CREO Software Simulation & Optimization Result: Figure 1: Static Analysis

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CREO Software Simulation & Optimization Result

In order to have a clear view and better understanding of the design stress
concentration when in motion, CREO Software was used to simulate the contours
of stress that available in the stroller critical point.
The scale of the component of the 3D model in CREO was based on the actual
scale and correct dimensions. The force applied is 200N that represent the
weight of actual baby together with the weight of the seat.

Figure 1: Static Analysis

Based on the static analysis, the rod is bend downward in the middle where the
200N force is applied. Dark red region indicate the maximum von mises stress
occurance and the dark blue region is the minimum von mises stress. Constraints
were placed at the both ends of the rod where the most darkest blue region
occurred. Based on the analysis the maximum stress occurred was 6.565Mpa.
Steel was assigned as the material of the model.

Graph 1: Global Sensitivity Studies; Max Von Misses Stress VS Inner Diameter

Global sensitivity study was conducted to investigate how sensitive the part is to
the design parameters that had been set up. Specifically, it calculates the
change in the models measure when the parameter varies over specified range.
CREO does this by calculating measure values at regular intervals in a
parameters range during a global sensitivity study.
Basically in this study, the inner diameter of the rod is increase by 0.100 n (1/5 of
the parameter range) and the von misses stress was calculated for each increase
in diameter. The result was automatically graphed in graph 1 above. As the inner
diameter increase the von misses stress also increase. Thus we can say that the
inner diameter of the rod is directly proportional to the max von misses stress.

Graph 2: Max Von Mises VS Optimization Pass

Graph 3: Total Mass VS Optimization Pass

Figure 2: Optimized Model

Then, the last part was optimizing the model. An optimization study adjusts one
or more parameters to best achieve a specified goal or to test feasibility of a
design, while respecting specified limits. For this optimization, the goals were to
minimize total mass and to decrease the von misses stress to achieve the
desired factor of safety. Since

F . S .= st /vm

, the ultimate strength for steel is

250Mpa and the desired factor of safety is 3. Hence the maximum allowable
stress was 83Mpa. Graph 2 and graph 3 shows how von misses stress and total
mass are reduce using optimization pass. Figure 3 shows the model after being

Figure 3: Static Analysis of Optimized Model

A static analysis was done to review the the deformation of the model. Based on
figure 4 there is no dark red region occured and only the blue colour covered the
part. That indicates that the stress was decrease in the optimization. We also can
see that the max von misses stress is reduce from 6.565Mpa to 4.027Mpa.

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