General Consent Form

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WARD ______________________

SURNAME..... MAIDEN NAME..............

CHART #..............................................
ICD Code.............................................







I understand that I have the right to participate in decisions about my medical care. I have been informed of my
rights and responsibilities when I receive services at Bermuda Hospitals Board facilities
I understand that care in Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) hospitals is provided by a multidisciplinary team of doctors,
nurses, and other health care professionals. Understanding this team structure, I consent to be treated by the
assigned members of the care team. I also authorize other health care professionals to carry out necessary
examinations, assessments and/or treatments; these include but are not limited to: Physio and Occupational
Therapists, Social Workers, Pharmacists, and Dietitians.
I authorize the hospital and the treating physicians, personnel or consultants involved in my care to have access to
my medical records. I further authorize that information from my medical record may be given to physicians in
hospitals outside Bermuda who may be consulted about my care and treatment. I understand that there is a separate
policy governing the release of psychiatric medical records.
I authorize the health professionals involved in my care and the Bermuda Hospitals Board to release my medical
information as needed to:
a. the insurance company or other reimbursement agencies in order to process this claim;
b. the Department of Health, other government departments, as may be required by law (for example the reporting
of communicable diseases,) or to arrange for services I (or my dependent) may benefit from after discharge.
I authorize the hospital to send a summary of this hospitalization and any other release of medical information to my
GP and/or referring doctor(s). I am aware that any additional request for the release of my medical record must be
processed through the Health Information Management Service.
I understand that members of the health care team will verify my identity by asking my name and date of birth
before a treatment or service. When required, the patient identification band placed on my wrist or ankle contains
unique identifiers that hospital staff use in verifying that I receive the medications, investigations and treatments
specifically ordered for me. I/my dependent have the responsibility to wear the patient identification band at all
times. Should it come off, I must immediately inform a health care professional.
I understand that I should not bring valuables to the hospital, as the Bermuda Hospitals Board is not responsible for
the loss, destruction or theft of personal property which includes but is not limited to: Glasses, dentures, hearing
aids, electronic devices, jewelry and any other personal items.
I understand that I have the right to withdraw this consent at any time.

Quality & Risk Management

May 2016

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Signature of Patient/Legal Guardian

Date (dd/mmm/yyyy)



Name of Witness (PRINT NAME)

Signature of Witness


I refuse the following examination or treatment(s): _____________________________________________________

This examination or treatment has been recommended by _______________________________________________
I acknowledge that I have been informed of the risks or consequences, which can result from refusal of this
examination or treatment, which has been recommended.
Signature of Patient/Legal Guardian
Name of Witness (PRINT NAME)

Date (dd/mmm/yyyy)
Signature of Witness


I declare that I am leaving this hospital (with my dependent) and I am doing this of my own free will and initiative and
against the advice of the treating physician(s). I have been advised of the possible risks and consequences.

Signature of Patient/Legal Guardian

Name of Witness (PRINT NAME)

Quality & Risk Management

May 2016

Date (dd/mmm/yyyy)

Signature of Witness

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