar field components.
find that in a co-generation plant, where CSPs apply
The analysis carried out by Kommalapati et al. [11] also
supercritical carbon dioxide cycle, the power cycle could be
includes a large number of plants. The analysis gives results
combined with thermal desalination using waste heat. The
that are twice as high as those previously presented.
desalination process uses only the waste heat because the s-
However, the relative relationship between different
CO2 cycle rejects heat at 70 °C, the temperature required to
technologies is the same, which means that the parabolic dish
integrate with the desalination system.
(Stirling) has the smallest CO2 emission.
Additional opportunities for wasted heat use may exist in
The LCA results also show that plants with TES have
the industrial sector to meet either the heating needs or
approximately twice the life-cycle GHG emissions of the
cooling purposes.
configuration with minimal backup. Plants with dry cooling
had slightly higher GHG emissions (5% to 7%) than wet-
2.6 Heat Transfer Fluids, Emissions to Soil and Water
cooled power plants due to the efficiency penalty of internal
fan power consumption.
The influence of HTF is manifested in the leaking or
If the heat transfer system uses nitrogen salts, the plant
emitting into the soil, groundwater and surface water, air and
emits nitrogen oxide (N2O) into the environment. The
human presence. Linear Fresnel, parabolic trough and
emission of this gas is extremely small compared to the
parabolic dish technologies have a large number of collectors
carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, but it is certainly
in the solar fields connected by pipelines that contain HTF
not negligible because nitrogen oxide is a stronger
and therefore occupy a large area. That large part of the
greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and it is necessary to
surface is under the potential influence of HTF leakage. This
control and solve this problem.
fact indicates that the use of HTFs can be dangerous for the
2.5 Wasted Heat
Small leakage (mainly due to evaporation) and
accidental spillage may occur at the plant, so effective
All heat energy-converting systems produce waste heat
protection measures should be organized. Leaking not only
that can have a significant share (Fig. 6). This applies to CSP
affects the environment but also the health of people.
generation as well. The waste heat fraction depends on the
Because of this, people must be trained for possible
applied technology.
accidents to minimize the impact on nature and humans and
As seen from Fig. 6, the waste heat in the CSP plant is
all the necessary protective equipment and equipment must
smaller than for geothermal plants and power plants on
be provided.
natural gas, but it is higher in relation to coal-fired and oil-
This aspect is less problematic for the area of heat
fired power plants.
storage and the area of process equipment due to small area
occupancy. In this case, the inspection surfaces are more a natural mineral material, it leaves a significant
accessible and it is possible to place protective surfaces environmental footprint due to energy consumed for mine
against the ground to prevent significant groundwater extraction, transportation, salt processing and application
contamination if HTF or Heat Storage Media (HSM) is in TES [14].
leaking. The central tower system is considered as the middle
case, whereby the height of the tower can facilitate dispersion 2.7 Materials in CSP Plants
on the large area around the tower. Accidental leakage can
occur during HTF circulation in some areas that are not CSP plants use a lot of working materials inside their
protected by insulation, e.g. the central receiver. system, far more than the conventional fossil fuel power
If the CSP plant is placed in a populated place, e.g. on plants. The main materials used are most often steel, glass,
the roof of a building and serves for cogeneration or and concrete with a relatively high recycling rate, typically
trigeneration, special attention must be paid to HTF. over 95%. Materials that cannot be recycled are mostly inert
and can be used for road building or can be land-filled safely.
2.6.1 Synthetic Oil However, there are several toxic materials (compounds)
found within the CSP system, most often synthetic organic
Parabolic trough power plants in Spain and California compounds such as biphenyls and biphenyl ether used in the
show some leakages of the synthetic oil used in the receiver. heat transfer system. These compounds can cause a fire and
The leakage indicator is in the characteristic smell of HTF. may, during leakage in the system, reach the ground through
Leaks are reduced by new connection elements (ball joints), which they can reach other parts of the environment and need
while soil pollution is recovered by microbial remediation or to be treated as hazardous waste. From the soil, poisonous
by removing and replacing large amounts of soil. In areas compounds can be absorbed by plants, and by eating these
with surface ponds or shallow groundwater, synthetic oil plants, animals can also absorb them. One of the ways in
contaminates the soil and penetrates very quickly in the water which they try to solve toxic materials is by replacing them
to which it is very poisonous. This fact suggests that synthetic with water or molten salts.
oil should be prohibited in the area of very vulnerable
aquifers. 2.8 Impacts on Flora and Fauna
2.6.2 Alternative HTFs Impacts of CSP plants on the local environment may be
associated with creating access roads, building works, and
HTFs for high-temperature areas have high priority in ecosystem disturbance. Construction of facilities, roads and
global research [13]. The results of the research in the past car parks causes the destruction of the local fauna. The extent
years have led to new systems that do not require synthetic of destruction depends on the area affected and the type of
oil, but directly use water/steam as HTF, such as DSG (direct land use before the construction of the plant.
steam production), gases or molten salt mixtures in Construction of the plant can lead to fragmentation of the
direct/indirect systems. habitat, which means that species lose the optimal integrity
Besides the environmental safeguard, the choice of the of the ecosystem for their survival. The power plant uses
HTF has various constraints: performances, costs, and plant environmental resources (water), thereby reducing the
efficiency. This requires a compromise to meet quality resources necessary for the plants and animals that live there.
solutions. In Mediterranean areas, plants that are drowned due to lack
Other options involve advanced HTFs, including: of water can also contribute to the risk of fire over plants
• Pressurised gas, currently under testing directly affect the vertebral mortality in two ways: collision
• Systems where molten salt is directly used in solar with the upper parts of the plant (especially with the central
collectors and energy storage systems, e.g. in a demo tower) and heat stroke or combustion of the surrounding area
plant in Archimedes, Italy resulting from the reflection of concentrated solar radiation
• Use of dense gas-particle suspensions (approximately [15]. Birds rarely collide with the tower of the plant when the
50% of solid) in tubes as HTF. This HTF behaves as a visibility is good, but with reduced visibility, a greater
liquid with a wide operating temperature range. It remains number of dead birds have been recorded. Birds can also
in a liquid state at almost any temperature (does not replace reflective water surface mirrors and, when being
freeze) and allows a working temperature increase up to convinced of diving into the water, collide with them and
700 °C and above. become injured. During the operational phase it was noted
• Adding nanoparticles to the above-mentioned fluids will that the plant and animal world gradually adapt to the new
result in nanofluids that greatly enhance physical and environment. For example, some dwarves are trying to build
transport properties and have a positive impact on the a nest on the heliostat, and the turkeys returned and feed in
environment. the vegetation of the heliostat field.
• Use of special additives in order to reduce the melting Building power plants may be a barrier to migratory
point for molten salt mixtures. The nitrate salts NaNO3 pathways to local plant and animal populations and thus their
and KNO3 of the TES are mainly (at about 60%) natural chances of survival may be reduced. Likewise, there may be
products mined in northern Chile, and the rest are from an increase in the number of invasive species to that area.
the chemical industry. Even if the main part of this salt is When transporting equipment and materials for the
construction of a plant, the site can be introduced to invasive impact than technologies such as the parabolic trough, dish
alien species or species whose natural habitat is not in this Stirling and Fresnel, due to the height of the central tower. In
ecosystem. Invasive foreign species often have the ability to terms of new trends in the use of CSP cogeneration and
rapidly propagate and spread and then pose a major threat to trigeneration systems, collectors can be placed on the roofs
domestic species. of buildings. In this case, the CSP system have a significant
Collector arrays in CSP plants affect the profile of wind visual impact.
flow. The mean wind speed is drastically reduced, and the
kinetic energy of turbulence grows within the collector field. 3 CONCLUSION
Reducing wind speed is of great benefit because speed is of
primary importance for the desert spread. That is, the There are different factors that influence the CSP
collector field acts beneficially in soil protection from environmental profile, including location, size, applied
erosion. technology and materials (for construction, HTF, etc.), water
The collector field in CSP plants also has an influence on use, land use, operation and maintenance needs, etc.
the soil temperature below the collector. Depending on where Despite the fact that this kind of power plant has a
the plant is built, the temperature of the soil in winter may be negative impact on the environment, it is obvious that CSP
several °C higher and during the spring and summer several plants have much better ecological performance than today’s
°C lower than the soil temperature outside the collector field fossil power plants. Since they do not use any fuels, there are
(according investigation of Zhiyong Wu et al. [16] in no oil spillage or methane leaks. On the other hand, the use
Yanqing, China, temperature difference was from 0.5 °C to of materials such as concrete, steel, and glass means the
4 °C). possibility of their recycling.
The problems that need to be solved are the water
2.9 Potential Noise Sources demand in the dry areas, the use of toxic synthetic oils as a
heat transfer fluid and the use of pesticides to limit the growth
Noise from the solar power plant is not significant of vegetation in heliostat fields. For all these problems, there
compared to other types of power plants, such as are technical solutions or they are in the development phase.
conventional coal, wind power generation, and gas turbine The impacts of certain applied technologies on the
power plants. The noise from the generating plant of the environment are different. Although some CSP technologies
large-scale trough, Fresnel and power tower plants is unlikely are commercialized, they are less mature than conventional
to cause any disturbance to the public since the power block fossil fuel power plants. Due to the great interest in this area
is invariably located at the centre of a large solar field, far and the increasing number of research, significant
from the facility boundary. The effects of noise are greater in improvements in the efficiency of these systems can be
the construction phase of the plant, but this impact can be expected, with less environmental impact.
mitigated with the adoption of good work practices. As far as CSPs are concerned, there is a need for further
According to the items listed below, the noise is generated in research into Stirling’s systems, the effects of storage
the operation of the plant due to: materials on the ecological profile of the entire CSP plant,
• Boiler start-up and operating noises water-saving strategies in the cooling system, the application
• Salt and water pumps of the Brayton cycle and the application of hybrid solar
• Cooling fans power plants.
• Stirling engines
• Waste Water Treatment operations 4 REFERENCES
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Rastušje 42
35107 Podvinje, Croatia