Honeybee Radiance Primer

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HB-Radiance Primer

HB-Radiance Primer

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This primer provides an overview of the Honeybee Radiance components for Grasshopper.

Honeybee-radiance extends the core capabilities of the honeybee plugin to enable enable simulation of
models in Radiance.

See the Wiki of the lbt-grasshopper repository for the installation instructions for the entire Ladybug Tools
Grasshopper plugin (including honeybee-grasshopper-radiance).

Post your questions to Ladybug Tools forum and see the honeybee-grasshopper-radiance repository for
source code.

Please let us know if you find any mistakes in grammar or spelling in this primer and we will gladly fix them.

0 :: Basic Properties

Face Radiance Attributes

Room Radiance Attributes

Dynamic Aperture Group

Dynamic Shade Group

Dynamic State

Dynamic State Geometry

Sensor Grid

Sensor Grid from Rooms


View from Viewport

Assign Grids and Views

Get Grids and Views

Radial Grid from Rooms

Radial Sensor Grid

Section Plane View

Face Radiance Attributes

- [source code]

List of all radiance attirbutes assigned to Honeybee Faces and Subfaces.

Room Radiance Attributes

- [source code]
List of all radiance attirbutes assigned to Honeybee Rooms.

Dynamic Aperture Group

- [source code]

Combine Honeybee Apertures into a single dynamic group. Apertures that are a part of the same dynamic
group will have their states change in unison. If an aperture has no dynamic group, it is assumed to be static.

This component can also be used to combine apertures that already have states assigned to them into one
group since existing states are not overwritten if nothing is connected to states_. In this case, the total
number of states in the dynamic group is equal to that of the object with the highest number of states. After a
dynamic aperture with fewer states than that of it's dynamic group has hit its highest state, it remains in that
state as the other dynamic apertures continue to change.
apertures [Required]
A list of Honeybee Apertures to be grouped together into a single dynamic group. Door objects can also
be connected here to be included in the group.

Text to be incorporated into a unique identifier for the dynamic Aperture group. If the name is not
provided, a random name will be assigned.

An optional list of Honeybee State objects ordered based on how they will be switched on. The first
state is the default state and, typically, higher states are more shaded. If the objects in the group have no
states, the modifiers already assigned the apertures will be used for all states.


Honeybee apertures that are a part of the same dynamic group. These can be used directly in radiance
simulations or can be added to Honeybee faces and rooms.

Dynamic Shade Group

- [source code]

Combine Honeybee Shades into a single dynamic group. Shades that are a part of the same dynamic group
will have their states change in unison. If an shade has no dynamic group, it is assumed to be static.

This component can also be used to combine shades that already have states assigned to them into one
group since existing states are not overwritten if nothing is connected to states_. In this case, the total
number of states in the dynamic group is equal to that of the object with the highest number of states. After a
dynamic shade with fewer states than that of it's dynamic group has hit its highest state, it remains in that
state as the other dynamic shades continue to change.


shades [Required]
A list of Honeybee Shades to be grouped together into a single dynamic group.
Text to be incorporated into a unique identifier for the dynamic Shade group. If the name is not provided,
a random name will be assigned.

An optional list of Honeybee State objects ordered based on how they will be switched on. The first
state is the default state and, typically, higher states are more shaded. If the objects in the group have no
states, the modifiers already assigned the shades will be used for all states.


Honeybee shades that are a part of the same dynamic group. These can be used directly in radiance
simulations or can be added to Honeybee faces and rooms.

Dynamic State
- [source code]

Create a State object representing a single dynamic group state.


A Honeybee Radiance Modifier object to be applied to this state's parent in this state. This is used to
swap out the modifier in multi-phase studies. If None, it will be the parent's default modifier.
An optional array of StateGeometry objects to be included with this state.


A Honeybee State object representing a single dynamic group state. This can be assigned to apertures
or shades using the "HB Dynamic Aperture Group" componet or the "HB Dynamic Shade Group"
Dynamic State Geometry

- [source code]

Create a StateGeometry object that can be assigned to the shades_ of a dynamic state using the "HB
Dynamic State" component.


geo [Required]

Rhino Brep or Mesh geometry to be converted to StateGeometry.

Text to set the name for the StateGeometry and to be incorporated into unique StateGeometry identifier.
If the name is not provided, a random name will be assigned.
A Honeybee Radiance Modifier object for the geometry. If None, it will be the Generic Exterior Shade
modifier in the lib. (Default: None).


A Honeybee StateGeometry object representing planar geometry that can be assigned to Radiance
states. This can be assigned using the "HB Dynamic State" component.

Sensor Grid

- [source code]

Create a Sensor Grid object that can be used in a grid-based recipe.


A name for this sensor grid.

positions [Required]

A list or a datatree of points with one point for the position of each sensor. Each branch of the datatree will
be considered as a separate sensor grid.


A list or a datatree of vectors with one vector for the direction of each sensor. The input here MUST therefor
align with the input _positions. If no value is provided (0, 0, 1) will be assigned for all the sensors.


An optional mesh that aligns with the sensors. This is useful for generating visualizations of the sensor grid
beyond the sensor positions. Note that the number of sensors in the grid must match the number of faces or
the number vertices within the mesh.


An optional Brep for the geometry used to make the grid. There are no restrictions on how this brep relates
to the sensors and it is provided only to assist with the display of the grid when the number of sensors or the
mesh is too large to be practically visualized.



An SensorGrid object that can be used in a grid-based recipe.

Sensor Grid from Rooms

- [source code]

Generate SensorGrid objects from the floors of honeybee Rooms. These SensorGrids can be used in a grid-
based recipe.

The names of the grids will be the same as the rooms that they came from.


rooms [Required]

A list of honeybee Rooms for which sensor grids will be generated. This can also be an entire Honeybee
Model from which Rooms will be extracted.

grid_size [Required]

Number for the size of the grid cells.


Number for the distance to move points from the floors of the input rooms. The default is 0.8 meters.


Boolean to note whether meshing should be done using Rhino's defaults (False), which fills the entire
_geometry to the edges with both quad and tringulated faces, or a mesh with only quad faces should be
generated. FOR ADVANCED USERS: This input can also be a vector object that will be used to set the
orientation of the quad-only grid. Note that, if a vector is input here that is not aligned with the plane of the
room's floors, an error will be raised.


Boolean to note whether an extra check should be run to remove sensor points that lie outside the Room
volume. Note that this can add significantly to the component's run time and this check is usually not
necessary in the case that all walls are vertical and all floors are horizontal (Default: False).


A number for the distance at which sensors close to walls should be removed.



A SensorGrid object that can be used in a grid-based recipe.


The points that are at the center of each grid cell.


Analysis mesh that can be passed to the 'Spatial Heatmap' component.

- [source code]

Create a Honeybee View for an image-based analysis.



Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.

position [Required]

An point to set the position of the view in 3D space (-vp). This is the focal point of a perspective view or the
center of a parallel projection.

direction [Required]

A vector for the direction that the veiw is facing (-vd). The length of this vector indicates the focal distance as
needed by the pixel depth of field (-pd) in rpict.


An optional vector to set the vertical direction of the view (-vu). (Default: (0, 0, 1)).


An integer to set the view type (-vt). Choose from the choices below. (Default: 0).

* 0 Perspective (v)

* 1 Hemispherical fisheye (h)

* 2 Parallel (l)

* 3 Cylindrical panorama (c)

* 4 Angular fisheye (a)

* 5 Planisphere [stereographic] projection (s)For more detailed description about view types c


A number for the view horizontal size (-vh) in degrees. For a perspective projection (including fisheye
views), val is the horizontal field of view. For a parallel projection, val is the view width in world coordinates.
(Default: 60).


A number for the view vertical size (-vv) in degrees. For a perspective projection (including fisheye views),
val is the horizontal field of view. For a parallel projection, val is the view width in world coordinates.
(Default: 60).



A Honeybee View object that can be used in an view-based recipe.

View from Viewport

- [source code]

Create a Honeybee View for an image-based analysis using a Rhino viewport.



Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.


The Rhino viewport name which will be used to generate a radiance View object. Typical inputs include
"Perspective", "Top", "Bottom", "Left", "Right", "Front", "Back" or any viewport name that you have saved
within the Rhino file. If no text is input here, the default will be the currently active viewport (the last viewport
in which you navigated).


An integer to set the view type (-vt). Choose from the choices below. Default: 0 if the viewport is in
perspective; 2 if it is parallel.

* 0 Perspective (v)

* 1 Hemispherical fisheye (h)

* 2 Parallel (l)

* 3 Cylindrical panorama (c)

* 4 Angular fisheye (a)

* 5 Planisphere [stereographic] projection (s)For more detailed description about view types c


Connect a Grasshopper "button" component to refresh the orientation upon hitting the button.



A Honeybee View object that can be used in a view-based recipe.

Assign Grids and Views

- [source code]

Add radiance Sensor Grids and/or Views to a Honeybee Model.

This assignment is necessary for any Radiance study, though whether a grid or a view is required for a
particular type of study is depenednet upon the recipe used.

Multiple copies of this component can be used in series and each will add the grids or views to any that
already exist.


model [Required]

A Honeybee Model to which the input grids_ and views_ will be assigned.


A list of Honeybee-Radiance SensorGrids, which will be assigned to the input _model.


A list of Honeybee-Radiance Views, which will be assigned to the input _model.



The input Honeybee Model with the grids_ and views_ assigned to it.

Get Grids and Views

- [source code]

Get Radiance Sensor Grids and/or Views from a Honeybee Model and visualize them in the Rhino scene.


model [Required]
A Honeybee Model for which grids and views will be output.

A list of Honeybee-Radiance Views that are assigned to the input _model.

A list of Honeybee-Radiance SensorGrids that are assigned to the input _model.

The points that are at the center of each grid cell.

Mesh for each sensor grid, which can be passed to the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component.

Radial Grid from Rooms

- [source code]
Generate SensorGrids of radial directions around positions from the floors of rooms.

This type of sensor grid is particularly helpful for studies of multiple view directions, such as imageless glare

The names of the grids will be the same as the rooms that they came from.


rooms [Required]

A list of honeybee Rooms for which sensor grids will be generated. This can also be an entire Honeybee
Model from which Rooms will be extracted.

grid_size [Required]

Number for the size of the grid cells.


Number for the distance to move points from the floors of the input rooms. (Default: 1.2 meters).


A positive integer for the number of radial directions to be generated around each position. (Default: 8).


A Vector3D to set the start direction of the generated directions. This can be used to orient the resulting
sensors to specific parts of the scene. It can also change the elevation of the resulting directions since this
start vector will always be rotated in the XY plane to generate the resulting directions. (Default: (0, -1, 0)).


A number for the distance at which sensors close to walls should be removed.



A SensorGrid object that can be used in a grid-based recipe.


The points that are at the center of each circle. These align with the vecs output below and can be
visualized with the native Grasshopper vector display component.
The vectors for the directions of each sensor. These align with the points output above and can be
visualized with the native Grasshopper vector display component.


Analysis mesh that can be passed to the 'Spatial Heatmap' component.

Radial Sensor Grid

- [source code]

Create a Sensor Grid object from radial directions around sensor positions.

This type of sensor grid is particularly helpful for studies of multiple view directions, such as imageless glare


A name for this sensor grid.

positions [Required]

A list or a datatree of points with one point for the position of each radial sensor. Each branch of the datatree
will be considered as a separate sensor grid.


A positive integer for the number of radial directions to be generated around each position. (Default: 8).


A Vector3D to set the start direction of the generated directions. This can be used to orient the resulting
sensors to specific parts of the scene. It can also change the elevation of the resulting directions since this
start vector will always be rotated in the XY plane to generate the resulting directions. (Default: (0, -1, 0)).


An optional number that can be used to generate a mesh that is aligned with the resulting sensors and will
automatically be assigned to the grid. Such meshes will resemble a circle around each sensor with the
specified radius and will contain triangular faces that can be colored with simulation results. If zero, no mesh
will be generated for the sensor grid. (Default: 0.2 meters).



An SensorGrid object that can be used in a grid-based recipe.


Script variable SensorGrid


Script variable SensorGrid


Analysis mesh that can be passed to the 'Spatial Heatmap' component.

Section Plane View

- [source code]

Apply a section plane to a Honeybee Radiance View.

The plane will always be perpendicular to the view direction for perspective and parallel view types. For
fisheye view types, the clipping plane is actually a clipping sphere, centered on the view point.

Objects in front of this imaginary plane will not be visible. This may be useful for seeing through walls (to get
a longer perspective from an exterior view point) or for incremental rendering.


view [Required]

A Honeybee Radiance View object to which a section plane should be applied.

origin [Required]

An point to set the origin of the section plane in 3D space. Note that the section plane is always perpenicular
to the view direction for perspective and parallel views.


A Honeybee View object that can be used in a view-based recipe.

1 :: Modifiers

Search Mofidier Sets

Search Mofidiers


Glass Modifier

Metal Modifier

Mirror Modifier

Opaque Modifier

Translucent Modifier


Exterior Modifier Subset

Interior Modifier Subset

Shade Modifier Subset

Subface Modifier Subset

Deconstruct ModifierSet

Deconstruct ModifierSet Interior

Apply Face Modifier

Apply ModifierSet

Apply Shade Modifier

Apply Window Modifier

Deconstruct Modifier

Glass Modifier 3

Metal Modifier 3

Mirror Modifier 3

Opaque Modifier 3

Translucent Modifier 3
Search Mofidier Sets

- [source code]

Search for available Mofidier Sets within the honeybee standards library.


Optional keywords to be used to narrow down the output list of modifier sets. If nothing is input here, all
available modifier sets will be output.
If False or None, this component will automatically split any strings of multiple keywords (spearated by
spaces) into separate keywords for searching. This results in a greater liklihood of finding an item in the
search but it may not be appropropriate for all cases. You may want to set it to True when you are
searching for a specific phrase that includes spaces. Default: False.

A list of modifier sets within the honeybee radiance standards library (filtered by keywords_ if they are

Search Mofidiers

- [source code]

Search for available Mofidiers within the honeybee standards library.

Optional keywords to be used to narrow down the output list of modifiers. If nothing is input here, all
available modifiers will be output.

If False or None, this component will automatically split any strings of multiple keywords (spearated by
spaces) into separate keywords for searching. This results in a greater liklihood of finding an item in the
search but it may not be appropropriate for all cases. You may want to set it to True when you are
searching for a specific phrase that includes spaces. Default: False.


A list of modifiers within the honeybee radiance standards library (filtered by keywords_ if they are

- [source code]

Create a Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function (BSDF) radiance modifier from an XML file.


xml_file [Required]

Path to an XML file contining BSDF data. These files can be produced using the LBNL WINDOW software
among other sources.


A vector that sets the hemisphere that the BSDF modifier faces. For materials that are symmetrical about the
face plane (like non-angled venetian blinds), this can be any vector that is not perfectly
normal/perpendicular to the face. For asymmetrica materials like angled venetian blinds, this variable
should be coordinated with the direction that the geometry is facing. The default is set to (0.01, 0.01, 1.00),
which should hopefully not be normal to any typical face.


Optional number to set the thickness of the BSDF. Thickness is not supported for aBSDF type. (Default: 0).


An integer to set the bsdf type. Choose from the choices below. (Default: 0).

* 0 BSDF

* 1 aBSDFChoose aBSDF (peak extraction) for systems with a strong specular transmission compon

* https://task61.iea-shc.org/publications



A BSDF modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.

Glass Modifier
- [source code]

Create an glass radiance modifier from a single transmittance.


Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.

trans [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the glass modifier transmittance. This transmittance will be the same for
the red, green and blue channels.
Index of refraction. Typical values are 1.52 for float glass and 1.4 for ETFE. If None, Radiance will
default to using 1.52 for glass (Default: None).

A glass modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.

Metal Modifier

- [source code]

Create a metal radiance modifier from a single reflectance.


Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.

reflect [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the metal reflectance. This reflectance will be the same for the red, green
and blue channels.
A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of specularity. Specularity of metals is usually 0.9 or greater.
(Default: 0.9)

Roughness is specified as the rms slope of surface facets. A value of 0 corresponds to a perfectly
smooth surface, and a value of 1 would be a very rough surface. Roughness values greater than 0.2 are
not very realistic. (Default: 0).


A metal modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.

Mirror Modifier
- [source code]
Create a mirror radiance modifier from a single reflectance.


Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.

reflect [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the mirror reflectance. This reflectance will be the same for the red, green
and blue channels.


A mirror modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.

Opaque Modifier
- [source code]

Create an opaque radiance modifier from a single reflectance.


Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
reflect [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the opaque modifier reflectance. This reflectance will be the same for the
red, green and blue channels.

A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of specularity. Specularity fractions greater than 0.1 are not
common in non-metallic materials (Default: 0).

Roughness is specified as the rms slope of surface facets. A value of 0 corresponds to a perfectly
smooth surface, and a value of 1 would be a very rough surface. Roughness values greater than 0.2 are
not very realistic. (Default: 0).


An opaque modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.

Translucent Modifier
- [source code]

Create a translucent radiance modifier from a reflectance and transmittance.

The sum of the reflectances and transmittances must be less than 1 and any energy not transmitted or
reflected is assumed to be absorbed. The resulting material will always be grey with equivalent red, green
and blue channels.



Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.

diff_ref [Required]

A number between 0 and 1 for the diffuse reflectance of the material.

diff_trans [Required]

A number between 0 and 1 for the transmitted diffuse component. This is the fraction of transmitted light that
is diffusely scattered.


A number between 0 and 1 for the transmitted specular component. This is the fraction of transmitted light
that is not diffusely scattered but passes through like a beam. (Default: 0).

A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of specularity. Specularity fractions greater than 0.1 are not
common in non-metallic materials. (Default: 0).


Roughness is specified as the rms slope of surface facets. A value of 0 corresponds to a perfectly smooth
surface, and a value of 1 would be a very rough surface. Roughness values greater than 0.2 are not very
realistic. (Default: 0).



A translucent modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.

- [source code]
Create a ModifierSet object containing all radiance modifiers needed to create an radiance model.
ModifierSets can be assigned to Honeybee Rooms to specify all default modifiers on the Room.


Text to set the name for the ModifierSet and to be incorporated into a unique ModifierSet identifier. If
None, a random one will be genrated.
An optional ModifierSet object that will be used as the starting point for the new ModifierSet output from
this component. This can also be text for the name of a ModifierSet within the library such as that output
from the "HB Search Modifier Sets" component. If None, the Honeybee "Generic Default Modifier Set"
will be used as the base.


A modifier subset list from the "HB Exterior Modifier Subset" component. Note that None values in this
list correspond to no change to the given modifier in the basemod_set.

A modifier subset list from the "HB Interior Modifier Subset" component. Note that None values in this list
correspond to no change to the given modifier in the basemod_set.
A modifier subset list from the "HB Subface Subset" component. Note that None values in this list
correspond to no change to the given modifier in the basemod_set.

A modifier subset list from the "HB Shade Modifier Subset" component. Note that None values in this list
correspond to no change to the given modifier in the basemod_set.


A ModifierSet object that can be assigned to Honeybee Rooms in order to specify all default modifiers
on the Room.

Exterior Modifier Subset

- [source code]

Create a list of exterior modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.


A modifier object for exterior walls (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).

A modifier object for exterior roofs (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).
A modifier object for exposed floors (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).


A list of exterior modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.
Interior Modifier Subset

- [source code]

Create a list of interior modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.


A modifier object for interior walls (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).

A modifier object for ceilings (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).

A modifier object for interior floors (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).

A modifier object for all apertures with a Surface boundary condition. This can also be text for the
identifier of the modifier within the library.
A modifier object for all opaque doors with a Surface boundary condition. This can also be text for the
identifier of the modifier within the library.

A modifier object for all glass doors with a Surface boundary condition. This can also be text for the
identifier of the modifier within the library.


A list of interior modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.

Shade Modifier Subset

- [source code]

Create a list of modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.


A modifier object for exterior shades (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).

A modifier object for interior shades (or text for the identifier of the modifier within the library).


A list of shade modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.

Subface Modifier Subset

- [source code]

Create a list of exterior subface (apertures + doors) modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet


A modifier object for apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition and a Wall face type for their parent
face. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A modifier object for apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition and a RoofCeiling or Floor face
type for their parent face. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A modifier object for apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition and True is_operable property. This
can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.

A modifier object for opaque doors with an Outdoors boundary condition and a Wall face type for their
parent face. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A modifier object for opaque doors with an Outdoors boundary condition and a RoofCeiling or Floor face
type for their parent face. This can also be text for the identifier of the modifier within the library.
A modifier object for all glass doors with an Outdoors boundary condition. This can also be text for the
identifier of the modifier within the library.


A list of exterior subface modifiers that can be used to edit or create a ModifierSet object.

Deconstruct ModifierSet
- [source code]

Deconstruct a modifier set into its constituient exterior modifiers.


mod_set [Required]
A modifier set to be deconstructed. This can also be text for a modifier set to be looked up in the modifier
set library.


A modifier object for the set's exterior walls.

A modifier object for the set's exterior roofs.
A modifier object for the set's exposed floors.
A modifier object for apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition and a Wall face type for their parent

A modifier object for apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition and a RoofCeiling or Floor face
type for their parent face.

A modifier object for apertures with an Outdoors boundary condition and True is_operable property.

A modifier object for opaque doors with an Outdoors boundary condition and a Wall face type for their
parent face.

A modifier object for opaque doors with an Outdoors boundary condition and a RoofCeiling or Floor face
type for their parent face.
A modifier object for all glass doors with an Outdoors boundary condition.

A modifier object for all exterior shades.

Deconstruct ModifierSet Interior

- [source code]

Deconstruct a modifier set into its constituient interior modifiers.


mod_set [Required]
A modifier set to be deconstructed. This can also be text for a modifier set to be looked up in the modifier
set library.


A modifier object for the set's interior walls.
A modifier object for the set's interior roofs.
A modifier object for the set's interior floors.
A modifier object for all apertures with a Surface boundary condition.
A modifier object for all opaque doors with a Surface boundary condition.
A modifier object for all glass doors with a Surface boundary condition.

A modifier object for all interior shades.

Apply Face Modifier

- [source code]

Apply a Modifier to Honeybee Faces, Doors or Room walls.

This component supports the assigning of different modifiers based on cardinal orientation, provided that a
list of Modifiers are input to the _mod.


hb_objs [Required]
Honeybee Faces, Doors or Rooms to which the input _mod should be assigned. For the case of a
Honeybee Room, the modifier will only be applied to the Room's outdoor walls. Note that, if you need to
assign a modifier to all the roofs, floors, etc. of a Room, the best practice is to create a ModifierSet and
assing that to the Room.
mod [Required]
A Honeybee Modifier to be applied to the input _hb_objs. This can also be text for a modifier to be
looked up in the modifier library. If an array of text or modifier objects are input here, different modifiers
will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise.

The input honeybee objects with their modifiers edited.

Apply ModifierSet

- [source code]

Apply ModifierSet to Honeybee Rooms.


rooms [Required]
Honeybee Rooms to which the input _mod_set should be assigned.

mod_set [Required]
A Honeybee ModifierSet to be applied to the input _room. This can also be text for a modifier set to be
looked up in the modifier set library.


The input Rooms with their modifier sets edited.

Apply Shade Modifier

- [source code]

Apply a Modifier to Honeybee Shade objects. Alternatively, it can assign a Modifier to all of the child shades
of an Aperture, Door, Face, or a Room.

This component supports the assigning of different modifiers based on cardinal orientation, provided that a
list of Modifiers are input to the _mod.

hb_objs [Required]
Honeybee Shades, Apertures, Doors, Faces, or Rooms to which the input _mod should be assigned.
For the case of a Honeybee Aperture, Door, Face or Room, the Modifier will be assigned to only the
child shades directly assigned to that object. So passing in a Room will not change the modifier of
shades assigned to Apertures of the Room's Faces. If this is the desired outcome, then the Room should
be deconstructed into its child objects before using this component.

mod [Required]
A Honeybee Modifier to be applied to the input _hb_objs. This can also be text for a modifier to be
looked up in the shade modifier library. If an array of text or modifier objects are input here, different
modifiers will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise.


The input honeybee objects with their modifiers edited.

Apply Window Modifier

- [source code]

Apply Modifier to Honeybee Apertures or glass Doors. Alternatively, it can assign Modifiers to the child
apertures of input Faces or the apertures within Room walls.

This component supports the assigning of different modifiers based on cardinal orientation, provided that a
list of Modifiers are input to the _mod.


hb_objs [Required]
Honeybee Apertures, Faces, Doors or Rooms to which the input _mod should be assigned. For the case
of a Honeybee Room, the modifier will only be applied to the apertures in the the Room's outdoor walls.
Note that, if you need to assign a modifier to all the skylights, glass doors, etc. of a Room, the best
practice is to create a ModifierSet and assing that to the Room.
mod [Required]
A Honeybee Modifier to be applied to the input _hb_objs. This can also be text for a modifier to be
looked up in the window modifier library. If an array of text or modifier objects are input here, different
modifiers will be assigned based on cardinal direction, starting with north and moving clockwise.


The input honeybee objects with their modifiers edited.

Deconstruct Modifier
- [source code]

Deconstruct a modifier into a radiance string.


mod [Required]
A modifier to be deconstructed or text for a modifier to be looked up in the modifier library.


A Radiance string that includes all of the attributes that define the modifier.

Glass Modifier 3
- [source code]

Create an glass radiance modifier from a red, green, and blue transmittances


Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.

r_trans [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the transmittance of the red channel. (Default: 0).
g_trans [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the transmittance of the green channel. (Default: 0).
b_trans [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the transmittance of the blue channel. (Default: 0).
Index of refraction. Typical values are 1.52 for float glass and 1.4 for ETFE. If None, Radiance will
default to using 1.52 for glass (Default: None).

A glass modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.

Metal Modifier 3

- [source code]

Create a metal radiance modifier from red, green, and blue reflectances.


Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
r_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the red reflectance.

g_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the green reflectance.
b_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the blue reflectance.

A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of specularity. Specularity of metals is usually 0.9 or greater.
(Default: 0.9)

Roughness is specified as the rms slope of surface facets. A value of 0 corresponds to a perfectly
smooth surface, and a value of 1 would be a very rough surface. Roughness values greater than 0.2 are
not very realistic. (Default: 0).


A metal modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.

Mirror Modifier 3
- [source code]

Create an mirror radiance modifier from a single reflectance.


Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
r_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the red reflectance.
g_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the green reflectance.

b_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the blue reflectance.


An mirror modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.

Opaque Modifier 3
- [source code]

Create an opaque radiance modifier from red, green, and blue reflectances.


Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.
r_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the red reflectance.
g_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the green reflectance.
b_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the blue reflectance.
A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of specularity. Specularity fractions greater than 0.1 are not
common in non-metallic materials. (Default: 0).
Roughness is specified as the rms slope of surface facets. A value of 0 corresponds to a perfectly
smooth surface, and a value of 1 would be a very rough surface. Roughness values greater than 0.2 are
not very realistic. (Default: 0).


An opaque modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.
Translucent Modifier 3

- [source code]

Create a translucent radiance modifier from reflectances and transmittances.

The sum of the reflectances and transmittances must be less than 1 and any energy not transmitted or
reflected is assumed to be absorbed.



Text to set the name for the modifier and to be incorporated into a unique modifier identifier.

r_diff_ref [Required]
A number between 0 and 1 for the red diffuse reflectance.

g_diff_ref [Required]

A number between 0 and 1 for the green diffuse reflectance.

b_diff_ref [Required]

A number between 0 and 1 for the blue diffuse reflectance.

diff_trans [Required]

A number between 0 and 1 for the transmitted diffuse component. This is the fraction of transmitted light that
is diffusely scattered.


A number between 0 and 1 for the transmitted specular component. This is the fraction of transmitted light
that is not diffusely scattered but passes through like a beam. (Default: 0).


A number between 0 and 1 for the fraction of specularity. Specularity fractions greater than 0.1 are not
common in non-metallic materials. (Default: 0).


Roughness is specified as the rms slope of surface facets. A value of 0 corresponds to a perfectly smooth
surface, and a value of 1 would be a very rough surface. Roughness values greater than 0.2 are not very
realistic. (Default: 0).



A translucent modifier that can be assigned to a Honeybee geometry or Modifier Sets.

2 :: Light Sources

CIE Standard Sky

Certain Illuminance

Climatebased Sky

Custom Sky

Wea From Clear Sky

Wea From EPW
Wea From Tau Clear Sky

Wea from Zhang-Huang

Deconstruct Wea

Visualize Sky

CIE Standard Sky

- [source code]

Create a point-in-time standard Radiance CIE sky.

A number between 0 and 360 that represents the degrees off from the y-axis to make North. This can
also be a vector to set the North. Default is 0. The default North direction is the Y-axis (0 degrees).

location [Required]
A Ladybug location object.

An integer between 1 and 12 for the month of the year (default: 6).

An integer between 1 and 31 for the day of the month (default: 21).

A number between 0 and 23.999 for the hour of the day (default: 12).

An integer between 0..5 to indicate CIE Sky Type (default: 0).
0 = Sunny with sun

1 = sunny without sun

2 = intermediate with sun

3 = intermediate without sun

4 = cloudy sky

5 = uniform sky


A honeybee sky that can be used to create a point-in-time recipe.

Certain Illuminance
- [source code]

Create a uniform sky that yields a certain illuminance.


Desired value for sky horizontal illuminance in lux. (Default: 10000).


A honeybee sky that can be used to create a point-in-time recipe.

Climatebased Sky
- [source code]

Create a point-in-time climate-based sky from a Wea.


A number between 0 and 360 that represents the degrees off from the y-axis to make North. This can
also be a vector to set the North. Default is 0. The default North direction is the Y-axis (0 degrees).

wea [Required]
A Ladybug Wea object.
An integer between 1 and 12 for the month of the year (default: 6).
An integer between 1 and 31 for the day of the month (default: 21).
A number between 0 and 23.999.. for the hour of the day (default: 12).


A Honeybee sky that can be used to create a point-in-time recipe.
Custom Sky

- [source code]

Create a Custom sky from direct and diffuse irradiance.


A number between 0 and 360 that represents the degrees off from the y-axis to make North. This can
also be a vector to set the North. Default is 0. The default North direction is the Y-axis (0 degrees).
location [Required]
A Ladybug location object.
dir_rad [Required]
Direct normal irradiance (W/m2).

diff_rad [Required]
Diffuse horizontal irradiance (W/m2).
An integer between 1 and 12 for the month of the year (default: 6).

An integer between 1 and 31 for the day of the month (default: 21).
A number between 0 and 23.999 for the hour of the day (default: 12).


Honeybee sky. You can use this sky to create a daylight recipe.

Wea From Clear Sky

- [source code]
Create a WEA object using the original ASHRAE Clear Sky formula.


location [Required]
A Ladybug Location object which will set the sun poisition for the clear sky Wea. Locations can be
obtained from the "LB Import EPW" or the "LB Construct Location" component.

A factor to be multiplied by the output of the clear sky model. This is to help account for locations where
clear, dry skies predominate (e.g., at high elevations) or, conversely, where hazy and humid conditions
are frequent. See Threlkeld and Jordan (1958) for recommended values. Typical values range from 0.95
to 1.05 and are usually never more than 1.2. (Default: 1.0).
An optional list of hours of the year (numbers from 0 to 8759) for which the Wea will be filtered. HOYs
can be generated from the "LB Analysis Period" component or they can be obtained through other
means like analysis of the values in an occupancy schedule. By default, the Wea will be generated for
the whole year.
An integer representing the timestep with which to make the WEA object. (Default: 1, for 1 step per hour
of the year).


A wea object from stat file. This wea object represents an original ASHRAE Clear Sky, which is
intended to determine peak solar load and sizing parmeters for HVAC systems.

Wea From EPW

- [source code]

Create a Wea object from an EPW file.


epw_file [Required]
Full path to an .epw weather file.
An optional list of hours of the year (numbers from 0 to 8759) for which the Wea will be filtered. HOYs
can be generated from the "LB Analysis Period" component or they can be obtained through other
means like analysis of the values in an occupancy schedule. By default, the Wea will be generated for
the whole year.
An integer representing the timestep with which to make the WEA object. Default is set to 1 for 1 step
per hour of the year.


A wea object from epw file.
Wea From Tau Clear Sky

- [source code]

Create a WEA object for an ASHRAE Revised Clear Sky (Tau Model) using a STAT file.


stat_file [Required]
Full path to .stat file that will be used to make the clear sky Wea. Note that an error will be raised if no
atmospheric optical data is found in the file. In this case, the "HB Wea from Clear Sky" component can
be used.
An optional list of hours of the year (numbers from 0 to 8759) for which the Wea will be filtered. HOYs
can be generated from the "LB Analysis Period" component or they can be obtained through other
means like analysis of the values in an occupancy schedule. By default, the Wea will be generated for
the whole year.
An integer representing the timestep with which to make the WEA object. Default is set to 1 for 1 step
per hour of the year.


A wea object from stat file. This wea object represents an ASHRAE Revised Clear Sky ("Tau Model"),
which is intended to determine peak solar load and sizing parmeters for HVAC systems. The "Tau
Model" uses monthly optical depths found within a .stat file.

Wea from Zhang-Huang

- [source code]

Construct a WEA from hourly data collections and the Zhang-Huang Solar Model.

location [Required]
A Ladybug Location object.

cloud_cover [Required]
Hourly DataCollection with the fraction of total sky cover (tenths of coverage). (eg. 1 is 1/10 covered. 10
is total coverage)

rel_humidity [Required]
Hourly DataCollection with relative humidity [%].
dry_bulb_temp [Required]
Hourly DataCollection with dry bulb temperature [C].
wind_speed [Required]
Hourly DataCollection with wind speed [m/s].
Hourly DataCollection with amtospheric pressure [Pa]. If no value is connected here, pressure at sea
level will be assumed (101,325 Pa).


A wea object from the input data collections and the Zhang-Huang solar model.

Deconstruct Wea
- [source code]

Deconstruct a Wea object into data collections of direct, diffuse, and golbal irradiance at each timestep of
the file.


wea [Required]
A Honeybee WEA object.


A data collection of direct normal irradiance values at each timestep of the Wea.
A data collection of diffuse sky solar irradiance values at each timestep of the Wea.
A data collection of global horizontal irradiance values at each timestep of the Wea.

Visualize Sky
- [source code]

Visualize a sky as a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file.


sky [Required]
A Radiance sky from any of the sky components under the "Light Sources" tab. Text string
representations of skies are also acceptable.
A number for the X and Y dimension of the imgae in pixles. (Default: 500 px)


Path to the High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file of the sky. This can be plugged into the Ladybug
"Image Viewer" component to preview the image. It can also be plugged into the "HB False Color"
component to convert the image into a false color version. Lastly, it can be connected to the "HB HDR to
GIF" component to get a GIF image that is more portable and easily previewed by different software.
The global horizontal irradiance (W/m2) for an upstructed test point under the sky.
3 :: Recipes

Annual Daylight

Annual Irradiance

Imageless Annual Glare

Point-In-Time Grid-Based

Point-In-Time View-Based

Cumulative Radiation

Daylight Factor

Direct Sun Hours

Sky View

Check Scene

Radiance Parameter

Ambient Resolution

Annual Daylight
- [source code]

Run an annual daylight study for a Honeybee model to compute hourly illuminance for each sensor in a
model's sensor grids.

This recipe uses an enhanced 2-phase method for daylight simulation which accurately models direct sun
by tracing rays from each sensor to the solar position at each hour of the calculation.

The resulting illuminance is used to compute the following metrics:

Daylight Autonomy (DA) - The percentage of occupied hours that each sensor recieves more than the
illuminance threshold. * Continuous Daylight Autonomy (cDA) - Similar to DA except that values below
the illuminance threshold can still count partially towards the final percentage. * Useful Daylight
Illuminance (UDI) - The percentage of occupied hours that illuminace falls between minimum and
maximum thresholds


model [Required]

A Honeybee Model for which Annual Daylight will be simulated. Note that this model must have grids
assigned to it.

wea [Required]

A Wea object produced from the Wea components that are under the Light Sources tab. This can also be the
path to a .wea or a .epw file. Note that the Wea must have a timestep of 1 to be used with this recipe.


A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-
axis in degrees. This can also be Vector for the direction to North. (Default: 0).


A string to change the threshold for daylight autonomy and useful daylight illuminance. Valid keys are -t for
daylight autonomy threshold,

-lt for the lower threshold for useful daylight illuminance and

-ut for the upper threshold. The order of the keys is not importantand you can include one or

An annual occupancy schedule, either as a Ladybug Hourly Continuous Data Collection or a HB-Energy
schedule object. This can also be the path to a CSV file with 8760 rows or the identifier of a schedule in the
honeybee-energy schedule library. Any value in this schedule that is 0.1 or above will be considered


Text for a grid identifer or a pattern to filter the sensor grids of the model that are simulated. For instance,
first_floor_* will simulate only the sensor grids that have an identifier that starts with first_floor_. By default,
all grids in the model will be simulated.


Text for the radiance parameters to be used for ray tracing. (Default: -ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05).


Settings from the "HB Recipe Settings" component that specify how the recipe should be run. This can also
be a text string of recipe settings.

run [Required]

Set to True to run the recipe and get results. This input can also be the integer "2" to run the recipe silently.



Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


Raw result files (.ill) that contain illuminance matrices for each sensor at each hour of the simulation. These
can be postprocessed using various components under the 4::Results sub-tab.


Daylight autonomy results in percent. DA is the percentage of occupied hours that each sensor recieves
equal or more than the illuminance threshold. Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can be
plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize
results. These can also be connected to the "HB Spatial Daylight Autonomy" component to compute spatial
daylight autonomy for each grid. Note that the resulting sDA is only compliant with LEED if dynamic blinds
have been simulated using the methods in IES-LM-83-12.

Continuous daylight autonomy results in percent. cDA is similar to DA except that values below the
illuminance threshold can still count partially towards the final percentage. Each value is for a different
sensor of the grid. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of
the sensor grids to visualize results.


Useful daylight illuminance results in percent. UDI is the percentage of occupied hours that illuminace falls
between minimum and maximum thresholds. Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can be
plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize


Results for the percent of time that is below the lower threshold of useful daylight illuminance in percent.
Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap"
component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize results.


Results for the percent of time that is above the upper threshold of useful daylight illuminance in percent.
Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap"
component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize results.

Annual Irradiance
- [source code]

Run an annual irradiance study for a Honeybee model to compute hourly solar irradiance for each sensor in
a model's sensor grids.

The fundamental calculation of this recipe is the same as that of "HB Annual Daylight" in that an enhaced 2-
phase method is used to accurately account for direct sun at each simulation step. However, this recipe
computes broadband solar irradiance in W/m2 instead of visible illuminance in lux.

Consequently, the average irradiance and cumulative radiation values produced from this recipe are more
accurate than those produced by the "HB Cumulative Radiation" recipe. Furthermore, because the hourly
irriadiance values are accurate, this recipe can be used to evaluate peak_irradiance and determine
the worst-case solar loads over clear sky Weas that represent cooling design days.


model [Required]

A Honeybee Model for which Annual Irradiance will be simulated. Note that this model must have grids
assigned to it.

wea [Required]

A Wea object produced from the Wea components that are under the Light Sources tab. This can also be the
path to a .wea or a .epw file.


An integer for the timestep of the inpput _wea. This value is used to compute average irradiance and
cumulative radiation. (Default: 1)


Boolean to indicate the type of irradiance output, which can be solar (False) or visible (True). Note that the
output values will still be irradiance (W/m2) when "visible" is selected but these irradiance values will be just
for the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The visible irradiance values can be converted into
illuminance by multiplying them by the Radiance luminous efficacy factor of 179. (Default: False).


A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-
axis in degrees. This can also be Vector for the direction to North. (Default: 0).


Text for a grid identifer or a pattern to filter the sensor grids of the model that are simulated. For instance,
first_floor_* will simulate only the sensor grids that have an identifier that starts with first_floor_. By default,
all grids in the model will be simulated.


Text for the radiance parameters to be used for ray tracing. (Default: -ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05).


Settings from the "HB Recipe Settings" component that specify how the recipe should be run. This can also
be a text string of recipe settings.

run [Required]

Set to True to run the recipe and get results. This input can also be the integer "2" to run the recipe silently.



Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


Raw result files (.ill) that contain matrices of irradiance in W/m2 for each time step of the wea.


Raw result files (.ill) that contain irradiance matrices for just the direct sun at each hour of the simulation.
These can be postprocessed using various components under the 4::Results sub-tab.


The average irradiance in W/m2 for each sensor over the Wea time period.


The highest irradiance value in W/m2 during the Wea time period. This is suitable for assessing the worst-
case solar load of clear skies on cooling design days. It can also be used to determine the highest radiant
temperatures that occupants might experience in over the time period of the Wea.

The cumulative radiation in kWh/m2 over the Wea time period.

Imageless Annual Glare

- [source code]

Run an annual glare study for a Honeybee model to compute hourly Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) for
each sensor in a model's sensor grids.

This recipe uses the image-less glare method developed by Nathaniel Jones to estimate glare at each
sensor. More information on this method can be found here: https://github.com/nljones/Accelerad/wiki/The-

The resulting DGP is used to compute Glare Autonomy (GA), which is the percentage of occupied time that
a view is free of glare.


model [Required]
A Honeybee Model for which Annual Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) will be simulated. Note that this
model must have grids assigned to it and, typically, these are radial grids created using the "radial grid"

wea [Required]

A Wea object produced from the Wea components that are under the Light Sources tab. This can also be the
path to a .wea or a .epw file. Note that the Wea must have a timestep of 1 to be used with this recipe.


A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-
axis in degrees. This can also be Vector for the direction to North. (Default: 0).


A fractional number for the threshold of DGP above which conditions are considered to induce glare. This
value is used when calculating glare autonomy, which is the percent of hours in which the view is free of
glare. (Default: 0.4 for disturbing or intolerable glare).


Luminance factor in cd/m2. If the sky patch brightness is above this factor it will act as a glare source.
(Default: 2000).


An annual occupancy schedule, either as a Ladybug Hourly Continuous Data Collection or a HB-Energy
schedule object. This can also be the path to a CSV file with 8760 rows or the identifier of a schedule in the
honeybee-energy schedule library. Any value in this schedule that is 0.1 or above will be considered


Text for a grid identifer or a pattern to filter the sensor grids of the model that are simulated. For instance,
first_floor_* will simulate only the sensor grids that have an identifier that starts with first_floor_. By default,
all grids in the model will be simulated.


Text for the radiance parameters to be used for ray tracing. (Default: -ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05).


Settings from the "HB Recipe Settings" component that specify how the recipe should be run. This can also
be a text string of recipe settings.

run [Required]
Set to True to run the recipe and get results. This input can also be the integer "2" to run the recipe silently.



Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


Raw result files (.dgp) that contain Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) matrices for each sensor at each hour of
the simulation. These can be postprocessed using various components under the 4::Results sub-tab.


Glare Autonomy (GA) results in percent. GA is the percentage of occupied hours that each view is free of
glare (with a DGP below the glare threshold). These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap"
component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize results.

Point-In-Time Grid-Based
- [source code]

Run a point-in-time grid-based study for a Honeybee model.

Point-in-time recipes require a sky and can output illuminance, irradiance, luminance or radiance.


model [Required]

A Honeybee Model for which a point-in-time grid-based study will be run. Note that this model should have
grids assigned to it in order to produce meaningfule results.

sky [Required]

A Radiance sky from any of the sky components under the "Light Sources" tab. Skies can be either CIE,
ClimateBased/Custom, or for a specific Illuminance/Irradiance. This input can also just be a text definition of
a sky's paramters. Examples include:

* cie 21 Mar 9:00 -lat 41.78 -lon -87.75 -tz 5 -type 0

* climate-based 21 Jun 12:00 -lat 41.78 -lon -87.75 -tz 5 -dni 800 -dhi 120

* irradiance 0


Either an integer or the full name of a point-in-time metric to be computed by the recipe. (Default:
illuminance). Choose from the following:

* 0 = illuminance

* 1 = irradiance

* 2 = luminance

* 3 = radiance


Text for a grid identifer or a pattern to filter the sensor grids of the model that are simulated. For instance,
first_floor_* will simulate only the sensor grids that have an identifier that starts with
first_floor_ . By default, all grids in the model will be simulated.

Text for the radiance parameters to be used for ray tracing. (Default: -ab 2 -aa 0.1 -ad 2048 -ar 64).


Settings from the "HB Recipe Settings" component that specify how the recipe should be run. This can also
be a text string of recipe settings.

run [Required]

Set to True to run the recipe and get results. This input can also be the integer "2" to run the recipe silently.



Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


Numbers for the point-in-time value at each sensor. Values are in the standard SI units of the requested input
metric. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor
grids to visualize results.

* illuminance = lux (aka. lm/m2)

* irradiance = W/m2

* luminance = cd/m2 (aka. lm/m2-sr)

* radiance = W/m2-sr

Point-In-Time View-Based
- [source code]

Run a point-in-time view-based study for a Honeybee model.

Point-in-time view-based recipes require a sky and can output High Dynamic Range (HDR) images of
illuminance, irradiance, luminance or radiance.

The view_count_ input can be used to split each view for parallel processing, producing multiple images
that are recombined into a single .HDR for the view at the end of the recipe. The recombination process
automatically includes an anti-aliasing pass that smooths and improves the quality of the image. The recipe
also performs an overture calculation prior to splitting each view, which results in an image with better
interpolation between neighboring pixels.


model [Required]

A Honeybee Model for which a point-in-time view-based study will be run. Note that this model should have
views assigned to it in order to produce meaningfule results.

sky [Required]

A Radiance sky from any of the sky components under the "Light Sources" tab. Skies can be either CIE,
ClimateBased/Custom, or for a specific Illuminance/Irradiance. This input can also just be a text definition of
a sky's paramters. Examples include:

* cie 21 Mar 9:00 -lat 41.78 -lon -87.75 -tz 5 -type 0

* climate-based 21 Jun 12:00 -lat 41.78 -lon -87.75 -tz 5 -dni 800 -dhi 120

* irradiance 0

Either an integer or the full name of a point-in-time metric to be computed by the recipe. (Default: luminance).
Choose from the following:

* 0 = illuminance

* 1 = irradiance

* 2 = luminance

* 3 = radiance


An integer for the maximum dimension of each image in pixels (either width or height depending on the
input view angle and type). (Default: 800).


Text for a view identifer or a pattern to filter the views of the model that are simulated. For instance,
first_floor_* will simulate only the views that have an identifier that starts with first_floor_ . By
default, all views in the model will be simulated.


A boolean to note whether an ambient file (.amb) should be generated for an overture calculation before the
view is split into smaller views. With an overture calculation, the ambient file (aka ambient cache) is first
populated with values. Thereby ensuring that - when reused to create an image - Radiance uses
interpolation between already calculated values rather than less reliable extrapolation. The overture
calculation has comparatively small computation time to full rendering but is single-core can become time
consuming in situations with a high view_count_ and workers.


Text for the radiance parameters to be used for ray tracing. (Default: -ab 2 -aa 0.25 -ad 512 -ar 16).


Settings from the "HB Recipe Settings" component that specify how the recipe should be run. This can also
be a text string of recipe settings.

run [Required]

Set to True to run the recipe and get results. This input can also be the integer "2" to run the recipe silently.


Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


High Dynamic Range (HDR) images for each View in the model. These can be plugged into the Ladybug
"Image Viewer" component to preview the image. They can also be plugged into the "HB False Color"
component to convert the image into a false color version. Lastly, it can be connected to the "HB HDR to
GIF" component to get a GIF image that is more portable and easily previewed by different software. Pixel
values are in the standard SI units of the requested input metric.

* illuminance = lux (aka. lm/m2)

* irradiance = W/m2

* luminance = cd/m2 (aka. lm/m2-sr)

* radiance = W/m2-sr

Cumulative Radiation
- [source code]

Run a cumulative radiation study for a Honeybee model.

This recipe calculates cumulative radiation (kWh/m2) and average irradiance (W/m2) over the time period of
a specified Wea.

The fundamental calculation of this recipe is the same as that of the "LB Incident Radiation" component
except that this recipe uses Radiance and can therefore account for ambient reflections. Like LB Incident
Radiation, the direct sun in this recipe is diffused between several sky patches and so the precise line
between shadow and sun for each hour is blurred. This approximation is acceptable for studies where one
is only concerned about the average/total conditions over time and the timestep-by-timestep irradiance
values do not need to be exact. For accurate modeling of direct irradiance on a timestep-by-timestep basis,
see the "HB Annual Irradiance" recipe.


model [Required]

A Honeybee Model for which Cumulative Radiation will be simulated. Note that this model should have
grids assigned to it.

wea [Required]

A Wea object produced from the Wea components that are under the Light Sources tab. This can also be the
path to a .wea or a .epw file.


An integer for the timestep of the inpput _wea. (Default: 1)


An integer for the number of times that that the original Tregenza sky patches are subdivided. 1 indicates
that 145 patches are used to describe the sky hemisphere, 2 indicates that 577 patches describe the
hemisphere, and each successive value will roughly quadruple the number of patches used. Setting this to a
high value will result in a more accurate analysis but will take longer to run. (Default: 1).


A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-
axis in degrees. This can also be Vector for the direction to North. (Default: 0).

Text for a grid identifer or a pattern to filter the sensor grids of the model that are simulated. For instance,
first_floor_* will simulate only the sensor grids that have an identifier that starts with first_floor_. By default,
all grids in the model will be simulated.


Text for the radiance parameters to be used for ray tracing. (Default: -ab 2 -ad 5000 -lw 2e-05).


Settings from the "HB Recipe Settings" component that specify how the recipe should be run. This can also
be a text string of recipe settings.

run [Required]

Set to True to run the recipe and get results. This input can also be the integer "2" to run the recipe silently.



Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


The average irradiance in W/m2 for each sensor over the Wea time period.


The cumulative radiation in kWh/m2 over the Wea time period.

Daylight Factor
- [source code]

Run a daylight factor study for a Honeybee model.

Daylight Factor (DF) is defined as the ratio of the indoor daylight illuminance to outdoor illuminance under
an unobstructed overcast sky. It is expressed as a percentage between 0 and 100.

Because daylight factor is computed using an overcast sky, it does not change with [North, East, South,
West] orientation. As such, it is more suited to assessing daylight in climates where cloudy conditions are
common. The "HB Annual Daylight" recipe yields a much more accurate assessment of daylight and is
suitable for all climates, though it requires a significantly longer calculation time than Daylight Factor.


model [Required]

A Honeybee Model for which Daylight Factor will be simulated. Note that this model should have grids
assigned to it in order to produce meaningfule results.


Text for a grid identifer or a pattern to filter the sensor grids of the model that are simulated. For instance,
first_floor_* will simulate only the sensor grids that have an identifier that starts with
first_floor_ . By default, all grids in the model will be simulated.


Text for the radiance parameters to be used for ray tracing. (Default: -ab 2 -aa 0.1 -ad 2048 -ar 64).


Settings from the "HB Recipe Settings" component that specify how the recipe should be run. This can also
be a text string of recipe settings.
run [Required]

Set to True to run the recipe and get results. This input can also be the integer "2" to run the recipe silently.



Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


The daylight factor values from the simulation in percent. Each value is for a different sensor of the grid.
These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor grids to
visualize results.

Direct Sun Hours

- [source code]

Calculate the number of hours of direct sun received by grids of sensors in a Honeybee model.

The fundamental calculation of this recipe is the same as that of the "LB Direct Sun Hours" component
except that this recipe uses Radiance, which allows the simulation to scale better for large numbers of


model [Required]

A Honeybee Model for which Direct Sun Hours will be simulated. Note that this model should have grids
assigned to it in order to produce meaningfule results.

wea [Required]

A Wea object produced from the Wea components that are under the Light Sources tab. This can also be the
path to a .wea or a .epw file.


An integer for the timestep of the inpput _wea. This value will be used to ensure the units of the results are in
hours. (Default: 1)


A number between -360 and 360 for the counterclockwise difference between the North and the positive Y-
axis in degrees. This can also be Vector for the direction to North. (Default: 0).


Text for a grid identifer or a pattern to filter the sensor grids of the model that are simulated. For instance,
first_floor_* will simulate only the sensor grids that have an identifier that starts with first_floor_. By default,
all grids in the model will be simulated.


Settings from the "HB Recipe Settings" component that specify how the recipe should be run. This can also
be a text string of recipe settings.

run [Required]

Set to True to run the recipe and get results. This input can also be the integer "2" to run the recipe silently.

Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


Raw result files (.ill) that contain matrices of zero/one values indicating whether each sensor is exposed to
the sun at a given time step of the input Wea.


The cumulative number of hours that each sensor can see the sun. Each value is always in hours provided
that the input timestep is the same as the input Wea.

Sky View

- [source code]

Run a Sky View (SV) study for a Honeybee model.

Sky View is defined as the percent of the sky dome seen by a surface. These can be computed either using
a uniform (default) sky or a cloudy sky.
Note that computing cloudy Sky View for a vertically-oriented geometry (horizontal sensor direction) will
yield Vertical Sky Component (VSC) as described by the UK Building Research Establishment (BRE). VSC
is defined as the ratio of cloudy sky illuminance falling on a vertical wall to the simultaneous horizontal
illuminance under an unobstructed sky [Littlefair, 1991].

Also note that this recipe still respects the transparency of objects, reducing the percentage of the sky visible
through a certain geometry by the transmittance of that geometry.


model [Required]

A Honeybee Model for which Sky View or Wky Exposure will be simulated. Note that this model should
have grids assigned to it in order to produce meaningful results.


A boolean to note whether a uniform sky should be used (False) or a cloudy overcast sky (True). (Default:


Text for a grid identifer or a pattern to filter the sensor grids of the model that are simulated. For instance,
first_floor_* will simulate only the sensor grids that have an identifier that starts with
first_floor_ . By default, all grids in the model will be simulated.


Text for the radiance parameters to be used for ray tracing. (Default: -ab 2 -aa 0.1 -ad 2048 -ar 64).


Settings from the "HB Recipe Settings" component that specify how the recipe should be run. This can also
be a text string of recipe settings.

run [Required]

Set to True to run the recipe and get results.



Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


Numbers for the sky view or sky exposure at each sensor. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial
Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize results. Values are in percent
(between 0 and 100).

Check Scene

- [source code]

Run a quick view-based Radiance simulation to visualize the properties of Honeybee objects within

Note that this simulation is always run on a single processor and will only show static Radiance properties
(no dynamic Aperture or Shade properties). Accordingly, this component is only intended for quick checks of
properties. For full customization of view-based simulations, the "HB Point-in-time View-based" recipe
should be used.

hb_objs [Required]
An array of honeybee Rooms, Faces, Apertures, Doors or Shades to be visualized in Radiance. This
can also be an entire Model to be visualized.

An optional Honeybee-Radiance view to specify the view to render. If unspecified, the currently active
Rhino viewport will be rendered.

An optional Radiance sky from any of the sky components under the "Light Sources" tab. If unspecified,
a uniform sky with 10000 lux will be used.


Boolean to note whether the exposure of the image should be adjusted to mimic the human visual
response in the output. The goal of this process is to output an image that correlates more strongly with
a person’s subjective impression of a scene rather than the absolute birghtness of the scene. (Default:
Either an integer or the full name of a point-in-time metric to be computed by the recipe. (Default:
luminance). Choose from the following:
0 = illuminance
1 = irradiance

2 = luminance
3 = radiance
An integer for the maximum dimension of each image in pixels (either width or height depending on the
input view angle and type). (Default: 800).

Text for the radiance parameters to be used for ray tracing. (Default: -ab 2 -aa 0.25 -ad 512 -ar 16).
run [Required]
Set to "True" to run Radiance and get an image of the scene.


Reports, errors, warnings, etc.

A High Dynamic Range (HDR) image of the scene. This can be plugged into the Ladybug "Image
Viewer" component to preview the image. It can also be plugged into the "HB False Color" component
to convert the image into a false color version. Lastly, it can be connected to the "HB HDR to GIF"
component to get
illuminance = alux
GIF image
(aka. that is more portable and easily previewed by different software. Pixel
values are in the standard SI units of the requested input metric.
irradiance = W/m2
luminance = cd/m2 (aka. lm/m2-sr)

radiance = W/m2-sr

Radiance Parameter

- [source code]

Get recommended Radiance parameters given a recipe type and a level of detail.

The original recommendation for the various Radiance paramters comes from this document.

This presentation by John Mardaljevic gives a good overview of the meaning of each radiance paramter.

recipe_type [Required]
An integer or text for the type of recipe. Acceptable text inputs are either the full text of the recipe type
(eg. point-in-time-grid) or the name of the Radiance command for which the parameters are being used
(eg. rtrace). Choose from the following options.
0 | rtrace | point-in-time-grid | daylight-factor

1 | rpict | point-in-time-view

2 | rfluxmtx | annual

An integer or text for the level of detail/quality for which radiance parameters will be output. (Default: 0
for low). Choose from the following options.
0 | low
1 | medium
2 | high

Text to override the Radiance parameters as needed. Radiance's standard syntax must be followed (e.g.
-ps 1 -lw 0.01).


Radiance parameters as a text string. These can be plugged into the radiancepar input of the various

Ambient Resolution
- [source code]

Get the recommended ambient resoluation (-ar) needed to resolve details with a given dimension in model

This recommendation is derived from the overall dimensions of the Radince scene being simulated as well
as the ambient accuracy (-aa) being used in the simulation.

The result from this component can be plugged directly into the additional_par_ of the "HB Radiance
Parameter" component or into the radiance_par of any recipe components.


model [Required]

The Honeybee Model being used for Radiance simulation.

detail_dim [Required]

A number in model units that represents the dimension of the smallest detail that must be resolved in the
Radiance simulation.


An number for ambient accuracy (-aa) being used in the Radiance smiulation. This value should be
matched between this component and the component into which the ouput ar is being input. (Default: 0.25
for low-resolution Radiance studies).



The abmient resolution needed to resolve the detail_dim as a text string. These can be plugged into the
additional_par of the "HB Radiance Parameter" component or the radiance_par_ input of the recipes.

4 :: Results

Annual Daylight Metrics

Annual Glare Metrics

Daylight Control Schedule

Spatial Daylight Autonomy

Annual Average Values

Annual Cumulative Values

Annual Peak Values

Annual Results to Data

Adjust HDR

False Color

Glare Postprocess


Extract HDR

Model to Rad Folder

Annual Daylight Metrics

- [source code]

Calculate Annual Daylight Metrics from a result (.ill) files.


results [Required]
An list of annual Radiance result files from the "HB Annual Daylight" component (containing the .ill files
and the sun-up-hours.txt). This can also be just the path to the folder containing these result files.

An annual occupancy schedule as a Ladybug Data Collection or a HB-Energy schedule object. This
can also be the identifier of a schedule in your HB-Energy schedule library. Any value in this schedule
that is 0.1 or above will be considered occupied. If None, a schedule from 9AM to 5PM on weekdays will
be used.

Threshhold for daylight autonomy (DA) in lux (default: 300).

A list for min, max illuminacne thresholds for useful daylight illuminance in lux. (Default: (100, 3000)).

The name of a grid or a pattern to filter the grids. For instance, firstfloor* will simulate only the sensor
grids that have an identifier that starts with firstfloor. By default all the grids will be processed.


Reports, errors, warnings, etc.

Daylight autonomy results in percent. DA is the percentage of occupied hours that each sensor recieves
equal or more than the illuminance threshold. Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can
be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize
results. These can also be connected to the "HB Spatial Daylight Autonomy" component to compute
spatial daylight autonomy for each grid.

Continuous daylight autonomy results in percent. cDA is similar to DA except that values below the
illuminance threshold can still count partially towards the final percentage. Each value is for a different
sensor of the grid. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes
of the sensor grids to visualize results.

Useful daylight illuminance results in percent. UDI is the percentage of time that illuminace falls
between minimum and maximum thresholds. Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can
be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize
Results for the percent of time that is below the lower threshold of useful daylight illuminance in percent.
Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap"
component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize results.
Results for the percent of time that is above the upper threshold of useful daylight illuminance in percent.
Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap"
component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize results.

Annual Glare Metrics

- [source code]

Calculate Annual Glare Metrics from result (.dgp) files.

Glare Autonmy is a metric describing the percentage of occupied hours that each sensor is below the glare

Spatial Glare Autonomy is a metric describing the percentage of the sensor grid that is free glare according
to the glare threshold and the target time. The sGA value is expressed as a percentage of the sensors in the
analysis grid.


results [Required]

An list of annual Radiance result files from the "HB Imageless Annual Glare" component (containing the
.dgp files and the sun-up-hours.txt). This can also be just the path to the folder containing these result files.


An annual occupancy schedule as a Ladybug Data Collection or a HB-Energy schedule object. This can
also be the identifier of a schedule in your HB-Energy schedule library. Any value in this schedule that is 0.1
or above will be considered occupied. If None, a schedule from 9AM to 5PM on weekdays will be used.


Threshold for glare autonomy (GA) in DGP (default: 0.4).


The name of a grid or a pattern to filter the grids. For instance, first_floor_* will simulate only the sensor grids
that have an identifier that starts with first_floor_. By default all the grids will be processed.


A minimum threshold of occupied time (eg. 95% of the time), above which a given sensor passes and
contributes to the spatial glare autonomy. (Default: 95%).


Reports errors warnings etc

Glare autonomy results in percent. GA is the percentage of occupied hours that each sensor is free of glare
according to the glare threshold. Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can be plugged into
the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize results.


Spatial glare autonomy as a percentage of the sensors for each analysis grid that does not exceed the glare
threshold for a specified fraction of occupied hours, ie. the target time.


A data tree of zeros and ones, which indicate whether a given sensor passes the criteria for being free of
glare (1) or fails the criteria (0). Being free of glare does not necessarily mean that the sensor is glare-free for
all hours, but that it is glare-free for a minimum percentage of occupied hours defined by the target time.
Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap"
component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize results.

Daylight Control Schedule

- [source code]

Generate electric lighting schedules from annual daylight results, which can be used to account for daylight
controls in energy simulations.

Such controls will dim the lights in the energy simulation according to whether the illuminance values at the
sensor locations are at a target illuminance setpoint.

In addition to benefiting from the accuracy of Radiance, using this component has several advantages over
the "HB Apply Daylight Control" component under HB-Energy. Notably, it can account for setups with
multiple illuminance sensors.

This component will generate one schedule per sensor grid in the simulation. Each grid should have
sensors at the locations in space where daylight dimming sensors are located. Grids with one, two, or more
sensors can be used to model setups where fractions of each room are controlled by different sensors. If the
sensor grids are distributed over the entire floor of the rooms, the resulting schedules will be idealized,
where light dimming has been optimized to supply the minimum illuminance setpoint everywhere in the


results [Required]

An list of annual Radiance result files from the "HB Annual Daylight" component (containing the .ill files and
the sun-up-hours.txt). This can also be just the path to the folder containing these result files.


A lighting schedule representing the usage of lights without any daylight controls. The values of this
schedule will be multiplied by the hourly dimming fraction to yield the output lighting schedules. The format
of this schedule can be a Ladybug Data Collection, a HB-Energy schedule object, or the identifier of a
schedule in the HB-Energy schedule library. If None, a schedule from 9AM to 5PM on weekdays will be


A number for the illuminance setpoint in lux beyond which electric lights are dimmed if there is sufficient
daylight. Some common setpoints are listed below. (Default: 300 lux). 50 lux - Corridors and hallways. 150
lux - Computer work spaces (screens provide illumination). 300 lux - Paper work spaces (reading from
surfaces that need illumination). 500 lux - Retail spaces or museums illuminating merchandise/artifacts.
1000 lux - Operating rooms and workshops where light is needed for safety.


A number between 0 and 1 for the the lowest power the lighting system can dim down to, expressed as a
fraction of maximum input power. (Default: 0.3).


A number between 0 and 1 the lowest lighting output the lighting system can dim down to, expressed as a
fraction of maximum light output. Note that setting this to 1 means lights aren't dimmed at all until the
illuminance setpoint is reached. This can be used to approximate manual light-switching behavior when
used in conjunction with the off_at_min_ output below. (Default: 0.2).


Boolean to note whether lights should switch off completely when they get to the minimum power input.
(Default: False).



Lighting control Recipe

Spatial Daylight Autonomy

- [source code]

Calculate Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA) from lists of daylight autonomy values.

As per IES-LM-83-12 Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA) is a metric describing annual sufficiency of ambient
daylight levels in interior environments. It is defined as the percent of an analysis area (the area where
calcuations are performed -typically across an entire space) that meets a minimum daylight illuminance
level for a specified fraction of the operating hours per year. The sDA value is expressed as a percentage of

Note: This component will only output a LEED compliant sDA if you've run the simulation with dynamic
blinds and blind schedules as per the IES-LM-83-12 standard. If you are not using dynamic blinds, then this
output is NOT LEED compliant.


DA [Required]

A data tree of daylight autonomy values output from the "HB Annual Dalyight" recipe or the "HB Annual
Daylight Metrics" component. Note that, unless these DA values follow LM83 dynamic blinds setup, the
resulting sDA is not LEED compliant.


An optional list of Meshes that align with the _DA data tree above, which will be used to assign an area to
each sensor. If no mesh is connected here, it will be assumed that each sensor represents an equal area to
all of the others.


A minimum threshold of occupied time (eg. 50% of the time), above which a given sensor passes and
contributes to the spatial daylight autonomy. (Default: 50%).



Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


Spatial daylight autonomy as percentage of area for each analysis grid.


A data tree of zeros and ones, which indicate whether a given senor passes the criteria for being daylit (1) or
fails the criteria (0). Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can be plugged into the "LB
Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize results.

Annual Average Values

- [source code]

Get average illuminance or irradiance values over an annual daylight or irradiance simulation.

The hoys input can also be used to filter the data for a particular time period or hour/timestep of the


results [Required]
An list of annual Radiance result files from either the "HB Annual Daylight" or the "HB Annual
Irradiance" component (containing the .ill files and the sun-up-hours.txt). This can also be just the path to
the folder containing these result files.
An optional numbers or list of numbers to select the hours of the year (HOYs) for which results will be
computed. These HOYs can be obtained from the "LB Calculate HOY" or the "LB Analysis Period"
components. If None, all hours of the results will be used.
The name of a grid or a pattern to filter the grids. For instance, firstfloor* will simulate only the sensor
grids that have an identifier that starts with firstfloor. By default all the grids will be processed.


Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
Average illuminance or irradiance valules for each sensor in lux or W/m2. Each value is for a different
sensor of the grid. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes
of the sensor grids to visualize results.

Annual Cumulative Values

- [source code]

Get cumulative radiation (or sum of illuminance) values over an annual irradiance or daylight simulation.

The hoys input can also be used to filter the data for a particular time period or hour/timestep of the


results [Required]
An list of annual Radiance result files from either the "HB Annual Daylight" or the "HB Annual
Irradiance" component (containing the .ill files and the sun-up-hours.txt). This can also be just the path to
the folder containing these result files.
An optional numbers or list of numbers to select the hours of the year (HOYs) for which results will be
computed. These HOYs can be obtained from the "LB Calculate HOY" or the "LB Analysis Period"
components. If None, all hours of the results will be used.
The name of a grid or a pattern to filter the grids. For instance, firstfloor* will simulate only the sensor
grids that have an identifier that starts with firstfloor. By default all the grids will be processed.


Reports, errors, warnings, etc.

In the case of an annual irradaince simulation, this is the cumulative radiation valules for each sensor in
Wh/m2. For annual daylight, it is cumulative illuminance (lux-hours). These can be plugged into the "LB
Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor grids to visualize results.

Annual Peak Values

- [source code]

Get peak irradiance or sum of illuminance values over an annual irradiance or daylight simulation.

The hoys input can also be used to filter the data for a particular time period or hour/timestep of the


results [Required]

An list of annual Radiance result files from either the "HB Annual Daylight" or the "HB Annual Irradiance"
component (containing the .ill files and the sun-up-hours.txt). This can also be just the path to the folder
containing these result files.


An optional numbers or list of numbers to select the hours of the year (HOYs) for which results will be
computed. These HOYs can be obtained from the "LB Calculate HOY" or the "LB Analysis Period"
components. If None, all hours of the results will be used.

The name of a grid or a pattern to filter the grids. For instance, first_floor_* will simulate only the sensor grids
that have an identifier that starts with first floor By default all the grids will be processed

Boolean to indicate whether output values represent the the peak value for each sensor throughout the
entire analysis (False) or they represent the highest overall value across each sensor grid at a particular
timestep (True). (Default: False).



Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


An integer for each sesnor grid that represents the hour of the year at which the peak occurs. This will be
None unless coincident_ is set to True.


Peak illuminance or irradiance valules for each sensor in lux or W/m2. Each value is for a different sensor of
the grid. These can be plugged into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the sensor
grids to visualize results.

Annual Results to Data

- [source code]

Import the hourly illuminance or irradiance results of an annual daylight or irradiance study to a list of data

The resulting data collections can be visulized using the ladybug components or deconstructed for detailed
analysis with native Grasshopper math components.


results [Required]

An list of annual Radiance result files from the "HB Annual Daylight" component (containing the .ill files and
the sun-up-hours.txt). This can also be just the path to the folder containing these result files.


An optional point or list of points, which will be used to filter the sensors for which data collections will be
imported. If there is an input here, the all_pts_ must be connected.


The data tree of all sensor points that were used in the simulation. This is required in order to look up the
index of the sel_pts_ in the results matrices.


An optional vector or list of vectors, which will be used to filter the sensors for which data collections will be
imported. If there is an input here, the all_vecs_ must be connected.


The data tree of all sensor directions that were used in the simulation. This is required in order to look up the
index of the sel_vecs_ in the results matrices.



Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


A list of hourly data collections containing illuminance or irradiance results. These can be visulized using
the ladybug components or deconstructed for detailed analysis with native Grasshopper math components.

Adjust HDR

- [source code]

Adjust and format a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file.

Possible adjustments include chaging the exposure of the image to mimic what would be seen by a human
eye and adding an optional text label to the image.

hdr [Required]
Path to a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file.
Boolean to note whether the exposure of the image should be adjusted to mimic the human visual
response in the output. The goal of this process is to output an image that correlates more strongly with
a person’s subjective impression of a scene rather than the absolute birghtness of the scene. (Default:

Optional text label to be appended to the bottom of the image. This is useful when one has several
images and would like to easily identify them while scrolling through them.

An integer for the height of the label text in pixels. (Default: 32).


Path to the resulting adjusted HDR image file.

False Color
- [source code]

Convert a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file into a falsecolor version of itself.


hdr [Required]

Path to a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file.


A number to set the upper boundary of the legend. The default is dictated based on the legend_unit_.


An interger representing the number of steps between the high and low boundary of the legend. The default
is set to 10 and any custom values input in here should always be greater than or equal to 2.


An integer for the height of the legend in pixels. Set to 0 to completely remove the legend from the output.
(Default: 200).


An integer for the width of the legend in pixels. Set to 0 to completely remove the legend from the output.
(Default: 100).


Text for the unit of the legend. If unspecified, an attempt will be made to sense the metric from the input
image file. Typical examples include lux, W/m2, cd/m2, w/sr-m2.


Number for the conversion factor (aka. multiplier) for the results. The default is either 1 or 179 depending on
whether the image is for radiance or irradiance to luminance or illuminance, respectively.


Set to True ro render the image with colored contour lines.


Set to True to cause extrema points to be printed on the brightest and darkest pixels of the input picture.


A boolen to note whether pixels with a value of zero should be masked in black. (Default: False).


Optional interger or text to change the color palette. Choose from the following.

* 0 = def - default colors

* 1 = pm3d - a variation of the default colors

* 2 = spec - the old spectral mapping

* 3 = hot - a thermal scale



Path to the resulting falsecolor HDR file. This can be plugged into the Ladybug "Image Viewer" component
to preview the image. It can also be plugged into the "HB HDR to GIF" component to get a GIF image that is
more portable and easily previewed by different software.

Glare Postprocess
- [source code]

Perform glare post-processing on a hemisphical fisheye HDR image file.

Glare post-processing includes calcuating Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) as well as other glare indexes

This component is using the evalglare function for glare calculations., which is developed by J. Wienold
at Fraunhofer ISE. More information on evalglare can be found here: https://www.radiance-

For more information about the metrics used to evaluate glare, see here:


hdr [Required]
Path to a hemisphical fisheye High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file. This can be obtained from the
"HB Point-In-Time View-Based" recipe component. Due to runtime reasons of the evalglare code, the
input HDR image should be smaller than 1500 x 1500 pixels. The recommended size is 1000 x 1000
pixels, the minimum recommended size is 800 x 800 pixels.
An optional task position as a 2D point or string formatted as "X, Y". The X and Y coordinates of this
point must be numbers between 0 and 1 and correspond to fraction of the image width and height where
the task position lies. If no task position is provided, the glare will be valuated for the entire scene of the
An number between 0 and 180 for the task position opening angle in degrees. This angle indicates how
widely the peripheral vision is engaged for the task. (Default: 30).
Boolean to note whether the task area should be hidden in the output check_hdr.
Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) as a number between 0 and 1. The DGP describes the fraction of
persons disturbed by glare, where 0 is no one disturbed and 1 is everyone. Values lower than 0.2 are
out of the range of the user assessment tests, where the program is based on and should be interpreted

Text for the category of glare discomfort. It will be one of the following.
Imperceptible Glare [0.35 > DGP]

Perceptible Glare [0.4 > DGP >= 0.35]

Disturbing Glare [0.45 > DGP >= 0.4]

Intolerable Glare [DGP >= 0.45]

A list of various glare indices ordered as follows.
Daylight Glare Index (DGI)

Unified Glare Rating (UGR)

Visual Comfort Probability (VCP)

CIE Glare Index (CGI)

Veiling Luminance (Lveil)

Path to a HDR image produced from the glare study. The image will use randomly-assigned colors to
indicate different sources of glare in the image. It will also show a circular region for the task area unless
hidetask has been set to True.

- [source code]

Convert a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file into a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) image file.

GIF files are much smaller than HDRs, they are more portable, and they can be previewed with many
different types of software. However, they do not contain all of the information that an HDR image has.


hdr [Required]
Path to a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file.


Path to the resulting GIF file,

Extract HDR
- [source code]

Interpolate or extrapolate a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file from another HDR image file.

Recommended use is to extract 180 FOV (-vh 180 -vv 180) angular or hemispherical HDR images from a
360 FOV (-vh 360 -vv 360) angular HDR image. Alternatively, conversions between 180 FOV angular and
hemispherical HDR images can be made.


view [Required]

A view to interpolate or extrapolate into a new HDR. The "HB View" component can be used to create an
input view and it must have the same position as that use to make the _hdr.

hdr [Required]

Path to a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image file from which to interpolate or extrapolate.


An integer for the dimension of the output image in pixels. If extracting a 180 FOV angular or hemispherical
HDR image from a 360 FOV HDR image, the default resolution is 1/3 of the resolution of _hdr. If converting
between 180 FOV angular or hemispherical HDR images, the default resolution is that of _hdr.


Path to the resulting HDR image file.

Model to Rad Folder

- [source code]

Write a Honeybee Model to a Radiance Model Folder.

This Radiance Model Folder is what is used to run various types of Radiance studies off of a consistent set
of geometry and modifiers.


model [Required]

A honeybee model object possessing all geometry, radiance modifiers and simulation assets like Sensor
Grids and Views.

Boolean to note whether the radiance strings should be written in a minimal format (with spaces instead of
line breaks). (Default: False).


Path to a folder to into which the Model Radiance Folder will be written. If unspecified, it will be written to a
sub-folder within the default simulation folder.

write [Required]

Set to True to write the Model to a Radiance folder.



Reports, errors, warnings, etc.


Path to the folder in which all of the files have been written.

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