Running Head: THEORY PAPER #2: Analysis
Running Head: THEORY PAPER #2: Analysis
Running Head: THEORY PAPER #2: Analysis
their current situation, but lack the capacity for change; Becoming the
Author of Ones Own Life is when a student is developing internal
perspectives and sense of self; and Internal Foundation occurs when you
have clearly defined perspectives that dictate your actions, and knowledge
construction. Assisting students with this process can help students find
meaning and purpose in college.
One area of synthesis across each theory is the importance of
intrapersonal development or the internal processes that result in selfidentity in college students. Perry (1968) and Magolda (2001) focus on the
internal belief system that students have, while Yosso (2005) looks at what
cultural wealth students have, and how they guide self-identity. These
theories offer a foundational understanding of where students sense of self
might be, and how student affairs professionals can help one up
intrapersonal development. In Perrys theory, moving students from being
dualistic thinkers to be multiplistic thinkers can be accomplished for example
in career counseling, where your aim is to move students from an external
locus of control (looking at authority figure for the right job), to an internal
locus of control (guiding students on career opportunities). This is done
through MBTI, exploring interests, looking at transferrable skills, etc.
Magoldas (2001) theory is important to consider when looking at if our
methods of advising students are intrusive or developmental. Too much
hand holding limits students ability for self-authorship because developing